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If we are to believe what we've read, then that explains why the apartments these couples were supposedly sharing never looked the least bit lived in. It wasn't just that they were clean and tidy, they never looked like actual homes to me. They always reminded me of what a home in a stage play looks like. I mean, they have bits of furniture and whatnot, but you have to suspend belief to think of the home as more than a smattering of props.

  • Love 6

If they said per season I would not question it but it does seem pretty high per episode. It does not seem that either of the First Year couples are rolling in money after their season.


They didn't make enough to "roll in it" even if they did get the higher salary that was reported!   After taxes Jamie and Doug might have had enough to buy some  furniture and pay for their wedding.  



As for Dr. Pepper, I noticed that she seemed much less cheery and enthusiastic this season than in the first one. She seemed sort of tired and defeated to me, at least sometimes.



I agree now that you mention it.  She didn't even bother to have her roots retouched!

  • Love 2

none of the experts were enthusiastic about the matches this year. Last year they were CRYING when people stayed together. This season was like a blank stare. They seemed to blame the cast for not trying - yet their rational for the couples Davina and Sean - bullied as children Ryan R and Jacklyn - both have a strong sense of family and same place in careers and Ryan D and Jess - a sexy match that both have the same feelings about marriage. Yeah those are legit reasons to match people. Last season they also did not make it seem as if any of the people could be matched together. So ridiculous. You could tell that Courtney and Jason had the same core beliefs on so many areas - and they have so much in common. Jaime and Doug were also well matched because his patience can help her craziness.

  • Love 1

I'm a little skeptical that the show can make people sign a contract that waives their legal right to an annulment. Just like you can't sign away your rights to child support for a future child. Certain things are considered against public policy and won't be enforced.

If there was fraud in the marriage, they can get an annulment. The show contract might even be considered part of the fraud.


I agree with this and so does my lawyer husband.  Just because they make you sign waivers in a contract doesn't mean a court would agree that it's OK to enforce them.  I personally think that anyone who feels they should get an annulment shouldn't let a contract keep them from pursuing one even if it means going to court over it.  I also think that if some of the allegations are true about this show and the men chosen it is worth suing over and I hope the women pursue that angle if true.

  • Love 2

The creators are clearly bothered by what has come out and I would not be surprised to hear that everyone gets an annulment.  

Wow. Twitter is a ghost town. No tweets from the " participants" two tweets from Davina retweeting prompts from fans. Remember after season 1 Doug/ Jamie and Courtney/ jason posted tons of photos. There is nothing! So I totally believe the inside scoops



Yep, they got a gag order.  Cool.  I love all of this being true!  

  • Love 4

Once she said he was not only addicted to cocaine but was a drug dealer ryan walked off set and started ranting and screaming how he is going to kill that f-ing b-itch when they get back and how she is dead! Everyone on set could hear him.


Well, one thing is for sure; there's no way they're going to include that part in the reunion.  One reason would be that it would completely kill the show and the so-called experts would be ruined.  Another might be that Ryan could very well be investigated and arrested, hence why he wants to kill Jess.  That in itself should be taken more than seriously. To put the fate and reputation of the show over someone's safety, is reckless and reprehensible!

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 3


That article confirms what I've been saying all along - That any true professionals would not be getting down and dirty slinging the mud on social media.  It's considered highly unprofessional behavior by psychologists.  The more they attempt to defend themselves and the show, the worse they look.  It's no accident that Dr. Pepper is the only one not engaging in that sort of stuff given that she's a Yale graduate and not from some questionable alleged diploma mill I've never heard of.

I would also say the reason she doesn't post on Twitter and Facebook is because of her age. She's a few years older than me but from the same generation. We're old school....we don't do that stuff. Of course there's some who do, but older baby boomers like us...for the most part we might follow other people on Facebook but don't post too much. That's how I see it.....AND because she's probably ignoring it while the others are getting all rattled by it.

  • Love 2
Back in the 1990's before sites like match.com and eHarmony existed, matchmaking services including high end ones, did that as well,  the reason was that so many women apply and so few men, so the job of the "counselors" was to sign up as many men as possible.  After a woman was raped by a man she was matched with, the local news had a reporter go undercover with a hidden camera and had him saw all of these awful things to the counselor, to see if she'd sign him up; he said things like he was a drug addict, he just got out of prison etc.  But the counselor didn't seem to care and signed him up anyway.



I have heard this before and wonder why so few men sign up for this type of services.  Is it because men are stereotypically less marriage minded than women?  Though of course in the modern day marriage is no longer the only form of validation for women and I am sure many are happy to stay single.


If (and it is still a big IF for me) these rumors are true, I wonder if the producers resorted to such horrible procedures after no men signed up for the second season?   I guess when guys saw Jaimie crumpled up on the floor crying after seeing her supposedly hideous groom...no man said "Damn, I wish that was me".

  • Love 3

I saw the post from Dr. Logan and all I thought was my goodness - these people are making things worse. When you give attention to "rumor" you are simply waving a flag and basically saying "I'm defending myself because there is some truth to this".  She clearly feels like her professional life is on the line with the feedback and such that is getting released. I also tend to believe that the person leaking the information may be family or friend of the cast. It was clear to me that this season was so different. I did watch last season and all the guys were very invested. The relationship were far more authentic - even the one that split up. This season you couldn't see chemistry in any relationship. It makes sense that Ryan R never slept there, we never ever saw them waking up together or going to bed together. So I tend to believe there is truth in this leak as it's got even the professionals undies in a bunch. it's called damage control.


I have a feeling that these experts were under contract.  Maybe they signed a contract for two or three seasons.  After last season the network and the producers didn't want the show to stay off the air for too long, so the experts were probably pushed to speed up the process of interviewing prospective candidates.   That meant they had to quickly find people; maybe it was easier to find women but harder to find men, so they cut corners in finding the men.  Perhaps they cut corners during the interview process; and what they wound up with were six mismatched people.


If the experts are under contract, they can't publicly say that the entire show is bullshit; they have to tow the party line.  As for a TV show putting someone's life in jeopardy, I can see that happening because business today is all about making money NOW, without caring about the long term consequences.  As long as the network and producers make money, they'll consider the show a success.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3

Wow. Twitter is a ghost town. No tweets from the " participants" two tweets from Davina retweeting prompts from fans. Remember after season 1 Doug/ Jamie and Courtney/ jason posted tons of photos. There is nothing! So I totally believe the inside scoops


Or it could be a gag order to stir up more speculation and increase potential interest in the reunion show. I can believe that none of the couples are together, hence no postings of happy pictures. And I think they probably have to wait until after the reunion shows have aired before the women can come out and say something about what happened. Too bad the reunion is going to be stretched out over 2 episodes, so we have to wait that much longer before we might find out what exactly happened.


  • Love 2

Dr C explains the match between Davina and Sean:


The common experience of being bullied was one SMALL element of our rationale in that match.  It's just the one they chose to highlight on the matchmaking show.


Both Davina and Sean were very thoughtful and self-aware around how the bullying affected them, and extremely eloquent and detailed and insightful when speaking about how the bullying impacted them, and how they overcame it throughout their lives.  We felt that it was much more likely to be a way that they could connect and identify with eachother rather than being negatively impacted by lingering unhealthy effects from those experiences.


For my assesments, I compare 141 responses from the 265 question questionnaire.  And 241 indicators from all the personality assesments. That as a total of 382 data points I look at and determine whether I feel they indicate compatibility/complementarity, incompatibility, or deem them neutral. 


Then I bring my results to the other experts and we combine all of our findings to make final matches.  It is A LOT more than "they were both bullied."



I have a feeling that these experts were under contract.  Maybe they signed a contract for two or three seasons.  After last season the network and the producers didn't want the show to stay off the air for too long, so the experts were probably pushed to speed up the process of interviewing prospective candidates.   That meant they had to quickly find people; maybe it was easier to find women but harder to find men, so they cut corners in finding the men.  Perhaps they cut corners during the interview process; and what they wound up with were six mismatched people.


If the experts are under contract, they can't publicly say that the entire show is bullshit; they have to tow the party line.  As for a TV show putting someone's life in jeopardy, I can see that happening because business today is all about making money NOW, without caring about the long term consequences.  As long as the network and producers make money, they'll consider the show a success.


I think when this season started, they said that they had a much bigger pool of applicants to choose from than in the first season. It's likely that the women who signed up vastly outnumbered the men, though. Still, I bet they could have found better choices than these three.


That's a good point about TV shows not balking at putting someone's life in jeopardy just to make as much money as they can. There are a lot of reality shows in which people have to survive really dangerous situations. They just make those people sign waivers and, off you go! But at least those participants know what they are getting into. If it's true that this show didn't check the criminal background of these men and didn't test them for STDs, that's a different thing IMHO, since the women most likely were under the assumption that the men had to have the same vigorous testing as was required of the female participants. If these allegations of criminal negligence are true (I'm still on the fence about that), then I think the women could sue, no matter what papers they signed.


  • Love 1

For my assesments, I compare 141 responses from the 265 question questionnaire.

 So do they fill out the other 124 questions for fun, you would think they they could take the questions out of his expert matching assessments if they were useless.


On  a more series note I love how he always says it was much more in depth than 'they were bullied' 'they are sexy together' etc but never explains the in depth reasons, how about this for a radical idea if you don't want to keep getting called on the shallow reasons presented flippin explain, he knows that his responses are quoted across many boards, but only responds on that board as he knows he will never be called out.


Edited to add Thank you for the quote in my grumpiness I forgot my manners

Edited by crazychicken
  • Love 4

I am just curious if someone can answer this for me.. as to why the experts are on that particular board which appears to be for mom's of new babies?   I'm seriously inquiring if someone knows or has an idea about it. . It seems as tho it's their biggest outlet to discuss the show...were they originally drawn to that board for baby behavior or child psychology?


I have to say as for this new 'inside' info... The guys sure did seem to be back-peddling REAL fast.. definitely  Sean and basement Ryan wanted outa there with their "homesick" and "anxiety" excuses.. and Ryan D had a nasty attitude right from the beginning.  So the idea they were recruited  w/o the process and told to play along doesn't seem far-fetched.  Ryan D had huge signs to me of being an addict with his behavior. I mentioned it in former posts..So I am not surprised there either.  Not saying I'm not properly skeptical, but alot seems to fit the strangeness of this season.  Even the fact that 'nice guy' Ryan R never called or texted Jac one time while she was in Key West... I thought that SO strange..but blew it off.  The more I think of the things that didn't make sense at the time the more I wonder...

  • Love 4
If these allegations of criminal negligence are true (I'm still on the fence about that), then I think the women could sue, no matter what papers they signed.



If the allegations are true and the women want to sue, then what?  How much money do these women have to hire a lawyer?  What if the network keeps this in court for years?  A lawsuit might be worth it, but what if they don't have the time, money or patience for a lawsuit? 

  • Love 2

I am just curious if someone can answer this for me.. as to why the experts are on that particular board which appears to be for mom's of new babies?   I'm seriously inquiring if someone knows or has an idea about it. . It seems as tho it's their biggest outlet to discuss the show...were they originally drawn to that board for baby behavior or child psychology?


Dr C actually posted here first if you look in the first seasons forum at the start he made a few posts. When people ask him to prove himself he disappeared however he made a few references on the baby board early on to stuff we were discussing here so I suspect he lurked.


He has posted numerous times that he posts on that board as they are 'insightful' and look deeper into why the participants act like they do. Now in my opinion it is because they tow the line with his 'expert' opinion early this season people were posting that Sean seemed fake he came in did a huge defence post and then a slam Davina post and like magic Sean was a hero.

  • Love 2

"If the allegations are true and the women want to sue, then what?  How much money do these women have to hire a lawyer?  What if the network keeps this in court for years?  A lawsuit might be worth it, but what if they don't have the time, money or patience for a lawsuit?"


True, but sometimes it's not about the money. It's about getting the truth out and letting future potential participants know what they might face should they decide to sign on with this show. Also, the producers might be happy even about bad publicity in the short run, since it's apt to stir up interest in their show, but eventually it might become a liability if viewers no longer want to watch their crap. JMHO, of course.

Edited by BunnySlippers
  • Love 1

 I would also say the reason she doesn't post on Twitter and Facebook is because of her age. She's a few years older than me but from the same generation. We're old school....we don't do that stuff. Of course there's some who do, but older baby boomers like us...for the most part we might follow other people on Facebook but don't post too much. That's how I see it.....AND because she's probably ignoring it while the others are getting all rattled by it.


I agree but I don't think she would do it even if it was in person or on the telephone, not just online.  I would never do it and I am active on Facebook and Twitter, and my MS in Psych. is from Fordham University.  Even if it were OK legally, it's against most reputable psychologists' code of professional ethics and personal ethics to engage in defensive behavior in which they put down people they have dealt with on a professional basis.  It is very highly frowned upon by people with credentials like Dr. Pepper.  She may be a bit of a kook but she is a real professional, not like those other two.

  • Love 4

If the allegations are true and the women want to sue, then what?  How much money do these women have to hire a lawyer?  What if the network keeps this in court for years?  A lawsuit might be worth it, but what if they don't have the time, money or patience for a lawsuit? 


I think Davina has the money, plus she seems pissed off enough to do it.  Not sure this would be true of the other two.

  • Love 2

Now I am suspicious about the producers of this show so it could be a coincidence but I do find it funny that they are filming the S3 weddings right now just before it all blows up at the reunion apparently. Better gets the next lot of suckers locked down before they watch the upcoming train wreck.


You're not the only person who's had that thought!

  • Love 2

I have a feeling that these experts were under contract.  Maybe they signed a contract for two or three seasons.  After last season the network and the producers didn't want the show to stay off the air for too long, so the experts were probably pushed to speed up the process of interviewing prospective candidates.   That meant they had to quickly find people; maybe it was easier to find women but harder to find men, so they cut corners in finding the men.  Perhaps they cut corners during the interview process; and what they wound up with were six mismatched people.


If the experts are under contract, they can't publicly say that the entire show is bullshit; they have to tow the party line.  As for a TV show putting someone's life in jeopardy, I can see that happening because business today is all about making money NOW, without caring about the long term consequences.  As long as the network and producers make money, they'll consider the show a success.


I think that's one reason a true professional would see working on a show like this as causing a potential conflict of ethics and interests, given that they supposedly answer to a higher set of principles when working with people in a professional context than a reality show would allow them.  The producers of the show don't give a crap how changing things around in season two presented such conflicts for the experts.  But the experts made their bed when they signed on to a reality show and let the producers tell them what they should do instead of their own principles.  I can't see how they could have expected not to be forced to compromise professional principles if they were on a reality show, though.  Unless they bought the BS the producers sold them about it not being a reality show but a "social experiment".  The experts were probably just as much fooled by this as the women were, but I consider it the lowest of the low for them to throw the women, especially Davina, under the bus in order to save their own reputations.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 3

Wow fast response or coincidence Dr C again



I would like to preface this post by stating that in my opinion, we (the experts) are ultimately 100% accountable and responsible for the matches we make on MAFS.   After all, we are the ones who chose to put these couples together.

With that said, I think it’s fair to say that a considerable amount of responsibility and accountability should be placed on all of the participants when it comes to assessing how they navigated these marriages.  I would like to make it very clear that when it comes to my personal assessment of accountability and responsibility with regard to how both Sean and Davina navigated their relationship, I attribute EQUAL responsibility when it comes to how that relationship evolved, and ultimately devolved and combusted.  I think they both, in their own and very different ways, contributed equally to many of the problems and issues that emerged between them. 

I certainly have my issues, struggles, and frustrations with each of them, for very different reasons.   Certainly some of these frustrations are more potent than others, but I feel compelled to clarify again very clearly that my opinion is that they both made their own contributions to the troubles that emerged.

Contrary to many accounts in other venues, I do not “side with Sean†or “against Davina.† In fact, on this very forum (posted on 4/28/15) I rather strongly defended all of the participants, including Davina, against what I considered to be very inappropriate criticisms and treatment on social media.  I certainly have specific issues in which I am much more aligned with Sean, and others with Davina.

I would also add that an important part of my role as the expert psychologist is to share my opinions and analyses of each of the participants and the trajectories of the relationships.  The opinions that I share represent just that, my opinions based on my knowledge of all the assessments, the journeys of the couples through the experiment, and my knowledge of what goes on “behind the scenes.â€

Regarding the issue of Davina’s deal-breaker of living in Manhattan.  The exact quote from Davina’s questionnaire section on Deal-Breakers is:

“I need to live in Manhattan.â€

When we started to see what we felt to be a match with Sean and Davina, and identified the potential problems with geographical locations, we followed up with Sean and asked him if he would be open to moving or traveling if a match was found for him and this was an important issue.  Sean stated that he would be open to moving or traveling if a match was found for him and location was an important issue.

I can absolutely see and understand Davina’s frustration with clearly and specifically stating this deal breaker, and then later hearing from Sean that he was not willing to move.  She was clear.  So was Sean. And he did change his mind or go back on his word in a very literal sense.  For this, I place full accountability on Sean.

However, I do not think Davina is free of accountability here.  Davina did not state that her deal breaker was remaining on the UES.  Sean clearly did not know NYC, and acquiesced to allow Davina to choose the location of the interim apartment.  I think Sean has some accountability in allowing that decision.  Davina, however, chose an interim apartment on the UES that was only a few blocks away from both her old apartment (which was for sale at the time), and her new apartment, which was under construction for renovation.

Making the choice to live in an interim apartment that was literally less than a five-minute walk from both of her apartments is where I really struggle.  Sean’s commute to his three consecutive 12-hour shifts in NJ often turned out to be almost two hours.  Davina, who loves NYC and knows it like the back of her hand, certainly was aware that if she chose an interim apartment on the West Side of Manhattan near one of the bridges or tunnels to NJ, Sean’s commute time could have easily been reduced by 45 min or more.

So, even with regard to this OFTEN discussed topic, I personally feel that both Sean and Davina have equal responsibility for the problems and issues it caused.

 From http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=352#c2498332050


Notice the


Contrary to many accounts in other venues, I do not “side with Sean†or “against Davina

Edited by crazychicken
  • Love 2

Dr C actually posted here first if you look in the first seasons forum at the start he made a few posts. When people ask him to prove himself he disappeared however he made a few references on the baby board early on to stuff we were discussing here so I suspect he lurked.


He has posted numerous times that he posts on that board as they are 'insightful' and look deeper into why the participants act like they do. Now in my opinion it is because they tow the line with his 'expert' opinion early this season people were posting that Sean seemed fake he came in did a huge defence post and then a slam Davina post and like magic Sean was a hero.

They've got newborns, they're too exhausted to over think, analyze, or point out his bad spelling.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 8

All the clueless people on Facebook are saying that posts with links to these forums have been taken down. I don't see some of my posts either. Boy is this true! Better than the show



This just gets better and better.  Better even than thinking Ryan and Jessica would be sexy together!  


I don't think they can take the road of ignoring the "rumors" (riiiight). They probably got word from Lifetime to shut it down and come into my office right now.  

  • Love 1

OMG, it sounds like either Dr. C is reading this board or is being fed quotes from this board!  Sounds like the Dr. is unraveling under the pressure of being accused of siding with Sean and being unfair to Davina.  He's losing his composure and becoming overly wordy.  Plus, he's not convincing me of Davina's responsibility in the moving issue.  In fact, he's making me more convinced than ever that what we have been saying here about Sean misrepresenting himself is true.  I don't see why he insists on putting blame on Davina when that's not the issue - Whatever issues Davina may have are irrelevant and secondary to the primary culpability that Sean has in misrepresenting himself to the show and the experts.  The "good Dr." just doesn't want to admit that he was fooled.

  • Love 8

Oh I'm certain he reads this board. On previous boards on this page - cast members pop in and out. I'm certain the cast probably reads this board. That said. I actually find Dr. Logan and Dr. C totally pathetic creatures. They clearly have bigger egos than their bought and paid for PhD's can handle. Plus I'm not sure what a sexologist has to do with matching. Any who - I think they are both utterly embarrassed and know this show is totally derailing their credibility. We know they are nothing more than fame whores than legit therapists. Most therapists I know are bound by ethics that preclude them from discussing the personal lives of clients and patients

  • Love 5

While I was laying in bed with insomnia early this morning, I was thinking about the insider info that was posted here yesterday.


I found myself thinking that some of the info about Ryan and Jacklyn sounded like it might have some substance (ie, Ryan hooking up with an old girlfriend). The reason....when I think about Jacklyn's repeated THs about how she isn't ready to let her walls down again... it makes much more sense that she would say that in response to him hooking up with a girlfriend rather than him simply pulling away a bit and missing his fambly.


I couldn't understand why she kept talking about how hard it was to let her walls down (or whatever phrase she used). But if he was cheating on her... then it would make perfect sense.

  • Love 6

P.S. - I don't think it would have made any difference to Sean if Davina agreed to an apartment on the Upper West Side.  He just didn't want to be in Manhattan, period.  And I'm sure Davina knew that and asked herself why she should care to make this guy more comfortable when he's clearly not on board with the process anyway.  He even admitted he wasn't on camera!  As far as I'm concerned all bets were off once she realized that.  I believe whoever said that the reason Davina cried on that sleigh ride is because she knew already that Sean was completely checked out.  And I was someone who defended him originally on that, but I realize now there was more to it than I ever knew.  I can't blame a girl for reacting the way she did if it was obvious to her that this guy was not into her, the process, the location, or anything about being married.  Whatever issues she has after all that becomes apparent deserve to be forgiven, IMHO.  How could she possibly have a good attitude after she realized all that?  And then Dr. C. even tried to convince her that she was seeing red flags that weren't there!!  All he ever wants to do is make this about her when that's not the primary issue!  Oh, and P.P.SS. - I doubt that if Davina had bent over backward for Sean it would have made any difference.  She just brought the inevitable to a head before she got in too deep.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 8

This talk about everyone suing is exhausting. When something doesn't go as you please SUE!  ugh  


These people have nothing to sue about and I am sure their contract covers law suits in detail.   Public embarrassment is so much better!  Expose the underbelly and write a book, fiction of course! 


i love all of this so much more than anything on TV right now.  Between this show and UnReal I am in TV heaven.  

  • Love 3

OMG, it sounds like either Dr. C is reading this board or is being fed quotes from this board! Sounds like the Dr. is unraveling under the pressure of being accused of siding with Sean and being unfair to Davina. He's losing his composure and becoming overly wordy. Plus, he's not convincing me of Davina's responsibility in the moving issue. In fact, he's making me more convinced than ever that what we have been saying here about Sean misrepresenting himself is true. I don't see why he insists on putting blame on Davina when that's not the issue - Whatever issues Davina may have are irrelevant and secondary to the primary culpability that Sean has in misrepresenting himself to the show and the experts. The "good Dr." just doesn't want to admit that he was fooled.

  • Love 1

While I was laying in bed with insomnia early this morning, I was thinking about the insider info that was posted here yesterday.


I found myself thinking that some of the info about Ryan and Jacklyn sounded like it might have some substance (ie, Ryan hooking up with an old girlfriend). The reason....when I think about Jacklyn's repeated THs about how she isn't ready to let her walls down again... it makes much more sense that she would say that in response to him hooking up with a girlfriend rather than him simply pulling away a bit and missing his fambly.


I couldn't understand why she kept talking about how hard it was to let her walls down (or whatever phrase she used). But if he was cheating on her... then it would make perfect sense.



Yes, that was it.   Never thought about that until you mentioned it.  And also the reason Ryan didn't bother to call her on her business trip.  It is fun to do an autopsy now knowing what went down.  I am taking all the spoilers as truth with possible exaggeration.  There is a grain of truth in each anecdote, has to be.  No other explanation for why they are shutting down and disappearing on twitter.  


Oh god, this is all just so good.  So good.  

  • Love 7
However, I do not think Davina is free of accountability here.  Davina did not state that her deal breaker was remaining on the UES.  Sean clearly did not know NYC, and acquiesced to allow Davina to choose the location of the interim apartment.  I think Sean has some accountability in allowing that decision.  Davina, however, chose an interim apartment on the UES that was only a few blocks away from both her old apartment (which was for sale at the time), and her new apartment, which was under construction for renovation.

Making the choice to live in an interim apartment that was literally less than a five-minute walk from both of her apartments is where I really struggle.  Sean’s commute to his three consecutive 12-hour shifts in NJ often turned out to be almost two hours.  Davina, who loves NYC and knows it like the back of her hand, certainly was aware that if she chose an interim apartment on the West Side of Manhattan near one of the bridges or tunnels to NJ, Sean’s commute time could have easily been reduced by 45 min or more.



This is the only thing I kind of agree with him about, because I thought about the UWS as well, easier access to NJ.  But I also think that Sean was so against living in Manhattan period that he wouldn't have wanted the Upper West Side either.


I mean Davina was honest about where she needed to live, Sean wasn't.  Sean knew the promotion was a possibility, that's why Davina was pissed off when he mentioned it to her.  Sean knew he couldn't be out of NJ, so why lie and say that you can move?  That's why Davina was pissed, heck I was pissed when I found out about the promotion.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 2

I'm laughing at Dr. C. Just laughing at him.



OMG, it sounds like either Dr. C is reading this board or is being fed quotes from this board!  Sounds like the Dr. is unraveling under the pressure of being accused of siding with Sean and being unfair to Davina.  He's losing his composure and becoming overly wordy.  Plus, he's not convincing me of Davina's responsibility in the moving issue.  In fact, he's making me more convinced than ever that what we have been saying here about Sean misrepresenting himself is true.  I don't see why he insists on putting blame on Davina when that's not the issue - Whatever issues Davina may have are irrelevant and secondary to the primary culpability that Sean has in misrepresenting himself to the show and the experts.  The "good Dr." just doesn't want to admit that he was fooled.




If he weren't so relentlessly defensive, I'd feel bad for him being conned by the producers. But he's so intent on being right that it's turned into a huge joke.


People who are wrong or who make mistakes are best off admitting it. When they don't, they just look like buffoons. I would have hoped that a professional with Dr. C's credentials would know that, but evidently not.

  • Love 9

I'm laughing at Dr. C. Just laughing at him.






If he weren't so relentlessly defensive, I'd feel bad for him being conned by the producers. But he's so intent on being right that it's turned into a huge joke.


People who are wrong or who make mistakes are best off admitting it. When they don't, they just look like buffoons. I would have hoped that a professional with Dr. C's credentials would know that, but evidently not.



YES! And isn't this grand?!  He is digging his hole deeper and deeper.  

  • Love 4

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