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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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23 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

You know, they can adopt.  They can take in foster children.  Why are Angela's genes so worthy of reproduction.  Besides, she's already had her turn in the reproduction game, and she didn't do that great with at least one.  It takes real skill for a woman to get convicted of a sex crime, but Angela's daughter did.  That takes some skill. 

Please tell me no foster or adoption agency would place a child with them. 

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Georgi already looks over it...omg with the wedding comments again

Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Darcy thinks her whole life is a tampon ad or something. "Give me a piggyback!"??

She's afraid the mosquitos will give her Corona? 

"Ooh, listen-sounds like wedding bells!"

She needs therapy...she repeats the cycle again and again

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3 minutes ago, Eldemarge said:

He doesn't even have a lawyer??  (He's not getting a divorce, Darce.)

Maybe he will hit up Darcey for the attorney fees.  But, I’m starting to think the relationship is a fake.

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There's a lot of truth in Darcey's fear that Georgi will like Stacey more than he likes her.

Georgi and Florian would be competing models.  Georgi's only leg up would be that he used to model in the US.  Florian's career seems to be limited to Albania.

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This whole thing, I can't. These two are so competitive and constantly undermining each other. 

Stacy's nagging Florian to fix his hair. Maybe she'll spit into a tissue and wipe his face. 

"I need to see if he's the guy for her" they both say. Who does this? You bring your boyfriend to meet your family and say "this is my boyfriend". Not "well, here he is for inspection. Is he the guy for me?"

A lovely picnic amid the goose shit. Charming. 

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Just now, TazDevil said:

It must be exhausting to be around Darcey and Stacey.

I'm exhausted and I'm just watching them. 

"What have you been doing?"

"I've been having sex with my boyfriend, you?"

"I've been having sex with my boyfriend too. LOTS of sex. All day and in every room of the house!"

"He's my boyfriend and we do all the normal boyfriend and girlfriend things. We eat strawberries in bed and we have sex!"

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

I'm exhausted and I'm just watching them. 

"What have you been doing?"

"I've been having sex with my boyfriend, you?"

"I've been having sex with my boyfriend too. LOTS of sex. All day and in every room of the house!"

"He's my boyfriend and we do all the normal boyfriend and girlfriend things. We eat strawberries in bed and we have sex!"

The house is a studio apartment. One room and maybe a bathroom. Vapid and vacant. The bathroom would be vacant.

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These two spend a lot of time hanging their idiotic expectations on others. Stacy is upset because Florian didn't drop his bags and run to her arms at the airport. She's mad because of what Darcy wore to the picnic. Darcy thinks Georgi should give her a piggyback. Do they ever just accept anything as it is? 

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1 minute ago, Squee Bastard said:

Darcey is eating this up.

She's loving every second. Do these two ever do anything that isn't Dramatic? 

Darcy: And now I'm the one with a boyfriend and she isn't. 

Woman in the background rushing to remove her child from Florian's orbit. 

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