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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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I'm not the biggest Adam/Sally fan- in the sense that I'm not particularly invested in them as a couple no matter what- but I definitely am if it screws Nick over.

Did feel bad for Adam today.   The thing is, while he's genuinely not a bad guy, he keeps going with these ridiculous schemes that do in fact give people at least some reason to doubt him.  Today's was much more understandable than breaking up with Sally in the first place, but I kind of got her point.

TSJ is doing really well so far, IMO.   I don't have much hope that it'll happen, because reasons (ahem, EB), but it'd be great if he could keep playing this wild card type of character  that's a legitimate threat.  

That said, Victoria, smart and formidable?  The debt-leveraging acquisition addict, in THIS economy?  She's an idiot. 

I gotta admit, at this point and IDK quite why...but I like Audra.  

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18 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

The viewers know that Tucker is maneuvering behind the scenes, but Nate doesn't. He does know that it is not Tucker who he's been dealing with.  So for him to refuse to set Devon's mind at ease on that front after all that he's done to betray them? Kind of makes him irredeemable to my mind.

And wouldn't you think that given all that's been going on with this IPO offer, Jill and company would just pull the whole deal? They were only pursuing it in the first place because of Nate's pushing. So just pull it and no one can take over the company. 

Yeah, that moment when Nate REFUSED to tell them who he was betraying them with/for was the moment I needed to see someone go for Nate’s throat. Nate really has been turned to trash at this point. I don’t see how he comes back from this either, so Show might as well make him a kick-a** villian.

14 hours ago, Js Nana said:

I can really see Zuleyka Silver "the fashion model" coming through in her portrayal of Audra, it's like her face is somehow immobile, like she's posing for a picture - and does anybody think that "Audra" might actually be "Tucker's" daughter and, therefore, "Devon's" evil half-sister?

I can’t believe that didn’t occur to me. That would be an amazing plot twist! Lots of potential storyline there. Although… maybe with a recast? I’m just not feeling anything with the current actress.

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I don’t see Sally as being hypocritical or judging Adam as a bad person.   I don’t see her acting as if she is now a good person.   What I see is Sally feeling devastated that the person she felt a deep connection with (Sally and Adam both bonded over their flaws and demons) decided to cut her off completely and did it because he didn’t trust her feelings for him. So she now has major defensive walls up around Adam and is looking for any excuse to keep him away.  So she jumps at the Nick mention and she harps on the scheming device Adam used to get her to dinner. 

That said, the show has a history of turning bad girl characters that audiences start to love into sanctimonious assholes (Nicky, Phyllis).  So there is a danger there if Sally get sucked into the Newman fold. 

Edited by VanillaBeanne
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Also I like Chloe (loved actress since her stint on All my Children) so I’m less bothered by her interfering.  Frankly Sally and Chelsea have involved her in their personal issues for so long I can see why she doesn’t see boundaries anymore.   But I actually like Chloe’s friendship with Sally and with Chelsea (even though the writers paused that so that the writers can paint Chelsea as crazed).  They need more female friendships on this show. 

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6 hours ago, VanillaBeanne said:

I don’t see Sally as being hypocritical or judging Adam as a bad person.   I don’t see her acting as if she is now a good person.   What I see is Sally feeling devastated that the person she felt a deep connection with (Sally and Adam both bonded over their flaws and demons) decided to cut her off completely and did it because he didn’t trust her feelings for him. So she now has major defensive walls up around Adam and is looking for any excuse to keep him away.  So she jumps at the Nick mention and she harps on the scheming device Adam used to get her to dinner. 

Sally is laying it on thick. He broke up with her, he didn't cheat on her and get back with Chelsea.  She knows why he did it, and she knew before she decided to roll around with his brother whom she knows he has a tenuous relationship with. She knows he's at odds with his family which is why he broke up with her in the first place. She's being really precious about it while inflicting far more damage than he did. She's messing with his family relations and her intentions are not to support him they're to get back at him.

Not to mention the people who mention him stalking her have short memories since Sally spent her first 6months in GC stalking Adam (and Billy), breaking into his room, following Billy around to get Adam's attention  and eavesdropping on Adam's personal conversations to the point where he had to call her out on it because she was trying to use Connor as a bid to get Adam's attention. 

I feel like a lot of people don't realize that while what Nick is doing with Sally qualifies as sexual intimidation what Sally did to Adam also qualified as sexual harrassment. She threw herself at him several times, instigated two kisses (which he stopped) followed him around, listened in on private conversations, showed up in places where he frequented and eavesdropping on his conversations, continued pursuing him when he shut her down twice.

Like with Chelsea, Adam was very professional and respectful of Sally's advances (even though she was out of pocket) but she's somehow found a way to villainize him and is trying to make him look like the unstable one here when she has been very much the instigator of this entire relationship. And the rooftop scheme, how is that any different from when Sally texted Adam on NYE saying it was a "work emergency" but set up his office for a date?

Adam does a lot of weird and wacky and obsessive stuff but let's not pretend that Sally ever has the moral high ground when it comes to respect and Sally can't offset her obsessive behaviour on him, that's a hearty projection. If she's being obsessive that's on her, and frankly that seems to be their love language so she needs to stop acting like she's better than him or he's some demon because he broke up with her. And she can STFU with this "you're toxic, you're bad for me" bullshit. She set the tone for this relationship, not Adam and for the most part (aside from the breakup) everything he brought in was respectful and boundary respecting and honest which is way more than I can say about Sally who finds lying as easy as breathing (something I've always disliked about her) dollars to donuts of Sally has a choice she will always lie.

Josh Griffiths has taken an interesting bad girl that I was rooting heavily for and turned her into a solipsitic, sanctimonious Mary Sue who thinks slumming it with the town tramp makes her the holy grail. If Phyllis lets this squeak by then this show needs a fork in it because the amount of characters and characterization that needed to be assassinated to make this basic Nick and Sally story fly is grotesque.

And now JG is trying to convince us that this woman who spent half a year chasing and begging down Adam is suddenly crazy about his boring, loose sanctimonious brother all because Joshua Morrow was bored. And all the way Sharon stays stuck behind a counter pouring coffee playing nursemaid to Sally's, Nick and Adam's neuroses and relationship drama. Fire everybody because this is trash and for the 50th anniversary? A triangle that should have been Sharon's or Chloe's or Lily's? GTFOH show. Trash.

Edited by slayer2
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23 hours ago, rcc said:

I would rather Sally pack up and go back to LA than watch her with Nick. Great scenes today by Adam, Sally not so much. Never liked her, then liked her with Adam, now can't stand her again.

Yes, I think Courtney Hope's face in her scenes with both Adam and Nick is registering the revulsion she is feeling at the current storyline and idiotic dialogue she is being given to spew by MWT's. Even today during her scene with Connor she looked deflated and defeated IMO. She has lost the spark she initially brought to the show. Dialling back to yesterday, IMO Aunty Jack needs to leave Jabot to start an agony aunt column or podcast. The way he is always meddling while pretending to be non-judgemental is tiresome. Chloe can fill in for him for his days off and vacations. Sharon's blouse and skirt was borderline coffee house tramp territory. Actually aged her although the intent was to make her appear youthful, I guess. Nick's storyline of jumping into bed with his half brother's girlfriend 15 minutes after they broke up, who also happens to be his workplace subordinate that he directly manages is the worst, IMO. Right up there with the sperminator Devon suing for custody of Dominic. Tacky and tasteless. 

Edited by Julyolo
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Did Adam spend the night on the rooftop? How dumb. The man was fine breaking up with Sally, being cold to her and shutting her out. Now he regrets it. 
Summer, shut up. Let your dad navigate his penis his way and be nice to your new future step mommy. 
Kyle can also shut up. His insulting Adam was dumb because if that’s how Adam looks when he is supposedly hung over, I don’t see a problem. Go take idiot girl on your 10th honeymoon. 

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Funny how the hotel's rooftop balcony has replaced the lobby now that the lobby set's been converted to Noah's nightclub. And Adam spending the night up there? In WI. In mid-October. Sure, Jan. 🥶

I liked Vikki's high pony. It made her look younger, IMO.

Well gosh, Nick, one way to avoid having Sally mixed up in your feud with Adam is for you to bow out and let them get back together. You caused the situation by assuming your wee peen was the answer to their relationship problem.

Summer. Your daddy is a growna$$ man. I'm surprised Sally didn't laugh in the silly little girl's face, right after she reminded Summer the reason why her in-laws now own Marchetti.

So Nick has deemed himself Sally's protector. KMN. A month ago he was still losing his marbles because he accidentally killed Ashland. Sally has created quite a convenient distraction for him.

Just noticed Victoria's wire choker necklace. I have one of those that's probably 25 years old, though mine is stainless steel and hers is probably 18k gold. Every fashion comes back eventually, huh?

Who peed in Kyle and Summer's cornflakes this morning? She decided to get in Sally's face and Kyle climbed up Adam's behind for coming to work with a hangover. The second honeymoon seems to be over already for Mr. & Mrs. Abbott because they were both grumpy.

Had to enjoy Lily's cracked face when Devon reminded her that he's the co-owner of C-W with Jill and the IPO is not going forward without him. You're just an employee, sweetie. You may be a CEO but you don't own 💩💩💩.

Sally "dangerous"? What has she done since moving to GC that could be classified as dangerous? Gee, Summer, it's not as if Sally tried to hold you hostage by tying you a radiator. FOH, you snooty princess.

Connor was the last person I'd've expected to be friendly toward Sally. Maybe he isn't a total demon child after all. (Or perhaps it's a case of game recognize game, lol.)

I thought it was nice of Sally to sit with Connor after his mommy apparently abandoned him at the coffeehouse. And then to text his daddy while they chatted.

Puhleeze, Nate knows as much about media as Sally did months ago when Adam made her his COO at NM. Here comes SuperNickMan to save Sally's job! Or try to, anyway. I'm feeling like that's the least he could do after he basically #metoo'd her.

But Victoria, your degree in art history didn't make you much more qualified in business than Sally was. She just wasn't born TGVN's favorite daughter like you were. Shut up.

Ehh, Devon, do you really want to stoke that fire again? Nate's takeover plan disintegrated and he's out of the company. Accept the win and get on with your life.

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

I’ll go back and read all the wonderful comments later, but for now I just need to say FUCK OFF Summer and Kyle! And Victoria can join them.

2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Summer, shut up. Let your dad navigate his penis his way and be nice to your new future step mommy. 
Kyle can also shut up. His insulting Adam was dumb because if that’s how Adam looks when he is supposedly hung over, I don’t see a problem. Go take idiot girl on your 10th honeymoon. 

It's hard for me to remember that I liked Kyle once upon a time, back in the long ago days of Lola.  It's not hard at all to remember that I've NEVER liked Summer, though the new one is a lot less annoying and duck-like.  But today, oh I would have been just fine if Adam had smacked Kyle's Mr. Potato Head face.  

Those two are bad enough in Genoa City, just imagine how insufferable they're going to be in Costa Rica.

Show, please stop trying to make Josh Morrow work in a serious storyline, it's not working and it's hurting my stomach.  It's bad enough watching him struggle in a suit while doing his "Howdy Sheriff" walk but having him talk like he's both making sense and being wise hurts my ears.  Get the guy a paper route, have him sell hot dogs at the ball park, anything that makes ostensible sense.

MG has done the impossible and made me root for Adam.  Please put us out of our misery and reunite him and Sally and let them get to work on destroying Victoria.  I'm afraid if that doesn't happen, Show is going to inflict her on the new Tucker and I don't want that to happen.

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14 hours ago, boes said:

Show, please stop trying to make Josh Morrow work in a serious storyline, it's not working and it's hurting my stomach.  It's bad enough watching him struggle in a suit while doing his "Howdy Sheriff" walk but having him talk like he's both making sense and being wise hurts my ears.  Get the guy a paper route, have him sell hot dogs at the ball park, anything that makes ostensible sense.

What's crazy is I always found JM and Nick attractive despite Nick's loose, obnoxious tendancies. I always felt JM's charm pushed through the bad writing but this is the first time in Y and R history (and I've watched on and off since JM first showed up) that I've truly found Nick repulsive. I don't even find JM attractive anymore and I'm Canadian and enjoyed 3Deep. That's hella bad storytelling that can turn me off a character and actor after 25 years. Wow.

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I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with today's episode! It contained sophisticated, well thought out content for Lily, Billy, Jill, Adam, Conor, Chelsea, Nate and Devon. The actors had energy and credibility. Maybe someone from the show has been reading here? The fail of the Sally and Nick storyline, and the actor's performances, was the only off part today IMO, and the ensemble Sally was sporting, half business appropriate, half Elvira...just no. Glad that this Nick/Sally romance seems to be going on hold for now, tho it will probably morph into a baby daddy crisis next. Oh, and in case some of the show's staff is lurking here, Nick wasn't wearing his veneers on his bottom teeth again. LOL!

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3 hours ago, Julyolo said:

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with today's episode! It contained sophisticated, well thought out content for Lily, Billy, Jill, Adam, Conor, Chelsea, Nate and Devon.

Today was probably the first time ever I was team Devon. I don't expect that to last. But today he was right on the money with everything he said to Nate.

I can't believe Jill still wants to go ahead with that IPO. And boy were her teeth white!

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20 hours ago, boes said:

Summer, shut up. Let your dad navigate his penis his way and be nice to your new future step mommy. 

I'm sure that Allison Lanier is a lovely person, but she looks to me like someone who's skipping 5th period English to play a character on a soap opera, and she really come off as a kid when she goes up against the other actors on Y&R - it's just that she and Michael Mealor look like they're playing the leads in the Junior year class play.

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WTAF did Lily, the CEO of a major international company, call herself wearing today? Between the eff me shoes, the exposed cleavage, and the dress so tight and short if she leaned over just right you could see forever, I bet the local cadre of sugarbabies is preparing to get a cease and desist order issued against her. Because no one wants to see a 40ish mother of college-aged twins trying to look like she's still 22.

Nate Natey Nate Nate Nate. There's been no indication any of the people who work or have worked for Devon have any trouble with his management style. You were just throwing crap at the wall to see what would stick because it's all about your widdle fee-fees and not any actual facts.

It sounds like Lily is now pushing Billy out the C-W door. That's interesting.

So Connor lied to Chelsea to get away from her when she dropped him off at the coffeehouse. I bow in his general direction. 😉

Ehhh, Jill barely knows Nate; of course she didn't see him as a threat when he first came on board at C-W. I think his relationship with Ashland should've given her pause though. Seems like Nate wants the glory and the glittering prizes without doing the real work to achieve them.

Look at the mess Chelsea has made. She and Adam can't tell Connor she did something really bad to Johnny's father and that's a big part of the reason why she had to give Johnny up. And Connor's too young to understand why a mother would hand off her child to someone else for his own good. Oy.

Sally, stop talking to Nick about Adam! He's no more objective than Chloe on the topic of his brother. Meanwhile, two's company, three's a crowd, Nick. Stay off Sally and let her go be with the one she loves.

Jill! Noooooo! The Fates already gave you one chance to escape a takeover via the IPO. You need to kill the IPO idea and let it stay dead. Also, why didn't Lily mention to Jill that Devon is no longer down with it?

IMO whoever wrote the scenes with Devon and Nate arguing today deserves some applause. That dialogue was fire. 🔥🔥🔥. I think for the most part BJ was carrying SD though, as he is a stronger actor while SD tends to come across as a bit self-conscious when Nate has to show heavy emotion.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Just read that Mishael Morgan has chosen to go to a recurring player role, rather than a contract player, role on Y&R - does this mean that Y&R will quietly drop the Amanda Sinclair story line, like the character just never returns from caring for her mother and her name is never again mentioned by any other character on the show, and was the character of Audra Charles created as a potential love interest for Devon?

8 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

and the dress so tight and short if she leaned over just right you could see 

.  . . what color panties she was wearing?

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15 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

the dress so tight and short if she leaned over just right you could see forever,

My guess on why the business women characters on Y&R are dressed so inappropriately, like today, with "Lily" and "Sally" dressed like they were headed out to hustle drinks at some sleazy bar, is because it's shown in parts of the world where people confuse "business woman" with "working girl."

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Back from vacation and missing 5 episodes. I thought I would have to catch up but I watched today instead and found I didn’t have to. The gist of the conversation between Sally and Summer that Sally wasn’t good enough for her father. Yes Summer, but her mother is 🤣

Nostrils is leaving CW but wants to stick around to help Lily get through the IPO debacle even though Nostrils is actually useless.

Devon is still a prick and Natey Nate Nate is clearly aimless since leaving the medical profession. 

Jill is a great Monday morning quarterback. Now she down on Lily when she’s the one who gave the neophyte, Lily, the position.  Why isn’t Devon on the conference call?  Shouldn’t Jill be giving him some heat about Natey Nate Nate also?  I guess leaving the conference call to meet up with Cruella and the kids, in the park, is Nostrils’ version of being useful in the time of CW chaos 😜

The other thing that I’ve noticed was that Sally was dressed for success but it looks like Sally went back to dressing to impress. 

Adam is being very diplomatic in talking to Connor in being careful in not calling his mom a wack-a-doodle. 

Banana Breath has no credibility when it comes to Adam’s fatherly ability. Banana Breath is far far from being father of the year. Just ask Christian.  

Do the monkeys with a keyboard actually think that we are too stupid to realize that Chelsea wasn’t wearing much makeup at CL to make her look overly pathetic but managed to put her makeup on for a chance meeting with Nostrils at the park?  In addition, are we to believe that Jill and Lily doesn’t have a clue who the other shark in the water could possibly be?  

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My God today's show was good. I was so sad when it was over.

I especially enjoyed the Nate-Devon fight. Hope we have more like this. It was riveting.
I had to laugh when Devon said that Neil would not forgive Nate for what he did. I shouted " well he forgave you for sleeping with his wife when he was blind so he can forgive anything"

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.  . . what color panties she was wearing?

In that dress I think at best she was wearing a thong, and at worse she was going commando. 😼


was the character of Audra Charles created as a potential love interest for Devon?

Most of the spumors say Audra is Tucker's daughter. If she's meant to be Devon's love interest I'm gonna need her relationship to Tucker solidly clarified real soon. 😮

Yeah, MiMo's status as Amanda has been a real curiosity. I know she's had several serious issues to deal with in her personal life. Behind the scenes gossip has it though that TPTB were ready to let her go but then she won the Daytime Emmy and it would've looked bad given what a landmark her win was. Allegedly she wanted a contract with more time off but the show wanted to keep Amanda a front burner character so buh bye. The ultimate result is that she's gone on recurring status and no one even mentions Amanda anymore.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Jill! Noooooo! The Fates already gave you one chance to escape a takeover via the IPO. You need to kill the IPO idea and let it stay dead. Also, why didn't Lily mention to Jill that Devon is no longer down with it?

Lily also failed to mention to Jill that Nate bragged about his offer for a new bidness job but won't tell them where, right?

25 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

In addition, are we to believe that Jill and Lily doesn’t have a clue who the other shark in the water could possibly be? 

Maybe they're both stunned that anyone he's not related to would hire that mope.

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Connor asking Adam why Chelsea didn’t give him up to Aunt Victoria too.🤣  As if Auntie Vic would take on a child of Adam’s.
Jill asking why Lily and Billy didn’t see Nate coming. Well Jill, Billy was playing pod caster with Chelsea up until a few weeks ago and Lily is not as smart as she thinks. 
There was no reason for Nate to do what he did. The Newman’s will chew him up and spit him out. 
Nick, you can either care about your younger brother and his son or you can bang his ex girlfriend. You can’t do both. Sally, you spend 99% of your time talking about Adam. Wake up girl.

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Things are going to be tense on the penthouse floor of whatever building Nate and Devon live in. Hard to avoid awkward encounters in the elevator when they are the only people on the floor. Have to say I agree with Devon on this one, even though he agreed to hire Nate for a job he wasn’t qualified for. Show needs to find Nate a good surgeon with a pioneering nerve procedure that will restore his surgical abilities. He belongs in the operating room, not the boardroom.

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That filter Jill was using during that video call was killing me. I couldn't take her seriously at all.

The main reason why Sally and Nick's relationship gave me the creeps was because Nick's energy towards Sally seemed more paternal than romantic/sexual. It came off as incestuous despite them not being related. The fact that she'd slept with his brother did not help.

Chelsea didn't leave the house with makeup on, but found the time to do so on the way to the park... Must've smelt that Billy's on the way. I did had to laugh at how Billy pretended sympathize with her before promptly booting her out of the park.

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4 hours ago, MsMalin said:

My God today's show was good. I was so sad when it was over.

I especially enjoyed the Nate-Devon fight. Hope we have more like this. It was riveting.

I thought this too.  Scenes like that are why I watch (albeit while usually waiting a LONG time for one)  and a reminder of how good the show can be.  When they give a damn about writing meaningful, pathos driven scenes, anyway.  

Sally/Nick really drags everything else down at this point.  WTF are they doing with this?  They've agreed to be "professional"- so, the exact opposite of that- and yet she's still figuring out what she wants?  

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Agree with everyone that the Devon/Nate scenes stole the show.  Connor was very good, but the storyline is centered on Chelsea's emotional needs, and I care about that just about as much as I care about Victor's colonics regimen. 

Devon wiped the floor with Nate and then went back and buffed it to a healthy shine every time Nate tried to bark back.  One note of caution, though.... Neil, beloved as he is, was no saint.  Just ask Hilary about her medical vacation in her suite in Neil's boathouse.  

And not to forget, Devon, Neil forgave YOU for having an affair with his wife behind his back - you know, the man you idolize as your beloved father figure - and he went off the rails because of it.  So, before you declare Nate beyond redemption, remember Neil forgave YOU for being a putz and an asshole.

Connor, time to lock your mom in the garage.  Let Christian know first so he can find another sleeping bag.  

Edited by boes
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On 10/18/2022 at 7:38 PM, boes said:

….Show, please stop trying to make Josh Morrow work in a serious storyline, it's not working and it's hurting my stomach.  It's bad enough watching him struggle in a suit while doing his "Howdy Sheriff" walk but having him talk like he's both making sense and being wise hurts my ears.  Get the guy a paper route, have him sell hot dogs at the ball park, anything that makes ostensible sense….

The “Howdy Sheriff walk” and “paper route” parts are spot on.  Thank you.

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Lily also failed to mention to Jill that Nate bragged about his offer for a new bidness job but won't tell them where, right?

Yep. Which was dumb on Nate's part because unless he's going to be working undercover at NE/NM, Lily and Devon will know who hired him. And then they can guess who Nate was in cahoots with. Lily had been looking to Victoria as her "CEO of a family company" role model and Vikki had no problem knifing her in the back. Gotta love it!


There was no reason for Nate to do what he did. The Newman’s will chew him up and spit him out. 

Right? He was barely qualified for the nepotism position he had at C-W. How is he going to handle a real job where they'd just as soon dump him as look at him? Unless Victoria's still planning to use Nate to go after C-W, I don't see him lasting long with the Newmans as a business executive.

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Haven't watched today's show yet but I did catch a couple of moments as I was channel surfing. Two observations: Natalie Morales apparently got some acting lessons since the last time she was on Y&R. She seemed to me less like an animatron and more like a human being, hah hah. And then there's Audra. Her conversation with Noah sounded more natural to me and not like she was speaking her dialogue phonetically. Golf claps for them both.🙂

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After yesterday's episode, today's was like watching paint dry in the dark. Definitely brought out the B team here, IMO. I am tired of watching Nikki making the expressions of a deluded senior citizen with a superiority complex, and Ashley's hair looks like the ends got caught her juicer while she was making her breakfast smoothie, or burnt off during some chemical mishap in the Jabot lab.

Edited by Julyolo
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I’m still trying to wrap my head around why it’s anyones business what Diane did in LA? Unless it had some direct impact on the lives of Genoa City residents, who really gives a fuck? And Jack can lose me with his ‘you haven’t denied it’ bullshit.  News flash: Diane doesn’t owe you an explanation for how she led her life for the past 10+ years. 

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Allie's degree is in chemical engineering. Why is she designing cosmetics? Seems to me she should be move involved in the processing and production side of things instead of creating face serums.

These three wealthy, accomplished women spending so much time and energy obsessing over Diane. It's incredible how much power the witch trio has given her over their minds. I can't fathom it.

Dang, Tucker kinda looking at Victoria like she's a snack. A tiny, cold one full of empty calories but still, he acted like he could have some. And there was Victoria no longer wearing her widow's weeds. Hmmm, I still don't hate it.

Yeah, no, Nikki, you don't have Tucker right where you want him. He's likely playing 3-D chess while you three yentas are running around looking for the all the checkerboard pieces.

So Christine is still in private practice. Wonder what her hubby is up to? 😉

It'll be interesting if Mariah and Tessa find themselves expected to pay the mother of the child they hope to adopt. Or a baby broker. Newborns of certain backgrounds basically get auctioned off in the US, in ways often bordering on human trafficking.

Jackie. You know better than to fall for some mean girl gossip. Especially at your age and with your messy history with two of those shrieking harpies. Sigh.

Do we definitely know it was Tucker who killed Talia's magazine series on Diane or is that just another assumption? Whatever, whoever had that kind of power could probably stop a book from being published too, or at least prevent it from being distributed. Careful, Talia.

Geez, ease up, Diane. You stay on Jack like lint on velcro.

Wow. Nikki, did you forget Diane was once married to your husband? He's also a world-famous billionaire. And she was also your son's lover for a minute. Go sit in your glass house and shut up.

There may be a thin line between love and hate but Audra, hon, there's not one between you and Noah. He is over and done with you like yesterday's news. Ask Allie how much.

Diane's about to confess to Jack. Here we go! 🍿🍿🍿🥤🥤🥤

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It hasn’t taken Allie very long to go from a mealy mouth nerd to a full blown Abbott assertive woman.  Kudos Allie, kudos.  But being an Abbott also give you the perfect excuse to blow off work. 

Why are the monkeys with a keyboard still pushing that adoption story?  Mariah does want to get pregnant once again?  I’m quite positive Devon would donate his swimmers once again. Adoption probably is about the same cost as invetro.  Mariah and Tessa shouldn’t get ahead of themselves even with Christine’s help. I don’t know where the monkeys with a keyboard are intending to go with this but there are a lot of unscrupulous people that fake pregnancy to bilk money out of hopeful adoptive parents.  My daughter and her husband have this happen to them once by a woman faking pregnancy and once when the woman change her mind after giving birth. The woman and her boyfriend, who faked the pregnancy, done this pregnancy ploy many times and now are serving a few years in a Florida jail. 

With Ashley, Nikki, and Rodan still plotting to destroy Diane, it’s not hard for me to imagine Rodan twirling a mustache like Snidely Whiplash.  I always have to laugh when people look down on people for doing what they do themselves in spades.  Nikki, Ashley, and especially Rodan worship at the Alter of Vindictiveness.  What could Diane have done, with Tucker in LA, that could be so damning and shameful that would make her leave town. So Tucker may have helped her financially with “helping him out” with his business dealings. Hasn’t Banana Breath helped Rodan out financially with the purchase of the Grand Albatross?  Hasn’t Nikki received millions in “compensation”, from Victor for “services rendered”.  Unlike Nikki and Rodan, it would be hard for me to imagine Diane breaking the law. Maybe working in a gray area at most where Rodan and Nikki have broken the law time and time again.  

Jack ever the skeptic has trust issues. Fine, but he seems to trust the woman who has fucked him up over and over, Rodan, more than Diane.  

Rodan gets from the ranch to the office in the blink of an eye.  Rodan must have to be on Red Bull so she can fly faster.  

So now the articles on Diane are going to be published.  Big fucking deal and so is the book Talia is going write on Diane.  Diane who?  Next is there going to be a movie?  I’m quite sure, Talia, a book about Nikki would be a lot more interesting. An inspirational story about how young strippers can inspire to become an elitist bitch.  

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7 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

My daughter and her husband have this happen to them once by a woman faking pregnancy and once when the woman change her mind after giving birth. The woman and her boyfriend, who faked the pregnancy, done this pregnancy ploy many times and now are serving a few years in a Florida jail. 

People like that deserve a special place in hell.

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9 hours ago, MsMalin said:

BTW: isn't Christine the DA? Why would she be handling an adoption case?

Christine lost her re-election campaign, mostly due to Victor funding the other guy - who I think was Michael???  Not sure if he became the D.A. right after her, or later on.  Anyway, Christine was mostly happily resigned to losing since she wanted a slower lifestyle so she and Paul could enjoy themselves more.

All of which happened before Show "enjoyed" Paul right off contract and off screen.

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Query. What would be the best object to crash through the ceiling and directly into the Kyle-Summer afterglow? A meteor? A giant anvil embossed with the ACME logo? An Oldsmobile Cutlass? The metric ton of mucus from Buttbiscuit’s nostrils? What a couple of smug, annoying assholes.

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