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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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What do we really think happened with these couples behind the social media, which could be arranged by the show? TPTB have lots of reasons to keep us guessing, after all, or at least hoping that there was a good outcome for 1 or 2 couples.


Here's what I consider likely:

RyanR and Jaclyn: Went back to their separate homes but spend weekends together. Probably haven't officially divorced because they like each other and don't have other options at the moment. Also, producer pressure. Ryan will pressure Jaclyn to move; if they continue for more than a few months, she may find another job closer to his mom's house. He, meanwhile, will start seriously considering ways of loosening those apron strings. If there is a First Year show, they will be the main couple.

RyanD and Jessica: No way. They're done. 

Sean and Davina: Is her social media activity sincere or did the producers ask her to do that? I think it's real. But if TPTB want a First Year show, they need two couples. I think these two are more likely than RyanD and Jessica. But I could be wrong. They're a train wreck with slightly less damage.


I hope there's not a First Year show following this season. I don't think the foundation is there with 2 of the 3 couples, and there's barely enough for RyanR and Jaclyn. The "experts" did a horrible job of matchmaking this season and should be embarrassed to continue working in their professions. Even though the participants knowingly signed up for this situation, I hate the way they've been manipulated and treated. I didn't feel that way about the first season.

  • Love 8


Someone else on the other forum found this comment Ryan D made to someone. That's how Ryan talks to women? And I guess he and Jess are still together?


"thatkidninoOk one thing talking about me but now your talking about my wife @shavonherald your done go back to your life if I didn't have a network monitoring what I said you'd be in for it ya clown"

The rest of that twitter line is full of worse things by followers than this.  Someone else accused that woman of have 6 kids by 6 different fathers...


I find this rather mild compared to the $hit that's been twittered at him.  I guess he's not allowed to defend himself?  And it sounds like he was standing up for Jess.


Although, not saying anything is best.  If I were any of these participants on this season, I would not be on social media.  At all.  There are a bunch of loonies out there saying whatever they feel like to every single one of these couples.  Kind of makes me sad I'm into the show.

  • Love 5

So they do some monitoring on twitter. hmmmmm  I thought that was possible but not sure.   They are putting the brakes on RyanD's mouth, I guess.  I have not followed them on twitter but have read some of Davina's comments.  Smoke screen?  I don't think so.  Since the show has aired she is now privy to Sean's co workers comments.  This sealed the deal for her, had she not already been there, so I have to assume her tweets are legit. 


I believe that RyanR and Jaclyn, as Bella said, are still together but maybe not living together yet.   I have a hunch that his mom and his niece encouraged him to go for it and not worry about them.  I am not totally convinced that he is living there for their sake either.  It is affordable, convenient and safe (emotionally).  It is likely that he was living there before the deaths of his niece's parents, too.   He has made no mention of moving' back' there that I have heard.  


He is in real estate so his  licence is valid in the entire state.  I don't know how easy it is to establish yourself in another place, especially NYC.  I don't know where Jaclyn lives, her bio doesn't say and I don't remember where her apartment was when we saw it on a previous episode.  I assumed NYC.  


Sean and Davina and done.  


I am not sure about RyanD and Jessica.  Sure seems like they should be done. 

So they do some monitoring on twitter. hmmmmm I thought that was possible but not sure. They are putting the brakes on RyanD's mouth, I guess. I have not followed them on twitter but have read some of Davina's comments. Smoke screen? I don't think so. Since the show has aired she is now privy to Sean's co workers comments. This sealed the deal for her, had she not already been there, so I have to assume her tweets are legit.

I believe that RyanR and Jaclyn, as Bella said, are still together but maybe not living together yet. I have a hunch that his mom and his niece encouraged him to go for it and not worry about them. I am not totally convinced that he is living there for their sake either. It is affordable, convenient and safe (emotionally). It is likely that he was living there before the deaths of his niece's parents, too. He has made no mention of moving' back' there that I have heard.

He is in real estate so his licence is valid in the entire state. I don't know how easy it is to establish yourself in another place, especially NYC. I don't know where Jaclyn lives, her bio doesn't say and I don't remember where her apartment was when we saw it on a previous episode. I assumed NYC.

Sean and Davina and done.

I am not sure about RyanD and Jessica. Sure seems like they should be done.

Jaclyn lives in Jersey.

I do think that ryan said he moved back after his sister and her husband passed. But I could be wrong.

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I don't believe it either.


I find it interesting that both Ryan D. and Jessica tweeted around the same time last week about going to or being on the West coast.  I haven't looked at anyone else's tweets.  Maybe the whole cast went there for an appearance?


I think it's for the taping of the 6 month reunion.


Someone on SM who allegedly works for FYI says that Ryan was indeed married with a child. I don't believe it either. People are just gunning for him. 

Edited by moonxyz
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I think they could be actors using the term loosely, as in people who want to be on TV. However no, I don't believe any were "hired" in the traditional way actors are, it's a Bachelor-type casting. Anyone who'd release info on Ryan being hire for the "role" would probably be sued immediately, and I'm assuming Ryan himself if he did it would have lose whatever he was paid and get sued (maybe even blacklisted by other reality shows.) Breaking down that wall is a big deal.


RyanD's pic of his grandparents by his bed is ludicrous.  Who does that?  


I think their probable conflicts (all couples) were identified and enhanced (even with props!).  We know Sean has designs on being on Amazing Race, for one (post from co worker).  He does not care about his commute; he wanted to be cast at all costs!  


Acting takes skill so I am not claiming they are all actors, but Jessica is. 




I am baffled.  Some real and some staged?   How can they do both?  Jamie and Doug (season one) are still together and had a lovely second marriage.   

Edited by wings707
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Jessica being an actress doesn't bother me. Jamie is a nurse and an actress/show host. Seems like alot of young people in NYC (and LA)dabble in acting.



It doesn't bother me either.   There is no shame in an actor looking for love, just wish they mentioned that.  The experts knew they both were actors or aspiring to be in this field, thus the match.  Dr Pepper looked foolish saying she thought they would be sexy together.  How about they both seek to act so it was a good match. 

I think reality shows like to hire people with acting aspirations and experience because they are what they call "camera ready".  At the very least they don't have to go through as much education with them on how to present themselves on camera.  And they won't have a problem embellishing a scene if the producers want more drama.  I don't think it's a requirement but it's a plus.  I also think one of the big reasons they put Ryan and Jessica together because they are both very good looking and they wanted to insert some eye candy into the show, which explains Dr. Pepper's "we thought they would be sexy together" comment.  Yah, right.  Eye candy is what they were going for, IMO.

  • Love 5

Couple of clips for next week are up on the A&E website






Sneak peek of Dr. Logan talking to Ryan & Jaclyn about Ryan checking out:




I still think Jaclyn & Ryan stayed together but its interesting that he's been MIA on social media lately.  Guess he really doesn't want to deal with all the negative tweets/posts coming his way!

Couple of clips for next week are up on the A&E website



Sneak peek of Dr. Logan talking to Ryan & Jaclyn about Ryan checking out:


I still think Jaclyn & Ryan stayed together but its interesting that he's been MIA on social media lately. Guess he really doesn't want to deal with all the negative tweets/posts coming his way!

Haha probably not.

Haha probably not.


Its pretty funny how Ryan went from the golden one on Social media at the beginning to now being called a "mama's boy" and worse.  Meanwhile, Jaclyn was universally hated after episode one but now she's by far the most popular.    If things do turn around for them and they end up in a happy place at the end, I can see Ryan probably becoming more active on social medial but right now laying low is probably the smart decision.


I just wish there were some concrete "spoilers" somewhere.  I guess it is true that the network FYI monitors any leaks on social media  which are then  immediately removed. 


From the way things appear (keyword: appear) this season was a wash. What we're seeing on the television suggests none of the couples made it past the trial period. 


If anyone did, it's probably the two hotheads.  And that's ridiculous about Ryan D. being married with a kid.  Let's hope the network has competent investigators on board who, no doubt, screened the potential couples for just this sort of thing.  I think people are starting to dredge the bottom of the barrel for tidbits since there is NOTHING out there of any import. 

Edited by StayingAfterSunday

There's a new preview on the FYI facebook page (sorry can't link cause work restrictions) where:


1. Ryan & Jaclyn are shown being happy and he says "my feelings for Jaclyn have grown into a deep caring for her".   My reaction: wait, what?  you were just saying last episode you didn't know if you could handle her and didn't bother to call her.  Their editing is so all over the place


2. Sean & Davina look miserable as usual


3. Jessica wants affection from Ryan--yeah, like that's going to happen

  • Love 2

I'm actually not sure how much the "experts" really cared about these people's deal breakers. I just saw one of the reruns the other day, and there was a scene where Ryan and Jaclyn discussed where they lived, and they were pretty shocked that they'd been paired with someone living 80 miles away. It seemed like it was out of the geological area they'd told the experts they would be willing to relocate to.

Edited by BunnySlippers
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I'd love to fill out that application form with my actual details just to imagine the shocked gasps of whatever casting interns they have sorting through them. Unless, of course, the next season is going to focus on a retirement village in Florida full of the nearsighted, saggy and overweight. Bonus points for walkers and oxygen tanks!

  • Love 9

Yeah, that was posted somewhere at the start of the show and I mentioned it here. But most people felt that anyone could make a mistake (which I agree) so that wasn't an issue, but now seeing what a train wreck he is it just adds to it all.

I'm sure that they do a full evaluation on many factors for people they contact, but it would be odd to expect someone to list all that on an application when they might not even be considered.  Keeping the application simple to start widens their pool.  Though ring size seems like it's jumping the gun :)


Also, having a mental illness would not necessarily disqualify someone from being on this show or any other - remember that the term doesn't just indicate extreme things, it also includes depression, anxiety and a host of other common things that millions of people live with.  Let's be careful how we discuss that, please!

  • Love 9

I'm sure that they do a full evaluation on many factors for people they contact, but it would be odd to expect someone to list all that on an application when they might not even be considered.  Keeping the application simple to start widens their pool.  Though ring size seems like it's jumping the gun :)


Also, having a mental illness would not necessarily disqualify someone from being on this show or any other - remember that the term doesn't just indicate extreme things, it also includes depression, anxiety and a host of other common things that millions of people live with.  Let's be careful how we discuss that, please!


Exactly right, Aethera. This was just the first round to eliminate MOST of the applicants. And what is most important?? Weight and looks. (The ring size is just a fun question to make the applicant think they have a chance.) Everyone was filtered through the weight and looks requirement on the first round. Anyone gorgeous and buff enough to pass through that then gets filtered through the next stage (which WOULD eventually include mental stability and all that includes, criminal history, as well as all the other questions the "experts" ask on the myriads of questionnaires given to later applicants.) Why bother giving everyone huge numbers of questions to fill out when no one producing this show is interested in looking past their photos?


I want this same show (with a much longer "experiment" period--6 weeks is ridiculous) with real people. Kind people with real looks and real weight. Real love stories that are sweet and NOT drama inducing.

Edited by Whistler
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I think they had sex. You can't be this bitter without being pumped and dumped.


It wasn't worth watching. Obviously Dr. Cilona is worshipping Sean. The whole thing is blatantly obvious. My advice for you- RUN!


@tkurtich Hmmmm...you've got some strong intuition, my friend


& she retweeted this



Edited by moonxyz
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Hi everyone. I am new as a poster to this forum. Since the season started I have been watching and being somewhat of a "fly on the wall" reading these forums.

First and foremost. The reason I have watched this season is because I personally know Sean. I have read all the comments and posts about him. Unfortunately, a lot of the negative that you hear is true. When word got out that he was going to be on this show a lot of people who work at the hospital with Sean were astonished. Reaper was pretty spot on with his perception of Sean. He is a pathological liar. He HAS told people that he was a doctor. And his self proclaimed job title of ER/Trauma nurse is further proof he tries to make himself look like this Superhero Martyr/ Nurse. He is an ER nurse, as are all of his coworkers. All ER nurses deal with trauma. There is no special title with that.

We were all wondering if this pregnancy was going to be brought up. The person he got pregnant was NOT his girlfriend. It was someone he hooked up with from time to time. He made it clear that he would be a dad but was not willing to be anything to the mother of the child. The only reason the pregnancy was carried out was because the MOTHER of the child chose to keep the baby.

He was a self proclaimed "playboy". He was still out hooking up with other people in the hospital when "Baby Mama" was pregnant with his child.

Sean likes to talk about Sean. Sean likes to hear himself talk about Sean. He has problems in relationships with women, his co-workers and family members.

He has been bragging about this show from Day 1 and was talking about hopefully this being the building block to things like "Survivor and Amazing Race". He even told people he wanted a hot piece of you know what. That was his only requisite in finding a potential mate.

He is a master manipulator and he may have some viewers fooled but people in his everyday REAL life aren't fooled a bit. You see the looks his mom made throughout the wedding? I can assure you that is because she is uncomforable and has NO idea what Sean may or may not have said. I really hope that when the cameras aren't filming, Davina can see the real Sean. She seems like such a delightful person who has a lot to offer in a relationship. Hopefully if they do not consumate the marriage, she can get an annullment based on fraud. There is just SO much more that people have no idea about. People question how the experts didn't see any of this. When people have mastered the art of manipulation, such as Sean has, he can come across as believable as anyone. JerseyNurse Posts: 59 Join date: 2015-04-15


I am all caught up now and wow.  I only needed to read one post that was linked to another message board below:




Many of us said Sean was "off" or "creepy" from the first episode.  I find it interesting that the professionals did not see this too.  But other posters, who know him, said he is a master manipulator so they were duped, clearly.  


And he thinks this show is a stepping stone to Survivor or Amazing Race.  oy


Why does anyone go on a reality show? Isn't it for money and/or fame? I find it hard to believe that any of them really expect to find a lasting marriage on a show like MAFS. Even The Bachelor has a horrible success rate and I think Big Brother or Survivor (or some non-dating/marrying reality show) has led to more marriages then dating/marrying oriented reality shows. I think they all did it for fame and/or exposure to help one's career (sales or acting or other).


So Sean was single and had a one night stand or a hook up for sex (fuck buddy). I don't see the big deal. Ok, she got pregnant and he said he would he a dad to the kid but wasn't going to be in a relationship with her. Makes sense imo. I'm not a fan of shotgun weddings. He was willing to take on the "dad" role which is a good thing imo. He continued to date/hook up with people. Well, he isn't pregnant and he isn't in a committed relationship so why can't he act "normal". I wonder how far along she was when she miscarried. It's a good sign it upset him and I think it is also realistic and ok for him to be over it.  The baby seemed more like an idea then a reality until the mom is showing (just for me and imo).


Maybe production gave him the title ER/Trauma nurse. If not then still no big deal imo since I know that all ER nurses deal with trauma as well as strokes, ingrown toe nails, frequent fliers, etc… If he lied to impress people, then shame on him and what a fraud but he wouldn't be the first guy (or first person) to lie about something to make themselves seem "better". Still shitty imo but so are all the other people on the show.


I am not a Sean fan. There are tons of reasons to dislike him based on the show alone. I am not a fan of any of the people on MAFS and this season went bad/wrong fast. 

  • Love 2

Good point Vicky and I agree. My post was incomplete. I assume all contestants want reality show fame or a career boost; that is a given. The lying and all else said in co workers post gave me pause. It is linked in this thread.

Which do you find more unsettling, an "in your face" personality disorder a la NeNe (RHWOA) or a more hidden/masked personality disorder a la Kim R (RHWOBH) who is all turtles and sunshine until the mask slips or intoxication takes over? LOL, just kidding

I'm not sure if I believe anonymous "sources" and even if legit it is still biased. I only read that page (page 25 or something like that) where that quote came from and YES it does make me pause. However I'm not ready to lynch him (not that you are). I'm biased in favor of anyone who goes into a career that helps people (health care) however I also realize that everyone has flaws~especially people on reality tv;-)

I'm not a fan of any of the couples and don't think they were matched well from a relationship or entertainment standpoint. However I am still watching so I must find something entertaining or I like to finish my commitments or I am hate watching the show now.

  • Love 1

Which do you find more unsettling, an "in your face" personality disorder a la NeNe (RHWOA) or a more hidden/masked personality disorder a la Kim R (RHWOBH) who is all turtles and sunshine until the mask slips or intoxication takes over?

Hidden/masked personality disordered people can destroy your life before your eyes and you don't even see it happening until it is done. They truly scare me.

Davina and possibly Sean are like that. In that sense, they are a match. Said in a wry tone.

  • Love 4

Wondering if anyone else saw this post by Dr. Cilona about Sean's career:


"Sean is VERY confident, secure, skilled, and successful in his own right when it comes to his career.  In fact, very shorlty after filming for the show concluded, Sean was awarded a very siginifcant promotion that had been in the  works for several years.  He is now the head adminstator for the ER and has manages more than 100 staff members"


This was cut and pasted from http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=90- all typos are from the original post by Dr. C

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