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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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See this is something I was wondering...why was it that people only looked into David's past but they weren't digging into the other's to see if they had some deep dark skeletons in the closet? It just really makes it obvious who started the stuff about David though. Otherwise if they hadn't post stuff about him would anyone had bothered digging for things? Yet here it is that Sam is now accused of something and we don't know what. With her, it honestly doesn't surprise me if she has been arrested for anything at all before. Did they say what she was arrested for? Where are all the people that were on David's ass about his and why weren't they on her's too? 

   Oh and there it is..the start of her now wanting more than those horrible 15 mins. by writting about other shows. *GAG* Who thought that was a bright idea to let her do anything beyond her time on the show? 

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I still can't get over how this show can't seem to find people without a record.  Oh well, so what?  We knew she probably smoked weed anyway.


It's not that they can't find people without a record, it's that they can't find people without a record who want to be on TV marrying a stranger at first sight.  Most famewhores might go on a show like "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette" but I bet a lot of them wouldn't want to go on a show where they have to legally marry someone.  Then the show has to find people who look good on camera and the pool get shallower and shallower. 

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But I wonder if there are other charges that were lodged against Sam at another time?

The radar online article linked above goes into a lot of detail concerning what Sam told the arresting officer, the court, the excuses she used concerning her job and school obligations, her remorse for involving her younger brother in the joyride and ruining his Florida vacation. Her statements seem to admit her guilt, IMO.

Yet she's on Twitter now saying that the charges were dismissed because they were bogus. The drug charges WERE dismissed a year later, not because they were baseless, but because Sam completed a Deferred Prosecution Program of community service and substance abuse education. If she hadn't participated in the program, she could have gotten jail time.

March 30

... look the FBI and State have my finger prints cause I was a banker. I worked for the District Attys office in the homicide unit....if these charges meant sh*t I wouldn't have been able to do ANY OF THOSE THINGS-EVER! They were dismissed and dropped 4 a reason!


Her LinkedIn doesn't mention the work exp in Homicide and the DA. I think Sam is disingenuous and manipulative but it's her life. She still mentions Neil in her tweets, tells us where he's traveling right now, and she's blogging for Mrrealhousewife. She's hungry to keep her 15 mins going.

I still think MAFS is not doing its due diligence in checking backgrounds of its finalists. But that's jmo, of course.

Edited by sleekandchic
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There you go Sam was arrested at 19 for marijuana and paraphernalia possession, a pretty common mistake I would say.


Maybe so IF she did not have her underage brother in the car along for the ride. 


But I wonder if there are other charges that were lodged against Sam at another time?

The radar online article linked above goes into a lot of detail concerning what Sam told the arresting officer, the court, the excuses she used concerning her job and school obligations, her remorse for involving her younger brother in the joyride and ruining his Florida vacation. Her statements seem to admit her guilt, IMO.

Yet she's on Twitter now saying that the charges were dismissed because they were bogus. The drug charges WERE dismissed a year later, not because they were baseless, but because Sam completed a Deferred Prosecution Program of community service and substance abuse education. If she hadn't participated in the program, she could have gotten jail time.

Her LinkedIn doesn't mention the work exp in Homicide and the DA. I think Sam is disingenuous and manipulative but it's her life. She still mentions Neil in her tweets, tells us where he's traveling right now, and she's blogging for Mrrealhousewife. She's hungry to keep her 15 mins going.

I still think MAFS is not doing its due diligence in checking backgrounds of its finalists. But that's jmo, of course.


Funny how she doesn't understand taking responsibility for anything at all. She made a bunch of excuses up to try to get out of having it and why and then now says it didn't happen like that. What a joke. Be frickin honest for once. I do wonder now how many other things have happened with her. She has come across as someone that has massive issues so I wouldn't be surprised if she has a ton more skeletons in her closet that the show should have come across and seen to not put her on the show. She is a true narcissist. Manipulating is something they love to do if it gets them what they want in the end. I am doubting she ever worked for the homicide and the DA job. And the bank is just not going to want someone that be a risk of theft or anything really bad in their background. Wonder what other jobs she has had in her head. LOL 

   Hopefully one day she will stop bringing Neil up and others will stop trying to get them back together again. She needs to go away and quite coming off so desperate for fame. I would never watch anything with her ever again after this mess. 


Agree the show needs to do a better job on background checks.

Edited by Evil Queen
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It's not that they can't find people without a record, it's that they can't find people without a record who want to be on TV marrying a stranger at first sight.  Most famewhores might go on a show like "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette" but I bet a lot of them wouldn't want to go on a show where they have to legally marry someone.  Then the show has to find people who look good on camera and the pool get shallower and shallower. 


Yeah, I guess I just don't want to believe that they have to include people with a record even so.  Then again there are a lot of people with a record these days.  It's something like 30% of all adults.  I guess I must live in a bubble because neither I nor most of my friends (and husband) have ever been arrested....That I know of, of course!  Mr. Snarklepuss thinks the police today are in general more "arrest happy" than they once were so more young people today get arrested for stuff we never would have been.  I think he has a point.

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Sam is an idiot. But I have to say where are the David haters that were so concerned about his arrest. Shouldn't there be an uproar about her arrest.

This show is so crazy they will not find willing people without records especially after the past two seasons.

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Sam is an idiot. But I have to say where are the David haters that were so concerned about his arrest. Shouldn't there be an uproar about her arrest.

This show is so crazy they will not find willing people without records especially after the past two seasons.


Maybe those that are looking into being part of this show will have to start saying someone with any kind of arrests in their pasts are a deal breaker. Of course there are those that won't care either way because they just want to be on tv and then they can act like Ashley and whine after the fact about it. Obviously this is something that needs to change. 

  And yes where are all those that called David out? I bet they will are just excusing her's. Sorry but some of us won't do that. What she did was not ok at all IMO. 

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... where are the David haters that were so concerned about his arrest. Shouldn't there be an uproar about her arrest.


The David haters had a singular and specific purpose.  They were not interested in the show like regular viewers.  When their crusade ended so did their concern.


A big mistake the David haters made was to think that by trying to make David look bad it would make Crashley look good.  Not an unusual paradox, as the more their campaign accelerated the worse Crashley looked.  

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Didn't Sean get arrested in Naples Florida?

Omg, yes! You have a great memory, Waterlilly. Seriously, what are the chances?

All these coincidences start to make a person suspicious, ja? Lol. It's like when someone here discovered that the marital-house-rental taken by one of the couples this season was owned by a personal friend of Dr Pepper.

Incestuous! Something about MAFS gets weirder and weirder to me. And all the camouflage of a "higher-calling" reality-show-that's-really-a-meticulous-social-experiment just makes it worse. Like the audience are just a bunch of suckers.

Reminds me of financial scammers and con artists who use faith and community churches to convince the trusting that their money is safe to invest with the wolves. Special place in hell, people!

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Of course it could just be cause they are both on the eastern side of the country and don't many go down south to FL to vacation? I do agree it is a bit funny though that it is the same city in FL that they both had an arrest. 

  As for Pepper, seriously do not understand why she is even around still with this show. She should have been given the boot as well. She is just as bad if not worse than the other 3 that are gone. Yet she is still there dishing out her "expert advice" on the other show and guessing the next set of MAFS. Plus did a crappy job during the reunion show as well. After having read some things on her I can't believe she was allowed to be giving advice to anyone at all and even on this show. She is such a joke. So it figures she would make sure a buddy of her's got to cash in as well on the show. 

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Wow glad I checked in here to see the latest on Sam. Another person with a record/arrest? Great job, show. Pfffftttt. Just saw on Instagram she is doing some event and speaking about cyber bullying? Good lord. She was being rude to people on social media from some reports! Maybe this is a how to on cyber bullying people rather than her speaking against it? Ha. If she really was so changed etc etc she would stay out of the limelight and focus on herself and moving on. Instead she is doing everything she can to extend her fifteen minutes. I think Neil dodged a HUGE attention seeking, pot smoking bullet and no one can convince me otherwise!

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Wow glad I checked in here to see the latest on Sam. Another person with a record/arrest? Great job, show. Pfffftttt. Just saw on Instagram she is doing some event and speaking about cyber bullying? Good lord. She was being rude to people on social media from some reports! Maybe this is a how to on cyber bullying people rather than her speaking against it? Ha. If she really was so changed etc etc she would stay out of the limelight and focus on herself and moving on. Instead she is doing everything she can to extend her fifteen minutes. I think Neil dodged a HUGE attention seeking, pot smoking bullet and no one can convince me otherwise!


She truly is one messed up narcissist. If this is true she has obviously pulled the wool over those event people's eyes and some others about who bullies who. Which is in true narcissist fashion. SMH He is very lucky to be away from her but yet if she is tweeting out what he is doing and where he is going that is not a good thing for him and his safety considering how Sam is and those nuts she has fooled on who she really is. Sorry but I will not buy she has changed ever because the second someone says or does something she doesn't like or want to hear she will go off and with SM she will tell her little minions to attack and they will. 

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I think the David Haters were really Ashley and her friends.  Not real viewers at all.  They probably created profiles here just to post.


ITA, I was going to post that myself.



Didn't Sean get arrested in Naples Florida?


I know it sounds a little too coincidental for them both to be arrested there, but isn't Naples a big Spring Break location?

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Ok, I was mainly referring to her sudden SM friendship with Sean. I realize it is a coincidence. I live in Florida, Naples is mostly snowbirds but I am sure springbreakers too. Just making conversation.

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Ok, I was mainly referring to her sudden SM friendship with Sean. I realize it is a coincidence. I live in Florida, Naples is mostly snowbirds but I am sure springbreakers too. Just making conversation.


And its a good conversation. LOL Maybe they realized they had that place in common and their arrests so they decided they were meant to be besties. 

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I just came back to this thread to report that I was at the Wigwam again last week (where Vanessa and Tre stayed).    I asked the desk clerk about the show and she said no one made a disturbance, nothing happened, but that the "married couple" looked miserable.

After reading some comments before posting, I just wanted to say that I was not part of any David hater group or had any agenda other than finding him creepy almost instantly.   Just my own lone opinions. :)

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Anyone watching the AU version?  There's a Sam-like character named Clare who was calling her match a "bitch" and had the same boorish behavior.  Unlike Sam, she was paired with an actual man who dumped her after 5 days.  It was really fun to watch. 

The "experts" are still total dicks.  They pair 2 people who live 10 hours away.

Also, I HATE this software upgrade.     

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22 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

Anyone watching the AU version?  There's a Sam-like character named Clare who was calling her match a "bitch" and had the same boorish behavior.  Unlike Sam, she was paired with an actual man who dumped her after 5 days.  It was really fun to watch. 

The "experts" are still total dicks.  They pair 2 people who live 10 hours away.

Also, I HATE this software upgrade.     

Clare was awful. Glad he had a backbone and broke up with her instead of forcing himself to stay with her.

They also paired up a couple where the guy wants kids and the girl doesn't, which you'd think is one of the fundamental things they'd ask before matching a couple. Although, somehow that couple and the couple that lives (lived? He recently moved to Sydney to be with her) 10 hours away are both still together post show, so at least the AU version has a better track record!

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5 hours ago, dom16 said:

Clare was awful. Glad he had a backbone and broke up with her instead of forcing himself to stay with her.

They also paired up a couple where the guy wants kids and the girl doesn't, which you'd think is one of the fundamental things they'd ask before matching a couple. Although, somehow that couple and the couple that lives (lived? He recently moved to Sydney to be with her) 10 hours away are both still together post show, so at least the AU version has a better track record!

Jono might be the first guy in the history of the show (any version) to express disappointment in his match's looks.  And rightly so, Clare was huge and manly.

I think Erin will be pregnant within a year.

Christie is 39 and matched with a younger man, no way she was letting go.  Although, I don't like her odds of having a healthy child at her age.  And how do you leave a farm?  Didn't he say he owned it?  I can't imagine a farm is easy to sell.

Simone is completely delusional if she thinks she'll find someone better than a younger ex-soccer player.  Let's be honest, she should be looking for an older man if she wants someone so infatuated with her that every day will be the romantic adventure she seems to feel entitled to.  Out of all of them, she's the one who did the show for fame.

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I know I am way late to the party on this one but I will be moving to Atlanta and LOVED Sam and Neil's first (and second) house. Can anyone tell me the specific neighborhood they lived in or if they by some miracle know the realtor they may have used??

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On 5/2/2016 at 7:17 AM, petalfrog said:

I know I am way late to the party on this one but I will be moving to Atlanta and LOVED Sam and Neil's first (and second) house. Can anyone tell me the specific neighborhood they lived in or if they by some miracle know the realtor they may have used??

petalfrog, I hope you are very happy in Atlanta.  It's my hometown.

I don't know specifics but I heard that Sam was working in Sandy Springs and was transferred to Dunwoody.  (Both are cities/suburbs that are north of the actual city of Atlanta, located off 285 and/or 400.)  They aren't far apart but if you're traveling on certain roads (i.e., Roswell Road; Ashford-Dunwoody Road; Mt. Vernon Road; any freeway) in rush hour traffic, it's a nightmare.  In any event, I would guess that her townhome and the first home they moved into was in the Sandy Springs general area.  Their second house looked like it possibly could have been one of the older homes around Dunwoody - - although no way was the rent $1,000.  That rent wouldn't be possible in any part of Dunwoody or Sandy Springs.  

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Atlanta is also my original hometown.  There are a lot of cute housing option available there for fairly reasonable prices.  However, as Psychoticstate said, the commute is a nightmare and should be taken into consideration.

If you are working in the burbs, go for places near by.  If in the city, you should definitely  try to stay inside the Perimeter at the very least (you will soon find out what that means).

The city is huge and very spread out.  You will also soon learn the difference between Atlanta and Metro Atlanta.

Best of luck!

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Miami is the next one then Chicago would be probably. They were starting to look for a cast for Chicago during some point of the last season if I remember right. I haven't seen a date for the next season though. Wouldn't be surprised if it isn't to far off though. Maybe after Arranged is done airing. 

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Not to sure on these new ones. She specializes in hypnotherapy supposedly and he is a pastor. Which considering we really never hear much talk about anyone's religion or if they believe in one I would think it would be best to leave that stuff out of things unless these people/couples are strong into their religion. IMO It could be a little insulting to some having that pushed at them. We did see much of anything from the last so called spiritual adviser so it just seems pointless. I also saw a comment of someone asking about him being on Little Women. If so is this guy just trying to make the reality show rounds? I honestly wish Pepper was gone as well and someone else brought in. She is horrible at what she claims to do. Hopefully these other 2 aren't so bad but we shall see I guess. 

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18 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Wow!  Is Dr Pepper just really short or are the other two giants?

I had the same thought!  I don't think she's shorty-short-short (like me, I'm only 4'9"), merely the shorter side of average, so if the other two were even just a little tall, they'd tower over her.  They should have gotten the poor lady a box or something!

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That other lady is a hypnotherapist?  Maybe she should have been here to hypnotize Ashley into liking David! I'm okay with Dr. Pepper as she does seem to genuinely care about the cast or whatever they're called.  Not sure about pastor dude and what he can provide. 

 I'm not a big Steve Harvey fan but it would be hilarious to have him as one of the advisors. Or Dr. Phil to cut through the bullshit. 

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2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

That other lady is a hypnotherapist?  Maybe she should have been here to hypnotize Ashley into liking David! I'm okay with Dr. Pepper as she does seem to genuinely care about the cast or whatever they're called.  Not sure about pastor dude and what he can provide. 

 I'm not a big Steve Harvey fan but it would be hilarious to have him as one of the advisors. Or Dr. Phil to cut through the bullshit. 

For me after last season and her falling for all Sam's BS and even not calling out Ashley for her BS too, I just felt she should go too. As it is I felt that moving it to another state as it was they should have just gone with 2 or 3 new ones and the same with each state change. Might have freshened it up a bit...if that is possible. LOL 

  LOL about hypnotizing Ashley...she is so cold and dead inside that it probably wouldn't have worked. I am wondering why they would pick that lady though as an "expert" since that is what she is specializing in as she says. Really anyone can claim to be an expert on communication and relationships but it doesn't make them one. What I wish we knew is those saying such things, what their background is on their own relationships and how they really communicate in them. 

  I can't stand Dr. Phil actually and think he is a joke but heck even I will have to say he isn't as much of a joke as the so called "experts" we have had on this show at this point. I still think most of us viewers would do a better job of betting the "experts" on the show then the ones they seem to end up with. LOL 

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On 4/27/2016 at 9:18 AM, Jack Sampson said:

Anyone watching the AU version?  There's a Sam-like character named Clare who was calling her match a "bitch" and had the same boorish behavior.  Unlike Sam, she was paired with an actual man who dumped her after 5 days.  It was really fun to watch. 

The "experts" are still total dicks.  They pair 2 people who live 10 hours away.

Also, I HATE this software upgrade.     

Where can we watch it? Any US channels?

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1 hour ago, ethalfrida said:

Where can we watch it? Any US channels?

The one in AU, you would have to find a place to watch it online. I have tried to in the past but gave up because the sites people were saying they used never worked for me. 

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On 4/27/2016 at 11:18 AM, Jack Sampson said:

Anyone watching the AU version? 

I've watched both seasons and I like the show better than this one. There was a Clare on both

seasons.  Season 1 Clare was the worst bride on any of the shows (I've seen MAFS UK too).

Jono had his own faults. He blew up over every minor irritation.  Clare was tall, big boned and

had a fuller figure.  She was also very pretty.  She wasn't Jono's type, but saying "oh shit" when

he first saw her gave me a bad opinion of him that never changed. 

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I just saw a promo for the next season, starting late July.  All of the faces shown looked extremely - ordinary.  Not a one looked like a potential model or actor hoping for exposure.  Of course, the people shown may not even be a part of the season . . .

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This show's biggest problem is absolutely finding people who are even somewhat sincere about this, and avoiding famewhores who just want to be on TV. Well, that and their so-called experts. 

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1 hour ago, cardigirl said:


Well, this is interesting.  Is this to replace the #BlackLove show that was cancelled?  

I gotta hand it to the creators of MAFS - they've now got a show with a built-in spinoff, because there's not a chance that most, if not all, of these couples are going to need "Second Chances!"

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On 6/24/2016 at 10:07 AM, okerry said:


This show's biggest problem is absolutely finding people who are even somewhat sincere about this, and avoiding famewhores who just want to be on TV. Well, that and their so-called experts. 

It like a chicken and egg situation.  People who are sincere about marriage will not go on the show, because of the awful track record.  They really blew their chances on the second season when they felt like the few bachelors they had were not "camera worthy" and then hired some prettier boys, who really were not interested in being married.

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