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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Poor girl, everyone forgetting her name.


Part of that could be that she is so Vanilla.


It boggles my mind that Christine can't tell how she would come across if she puts up Nicole.  Maybe she 's only playing for second place.  Or  maybe, she's another Diane and is sacrificing herself for Cody.  I don't think that's completely far-fetched.    

Edited by vb68
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Christine and Frankie in HoH, discussing what Christine should say to 'cut' Nicole when she's on the block.


Christine, in reveling about being mean: "I kinda wanna do something out of character for me."  (So pawing at a non-husband man IS in character for you then.)


Frankie coaching her about something on knives in their backs...and how awesome it's gonna be - and awesome that 'afterwards...' Then Frankie continues lounging the HoH bed...and Christine goes off to presumably cover the witch-like features of her sea hag face.

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I'm still surprised they are even bothering with the activity trackers. Once for the have-nots was enough, but that just fell flat once the houseguests determined they could fake the totals by shaking it.  They don't even update the BBTracker web site regularly (it hasn't been updated since Aug. 7)

When is the Veto meeting?

I'm torn on what I want to happen. On one hand, I'd like for Donny to stick around one more week. On the other hand, what Christine and the guys plan to do to Nicole is incredibly mean. I know it's a game, but Christine and Frankie in particular seem to be reveling in the thought of causing Nicole pain.

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When is the Veto meeting?

I'm torn on what I want to happen. On one hand, I'd like for Donny to stick around one more week. On the other hand, what Christine and the guys plan to do to Nicole is incredibly mean. I know it's a game, but Christine and Frankie in particular seem to be reveling in the thought of causing Nicole pain.


Clearly, they seem to forget how 'jury votes' work.  Sure...send Nic to the jury house with the sound of your putdowns ringing in her ears.  That will give you the critical vote you need.


Honestly...the feeds seem remarkably void of any discussion as to how jury votes will play out.  Do these people realize that the delight they will take in sending someone to jury via nastiness and backbiting doesn't tend to translate into votes.

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So glad I've checked out of this show and am only keeping up through this thread.  Nothing good has happened and I see no good surprises/shake-ups to the house in the future.  What a revolting season.


Christine is one of the worst human beings who has ever been on this show, honestly.  She has zero redeeming qualities.  She has no game, she's mean, she's two-faced, and she's basically cheating on her husband.  She has NOTHING to gain from a game perspective by BDing Nicole.  And seeing her relish in the backstabbing and being mean about it is truly repulsive.  I can't WAIT for her to get Britney'd!  At least Britney was funny and gave good DRs.

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I would love to say to Frankie "your sister is famous. You are not. She's no Beyonce, Miley or Katy Perry, let's be real. You are a 31 year old man that is riding the coat tails of your little sister. You behave more like a hormone ridden teenage girl than a grown man. It's hard to watch you make comments about people like they are below you. Even if you were famous you can't talk to people that way. The fact that you are telling your sisters fans who are mostly young girls to attack people on social media is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are a gay man, who probably was bullied or knew others that were bullied & you would then encourage bullying? It makes me cringe to watch you"

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Here is a direct quote from Frankie, regarding their outing yesterday as he primps for veto meeting:  'Everyone was so sweet and nice.  Everybody loves us!' 


Christine:  'I KNOOWWWW.  Everyone loves us.'


Yeah - because CBS plants at a practice game void of real spectators are a good gauge for how awesome you are!

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I would love to say to Frankie "your sister is famous. You are not. She's no Beyonce, Miley or Katy Perry, let's be real. You are a 31 year old man that is riding the coat tails of your little sister. You behave more like a hormone ridden teenage girl than a grown man. It's hard to watch you make comments about people like they are below you. Even if you were famous you can't talk to people that way. The fact that you are telling your sisters fans who are mostly young girls to attack people on social media is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are a gay man, who probably was bullied or knew others that were bullied & you would then encourage bullying? It makes me cringe to watch you"



Couldn't have said it better myself.  He is completely full of himself and needs to grow the fuck up. 

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Christine is one of the worst and most oblivious players I've seen in a long time. And honestly, if Derrick is smart enough, he'll keep Nicole over Donny because Christine putting Nicole up squashes any chance of Christine winning or working with anyone else. It sounding lately like Donny would definitely go after Derrick. I don't think Nicole would target Derrick unless Hayden came back, especially if she won HoH this week. She'd immediately go after Christine/Frankie again.

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Then Frankie continues lounging the HoH bed...and Christine goes off to presumably cover the witch-like features of her sea hag face.


Bwah Hah Hah.  You owe me a new keyboard, BeatrixK.
And I’m totally loving the nicknames you guys are giving Victoria.


Christine is one of the worst human beings who has ever been on this show, honestly.  She has zero redeeming qualities.  She has no game, she's mean, she's two-faced, and she's basically cheating on her husband.


WHile I'll agree with almost all your points, but that last point is debatable (unless I missed something).  But she is absolutely getting a better edit on the show than she deserves based on the feeds!


Couldn't have said it better myself.  He [Frankie] is completely full of himself and needs to grow the fuck up.


Agreed to the Nth degree.

I'll be quite happy to see Nicole booted out on Thursday but my main concern is what if the BotB Jury House rumor is true? I could see Jocasta//Donny facing off with Hayden/Nicole with H/N winning and going back in the house. I'll need to stock up on Aleve if that happened.

Edited by TimWil

For us non feed watchers: what exactly is the deal with Christine and Cody? He seems like he flirts with everyone but I wasn't aware there was anything between them.


Also, I don't think Cody has been really playing this game and next to victoria, I would consider him his own kind of floater and I would be happy to see him go before almost everyone else... even Frankie. And that's saying something

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I would love it if Chenbot, unable to go off script inadvertently insulted Frankie on the live show.

Bot: Villanueva, what did you think when you heard about Frankie's sister?

Vic: it's so crazy, I love her and I can't believe we are living with someone famous!

Bot: whose sister is famous.

And then I'd like Zach to say ziiinnnggg! As he did in last nights episode during the kitchen fight, which both my husband & I cracked up at. Either way I hope zing bot gets in a good "Frankie... You're looking a little pale... Maybe it's all that time...in your sister's..,. Shadow. Ziiinnnggg!!!" I Love Zingbot :)

Edited by AndreaK1041
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For us non feed watchers: what exactly is the deal with Christine and Cody? He seems like he flirts with everyone but I wasn't aware there was anything between them.



Ok, so I've been lucky to have not had the feeds on these two (much) when they're in the room together, but for the past...two, three weeks, they've been quite intimate with each other. There's been a lot of cuddling, hand holding and touching between the two of them. I know this is Cody's strategy, but he has been touching Christine a lot and she has basically been encouraging it. She's even talked about how 'Cody hasn't been touching her much' a few days ago to Victoria. It's gotten to the point where her husband has expressed his dislike over their PDA and how he's not going to let Cody touch his wife ever again, which is understandable. Cody shouldn't be provoking this behaviour, especially knowing that Tim is watching and that she's married, and she shouldn't be encouraging it either. They are both equally at fault and Christine's even noted that Tim may not be happy about it, yet she continues to cuddle with him regardless. Also, Tim has been getting a LOT of messages regarding these two, mostly talking about the two divorcing, and it's gotten to the point where he's come out and asked for no more hate and to leave him alone (they have not been stopping the rude comments). 



"Frankie... You're looking a little pale... Maybe it's all that time...in your sister's..,. Shadow. Ziiinnnggg!!!



Oh my god, yes! I bet you this is what Zingbot will say to him, and I can't wait!! 

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Seriously, what is Christine's end-game strategy? She is so infuriating to me. She is one of the most delusional people in the house. And considering Caleb and Frankie are there, that is no small feat!

I've been wondering if maybe the twist this season is that every one of them has a personality disorder of some type.

  • Love 16

Seriously, what is Christine's end-game strategy? She is so infuriating to me. She is one of the most delusional people in the house. And considering Caleb and Frankie are there, that is no small feat!

Add me to the people wondering what her end game plans are:  Honestly, it seems she wants to play for...shits and giggles?  Her 'strategy' seems to be playing for the guys, doing their dirty work, and demanding nothing in return but Cody Cuddles.  She sure as hell seems oblivious to jury votes.  I think her whole game was 'Get me into the BB house and WEEEEEEEEE!'


I've never seen a player work so hard for last member of the jury house.

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Add me to the people wondering what her end game plans are:  Honestly, it seems she wants to play for...shits and giggles?  Her 'strategy' seems to be playing for the guys, doing their dirty work, and demanding nothing in return but Cody Cuddles.  She sure as hell seems oblivious to jury votes.  I think her whole game was 'Get me into the BB house and WEEEEEEEEE!'



Well, there IS a reason she says she wants to be like Britney in the Brigade.

Sadly, what Christine really wants is to be the last woman standing. She's not alone though as Amber actually asked Derrick if he would please allow her to be the last woman. You know what, Devin may be a secret genius, he found the two dumbest woman in there. Derrick should give him a special thanks when he wins.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I would think that production would rather have Nichole leave over Donny. So make any conclusions you will. It's just too bad because Nichole has done well in comps. I would really like to see her and Hayden working together again.

Ariana Grande didn't look all that enthusiastic at Thursdays live show. I got the impression her mother and grandmother made her go. Maybe she is on to Frankie's game, too, Wouldn't be surprised that Frankie is the kid that mom and grandparents always feel sorry for because he hasn't realized his dream. Now that Ariana has made it big, it's her job to make him famous.


When Frankie & Ariana get old they can do a newer version of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.

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At least Britney was funny and gave good DRs.

IMO she was just as mean as Christine, hiding behind the Brigade instead of playing the game.  Bitch talked a lot of shit but had the tears a-flowin' whenever someone threw it back at her.


And the nicknames for Victoria are confusing, it took a while for me to discover ya'll were fooling around.

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I disagree. I disagree vehemently.

They're not Season 12 stupid, but yes, they're a dumber-than-normal group of houseguests. 


That said, I think AG specifically tries to get dumb people nowadays - it likely leads to more drama that way (smart people are less likely to say dumb stuff that can lead to big drama). 

Frankie is just grosser than gross.  He's made several references to sexual acts that he really needs to keep to himself.


Hey, if the guy prefers to spend his time enjoying pursuits such as getting know what the feeling of wearing a [used?] wet slippery - (*which I'm guessing would also be* dirty/smelly/nasty/disgusting; *gagging*) - condom is, that's his choice.  Let's not judge.

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Jokers 08/11/14 12:17 PM Don tells Nic she will feel better if she just gets back in there in acts normal.

Now saying they will act like they are your friends, but....

Don then tells her about someone making him feel bad when he was feeling down about being nominated.

Nic now saying she can read Derr like a book. Don says he just wishes she and Hay had seen them for what they were as early as he did.

Don: I don't hold it against them. Plus we were outnumbered anyway.


I hope Nicole brings this info back to Jury house, & then Hayden comes back in and gets Derdick out! Or even better, they come back together and team up with Donny to get them all out!


Also, who made Donny feel bad??? 

Edited by TexasChic
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Christine's an ass, but she's not on the level that Gina Marie, Amanda, Aaryn, and Jeremy were last year. Hell, Frankie's a lot worse than Christine IMO.


I cannot believe that Derrick and Cody walked away from the Jocasta boot completely unscathed. Derrick is lucky everyone in the house have massive flaws in their ability to play this game. He's not a bad player at all, but the Zach save is not a move he should have gotten away with.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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While I agree that Donny has been far too passive, I think that it is clear that he's probably handled everything correctly, in the sense that he WOULD have lost any direct challenge to Derrick. Nicole WOULDN'T have believed him if he said that we needed to go after Derrick/Cody. Is it hilariously sad that Nicole had two HoHs that she did not share with any of Derrick's crew and those two HoHs will result in Jocasta and herself getting evicted? Certainly. But that's all because she's a freaking moron. If Donny had had control over those HoHs, that wouldn't have happened. But he was screwed by having to work with a total nimrod like Nicole. Oh, and of course, this AWFUL, AWFUL dual HoH twist. Without this twist, Derrick would have been nominated WEEKS ago. Donny knew that the dual HoH twist screwed his game so he's just been playing a game of "try to hang on" until it went away. Sadly, the terrible producers of this show made it last far longer than it should have. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if it sticks around for this week, too (surprised, yes, but not shocked). 

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Without this twist, Derrick would have been nominated WEEKS ago.

I really believe this, too. Derrick is very lucky the twist has benefited him so much.


Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if it sticks around for this week, too (surprised, yes, but not shocked).

I figure it will. I imagine there will be one more week with 2 HOHs/BOB and then the next week, a jury member will return and end the twist.


Also, who made Donny feel bad???


I didn't see the convo myself, but I heard he was referring to Derrick, which makes sense, since Derrick loves to play that game.

Speaking of him, he's not quite the superfan I'd been thinking. He just told everyone the feeds are on a 5 second delay in case they need to cut for singing and what not.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Speaking of him, he's not quite the superfan I'd been thinking. He just told everyone the feeds are on a 5 second delay in case they need to cut for singing and what not.

He could be saying that to mess with people. I remember James Rhine during All Stars telling everyone he told Maggie during season 6 as part of HOH privileges there were no cameras in the HOH Room. Which is why she said such terrible things about her employer during the season.

Edited by choclatechip45
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From Joker's:

Mon 1:53 PM BBT Christine: "Tim's going to have to monitor my Twitter. Make sure I don't read horrible things." Frankie says the first time he encountered homophobia was on social media.

Oh! Christine, Christine, Christine... (smh). Sometimes I think even Villanova has a better grip on reality than you.

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Oh! Christine, Christine, Christine... (smh). Sometimes I think even Villanova has a better grip on reality than you.


LOL. Honestly, I have no doubt Victoria has a much better grip on reality than Christine. Christine is so embarrassing it's jut insane.


Everyone's outside and Christine said to Cody, "You're very attractive blah blah blah." She proceeded to say he's very attractive like 7000 times. Girl, calm down! Then Nicole subtly throws shade at her by telling Donny he can't cuddle because he has a girlfriend, to which Christine replies, "Yeah!" Oh, honey.


ETA: Derrick was just saying he wants to take his daughter fishing, but he's 'not trying to make her a freakin' tomboy or anything.' I'm sorry about your future, Derrick's daughter.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Donny pretty much had no shot in this game, from the beginning.  I hate it, because I like the guy, but its true.


Donny came in to this game wanting to stick to his 'guns' when it came to morals and a "right way" to always do things.  And while that is one hell of an admirable trait and way to live, that just won't work in a game like this.  Derrick - I personally believe - is probably a pretty decent guy away from BB, but he knows that to win it, you gotta get 'dirty'.  In essence, be a "snake oil salesman". 


From about the time I remember started watching, which wasn't long at all after the feeds started up [haven't followed the feeds or anything for the last couple weeks, though, other than following this thread], he's been working the whole house like a f*ing pro.  People who should see right through him and his 'game', are eating out of the palm of his hand.  Even if people talk about him and get another person(s) thinking something different than how great he is, he gets back in their ear and 'sets them straight'.  He's so good - and the rest are so either naive or ignorant - he could shit in his hand, call it chocolate, and they'd eat it up by the ladle full.

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Donny came in to this game wanting to stick to his 'guns' when it came to morals and a "right way" to always do things. 


I don't get this sense at all. Donny would've gladly went after Derrick and Frankie about 5 weeks ago, but all the twists just made him (and everyone) feel like they had to play very passively. 


These twists ruined this season. And they helped allow Derrick to just run the entire game and no one ever even had a real chance of opposing him. The twists are a big part of that, but also, Devin's insanity really helped, too. I just said this on the last page, but, damn, Derrick really owes a big thank you to Devin for his win.

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