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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Sally, Nick was something but he was never your best friend. Get over yourself.

I liked Chloe's necklace.

A "joke," pssht. That's what people often claim when they get caught saying something they regret. Not buying what you're trying to sell, Victor.

Bartenders and baristas must hate to see Adam show up. Today in Society he again left without ordering anything. (He pulled the same move later at Crimson Lights.)

Ehhh, AFAIC Chloe cannot be an objective source of advice on any situation which involves Adam. I can't understand why Sally keeps going to that well.

Real talk from Nikki to Victor. He is 100% paranoid, and it's largely due to his own actions, IMO. Playing favorites between his children is why they won't stop fighting with each other.

Infallible mind? HA HA HA HA HA! NE has to be the inside joke of the business world due to its constant state of C-suite musical chairs. That's on you and your infallible mind, Victor. 🙄

Victoria's outfit got even weirder to me today. Not sure how the leather cropped jacket made up for the flimsy amount of fabric in the top part of her dress. Brrr.

I'm glad Adam told Victoria about Victor calling him by the wrong name. Better she be the one to act on the growing evidence of Victor's iffy mental status than Adam.

Chloe, Sally and Nick didn't launch a business together; he's her creditor. Sally should've never put herself in the position of owing a ton of money to the guy she was sleeping with. It worked out for Red 1.0 because she had a solid asset to back the loan. Red 2.0 has little more than a bunch of drawings which have not yet proven marketable.

Whoo, that sly face Claire pulled when Nikki was shook up after her conversation with Victor. My girl Claire might be a bit shady. Let's go! 😏

Yo Claire, feel free to stop mentioning your great aunt every 30 seconds.

Nick going HAM on the punching bag? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!

Victoria going HAM on the framed photo of her and Daddy CEO? KEE KEE KEE KEE KEE!

Bravo, JG. Now that's how to end the week on a doubly hilarious  note.

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I almost used my television as a punching bag today. The sheer machismo of Nicholas Newman dragging his knuckles all over Genoa City must have rubbed off on me. Snarling, belligerent, on the verge of violence and dramatically throwing back big gulps of he-man juice? All traits I’d advise my best friend to look for in a man. Nick’s mature handling of disappointment and existing alongside people he doesn’t like will provide Christian with a sterling example to follow. Does anyone think Nick knows what Adam meant by vitriol? Anyone? That fifty dollar word probably sent Nick into a rage spiral.

Let’s not forget the wonder that is Sally! It’s just heartwarming to see her return to cutting Adam to the quick and mooning over that refurbished enema with itchy fists. Good for Chloe, hearing that Nick was in a punching mood and spinning his toxic alpha male bullshit into fiery passion. What a pal. Sally practically talked herself into being in love with both guys in the same conversation. She then searched her soul for all of thirty seconds before dialing dumbass.

I don’t want to hear the words ‘great aunt’ ever again. Enough already.

I bet JG thought that last scene with Victoria smashing the picture was Succession level gold. He could be half right because it was definitely comedy gold. Newman temper tantrums make me miss the dour stylings of Buttbiscuit.

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I'm trying to get into the Sally/Adam thing, but they're making it hard. To risk sounding like an old fogey, they don't make soap romances like they used to. 

My father calls me by my mother or his sister's name. Maybe Victor will start calling Nikki Ashley or Hope. 

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Banana Breath how do you justify your current mental state on Adam?  Adam has nothing to do with your insecurities about Sally. You knew that Sally and Adam was together for a while and basically you were a rebound for Sally.  Wasn’t Ava conceived out of more than a kiss but being “friends” with Adam now is the straw that broke the gorilla’s back. 

Mrs Chipmunk if Banana Breath was such a good man than why was he divorced from Sharon and than Taz🌪️?  If he was such a good man he would have tried to work it out with either one of them?  If he’s such a good man then why does he cut and run when life gets to tough?  Banana Breath is nothing but a quitter. 

There is something about Claire that makes me think that she’s not entirely kosher.  Nikki can defend Groucho🥸🥸🥸 all she wants but Groucho🥸🥸🥸 is the one that is the ring leader to shove a knife in Victor’s back.  Nikki is overly worried about  Grouco🥸🥸🥸’s bruised ego to the point she is questioning Victor’s intentions. 

How much longer are the monkeys with a keyboard make us wait for the inevitable of Adam and Sally getting back together. 


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Nick (and Sharon, too, for that matter) should never ever blow Adam shit about anything.  They should be kissing his ass for the rest of their natural lives.  Adam is an organ donor, so if he has another organ he'd like to donate to Sally (or loan to her every now and then), they just need to shut up and deal with it.

Hmmm...I can think of lots of times when Victor's infallible mind malfunctioned and his instincts led him astray.  Does Patty Williams ring a bell?  Marco Anisselli??

Who could the brown-noser's great aunt be?  Leanna?  I'm calling it now, there's mercury in that pot of tea.

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On 10/12/2023 at 11:53 AM, TVForever said:

Nikki and Paul's unknown granddaughter, raised by Great Aunt Casey?

Wait!!!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck?!? Nikki and Paul had a kid together? Whaaaat???? I've been wondering why they're shoving this new girl down our throats...

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Detective Deadwood, aka Dylan McAvoy, was clearly produced before Paul was vacuum sealed into his final pair of Levis. Nikki blocked out his birth due to the splinters he left in her log flume. Prior to leaving Genoa City for an old sea salt’s driftwood collection, Dylan was elevated to sainthood. He is still alive and practicing photosynthesis in an undisclosed location. Fun Fact: The bonsai Tucker McCall recently gifted to the Abbotts is a distant cousin.

- Who’s Who: Genoa City edition

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Dylan was Paul and Nikki’s son amirite? Could Claire be his kid? 

And therefore could Avery be Claire's mother? That would make Claire related to Phyllis and Summer. Oy.


Maybe Victor will start calling Nikki Ashley or Hope. 

Yeah, I wish he would. Nikki would have him declared mentally incapacitated so fast it would make Victor's infallible head spin right off his body.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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5 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Detective Deadwood, aka Dylan McAvoy, was clearly produced before Paul was vacuum sealed into his final pair of Levis. Nikki blocked out his birth due to the splinters he left in her log flume. .... Fun Fact: The bonsai Tucker McCall recently gifted to the Abbotts is a distant cousin.

- Who’s Who: Genoa City edition

I bet that bonsai will turn out to be Claire's great aunt!

Edited by boes
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On 10/12/2023 at 1:23 PM, Gam2 said:

Nick is wearing a sweater and suede jacket. Vicki is wearing a halter top dress like it’s July in Key West. WTH?

At least she had a jacket. Phyl had nothing byt strings.

On 10/12/2023 at 9:05 PM, Kemper said:

To me, Audra’s “look” seems more Klassy Kim Kardashian. I think it is her hair….and she dresses way better.

Human sized ass, too.

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Nick is pissed that his relationship with Sally blew up after he stole Sally from his brother? What a pathetic man boy. Why is everyone outraged on Nicks behalf? Chloe? The obnoxious maids obnoxious daughter? Sharon? The Newman Hole therapist/ business mogul needs to shut up. 

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On 10/14/2023 at 7:16 PM, Chatty Cake said:

The obnoxious maids obnoxious daughter?

Who's that?

On 10/14/2023 at 6:16 PM, Snaporaz said:

Zapato was Victor's first dog,

I didn't know Victor had dogs - what kind?

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So, Nick is in the GCAC bar while Sally is upstairs having a screaming argument with Adam (just wondering if the other guests don't complain to management about all the screaming arguments coming from Sally's room), and Tucker and Audra both have rooms there, and even Heather has been staying at the GCAC; whatever happened to the Grand Phoenix?

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59 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Who's that?

I didn't know Victor had dogs - what kind?

Chloe is Esther’s daughter.

If I recall correctly, they were both Golden Retrievers. Best actors they ever had on this show! 

And Claire, I’d warn you to lighten up on the brown nosing as you’re super obvious, but there is nothing a Newman likes more than having their ass kissed. 

Edited by pvandal
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On 10/14/2023 at 1:03 AM, surfgirl said:

Nikki and Paul had a kid together?

Yes, Dylan McAvoy, who was last seen leaving GC, and Sharon, for the witness protection program on January 31, 2017; he is the only child Nikki and Paul had together, which makes him Victoria and Nick's maternal half-brother and Heather Stevens paternal half-brother - he had not been written as having any living children prior to his departure from GC.

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Uh oh, Daniel didn't mention to his girlfriend Lily about his ex moving back to GC. Sus or just absent-minded?

I'm over Claire being the resident suck-up for the Newmans. But I am interested in seeing how she behaves toward Adam.

Victor lied to Nick about calling Adam by the wrong name. But he knows Nate witnessed it too. Hmm.

Where is that punching bag room located, somewhere in the NE building? Whatever, I didn't realize "TKO" was a boxing equipment brand. Clever.

I'm thinking Sally might want to consider getting a restraining order against Adam. He has pretty much stopped respecting her boundaries.

Okay, either Victor was laying it on thick with Nick or his mental faculties are worsening at an increasing speed. If he is running a con on his family I wish JG had let it happen slower and less obviously.

Heather trying to bum-rush a job at C/W, lol. Lily's spidey senses weren't tingling, they were on fire.

So what was Claire up to with Nate? Seemed a bit more than her usual brown-nosing.

Today Daniel told Lily his demons had been exorcised. What exactly were they? I feel like the backstory of his troublesome issues in Portugal has been left kind of vague.

I see you, Sally. You just lost one rich Newman guy as a boyfriend so now you have to bring the other brother back into the frame as your backup plan. And Adam is too thirsty to figure it out.

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On 10/14/2023 at 1:03 AM, surfgirl said:

Wait!!!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck?!? Nikki and Paul had a kid together? Whaaaat???? I've been wondering why they're shoving this new girl down our throats...

Noooooooo😅😅😅 That was just me speculating on how Claire might be connected to Nikki. 

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2 hours ago, Js Nana said:

So, Nick is in the GCAC bar while Sally is upstairs having a screaming argument with Adam (just wondering if the other guests don't complain to management about all the screaming arguments coming from Sally's room), and Tucker and Audra both have rooms there, and even Heather has been staying at the GCAC; whatever happened to the Grand Phoenix?

If the guests haven't complained about all the high-ptiched gorilla noises that Nick makes every time he and Sally have sex then I can only guess that the sound-proofing in the GCAC is truly superb.

Or, maybe a good, old-fashioned fight is less annoying than the usual sounds.....

(I think the Grand Phoenix set was sold for salvage).

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

either Victor was laying it on thick with Nick or his mental faculties are worsening at an increasing speed.

Well, he did give Nick a look when he was leaving the GCAC lounge that looked to me like he was hoping that Nick was buying his Big Daddy's losing his marbles routine - but one thing I've noticed about EB is that his movements seem to have become stiff and somewhat jerky of late.

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Gosh oh golly GEE, Heather!  How did you end up doing your own packing?  You've got Daniel looking for an apartment for you and Lily finding a job for you, how did you slip up and not get somebody to pack up your unmentionables for your short return to Portugal?  

Heather's gotten a lot sneakier than she was back in her first Genoa City run.  She might want to not piss Lily off too much, or at the very least, decline to EVER catch a ride from her if she does.  Daniel might want to dial back the smug a bit, because I think he's more than outgunned by the women in his life.

That dick measuring contest disguised as a boxing exercise was pretty pathetic.  It wasn't much more than a collection of grunts and posing scented with old ball sweat.  Genoa City hyper-masculinity smells a lot like limburger left out too long on a muggy Wisconsin summer's day.

Victoria looked a lot like Cruella de Ville in search of a winter's coat today.  Puppies and kittens should run for the hills.

So, according to Victoria, people "look at Victor Newman like he's a god", do they?  No, Vic, only his daughters and his wife look at him that way and the half-Abbott daughter seems to have become an agnostic in that regard.  Most people look at Victor Newman with the same regard they give to a busted sewer pipe or a rodent infestation.  

NIck is a perfect rendition of the oafish son of a rich guy, who thinks he can punch anyone or anything he wants because of who his daddy is, any time, any place.  At this point, I'm thinking Sally deserves him.  I haven't a clue these days what the hell Adam is really thinking but for the life of me I can't see why he wants to get back together with her.  She's become almost as pathetic as Nick.

So Newman Inc. has a softball team for the underlings??  Just wait till Claire Grace finds out about the naked mud wrestling Christmas party.

Yeah, Newman is SUCH a fun place to work.

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I don’t know what’s happening to me but I am enjoying Nate the last two to three weeks.


I will be contemplating this with a bag of chips and bowl of French onion dip  on the couch now while I finish Friday and today’s episode.

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Just an odd thought. How do people live at the GCAC?  Do the have extended stay rates?  Plus it can’t be cheap to eat every meal at the GCAC and Society. 

I’m pretty sure that Victor is just playing mind games but I’m not sure to what end. Is this just one of his many test to see how his family reacts?  

If Lucy wants to spend more time with her father, why can’t she?  Lucy doesn’t need Heather’s permission just her father’s permission. So Heather is being disingenuous because her true reason is she wants Daniel. 

Yes Banana Breath🦍🦍, Adam ruins everything he touches but you will be begging him once again to help Faith just incase she might need a liver transplant. Banana Breath🦍🦍 it’s hard for me to believe that you really love Sally. Sally is just a way of telling Adam that he’s top gorilla.  

Are we getting closer to a Sally/Adam reunion?  Sally finally admits she can’t get over her feelings for Adam but it’s still not time for Sally to call Adam back into her room to kiss and make passionate love. Bummer!  


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Should Victor be exerting himself so hard on the heavy bag this far into his third trimester?  We really do need a reminder every four or five days of just how macho Victor and Nick are. 

Victor is clearly laying a trap, I just can't figure out for whom?  At first, I thought it was for Adam, but it's more likely to be for Victoria and Nate.  Or all three of them, with a side benefit of luring Nick back to NE.  As if having Nick around could ever be described as a benefit.  

Did Heather steal towels from her room?  Why hasn't she crossed paths with Adam yet?  They need to reconnect. 

Was Claire making moony eyes at Nate?  Maybe Victoria is the one she's connected to?

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11 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Just an odd thought. How do people live at the GCAC?  Do the have extended stay rates?  Plus it can’t be cheap to eat every meal at the GCAC and Society. 

And what do they do with all their free time? They don't cook,do housework or yard work. Do they do laundry at the laundromat?  I'd be going crazy living in one room like that.


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@Foghorn Leghorn I just dislike that they have already set her up with an agenda. I would have preferred a slow roll into it. I am thinking it has to be about Nikki from that creepy smile at the end of the episode and well now we know she is up to no good and kind of spoils the surprise. I wonder if Audra will save the day. She is a character that I can’t get enough of. 



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Phyllis and Summer were in the same dress today. Different color and the one string holding it up was on the opposite shoulder but it was the same. They looked like they were going to be Danny’s background singers at Neil’s place after dinner.

Phyllis, you will never have the upper hand on Tucker. 

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Daniel trying to step to Tucker. Boy, bye. You're so far out of your lane you're about to get pulled over and ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic. 🙄

Listening to Billy rag on Phyllis to Jack is always WTFery to me. Guess William keeps forgetting about the time he committed adultery with her and pretty much paraded it in front of her husband, Jack.

Lol, tiny Audra wears such a enormous bra. 🙀

The music playing while Audra and Kyle were going for round two sounded a lot like Michael Bublé. But no way could Y&R afford him, right?

Geez, IMO Phyllis is the definition of "methinks she doth protest too much." Not sure how she can call Tucker a bottom-feeder when she not only married Jeremy Stark, she made herself Stark's widow. Accepting a free dinner should be a relative minor annoyance for her.

Though it did occur to Kyle that Audra had weaponized her cooch to work him, he seemed to have gotten over it within minutes. I think he might have inherited some of his daddy's simp genes.

Jack and Billy obsessed about Phyllis and Tucker while the real threat of the moment was Audra. They better hope Kyle is ruled more by family loyalty than by his pleasure in motorboating Audra's rack.

Summer and Daniel quickly realized Phyllis was manipulating them but they also continued to tolerate it. She knows doesn't really have to stop. Sigh.

Of course Phyllis hacked Tucker again and found the secret financial connection between him and Mamie. AARGH, WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING, TUCKER???!!!??? I suspect, however, the weakest security link was Mamie.

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I just can help it when I see Taz🌪️enter a room it reminds me of the song “Send in the Clowns”. It’s like the walk up music that baseball players have when the step up to the plate.  Oh what a tangle web we weave when we practice to deceive. Hacking to Taz🌪️ is doing the right thing.  I just have to point out that when Taz🌪️ first sat down, at the table, she complained that her superior was a zygote. Daniel explained she was a 29 year old with a masters in computer science who actually deserves to be head of the department. When Taz🌪️ got the message that she has to return to work, she said that you know my boss that HE is a real stickler.  Can the monkeys with a keyboard make up their mind is Taz🌪️’s boss is male or female. It it groundhog’s day in GC where everyday is the beginning of Taz🌪️’s new life 🙄

I don’t know what’s worse. Taz🌪️ and Nostrils acting the fool or Kyle and Audra rolling around in bed.  

As I thought Nikki is nothing more than a toothless lioness. Audra ignores her threat and keeps on keeping on with Kyle. 


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On 10/16/2023 at 5:17 PM, Kemper said:

Claire’s hair (poetry!) is distracting. And Nick has what is called a Punchable Face.

He was going to punch Adam but he's not blind now so....

On 10/16/2023 at 5:54 PM, MsMalin said:

Its laughable that such a big fight erupted over a kiss on a show where sex is practiced at the drop of a hat anywhere and everywhere.


On 10/16/2023 at 7:21 PM, Js Nana said:

Well, he did give Nick a look when he was leaving the GCAC lounge that looked to me like he was hoping that Nick was buying his Big Daddy's losing his marbles routine - but one thing I've noticed about EB is that his movements seem to have become stiff and somewhat jerky of late.

EVERY time Nick or the putrid sibs sneer about Adam We shout KIDNEY...He saved your ass from a tornado,(Should have left the gorilla under the debris.) and lets not mention him saving Nick AGAIN from the fire and Noah and even the dog while blind. 

Are they just keeping him for spare parts. 

7 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Wondering if Claire is connected to Ashland…..

Cool idea. I was hoping Sally but better than Sgt. Deadwood....so of course they will do that.

2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Please tell me Kyle is not going to team up with Audra and Tucker. 

Kitty blind if you get my drift. Much like Vic with Nate. 

If they dredged up Billy's brutal revenge bang with teenish Summer (Vile knows) and he could be playing the long game of 'get even'.  Or maybe Audra is that great a lay.

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As for Victor. Wana bet he's watching to see which kid stabs him in the back and how deep,

Please  show. do the Kelly hit Delia story and let Billy and Clo's head explode and get them off the show.

So sick of the Adam bashing when they've all done as bad or worse. (Nikki's body count alone is epic)

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Jack and Billy obsessed about Phyllis and Tucker while the real threat of the moment was Audra. They better hope Kyle is ruled more by family loyalty than by his pleasure in motorboating Audra's rack.

Remember that Tucker told Audra (or was it Phyllis during the money moving?) that he was going to go after Jack and Billy one way and that they would never see the way he was really going. I think the plan, while sidelined a little by Nikki’s interference, was Kyle all along.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

when Taz🌪️ first sat down, at the table, she complained that her superior was a zygote. Daniel explained she was a 29 year old with a masters in computer science who actually deserves to be head of the department. When Taz🌪️ got the message that she has to return to work, she said that you know my boss that HE is a real stickler.

I'm guessing that the discrepancy in genders was intentional - it sets up a situation of Phyllis having to answer to two different bosses, one being the 29-year-old zygote at Omega and the other being - - Tucker

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So, Phyllis hacked around in Tucker's financials and discovered that he is Mamie's silent partner in buying up Victor's Chancellor/Winters stock - how would owning part of Chancellor/Winters further Tucker's plan to rip the rug out from under the entire Abbott family, except for Traci, of course, who is of no consequence when it comes to being an Abbott.

Is Kyle going to try to pull a Yojimbo (1961 Japanese Samurai film, Dir. Akira Kurosawa) and play both sides against each other.

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11 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Wondering if Claire is connected to Ashland…..

I think you may be on to something... Claire said she grew up in a very strict family, and didn't Ashland say his parents were so tyrannical that he ran away and did that whole identity swap with his dead friend? 

53 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

I'm guessing that the discrepancy in genders was intentional - it sets up a situation of Phyllis having to answer to two different bosses, one being the 29-year-old zygote at Omega and the other being - - Tucker

The 29 year-old woman is the head of IT and Phyllis' direct supervisor, and Daniel is their boss.

I'm confused about the Mamie-Tucker connection.  You'd think Mamie's loyalty to the Abbotts would supercede everything, so what gives?  Did Ashley put her up to this?

Edited by Snaporaz
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Another day of non-stop action, intrigue, mysteries unsolved and a plot so intricate you don't know where to look next!

I kid.  There's more suspense and mystery in seeing if Nick can successfully put his legs into their proper places when he changes into his Doctor Dentons.

It's as if, for at least three days a week, all Josh Griffith does is pull names out of a hat and tells them, "you guys all talk, then you folks talk, then we'll circle back to YOU GUYS again and - oh yeah - have Nate Natey Nate Nate Nate sashay his business self out of an elevator while new person can give him a tongue bath.  We'll have her do that tomorrow with ButtBiscuit."

Then he goes to the can and when he returns, says, " oh yeah, Michelle, we need to you fill up some dead air time so just do your usual and repeat all your lines twice while giving Daniel and Dummer your blue-toothed raptor stare."

And that's a wrap. Or just another day of the week on set.

Edited by boes
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5 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

The 29 year-old woman is the head of IT and Phyllis' direct supervisor

I know, I was just trying to be cute by quoting Phyllis's turn of phrase

5 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

I'm confused about the Mamie-Tucker connection.  You'd think Mamie's loyalty to the Abbotts would supercede everything, so what gives?  Did Ashley put her up to this?

Well Phyllis did tell Tucker that she found info that revealed that Tucker is Mamie's silent partner in the Chancellor/Winters deal while she was hacking through his financials for Jack, but my question is how would acquiring stock in Chancellor/Winters help Tucker in taking down the Abbotts - would this be some kind of quid pro quo situation, with him helping Mamie to put a hair across Jill Foster's behind in exchange for her helping him with the Abbotts - but Mamie loves the Abbotts, so helping Tucker take them down seems much too far-fetched an idea - - I'm confused!!!!!!

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Wondering if Claire is connected to Ashland…..

Whoa, that would be something the Newmans definitely wouldn't see coming. If so, I hope she's here to snatch back the $250M Victoria conned out of Ashland. And I hope Claire would find out how Ashland died because AFAIC Nick is overdue for a bit of comeuppance.

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Phyllis and Summer were in the same dress today. Different color and the one string holding it up was on the opposite shoulder but it was the same. They looked like they were going to be Danny’s background singers at Neil’s place after dinner.

Yep, and I wasn't sure how to read it. On the one hand I think it was a poor choice by the wardrobe people to have them dressed pretty much alike. It reminded me of this fashion trend from the 1950s:


OTOH, I kept waiting for Phyllis or Summer to acknowledge the similarity and they never did! In real life you know somebody would've brought it up, probably as soon as Phyllis walked in. Maybe JG doesn't know that. (Or you-know-who kiboshed the mention because of course nobody's allowed to have colder shoulders than her in a scene. 😼)

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God, I can’t believe I’m missing all this incredible corporate intrigue, the twists and turns, peeling back the layers of the onion Victor wears on his belt, the light and shade… if the gripping business storylines are as good as the romantic ones, I’m in for a treat the next couple days.

Monday was my kind of episode, filled to the brim with Newman family drama. Nick showing his inflamed red buttocks to the world, throwing freeze dried fecal matter at a punching bag, acting like he was doing the world a favor by not punching his brother? Hot like a ghost pepper. Sally blaming Adam because she still wants to fuck him AND claiming to be happy with a violent ham head? Definitely not a pathetic hot mess.

Throw in the sizzling spice that is Heather and the highly detailed drama that is Daniel’s demons, and you have to wonder how I couldn’t finish a recap.

I want to keep Ashland Locke, his boring ex-wife and all their bull crap in the past, but I’ll allow anything that gives Nick his just desserts. Too bad murder is taken so lightly in Genoa City. Phyllis’ judge would probably give Nick a medal.

Tucker is Mamie’s secret business partner? Who knew? Besides everyone here.

My greatest regret this week is missing the flailing failings of Phyllis. Save some for me, JG!


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1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I want to keep Ashland Locke, his boring ex-wife and all their bull crap in the past,

Wouldn't it be fun if Claire is an older child of the ex-wife and comes in to claim shared custody of her sibling on behalf of her mom?

This show is so boring I have to make up stupid stuff like this just to stay awake.

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Jeez Louise, I watched today. A rarity for me. And I saw Traci's hair. WTActualF? That hair would look bad even if no one was under it. Get that girl a hat, STAT!

And then there's Mamie's hair. I didn't even recognize her. As much as I enjoy seeing familiar faces, what is Mamie's purpose for being in GC? To fuck with Jill, who is not even in GC? Jill and Lily and Devon are happy and successful and rich in their current business arrangement. Why does Mamie all of a sudden want to mess things up for everyone? And as much as I'd love to see anything that gives Jill some story, the way things are going on this show, I seriously doubt we'll even get a face-time glimpse of Jill. Was that run-in at the staircase between Ms. Johnson and Mr. McCall an anvil? Now, if Mamie's evil scheme works and then backfires with her losing the company to Tucker, well then.... bring it on. And regarding Mamie and Part, doesn't she know about his duplicitous actions towards his cousins and his duplicitous actions at NE and worst of all, his mop-boinking?

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