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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Xmas has The Blocker power. If the veto is used she can block herself from being the renom. If she wins the veto and uses it she can use her blocker to protect another person from being renommed as well.

I swear, the comp was played in the dark, they could have easily fucking just given it to whoever. Fuck Production.

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2 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Christmas' power is another one that won't be used. She's not in danger of being put up in the next three weeks. 

No but say that somehow, someway Dani and Franzel are on the block together and Christmas wins Veto and for some reason wants to save one of them but is worried that Tyler would be the renom. Christmas burns her power to protect Tyler, takes Franzel off the block because the world hates me, and then... David becomes renom. 

Much like Dani's power, used correctly with an ally you trust, it's not that bad. 

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Now that Tyler's game is getting exposed, and they plan to include Christmas on their plan, Christmas' power can be vital.

It's definitely better than Daniele's because it guarantees safety to her or an ally if used correctly. Daniele's doesn't guarantee anything - just increases her odds slightly that her or an ally might win HOH.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Day once again proves how stupid and bad at the game she is lol. Dumb ass believes these two. Sigh. No hope.

I honestly think Daniele was suspicious enough of Tyler/Cody/Enzo (after her talk with Enzo, and Bayleigh letting her know her name was being said) that the pieces are being put together.

Nicole, though, is playing both of them. She's 100% team Cody over Daniele. She didn't even let Daniele know she was in trouble last week.

Edited by mooses
1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

But she actually has to win the veto. She can't use the power if she doesn't, right? That means she has to be lucky enough to actually get picked and then actually win to use it. Those odds aren't great.

However, given it's 2020 and we are in the darkest timeline what you said will probably come to pass, lol. 

Christmas can use it on herself without the Veto. With the Veto, she can use it on someone else. 

Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I could see Dani actually buying into this, but Ratcole and Xmas wanna be simps for men so nothing will come of this.

Yep. Nicole being in this conversation completely destroys it. And Christmas is constantly everyone's blindspot because of her relationship with Tyler.

I don't think Daniele will be happy Tyler was playing her and making her look stupid. Nicole and Christmas prefer when guys do that to them, though.

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Nicole is telling Christmas that they told her that it was Tyler who was pitting them against each other and that they want her to backdoor him.  Nicole didn't want to tell her at first because she said she was sworn to secrecy but then she of course told her.  She told Christmas to act like Nicole didn't give her this info about Tyler.

Da'Vonne/Daniele talking about Nicole/Cody. 

Daniele: "I think they have some sort of bond, but I guarantee they are not an outside alliance, pre-gaming, anything like that."

I think Daniele's going to be surprised how often Nicole really threw her under the bus and was ready to throw her to the side.

Da'Vonne: "But if she is attached to him, she's not gonna detach. Let me give her the benefit of the doubt - Old Nicole would have detached. I don't know BB22 Nicole. I'm still getting to know her."

Never, ever give Nicole the benefit of the doubt, Da'Vonne. We've learned this together too many times.

4 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Chrsitmas says IF Tyler did do what they say, it was probably for strategic reasons. 

Yeah, duh, Christmas. That's why they're mad. Does she think they think it was just for funsies, not strategy? 

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Oof. Daniele trying to expose Tyler to Christmas. But in an actual, "Tyler is starting stuff" way, not in a Nicole, "THE GIRLS ARE COMING AFTER OUR BOYS" way.

Christmas' reaction: "We're in an alliance. I don't care if you all hate each other. We have each others' backs."

Do we think Tyler is going to be pushing for Daniele to go, now? 

1 minute ago, mooses said:

Christmas' reaction: "We're in an alliance. I don't care if you all hate each other. We have each others' backs."

I'm having flashbacks to Tommy's "If we can just get the Six back together in one room..." bullshit last season. 


2 minutes ago, mooses said:

Do we think Tyler is going to be pushing for Daniele to go, now? 


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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:


3 hours ago, Never Again said:

@Callaphera are you my Canadian twin?  Because on my local town page in NJ we were complaining about the cable company and I said that they have me on a level of hell that I never knew existed 

This was only two days ago. Just a day before you wrote this comment. You’re scaring me!

Welcome to the family. Man, Dad must've really gotten around. 


Thanks, Sis! (Or Bro?) 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Christmas bringing it all around to being all Kaysar's fault. Of fucking course. 

At this point my 3 most hated are Christmas, Enzo, and Tyler.

My three most hated are Nicole, Nicole’s voice, and Happy Holiday.  (I’m going to use that - I can’t remember who coined it but I still think it’s awesome. ).  

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