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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Phyllis in those ridiculously gigantic shades. Drama queen. 🙄

No sh!t.  She parks her boney ass in the most conspicuous place in town and then barks at everyone who approaches with concern.  And then pisses and moans about how tragic her love life is.  Suck it up, Phylth, the gods have been just. Finally.


16 hours ago, boes said:

In any case, he should hang on to that taser.  It'll come in handy the next time Phyllis comes on to him.

I think 'open carry' for tasers should be an option for everyone in GC.


10 hours ago, ByaNose said:

When Jordan woke and wasn’t tied up or shackled I thought she’s gonna escape again.

Me, too.  But then I realized that she was going to lock Viktor in that room to slowly starve/dehydrate to death without tying him up. So Vik and Nick were just going to turn the tables on her and see how she likes it.  Lock the door-no shackles needed.  I guess they will finally be alerting the authorities to Jordan's whereabouts and the GC police force will thank/praise them mightily for their brave actions.  This has to happen, of course, so we can have more drama when she escapes her next confinement.

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I’m still shipping Adam and Sally. Sorry not sorry. 

Still want to throw both Billy and Devon out the window. But no, Chance, you and Nate are not alike. Not in the least. Nate will stab you and anyone else who gets in his way in the back without even glancing back. Do not align with him! Maybe you and your grandmother can stage a coup and just take over the whole company? At least then it would be run by grown ups!

damn, I knew Lily would find out that Devon knew about Heather but did NOT see Daniel telling her the minute she walked in the door (or 10 min after).  Poor woman just can’t get a break 😳

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Billy's hella insecure all of a sudden, running around asking everybody if they missed him. He was gone for what, one or two days? Boy, bye.

Faith, Lucy, the reason you don't have a date to the prom is because you dress weird. Maybe you should get your aunt Summer to hook you up with a stylist who specializes in teenagers.

Aw, Lily. You've been around the block enough times to know better. Even if you've been given a key, don't let yourself into someone's home unannounced. Not unless you're willing to risk walking in on something you'd rather you hadn't.

So, the whole point of the Sturm und Drang at the Newman ranch seemed to be to prop Victor in his absence. Michael was almost running out of ways to praise Victor. Ugh.

Then Cole turned the attention to himself, perhaps so Victoria would feel compelled to comfort him. I see you, Cole. Michael noticed too.

Adam and Sally were spending most of their date at Society propping Victor too. KMN. And speaking of Society, did anyone bother to tell Abby what was going on with her father?

Lol, Chance standing there watching Devon and Billy go back and forth at each other like he was following the volleys at a tennis match.

Heather. Staring right at Lily without an ounce of shame. "Yes, this is exactly what it looks like, Lily. Sucks to be you." Cold. Blooded.

Whoo chile, Chance was not here for Billy and Devon's continued corporate spatting. He basically called them both Petty Bettys. You go, Chance! All handsome in your suit and topcoat.

Victoria: Michael, stop trying to play matchmaker between me and Cole. The last thing I need or want right now is a relationship.
Cole: <listening in from the hallway> well, we'll see about that, missy. Wait until you take a gander of these big sandwiches. You'll swoon.

Wait, what? Daniel told Lily he had only cheated on her with Heather one time. Technically, I guess, if he thinks cheating means nothing but full-on sexual intercourse. Ehhh.

Seriously, Michael? Victor won't be pleased if Nikki starts drinking again from all the worry? She had vodka forcibly mainlined into her veins. Recovery will take her months if not years. IMO Victor should twirl his controlling expectations around his left thumb and stick it where the sun don't shine. 🤬

Billy, you cannot be for real with this wisdom of Solomon nonsense. Split the baby--Chancellor-Winters--in half? JILL, COME GET YOUR SON!

Good job, Daniel. It wasn't enough to break Lily's heart, you had to throw Devon under the bus too. Ugh, you're so awful.

Hmm, I'm afraid Nate might be working Chance.

Bye, Jordan. <fingers crossed>

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Who else thinks that Heather is a passive-aggressive sneak, and Lily, poor Lily, the way to take the air out of jerk-off Daniel's tires is to just turn your back and walk out the door; no listening to pissy little self-serving mea culpas, just leave him in your dust and look right through him as if he wasn't there on the rare occasion you and he happen to be occupying the same space - and the same with Heather, because neither one of them needs to exist for you anymore.

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22 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Faith, the reason you don't have a date to the prom is because you dress weird. Maybe you should get your aunt Summer to hook you up with a stylist who specializes in teenagers.

That’s not Faith, it’s Lucy. She has no relation to Summer but I agree about the way she dresses. I have a high school right by my house and not ONE girl looks like that. They mostly wear torn jeans or leggings with sneakers. Maybe boots.

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Maybe you and your grandmother can stage a coup and just take over the whole company? At least then it would be run by grown ups!

I would be in favor of this but I'm not confident Chance is ready yet. He is the rightful heir to the Chancellor throne though and I think he knows it.


I’m still shipping Adam and Sally. Sorry not sorry.

Me too. Just please, Show, leave Nick, Chelsea, Sharon, Victor, or whoever out of it.


so we can have more drama when she escapes her next confinement

Meh, I'm ready for Jordan to be gone permanently. Either kill her or put her several stories under a maximum security prison.


It's ironic, isn't it, that Chummer both have babies that aren't really theirs. Oh oh! I don't wanna jinx anything here but...

GMTA, lol. I was actually imaging Summer getting pregnant by Chance and having Phillip V. Are there any Newman/Chancellor children yet? I'm not counting Dominic because he's only a Chancellor by marriage. I want a direct biological descendant from the Phillip Chancellor line, dagnabbit.

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You can always tell when Nostrils is lying. His nostrils flare but his nose doesn’t get any bigger because it has already reached maximum length.  If Nostrils told Devon to kiss his ass, Devon would have to tell him to move his nose.  

Daniel stop!  You’re digging your grave with a hand and foot in your mouth.  You have betrayed Lily and Nostrils, with Chelsea, and now you are going to do it once again with taking over Lily’s job under the pretense of moving her to HW.  

Ok Victor and Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍 lock Auntie Jordan in the basement storage unit. What next?  By chance someone comes along and lets her out and the Auntie Jordan saga continues. I don’t know why Victor doesn’t take Auntie Jordan, on his private jet, to the Amazon Basin, take her clothes from her, and let her experience “Naked and Afraid”. 

There was one thing I was thinking about last night and that is the tale of the two Summers. If you can combine HK and AL, you would have a much better  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️. HK is sexy but not all that pretty while AL is pretty but not all that sexy. 


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Banning all Hunters from my Soaps, Tylo & King, please.

Phyllis gives us a really good drunk. Less over-the-top as inebriated than her usual persona. She and Nick were fun together this week.

The point in leaving Jordan behind a flimsy door and not notifying the the GC police was...Oh, yeah, there are no more GC police, and the former one was busy diddling Nick's daughter. This leaves hope for more scenes with CZ..Hurrah !!


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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So, the whole point of the Sturm und Drang at the Newman ranch seemed to be to prop Victor in his absence. Michael was almost running out of ways to praise Victor. Ugh.


Adam and Sally were spending most of their date at Society propping Victor too. KMN. 

The Victor tongue baths were so unceasing and so effusive I had to step back from the tv so I didn't get wet, too.  I know it's not the last time, I know it'll happen again, maybe as soon as tomorrow, but I don't EVER want to hear any version of "Victor loves his family and will go to any lengths to protect them" ever again.  Ever.

Leaving aside all his crimes against people who aren't related to him, just think of the things he's done to the family he supposedly loves so much.

Adam, did you enjoy that prison sentence you got after Victor had you framed for murder?  Bonding time with old dad?  How about him threatening to take Connor away from you and Chelsea when you wanted to move to Paris?  How about the myriad times he hired you, then humiliated and fired you?  Let's not forget how many times he's messed around in your relationships.  Can you find a Father's Day card for that?

Hey Vic!  How about the time he had you arrested at your wedding to the Billy Miller version of Billy Abbott?  Really fun day, being hauled off to jail in front of all your guests.  Thanks, "Daddy".  (full disclosure, if he did this to Jason Thompson's version of Billy Abbott, I'd just makes some popcorn and watch the show).  How about bringing you in,then kicking you out of jobs at Newman, usually pulling the rug out JUST when things were going well.  What a joker your dad is.  Review your past relationships and realize how pretty much all of them were negatively affected by your Pops.

Hey Nick!  Your father has been less overtly cruel to you overall, but he's never expected you to amount to much of anything but be his yes man and/or muscle.  He doesn't toy with you as much because you're too dim to mind, usually.  But he's cheerfully and willfully inserted himself into your parenting to a degree that even Maury Povich would be astounded at.

Abby, you've suffered the least at his hands but only because he mostly forgets you exist.

  I'd rather watch ButtBiscuit get a nasal lavage in slow motion or listen to Phyllis repeat every line twice with an Alvin the Chipmunk voice than hear one more word praising Victor for anything.

Let's give a hand for the Father of the Year.  

I don't want to be tired of Sally and Adam but I pretty much am.  Show needs to give them something to do independent of his vipers nest of a family and this endless Afternoon Special about Connor, narrated by that 8-Ball, Chelsea, and her hand puppet, ButtBiscuit.

Lily's return was a breath of fresh air.  I don't have a clue how she'll react to the goings on at Chancellor/Winters but I hope hope hope she takes out her anger on both ButtBiscuit AND Devon.  Please, Show, let Lily show her claws and give those two knuckle draggers someone real to fear.  I'd like her to banish Aunt Messy to the land of bad hairdos, too.  I can't wait to see her relegate Daniel's "life changing game" to the sale counter at Costco and demote Heather to part-time bathroom cleaner at CW, night shift.

The thing I disliked the most about today's show is that it's not going to be anywhere near as fun or fulfilling to listen to Daniel tear Phyllis a new one now that he's acted exactly like her.


Edited by boes
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Ugh, any scenes with Adam, but def any with Adam & Sally?  Zzzzzzzzz!  Must be a requirement when casting Adam, acting talent doesn't matter, but gotta have a punchable face.  Mission accomplished!

Oh yeah, Daniel is suffering from the I-think-I'm-such-a-swell-guy-when-I'm-actually-a-total-dickhead syndrome that so many GC men are. 

But hasn't Lily always been the perennial victim?  Feels like everyone has shit on her & she takes it.  By now my sympathy has been used up for poor Lily.  C'mon hun, get going & punch out that bitch Heather.  And tell Daniel he's an a-hole & he can go fuck off!!

Jeez, J Eddie is soooo thin & his face is so gaunt he looks sickly, particularly with his patchy unshaven look.  And the way he swallows his words, I expect him to say he's got some disease.

Sorry, but I just can't get used to Christian's snow-white hair & bright orange face.  Every time they do a close-up of Michael, I just go -- eek, who is that?  Hmm, and where could Lauren be?  Time for her daily plastic surgery tweak?

So let's get this straight, shall we?  Vic & Nick (the comedy team with zero sense of humor) stash Auntie Jordan in the cellar . . . but wait, isn't that kinda illegal to do?  Oh silly me, trying to make sense.  Oh wait, doesn't Vic own or dictate to the GCPD?  Remember back in the Rusty Anchor (sorry, that was Blanche Deveraux's hangout in The Golden Girls), or whatever the name of the dive bar Jordie killed Seth outside of -- Vic told the policewoman to dust a glass for fingerprints?  Don't the police know to do this?  No, cuz Vic tells them what to do, right?  Ah, now it's making GC sense.

Anyone think a silly little door lock could possibly keep ole Jordie restrained?  Nah, she'll bite right thru it with her teeth.  Or maybe start a fire & walk thru the searing flames without a bit of scorch on her, hair & makeup perfect & with an immaculately clean & tastefully chic outfit.  Maybe Colleen's contract requires it, but it's all making sense & it's totally believable for GC world, right?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Monday & Tuesday episodes: I gotta say this insta acceptance of Claire is not hitting at all. Not even just because of the obvious bias towards Nikki's spawn, in this case grand-spawn, but because I will continue to stand 10 toes on the fact that this show did not need another Newman character. Not even her potential relationship with Adam is enough to intrigue me. Though it looks like that potential was crushed anyway when Claire outright said that Adam is not like the other Newmans. Claire is not ever going to be seen as an outsider the way he(or even Abby) are, so they'd have nothing to bond over as, unlike him, she will always be accepted. 

I kinda saw Josh making Adam look punitive for asking the right questions and not rolling out the red carpet for Claire coming. And I also saw her taking offense, and getting  pissy with him just like her mother, grandparents, and uncle coming too. Just not this soon but again, Claire is an unnecessary addition to the cast. Yes the actress is good, but good acting rarely saves awful writing. Case in point, Elieen Davidson and Ashley's ridiculous, plot-induced DID disorder that's turned her into a unhinged stalker. ED can act her ass off or not, either way no one wants to see that. 

Michelle Stafford plays narcissistic hot mess better than anything else. They should lean into that instead of trying to force her half-assed, practically non-existent "I've changed" crap down our throats. No you haven't changed bitch. Danny said to your face that he didn't feelings for you, and yet you insist that you didn't imagine the "connection" between you two. Now you can't change because it's too hard?? I guess if continuing your trash behavior, and still having your nonsense be entertained is hard, I can't imagine what onscreen community service, or better yet prison and your children actually cutting you off would've been like. These aren't the words of a changed woman. Fuck off. 

ButtBiscuit has gone unchecked almost as long as Phylty or anyone else. I hate it for him that he was used to prop his rapist & her son that's none of his business. Instead of being involved with his own children who have a new sister, but he's still a self-righteous, jealous tool. He's gotten away with plenty, Summer revenge sex, trying to kill Adam, & being a petty/arrogant fuck up in general to name a few. So to that end, I have no problem with Chance sending that same energy back to his ass. Fine by me if Devon & Nate keep it going too, they might become tolerable again in the process. 

All I can say for Wednesdays ep is that Daniel sucks, Heather sucks, Lucy is on her way to being a nuisance. I guess nuisance is the best we can hope for her since she has Phyllis & Sheila Carter for grandmothers, a psycho bio mom, douchebag dad, and snake for an adoptive mother. 

Edited by Skarzero
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13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sorry, but I just can't get used to Christian's snow-white hair & bright orange face.

Color the hair green and he could be an Oompa Loompa. 

And while we are on colors:  The foods that are rarely eaten seem to be the most garish and un-food-like colors, mainly bright oranges, yellows, greens and reds.  I''m totally sure the bar garnishes are plastic, but even those sandwiches looked like they were made from a mold or 3D printer.

1 hour ago, pvandal said:

All I could think of during the Lily/Daniel scene was when Lily leaves she better take that bag of groceries with her.

Me, too!  I wish she's just turned around and left with it when she walked in the door.  Or taken out the nice bottle of wine that was most probably in there and clocked him with it.  Since when is not having sex with a woman you're playing house with not cheating?


13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Anyone think a silly little door lock could possibly keep ole Jordie restrained?

It seems to be a wooden door and there is a take-apart utility shelf with strong metal parts in the room. How long could this possibly take?  Or maybe she could just use her teleporter beam to get back to her alley/dumpster.

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14 hours ago, boes said:

Lily's return was a breath of fresh air.  I don't have a clue how she'll react to the goings on at Chancellor/Winters but I hope hope hope she takes out her anger on both ButtBiscuit AND Devon.  Please, Show, let Lily show her claws and give those two knuckle draggers someone real to fear.  I'd like her to banish Aunt Messy to the land of bad hairdos, too.  I can't wait to see her relegate Daniel's "life changing game" to the sale counter at Costco and demote Heather to part-time bathroom cleaner at CW, night shift.

The thing I disliked the most about today's show is that it's not going to be anywhere near as fun or fulfilling to listen to Daniel tear Phyllis a new one now that he's acted exactly like her.


Same. Today's show can spare me with the piano music to signal that Daniel and Heather's scene at Society was about twu wuv . I really want to see the three of them struggle on the street because Lily shit-canned both of their careers. 

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4 hours ago, MollyB said:

It seems to be a wooden door and there is a take-apart utility shelf with strong metal parts in the room.

The door looked made of metal to me, but the lock seemed a little flimsy - and why didn't Victor or Nick notice that there were actually tools in the room that might aid auntie Jordan in escaping from it?

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20 hours ago, Kimboweena said:

Faith is Summer's step-sister. Faith and Summer are both Nick's daughters.

Since Faith and Summer have the same father, they are half-sisters, not step-sisters; step-siblings happen when two people with children marry each other, and if those two people have a child together, that child is a half-sibling to each set of step-siblings - put another way, step-siblings can marry each other without it being incestuous, although some people would consider it to be a rather icky thing to do, but two half-siblings can't.

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4 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Today's show can spare me with the piano music to signal that Daniel and Heather's scene at Society was about twu wuv .

My sentiments exactly, especially since I think that their reunion will turn out to be a complete disaster and Daniel will wish he'd never dropped Lily for Heather. Maybe a new and improved Daisy Carter will be the next blast-from-the-past to return to GC, but, then, who will Lucy call "mom."

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6 hours ago, pvandal said:

All I could think of during the Lily/Daniel scene was when Lily leaves she better take that bag of groceries with her. 

All I could think of was, after being out of town for months, who stops off for fancy groceries to make a surprise lunch for someone who may not even be home.

10 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Maybe a new and improved Daisy Carter will be the next blast-from-the-past to return to GC, but, then, who will Lucy call "mom."

That would be great, as long as Daisy only stays long enough to break up Heather & Daniel.

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16 minutes ago, Denize said:

All I could think of was, after being out of town for months, who stops off for fancy groceries to make a surprise lunch for someone who may not even be home.pp

She said she was going to come up with a plan for him to run home from work so she could surprise him with her presence and lunch. 

BTW I actually heard Rock On on Sirius XM's 80s on 8 today. lol  Made me think of a weathered face with goth hair. 

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Gah I can't stand smug Heather. Or Daniel. Can they just move back to wherever they came from?

Audra in black again. Wonder what those bright items were in her luggage?

Meanwhile, Abby's windowpane plaid jacket was kinda cheap-looking to me. Most of the colored lines didn't match up at the seams. Textbook sign of poor tailoring.

Ashley's main alter personality is lowkey nasty, ha ha. I like her better than the OG princess Ashley.

Aw, Tucker, you didn't do so great at tap-dancing your way out of a sticky situation. Audra knew right away you were conning her wrt Ashley.

Lily, you were Daniel's temporary bed warmer, and he chose not to tell you until the Fates forced his hand. Cut Devon some slack. It's not his fault your latest ex is a steaming pile of bovine excrement.

I did love Abby's long pink coat. (Mohair? 🤔) She looked like she was about to tell some b!tches they better have her money, lol.

Tucker was more right about Ashley than he realized. OG Ashley is definitely not herself and has no idea.

A Sally and Audra coffee chat. Let's go! I think Audra needs a galpal and Sally deserves a better one than Chloe.

Bleh, succubus Ashley 1, confused Tucker 0. Pull yourself together, McCall! The life you save may be your own.

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Abby thinks that being on the board of directors gets you to deal with the day to day operations of the company. Yes, the board of directors provide oversight, guidance, set strategies, and direction for the company but it’s the C Suite occupants who are responsible for the daily operations of the company and carry out. Basically, being on the board doesn’t not require for a board member to be there everyday.  

When Ashley starts chewing gum, we will know that she’s going to the same dark side as Nostrils has gone. 

Let’s have more of Audra and Sally. They seam on the same wavelength with the men in their life.  No squeaking in Sally’s ear by Mrs Chipmunk about Adam.  

There is something about Heather that reminds me of Breathless Mahoney.  I guess it’s the way she delivers her lines with the same breathless cadence.  


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As long as Daisy only stays long enough to break up Heather & Daniel.

As long as Daisy only stays long enough to kill Heather for calling herself Lucy's mother.


Same. Today's show can spare me with the piano music to signal that Daniel and Heather's scene at Society was about twu wuv .

Right? I was dumbfounded to hear that sappy music. Are TPTB expecting the audience to root for those two? Ugh.


I really want to see the three of them struggle on the street because Lily shit-canned both of their careers.

Yeah, I want Lily to go HBIC on Heather and Daniel but today it sounded like she's trying to be understanding of their "plight." She'd lay them off with decent severance packages but deny them references or letters of recommendation.


The only thing Chance & Nate have in common is that they must go to the same Mannequins-R-Us chest waxing emporium. They are sexier with their shirts on.

Ehhh, I dunno if I'd say that. I think Chance looks pretty dang tasty shirtless. Nate though seems a bit doughy to me.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Meanwhile, Abby's windowpane plaid jacket was kinda cheap-looking to me. Most of the colored lines didn't match up at the seams. Textbook sign of poor tailoring.

I dunno. I liked it. And since it costs more than $500 I’m willing to be it’s neither cheap nor poorly tailored. But YMMV. I would’ve loved it in different colors. I’m not a pink person. I’d rather see it in neutrals Or bolder colors.

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What was today -- "A-hole day in Genoa City"?  Seemed like all the a-holes (except the supreme one, Adam) were out in full force--

Heather & Daniel, those smug a-holes!  Lily should only dump some syrup in her hair so she has to cut it all off & a-hole Daniel will leave her in 2 seconds.

And then there's Tuck, 1st runner-up to Adam as GC's biggest a-hole, sitting with Ashley . . .  only for us to quickly learn that crazy Ashley's new personality might just be 2nd runner-up to Adam -- making Ashley now GC's 3rd biggest asshole, with Daniel & Heather running not too far behind.

Sheesh, what are we left with on the show now?  Raging bitches, nasty a-holes, & whiny, weepy losers?  Oh yeah, I really wanna keep on watching.

I'd say Audra's options are fading fast.  Welp, there's always Only Fans, Audj . . .


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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

A Sally and Audra coffee chat. Let's go! I think Audra needs a galpal and Sally deserves a better one than Chloe.

Their coffee clatch was a treat I wanted but never expected to see!  I hope this isn't a one off and those two develop a friendship.  As @Waldo13 says, Sally deserves a friend less screechy than Chloe and Audra could use someone who listens without automatic scorn.  Good move - finally, Show.  Now don't blow it.

I didn't want to like Devon and Lily's scenes but those two pull off a sibling vibe so well and I couldn't deny it.  It'll be interesting, I hope, to see what side, if any, Lily comes down on, be it Jill's or Devon's.  

My favorite part of Show today were the anti-Abby asides Ashley's alter had.  I like Abby more than not, mostly because I like Melissa Ordway, but everything the alter said/thought is pretty much true.  Also, nobody, least of all Tucker, ever brings up the fact that Abby ran him down with her car and left him for dead.  I think Tucker deserves to at least toss that back in her face during one of her many rants.  

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19 hours ago, Denize said:

All I could think of was, after being out of town for months, who stops off for fancy groceries to make a surprise lunch for someone who may not even be home.

I know!  I realize that just about everyone eats out in this burg, (except Daniel and company, because Danny makes such great sauce and the kitchen across the entire house from the dining area gives them daily exercise) but Lily must need to have something edible in the house for snacking at least.  After being away from my home for months I think I'd stock my own larder first.  That yogurt ain't gonna be good and the milk is cottage cheese by now.

This is just another one of JG's supercool contrived plot lines to get the drama of Lily finding out and it failed, miserably.

Edited by MollyB
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So much to comment on with Hairyson today.
First, he got a haircut and straightening. Not sure if I like the straight hair.
When he calls.for Mommy, why are they assuming he is calling for Summer and not Tara?  That whole storyline bugged me. Tara was hauled off to jail immediately when they came up with incriminating evidence. Never heard of a trial taking place but we never heard another word from her. And Summer did not adopt him so she is not his Mommy.
And from the looks of it,Mommy #3 is in his near future. Could it be any more obvious that Claire will be his new Nanny and new Mommy?
Funny scene with alter Ashley getting mixed up on his age.

Why doesnt Tucker find a new hangout if he wants to avoid Ashley?  And would a rich youngish guy hang out at a place like that with a piano player playing 40s muzak?

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Hey, Kyle & Summer maybe if you spent anytime with your kid, you’d know the name of the character in your son’s favorite book. I also am hoping that Harrison had a premonition and the lady taking him away is Tara. I know we just had a Nikki kidnapping but a Harrison one might be mildly exciting.


And Adam, Tucker has bigger fish to fry than you so get over yourself. I doubt Audra is spying.

Edited by pvandal
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Summer and Kyle in similar shades of brown. Meh. Why would Summer want to go back to beef jerky Kyle now that she's feasted on prime beef Chance?

Even Adam could see a Sally and Audra budding friendship as a power move. Yay! Don't screw this up, JG.

Follow your instincts, Tucker. Ashley has indeed become a hot mess lately. Too hot for you to handle on your own in a dark booth in the back of a jazz lounge.

Meanwhile, I bet Ashley's dominant alter has Teddy Swims' song "Lose Control" on autoplay in her car. 🎶Problematic🎶

I thought Adam almost sounded like he was jealous of Sally and Audra having discovered they're simpatico. Hmm.

Now you're just being messy, Tucker. IMO you shouldn't be discussing Ashley with Audra. It upsets Audra and doesn't help Ashley.

Claire's been taken into the Newman fold for less than 48 hours and she already has upscale new clothes. Okay. Grandma Nikki must've sent Lauren an alert for a Fenmores wardrobe infusion to the ranch ASAP.

Summer introduced Harrison to Claire as her stepson. This is my shocked and amazed face.

Lol, Harrison immediately crushing on Claire in front of Kyle. Yeah, Stevie Wonder could see where that's going.

Oh come on, Connor's behavior was a bit much. Isn't he kind of old to be suddenly acting like he was, fidgeting with his hoodie and stuff? What would have triggered such a quick and dramatic change in him?

So now Kyle has also witnessed alter Ashley's bigger personality.

Re the previews: MORE JORDAN? NOOOOOOOO!!! At this point the Newmans have basically kidnapped her and are holding her hostage, no? How is that legal?

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Re the previews: MORE JORDAN? NOOOOOOOO!!! At this point the Newmans have basically kidnapped her and are holding her hostage, no? How is that legal?

It's OK--they are NEWMANS.

I wish Tucker would just get brutally honest with Ashley and tell her to fuck off. He could try to warn Jack his sister is in the coocoo train, but Jack, in his infinite wisdom, would just accuse him of fucking with Ashley. Audra should give him a  serious ultimatum and stick to it.  At this point once powerful Tucker is turning into an ineffective blob hanging around and drinking.  Sigh, I had so much hope for this character/actor.

Come on producers, let Diane stir the pot.  As a married, respectable woman she's flat out boring.

Watching Chanesome watch Billy and Devon go back and forth made him look like he was at a tennis match. He might not be the smartest person in the room, but he damn sure is the prettiest.

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Did Lil' Hausenpheffer just give away Josh Griffin's next big storyline?  Sitting between Daddy Box O' Hair and Stepmonster, he said he had a dream about "a bad lady" who he "didn't know who came and took me away".  Looks to me like Aunt Jordan will be branching out into childcare very soon. Because no way is she staying locked in that room.  

The child playing Connor is doing a good job, I think.  Too bad it's in such an unpleasant and overwrought storyline.

On the plus side today, no ButtBiscuit or Phyllis, or Heather or Daniel, or Victor or Nick, or Aunt Mamie or....

Man, the plus side of Show right now is getting very, very thin.

Things are very wrong when I'm hurrying to get through Y&R to see what's next on DOOL.


Edited by boes
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I had to laugh when Claire asked if Victor would keep her locked up in that room and they went right into Harrison wanting his mommy home. Of course the monkeys would not give Auntie Jorden the Tara treatment by never mentioning her again. I’m sure there will be a lot more drama to come with Auntie Jordan.  


I knew it. It became so obvious when Claire came into CL and Harrison was there that Claire and Harrison would bond and she will become Harrison’s nanny.  


It’s the Ides of March as it pertains to the coming attractions for next week. Nikki, Victoria, and Claire go to where Auntie Jordan is being held. Why would they bring Claire?  Now I’m worried that Claire will try to help Auntie Jordan.  


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Victoria: my father isn’t cruel.

me: really? Maybe Claire would like to have a chat with Billy or Jack?

So Hairyson really likes Claire. Of course he does. And Summer just welcomes her to the family with open arms? Although from the previews it seems she’s going to do some digging into Claire’s background so maybe there are one or two functioning brain cells in her head. 

There are now two people who think something is up it’s Ashley. The way Kyle looked at her today, I’m almost surprised she wasn’t immediately committed. And next week she calls Billy ‘ bro’. Well okay then. Let’s see if it goes anywhere and how long it takes to get there. Hopefully Josh won’t drag it out too long. I’m mildly amused by the alter who’s in charge but it’s getting old fast. Especially when she throws herself at Tucker. 


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I could swear the stylists are screwing with us -- Kyle's pomp looked pointy today.  Or wait, does it always look that way?

That poor kid looked so distracted, like he did NOT wanna be there.  Related to the Bells maybe?

So any bets when Kyle is gonna marry Claire?  By April?  And he'll cheat on her with Lily by May?

Those scenes with Tuck & Bizarro-Ashley are really squicking me out.  Make it stop, producers -- PLEASE!!!

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