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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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21 hours ago, Denize said:

You could start calling the grandkid Sweetie Darling, if it fits

I call him My Little Munchkin!

Something I have been meaning to ask for a while.  Why is Phillis called red?  Its total brass to me.

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2 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I think Jack started calling her that because of her hair. 

That's it.  Just like anyone who takes a look at Nick without knowing his name immediately nicknames him "Baboon Butt".

Whereas I call Will.I.am Abbott le Merde "Butt Biscuit" because it's his confirmation name.

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Does anybody else think that Phyllis looks much younger, and frankly nicer, without the false eyelashes? Sometimes I wish they would let these actresses be more natural. It’s nice to see Mariah not wearing evening wear to the coffee shop. They could lean into that a little bit.

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Sounded like Adam doesn't know Billy doesn't live at the GCAC. Not that he should care.

Guess Esther's still suffering from foot-in-mouth disease. Where did she get off talking to Sharon like that? But Sharon put up with it so, whatever.

I wasn't really feeling Esther's Barbie pink outfit either.

And of course Adam immediately assumed he's the only reason Sally and Billy hit the sheets. It was weird though that they were pretty much putting their new FWB status in his face. Why bother giving Adam the importance?

That poor GCAC waiter. He was not trying to be in the middle of some rich people one-upmanship over an overpriced bottle of sparkling wine.

After this Sharon vs. Phyllis situation is resolved, Nick might want to consider a new career in crisis management. 😉 He's been bouncing around all over town dealing with it, all hours of the day and night.

Nah, Mariah, there's a 4th option: someone "borrowed" Sharon's phone and they sent those initial texts to Phyllis for nefarious reasons.

Adam offering a sympathetic ear to Sharon was unexpected. So was his not mentioning what happened with Delia, IMO.

Hmm, Phyllis remembered a vehicle that wasn't Sharon's coming directly at her before the accident. Will she do right thing with the information? I'll take No Way, No How for $500, Alex.

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18 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Well, Ashley, Abby Lauren are all blondes.  Phyllis looks like she dumped a bottle of peroxide on her hair and dipped it in lemon Jello.

On the show I think Lauren has strawberry blonde hair, which is considered the lightest shade of red. Ashley and Abby look like bottle blondes IMO.

Phyllis' hair is also red but she looks to me like she either spends a lot of time in the sun or pool; she has her hair lightened and streaked; and/or, she uses extensions which aren't all the same shade of red.

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Nick🦍 my hero. You saved me from a car that hit a tree but never should have caught fire.  The air bag deploys but Manic Phyllis🕷️ gets a severe concussion.  Modern Luxury cars are designed not to catch fire in a head on collision which Manic Phyllis🕷️’s car does.  As we all knew, Manic Phyllis🕷️ is playing poor poor me to the hilt.  I’m so sick and tired of how Mantic Phyllis🕷️ turns on the tears to obtain sympathy. 

I’m also sick and tired of Manic Phyllis🕷️ holy than thou routine.  

Didn’t Sally and Billy👃 just confess this was revenge sex. It sounded that way to me.  Billy👃 you’re nothing more than a boil on Victor’s ass and boils can be lanced.  

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6 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Manic Phyllis🕷️ is playing poor poor me to the hilt.  I’m so sick and tired of how Manic Phyllis🕷️ turns on the tears to obtain sympathy. 

So true.  This newish tic of hers, that sob caught in her throat nonsense, usually used to punctuate another of her unhinged rants is really bugging me.  Michael could have pointed out that not so long ago, besides defending her for killing Stark, he had mourned her fake death and comforted her children.  The same children she now makes the center of yet another of her emotional circuses.

Sally missed her chance.  When Victor was standing next to her table, taunting Billy and dissing her, she was in easy reach of driving her fork deep into his crotch.

Now that would be a real Thanksgiving miracle.

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On 11/24/2024 at 2:55 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

Well, maybe Nick was kind of a villain - Cassie told him that Daniel wasn’t driving before she died and he still went schmuck hunting.

Nick was definitely the villain, but is never called out for the role he played in this. I'm surprised that no one has reminded him that despite him knowing the truth about who was driving that night, he still chased Daniel across the country. The aftermath of Cassie's death became solely about him and his pain, which was the catalyst for his tawdry affair with Phyllis. Despite all the people he hurt because of his selfish behavior, he came of it unscathed and was basically given back everything he lost, complete with a new baby daughter and wife. 

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Ah, so The Red Beast remembered the vehicle that drove into her & it looked nothing like Sharon's.  So will she still be screeching & whining to anyone near how Sharon tried to kill her?

Michael was awfully quiet when The Red Beast was pulling her guilt trip & screeching at him.  Glad to see he ain't backing down & will rep Sharon in spite of The Red Beast's hissy fits & insults.

Adam seemed sincere to Sharon, but if Show was teasing something to come btw them, she seemed to shoot that down, but who knows?

Will that be last of Cam?  We'll see.

I know we're supposed to see Esther's daffiness as charming, sweet & cute, but . . . meh, she's more silly & annoying & doesn't add much.

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Wow, Adam sure was singing a different tune about Sharon than he was in front of Nick and Victor. Jerk. 

8 hours ago, ezzylin said:

Despite all the people he hurt because of his selfish behavior, he came of it unscathed and was basically given back everything he lost, complete with a new baby daughter and wife.

I mean, in hindsight, Jack obviously dodged a really stupid bullet, but finding out Summer was his daughter was supposed to be the payoff to this hot mess. But Nick couldn’t be the bad guy. Never mind that he did, in fact, decide that he was entitled to a replacement daughter and failed to mention the original paternity test was inconclusive. The new test was rigged by crazy Sharon, so Nick was off the hook again. Even today, Mr. Hero doesn’t have the courage to flat out tell Phyllis he does support Sharon. Keeping all his options open is just more of his slimy behavior. Seems like Adam is taking after his big brother too.

Phyllis, please shut up. My family, my son, my my my my. We get it. Your kids are nothing more than extensions of your towering ego. You don’t give two fucks about either one outside of the opportunities they provide you to play victim. Also, how do you know Sharon didn’t kill Heather in self defense? Maybe Heather was aggressively trying to bore her to death. You don’t know.

Victor, the ruthless billionaire and master tactician thought Adam’s passive aggressive champagne gift to Billy and Sally was a slick move. It’s amazing he has two quarters to rub together if that kind of thing impresses him. It was kind of amusing watching Victor scold Adam like he was a toddler throwing a tantrum. 

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7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I know we're supposed to see Esther's daffiness as charming, sweet & cute, but . . . meh, she's more silly & annoying & doesn't add much.

Amen. I have disliked the character since she wore that ridiculous maid outfit. It was like some kind of bad porn. Now her unsolicited advice is grating with no Mrs. C to play off.

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Billy still hadn't packed up his office and moved out. Slacker much, William?

Then Jill had the nerve to call Billy on the day he was taking the brunt of her betrayal. Poor timing, Jill.

I guess Adam must've released those media pieces singing Nikki's praises all over the world. Quite ironic since Nikki barely considers Adam a real Newman.

Stop acting brand new, Diane. You knew Victor couldn't be trusted. You sold out Kyle for literally nothing, aka Glissade's empty shell. (Or did she? 🤔)

Claire staring at Billy with such wide-eyed fascination during his encounter with Nikki at Chancellor. What was that all about?

Not a fan of Diane's dress. IMO turquoise is not a great color for her.

I did not have Kyle humbly admitting his mistakes to Diane on my Y&R Tuesday bingo card.

Sharon seems to like green leather. Her maxi skirt today was the third piece of clothing she's worn of that color in recent memory.

Huh, I thought Jack was getting ready to reveal he'd secretly bought the pieced-out parts of Glissade for Kyle to run. Guess not.

What the what? Billy and Phyllis are going to take on Victor. Riiiight, as if Phyllis doesn't have more dire matters on her plate. And a daughter who's a Newman.

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I have to say I have Some pity for Sharon; she lost a child and the memories came flooding back with Daniel.  What I really don't appreciate that those around her have seen the breakdown for what seems like forever how people just shrug their shoulders and ignore that she is in serious trouble. maybe Mariah?  Nick.  Honestly someone should do a 5l/50 and hospitalize her immediately.  I'm surprised Michael didn't consider it.

speaking of Michael I really wish he and  Lauren get a juicy part. I like them both and wish they were front and center more.

And Diane, no girl, no.  Turquoise is NOT your color.

eta:  I loved Nikki's hair.  It looked really age appropriate  And i have had it up the yin yang with Claire's babe in the woods affect.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

I loved Nikki's hair.

Me too.  She looked terrific today.  I think Nikki is at her best when she's dealing with younger people, grandchildren, etc.  I remember how much I enjoyed her with Reed when he was still around.  She's at her least attractive when she's slathering that Slytherin husband of hers with praise after he's gotten her some new monstrosity to suffocate any remaining moral qualms his "baby" might be having.

1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

I have Some pity for Sharon

I know what you mean.  This storyline doesn't exactly play true with history, though.  It was Nick who was spoiling for vengence, not Sharon.  But that all took place before Sharon's mental health problems also became part of her character descriptor to the extent it is nowadays.

Sharon Case was good today, I thought.  Her conversation with Nick might have been good,, too, except for Nick's laughable lie that he would "never abandon" her, always stand by her, since we've watched him treat her like crap more times than I can count.  Nick's only a hero in his own mind.

Nepo baby that he is, I didn't mind Billy telling Jill off the way he did.  She's been undependable and unpredictable business-wise for a while now, and it started before she brought Billy onboard as CEO.  She had no trouble blindsiding Lily at the time.  Selling out the company from under him, after he was doing what she asked was kinda shitty. 

The best scene of the day was Billy telling off Nikki and laying out the crappy way she and Victor lied to Lily who they still profess to admire so much. 

My problem with Billy is that, as usual, he's as over dramatic as he is entitled.  He told Phyllis that by selling Chancellor, Jill had left him with nothing.  Aww, poor baby, all he's got left is more millions than he can count, a captain's hat, boat shoes and a closet full of flood pants and three-piece undertaker suits.  He defaults to self-pity at the drop of a hat the same the way Phyllis defaults to aggressive carnivore the second she's crossed.

Looks like the two of them will be teaming up to go after Victor.  That might be good, as long as it doesn't drag out too long and the brussell sprouts are kept to a minimum.  It'll be interesting to see how Jason Thompson and Michelle Stafford work together.  He hasn't worked in a big storyline with this Phyllis before, has he?

Looks like Kyle has lost his Dippity-Do and is going for an emotional flat top now that he's lost Glissade.  Pray the Soap Gods give us a well deserved break from him for the holidays.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Claire staring at Billy with such wide-eyed fascination during his encounter with Nikki at Chancellor. What was that all about?

I sometimes wonder if she has started early on Botox to prevent wrinkles. Her eye lids and smirk are about the only parts of her face that move and her dimples look like the aftermath of a Botox Smile Lift Procedure.

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Yes, Nikki, fawning propaganda from your hubster’s in-house media platform is high praise indeed. Here’s breaking news from NinPen Media: Nikki Newman wastes stylish haircut on celebrating a job she hasn’t earned and doesn’t deserve. Fuck outta here with your smug entitlement and ghoulish dancing on the grave of Billy’s corporate career. Victoria, shut your piehole about how dangerous Billy is with nothing to lose. For once in his mediocre life, he’s not the problem. Loathsome family, absolutely loathsome.

I can’t even with Jill. Billy did exactly what she asked almost immediately and she still sold the company to Victor with the most minimal of protests. No one should ever be put in this position, and by that I mean forced to defend Billy.

Oh, hey, Kyle admitted to being a giant fuckstick. What a thrilling emotional roller coaster ride that whole saga was. Even his bouffant seems let down.

Normally I’d be against Billy teaming up with Phyllis for any reason, but maybe if she’s busy with revenge against Victor, she’ll only spend 23 hours a day crowing that she was right about Sharon.

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6 hours ago, Stpauliegirl said:

Anyone else sick of Billy’s whining? Why doesn’t he try building his own business instead of expecting someone else to hand him one? He’s a bad business man who spent foolishly and embezzled money from his family’s business.

Yeah Billy's whining is annoying, and he has in the past proven to be bad at running Jabot.

However, as far as building his own business is concerned, why should Billy have to? Jack didn't, Jill didn't, none of Newman heirs did, and none of the current Winters family members did. At best they all started with foundations which already existed.

I think the only person who can claim to have built a business from the ground up is Victor. Maybe Sharon if you count her therapy practice, and also Sally if you count her design company.

I'm willing to give Billy the benefit of the doubt this time. There were a lot of forces working against him during his latest run at Chancellor, including his own mommy.

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@One Tough Cookie   Phyllis's hair used to be a lot more "red", as was Lauren's. In fact, Phyllis had a Jabot perfume created for her..."Red". Back when she and Jack...well, it's complicated...

And Lucy's secret "Scotty" ?? Lauren & her husband Scotty had a stolen son Scotty. Is this stolen son's son Scotty ?? More Soapy. More complicated. 

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Line of the day came from Red -- "OMG, that's cold, even for Jill."  Brutal.

So Nepo Baby is actually realizing he acted like a moron (no diff than he always acts) & all will be warm & fuzzy for Thanksgiving at the Abbott manse?  Whatevs, Dead Martin is still lurking around , , , 

Nikki stole Elena's 'do!  Looks nice, but the congrats scene for Mrs. Satan was too nauseous-making for me to care.

Yeah, I guess someone is trying hard for long '90's coats to make a comeback, after looking hopelessly draggy & dated for 25 years.  Other than on Nikki, I'm not seeing 'em anywhere.

Claire's timid, doe-eyed routine continues to bug . . .

OK, so Vic left Diane with a Pissade that's nothing & worthless, so he thought she'd care, but she doesn't really.  If Jackie bought the sold-off Pissade parts, maybe to bring into Jabot or dissolve, now that would surely annoy Vic.  

Uh, I don't think a team-up of Billy & Phyllis would amount to much.  They both have big dreams & ambitions, but they're both way too scattered to ever accomplish much.  And their histories prove that.  Will anything change now?  Nah, doubt it.  Still, her personality is different when she's with Billy -- she's not the screeching beast she usually is.

No, Nick is certainly no hero, and yeah, he's treated Sharon like crap over & over, a zillion times.  But I kinda admire how he's being so supportive of her -- particularly when the rest of GC'ers (except for Michael & her kids) have got the torches & pitchforks out for her.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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On 11/24/2024 at 6:07 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

Something I have been meaning to ask for a while.  Why is Phillis called red?  Its total brass to me.

On 11/25/2024 at 5:21 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

On the show I think Lauren has strawberry blonde hair, which is considered the lightest shade of red. Ashley and Abby look like bottle blondes IMO.

Phyllis' hair is also red but she looks to me like she either spends a lot of time in the sun or pool; she has her hair lightened and streaked; and/or, she uses extensions which aren't all the same shade of red.

Phyllis' hair used to be a lot redder.  Nowadays there's a lot more blonde in there.  I remember when Gina Tognoni took over the part, she made some post about turning red.

Lauren's hair, like Phyllis, nowadays it has more blonde in it.  But there was a time when it was a lot redder, and more darker red.  That's how she acquired the nickname "the Irish Setter", because her mane very much resembled the colour of the dog breed.

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Whatever, Kyle. I think Harrison should be spending some time with his real mommy today. Free Tara! 😉

Summer told Claire that Chance wasn't with her because he was working. Guess Summer didn't want to reveal the hot goss on her recent relationship status change.

Dear JG, you can spin it every day in umpteen different ways. AFAIC Victor buying Chancellor Industries as a gift to Nikki and to honor Kay is pure bovine excrement. I hate Claire is being used to prop this b.s. unless she's up to some shenanigans against the Newmans.

Oh boy, Victor had to play his "I grew up in an orphanage" guilt card, again. KMN.

Apparently Nate was not intending to introduce Audra to Amy yet--if ever. Weird though that he and Audra didn't already have plans to spend the day together.

Meanwhile, Audra was working the hell out of her bodycon dress. Pastel blue is a rather sedate color for her.

Summer seemed to be feeling a way when she watched Claire and Kyle laughing together. I thought she was over her jealousy of them. Hmm.

So Billy was willfully avoiding the Abbott Thanksgiving dinner. I hope he didn't spend the day with Phyllis.

It's okay for Adam to talk to Sharon but not for Nick to talk to Chelsea. Okay then, Adam. You've deemed yourself the gatekeeper for both women. Sure.

Who was the woman standing in the Newman house's foyer while Nikki and Victor made their big speech about family?

Re the previews for next week: Jordan is bringing her disguises and fake accents  back! Let's go!

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I have questions. If Billy had shown up for the Abbott Thanksgiving dinner, would Diane have still offered her job to Kyle? That’s some cold shit if so. Did anyone, anywhere ask Victor to tell that fucking orphanage story again? That’s even colder shit. 

Nikki, Victoria and Claire can stop patting themselves on the back for keeping it real with Victor. Sure, they express their displeasure with how he treats people, but then they practically chew through his mummy wrappings to crawl up his ass anyway. Actions talk, bullshit walks. Saying a bunch of pretty words to ease your conscience is worth about as much as Jordan’s cheap wig in the previews.

Summer is jealous of Claire and Kyle. I mean, it must have been difficult to settle for Chance when she’d partaken of the tall glass of hot dog water that is Kyle.

Ashley is definitely back to her old self.

How exciting to witness another dick measuring contest between Nick and Adam. After the way Adam talked about Sharon to Victor, I’m sure his sniffing around her now has nothing to do with Chelsea stonewalling him and catching Sally post-biscuit tasting. He really has gone from tolerable to jackass in record time. Also, in unrelated news, I’m now 99% certain that Christian is Nick’s imaginary friend.

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Aww, now didn't those speeches from Victor and Nikki just warm the cockles of your heart?  No?  How about warm the cockles of your colon?  Yep, that's more like it.

Nothing says "family" like hearing about it from the King Douchecanoe of the Upper Midwest and his Lady Lump?


I have to agree, Nikki's new hair cut IS flattering!  And Victor does do everything from love, he's all heart.  Trouble is, that's Colleen's heart and Traci needs to foreclose on it ASAP.

5 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Nikki, Victoria and Claire can stop patting themselves on the back for keeping it real with Victor. Sure, they express their displeasure with how he treats people, but then they practically chew through his mummy wrappings to crawl up his ass anyway.

YES!  Show's so transparent, having Claire express her moral reservations and then after Victor says those five magic little words, "brought up in an orphanage", she folds like some cheap Chelsea 2.0 schmatta.  

That soliloquoy from both Victor and Nikki about the importance of family and "dear Katherine" didn't quite pass the smell test, just as Victor never quite does.  Sure, it's all fine for THEIR family, as is forcing LIly to go work for the company Neil started, even if she doesn't want to.  But for some reason, the "family" excuse falls apart with Abbott Chancellor.  Billy's mother owned it, Chance's grandmother owned it, no Newman owned it until Katherine lost her mind and left it to the cryptkeeper.  As usual, everything falls when it gets in the way of Victor and Nikki's self-interest.

Does Ashley have a return ticket to Paris because she can hop on a plane anytime now.  She seems just as sharp edged and unpleasant about Diane as she was before her stay at Happy Dale.  Traci, also can shut it about it Diane.  Until she treats Victor with anything close to the contempt he deserves for the way he's treated her family, she can zip it.

Umm, Show, we all have been watching so we see what you put out there.  Kyle wasn't this put upon wounded bird, he was a backstabbing Uriah Heep type apprentice, disrespecting his father and stabbing his mother in the back while keeping his hairball of a head in perfect whorl.  Rewarding that twerp by giving him the CO CEO job with Jack isn't exactly the way you treat a backstabbing brat.  I think they ought to go back to kenneling him when he's home, restricting his treats and only walking him on leash till he learns to behave.

Oh well.  He might end up being punished enough if he ends up back with Summer.

Edited by boes
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3 hours ago, Sake614 said:

The coat check girl from the GCAC. No one told her the set is now the ranch so she’s still standing by the door 🤣.

The coat check girl eavesdropped on Summer's conversation, where she mentioned heading over to the Abbotts', so CCG got her coat out before she even asked for it. It is pretty sad when your own family members cannot hang up and retrieve their own coats from Dad's/GrandDad's closet. 

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Ah, so a well & cured Ashley is a cutting & nasty Ashley?  What was with the hostile remarks to Traci & then Jackie & Diane?  Mean, mean, mean . . . and really unpleasant too!  Oh Ash, you were gone for 6 months & if this is the way you're gone be, you coulda stayed gone, hun. 

Now, Ash, if ya start to notice how this dude, who's slobbering (ick, yuck & feh) all over Traci, is acting nothing like the formal, humorless stiff Alan was, & throw some shade on that . . . now you're talkin'!  And btw, Ash, Mrs. Brady from 1974 wants her shag hairdo back you've stolen from her.  Return it ASAP!

Er, can we assume Audra was in that tighty-tight va-va-voom dress cuz she was expecting some Thanksgiving nookie?  Our gal Audra ain't exactly subtle, is she?

So Adam is back to being a putz.  But when did he stop being one?

Guess the jobless peeps (except for Audra) don't get to celebrate Thanksgiving in GC?  Wow, Show, that's harsh.

OMG, so Jordie is trying out her "best" Cockney accent?  Uh, wait, what the what the what?  C'mon now.

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6 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Guess the jobless peeps (except for Audra) don't get to celebrate Thanksgiving in GC?  Wow, Show, that's harsh

Audra, Billy, Cole, Daniel, Faith, Lily, Nick, Phyllis, and Victoria are all unemployed. We saw Cole, Nick, and Victoria were at the Newman's Thanksgiving, and of course Audra was at Nate's place.

The absence which puzzled me the most was Billy's. I can't see why he wouldn't have been at the Abbott dinner.

6 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

OMG, so Jordie is trying out her "best" Cockney accent? 

Probably no one in GC will know her accent's fake except maybe Alan. And he's likely got things he wants to hide his own self if he's actually Martin. I've been seeing wild speculation that Alan/Martin knows Jordan or Ian and they're going to recognize each other.

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9 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Mrs. Brady from 1974 wants her shag hairdo back

I loved it then and I love it now! Besides, everything else from the 70s is back in style (mores the pity) so why not hair? 🤣

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The absence which puzzled me the most was Billy's. I can't see why he wouldn't have been at the Abbott dinner.

He thinks Jack turned his back on hm just like Jill when Jack wouldn’t give him the co CEO job. So he’s staying away from the rest of his family.

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11 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Audra, Billy, Cole, Daniel, Faith, Lily, Nick, Phyllis, and Victoria are all unemployed. We saw Cole, Nick, and Victoria were at the Newman's Thanksgiving, and of course Audra was at Nate's place.

The absence which puzzled me the most was Billy's. I can't see why he wouldn't have been at the Abbott dinner.

Probably no one in GC will know her accent's fake except maybe Alan. And he's likely got things he wants to hide his own self if he's actually Martin. I've been seeing wild speculation that Alan/Martin knows Jordan or Ian and they're going to recognize each other.

Ah yes, the Newman nepo babies, Vicky & Nick, probably can't be included in the now lengthy list of the GC unemployed cuz . . . well, in Newman-land they can come & go whenever they feel like it & always still have a job waiting for them. 

Are Nick & Vicky working at Newman now?  I thought Vicky went back, but who knows?  And I thought Nick asked for time off, but he has mentioned having to go to business meetings, so again, who knows?  More sloppy, shitty writing.

And Audra?  In her va-va-voom dress, she clearly wanted some action & obviously couldn't care less about family gatherings.  Btw, the whole convo with Amy was a blur to me cuz I couldn't care less about any of it.  Only thing I got outta any of it was there were some very interesting-looking wine glasses on Nate's table.

Cole?  He's a writer, so I guess, he'd be considered self-employed -- like Traci?  Did he say he's on sabbatical from Oxford -- or did he say he quit?  Sorry, hard to keep up with the crap writing.

Dead Martin teaming up with Ian & Jordie?  Ugh, that's too much for me to contemplate.  My head is spinning at the thought.  But the stupidity of bringing Jordie back was made clearer in the preview. 

Er, could someone in a cheap, garish, obvious wig, & giant bug-eyed sunglasses & speaking with a squealy, ridiculously fake Cockney accent, stand out anymore in a tiny city in the Midwest?  Guess we have to make the choice now of watching this extreme stupidity . . . or not, eh?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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50 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Cole?  He's a writer, so I guess, he'd be considered self-employed -- like Traci?  Did he say he's on sabbatical from Oxford -- or did he say he quit?  Sorry, hard to keep up with the crap writing.

Yes, Cole said a couple of months ago that he had quit his job at Oxford. I'm pretty sure he's not working on his book either because he said he wanted to concentrate 100% on building his parental relationship with Claire.

53 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Dead Martin teaming up with Ian & Jordie? 

I don't know about him teaming up with them. The speculation I've seen elsewhere is that Alan/Martin knows one of them from his past in Europe and they will recognize each other. Which i guess could simply lead to them agreeing to stay out of each other's way, or them having a mutual back-scratching agreement.

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It was nice to see the Abbott dinning table again. I remember back in the day it was an everyday set. Mostly, it was breakfast but it always looked real. Te Newman ranch looked nice too with the whole family there.

I think the reason they had Abby’s wedding close to the holidays was so she didn’t have to be invited (used) in either Abbott or Newman Thanksgiving scenes. It’s a shame she’s never been treated like apart of either family. I know that Ordway is off contract now but to be honest she hasn’t been used in years. 

Also, why is Kyle such a baby? He’s so annoying with his clenched jaw spewing such nonsense. Man up! He talks about Billy (his Uncle) like he’s so much better than him when he’s actually worse. 

The previews with CZP were awful. Please end this storyline ASAP. It was great in the beginning but enough is enough. I know we are supposed to suspend belief in daytime but it just makes Claire look dumb. 

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On 11/27/2024 at 1:38 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, I guess someone is trying hard for long '90's coats to make a comeback, after looking hopelessly draggy & dated for 25 years.  Other than on Nikki, I'm not seeing 'em anywhere.

Ooooo, dusters are coming back? I'll take mine with padded shoulders, please.

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15 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

St. Billy was the name of my childhood parish church

I know that I typed St. Billy, but it somehow came out as St. Billy - any way, I meant to say: "That's funny, St. Billy was the name of my childhood parish church

"I know that I typed St. Billy, but it somehow came out as St. Billy - any way, I meant to say: "That's funny, St. Billy was the name of my childhood parish church" No, no, no, once again, what I typed was "That's funny, St. Billy was the name of my childhood parish church" - - - and this is the last time I'm going to correct that error!!!!!

ST Billy, ST  Billy, ST Billy - that's what I typed, not St. Billy!!!!!

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On 11/29/2024 at 1:05 PM, SweePea59 said:

Ooooo, dusters are coming back? I'll take mine with padded shoulders, please.

Taylor Swift has been wearing them so apparently they are back in style. She mostly wears trench coats though, with belts. I don't consider those dusters since the wearer can cinch the waist with the belt. A duster should have a straight silhouette, no curves.

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