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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I really really want the next pair of HOHs to agree that each one nominates one of Devin/Caleb, along with another person who will throw the BOB. That way at least one of them is virtually guaranteed to go. Even if the one that remains on the block wins veto, the other one can be backdoored.


The problem with that is the duo of noms that win BotB are safe and can't be renommed. 


By the way, if anyone wants to watch the hilarious Bomb Squad meeting on flashback, it was at about 5:45 PM BBT.

Edited by peachmangosteen


Since there are 2 HsOH, does that mean there are 2 HsOH rooms?  Two beds?  Two everything?  I don't get it.


What's with all the guys crying?  I don't think it's a negative thing ... not at all ... but just unusual.  And this group is sooooo lovey dovey, even the guys sleeping with the guys and hugging and such.  I love it.


Does everybody just wear everybody else's clothes and other stuff as a matter of course?  And what happened to somebody's bra?  Can't remember who it was, but they were extremely upset about it.


Is Zach gay?



There are 2 HOH rooms, the regular one and the Pandora's box room. But they have to share the bathroom. It doesn't really make sense to have 2 since the HOH who looses the BOB only gets to use it for one night. But they both get baskets and pics. 


These guys are all super touchy feely. The only one who has said he's gay is Frankie, but Caleb has been very um, clingy with him. Last night they both slept in the freezing havenot room in the same bed to stay warm. I've also seen Cody and Zack cuddling with Frankie. Derrick has a wife, Donny a fiancé, and Devin an ex fiancé.

The feeds have been on interviews for nearly two hours, what are the chances that they have an endurance POV?


I'm worried that the ridiculousness of the Bomb Squad HOH meeting might make Derrick/Cody/Zach concede this week, vote out Brittany as originally planned, and then let the chips fall where they will. I'm still thinking about their Storage Room meeting early this morning where Zach/Cody both seemed good on the idea that they were just going to coast for the next couple of weeks and not make waves.


My wish is that they either flip the house this week to send Paola out and save Brit in order to go after Devin next week, or that some blowup occurs and Devin loses his mind, nominates Caleb, and the Bomb Squad votes him out after realizing he sold them out to Devin before their huge meeting.


I like the Derrick/Cody/Zach trio but I want Devin/Caleb gone immediately. 

  • Love 1

You and me both! Such a bad idea. We should never be subjected to Andy again! Or Jeff for that matter.

All I've learned over the past two hours is that Andy still dresses like he shops in the little boy's section of Old Navy, Rachel is going on a "baby"moon to get knocked up thanks to The Amazing Race, and Ian at least put a female in his initial top four from this season. I would say they need more of these to keep us from going insane, but I'm afraid it might end up being McCrae or Amanda.


The feeds have been on interviews for nearly two hours, what are the chances that they have an endurance POV?

It certainly seems to lean that way. If that's the case, hang in there, Brittany!

Edit: it sounds like Devin won POV. Well, crap.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 1

Welp. Devin won veto. And after that wretched Bomb Squad meeting he knows that his alliance would rather vote out Pow Pow, so look for him to take her down and nominate someone he knows won't go over Brittany. Or he'll put up Victoria. Which I'm fine with. But nothing really interesting will be happening this week.

Sounds like there was some sort of argument btwn Caleb and Devin this morning and Devin said he was done with the alliance. Maybe with this latest dust-up there's more chance that the alliance won't back him about voting out Brittany."



Agreed, but did you see Derrick talking to Caleb earlier? He got into Caleb's head but good about how as a man, he would never let someone talk to his wife a certain way, blah, blah. Planted the seeds about how Amber might really want Brittany to stay, etc. When Caleb got up to go talk to Amber, Derrick whispered to himself and the camera: "perfect."



So, I'm not watching the live feeds at the moment, but apparently, Christine and Frankie are/were talking about an hour ago and Frankie was throwing Zach under the bus. Now, I'm not sure whether it's a strategy to keep the eyes off of Zach and Frankie's alliance, or whether Frankie and Zach have both been playing each other (or one of them has) but I'm not sure if throwing their names around was the best idea this early. I know it's only the beginning of week 2, but seeing as they have no targets on their backs yet, just suspicion, I think it was the wrong time to make any moves. Maybe later in the week, but not now. 



I'm not sure about the crying but about that time (I recorded BBAD) he was super pissed and grumbling to himself while folding his clothing in the Ice Room. He was particularly upset when he got to the black and white shirt Caleb had been sporting on the show Thursday along with Cody's glasses. 


Later, while playing chess he told Derrick he had, "had it" with Caleb and his disrespect.  He said Caleb just tossed the shirt dirty and something (ruined?) back on Cody's bed.  Derrick agreed and noted that he had even complemented Caleb on that shirt.  Then Derrick told Cody to hang in there and not blow up.  Cody agreed.     I have to say, I like those two together.  They remind me of a buddy cop show or something, with the good looking single cop partnered up with the married and family cop.  I hope their friendship/alliance is real. 



Just collecting these as supporting evidence to shoot down the “theory” that women aren’t able to form alliances because they can’t seem to work together without fighting, but supposedly men can. Not that this is a theory that I hear on this awesome forum, but just one that I hear out there in the ether all the time about how women can’t get along, yadda, yadda, ad infinitum. 


Men seem to have just as much difficulty staying cohesive, what with power struggles, wounded egos, slights and insults, and so on. Probably even more so when there are members of the opposite sex around to posture for.  When men do it, they are usually afforded a little more respect though, and don’t have their disagreements and fights reduced to them being described as “catty.” Meow.

  • Love 7

I think if Devin uses it then Victoria is definitely going up. I actually hope she stays though, especially over Paola. 


ETA: Devin is having a SERIOUS case of HOH-itis. He just told Zach to his face that he doesn't trust him, before sending him out of the HOH room to talk 1-on-1 with Cody. Devin is saying he's going to go to every single BS member individually and ask them who they would vote out between Paola/Brit and Brit/Victoria. 


ETA: After both Cody and Caleb say it would be harder to choose between Brit/Victoria, Devin exclaims that he has to go back on his word to pull Pao down and leave her up because it's too risky. He calls Brit into the HOH, but she immediately confronts him about how he's spoken to her in the past. I hope she doesn't blow this.

Edited by TeamBlue

Y'all? I never thought I'd say this, but I now like Zach. Don't get me wrong, he's probably still an ass, but I NOW like Zach. Because he first said straight up in the Bomb Squad meeting that he would absolutely vote out Paola over Brittany, and just catching the tail end of his meeting with Devin (who has decided to grill everyone on their votes between Brittany/Victoria/Paola) he said without a doubt he'd vote out Victoria. He just does not care about Devin's "power" as HOH and I love it. Cody was hemming and hawing about his vote just now, which is probably better gameplay, but not nearly as fun to watch.

  • Love 7

I already have a headache listening to Devin drone on as lectures Brittany  and goes over for the thousandth time about why he called the house meeting over feeling guilty about his treatment of Donny.  But I think his real purpose here is to not let Brit get a word in edgewise.  

And accuse her of being paranoid. Coming from the King of Paranoia, that's pretty funny.

This whole conversation is just making me appreciate Brittany much more. Anyone would come across as great compared to Devin, and she's obviously a bit defensive, but if she were talking to a rational, logical person, it might have made a difference. He really just wants to keep interrupting her, and then huffing and puffing when she interrupts him back. Unfortunately, I think it's just going to make him want her out more.

I don't think Brittany did herself any favors in that conversation with Devin, but I loved watching her trying to put up a fight against him. It's hard to put up much of a fight against someone who keeps interjecting you and telling you that you are paranoid and that everything you do is wrong because you are obviously paranoid, but I appreciate her effort. I really hope she stays.


Zach, Caleb and Frankie are now talking. Zach is worried about Devin putting him up, and Frankie is trying to get them both to just chill for a week until Devin is no longer HOH.

OK, in other news about how I was wrong, Frankie is also surprising me. No word about his sister or who he "is", just a lot of gameplay. And I am starting to see a flirtatious vibe between him and Zach, although it mostly manifests itself in Frankie telling Zach all of the ways he's screwing up his game....which is mostly true, although I still love it.

These people are finally starting to get interesting to me, possibly because I'm finally able to stay up late enough to watch them.

Meanwhile, Devin and Brittany are still talking, with nothing being accomplished other than Caleb getting all suspicious. Which is not that hard to do, but I'm hoping to see some fallout from that.


Frankie and Zach  have now have virtually the same conversation in three different rooms in about an hour.   Zach is being clingy looking for reassurance, and poor Frankie is still patiently trying to talk him down.  And now  Brittany just walked in.


ETA:  Listening to Frankie talk with Christine, I now think that might be his true alliance.  They were laying out everything out for each other, and it didn't sound like BS.  It was kinda refreshing in the sense that it felt like the rational people finally got a chance to talk.   He also flat out said he didn't think Zach had the mental acuity for the game.

Edited by vb68

The existence of that picture seems to suggest he might have grown the beard specifically to better portray a "character".

I wish the damn show would be responsible and curb the wacko.  The ratings from this aren't worth the risk of this guy totally losing it on her.


You know - I wonder about that.  I never worry about the girls in the Bad Girls House because I know Security is ALWAYS nearby because those girls are fighting all the time, and I know that in a minute Oxygen, the production company and everyone involved could get sued for negligence if a girl really got hurt in a fight because they should be able to foresee that when you put emotionally vulnerable women in a situation set up for them to fight each other you should be able to foresee that one of them may seriously hurt the other.  I don't care how "iron clad" releases are.


But I don't know if Big Brother has that sort of staff living in the house or nearby enough.  Traditionally its not a show where people get into physical altercations, and it seems like the cameras are all anchored to the walls so there may not be a camera crew around.  So then what would a houseguest do if another houseguest got physically violent in a totally unexpected way.  Like if Caleb were to try to corner Amber and try to physically hurt her.  Would they have someone who could get in there fast enough?  I mean with Bad Girls club there is a camera crew following everyone around, so the minute the shit is about to hit the fan, someone knows and security magically appears.  If the cameras are all anchored and there is no camera crew, is there just a crew of people monitoring the cameras from outside the house who would only call security if they saw something going down?  If so, how fast could security get there?  I mean you would hope another houseguest would step in if something like that happened, but if I were CBS I'm not sure I would want to rely on that.





Earlier, they were talking about holding a BB Prom (tomorrow night, I think?). Gee, I wonder who Caleb is going to ask to be his date...

The right move would be for Caleb to ask someone else and then keep looking over at Amber and imagining how jealous she is getting....

Then he can save her from an overly aggressive date in the parking lot!  (Or the store room...)


D'oh!  Generally, I might then advise feigning lesbianism, but I get the feeling Caleb might just take that as a challenge, or feel like god wants him to work harder to convert her.  She should talk to Jacosta, maybe there is some bible verse that can be construed as a command to not stalk people.  I feel like Caleb would be open to a biblical argument.

Well, that didn't take long.  Brittany's secret deal with Devin is only a few hours old and she's already spilled the beans to Derrick. 

I'm not quite clear on what's going on with her passive aggressivness toward Paola, though.  Is it just because she thinks that Paola also has a secret deal with Devin?  Because if that's so...Pot, meet Kettle.


And Victoria?  I know you've been told that if Devin changes the nominations you'll be put up instead, but to cry and threaten to self-evict if that happens might just make matters worse.  Besides, it sounds like you brought it on yourself by being so rude to people in the house.


That leads me to a question.  If Devin takes someone off the block and names Victoria as replacement, and if she does actually self-evict, what would happen then?  Would the vote be cancelled, or would Devin be told to nominate someone else to the block.  I think Zach would faint dead away if that happened.

Devin makes me like almost everyone else in the house. I'm kind of worried about what will happen when he leaves, because when the resident asshole is evicted, someone else tends to take their place. Maybe in four weeks, Jocasta and Nicole will be bullying the house and slinging insults and threats around. We just don't know. 


Still, I really hope Cody, Derrick and Zach will save Brittany and take Devin out next week, followed by Caleb. Even though final two deals made at this point rarely (if ever) hold up, a Cody/Derrick finale is perfectly fine by me.

  • Love 3
She should talk to Jacosta, maybe there is some bible verse that can be construed as a command to not stalk people.

It's not a commandment but a New Testament quote from Christ Himself at Matthew 16:23 might do the trick.


(Of course I'm being sarcastic. Not trying to suggest that Caleb is the personification of evil.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu


I'm not quite clear on what's going on with her passive aggressivness toward Paola, though.  Is it just because she thinks that Paola also has a secret deal with Devin?  Because if that's so...Pot, meet Kettle.


It's probably that she knows Paola threw the BOTB.  Devin really can't keep his mouth shut about anything.


It's not a commandment but a New Testament quote from Christ Himself at Matthew 16:23 might do the trick.


(Of course I'm being sarcastic. Not trying to suggest that Caleb is the personification of evil.)


LMAO!  Well, it might work in a pinch...


Speaking of raging lunatics and racist assholes, I'm currently binge watching BB15.  WTF????  How long is this GinaMarie chick gonna cry?  I'm embarrassed for , her.  Did anyone watch the live feeds last year?  Can you give me a rundown of what happened?  In reading the posts here, I assumed Nick would stay longer because it sounded like she was acting creepy towards him on the show, but now I'm assuming that most of the weirdness must have happened in the live feeds because this bitch is crying like a kid thats been told the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Transformers don't exist.


But more so, I'm absolutely disgusted with CBS for letting this wonky looking blonde racist chick stay on the air.  That Bible verse might actually apply to her.  My heart is breaking right now for Candice.  This dopey blonde broad is as stupid as the day is long, and if she stays in the game its pure luck, because her game play is ridiculous.  I'm all about having the villain to root against, but this bitch is beyond, truly beyond, and it just reminds me of the non violent civil rights protests, where you had white people being loud and bullying black people, yelling and carrying on and black people just sat there,and by just sitting there they made the strongest statement.  I know its not the same, but to see these white broads carrying on and bullying this black girl (and I know they bullied others, but flipping over her bed, calling her Sheniqua, talking to her in a "ghetto voice" and rolling her neck) while she just took it and didn't sink to their level....it was powerful to me.


I'm sorry - I know this is wildly off topic, but it seems like a lot of you watch the live feeds year after year and I'm dying to know what happened because you all have made it sound so juicy!  And I had to vent a little, because there is a part of me that wants to fly to whatever po' dunk hicksville this lame ass is from and punch her in the throat.


ETA: and yes, I should stop watching, but I'm only watching to see this bitch get evicted.

Edited by RealityGal
Men seem to have just as much difficulty staying cohesive, what with power struggles, wounded egos, slights and insults, and so on. Probably even more so when there are members of the opposite sex around to posture for.  When men do it, they are usually afforded a little more respect though, and don’t have their disagreements and fights reduced to them being described as “catty.” Meow.



Jocasta was vocal about the female alliance never having a chance.  That coupled with her hating swearing but loving bow ties made me write her off.  But I agree, an alliance of all women or all men will result in the same core problems, especially when it is full of the type of person who actually wants to be on a reality show.


Last year's cast really hit the zeitgeist of that Paula Dean summer with their racism, and I feel like this cast is doing the same thing except with all the strange high profile misogyny that is going on in our culture.  Even when Caleb lectures Devin and Zach about how they better watch how they talk to and about women, it doesn't strike me as very noble on Caleb's part, just that he thinks of women as less than and likes to be self righteous.  Like how when he showed Frankie some martial arts moves, he said. "Don't say I can't protect my girl!" even though no one said that.  Who do you think you need to protect your girlfriend from, Caleb?  From other guys exactly like you and part of your "I'm short so I'm going to have the biggest arms I can possibly have" subculture.


Also, when Caleb was bragging about his fighting skills and knowledge of pressure points, another good Cody moment happened when he dismissed them by saying something like "What does it matter, all fights end up on the ground anyways."

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 8

Jocasta was vocal about the female alliance never having a chance.  That coupled with her hating swearing but loving bow ties made me write her off.  But I agree, an alliance of all women or all men will result in the same core problems, especially when it is full of the type of person who actually wants to be on a reality show.


Last year's cast really hit the zeitgeist of that Paula Dean summer with their racism, and I feel like this cast is doing the same thing except with all the strange high profile misogyny that is going on in our culture.  Even when Caleb lectures Devin and Zach about how they better watch how they talk to and about women, it doesn't strike me as very noble on Caleb's part, just that he thinks of women as less than and likes to be self righteous.  Like how when he showed Frankie some martial arts moves, he said. "Don't say I can't protect my girl!" even though no one said that.  Who do you think you need to protect your girlfriend from, Caleb?  From other guys exactly like you and part of your "I'm short so I'm going to have the biggest arms I can possibly have" subculture.


Also, when Caleb was bragging about his fighting skills and knowledge of pressure points, another good Cody moment happened when he dismissed them by saying something like "What does it matter, all fights end up on the ground anyways."


I think for a guy like Caleb everyone is always saying that, even though no one is ever actually saying that.  I'm sure when he is in line at Starbucks and the barrista asks him "you want a Venti or a Grande?" it really sounds like "You can't protect your girl!"

  • Love 3

Zach seems to be unraveling.  He hasn't slept, and is now talking to Frankie about blowing up at Devin, losing his shit at Paola, so on and so forth.  Said he doesn't even care if it gets him evicted, he can't imagine staying there for another 70 days.  But he wants Frankie to win the 500k.  Frankie is mostly silent, but occasionally like 'okay, um-um, don't do it until after the veto meeting."  I cannot figure out what is happening to Zach, and I'm starting to think Frankie is just playing him, taking in all the info but not really caring.  


Jocasta was vocal about the female alliance never having a chance.  That coupled with her hating swearing but loving bow ties made me write her off.


Yea, I feel like it's an UO, but I don't like Jocasta. Her laughing about the mere thought of a girls alliance really pissed me off. And it annoys me so much that she won't align with anyone because she's in an alliance with Jesus. If I was actually a HG that would drive me insane.


Zach and Frankie are having a talk right now and it's actually the first time I've ever seen them interact. I'm liking it. When Frankie is talking normally and not 'on' and/or on a power trip I actually like him. And I actually enjoy Zach a lot when he's not being a dick about Victoria.


I'm gonna need Devin to be really stupid and not use veto. I don't want Brittany or Victoria to go. I go back and forth on likin Poa, but I just want her gone because with her there no one has to really make decisions. She's an easy nom every time and it's just boring.


ETA: Turtle, I definitely think Frankie is playing Zach. He throws Zach under the bus all the time. I'm with whomever stated up thread that Frankie's true alliance is Christine and I believe Christine's may be Frankie as well. It's Zach that I can't really get a read on. I think Zach is definitely with Frankie and only Frankie 100% game-wise, but I don't know if the flirting is real or game.


ETAA: Zach wants to go off on Devin after the veto meeting. Frankie is coaching him on what to say. One of his suggestions was to call Devin a bad father. Sounds like a surefire way to get Zach punched in the face! I'm all for it!


Also, Frankie's plan for next week is to nominate two people who will throw BotB but have a great chance at winning veto (like Derrick and Zach) so that they can backdoor Devin.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Brittany and Devin made a deal that he would use the veto on her if she would agree not to put him up if she wins HOH. Others were suspicious about the meeting those two were having and not happy about Devin possibly making a deal. Devin said he would put Victoria up in her place and just reassure Paola that she wouldn't go home and everyone would vote to get rid of Victoria since she is so disliked. Not sure if the deal will go through or not -- Caleb looked pretty pissed off about the possibility and he might be able to change Devin's mind.


In the meantime, Brittany is considering various plans if he does or does not use the veto on her. No matter which plan she goes with, it sounds like she's going to tell everyone that Paola is working with Devin and agreed to throw the BotB comp. She plans to suggest that Paola could easily do the same to any of them and she hopes that will help sway the vote. I don't think Brit realizes how many people in the house already know that Devin and Paola made a deal.


So if Devin puts Victoria up in Brit's place, I'm not sure how the votes would turn out. Sounds like Devin and Caleb would definitely vote for Paola to stay and Derrick, Cody, Zach and Brit would definitely vote for Victoria to stay. Amber would probably vote with Caleb and Devin. No clue how Donny, Nic, Jo, or Hayden would vote.  Also not sure how Christine and Frankie would vote if there isn't a clear majority.


It was kind of interesting last night, Brit was explaining a possible plan to Derrick. If during the veto ceremony, Devin said he was using the veto on Brit, she would say thanks but no thanks and tell the houseguests that she didn't want to make the deal with Devin and hope they will choose her to stay over someone like Paola who is clearly working with Devin. She said she has the DR checking to confirm whether or not Devin could make a replacement  veto if she turned him down. I don't imagine she'll go through with this one but it would be really amusing to watch if she does.


And I agree with comments above about Zach. He and Cody were both riled up last night but Zach gives the impression that he's going to blow up despite everyone trying to explain to him that it wouldn't accomplish anything. Also agree that Frankie has given up on Zach and is really with Christine at this point. Sounds like Cody, Zach, and Derrick see what Frankie's doing (playing all sides) and Frankie and some others (Christine, Nic and Hayden) see what Derrick is doing. Hoping all this leads to fun for us to watch this summer.

  • Love 3


Also agree that Frankie has given up on Zach and is really with Christine at this point.


The Frankie-Christine convo was somewhere between 10:30- 11pm Housetime last night.  if anybody can go back and listen to it, I would recommend it.  I found it very illuminating. I think it's the real deal.  They were telling each other everything.  Frankie said he likes Zach, but he doesn't have the mental acuity for this game.  And Christine was telling him how Nicole and Hayden don't like Derrick.  They also think Cody is losing it some, but not as bad as Zach.  They were laughing about his "I know you're not looking at and threatening me" line to Devin.


ETA:  Oh, the other thing when they were talking was that Frankie looked right into the camera and  said "when are you going to start playing America?"  I think he added something like "and helping us" as well, but I didn't totally catch it.

Edited by vb68

I don't watch the feeds but is there any chance Caleb is doing this on purpose? I remember someone posting that he said something about Amber and when he walked away whoever he was taking to said "he just got that on tv". It seems really over the top, especially when he was staring at the picture. I just wonder if he thinks a showmance will get him screen time and he either doesn't realize how creepy it's coming off or if he's going for obsessive for screen time.


I think there are people in production watching the feeds 24/7, but I also think that if things are getting dicey between some of the hamsters, production dithers around between houseguest safety and their liability and what they think makes compelling "good" TV. Remember the second season when the whacko held the knife against the drunk girl's neck? He wasn't expelled from the house until the next day, and they only found it when the house was in an uproar over the incident and then production reviewed the footage. That situation nearly went very, very badly for all involved, so I think production stepped up their oversight of the feeds after that incident. But I still think there's a delay in their response to a truly bad situation because they're mulling over the balance between the excitement spiking the ratings and the bad publicity if someone really does get hurt.

Edited to add: Here's a question to you live-feeders...do you have some sort of "panic button" you can push to alert production to a potentially bad situation? I can see where something like that could be either a help or a hindrance to production. I've always been curious if you had some mechanism like that--you know, like how Internet forums have "Report This Post" buttons to alert the moderators when something is questionable or violates standards.

Edited by HurricaneVal

Devin just told Caleb that now he's leaning towards not using it. That would be very entertaining because he's made a deal with both Pao and Brit, and Zach has been in a meltdown for 12 hours over the prospect that he's going to get backdoored.


ETA: Devin did just lie to Caleb though re: the conversation he had in HOH with Brit last night.

Edited by TeamBlue

Devin was bullshitting Caleb. Wow! I really thought Caleb was his #1. He even said, after Caleb went to poop (lol), "I know exactly what I'm going to do with the veto." I have no idea where any of these people actually stand. It's frustrating but fun!


ETA: And Jeff interviews are up, so they're totally doing the ceremony now. YES! This afternoon will probably be even crazier than this morning.


I just hope that this fucks Frankie's game completely. And Christine's. That would be so much fun.

Edited by peachmangosteen

My guess is that Caleb is still Devin's #1 but Devin is afraid that Caleb will either be 100% against the plan since he's always talking about loyalty, etc., or he may spill the beans to Amber or someone else.


Since the interviews with Jeff are back on, does that mean the veto meeting is happening? I never heard any confirmation from houseguests that veto was definitely today.


After Frankie told Devin not to trust Cody and Zach and to put Zach up, he was back outside shooting the breeze with Zach. He's a pretty good actor. He also mentioned to Christine that they have to sit tight until next week and try to win HOH because the alliance is crumbling and they need to figure out who are the best people to choose to move forward with.


ally862, my opinion is that at least 50% is about wanting to have a showmance and lots of drama for attention and additional TV time. He has mentioned that he wants to cut his first record when the show is over so I think he's very interested in becoming a "star," at least in the BB universe. Earlier on when he thought Amber was into him, he was talking to someone about whether Julie Chen would talk to him about Amber on the next live show.  Also Brittany mentioned that one particular day when she guessed that Caleb figured he had no chance with Amber, she caught him looking at her throughout the day. Brit got the impression that Caleb wanted a showmance, period, and if it couldn't be with Amber, he would try to find someone else.

Edited by NeelyO

The only people who even know this is a possibly are Victoria, Frankie, Christine, and Nicole. So many people slept through all this craziness! 


I feel like Cody is gonna lose his mind if Zach goes up. I hope him and Derrick just finally bite the bullet and cut their ties with BS and build a counter alliance with Hayden, Nicole, Brittany, and Victoria.


ETA: LOL it wasn't the ceremony. They're fucking with us! And now they're back to Jeff interviews? WTF IS GOING ON?!

Edited by peachmangosteen

ally862, my opinion is that at least 50% is about wanting to have a showmance and lots of drama for attention and additional TV time. He has mentioned that he wants to cut his first record when the show is over so I think he's very interested in becoming a "star," at least in the BB universe. Earlier on when he thought Amber was into him, he was talking to someone about whether Julie Chen would talk to him about Amber on the next live show. Also Brittany mentioned that one particular day when she guessed that Caleb figured he had no chance with Amber, she caught him looking at her throughout the day. Brit got the impression that Caleb wanted a showmance, period, and if it couldn't be with Amber, he would try to find someone else.

Thanks! I really hope it's for the attention. Desperately seeking attention is much better than psycho stalking.


I think there are people in production watching the feeds 24/7, but I also think that if things are getting dicey between some of the hamsters, production dithers around between houseguest safety and their liability and what they think makes compelling "good" TV.

I assumed that BB US has the same set up as BB Canada where there is a space between the wall to another wall for the cameras and the production people. Various minions have mentioned that they could hear people behind the walls.




The link for for the BB Aus which I am assuming all the houses that is on a sound stage is set up.

Edited by xfuse

Devin just confirmed to Derrick that the "I don't trust you" conversation between Devin and Zach happened. Devin is called to the DR, and Frankie/Derrick talk downstairs about moving forward. They agree to 100% trust one another starting now.


Derrick is weary about the POV ceremony, he thinks that Devin will "pull something," Derrick wouldn't be surprised if Devin puts up a BS-member. Derrick/Frankie agree that Zach will blow up.


ETA: Frankie just lied to Derrick, he said that he believes that in his mind (Devin's), the alliance is Devin/Frankie/Derrick/Caleb, but Devin has said that he now views the alliance as a 5-person group that includes Devin/Caleb/Amber/Frankie/Christine.

Edited by TeamBlue

Derrick is doing a great job right now in protecting Zach in case he is the replacement nom, convincing Caleb that they are 100% guaranteed jury as long as they just stick to the alliance that they have now. Apparently, it's just simple math (which, no, that's not how math works, but Caleb was sure buying it). He and Frankie were saying all the right things to each other, even though neither of them really trust each other, and Derrick was saying all the right things to Devin earlier. I like this guy, he has a very direct way of talking to people, he doesn't talk down to them (Devin), he's not too intense (Caleb), he's not constantly going from person to person to person promising final two (Frankie), and he gets his damn sleep (Zach).

Still have no clue about when the POV ceremony will be. The HGs sure seem to think it will be today, but with the show coming up soon, I kind of doubt it. Probably will be tomorrow, and Zach will have slept, and nothing fun will happen.

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Frankie also got in a good one during his conversation with Derrick. Derrick was saying that he wished he could have been a fly on the wall during Caleb and Devin's make-up session because he thinks Caleb said a lot. Frankie agreed and said whatever Devin does at the veto ceremony was completely influenced by that discussion with Caleb. Such a sneaky guy.


I also noticed that Frankie had been saying that Derrick stirs the pot and is in everyone's ear but just today or last night when he was talking to Devin, he came to the conclusion that Derrick was just being smart by not putting all his eggs in one basket and working on side relationships. And next thing you know, Frankie's asking Derrick to talk and promising to have his back, etc.


Devin and Zach just had a meeting on the couches, and Zach has obviously not gotten enough sleep and/or still does not care. He told Devin about 18 times that he just did not care. That he was true to the alliance, but Devin told him he did not trust him, so Zach doesn't care. My favorite part was this:

Zach: Dude, just take down Brittany and put me up. You said you can't trust me, I just don't care.

Devin: Bro, your being the replacement nom had never been mentioned ever by anyone, bro, why would you say that, that has never even occurred to me, bro, but now you said it. Bro.

Me: Hahahahaha!

Basically, that meeting went about as badly as could be expected and I would be shocked if Zach wasn't a replacement nom. Derrick, that was a good idea but you should have let Zach sleep for about five more hours.

Edited by Katesus7
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