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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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That makes sense, because people in Nashville have no idea who the famous country singers are, so anyone who has a certain look about them, such as wearing a button down shirt wide-open with $200 jeans, tattoos, and "real" cowboy boots with "holes in 'em and everything!" is most likely going to be a superstar that they've just never seen before.  Better to play it safe than sorry, beg him for an autograph and a photo, and google him when they get home. That must be so tiresome for Caleb, always being accosted by huge fans who have no clue who he is, when all he wants to do is mind his own business and walk down a sidewalk without fuss.

But won't they recognize him from his numerous modelling contracts?  Or that issue of Sports Illustrated he was in?  or did he turn that down?

  • Love 4

If he turned down a Sports Illustrated shoot, it was probably only because he had a shift at Lowe's that day.


He was gonna be huge doing modeling for some new fitness apparatus that you fill with water and lift, or something?  He couldn't even describe the actual product, but he was going to be their spokesmodel, and it was going to blow up like woah!  But then that didn't happen because... well, he didn't say, but I assume it was because he had another shift at Lowe's.


Oh, I know!  Maybe people are recognizing him from that video of him playing football in high school!  The one with all of his highlights?  That's it.  Mystery solved.

  • Love 5

If he turned down a Sports Illustrated shoot, it was probably only because he had a shift at Lowe's that day.


He was gonna be huge doing modeling for some new fitness apparatus that you fill with water and lift, or something?  He couldn't even describe the actual product, but he was going to be their spokesmodel, and it was going to blow up like woah!  But then that didn't happen because... well, he didn't say, but I assume it was because he had another shift at Lowe's.


Oh, I know!  Maybe people are recognizing him from that video of him playing football in high school!  The one with all of his highlights?  That's it.  Mystery solved.

damn you Lowe's!!!!!  A pox on the house of Lowes for keeping Caleb from the world with their many work shifts!


Is this the same video that is going to get him drafted to the NFL?*


* - as long as another Lowe's shift doesn't ruin everything.

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#RenomRule is currently trending at #1 on Twitter.  Folks are pushing for CBS (including Ariana) to institute the Renom Rule since Frankie told Zach he was putting him up.


That's for taking the hit and reporting this duskyliterati.  I just came over to report it, and then had an existential crisis as to what the holy hell I'm doing on a Sunday night monitoring twitter feeds related to this show.  Sigh.

Edited by pennben
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I had no idea there was a renom rule!  You're right, there has never been a punishment for this before.  They may as well just remove that from the rule book completely if penalties aren't going to happen.


Frankie said, in his usual omnipotent manner, that almond milk is LITERALLY just almonds and water mixed together and does not need to be refrigerated.  That's not true, and I hope he drinks perished almond milk and goes full Jocasta all over that house.  Not just vomiting, but projectile diarrhea and speaking in tongues, the whole works.


eta:  dammit, I'm wrong.  There are both types of almond milk, shelf stable and refrigerated.  That doesn't change the Jocasta JuJu that I wish upon Frankie.  Fingers are crossed he's got the kind that isn't shelf stable.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 2

If he turned down a Sports Illustrated shoot, it was probably only because he had a shift at Lowe's that day.


He was gonna be huge doing modeling for some new fitness apparatus that you fill with water and lift, or something?  He couldn't even describe the actual product, but he was going to be their spokesmodel, and it was going to blow up like woah!  But then that didn't happen because... well, he didn't say, but I assume it was because he had another shift at Lowe's.


Oh, I know!  Maybe people are recognizing him from that video of him playing football in high school!  The one with all of his highlights?  That's it.  Mystery solved.


Hey now, I'm sure he's got a totally original & totally believable explanation for all that. 


"At the end of the day, Beast Mode Cowboy's gotta do what he's gotta do.  It is what it is."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I don't get why they are still bothering with the Neighborhood Watch mission.  Even Caleb has figured out there's no point, now that everyone "knows" that Zack was the thief, and has gotten their belongings back.  If the stipulation was that a non-TA member had to take a full shift, and Caleb wants to just go to bed, then doesn't that mean it's Mission: Fail and none of the TA members need to keep up the charade? 


I suddenly had a premonition of Caleb's future, and in my vision, he was a security guard.  At Lowe's.  Beast Mode Security Guard.  Mark my words.

  • Love 1

I had no idea there was a renom rule!  You're right, there has never been a punishment for this before.  They may as well just remove that from the rule book completely if penalties aren't going to happen.


Frankie said, in his usual omnipotent manner, that almond milk is LITERALLY just almonds and water mixed together and does not need to be refrigerated.  That's not true, and I hope he drinks perished almond milk and goes full Jocasta all over that house.  Not just vomiting, but projectile diarrhea and speaking in tongues, the whole works.


eta:  dammit, I'm wrong.  There are both types of almond milk, shelf stable and refrigerated.  That doesn't change the Jocasta JuJu that I wish upon Frankie.  Fingers are crossed he's got the kind that isn't shelf stable.

I feel like even when you buy the almond milk on the shelf it says you're supposed to refrigerate it after you open it

#RenomRule is currently trending at #1 on Twitter.  Folks are pushing for CBS (including Ariana) to institute the Renom Rule since Frankie told Zach he was putting him up.


Doubtful it'll work since it has been broken numerous times before now without consequences.

okay, I gotta ask, what is a "renom rule"

okay, I gotta ask, what is a "renom rule"


I honestly have no idea, but I'm wild-guessing that it has something to do with a HG can't be re-nom'd twice, or twice in a certain amount of weeks.  Devin re-nom'd Zach in Week 2 or 3.


ETA: Wait a minute, wasn't Zach one of the HOH's original noms last week, or week before?  But that wouldn't make sense, because how many continuous weeks has Donny been on the block??

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I agree with you about always wanting to look your best, absolutely.  I can tell by that picture that her hair is very thin.  Couple that with a few shots I have seen of here on the feeds/TV where you can acutally see how sparce it is on the sides, I get it why she is freaked and wears the extentions.  Her headaches are being caused by wearing way too many and too long pieces that she is attaching to very little hair.  She would do well with shoulder lenght hair so the extentions are lighter. 


Could not the extensions also be causing her hair to thin, though?


Cody is literally getting on my last nerve literally. He is such a baby & I hope they do a loop of him saying literally at the finale. He is so annoying.


I think if I received a dollar for every time 'literally' flew out of Cody's mouth, I would have more money than second place. Also, has he ever used the word in the correct context... ever?


I feel like even when you buy the almond milk on the shelf it says you're supposed to refrigerate it after you open it

okay, I gotta ask, what is a "renom rule"


There's supposed to be a BB rule that as active HOH you can't tell anyone you're putting them on the block. They break that rule constantly, though I would die laughing if it gets inforced.

Why you gotta throw good restaurant help under the bus like that for?? Comparing Caleb to them. Sheesh. Like I'd eat anything that guy brought to me.

Trust me, hon, around here it comes and goes in waves. There will be times there's no such thing as a waiter - or waitress - or bartender - or dishwasher in the downtown restaurants and bars. Just stars that haven't been discovered yet. They're all hoping a record exec or agent will sit at their station or bar, and they'll just happen to overhear them bemoaning the lack of new talent these days. I've known more than one bartender who kept a stack of demo tapes or CDs by the register, just in case....

FYI - The biggest batch of the new starry-eyed lot generally hit town in late May/early June, after high school/college graduations. If you're ever in town, don't expect great service for the next month. I've had more Calebs sloshing coffee on me or my table than you would ever believe - and I'm not even in the business. :)

ETA: added stuff

Edited by Nashville
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The Renom Rule is that as HoH you aren't allowed to tell someone that they are being nominated.  If Production enforces the rule, then Frankie would not be able to nominate Zach since Frankie told him he was going up.


According to Jokers, the last time it was used:

In BB12, Brendon told Britney Haynes she was going up. #RenomRule states you cannot do that so he wasn't allowed to nominate her.

  • Love 3

The Renom Rule is that as HoH you aren't allowed to tell someone that they are being nominated. If Production enforces the rule, then Frankie would not be able to nominate Zach since Frankie told him he was going up.

According to Jokers, the last time it was used:

In BB12, Brendon told Britney Haynes she was going up. #RenomRule states you cannot do that so he wasn't allowed to nominate her.

But surely such a rule doesn't apply to FRANKIE GRANDE!!!


And in case you haven't heard, he has a FAMOUS SISTER too!!!

SURELY such a rule only applies to the mundanes, and not such a STAR!!!

(Darn. Where are the blinky thingies when you need 'em...?)

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 8

Could not the extensions also be causing her hair to thin, though?


I've never done clip in's, but I know that sew in weaves, if left on too long or too tight can cause traction alopecia and you get bald spots along your crown.  I assumed it was because a sew in weave requires braiding the hair pretty tight.  And then sewing the hair to the tiny braid, which was hard on the delicate hair along the crown.

Yeah, it is one of those rules that they put on the books more so that they can tell people not to do it if they feel like it. They almost never actually enforce it. Hell, people were told THIS SEASON that they were going to be put on the block before it happened. So it would be ridiculous to see it applied here. 


That said, come on renom rule! :)


Even if it was just Victoria, it would still be awesome to watch Derrick convince people to vote Cody out instead of Victoria. 

But surely such a rule doesn't apply to FRANKIE GRANDE!!!


And in case you haven't heard, he has a FAMOUS SISTER too!!!

SURELY such a rule only applies to the mundanes, and not such a STAR!!!

(Darn. Where are the blinky thingies when you need 'em...?)


You forgot the most imporant parts.  Nobody [ie Production] dare try to tell him what to do because;


He will stab the babies, and bathe in their blood


Then he will stab them in the heart, yank the dildo out of their asses, and then bathe in their blood


..... all the while jumping around screaming like a little pink-haired 4 year old girl.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1

I had no idea there was a renom rule!  You're right, there has never been a punishment for this before.  They may as well just remove that from the rule book completely if penalties aren't going to happen.


Frankie said, in his usual omnipotent manner, that almond milk is LITERALLY just almonds and water mixed together and does not need to be refrigerated.  That's not true, and I hope he drinks perished almond milk and goes full Jocasta all over that house.  Not just vomiting, but projectile diarrhea and speaking in tongues, the whole works.


eta:  dammit, I'm wrong.  There are both types of almond milk, shelf stable and refrigerated.  That doesn't change the Jocasta JuJu that I wish upon Frankie.  Fingers are crossed he's got the kind that isn't shelf stable.

Yeah, but the kind they drink (which is also the kind I get) is not shelf stable and does, in fact, need to be refrigerated. Even the shelf stable kind needs to be refrigerated after opening I believe. And it's not just almonds and water. If you make it yourself, it's just almonds and water, but the kind you buy at the store has thickeners, sugar, etc. I've noticed how they leave the almond milk out all damn day and it really irks me lol. That and the fact that they never seem to put soap on the sponge when they wash their own dishes! I've seen them use soap when they do a big dish wash, but I have witnessed many of them use utensils/dishes and then take them to the sink, take the dirty ass sponge that sometimes has been sitting soaking wet in there and just use that to wash the stuff and then put it back. It also seems that they don't have hot water in that sink, which makes it even more gross. No wonder someone in that house always seems to have an upset stomach, who knows what germs they are passing between each other. Blech. 

  • Love 1

Yeah, but the kind they drink (which is also the kind I get) is not shelf stable and does, in fact, need to be refrigerated. Even the shelf stable kind needs to be refrigerated after opening I believe. And it's not just almonds and water. If you make it yourself, it's just almonds and water, but the kind you buy at the store has thickeners, sugar, etc. I've noticed how they leave the almond milk out all damn day and it really irks me lol. That and the fact that they never seem to put soap on the sponge when they wash their own dishes! I've seen them use soap when they do a big dish wash, but I have witnessed many of them use utensils/dishes and then take them to the sink, take the dirty ass sponge that sometimes has been sitting soaking wet in there and just use that to wash the stuff and then put it back. It also seems that they don't have hot water in that sink, which makes it even more gross. No wonder someone in that house always seems to have an upset stomach, who knows what germs they are passing between each other. Blech. 


If you asked Christine, she'd argue that her & Cody aren't passing near enough germs between each other.   (ZING!)

  • Love 4

Couple of thoughts on the RenomRule thing.


1. It is nuts that it is STILL trending #5 on Twitter

2. Isn't this sort of kind of the type of thing that TPTB really LIKE to do? Manipulate things to save a "good" storyline?

3. The last time (only time?) this rule was actually used was BB12, which was the season that they had the houseguests watch, so there's no way that the houseguests can say that they're unfamiliar with it.

4. Perhaps Frankie even did this INTENTIONALLY, knowing that (as he has already mentioned) putting up Victoria is the better move for him. This way, he can look like he's helping the alliance but be "forced" to put up Victora. 

5. CBS would never pay attention to a bunch of fans, but I think that it is at least a possibility that they will pay attention to Ariana Grande. Small possibility, but still a possibility. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 2

I've been wondering about that as well.  At this moment in time, I think this is the Grande family (and Ariana's PR folks) doing damage control for Frankie.  I think they see he is becoming public enemy #1 in the feeds and are anticipating a bad edit for a larger audience in the next few days.  So they give a "good" motive for what he is doing, to bring the flock back in for Frankie's sake (and leave Ariana alone, because she's on the right side).  Then the blame falls to CBS if they don't enforce the rule that is an elaborate plot by Frankie, it also falls to Frankie when folks see what he is doing, but it washes off of Ariana, because she was "fighting the good fight". 


Or maybe they don't watch the show or feeds and really think Zach is on Frankie's side?  When he is clearly going to take him out first chance he gets.  Maybe they are trying to get Frankie to keep Zach, so when Zach takes out Frankie like he plans to, he becomes the bad guy not Frankie?  I think they worry more about his reputation than whether he ultimately wins or not.  On a very small level, that ship has sailed as some hate him now.  It could be containment mode on their part.


Sadly, this is all so much more fascinating than anything going on in the show itself.

Edited by pennben
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If TPTB really want the renom rule to be enforced they will have to make a point of this next season and be very clear.  They have been way too loose with it in previously to all of a sudden cry foul now.  Though 'expect the unexpected' may rear its head.  I expect to see Zach go this week.  They have staff who read twitter to feel the pulse but that doesn't mean they allow them to have any effect. 

You forgot the most imporant parts.  Nobody [ie Production] dare try to tell him what to do because;


He will stab the babies, and bathe in their blood


Then he will stab them in the heart, yank the dildo out of their asses, and then bathe in their blood


..... all the while jumping around screaming like a little pink-haired 4 year old girl.


This is total curiosity on my part - but do you think Ariana's handler's are having a cow over Frankie's sudden very disturbing, mean streak?  I mean...it flies in the face of the sweet, clean little girl image they want to craft for Ariana.  I'm curious how many of Frankie's photo ops with this Mega Star will get quashed by her publicity team because Frankie's reputation ain't gonna be very sparkly when he gets out. 


Earlier in the season, it could be swept under the rug to a better degree.  But the closer it is to getting out of the house means it won't go away under other things...and, as watchers know...the behavior tends to get exponentially worse the longer people are in the house.  They probably have their work cut out for them.  Do you want your client splashed around the internet with a guy who wants to stab people with dildos?

Edited by BeatrixK
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I kind of love that Ariana is leading the charge against Frankie. I wonder what he'll think when he finds out his "whole world" is against him. Actually, he'll probably love the attention and if cbs does make him nominate someone else he'll be so excited he was involved.

I wonder if there's any chance Frankie is trying to get Zach out cuz he thinks he'll get some goodbye action. Don't do it Zach!!


Perhaps Frankie even did this INTENTIONALLY, knowing that (as he has already mentioned) putting up Victoria is the better move for him. This way, he can look like he's helping the alliance but be "forced" to put up Victoria.

Both Ariana and their mom, Joan, have implied that Frankie have broken this rule intentionally.  A few days ago, Ariana had also tweeted that she hoped Frankie would not put up Zach.  Their hope is that he backdoors Derrick.


Imagine if CBS enforces the rules, all hell will break loose, as Caleb and Cody would be pushing for Frankie to use the veto on them and nominate either Derrick or Victoria.  Taste the rainbow.


ETA: Victoria is experiencing migraines, which is causing her to vomit.  She's on pain meds.

Edited by duskyliterati

Both Ariana and their mom, Joan, have implied that Frankie has broken this rule intentionally.  A few days ago, Ariana had also tweeted that she hoped Frankie would not put up Zach.  Their hope is that he backdoors Derrick.


Imagine if CBS enforces the rules, all hell will break loose, as Caleb and Cody would be pushing for Frankie to use the veto on them and nominate either Derrick or Victoria.  Taste the rainbow.


I think they are hoping he has that up his sleeve but they are not taking into consideration the climate in the house.  You go in there with intentions and everything changes.  Frankie really does think he and Derrick will go to the end together.  I have seen nothing to refute that.   He would never upset the cart at this point.  Everyone incluing Zach is down with this elimination!   He has an easy week an is convinced he is safe next week.  Derrick has done an excellent job making him believe this.  And it may be true but I think Derrick is gunning for him next. 

  • Love 1

I already think Frankie is worse with Zach than Caleb was with Amber.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. But I'd still think what Caleb did was creepy, even if Amber had been flirting with him. And Frankie is equally creepy to me, because he isn't delusional about Zach. He's just vicious and drunk on power. Caleb's a creep, but Frankie comes off more like a predator to me.

Somewhere another poster mentioned this, and I just have to reiterate since this is making the hair in the back of my neck stand up, but if it was a guy accosting a girl like this, everyone will be all over it. This is beyond repulsive.

ETA second quote

Edited by TheGapper

TA is a "fun" aspect of this game and I don't think they are going to call anyone on not completing a task properly.  There is some talk that they are failing this one because TA  are the only ones doing the watch and I didn't take a clothing item from Christine.  Nah, they will all get the money except the one they chose not to do.  I wish they would eliminate this feature.  It is stupid and not at all entertaining. 

  • Love 2

I know in the early weeks when Derrick was HOH, he was emphatic about the renom rule. But how come last night in the backyard when Frankie was holding court about how to tell Zach, not one person said "you can't tell him officially". The convo was all about who if anyone should be in the room when Zach was "told".

This is total curiosity on my part - but do you think Ariana's handler's are having a cow over Frankie's sudden very disturbing, mean streak?  I mean...it flies in the face of the sweet, clean little girl image they want to craft for Ariana.  I'm curious how many of Frankie's photo ops with this Mega Star will get quashed by her publicity team because Frankie's reputation ain't gonna be very sparkly when he gets out. 


Earlier in the season, it could be swept under the rug to a better degree.  But the closer it is to getting out of the house means it won't go away under other things...and, as watchers know...the behavior tends to get exponentially worse the longer people are in the house.  They probably have their work cut out for them.  Do you want your client splashed around the internet with a guy who wants to stab people with dildos?



I have wondered the same thing.  I think her PR team is on guard and may ask her to decline photo ops once Frankie is out of the house and request she not speak too much about it if asked by the press.  He can easily be dismissed as an outrageous queen and just being funny if push comes to shove. 


If Frankie is out next week (oh please, oh please, oh please) it will be easier for her team.  They are probably wanting this to happen too!

I think Ariana wants Frankie to win the game. She can see like all the rest of us that Derrick is going to win and so she wants #renomRule (still trending) enforced toward that goal.

His family thinks he's a special little flower and probably just thinks the gross things he says are funny jokes. Her image is not all puppies and rainbows either. It's not like she's crashing cars on heroin or anything, but her twitter feed is by no means G rated. Her last tweet was

I believe in @frankiejgrande I do hope he does have something up his sleeve re zach... may have a fucking heart attack over this show lol

I hate knowing that.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Frankie saying the drawing noms out of a Skittles bag was one of them.

See, that would have been a good team America mission "convince the houseguests to draw nominations out of a hat".  Of course, not all the houseguests were involved.


I also think TA should have had some sort of large bonus if they are the last 3 standing or even final 4.  But maybe that's just because I like Donny.  But it would have encouraged TA to be a real alliance. They aren't an alliance at all, which is how they were always described.

  • Love 1

Just what I have seen on the feeds and read on Joker's.....Victoria has told Derrick that all her hair fell out in the past.  It is now growing back with the help of medication.  She receives her medication daily in the DR.  She told Derrick she is not to wear the extensions more than four hours at a time.  She wears them 24/7 and it is causing her to have headaches and a bleeding scalp.  He told her that her health was more important and she should take them off.  She was was crying and carrying on but I don't think any words of wisdom will outweigh her vanity and/or lack of maturity.  She is now getting pain meds that are making her vomit but damn her hair looks good!

  • Love 1

Just what I have seen on the feeds and read on Joker's.....Victoria has told Derrick that all her hair fell out in the past.  It is now growing back with the help of medication.  She receives her medication daily in the DR.  She told Derrick she is not to wear the extensions more than four hours at a time.  She wears them 24/7 and it is causing her to have headaches and a bleeding scalp.  He told her that her health was more important and she should take them off.  She was was crying and carrying on but I don't think any words of wisdom will outweigh her vanity and/or lack of maturity.  She is now getting pain meds that are making her vomit but damn her hair looks good!


Thanks, I missed the whole story.  I know her sister has the same condition.  I am surprised she went on this show knowing this would be a problem.   A better plan would have been to cut her hair chin length and use shorter extentions. 

It wasn't said what type of pain meds.  I guess maybe Vicodin since she is vomiting.  It must be something strong.  She also made the point to Derrick that the extensions are real hair and very expensive.  When she had them off and she was washing them in the HOH it looked like there were about 8 or ten of them.  Lots of weight and clips for a damaged scalp.

Just what I have seen on the feeds and read on Joker's.....Victoria has told Derrick that all her hair fell out in the past. It is now growing back with the help of medication. She receives her medication daily in the DR. She told Derrick she is not to wear the extensions more than four hours at a time. She wears them 24/7 and it is causing her to have headaches and a bleeding scalp. He told her that her health was more important and she should take them off. She was was crying and carrying on but I don't think any words of wisdom will outweigh her vanity and/or lack of maturity. She is now getting pain meds that are making her vomit but damn her hair looks good!

I read that too. I feel badly for her. Victoria is a pretty young woman. I thought she actually looked prettier when she was in the DR with Caleb and had less make up on. She looked young and relaxed.

I know that most opiate pain killers make me vomit like crazy, so I wonder what they are giving the poor girl.

ETA: All kinds of opiate based pain killers make me vomit, not just Vicodin. I just wonder about her taking pain killers like that when she has to perform in competitions. It's not good for mental or physical comps.

Edited by Stinamaia

The poor girl is an idiot.  She's wearing hair extensions that give her headaches and scalp bleeds, and she's wearing her contacts 24/7.  I have a close relative that did that and got a terrible eye infection.  Even the contacts that are meant to be worn all the time are supposed to be taken out daily and cleaned properly. 


A relative had contacts that were meant to be worn monthly and was told by a friend that the daily cleaning was 'optional'.  Then when she got weird tingly feelings in her eye, the same friend said it wasn't a big deal.  When my relative's eye started to feel scratchy and dry, then weep constantly, she finally went to an ophthalmologist.  It seems that listening to a stupid high school girl who only cares about her looks is a bad idea.  My relative had a severe eye infection and now has spots on her cornea that are dead, she came close to losing the sight in that eye completely.


Victoria needs to grow a brain, and quickly.

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