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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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4 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

This. I recall Tyler finally talking about this on the feeds. From what I pieced together (which may not be 100% with the stars and cross talk and Tyler usually stops talking when someone else starts so as not to be rude and over talk—he doesn’t get a chance to say his whole thoughts often with Cody and Dani and Christmas and whomever jumping in), is that he was first cast on that competition show that was on for one season where he had a crossover with BB20. Then Robyn Kass started talking to him about Big Brother and they wanted him for that. I think at that point is when he actually went and watched a full season of the show, like BB16 or something. Somebody said, I thought they said you were a super fan? And he said well since I had watched a season they said that he should say that so that fans know he watched the show. He said before being cast on that indoor Wipeout type show, he didn’t really know much about Big Brother, but then he started watching knowing he was going to be on. I had like 8000 questions that I wanted to ask and know and of course these HGs were just like “oh” and didn’t ask him ANY follow up 😑😐. He was annoyed that he didn’t do better on that other show. It was filmed before Big Brother obviously, then they used him as a teaser to try to get the BB audience to crossover watch the show after people started to really like Tyler as a fan favorite from the start of BB20. The show didn’t last. I only watched the episode that Tyler was on.

@peachmangosteen and many others, watching this show without your posts is something that I have not experienced and don’t want to do!! 😢 It’s been so many years! There were many years that I didn’t post much at all, yet I always read what you all are writing. Both my parents were ill the last few years and I had trouble watching and engaging at all in BB19, 20, 21. They both passed last year and it has been difficult. Getting in to BB again and keeping up with all of the posts from everyone has helped me through this time of strange isolation Covid world. I understand that some need to peace out. Please know how much each of you are appreciated and I will look forward to seeing you on some other boards.

Christmas did not get a basket. She was carrying stuff for Memphis or Tyler from the storage room. 

Erika Landin said in an interview with RHAP earlier in the season that she met Tyler during the casting of BBOTT. 

I could be completely wrong about this, but I think Tyler said he started watching during BB10? There are photos on his instagram of him trying out for BB18...I think.

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1 minute ago, choclatechip45 said:

Erika Landin said in an interview with RHAP earlier in the season that she met Tyler during the casting of BBOTT. 

I could be completely wrong about this, but I think Tyler said he started watching during BB10? There are photos on his instagram of him trying out for BB18...I think.

Yes! I recall now that he said his first casting was for BBOTT. I knew I was not 100% with the full story. He may have said he watched BB10, but I don’t believe him. He had no idea who Keesha or Kevin was. He recognized Enzo, but didn’t know him as a character. He was not watching until at least the mid teens. Even then it is spotty. He is not familiar with the HGs style of play from previous seasons. 

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2 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Ian - he said he wouldn't vote for a former winner but he's in love:  Nicole > Cody > Enzo > Memphis

Davonne - She said she'd vote for front stabbers not back stabbers: Enzo> Memphis> Cody> Nicole

Kevin-  He was leveraging his jury vote: Enzo> Memphis> Nicole> Cody

David-  he's genuinely likes anyone but Memphis  but closest to Enzo.: Enzo > Cody >Nicole> Memphis

Dani - she's butt hurt but who are we kidding?:  Cody > Nicole > Enzo > Memphis --- (actually Nicole might be last in that order)

Christmas - comps and alliances matter:  Memphis > Cody > Enzo > Nicole

Tyler - respects game: Cody > Enzo > Memphis > Nicole

Enzo would vote for Cody. Nicole would vote for Cody and Memphis would vote for Cody.

Just guesses so far. Cody wins against Enzo, Nicole or Memphis. 



I'd say Cody wins if he gets to F2. So once his week this week is over and he can't play in HoH, they should get him out next. But they won't. So they deserve to lose.

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11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Now Nicole is in the bathroom, crying. Cody is there to comfort her. She says she was panicking. And also, she can’t stand Christmas, Memphis or Tyler. She’s afraid Dani won’t be her friend any more. She says everyone should take her to F2 because she’s the world's worst player. 

Just when I was starting to feel sorry for her, that bolded part just makes me think she's playing a role. She thinks acting like this will garner pity.

11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Well, as much as Mother Angela can feel emotion, anyway. So like a vague irritation. Ish. 

Where did the "Mother" moniker come from? Does Tyler actually call her that??😬

35 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

Christmas did not get a basket. She was carrying stuff for Memphis or Tyler from the storage room. 

Like the good minion she is.

So, do they just have the families write letters ahead of time and keep them on ice for these occasions? What about the special foods they get? 

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I've been tied up in meetings and couldn't post until now.

Chuckey, TN (Memphis) has been up for a while and currently he is folding the gray Linus blanket at the foot of his bed. WRONG - that was Cody folding the gray Linus blanket. But Chuckey is up - I saw him before the start of my last meeting. Chuckey has another chain of his restaurant in Chuckey, TN called Chuckey Chunks and Dave. Mmmmm! Featuring pink pork and chicken with mysterious sauces! There is a competition to name the sauce of the day and the winner gets a $10 gift certificate to Chuckey Chunks and Dave or Fat Chunks and Dave. The Head chef is Raven from Raven Hill, TN. 

Chuckey is in the kitchen chatting with Enzo.

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3 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Is the jury house on Youtube, sort of like Ponderosa is? 

No, but I assume they’ll put up a clip for the segment from the live show. I think they occasionally put up clips from jury on there also that don’t air on the show, like when they do their stupid paintings lol.

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1 hour ago, Lamima said:

I'd say Cody wins if he gets to F2. So once his week this week is over and he can't play in HoH, they should get him out next. But they won't. So they deserve to lose.

I agree. Let's go down the list as to why


Nicole: hasnt won anything, made no moves

Christmas: she irritates everyone

Enzo: hasn't won anything, made no moves (except veto)

Tyler: wanted to quit

Memphis: best contender but grumpy and irritated people


cody has his weird entitlement issues but they never seem to rub anyone in the house the wrong way. minus a few. 

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10 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

I agree. Let's go down the list as to why


Nicole: hasnt won anything, made no moves

Christmas: she irritates everyone

Enzo: hasn't won anything, made no moves (except veto)

Tyler: wanted to quit

Memphis: best contender but grumpy and irritated people


cody has his weird entitlement issues but they never seem to rub anyone in the house the wrong way. minus a few. 

Day, Ian, Kevin and even David said they liked the fact Memphis was straight up with them vs other people who weren't. That's why I think this jury will be hard to predict. The only person who I can't see winning is Christmas.

Cody- ran the game 

Memphis-upfront with people when they left

Nicole-Had good relationships with most people on the jury plus some might see it impressive if a winner gets to the final 2.

Tyler-Even though he wanted to quit the only people who seem upset about that are Day and Dani. 

Enzo-best social player this season. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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I looked at the Vikings press conference page and wondered why is Cody giving a press conference for the Vikings? then realized it was Harrison Smith. They have the same kind of look and coloring - hair, whiskers, hoodie - and it threw me for a minute.

Viewing choices: watch Christmas clean the kitchen or watch Enzo pick things up off the floor in his room.

Or watch Chuckey walk back and forth by the HOH room.

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Some Dani exit interviews:

Entertainment Weekly

Another interview

She feels really burned by Cody. A part of me feels bad for Dani. She's not a nice person. I wouldn't be friends with her in real life. But I do think she's a deeply insecure person and she's always needed the validation of a guy (at least in Big Brother) to boost her self esteem. She would never admit it but Evel Dick really boosted not only her gameplay in S8 but did give her the security she needed -- ultimately that was her dad and he wasn't going to evict her. 

You could see yesterday that she knew it was over when Tyler won but she was stung when the vote was 4-0.

I also think that so much of her identity and self-esteem are wrapped up in the BB player she was 13 years ago. Back then she was this badass challenge beast. Not being able to recreate that success in either of her returning seasons seems to eat at her.

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7 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Some Dani exit interviews:

Entertainment Weekly

Another interview

She feels really burned by Cody. A part of me feels bad for Dani. She's not a nice person. I wouldn't be friends with her in real life. But I do think she's a deeply insecure person and she's always needed the validation of a guy (at least in Big Brother) to boost her self esteem. She would never admit it but Evel Dick really boosted not only her gameplay in S8 but did give her the security she needed -- ultimately that was her dad and he wasn't going to evict her. 

You could see yesterday that she knew it was over when Tyler won but she was stung when the vote was 4-0.

I also think that so much of her identity and self-esteem are wrapped up in the BB player she was 13 years ago. Back then she was this badass challenge beast. Not being able to recreate that success in either of her returning seasons seems to eat at her.

Completely agree. I mentioned it in this thread that I think her whole identity is wrapped up in Big Brother. She has dated three guys from Big Brother and married one of them. Her best friend is Annie from season 12. It's super strange how both Dani and Evel Dick have their whole identity wrapped up in Big Brother. At least Dani was 20 when she went on. Evel Dick  was 40 something years old and seems to have life outside of Big Brother. No wonder why he is jealous of Rob who has made an actual business out of his podcast site doesn't get involved in the drama. 

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I don't like Cody. At all. I hate that he will win.

But listening to him right now talk to Memphis - Cody deserves the win. He is feeding Memphis everything. Memphis is eating it, licking it, rubbing his belly... He loves the shit that Cody is selling. "You were HOH man. Why wouldn't Tyler do what you want. I was like listen bro, Memphis wants David out. I can't understand why he wouldn't do what you wanted bro. You were HOH..."

I'm also disappointed in Tyler and the fact that he can't see where all this is going -- and has been going -the whole time.

Edited by Tuxcat
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Cody was just called to the Diary Room to give his nominations. Before he left HOH room he said "I better bring this f***** key."

He and Chuckey were chatting about nominations and how Christmas is bugging them, bragging about what she's won, etc. Tyler is ice in his veins.

Now we get to see Chuckey doing sit ups and other exercises outside the HOH room.

56 minutes ago, himela said:

Did anyone notice that Dani mentioned twice Tyler wanting to quit and go back to his girlfriend? In the episode the casuals saw Tyler wanting to save Day and Bey and help them with their greater cause. So I guess the casuals must be like "wtf?" with this.

Part of that segment was about him missing Angela, so I don't think it would seem completely out of the blue?

2 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

Christmas did not get a basket. She was carrying stuff for Memphis or Tyler from the storage room.

My mistake. So many comps last night, I couldn’t remember who had won what. I saw Christmas pawing through the basket on her lap and exclaiming over the contents, and I thought it was hers. She was particularly excited about the ducky socks.

2 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

He was not watching until at least the mid teens. Even then it is spotty. He is not familiar with the HGs style of play from previous seasons. 

And yet he feels qualified to dismiss “old school” play as inferior. 

59 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Why we get to see Chuckey brush his teeth I don't know. Must be the most exciting thing happening in the house.

Last night, feeds kept cutting to extended shots of Chuckey in bed, snoring. And come to think of it, it was the most exciting thing going on.

17 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I don't like Cody. At all. I hate that he will win.

But listening to him right now talk to Memphis - Cody deserves the win. He is feeding Memphis everything. Memphis is eating it, licking it, rubbing his belly... He loves the shit that Cody is selling. "You were HOH man. Why wouldn't Tyler do what you want. I was like listen bro, Memphis wants David out. I can't understand why he wouldn't do what you wanted bro. You were HOH..."

I don’t hate Cody, but because his winning would be just another boring, predictable thing in a boring, predictable season, I can’t root for it. I do agree that he is deserving, though. Watching him patiently manage Nicole’s craziness last night and bring her back to the mental state he needed her in, seeing him manipulate Dani for weeks while making her think she was manipulating him, seeming to bow down to Memphis while retaining his respect... Cody’s social game, or mental manipulation game, is second to none in the house. Rivaled only maybe by Nicole, if her helpless/needy persona that makes people want to protect her is really an act.

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15 minutes ago, Summerday said:

Am I the only one who thinks that Tyler is obviously going to win? I think the final 2 will be Tyler and Eggnog or Tyler and Cody. I think that the jury will pick Tyler to win over Cody. 

If Tyler brought Cody to the end that wouldn't be smart. It is way too risky. The only person right now on the jury who would definitely vote for Tyler over Cody is Kevin. 

So like many of us guessed at the time Dani thought Kaysar was talking about a literal love triangle


Us: You called Kaysar [Ridha] “disrespectful and tasteless” after his eviction speech. Do you think you were too hard on him at the time?

DB: When it came to Kaysar – I could be wrong – how I took his speech about a love triangle offended me. I’m happily married for almost eight years [to season 13 houseguest Dominic Briones]. Nicole has a fiancé and Cody has been in a really good relationship for five years. When I hear the word “love triangle,” that means some kind of weird thing with a guy and there’s two women who have their man. And I was super offended by it because don’t talk about my relationship. Don’t talk about my husband. I could be wrong and he meant it in a game standpoint. But when I heard that, it triggered me and you don’t get time to think. I walked right in there and I was so offended by that because you do not talk about my man. So if I did get it wrong, I truly do apologize. I think Kaysar is a great guy. I think he’s intelligent. I think he’s so kind. I think he’s so loving, but when I heard those words, that’s when it triggered in my brain and I was offended by that.



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3 hours ago, MitaJo said:

So, do they just have the families write letters ahead of time and keep them on ice for these occasions? What about the special foods they get? 

If I recall correctly - and that’s a mighty big ‘If’:

  1. Production starts off each season with one HoH basket letter on file for each HG.
  2. When a particular HG wins HoH, that letter is pulled from their file and goes into their HoH basket.
  3. Production then immediately reaches out to their authorized contact list for that HG, and gets a new letter to go on file.


42 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

And yet [Tyler] feels qualified to dismiss “old school” play as inferior. 



Um - didn’t Tyler change his tune on that a week or two ago?  Early on in the season Tyler definitely dumped on old school a bit - largely, I believe, because a certain southern metropolitan old-schooler was actively pissing Tyler the fuck off at the time - but I also seem to distinctly recall him recently saying something to the effect that the more he saw of old school play style, the more he preferred it.


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7 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Cody is telling Enzo he wants to clip Memphis because of the final 3 he made with Christmas and Enzo. 

Did you catch the moment where Cody got quiet? Enzo going on and on, yo yo'ing all over the place... and  then he said he used the Tyler/Xmas flip to his advantage to win favor with Nicole and get her vote. Cody's been real quiet since then. 

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1 minute ago, Tuxcat said:

Did you catch the moment where Cody got quiet? Enzo going on and on, yo yo'ing all over the place... and  then he said he used the Tyler/Xmas flip to his advantage to win favor with Nicole and get her vote. Cody's been real quiet since then. 

I did. Enzo keeps bringing it up too. I think Cody will clip Enzo over Memphis if those two are up at the F4 and Cody is the lone deciding vote.

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5 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Yeah I didn't think so until now. His whole face changed.

Same!! I guess Cody thinks Memphis will take him over Nicole at the F3 which is probably the wrong read. Since Memphis is sexist and will think no way will Nicole beat him. Remember he kept forgetting she won?

Edited by choclatechip45
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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

Did you catch the moment where Cody got quiet? Enzo going on and on, yo yo'ing all over the place... and  then he said he used the Tyler/Xmas flip to his advantage to win favor with Nicole and get her vote. Cody's been real quiet since then. 

Wait, am I understanding this correctly? Enzo told Cody that if Cody takes him to F2, Enzo will win Nicole’s vote instead of Cody? Because that is... not smart.

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5 hours ago, MitaJo said:

Where did the "Mother" moniker come from? Does Tyler actually call her that??😬


I started that awhile ago when we were talking about how Tyler can't function without Angela - how she has to cook for him, how she makes all the decisions, how she's the one in charge. So I started using a strikethrough Mother before her name because it's creepy and unnatural and sounds like something from one of those weird horror movies where the son is overly attached to his mother as both a parental and sexual figure. 

Also I can totally see Mother Angela smacking Tyler's hand with the wooden spoon when he tries to steal a piece of firm tofu out of the bowl while she's making his midnight snackies. 

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5 hours ago, MitaJo said:

Just when I was starting to feel sorry for her, that bolded part just makes me think she's playing a role. She thinks acting like this will garner pity.


I just realized that Nicole is playing the same game that the Mormon mom with dentures who made it to final tribal in Survivor did- lots of crocodile tears and a meek attitude. She didn't own it at the end and I don't think she got any votes at the end.

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Christmas is a raging egomaniac so I can see her going through with it. Remember when we joked that BB17's Audrey was going to have to be removed from the house on a stretcher? Or when someone from Production spilled about BB17's Austin's shoeless eviction (it was taped) where he first begged Vanessa to change her vote and then maybe threatened that he wasn't going to leave? All of those things could come true if Christmas wins the Veto, doesn't use it on herself, and finds out that she's donezo. 

ohpleaseohpleaseohplease I've been such a good girl this year, Santa.

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36 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I started that awhile ago when we were talking about how Tyler can't function without Angela - how she has to cook for him, how she makes all the decisions, how she's the one in charge. So I started using a strikethrough Mother before her name because it's creepy and unnatural and sounds like something from one of those weird horror movies where the son is overly attached to his mother as both a parental and sexual figure. 

Also I can totally see Mother Angela smacking Tyler's hand with the wooden spoon when he tries to steal a piece of firm tofu out of the bowl while she's making his midnight snackies. 

Norman Bates

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38 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

I just realized that Nicole is playing the same game that the Mormon mom with dentures who made it to final tribal in Survivor did- lots of crocodile tears and a meek attitude. She didn't own it at the end and I don't think she got any votes at the end.


1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Thank you! That was the reference I couldn't remember and went about it long-windedly because after Chenbot fucked up my drinking game, I drank all the wine anyway and now I need a cheeseburger and twenty minutes in a hot tub to recover and I have neither. 

Kinda how I felt Wed after a certain debate Tue night. Why is it always a cheeseburger?

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44 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

I just realized that Nicole is playing the same game that the Mormon mom with dentures who made it to final tribal in Survivor did- lots of crocodile tears and a meek attitude. She didn't own it at the end and I don't think she got any votes at the end.


5 minutes ago, Lamima said:



No, not Lill....it was Dawn. Yes!!!!

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1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

I just realized that Nicole is playing the same game that the Mormon mom with dentures who made it to final tribal in Survivor did- lots of crocodile tears and a meek attitude. She didn't own it at the end and I don't think she got any votes at the end.

Hopefully a psychologist won't have to accompany Nicole on the flight home like they did with Dawn. 

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