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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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  On 3/8/2025 at 3:37 PM, SweePea59 said:

Some soap opera magazine published a sneak peek of Mulva's redecoration of the Abbot mansion. I thought I'd share the photos here. I just know the Abbots will love it.




My all-time favorite episode--especially when Myrna says "Oh look at the time, I gotta go" while Oscar doesn't know it's a clock.  Love and miss those guys!

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  On 3/12/2025 at 10:41 PM, Denize said:

Traci's fiance did hypnotize Sharon and I believe Phylly dropped by once to yell at her when M. Laurent was there. So he may know what's up between them. But why he wants to see more of them is beyond me.


I thought it was Ashley he hypnotized, but with all the blondes I get confused.

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Hey, it's Traci and Alan or Martin.

Now Sharon's dead. Or not. This storyline is a deathwish for the viewers.

Ugh, a marriage proposal offered as a hypothetical. Bad form, Alan/Martin. If you're not willing to risk a negative response, keep it to yourself.

On those FBI TV shows they use some kind of high-tech infrared scanning device on a drone. It flies over supposedly abandoned areas looking for heat signatures generally in the shape of people. Guess the GCPD mostly has to use the low-tech shoe leather and flashlight method. 🤠

Latest clue: "I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears." The kidnapper must be a fan of 🎶Spinning Wheel🎶, lol.

Shouldn't a person receiving CPR be on a relatively firm surface? Pretty much everything about the way that scene was staged seemed problematic to me. Phyllis could've done Sharon even more harm.

Aw, Traci, now you're engaged to marry Alan/Martin. I want to be thrilled for you but...

Chance sure was hogging Summer's personal space today. Is he trying to get another chance with her?

Okay, that was quite an engagement ring. Not a classic Tiffany setting but I'll allow it. 😼

What the what!?!? Alan/Martin can eat sh!t and die. Poor Traci has no idea what a psycho she's been intimate with. It's like her version of Phyllis and Marco Annicelli.

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  On 3/12/2025 at 11:05 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

I thought it was Ashley he hypnotized, but with all the blondes I get confused.


He treated Ashley in Paris where he had a license to practice, but hypnotized Sharon in her house on the ranch and got her to realize that there was someone else in the room when Heather was killed. Now the question is whether IanWard & Alan/Martin know each other. Could they have been in a psych ward for criminal psychopaths?

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A few weeks ago I decided the Ian Ward Holding a room full of people with cell phones hostage was the worst written scene I had seen in my 50 years of watching soaps.

 Amazing that within weeks it is now rivaled by this scene where Phyllis can’t find a pulse but didn’t think of CPR until she read a clue WHICH HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH CPR, and then proceeds to do absolutely incorrectly performed cpr (couch too soft, not enough compressions, wrong rhythm) for Sharon to quickly come “back to life”. Ugh the least they should have done is felt responsible enough to show proper CPR technique. Travesty.

 And yes I am also curious to know how Martin would know so much about the P/S history down to dates. 

Sorry Tracey.

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I cannot watch Sharon one more day. I am more exhausted by her being on, seemingly every blasted day, for months, than I am by Phyllis. Phyllis!!  Other than Victor, Nicki, Claire...and the Winters family...every single actor/actress seems to be on recurring. 

 The only bright spot is what will Jack and Diane's living room look like. Farmhouse Style? Bohemian? (I would almost pay to see that) Eclectic? Classic old money? The court of Marie Antoinette? 

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  On 3/12/2025 at 11:15 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Guess the GCPD mostly has to use the low-tech shoe leather and flashlight method. 🤠


And the fantastically ept CrackTeam of bodyguards/investigators/sleuths that are Nick and Ranch Security.  Chance is really a walking/talking reason to de-fund the GC police force.  Maybe he should concentrate more on his job than on PoutyMcCowgirl.

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  On 3/13/2025 at 3:46 PM, MollyB said:

And the fantastically ept CrackTeam of bodyguards/investigators/sleuths that are Nick and Ranch Security.  Chance is really a walking/talking reason to de-fund the GC police force.  Maybe he should concentrate more on his job than on PoutyMcCowgirl.


Doesn't that dumb bunny Chansome realize that any evidence the Newsome Keystone Cops might , you know, be thrown out because there wasn't a legal chain of command? Obviously, being competent is beyond him.  I wonder if he can walk and chew gum at the same time.

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  On 3/13/2025 at 4:02 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

Doesn't that dumb bunny Chansome realize that any evidence the Newsome Keystone Cops might , you know, be thrown out because there wasn't a legal chain of command?


He did mention that to Nick-who then promptly ignored it and dialed up his TEAM.  ('Team', for me, is that one guy who got clocked at the G-rampire Shooting Tour.)

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Dead Martin or Alan, just who the heck is this?  I still say it’s Dead Martin cuz Alan was such a freakin’ bore.

The ring?  Not too shabby, but Traci’s behavior is quite cringey & giving me the creeps.

is it possible Chloe isn’t an asshole anymore?  Eh, Idk or care.  And scenes with Vic & the weasel?  Also couldn’t care less.  Chelsea wasn’t bawling her eyes out, but was way too boring to watch.

C’mon Show, end the Sharon & Phyllis stuck in a room bit cuz it’s getting so tiresome.

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I want to own the company that supplies hair extensions for the women.  Every time I tune someone's hair is hanging down past their shoulders.  The owners must make  bundle, just in Chelsea alone.  It's grows longer every time I see her. I think the only women with real hair is Fullis and Vikki. I wonder how long Sharon's will be when she returns.

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  On 3/13/2025 at 3:52 AM, lgprimes said:

And yes I am also curious to know how Martin would know so much about the P/S history down to dates. 


When Alan/Martin was hypnotzing Sharon to find out what she remembered about Heather's death, perhaps he got Sharon to tell him her life story as it related to Phyllis, Danyell, Cassie, etc..

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Adam has to get permission to enter Daddy's house. Huh. Everyone else just walks in.

Hey, it's Chloe.

One would think Alan/Martin would be using a burner phone and he'd be keeping it hidden. If Traci sees those messages from the hostage room he'll have to kill her, or at least wipe her memory.

Adam said he built Newman Media from the ground up. Right. Daddy gave him the cushy office, the CEO title, the staff, and the association with NE. Plus, other people have also successfully run NM, such as Sally and Nikki. Hush, Adam.

Alan/Martin "letting" Traci talk him into a quickie wedding has to mean he's setting up a way to access her finances. Sigh, Traci shouldn't be marrying anybody without a prenup in place beforehand.

So Chloe has seen the light about trying to warn her galpals away from Adam. It's a miracle! 🙄

Latest clue: "Who will pay the price to save the life of the mind?" Oh FFS. I think Alan/Martin's brain is begging to be released from its captivity. On Neptune.

Clearly the surveillance camera is in the loudspeaker. Phyllis could take off her bra and use it to cover the whole thing. Assuming she's wearing one, that is. 😼

Why wouldn't Alan/Martin take a minute check his phone? That's an unforced error on his part unless he wants Traci to do it. Oy.

Phyllis and Sharon: Transformers unite!

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Mrs chipmunk you’re the last person to talk about joy.  Your joy only comes from bashing Adam but you do so with a sour puss.  Did I hear correctly?  Did the bluebird of happiness 💩 on Mrs Chipmunk’s head allowing her to accept Adam and Chelsea’s relationship?  

Trying to pick a dead bolt lock with a thin piece of metal is an exercise in futility but it’s fun to watch. 

Are we to believe that Billy👃 or Nick🦍 will die in saving Sharon and Manic Phyllis🕷️?  


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OK, I did a peek ahead on a Canadian site and if what they posted is true, then a shit load of stuff happens on tomorrow's show which I won't want to miss, even though I did read ahead about it.

  On 3/13/2025 at 11:38 PM, Waldo13 said:

Are we to believe that Billy👃 or Nick🦍 will die in saving Sharon and Manic Phyllis🕷️


Watching tomorrow's show will be worth it.

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  On 3/13/2025 at 11:38 PM, Waldo13 said:

Are we to believe that Billy👃 or Nick🦍 will die in saving Sharon and Manic Phyllis🕷️


We can only hope.  And for God sake Sharon, when you finally get out of that place PLEASE burn that blouse.  And do something about that hair, but I must say it looks really clean considering how long you've been there.  And speaking of that, are there any bathroom facilities?  One can only hope.=, since they have been in there since new Years and now it is the middle of March......................

  On 3/13/2025 at 11:38 PM, Waldo13 said:

Did the bluebird of happiness 💩 on Mrs Chipmunk’s head allowing her to accept Adam and Chelsea’s relationship?  


I've been watching since 2002 because the hospital only had channel 2, and I don't think I've ever seen Chelsea or Chloe happy.

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I had a feeling that Traci’s sudden extended screen time would result in her humiliation. Thanks for never failing to be predictable, show.

JG just does not have the chops for the kind of story he thinks he’s telling with the escape room follies. A potential evil twin holding two enemies hostage as a psychological experiment sounds quite interesting, but the execution is total cringe. Nick and Billy are not action heroes. Even if Sharon Case and Michelle Stafford were the most talented actors on earth, the dialogue coming out of their mouths would ruin it. The riddles are lame AF. I’m not sure if the production of unintentional comedy gold is considered a talent, but if it is, Josh Griffith is ten pounds of talent in a five pound bag.

Ah, Adam. I rooted for you once, before you found a cozy nook in your father’s backside nestled behind a desiccated dingleberry. Good job, letting Victor and Connor run your life. And, my goodness, Adam and Chelsea suddenly have sizzling hot chemistry now that Chloe is propping them. I guess Kyle/Claire take home the gold for most painfully boring couple in GC. I lied. It’s still a tie. Hey, Chelz, just because you and numbnuts got back together, that doesn’t make your rutting in Baltimore any less trash. Shut up.

Random musing: did we really need scenes of Billy and Nick debating over clicking a fucking link and Billy explaining how his phone was safely backed up? Nobody cares if the bottom biscuit loses his nostril porn youTube playlist. 

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Friday Rant:

  • I didn't think they could humiliate Traci any more than has already been done.  Silly me.  Add that it was compounded by her almost-hysterical gushing speeches (to Diane and Jack and Alan/Martin) about how happy she is and it's all because of her new twue wove.  Why don't they just let her get hit by an 18-wheeler and get it over with?
  • Is it Casual Friday everyday at GC's Legacy Corporations?  Nick hasn't been in a suit for ages, his daughter looks as if she just got back from Branson after losing the Dale Evans Look-alike Contest.  And don't get me started on Viktor's sweater, Adam half a suit and and Billy's long coat and that weird blouse/shirt. [Of course, I realize no one has been in an office in ages.]
  • Will the writers/director please Google CPR and learn how to do it right?  And that goes for just about every medically related subject they attempt to show.  (Looking at you, Amy.)  Dr. Google is your friend.  YouTube probably has a video.  Take a class in first aid, for f*ck's sake!
  • Finally, I like a twist in a story as much as the next person.  I didn't feel cheated at all in Sixth Sense.  But throwing Alan/Martin in as the perp for the kidnapping/psychological torture after he's been off screen for so long was illogical.  Next we will probably find out Cole was involved.  Hell, it makes as much sense as Mrs. Martinez being the brains behind the scheme.
Edited by MollyB
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I honestly think that the cast (well, the women) would look better and classier if the Wardrobe Department shopped for the clothes in a thrift store. Seriously. Everything right now, on this show, is terrible. I guess one of my biggest disappointments is the characger arc that Adam has gone through. Right now he is a  useless, empty suit. If he wore one.

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While watching this tripe yesterday, I realized that Alan/ Martin has longer hair than Traci !

Traci is a lovely character and I enjoy her so much but I just can’t stand her hair and I don’t know why they cut it that short. It was so much nicer when it was a shoulder length type of bob…

The style does nothing for her and ages her…sadly it seems her new fiancé is going to break her heart….all that heartbreak and bad hair too.


Edited by SiouxB
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So is Show trying to hint to us that Alan/Dead-Martin isn’t in this alone?  He wasn’t answering, or even the least bit concerned with the alerts coming from his phone.  And yet, S & P got that one last riddle & a snotty comment.  And Billy got the link that led them to S & P.

”Not very sportsmanlike, ladies”?  Idk, sounds very Ian to me . . .

Oh Traci, give up the gushing, hun — hope you realize quick you hooked up with a total loon!

Btw, will S & P now be best girl buds & braid each other’s hair?  OK then.


Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Flashbacks of yesterday's episode being shown in black & white as if those Billy and Nick scenes were aired months or years ago. Okay.

Adrenaline is a helluva drug. Sharon tipping over that bookcase was unexpected. Maybe there are still remnants of PCP in her system, ha ha.

Stand back, citizens of GC! Detective Chancellor has the situation under control. Just ask him. 🙄

Wait, so where was the surveillance camera hidden? Guess it wasn't in the loudspeaker box as I previously speculated.

Sure, Phyllis, everything you've done in your life has been to survive. Like openly cheating on your husband with his brother. Or getting pregnant by another woman's husband. You have the survival skills of a rabid dingbat.

Poison gas?!?! Wow, no half-measures for Alan/Martin. Now he's going for attempted murder charges on top of the kidnapping and trespassing.

Nick must have a leg made of titanium given the way he kicked open the locked door.

After everything that happened, Sharon and Phyllis were taken to Victor's house for questioning. Gee, why not the jazz club, or Society? So effing stupid.

Alan/Martin just pulled several meticulously-planned crimes. His cellphone has clear evidence of his responsibility for those crimes. However, he wasn't smart enough to stash that phone where his fiancée couldn't access it. Seriously?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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@MollyB so much gold I can't pick out one to reply to!

  On 3/14/2025 at 1:07 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

Ah, Adam. I rooted for you once, before you found a cozy nook in your father’s backside nestled behind a desiccated dingleberry.




  On 3/14/2025 at 3:41 PM, MollyB said:

Hell, it makes as much sense as Mrs. Martinez being the brains behind the scheme.


makes as much sense anyone else.

I was sorta hoping that ALAN/Not Dead Alan was sincere about his feelings for Tracy, but as usual JG had to shit on her.  Again.

  On 3/14/2025 at 5:17 PM, Kemper said:

I honestly think that the cast (well, the women) would look better and classier if the Wardrobe Department shopped for the clothes in a thrift store. Seriously. Everything right now, on this show, is terrible. I guess one of my biggest disappointments is the characger arc that Adam has gone through. Right now he is a  useless, empty suit. If he wore one.


Right there with you; except Diane.

Oh, and Dick: texting while driving?  People have been KILLED during it.


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I was willing to believe that Alan was in cahoots with Michael. Michael would know all the history of S&P and would be motivated to have them make up, and he could have asked Alan for some psychological idea to help it along. It all made harmless sense until the gas started. Who knows, maybe it was harmless laughing gas and Phyllis just panicked.

The biggest disappointment of the day was when they DIDN’T accidentally kill Billy or Nick by bashing their skull in. Either one would have been acceptable.

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It is an interesting (yet stupid storyline) that Sharon & Phyllis are out but still don’t know who Mr. Loud Speaker is. Of course, if it drags out until Christmas I’ll be pulling my hair out. 

So now Billy and Phyllis are going to fall in love. Ugh!

I meant to say the other day that Amelia Heinle returned. She had been gone a while so I was getting worried.

I saw Summer, Kyle and Claire at the GCAC and Zzzzzzzzzz!

Finally, I’m curious who Billy Flynn will play and pared with. I think he’s about 6 ft tall and only 39 years so I guess he’s suitable for some of the woman. I’d like him with Chloe but Y&R refuses to put her on contract. They are so cheap. 

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  On 3/15/2025 at 5:46 AM, ByaNose said:

I’m curious who Billy Flynn will play and pared with. I think he’s about 6 ft tall and only 39 years so I guess he’s suitable for some of the woman. I’d like him with Chloe but Y&R refuses to put her on contract. They are so cheap. 


Chloe is married though we rarely see her husband Kevin anymore because he's busy over in Salem. I'd like to see Billy Flynn's character paired with Sally or Claire. Please keep him away from Sharon, Phyllis, Summer, Victoria, Lily, Chelsea, and Audra.

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I can see Vic trying to get someone to lure Claire away from Pomp.  Dumber might be sniffing around him, but he’s shrugging her off with total indifference.  And Claire sees her as more pathetic than a threat.  Claire & Holden looked like they were on 2 different planets, so I don’t see that happening at all.

Well, at least they.ended the S&P stuck in a room bit.  Now, how long are they gonna shlep out this loony Alan/Dead-Martin sh*t?

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  On 3/15/2025 at 3:43 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Now, how long are they gonna shlep out this loony Alan/Dead-Martin sh*t?


Don't know.  They keep mentioning Ian Ward (but Nick assures everyone he was cremated and therefore not a player in this farce), so we're going to explore that avenue.  I think Alan/Martin is a split personality himself-maybe Alan had a breakdown after he killed his brother.  (not a spoiler, just a guess). Whatever.

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  On 3/15/2025 at 4:45 PM, Sake614 said:

I dunno, I thought they looked cute together. She exuded more energy/personality in those brief scenes than any with Pomp.


While I don’t see these 2 as a couple at all, what’s interesting about them together (even if just in an Innocent convo) is it’s a reminder that Claire started out as shady as Holden supposedly is.  But Show is trying desperately to make us forget that.  And yeah, their convo was more interesting than anything with Pomp or Dumber — and certainly the super boring sh*t with The Weasel & The Cryer.

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  On 3/15/2025 at 5:14 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

I don’t see these 2 as a couple at all,


Me either, though I wouldn't be surprised if Claire had a quick fling with Holden. I think the Claire & Kyle coupling hasn't generated the kind of heat TPTB were hoping for so they're looking to move Claire elsewhere. Maybe Kyle will get back with Summer; who cares?

It'll be telling which woman Billy Flynn's character is paired with first, assuming he isn't going to be a recast for Noah Newman, as spumored. Bringing him on as Noah would cut off several possibilities because Noah is related to several women characters. Aristotle Dumas, come on down! 😏

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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  On 3/13/2025 at 2:57 PM, Kemper said:

I cannot watch Sharon one more day. I am more exhausted by her being on, seemingly every blasted day, for months, than I am by Phyllis. Phyllis!!  Other than Victor, Nicki, Claire...and the Winters family...every single actor/actress seems to be on recurring. 

 The only bright spot is what will Jack and Diane's living room look like. Farmhouse Style? Bohemian? (I would almost pay to see that) Eclectic? Classic old money? The court of Marie Antoinette? 


For the live of GOD I agree! PLEASE!! How can SC 's acting get WORSE!? UGH. When she was yelling at Phyllis to get-away from the gas and trying to figure out the stupid door, I thot i was going to pee myself laughing so hard! Phyllis was just as bad. Agree storyline is stupid. Im done with this show for awhile!! And...can Tracy NEVER be happy!? She always gets the short end of the stick!!

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The thing with Sharon Case and her emoting. When she comes up with an idea....or even says something that may or may not be  ridiculous...you can practically see the wheels turning in her brain. "Stop, look crestfallen, breathe, straighten face, stop, googly eye, look crestfallen, breathe, Stop, blank stare, breathe"......

I am not trying to trash the actress; she is fine if they would let her stay in her lane. Has been a decent "leading lady" for decades. Good mom, taking tragedy in stride. Brought the innocent sex appeal. She could still do that, even with the cosmetic surgery. But being inserted into dramatic (yet ridiculous) plots does her no favors. Phyllis is always always Phyllis; so no expectations from viewers; she is always the same character, same acting tics.

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  On 3/15/2025 at 7:43 PM, Kemper said:

The thing with Sharon Case and her emoting. When she comes up with an idea....or even says something that may or may not be  ridiculous...you can practically see the wheels turning in her brain. "Stop, look crestfallen, breathe, straighten face, stop, googly eye, look crestfallen, breathe, Stop, blank stare, breathe"......

I am not trying to trash the actress; she is fine if they would let her stay in her lane. Has been a decent "leading lady" for decades. Good mom, taking tragedy in stride. Brought the innocent sex appeal. She could still do that, even with the cosmetic surgery. But being inserted into dramatic (yet ridiculous) plots does her no favors. Phyllis is always always Phyllis; so no expectations from viewers; she is always the same character, same acting tics.


After watching clips of a young Sharon (before I watched this show) I am surprised how good she was. I think all the work (Botox?) has made it difficult to emote.  Too bad some actresses do that to themselves.

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We Will Write Poo!

(sung to the tune of Queen's We Will Rock You)


Joshy you're a ham, little man, playin scams, gonna be a big man someday

You cant write or produce, ya big fucking douche, lettin' Vic and Nick lay a stinky fat douce, singin'

We will, we will, write poo!

We will, we will, write poo!

Kyle you're a prat, your brains aint that, and Claire's a lame ass little spoiled tw@t

They can't get hot, like watchin' melting snot, with Summer hanging round like a giant cock block, singin'

We will, we will, write poo!

We will, we will, write poo!

SyPhyLlis is there, she is every where, bug eyed stare gonna be a creepair

Billy's nostrils huge, Nikki's hair gel's ooze, it's a snot deluge, in the GC snooze, singin'

(Next verses are on you'se guys!)

Edited by surfgirl
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Sharon & Nick are super popular and have their fans but the show really needs to move on for the both of them. I think Josh Morrow likes working with Sharon Case but there isn’t anything left for him and Sharon to do. He really needs a new actress to join the cast for him to interact with. He’s been with almost every female cast member except for CK who he’s dying to paired with. Even the show giving it a hard pass. Which is kind of hysterical. Sharon Case was good with Conner Floyd. Chance is available too. Sharon Cases acting has regressed with whatever she’s done to her lips. She makes the strangest faces because of it and can barely act. The Sharon and Phyllis stuff was pure torture……for the fans. 

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  On 3/15/2025 at 5:14 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

While I don’t see these 2 as a couple at all, what’s interesting about them together (even if just in an Innocent convo) is it’s a reminder that Claire started out as shady as Holden supposedly is.  But Show is trying desperately to make us forget that.  And yeah, their convo was more interesting than anything with Pomp or Dumber — and certainly the super boring sh*t with The Weasel & The Cryer.


Most newbies on this show seem to come on with shady pasts that the show tries to make us forget when the character gets popular or is a legacy(ish). When Mariah first came on she was gaslighting Sharon about Cassie then harassing Abby because she was dating Mariah's old boyfriend. All has been forgiven with her just like Claire. So, if Holden turns out to be a fan fave it will soon be "Shady past?? Never heard of him."

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I’m a little late to the party. I left Alabama on Friday because of the storms. 

Trashing the room is their solution?  WTF?  Why should Martin/Allen even care?  But wouldn’t you think that Martin/Allen already heard their plan before they found the camera.  

Did I hear Nick🦍 correctly?  They been held for 6 months?  If Nick didn’t misspeak his line that should have been 6 weeks, then beside the story stinking to high heaven, Manic Phyllis🕷️ and Sharon would stink also. 🫢🫢

I had to laugh when Sharon told Manic Phyllis 🕷️that she has to cover her hands and nose. Even Manic Phyllis🕷️’s hands aren’t big enough. 

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  On 3/15/2025 at 8:08 PM, rcc said:

After watching clips of a young Sharon (before I watched this show) I am surprised how good she was. I think all the work (Botox?) has made it difficult to emote.  Too bad some actresses do that to themselves.


Now she emotes being stunned all the time with her mouth in a gaping "O" and her eyes bugging out, usually while saying nothing, as if someone has just whacked her in the head with a 2x4. Her acting is better when she pretends to be sleeping.

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The scenery chewing in that room …. they were worse than high school actors in a school play. SC just cannot seem to do anything emotional - no anger, happiness, sadness. Everything seems so forced. 

I agree they need to get Nick with someone else. Why can’t he ever stay with someone? Michael and Lauren have been married for years. He has run through almost every woman on the show - Sharon, Phyllis, Sally, Chelsea. He still has Lily, Chloe, Traci, and Esther left, I guess. (Sharon is too old for Chance, imo. She is about his mother’s age.) 

I would imagine JM is not that happy with his character right now. He is just tangential to everyone else’s stories. Nick seemingly does not work. We have not seen his home in years. No love life. Nobody has even spoken of his minor child in many months. 

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