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S11.E09: Opening Up Is Hard To Do

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It bothers me that Christina always has her head up, hardly looking down, like she is royalty or something. Her nose is always up in the air in a conceited way.   I think Henry should have been matched with Bretts wife, the nurse.  She seems like she would be more sympathetic to his shyness and not belittle him.

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OMG - are they still insisting that Henry needs to be aggressive???? I wrote that the first time they used that word. NO, you do not want an aggressive person as a partner. What is wrong with them? Assertive, initiating, perhaps, but NOT AGGRESSIVE! (The show doesn't start here for another 3 hours, so I just read this board to see if it is worth watching).

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One more thing, lol.  Christina is complaining she has to do all the work, and it’s not 50/50.  So what?  I’m married forever and my husband never once planned a trip.  I plan where we are going, am the navigator as he is bad with directions, I do most of the housework, cook, bills, and don’t mind.  But, he built a room for our daughter in the attic, takes care of the car as I hate putting gas in, and does the things I hate to do.  I take care of certain things and he takes care of certain things, and everything works.  He has done things for me if I ask and is dependable.  What does this girl want?  She doesn’t know zip about marriage and should shut the hell up. Everything is not about you Christina.  Henry didn’t get married to become your slave.  She is a spoiled brat.  There are no rules on what each partner should do.

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Well, @Silver Bells, since ChristinA has said that all of her expectations and ideas about relationships come from TV and movies, she has definite ideas of rules and roles, starting with her husband coming home every day bringing her flowers and kissing her madly. She needs to watch Lifetime movies that feature abusive, creepy husbands and step away from the Hallmark channel.

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Christina, just in case you couldn’t tell, Henry’s reaction to your news was what a lot of people view as kind and empathetic.  Say it with me slowly: k-i-n-d.  Medication or not, you treat him like shit and that’s not something that a prescription can cure.  I hope he leaves you cold when this is over.

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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9 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Going off your ADD medication was probably not a good idea when getting married on a reality show. smh. 

Yeah, & I think ChristinA is full of shit. So many people, young & old, take ADD meds. I have a 50 something yo friend who just started them. She also wasn't bitchy & impatient before starting them.

If ChristinA's going after a sympathy lay from Henry that ain't happening.

Edited by gonecrackers
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2 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Can anyone with ADD give some insight on what Christina is experiencing? 

I don’t have ADD but worked in Pharmacy for 15 years. It depends what she was taking. Hard to say what she’s experiencing because everyone reacts different when they go off a medication, plus it depends on how long she was taking the med too. 

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28 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Yeah, & I think ChristinA is full of shit. So many people, young & old, take ADD meds. I have a 50 something yo friend who just started them. She also wasn't bitchy & impatient before starting them.

If ChristinA's going after a sympathy lay from Henry that ain't happening.

Yes and yes!  I am 12 minutes into tonight’s show and ChristinA is a total liar face liar.  Gross.  Henry is responding well but deep down I am hoping he sees through it, as well.

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27 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Brett is such a condescending prick.

I wonder if he’s not used to talking about his feelings because of the family he grew up in. I can’t imagine his loud, sarcastic family encouraged showing any vulnerabilities at all. It may have been seen as a weakness. 

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I don't ever like to make light of people's mental health issues. But when Christina came in and started her announcement to Henry just her stance and presence - I thought she was going to tell him she's a zombie 

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1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

That can of Lysol wipes on the counter will be a precious commodity very soon. 

I cringed when Henry casually pulled not one but two paper towels off the rack and just smudged them like they aren’t made of gold

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Oh, Karen, do you know how many women would kill to have a man who actually dares (or even bothers!) to share his feelings with you?  You’d better count those blessings.

ETA: Not sure I’m loving that poor, trapped baby alligator, complete with banded mouth. *sigh*

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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Uh oh, Bennett feels like he’s doing too much around the house.  “We might want to . . . uh . . . you know, clean the bathroom.”

Also, I am DYING to take this man to Target and spend about $200 getting him some basics.  Socks.  New pajamas.  Some soap to clean the bottoms of his feet.

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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I loved when Bennett said he doesn’t mind doing chores if he knows he’s supposed to. He seems more interested in cleaning than Amelia which is good since she’ll be working. Lol at the “I’ll do any chore if it doesn’t involve killing anything”. 

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

It bothers me that Christina always has her head up, hardly looking down, like she is royalty or something. Her nose is always up in the air in a conceited way.   I think Henry should have been matched with Bretts wife, the nurse.  She seems like she would be more sympathetic to his shyness and not belittle him.

I agree and have said this a couple of different times in other episodes, I also would like to see Brett with Christina ~ maybe the experts somehow got the couples mixed up in the process 🤔

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Shit Karen! The man is asking you what you like! Do you like your lady parts kissed, you like kisses on your back, having someone remove the stick out of your ass? What? What do you want? 

Miles indicating that he wants sex makes her feel "unsafe" and now she has her out.

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41 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

Let me just pray for Miles because Karen...whooo child. 

I actually kind of get where Karen might be coming from having married a Miles myself.  My late husband was an all around people pleaser too and it took me a good while to really trust he was sincere even though he totally was.  Most people are just not that giving and unselfish so it can take time to appreciate their sincerity.  I have seen her get more relaxed bit by bit over each episode.  I think they have a chance to make a great relationship over time 🤞

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What a contrast between Woody's openness in answering the exercise questions to Brett's joking around. Amani makes me smile: " I'm learning new things about my husband. He's crazy...I  like it."😂

Wow, did ChristinA and Henry have a breakthrough? I like Henry's calm demeanor. 

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Unfiltered: Henry, Woody, Miles, JamieO

Henry is chatty...for him.

Woody shrug dances at the beginning of the SecondBlock back from commercial...Riding the pony dance coming back from a commercial.

Hen’s +Chins’ fight is discussed...she’s nitpicking Henry is the verdict.

Miles’ 10 relationships really meant 3 or 4 serious ones....inquiring minds wanted to know and Miles clarified

Woody and Miles giving each other Sheepish looks watching Henry’s walking away scene...

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32 minutes ago, endure said:

I actually kind of get where Karen might be coming from having married a Miles myself.  My late husband was an all around people pleaser too and it took me a good while to really trust he was sincere even though he totally was.  Most people are just not that giving and unselfish so it can take time to appreciate their sincerity.  I have seen her get more relaxed bit by bit over each episode.  I think they have a chance to make a great relationship over time 🤞

I actually made that ⬆️ response before I saw the interaction they shared in the kitchen, I feel like Miles stepped over the line there, he just lost points with me, hope he can amend and do better, she didn't need that kind of pressure IMO.

Edited by endure
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