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  1. I bet her family used to live locally but moved recently.
  2. Christian and Maria are answering questions on their Twitter account. Christian's written response here was written so clearly--certainly not like he speaks--that I am a good bit dubious it is actually him writing this. Maria, on the other hand, writes like she speaks. I'm very glad to hear that she does regularly see her family though. twitter.com/ChristianNMaria/status/598551657715265536 - Answering a question about how often she sees her family, Maria answers "there's no time frame they live a couple hrs away so I see them 1 or twice a week -Maria" And to concerns that Maria says she misses her family: "yah I understand but there's no restriction or allowance I see them n they see me whenever we can it's whenever I want lol" twitter.com/ChristianNMaria/status/598697466377203712 Christian says he did graduate from high school (not homeschool) "Actually, I graduated High school. Gypsies allow their kids to go to school. Just wanted to clarify :) Some Gypsies are home schooled, some aren't. We tend to home school our children after a certain age because we fear that they will fall in love with a non gypsy and we will lose our race. It's hard for non-gypsies to understand. Hopefully I clarified as much as possible. Thanks for watching :) remember to watch the next episode on Tuesday at 10:15ET"
  3. Exactly right, Aethera. This was just the first round to eliminate MOST of the applicants. And what is most important?? Weight and looks. (The ring size is just a fun question to make the applicant think they have a chance.) Everyone was filtered through the weight and looks requirement on the first round. Anyone gorgeous and buff enough to pass through that then gets filtered through the next stage (which WOULD eventually include mental stability and all that includes, criminal history, as well as all the other questions the "experts" ask on the myriads of questionnaires given to later applicants.) Why bother giving everyone huge numbers of questions to fill out when no one producing this show is interested in looking past their photos? I want this same show (with a much longer "experiment" period--6 weeks is ridiculous) with real people. Kind people with real looks and real weight. Real love stories that are sweet and NOT drama inducing.
  4. On twitter.com/ChristianNMaria, he states: Christian N Maria @ChristianNMaria · May 12 Turkey's real name is Christopher.. He has the nickname turkey since he was a infant. I'm not sure why .. It is what it is At least his real name is fine; he's just stuck with a demeaning nickname. This show does a tremendous disservice to homeschooling. Most homeschooling families educate their children extremely well. This family . . . obviously not, at least to the extent of what we have seen and heard. The only obvious mastery of any subject shown is that the kids sure know how to play video games. Christian has not been taught to work (had never been on a ladder and told us he hadn't worked a day in his life), he didn't know how to view a simple GPS in a car, and he hadn't even been to his local grocery store before (real homeschooling families (as well as you too probably!) really try to use the grocery store as a common, daily way to enforce simple math calculations and purchasing decisions for the better buy). As well, the whole reason the family stated they wanted to be a part of this series was to uplift the perception of gypsies to the viewing audience. However, all we see is a very negative (even scary) insight into their lives. I wanted to love the Roma culture and learn more about them with this personal view, but this has only been a detriment to them instead.
  5. Well put, Snarklepuss! Sean stated to JerseyNurse's face that he was in this for the fame. He wanted to use MAFS as a stepping stone to get on The Great Race or Survivor. The fame he seeks does not only go one way. Davina's friend has stated Sean NEVER moved to NYC, and he only shows up at their apartment for filming. It sounds like he has totally checked out of this marriage and is only biding his time until the decision show airs and he can officially get out of this. I was no Davina fan, but if I was stuck with someone like Sean, I would be pretty miffed on camera too.
  6. This thread has all the dirt on Sean and Davina (and it's mostly Sean's dirt). http://www.bachandbachettefans.net/t2909-married-at-first-sight-season-2-sean-varricchio-davina-kullar-sleuthing-spoilers The thread is currently on page 59 (!), but it really starts to get good from page 25 on. Page 25 is where JerseyNurse starts to post. She works in the ER with Sean and gives terrific first-hand observations and quotes from him at work. Also be on the lookout starting on page 48 from Notablogperson who is a personal and close friend of Davina's (and has also met Sean through Davina) who gives the scoop from Davina's stories about what has not been shown on the show. Two different environments (work and personal friend) and extremely believable perspectives that completely agree with each other regarding Sean. You might have to register to be able to view the site; it is TOTALLY worth the time to do so. Enjoy!
  7. Thanks for the clip! You ARE right, CindyBee! I'm so sorry. He does say HER libido. How funny! I don't really doubt that his libido follows hers willingly though!
  8. I heard Ryan R say this about himself, not Jaclyn. I heard him say "My libido is off the charts...I am unleashing the beast." Love these two!!! Their sweetness almost makes up for the other two couples.
  9. The producers couldn't even follow the premise of the program title of their own show. I can't get past the idea that only one couple is truly an arranged marriage. The one Roma couple is a painful setup for domestic abuse. The boy is infantile in his perception of his new wife and completely self centered. Instead of hammering into his "talks" with his son about being a man now, the father needs to completely focus on how to show his wife tenderness, kindness, thoughtfulness, friendship, and serving HER. (I know--that will never happen.) The father seems like such a nice guy, but he is COMPLETELY missing his responsibility to guide his son to how a husband should treat his wife. I want to smack this boy for treating his wife this way. See? The abuse has already begun. This show needs to end. It hurts to watch and is certainly no entertainment. I'm done with it. I'll stick with MAFS and rooting for Jaclyn and Ryan R.
  10. Macthekat wrote: <snip> "Daddy just swallowed that $7500 like it was nothing. I would never spend anything near the cost of this wedding on my own if my parents were paying for it. Looks like some HUGE money battles in the future for Josh & MissSpoiled. He should cut & run." I agree. I think Daddy was actually planning the true total for the wedding would run 40K but purposely told MissSpoiled Meghan the limit was 30K, knowing that she would run over. He really didn't seem to flinch at an extra $7500--pretty much like he was expecting she would do this. . . and like she has probably done so many times before regarding anything money.
  11. Read posts from JerseyNurse at bachandbachettefans.net/t2909p288-married-at-first-sight-season-2-sean-varricchio-davina-kullar-sleuthing-spoilers to get first-hand information about Sean. This *was* a pregnancy from a hookup and *not* a relationship. The poster JerseyNurse is a nurse and works with Sean in the ER.
  12. On Davina's Facebook page, a commenter asks her: "Davina, were you hoping for a warm honeymoon or do you like the snow/skiing?" Davina Kullar: "I was fine with either...the cold was definitely more out of my comfort zone. That's a good thing, though...this whole thing was out of my comfort zone, after all!!"
  13. In the preview when they're asked if they want to stay married or get a divorce, Ryan the Realtor is sitting with his arm around Jaclyn, holding hands at the same time. They wouldn't be that cozy if they were going to state in the interview that they wanted to get a divorce. It is definitely Jaclyn because the clip shows what each lady is wearing at the 6-week decision time, and Jaclyn is the only one in blue. Compare being that to how far apart Monet and Vaughn sat in the 6-week decision show. Jaclyn definitely has her problems (pushing him away with shoulder punching, bro, dude, and ordering for him), but I think they are heavily editing this story to hide the swing towards later love.
  14. One of Ryan the Realtor's comments on his Facebook page that I liked: V: I knew you guys were gonna be matched!!! I think you two are so cute together... Love the show!!! We're rooting for you guys!! Ryan Ranellone Thank you V, the combo is rather unique! She's the firecracker. I'm the kind of the go with the flow. Let's see what fireworks happen in the weeks to follow :-)
  15. All four guys here have their wedding rings on. Ryan D's ring is on his left ring finger; it is partially hidden, but you can definitely see it. Monet from last season stated that she was required to wear her wedding ring until the final show had aired; it was part of her contract with FYI. The 3 new couples would all be the same. Seeing the ring is not an indication if the couples are doing well or not since they have to wear them until the final show airs.
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