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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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But he was with Nichole, who was not part of the major alliance, so both of them should have worked together to gain some power back. Hell make a deal and then completely back out of it but he needed to make a move and he didn't.


As Sara2009 noted, he tried. Nicole just trusted Derrick/Cody more than Donny. Now had he been the only HoH, then he likely WOULD have gotten a deal done with Nicole/Hayden. But because of the awful, awful HoH twist, he didn't have enough leverage. 


EDITED TO ADD: That Frankie screen shot series...wow...that was....wow. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Caleb also said, talking about turkeys, that they're smart, but not book smart.  You have to love Caleb and the little golden nuggets he spews for our entertainment!

Did anyone see a couple of nights ago when the HGs were talking about children's toys/shows? They were saying they liked The Teletubbies (which goes to show you just how young most of these HGs are) and Caleb says "I liked them too...until I found out they were demonic." LMAO. Even more hilarious was that Victoria agreed with him and said Hello Kitty was also evil.

Edited by Marie80
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Caleb says "I liked them too...until I found out they were demonic."

Yea, that's one of the teachings certain churches put out there along with avoiding the Harry Potter series because it's about witches.  I have family members that subscribe to these beliefs.  Being an atheist, I just sit and keep my mouth shut (but inwardly....)

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Caleb also said, talking about turkeys, that they're smart, but not book smart.  You have to love Caleb and the little golden nuggets he spews for our entertainment!

Yeah. Uh-huh. A creature so stupid it'll drown in the rain from looking up with its mouth open wondering what's hitting it in the head is the frikkin' Einstein of the animal kingdom. Whatever you say, Chief.

EDITED TO ADD: That Frankie screen shot series...wow...that was....wow.

What he said.

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Rihanna's brother tweeted a video of Frankie's reveal to the girls in the living room, saying "So glad I'm not like this"



Oh, what I would give for an old style "tell us which headline is true" competition


"Houseguests, which celebrity tweet actually happened?


Kim Kardashian:  Donnie is the sweetest houseguest!


Rihanna's brother:  "So glad I'm not like this"

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Donny catching the lies about the skittles, they should have gotten their stories straight about the skittle color for Donny.  Derrick said red and later Cody said orange.  Donny still fighting the fight, just sorry it makes for a very long week when we know that unless he wins POV he is going home.

Edited by njbarmaid
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These Caleb gems are cracking me up, and reminded me of something he said the other day.  He was talking about when BB cameras came to film him at home being a "real cowboy" and doing things real cowboys do.  At one point, he was on a horse and said he kept trying to get it to do "the Hidey Ho", but it never would.  Someone must have asked what the Hidey Ho is, or hell, maybe no one asked, it doesn't actually matter if Caleb wants to talk.  Anyway, he went into a long, detailed description of basically a horse wheelie, like the kind "Zorro's horse" always did, up on the hill, when you would see the silhouette of Zorro and the horse up on its back legs kicking its front legs in the air.  Either no one cared enough to say, "Caleb, it wasn't Zorro, it was the Lone Ranger, and it's not called the "Hidey Ho", you're thinking of when the Lone Ranger said "Hi-Yo Silver, away!", or no one in the room knew that none of this was actually about Zorro.


Reminded me of the time way back at the beginning of the season when he said he loves cowboy movies the most, they are his favorite, especially that one with the little girl who hired the guy to help her hunt down her father's killer.  He tried and failed to come up with the name of the lead character, Rooster Cogburn.  Couldn't remember the name of the actor who played him, even though he was talking about the one with Jeff Bridges, not even the John Wayne version.  And then he couldn't even recall the name of the movie, True Grit.  I was yelling all these things at the screen like a fool, and I'm not even a cowboy!  Turkeys might not be book smart, but they are still a whole lick smarter than Caleb. 


Oh, one more!  He was talking about the first endurance challenge on the spit, and how the BBQ sauce was like paint that got in his eyes and didn't burn, but made his vision blurry.  He thought his eyes had been ruined, and that his vision had in an instant gone from 20 / 15 to 50 / 50.  The first thing that made me laugh was that OF COURSE his vision is better than the average person!  The second was when Christine started to correct him and said, "No, it would still start with 20 / ..." then just gave up and laughed her ass off about it.

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Donny catching the lies about the skittles, they should have gotten their stories straight about the skittle color for Donny.  Derrick said red and later Cody said orange.


LMAO at these idiots. Derrick is really screwing up with Donny. I guess he figures he doesn't need to bother trying anymore since he has it in the bag no matter what.


I really need Donny to win BOB and then HOH next week and be the person to nominate Derrick. It would be so beautiful.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Of course he did. Because Frankie's defining characteristic is knowing when the cameras are on him. He lost me for good when he went to make his announcement to the girls, who were all in the bathroom. They told him to tell them in there, but he said the camera angles were all wrong. Not to mention the amazing photo story posted up thread.

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I have so much hope now. Which is probably bad because ultimately nothing will happen, but still. THIS IS GLORIOUS!

ETA: Man, Derrick is so pissed, too. I might cry this is just so great!


I'm gonna need Donny to win POV so that the noms stay the same. They're saying they'll threaten Donny if he wins to not use it or he's gone next. LOL.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Well, I guess it wouldn't matter if she used it if she won. It's the longest long shot, because it's Victoria, but she and Donny are the only ones I don't mind. I want them both safe. She has to know she's the replacement nominee, much as I'd like to see Cody get evicted. I'd like to keep Caleb just for his stories.

So as long as I'm wishing, I wish for Vic to win veto and take Caleb down, because then, there's no one else to go up but Derrick, right? I want him to sit his smug ass on the block at least once before this is over.


Re: them threatening him - this would be a very good time for Beast Mode Groundskeeper to take a much needed break. Let someone else win a veto for a change, it's the considerate thing to do!

Edited by Ananayel
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So, Caleb/Cody is still on the block. Yay! I just know, though, that if someone uses veto, Zach or Victoria are going up. Most likely Zach, because Derrick wants to keep Victoria around. And frankly, Zach is the last person in the house who treats Donny with respect and talks to him. Derrick only does it to be nice/play his game, which is fine, but everyone else pretty much ignores him so Donny might truly be alone.

Well, I guess it wouldn't matter if she used it if she won. It's the longest long shot, because it's Victoria, but she and Donny are the only ones I don't mind. I want them both safe. She has to know she's the replacement nominee, much as I'd like to see Cody get evicted. I'd like to keep Caleb just for his stories.


Victoria and Donny are the only ones I actually care about as well. It does kinda suck that Victoria will most likely go now. I want Donny to win just so these assholes are more pressed, but Victoria would be OK because then she'd be safe. Plus then Zach would get BDed and that might be fun.


So, who's on the block now?


Cody and Caleb.

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LOL Derrick is trying to act like Christine didn't throw it. Bitch, everyone is talking about how she didn't do anything during the comp! Donny isn't an idiot. Derrick is so stupid about Donny. He's also still trying to sell that Victoria was always the target. Donny must be internally screaming and laughing right now.


ETA: Donny alone in the fire room crying right now. Oh man. I am just in awe at him fighting so hard when he obviously hates everyone lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Okay, I'm back to hating Caleb.  That didn't take long.  He's saying, half joking, that he thinks that production was in Donny's ear, telling him where the "bones" were in the veto competition.  I saw him tell Christine (who was acting like they would have won faster if she hadn't been trying to throw it, acting like she would have done it so much better than Donny) and now to Zach and Frankie.  


ETA, and hopefully Donny will realize that he needs to "throw" the veto.  If he wins it, the other nitwits are going to make his life more of a hell. 

Edited by Thalia
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LMAO Derrick is SO pressed. He's like "I always wanted to work with him but he wouldn't work with us." And going on and on about how Donny doesn't trust them. I wonder why?! This is so hilarious.


Donny needs to win veto! Derrick will be so pissed!

ETA: I can't even with Derrick right now. Does he think he can BS even the live feeders?! You aren't that good, buddy!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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