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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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So I'm confused - is Derrick really targeting Donny, or is his master plan to backdoor Frankie?  I fully expect that, regardless...if Frankie is on the block and by some miracle of miracle his annoying, preening, Grande ass gets evicted..who wants to bet that the comp next week that will bring an HG back into the house will include a 'reset' so Frankie will end up staying in the house, regardless?  (Now, if Frankie is safe, it will be the standard, you come back, and you go to jury.  Sucks for you!)

Yeah, I think Donny is his actual target, mostly because I think he fully intends on letting the other guys get each other out. Which is a risky move, of course, but he doesn't want to be seen as the one who actively betrays his alliance. Especially not at a time when he would also be obviously protecting Victoria for no good reason. 

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I think Derrick is legitimately targeting Donny, because he knows Donny is on to him.  But if he loses Frankie or Zach (or even Christine or Caleb, really...) in the process, no sweat off his back.

As much as I love Donny, and will vote as often as I can for him to get America's Favorite - I think I want him out of the house.  He's so isolated, and he just isn't cut out for how cutthroat this game is.  At least, in the jury house, he will have people who will talk to him, and won't be treated like an outsider.

  • Love 5

Once Donny is gone, it'll be somewhat interesting to watch them start turning on each other.  However, having to wait until we're down to six or seven players (from 16) for a show to get interesting shows just how bad this season has been.  Do these morons really think that we find their gameplay riveting TV? Do they think that lemmings voting as a block on every eviction, not getting blood on their hands, and putting the same people up week after week has us on the edge of our seats, waiting with bated breath to see who's leaving?  God, I miss Shapiro and the game that Big Brother used to be!

  • Love 6

These HGs are so stupid. Why did they let Derrick talk them into a random draw? No one else had to do a random draw. You won HOH, Derrick...suck it up and nominate people. 

While yes, it is mostly an example of them being stupid, I think Derrick's sales pitch here is better than most times he's been able to snow them all. Pitching it all as "hey guys, we're all in this together, but Frankie and I have to nominate some of you and we don't want to pick" actually sounds pretty believable. 


I really think if Grodner wanted to protect the "stronger players" who get booted early on because of the veto structure - and it's understandable from a business standpoint why production would want that if they think those players are entertaining - then there were better options to providing the opportunity to protect those players than this BotB nonsense: another separate immunity challenge, more players in the veto competitions, etc.


I know that people often complain about "floaters" having success in the game and there is the idea that a "strong" player should win.  I wonder if this was the producers way of trying to address those concerns.  For the record, I define floaters as those who try to throw competitions to avoid becoming a target.  I happen to think it is a legitimate strategy, but I think some stumble into while others actively pursue different ways to influence the game when they are not technically in control (power without official control).  Derrick has actually done a variation of the latter.  Dan spent weeks of his first season using this strategy as well.

Edited by networker

Maybe they can hide an immunity idol in the unwashed dishes or dirty clothes laying around. :D


No one would ever find it. Literally.


If Caleb was somehow blindsided than it's highly likely he'd win the endurance comp the evictees might do side by side along with the HGs. And that would make for damned good TV.


I would hate this because Caleb would just go back to being Derrick's lemming. Hayden, Donny, and Nicole would all target Derrick. Well, maybe not Nicole, but hopefully Hayden is going to drill it into her and she'll finally do it.


I don't have a problem with 'floaters.' Dan was one. Derrick is playing a floater style game. Honestly, I think all the great players use a variation of the 'floater' gameplay.


Dammit, I was hoping the noms would be Zach and Donny so there'd be a chance they were both safe for the week. Fucking Skittles!

But then Christine is safe boo!


Production better take 10 hours coming up with a new comp that Donny can win this week or I'm gonna be pissed!


I don't know why I still care. Like no matter what happens, Derrick is never gonna be challenged and he is going to win. Nothing will change that. LOL this season blows.

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They're not looking to target floaters. They're just looking to protect alpha male types like Jeff and Frank. It is fair to say that players like that do tend to be targeted fairly early in a typical BB game (I.e. when the producers are not trying to manipulate things to avoid that). I don't think that's a big problem, but it is seems clear that AG does think that that is a problem. Jeff and Frank have been two of her most protected houseguests ever. They both got more blatant rigs than Frankie got this year, for instance. So those are the people she wants protected and if they had this dual HoH twist, they would have been in much better shape in their respective seasons. 

Edited by Brian Cronin

Jeff and Frank have been two of her most protected houseguests ever. They both got more blatant rigs than Frankie got this year, for instance.


I feel like they maybe even come pretty close to Dick for 'most protected HG' actually, which is just insane. The good thing though is neither of them managed to be protected enough to win. 


I was just thinking, this week could actually turn out SUPER great if Donny/Christine wins BOB and then Zach wins veto. Make it happen, Production!

  • Love 2

Once Donny is gone, it'll be somewhat interesting to watch them start turning on each other. However, having to wait until we're down to six or seven players (from 16) for a show to get interesting shows just how bad this season has been. Do these morons really think that we find their gameplay riveting TV? Do they think that lemmings voting as a block on every eviction, not getting blood on their hands, and putting the same people up week after week has us on the edge of our seats, waiting with bated breath to see who's leaving? God, I miss Shapiro and the game that Big Brother used to be!

To answer your questions, yes they do. They think they are the greatest most entertaining group ever. We love them all for playing Derrick's game. Hey, Frankie and his reveal along with bringing up his sister every 15 minutes, is just riveting. You know my favorite part? Vilifying every woman there, especially Amber, for actually playing the game.

I had such high hopes for this season. <sigh>

I hope they watch this season after they get out and see how bad they were. How stupid they were.

Here's hoping Donny and Christine win BotB. I don't hold out much hope because Christine is such a lemming and will do what master Derrick tells her to do. It would be priceless if she does throw it and she gets blindsided on Thursday. Now that would make things exciting.

The only thing that would save this season now is Nichole/Hayden coming back, winning HOH and putting up the guys. Watching them all turn on each other/Derrick would be hilarious.

  • Love 4

From how it is being reported, I guess I believe that it was random, but boy, it sure does seem convenient that the "random" result is perfect for Derrick to remain as HoH AND keep his top two targets on the block.

Random? Maybe. The Joker's updates weren't very specific, so some questions to the live feeders:

1. Who assigned the colors for each HG?

2. Did one person do all the drawing, or did they take turns?

3. Did anybody check the bag they were using for "extra" Skittles before they started drawing?

At this point in the Game I could see Derrick wanting to chip off competition within the alliance with a minimum of BOHH*, and rigging a "random" draw would provide stellar plausible deniability - but that may just be my Machiavellian tendencies emerging.

Maybe Grodner should just stop any pretense that she's got any interest in any type of player other than alpha males, and next season just cast alpha males.

What's AG's social life like? This may be the only action she's getting this year.

"Sooooo, Cody... What's POV really worth to you this week...?"

* BOHH = Blood On His/Her Hands

I miss the old "have/have not" comps. This idea that it's now determined, almost behind the scenes, with exercise bracelets is so lame. And I haven't seen any sign of h/hn status except random people in the cold room. Same thing for food comps.  I liked seeing them have to earn their foods.

Even better, they only used the activity bracelets for the one week to choose Have Nots. They used it for the one live show, and I guess production caught onto the "shaking my wrist to up my activity", so they still wear them, but I think every HOH since has chosen the HNs. They still turn in the bracelets, but insofar as I've seen, they have no impact on the game anymore. Another twist that fizzled and died a quick and quiet death.


Even better, they only used the activity bracelets for the one week to choose Have Nots. They used it for the one live show, and I guess production caught onto the "shaking my wrist to up my activity", so they still wear them, but I think every HOH since has chosen the HNs. They still turn in the bracelets, but insofar as I've seen, they have no impact on the game anymore. Another twist that fizzled and died a quick and quiet death.

Well, sure. Once Jack Shack Zach demonstrated the only activity being measured was wrist action, the whole premise kinda... went limp.


  • Love 4


1. Who assigned the colors for each HG?

2. Did one person do all the drawing, or did they take turns?

3. Did anybody check the bag they were using for "extra" Skittles before they started drawing?


1. They each picked their own color.

2. Derrick held the Skittles bag up high and Frankie reached up and took 3 out 1 at a time.

3. Don't know

It came to this because they all expected Zack to be okay with going up on the block, but he didn't want to do it YET AGAIN and said someone else should take a turn (like Cody, who has NEVER been on the block). They got pissed at Zack and decided to draw Skittles, since Zack only had a 25% chance of dodging the bullet.


He dodged it :)

Edited by VioletMarx

Thanks, @VioletMarx !

Too bad, in a way.

If Derrick had had the notion of "fixing" a random draw to pick off members of his own alliance in such a way as to get no BOHH - and pulled it off successfully without suspicion - I'd have considered that a stroke of genius worthy of the $500K on its own merit.

Would've been a great story. Too bad reality F'ed it up. :)

The HGs think they're exciting to watch? I've seen scenes where they admit they're boring (I think it was Derrick and Cody? Definitely Derrick and someone else.) 

I don't think there's any guarantee a jury member is coming back. I noticed Julie specifically said something like "tune in next week as jury members fight for A CHANCE to re-enter the house." That seemed like an odd word choice. Did anyone else notice that? 

The only way this week gets interesting is if Donny wins veto. Either he and Christine are on the block, he saves himself, and I predict Christine would go which would be awesome for me just on a personal level. Or he and Christine actually somehow win BoB, he wins veto, and tells Frankie and Derrick to get bent, he ain't using it, and then either Cody or Caleb leave due to skittles. That is way too awesome to actually happen but it's what I'm rooting for.

  • Love 4

An ex HG is definitely returning. All four will get a "chance" to return via a comp but one will win. Julie Chen's used that expression over the years to hint at suspense but we know better, right?

It was Derrick who said the house must be boring. This was a few weeks ago, though. I think it was the night a decent amount of booze was finally brought in.

An ex HG is definitely returning. All four will get a "chance" to return via a comp but one will win. Julie Chen's used that expression over the years to hint at suspense but we know better, right?

Yeah, as TimWil notes, that's what they say every year. Someone is definitely returning. Possibly even two people (likely via a BotB between the four jury members - I really don't want Donny getting evicted because he'd obviously be saddled with Jocasta against Nicole/Hayden. It would be awesome to see Christine/Jocasta, though!). 

A HG buyback (return from Jury) is a lock this season.

Consider the factors involved:

1. There are generally at least two DE nights per season (Did one season have three?).

2. There are five Thursdays between now and the finale.

3. After the eviction which establishes the F3, the HOH winner (the last HOH, actually) has the power to make a unilateral decision who will sit beside him* in the F2 chairs - an extra eviction, in effect.

4. After Nicole's departure, eight HGs remain in the House.

So - six eviction nights (5 Thursdays + 1 HOH eviction) for six evictees ( 8 HGs - F2). The only way to have a second DE is to bring an extra HG back in from Jury.

Actually, I'm curious what they had planned before this season got extended an extra week - a three-DE season, maybe?

* I started to say "him/her", but who am I kidding?

  • Love 1

Frankie is truly an idiot (as if there were ever any doubt) to allow this dumb random draw thing and have two strong players be his nominations. He knows damn well they were trying to back door him last week and he needs to remain HoH to protect himself this week. But I guess his ginormous ego has help convince him they all want him around now. {headsmack - TM Cody}

  • Love 1

As much as I love Donny, and will vote as often as I can for him to get America's Favorite - I think I want him out of the house.  He's so isolated, and he just isn't cut out for how cutthroat this game is.  At least, in the jury house, he will have people who will talk to him, and won't be treated like an outsider.


This is my thinking too. I love the guy but he's exactly not exactly playing a great game. At this point he's just taking up space. I realize he thinks these people are nitwits (they are) and the fact everyone he liked is gone, but that kinda goes with the territory. I just think he's too genuine to be any good at this game. I'd much rather see Nicole or Hayden be the returner.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 3

I think he's playing it about as well as he could have played it, given the restrictions he was dealing with.

A. No one wanted to work with him because he was old and odd looking


but more importantly...


B. The awful, awful dual HoH twist (it always comes back to that)


Under normal circumstances, you use power in the house to make deals. The awful, awful dual HoH twist takes away that option since being one of the dual HoHs is meaningless unless the other HoH will work with you, which couldn't happen because of A. 


So his only chance was to wait the awful, awful dual HoH twist out but obviously it has gone on far longer than expected. So he's screwed. But he was screwed from the get go. 

  • Love 9

I don't think Frankie is an idiot. Just oblivious to anything not about him. Look up famewhore in the dictionary and the pic of Kim Kardasian has been replaced by his.

He's probably the only one left that could take down Derrick. As much as I would LOVE to see Frankie backdoored this week, he would most likely just be put back in the game (please no). I'd rather see another evicted player return.

If I rigged the game, have Donny and Christine win BotB, Victoria wins VETO, takes down Caleb, Frankie puts up Derrick and Derrick goes to jury. Derrick leaving this week would make the game for me much more entertaining.

  • Love 3

When I was watching BBAD and Frankie received his letter as HOH and a photo of him and Ariana (which validated their relationship) I thought: any of the HGs who have showbiz aspirations will NEVER vote to evict Frankie. They would think they would be shooting their chances in the foot to get on his good side to see what he could do for them outside the house.


So f2 will be Derrick and Frankie?  Predictable. 


I love Donny, too... but likability is not enough to WIN. I felt sorry for him weeks ago, but he can be proud of how long he lasted in the game. He went far and was not the first one voted out, which may have been his initial thought would happen. And he can still win fan favorite. 


Once Donny and Victoria go... the sparks may fly when they all have to turn on each other. Then the game may really begin! 

Edited by DakotaLavender

The problem with Donny is he let his opinions of them get in his way. The time to make deals was when he was HOH and he didn't. I understand he's a bit older but he chose to isolate himself from the others. Of course I don't think any of the people in the house this year are bad people or even nitwits. I just think they are young and having fun while trying (and I'm using that word loosely) to win some money.

I've been entertained this year because the hamsters have been more like people in my life than the chaotic mess Big Brother usually is and after last year I need the normal interaction. I wasn't even sure I was going to watch this year after the disgust I felt last year.

  • Love 5

Donny is quiet, polite, gracious and well-mannered (as long as his sleep isn't interrupted, anyways). These are excellent personal qualities - but not very conducive to conventional advancement in BB, which, along with his age, are the primary reasons he has consistently stayed on the outs with most of the rest of the House. I believe Donny has an additional personality trait the rest of the remaining HGs have yet to appreciate, however, in part because it has been shielded from view somewhat by his other qualities.

Namely, Donny is stubborn as a mule.

- Does Donny like being in this House? Not really - that novelty wore off long ago.

- Does Donny like being with these people? Nope - he doesn't trust any of them, and the childish antics of supposed adults are extremely aggravating.

- Would Donny prefer the JH to the main House? Probably - it would definitely be less stressful.

So - will Donny go quietly into that good night, BB-wise? Not a chance. He signed up to win.

Regardless of how much he doesn't like his current environment, he's going to hang on until they bring a forty-mule team to drag him out. Derned if I can figure out HOW he can make a difference at this point, but I'm not putting ANYTHING past him until I hear those five words come out of the Chenbot's audio interface: "Donny - you HAVE been evicted...."

  • Love 8


Once Donny and Victoria go... the sparks may fly when they all have to turn on each other. Then the game may really begin!


But what will the game be?  It seems the game is "I can tell more lies than you'.  

I just don't get what strategy it is to completely make things up and then lie about lying.  

It kind of bores me.


When they talked about 'the other side of the house' it seemed so odd because there wasn't another SIDE.  There were a bunch of people who were intent on keeping their mouths shut so they couldn't make alliances.  

The drama has all been within the Bomb Squad/Detonators group.  They keep fighting themselves.

Very strange.


I think these people are fairly nice, and I also like that they're more normal.  Even though I have some animosity towards a few, when the whole group gets together after the show they'll be good friends and forgive each other.

And that's the way of Big Brother.

  • Love 4


Nicole trusted Derrick/Cody more than she did Donny, which kind of screwed him.

Exactly, initially Nicole and Hayden were going to work with Donny, then Derrick/Cody pulled both of them into a fake alliance.  So, other than Jocasta (who was useless), no one in that house offered a solid alliance for Donny.  Every single one of them eventually got pulled into the Derrick/Cody and/or Frankie mist.


Donny's only hope is Hayden coming back into the house.


ETA:  The Team America task was Task A about hiding an item of clothing.


From BB Leak:

Caleb: "There are dogs that can talk. Dogs are smart. They're even smarter than animals."


Oh, Caleb

Edited by duskyliterati
  • Love 9

Exactly, initially Nicole and Hayden were going to work with Donny, then Derrick/Cody pulled both of them into a fake alliance.  So, other than Jocasta (who was useless), no one in that house offered a solid alliance for Donny.  Every single one of them eventually got pulled into the Derrick/Cody and/or Frankie mist.

...and THAT represents the best strategy of this season: the moment you see the first hint of an opposing force start to coalesce:

1. If you can, evict immediately.

2. If you can't, sidetrack with a fake alliance until you CAN evict - preferably with a surprise eviction (i.e., make them think they're safe right up to the CEPSE*), so they don't have the opportunity to hold forth for days to the other HGs about your untrustworthiness.

From BB Leak:

Caleb: "There are dogs that can talk. Dogs are smart. They're even smarter than animals."


Oh, Caleb

And once again - a brief shining moment of hope - extinguished forever. Snuffed out without so much as a whimper.

* CEPSE = Chenbot Eviction Protocol Subroutine Execution

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