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Dr C had already deleted the worse post about Ryan's temper, I quoted it here in the experts thread but it is no longer on the other forum and all the references to it just show 'post not available' wish I had of screen capped it.


Wow I know where it should be in the forum, but it looks like they have gone into protection mode all posts quoting it were edited 4-6 hours ago starting with Wenders



Wow! That site is really in Dr. C's pocket!

  • Love 1



What prophetic words....Cilona in an interview on the baby board.


He goes on about how he took a risk getting involved in the show because he did not know how it would be executed and his hard earned professional reputation and success could be put at risk and his successful private practice could be undermined should his clients see him associated with some kind of horrible reality show.


What a load of BS he spews there about the "very sophisticated psychological instruments" he used on Jamie.  Oh puhleeze, and I even know those "instruments" and defend them to people but that's just complete BS.  Most people know those "instruments" are arguable and fallible.  He makes them sound like such hocus-pocus.

Edited by Snarklepuss

Thanks it is this one missing which mentions Ryan has problems controlling his temper


This one is still there posted on page 50


It's still in Google's Cache!!!  Someone screenshot it!:


Here's the link:



Did I get all of them? I didn't take a full screenshot because I use an extension that displays my IP. And I'm not chartering a private jet, I was just curious about the cost because of a cast member on RHOC, lol.



The screenshot good to me, although I do actually charter private jets for my boss, LOL, so it wouldn't have looked odd to me!


Too bad the page is so long you can't get the header in there too.

Did I get all of them? I didn't take a full screenshot because I use an extension that displays my IP. And I'm not chartering a private jet, I was just curious about the cost because of a cast member on RHOC, lol.


not quite you hot to the end of the paragraph starting with V on the other hand about 6 paragraphs up.

Lol I screenshot some of his other posts earlier and then looked at the tabs I had open and reshot as it had my mortgage account info clearly visable

One question - why was she tagging him in things on Instagram and taunting him if she was afraid?

I agree with this.  If the first incident was in March and she really was scared for her life, then why would she continue to pretend they were together?


I'm not sure if I believe the story behind the PO.  I wouldn't be surprised if the network is behind this as a way of drumming up interest for the show.  Everyone seems to think the network is running scared, but the more i think about it, the more I think this is a scam too.

  • Love 2

Thanks for the link BunnySlippers.


I feel really bad for Jaclyn, Davina and Ryan R.  I still believe each of them entered this with good intentions.  So far, Ryan R seems to have failed to understand the compromises that marriage requires, but I doubt he got into this with a deceptive motive.  


The other three had some serious inconsistencies in their goals and behavior.


As for the experts, I doubt their recent behavior was designed to generate ratings, but it did demonstrate they are caught between the viewers and 6 characters.


If you have to tell someone you are an expert, chances are not good that you are an expert.

  • Love 3

Bunnyslippers, that was an amazing post and I agree with the author.  I have been saying all along that Cilona and Levkoff were just shills for the producers and network executives and in it for themselves.  Meanwhile they spew garbage about how "professional" they are and how rigorous their selection process is when production clearly chose the men for this season and all of them turned out to be poor matches for any woman, let alone THESE particular women.  And yes, they have kept silent and not defended the women at all despite more and more evidence piling up against the men and Jessica possibly being in danger.  Meanwhile all Cilona can do is continue to beat his chest about how professional their selection process was and defend Sean over and over again.   It's completely reprehensible and IMO if their reputations are ruined, they deserve it!  I am just sorry that Dr. Pepper is being lumped in with them because I don't think she sold out in quite the way the two others have.  At least I don't want to think so.  She at least had the good sense to keep her mouth shut!

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2

BTW, how any professional psychologist in their right mind could make those comments about Ryan D's anger issues in that baby board post and still think he's good marriage material is beyond me.  But then again Cilona has never looked in his right mind to me.  He's a shill for the network.  He wouldn't have to try so hard to convince everyone of his professionalism if he really had any.

  • Love 4

Question: Why are people on a baby board talking about this show?


I think the even crazier question is why Dr. C and Dr. L would be posting on a baby board.  LOL.  Theories abound.  Cilona seems to have taken roost there last year.  When he found out that other boards (like this one as he was here for a while) were challenging him too much he stayed there because the women were probably too tired after giving birth to challenge him on his shit.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 9

If they offer Jessica a settlement, I bet they get the checkbook out for Davina & Jaclyn too.  And then they'll trot out season 1's "happy" couples and see how quickly this season is forgotten.


I don't think Davina or Jaclyn have any grounds for a law suit. 



Has this been posted yet? Someone posted the link to this article on another site. It's awesome.




And to think it gets even better!   Better than the last better! 




What prophetic words....Cilona in an interview on the baby board.


He goes on about how he took a risk getting involved in the show because he did not know how it would be executed and his hard earned professional reputation and success could be put at risk and his successful private practice could be undermined should his clients see him associated with some kind of horrible reality show.


What a load of BS he spews there about the "very sophisticated psychological instruments" he used on Jamie.  Oh puhleeze, and I even know those "instruments" and defend them to people but that's just complete BS.  Most people know those "instruments" are arguable and fallible.  He makes them sound like such hocus-pocus.



Oh fuck you Dr C.  

  • Love 1

Man, you go away from the boards for a few days to binge watch OITNB and read a book and then this happens!


Part of me can't wait to tune in tonight for the (hopeful) fireworks, but another part of me feels a bit icky that it will be giving A&E the ratings that they want. Doubling down on the reunion episodes screams that they want to capitalize on the publicity while they can, which is pretty gross.

  • Love 3

I agree with this.  If the first incident was in March and she really was scared for her life, then why would she continue to pretend they were together?


I'm not sure if I believe the story behind the PO.  I wouldn't be surprised if the network is behind this as a way of drumming up interest for the show.  Everyone seems to think the network is running scared, but the more i think about it, the more I think this is a scam too.



No way is this a scam.  The "experts" have tarnished their image, probably ruined their careers and are running scared.  There are many ways to create buzz and accusations of drug use/dealing and a contestant threatening to kill a woman and her family is not it.  

Man, you go away from the boards for a few days to binge watch OITNB and read a book and then this happens!


Part of me can't wait to tune in tonight for the (hopeful) fireworks, but another part of me feels a bit icky that it will be giving A&E the ratings that they want. Doubling down on the reunion episodes screams that they want to capitalize on the publicity while they can, which is pretty gross.



Unless you have a Neilson box on your TV no one knows what you are watching. 

  • Love 6

My Lord!!  I just read Dr. C's post and I cannot believe the way he blathers on with specifics and judgments on the participants.


And for God's sake.. you mean to tell me that these proclaimed intense, sophisticated tests were not able to pick up on hair-trigger tempers and poor impulse control?  ..Cycles of rage and remorse??  Highly defensive posturing  and (likely) narcissism?   


I think they can..  but must be interpreted by skilled pros.  I would argue that they were indeed given a battery of tests and that IT DID  come across clear as day,  and they ignored it and signed him for his looks.   Plain and simple. I think 20 minutes with the guy you could tell he was a nasty, cocky prick.


It's like doing the weather report.... It can't hurt to look out the window,   

Edited by seasick
  • Love 8

Not to worry, Jessica's lawyer is recording them.  


Speaking of Jess's lawyer, I read on that other board that the order of protection was signed by a lawyer that was not in the firm where she works/worked, but who works for another firm in the Empire State Bldg.  Which to me means that her firm referred her to a specialist they know.


Seasick, I loved your entire post!  Can I double like it?

  • Love 3

Ugh. Swore I wouldn't get at all involved in sofa psychiatry or NY law but since Jessica is said to have a high profile attorney and litigation v. A&E may be a possibility according to one article, I'm wondering if her decision to marry this dude in spite of problems a blind man could see will affect any settlement she and/or her attorney may be expecting...

Ugh. Swore I wouldn't get at all involved in sofa psychiatry or NY law but since Jessica is said to have a high profile attorney and litigation v. A&E may be a possibility according to one article, I'm wondering if her decision to marry this dude in spite of problems a blind man could see will affect any settlement she and/or her attorney may be expecting...



I doubt it.  The premise was not upheld.  That being contestants vetted and matched with "instruments."  

  • Love 1

Ugh. Swore I wouldn't get at all involved in sofa psychiatry or NY law but since Jessica is said to have a high profile attorney and litigation v. A&E may be a possibility according to one article, I'm wondering if her decision to marry this dude in spite of problems a blind man could see will affect any settlement she and/or her attorney may be expecting...

The whole premise of the show is that they meet at the alter and get married, how was Jess going to pick up his anger issues in the 5 minutes before they actually married. She trusted that the experts had vetted her husband and she would be safe

  • Love 3

Just spoke to Mr. Snarkle - He says the experts and everyone else involved with the show are likely to be named in any lawsuit and the experts' lawyers would never have told Dr. C to delete his baby board posts as it would make him look more guilty.  If he did it, he did it on his own.  Also, their lawyers would tell them they should stop protecting the show and admit that they were rushed in the selection process as it will damage them less than if they continue to go down with the ship.  Also, Jessica's law firm referring her to another firm in the same bldg. was likely done to prevent a conflict of interest as her employers will likely be asked to answer questions in court as to how the show affected her, etc.  OK, that's it for today from Mr. Snarkle!

  • Love 8

Yes, they do access views from TIVO, Comcast, and possibly other cable and/or satellite DVRs, which have your recording and storage info. But if you don't watch in real time and see the commercials, your views get a much lower weight.

Dr. C is a bigger idiot than I thought if he believes deleting his posts will make them go away. I have cats that aren't as dumb as that.

  • Love 6

Being the curious person I am I thought I remembered him saying the experts had total control of the matches and bingo

From http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=18 2nd last post on page

I am also mean I am really hoping that him blathering on online comes and bites him in the butt big time

(bold text added)

What a shame Dr. C didn’t review this article discussing Monet & Vaughn’s situation before he paired Jaclyn with Basement Ryan.


That may be describing Monet but it sounds a lot like the same concerns Jaclyn voiced in her THs. Yet having failed in the first season he then subjected Jaclyn to the same set of circumstances.

Maybe he can get a refund on his degree.

  • Love 2

Yes, they do access views from TIVO, Comcast, and possibly other cable and/or satellite DVRs, which have your recording and storage info. But if you don't watch in real time and see the commercials, your views get a much lower weight.

Dr. C is a bigger idiot than I thought if he believes deleting his posts will make them go away. I have cats that aren't as dumb as that.





Q: I watch TV mostly on my DVR. That information's certainly being collected and used by Nielsen in the TV ratings, isn't it?

A: No, it's not, unless you're in a "Nielsen family" being measured in their national audience sample.

What a shame Dr. C didn’t review this article discussing Monet & Vaughn’s situation before he paired Jaclyn with Basement Ryan.


It seems they just quickly grabbed RD, Sean and RR so not like they turned anyone down from any applications. So regardless of which women they picked, you would get one of these three losers.

(bold text added)

What a shame Dr. C didn’t review this article discussing Monet & Vaughn’s situation before he paired Jaclyn with Basement Ryan.


That may be describing Monet but it sounds a lot like the same concerns Jaclyn voiced in her THs. Yet having failed in the first season he then subjected Jaclyn to the same set of circumstances.

Maybe he can get a refund on his degree.

Good catch what is ironic to me is that he tried to avoid creating anothe Monet Vaughn situation and made 3 even worse matches. Think he should throw darts for season 3 and save him 600 million hours of analysis

No way is this a scam.  The "experts" have tarnished their image, probably ruined their careers and are running scared.  There are many ways to create buzz and accusations of drug use/dealing and a contestant threatening to kill a woman and her family is not it.  



I don't think the experts are behind the PO, I think the production company/Network is.  I would think the experts would want nothing to do with he PO given that they are professionals and have a reputation to maintain.  However, the network would want to do what it takes to gain interest and eyeballs to their show so it wouldn't surprise me if this is all fake and done for publicity.  We will see what happens after the show airs.  If this PO goes away, then I'm going to stick with my theory that it was fake.


Everything else about this season has been fake.

I don't think the experts are behind the PO, I think the production company/Network is.  I would think the experts would want nothing to do with he PO given that they are professionals and have a reputation to maintain.  However, the network would want to do what it takes to gain interest and eyeballs to their show so it wouldn't surprise me if this is all fake and done for publicity.  We will see what happens after the show airs.  If this PO goes away, then I'm going to stick with my theory that it was fake.


Everything else about this season has been fake.


If it's fake that still doesn't explain for me why Cilona would delete potentially incriminating posts on the baby board.  Unless he doesn't know and he's just not taking any chances.

  • Love 1

I agree with this.  If the first incident was in March and she really was scared for her life, then why would she continue to pretend they were together?


I'm not sure if I believe the story behind the PO.  I wouldn't be surprised if the network is behind this as a way of drumming up interest for the show.  Everyone seems to think the network is running scared, but the more i think about it, the more I think this is a scam too.


Filing a false police report is a pretty serious allegation...while I think it's possible (though it's not my opinion) that Jessica exaggerated events or went overboard in getting this, but to say there's a conspiracy to waste police resources is going pretty far.


And in terms of the posting on IG after Valentine's - I think all the posts with the girls were coming from all of them, and the Jessica posts about Ryan were 100% required by the contract I am sure. I am friends with a former Bachelor contest (well, winner, actually) who had to post things about them being a couple after the last episode and before the After the Final Rose, she had to post things weekly about being excited for the episodes, etc. etc.

  • Love 4


I think somebody has been reading here. Love the article the more attentio the better I imagine Cirlona is about to explode if I did social media I would tweet him the link just to make sure he knew.

  • Love 2

I don't think the experts are behind the PO, I think the production company/Network is.  I would think the experts would want nothing to do with he PO given that they are professionals and have a reputation to maintain.  However, the network would want to do what it takes to gain interest and eyeballs to their show so it wouldn't surprise me if this is all fake and done for publicity.  We will see what happens after the show airs.  If this PO goes away, then I'm going to stick with my theory that it was fake.


Everything else about this season has been fake.


Wouldn't filing a PO under false pretenses (ie for ratings) be against the law though? Isn't that the same as filing a false report, which I've seen folks charge with before. 

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