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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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Unfortunately, one commenter on the People website spoke the truth:

From a publicity perspective this couldn't have work any better for these networks. People who have never even heard of this show are talking about it based off of information that has not been verified or proven. This could all have been a ruse to get rating for all we know and people are believing people's opinion and conjecture like its fact. Its crazy. I reserve judgement until someone can verify any of this information. A&E is laughing all the way to the bank because people took gossip and ran with it and ended up with a story in People magazine. If you notice production only spoke to a recognized media outlet (People) even though other lesser gossip and forum mediums have been reaching out to them. People are so gullible. Production thanks you for making this bigger than they ever imagined. Bet ratings for the show tomorrow will be through the roof.


Lady Dee, was that you on that website? The commenter has the same name.

Edited by sookisooki
  • Love 3

Bella!  I don't like TAR either and tension is part of it.  Tell you mother this show is exciting!  Even give her some details.  Anyone should love a scandal, right? 


Okay, if that doesn't work go back to "the finale of 3 couples falling in love on a dating show."  Or better yet tell her you are going to disappear for one hour in the other room with a TV.  Only one TV?  Put some xanax in her mashed potatoes.  

  • Love 2

If a national magazine is quoting someone on the inside saying it never happened, I would tend to put more confidence in that than speculative posts on chatboards.

I believe that Jessica did not bring it up at the reunion, it has been brought up many other times.  So People is only talking about the reunion, I guess?

I believe that Jessica did not bring it up at the reunion, it has been brought up many other times.  So People is only talking about the reunion, I guess?

Maybe so, there's so much out there to sift through. As for a friend of Ryan's posting about it online, again, these people are all at each other now, defending or chastising to one up each other. I try to take it ALL with a grain of salt unless and until someone is in rehab and admits a problem publicly, or they are arrested with drugs in their possession, tested, convicted, etc.

  • Love 1

Unfortunately, one commenter on the People website spoke the truth:

From a publicity perspective this couldn't have work any better for these networks. People who have never even heard of this show are talking about it based off of information that has not been verified or proven. This could all have been a ruse to get rating for all we know and people are believing people's opinion and conjecture like its fact. Its crazy. I reserve judgement until someone can verify any of this information. A&E is laughing all the way to the bank because people took gossip and ran with it and ended up with a story in People magazine. If you notice production only spoke to a recognized media outlet (People) even though other lesser gossip and forum mediums have been reaching out to them. People are so gullible. Production thanks you for making this bigger than they ever imagined. Bet ratings for the show tomorrow will be through the roof.


I can see why they would leap to this conclusion but this is not it.  Production's posture has been defensive, not planned and paranoid.  Their personal reputations are tarnished.  Sure Lifetime loves this as the ratings will soar, the experts no way. No one invents a drug problem for buzz or a restraining order.  No one ordered the women to speak out so honestly.  What they have said is not good buzz at all. 


Of course when People came knocking they would talk to them.  No brainer.  They had hoped to spin it and give what is now their pat answers.  No one who has been keeping up on this is fooled one bit. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

My flight got rescheduled to tomorrow. I am in such a bad mood that I have recused myself from modding today (only) because I don't want to over-react. 


Anyway, I generally love Andy Dehnart's analyses. 


The new (I think) info he brings is this:


The person also claims that Married at First Sight‘s producers told season three participants that season two had the same success rate as season one, even though none of the season two couples ultimately stayed together.


"The person" is the same one who posted on bachandbachettefans.net, which I believe is the source for some of our other info. But I hadn't seen this about Season 3. Who wants to run down to Atlanta and yell "liar, liar, pants on fire" at production?

  • Love 4

Unfortunately, one commenter on the People website spoke the truth:

From a publicity perspective this couldn't have work any better for these networks. People who have never even heard of this show are talking about it... I reserve judgement until someone can verify any of this information. A&E is laughing all the way to the bank ...People are so gullible. Production thanks you for making this bigger than they ever imagined. Bet ratings for the show tomorrow will be through the roof.


This commenter, IMHO, is a little to generous with the ratings increase.  Let's see, how many people have contributed to this thread?  Let's say 500 times that many watch tomorrow's show at 9:00 PM.  Not really a ratings bonanza.


Let's say twice as many people as usual watch, not really a ratings bonanza.  Yeah, it would be great advertising sales for FYI to say twice as many people watched the show, but how many watched before?


How many will give up the NBA finals to watch MAFS Reunion Special?  Just a misguided person trying to throw water on the fire instead of finding the truth.

Edited by Liberty

This is not good publicity at all. People are talking about the show but for the wrong reasons. Production was negligent in hiring the male cast members and may have endangered a female cast member's life. Why is it surprising that production spoke to People? What good would it be for them to speak to some sketchy gossip site with little to no readership? Filing an order of protection for "publicity" would likely be a criminal offense (abuse of process, maybe?).


Here's the thing, for the network, not the experts, any publicity is good publicity.  All the producers and network execs want is ratings, numbers, money.  People will watch this mess because of the controversy.  Buzz is buzz is buzz, look at Kim Kardashian, she's laughing all the way to the bank.  People slam her and she just makes more money, so what does she care?  The network probably feels the same way.


Most people I know who watch the NBA finals don't even know this show exists.  They're looking for the folks switching channels and looking for something to watch.  

Edited by Neurochick

"The person" is the same one who posted on bachandbachettefans.net, which I believe is the source for some of our other info. But I hadn't seen this about Season 3. Who wants to run down to Atlanta and yell "liar, liar, pants on fire" at production?

I'm close enough, tell me where to find them and I'm game! :)

  • Love 2

I'm not saying that its good publicity but in some respects in entertainment publicity doesn't have to be good as long as people are talking. They showed a marathon of the show this passed weekend while all this was going on for goodness sake. When "scandals" hit a network as we have seen with 19 kids or even Duck Dynasty they are quick to pull the series (even though Duck Dynasty is now back on). I think its telling that this hasn't happened. Besides, people like watching trainwrecks. They always have unfortunately they always will.


Until you can pull a police report showing that Ryan D has been arrested for anything what do we really have besides speculation? Thats not enough to get a show canned. Besides if the insider was so worried why didn't they drop this bomb well before now. Its too planned, too coincidental and a very great risk for this person who works in the industry to take without a hefty payout from a media outlet. Leaking stuff like that can get you blackballed in the industry.


This show is to see if science can predict true love. Period. Sometimes it can and sometimes it can't but thats the point. Distance. Mommas Boy issues. And other things discussed here are not disqualifiers in traditional marriages because these people get married everyday. The question is once the science has done its part will the individuals paired put in the work to make the marriage last. 


The experts are not these peoples therapists. They are not providing services they are providing advice just like you would give a friend advice. We really should expect them to be anything other than advisors to these couples. Their main job is at the beginning of the show and then they just check in. The rest is up to the couples. Thats what happens in traditional arrangements. The parents match you and then advise you along the way its up to you to heed the advice. The main difference between this and a traditional arrangement is that these couples have the option to get divorced. In other cases those other couples don't really have that option. 


Imo I don't think the experts rep is ruined. They still have a huge following and lots of supporters. Besides I for one don't blame them for how these individuals have acted on the show and social media. Thats a testament to the participants character not the character of the experts. They haven't broken confidentiality agreements or anonymity and since this is for tv and the assessments are not used to diagnose anybody we can't say they personally have done these people harm. The only people to blame is production for bad portrayal of themselves on tv and there poor ability to deal with the scrutiny.

Lawsuits, though. And if there are a bunch of lawsuits, A&E might not want to take a chance on a third season, especially if the "experts" did the same stupid shit they did to these people.


Maybe, but in reality, how many people want to go through the process of lawsuits?  Does Davina want to spend her hard earned money and take time off from work to sue TV producers and a network?  I'm not saying they don't deserve to be sued, but sometimes folks with start the process and then back down when the case gets postponed for the umpteenth time, or when another person says, "what the hell were you doing on that stupid show?"

You don't just ask for the RO in court and the court approves the request with a smile. They don't just hand it out to you like it's a candy. You have to prove that you have a legitimate reason for feeling that your safety is compromised.


Another message board posted that she likely got a "temporary RO"  which are given to be safe. Then there is a court date and  hot headed Ryan could appear, give his side/she gives her side and then it is decided to if a "permanent RO" is issued. 

I have no idea, but it makes sense.


'I plan to kill you and your family': Married At First Sight star Jessica Castro files restraining order against husband Ryan De Nino after split"





Nothing really new!

Edited by Vinyasa

I don't condone violence but I really want to punch these guys


its_fitted 33 minutes ago

With all the gossip, I'm so surprised nobodies brought up Jessica's hygiene issues (insert fish emoji)


They are so disgusting! What kind of an immature moron do you have to be to think you'll come out on top making comments like that? Typical guido behaviour. Yuck yuck yuck.

  • Love 6

I agree, but money and fame and money are HUGE draws; especially for someone who already has acting ambitions.  It sounds like you had no such ambitions, so you had no problem saying no to a reality show.  Also many people think only about short term gains, having money, being famous; they never think about the cost to their reputation which maybe was another reason you said no to the reality show.


I'm not sure about this.  Many times matchmakers make mistakes, but they don't make too many mistakes when they have time to talk with and interact with someone.  I think the problem with this show was time.   The experts really didn't have enough time with these people.  I mean how could an expert have known that Ryan had an anger problem?  People on this board figured something was wrong because of how he treated Jessica on the honeymoon.  And you really, really can't tell 100% because people aren't robots and there is no one healthy way that people behave.  What I think happened is that the experts were rushed and picked who they did, but now they can't say that the producers rushed them because they don't want to lose their gravy train or get sued by producers and the network.


I pretty much said the same thing in another post, but I think the methods the experts used really can't take the place of being around the person and seeing them in real life, when they are not putting on an act or answering questions to make themselves look good.  Matchmakers of many years ago made sure they had an adequate opportunity to observe the person in their "natural habitat" and so would have a better idea of such tendencies.  That's why we the audience knew better than the experts so fast.  It might not have taken the experts all that long to figure these things out if they had that "adequate opportunity" to observe them.  The real problem is that they relied too much on assessment methods and not on their human powers of observation.  They may have had more of an opportunity to do that in the first season than in season 2.  Either that or they just got lucky in season 1.

  • Love 1

I don't know if there are any family law attorneys who can speak from experience, but I can't imagine that it is all that difficult to get a temporary order of protection. I can't imagine that the city wants to take the chance of someone in a dangerous situation not getting an OoP and being killed by a former domestic partner.


I ran this by Mr. Snarklepuss (who has been on a business trip and not available that much - figures when I need his opinion the most) and he says that it's much easier to get an order of protection in NYC than it is in a lot of other places, including where we live.  He said that where we live you basically have prove that someone has had their hands around your neck before you can get one, while in NY you can sometimes get away with much less proof for a temporary order.  Don't ask me how much less, etc., but that's what he said.

  • Love 3

Here is the Tmz story. Seriously - they are getting all their information from these boards. http://www.tmz.com/2015/06/15/married-at-first-sight-restraining-order-jessica-castro-ryan-de-nino-death-threat-drugs/

They do indeed. They took a huge hunk of posts from the 90-Day Fiancé forum here earlier this year and turned it into a story.

  • Love 1

Finally Davinas BFF and Jaclyn are vocal on Twitter. Jaclyn mostly about that disgusting remark on Instagram about her being ugly. She also addressed to the experts that you can tell a persons character by who their friends are. Repeating what Logan said about Davinas BFF friend Chris when he was speaking out a few weeks ago. So she is obviously mad at experts

  • Love 1

I wonder if she's angry because of Jessica's situation or because she also got majorly shafted and we just haven't heard the details yet.




Seriously, I'd be furious on both counts.


It's one thing to sign up for a reality show and know that a) they're going to mess with you somewhat and things could be very different from what you expect, b) the world is going to see an edited version of you that could be pretty far off from who you are 95% of the time, and c) you consented to this.


But IMO, this went way, way beyond any reasonable expectations of being messed with, etc.

  • Love 7

I'm tellin' youse guys, RyanD wanted a blonde looker. He was crestfallen at the altar, and from then it was Katie, bar the door.

And do I understand correctly that mouth-breather RyanBasement is calling Jaclyn "ugly"?! (I never thought she was a raving beauty, but his insulting her would be pretty low.)

Edited by LennieBriscoe

Back when I was a small child and dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the nuns at my elementary school taught that "occasions of sin" included "bad companions." In other words, hanging out with the wrong folks could make you more likely to sin. Got it.


Now, thoroughly lapsed, I don't know if that's still a "thing" in Catholicism. I also don't know if other religions have a comparable caution against being led astray by others.


This comes to mind when I read Ryan D's friends' tweets, that's all.

  • Love 3

Back when I was a small child and dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the nuns at my elementary school taught that "occasions of sin" included "bad companions." In other words, hanging out with the wrong folks could make you more likely to sin. Got it.

Now, thoroughly lapsed, I don't know if that's still a "thing" in Catholicism. I also don't know if other religions have a comparable caution against being led astray by others.

This comes to mind when I read Ryan D's friends' tweets, that's all.

My old pastor use to say " if you lie down with dogs you'll get up with fleas"- non- biblical of coz but makes sense to me
  • Love 4

What I really hope happens tomorrow during the reunion show is that Davina calls the "experts" out on the shitty matchmaking.  Monet tried to do it last season but was shut down pretty quickly because there were 2 smiley happy couples on the couch that the experiment did work for.  No one is smiley and happy this season!

  • Love 4

Back when I was a small child and dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the nuns at my elementary school taught that "occasions of sin" included "bad companions." In other words, hanging out with the wrong folks could make you more likely to sin. Got it.


Now, thoroughly lapsed, I don't know if that's still a "thing" in Catholicism. I also don't know if other religions have a comparable caution against being led astray by others.


This comes to mind when I read Ryan D's friends' tweets, that's all.


I'd say you attract those who are like you.

  • Love 6

I think there's something in confession about avoiding the occasions of sin. Association is definitely one of them.


I mostly took people at face value this season, but I was also extremely distracted (watching other shows at the same time). I can pretty much swear that S3 is a no-go for me. Hopefully, this is a reality show that gets cancelled before someone dies.

  • Love 3

I always thought that you had to file an incident report before you received the order of protection. Why have none of the media outlets posted that or the full order of protection? I want to know what Jess said happened in order to get the order and her statement would be documented. All that stuff should be public record. C'mon, you're slipping TMZ!

Also, I see some people saying the participants won't sue because they don't want to pay the lawyers. Lawyers would take the case pro bono. They would just include their fees in the settlement. And a network would settle if there was something really shady going on. I think it's more likely that these participants really like attention and are blowing social media up for the lulz.

I always thought that you had to file an incident report before you received the order of protection. Why have none of the media outlets posted that or the full order of protection? I want to know what Jess said happened in order to get the order and her statement would be documented. All that stuff should be public record. C'mon, you're slipping TMZ!

Also, I see some people saying the participants won't sue because they don't want to pay the lawyers. Lawyers would take the case pro bono. They would just include their fees in the settlement. And a network would settle if there was something really shady going on. I think it's more likely that these participants really like attention and are blowing social media up for the lulz.


To the first paragraph, TMZ has been working overtime with other material (molestation in the Duggar family, obsessing over Caitlyn Jenner, etc., etc.). There's so much going on this summer, it's hard to keep up. And would it really be public record? I'm not so sure.


As for the lawsuits, an attorney trying to make a name might take this on a contingency basis. Just the other day, I read that a lot of the young attorneys laid off in the 2008-2010 resizing by the big law firms - many of those attorneys are still struggling to get back into the field. Why wouldn't one of them grab this as a "nothing to lose" proposition? Of course, that's assuming the cast member hoping to sue couldn't get anyone more established. Yes, reality TV contracts are largely one-way in favor of the show. I make that point frequently, and not just in this forum. But that doesn't mean that all of their clauses will hold up when challenged in court. Just because you sign your rights away doesn't mean it's enforceable.

Wow Jamie's latest tweet is really inappropriate


Good people do bad things-Wish we could anticipate the bad & prevent it frm happening #mafs #marriedatfirstsight http://bit.ly/1MWY42m




Way to victim blame, why the heck should anybody need to anticipate and prevent Ryan D from behaving like he has and still is.


Will say it again JAMIE NEED TO STFU . That woman needs to stick her nose into everybodies business since she is a relationship expert now that she is married.

  • Love 8

What a mess. I was really hoping those allegations were not true, but now I'm starting to believe that at least most of them actually are. Unbelievable. Poor women, but especially poor Jessica. I'm really curious to find out if the things that person said about Ryan R are also true. There's definitely something there, since Ryan R and Jac are no longer together. So maybe he did cheat on her and maybe he is a moocher. But then why did his mother say that he and Jac could go and live with her? She did say that in the beginning, didn't she? And why would Ryan R do this to his mother and his niece, whom he allegedly cares so much about? Didn't he know that this could all come out and bite him in the ass?


And the first season participants should butt out. They should definitely not defend an asshole like Ryan D.

Let's say, for sake of argument, that Jamie is right and that Ryan D farts rainbows, wakes up surrounded by adoring butterflies, steals from the rich to give to the poor, inspires the downtrodden, and spends his day giving heartfelt hugs to people whose spirits need a lift.


Jamie should still STFU and let the facts come to light on their own.

  • Love 12

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