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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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So, according to twitter (I gave up on the feeds a bit ago), Derrick is intimdating and shaming Victoria and Nicole for questioning him and his game.  I know everyone is going to say how this is how cops act. If I might, this is how Derrick acts.  My father was a police officer for many years.  You will never find a more respectful man than him.  I hope you know that if Derrick is an ass, it is because Derrick is an ass, not because of his career choice.

Thanks for that, because I was just about to say he is playing like a cop lol. I don't like when other people lump all cops together, so I don't know why I was going to do it. There are good cops, but I don't think Derrick is one. His interrogation of Victoria and Nicole right now is making me sick. He's so full of sh*t it's unbelievable. "I'm not the type to manipulate others, that's not how I'm playing this game, I have a family to answer to." He also said earlier he wants to break Zach's jaw along with every bone in his body. He's scary.

This meeting just saved Derrick's game. He is truly a master.


Edit: Saying Derrick didn't handle this professionally would be a load of crap, both against him and against police at large. He didn't even raise his voice. Zach, on the other hand, showed exactly what it is to be verbally hostile towards both men and women.

You don't have to raise your voice to be incredibly intimidating and threatening, which is exactly what he is doing. Victoria is in tears and he doesn't give a damn.

Edited by Marie80
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Thanks for that, because I was just about to say he is playing like a cop lol. I don't like when other people lump all cops together, so I don't know why I was going to do it. There are good cops, but I don't think Derrick is one. His interrogation of Victoria and Nicole right now is making me sick. He's so full of sh*t it's unbelievable. "I'm not the type to manipulate others, that's not how I'm playing this game, I have a family to answer to." He also said earlier he wants to break Zach's jaw along with every bone in his body. He's scary.

You don't have to raise your voice to be incredibly intimidating and threatening, which is exactly what he is doing. Victoria is in tears and he doesn't give a sh*t.


Victoria is in tears because she cries at the slightest sign of conflict. Derrick couldn't find a less-intimidating pose other than laying down on the bed if he tried. He sat in a chair, faced them directly, and cleared the air. He didn't raise his voice, the only noticeable change to his demeanor was that he talked faster so that he could control the flow of the conversation to benefit him in the game.

For the record, I'm not attacking Derrick, per se, I'm just tired of seeing Derrick's actions ascribed to him being a "cop" or a "pig". Derrick is Derrick.  And he should be judged by being Derrick.  Good or Bad. 


I completely agree, but Derrick is also catching a lot of nonsensical flack for being "a bad cop" and that's a joke. Not only should his body of work in the game not be viewed through that lens, but even if we did permit that view it is an absolutely ridiculous argument on the merits of what is actually happening in the house. 

I think Venezuela has played a good game. She's been completely quiet and listen to what people have said and what they've (Haydon & Derrick) have told her directly. She's been the go to for sitting on the block, too. That said, she annoys me to no end by looking at herself in the "mirrors" every 2 seconds.

Edited by ByaNose

Victoria is in tears because she cries at the slightest sign of conflict. Derrick couldn't find a less-intimidating pose other than laying down on the bed if he tried. He sat in a chair, faced them directly, and cleared the air. He didn't raise his voice, the only noticeable change to his demeanor was that he talked faster so that he could control the flow of the conversation to benefit him in the game.

Well we can agree to disagree, because if it were me I would have told him to go f**k himself and walked right out of that room.

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Who is christine planning on putting up in Zach's place?


I believe it's still Victoria. There was a chance that she'd put up Derrick/Cody last night when things were at their most dramatic but now I think it is going to be Victoria by default. Christine seems to have mended things with Nicole at least temporarily. Derrick somehow brought Nicole, Christine, Zach, AND Victoria all closer to him last night by the way he handled Zach. It probably keeps him off the block this week.


It's an open question on whether Donny or Victoria goes. Frankie wanted to save Donny earlier in the day but Caleb was fervently against it. Nicole probably wants to keep Donny too but I'd like to think she votes with the house if Donny's opponent is Victoria and his eviction is predetermined. Donny's only hope is if Derrick decides he can no longer trust Victoria but I don't think that's going to happen after he wrapped everything up with a bow last night.

Edited by TeamBlue
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Sigh. Well, at least I'll have three hours of evening viewing free now. I think I might actually hate this season worse than last season, because it actually started with a great deal of potential. We got a cast of mostly decent people whose worst failings were being easily led, poor game play and poor social skills, rather than virulent racism and homophobia. We've had no bed-flipping or wart-chewing. and some entertaining delusions with Frankie, Devin and Caleb stepping up to the plate. But then Grodner decided to flush it all down the toilet with this poorly thought out, utterly lame dual HOH twist, that's made everyone completely afraid to make any type of move and allows a dominant alliance to march to the end practically unopposed. The second flush was TA, and the third was the blatant rigging to make sure Frankie gets the veto, Frankie who wasn't even anywhere near the top of the viewer favorites polls.  She also screwed up by not casting anyone who also had the skill at manipulating people without having them know they're being manipulated to oppose Derrick. She couldn't find a counselor or pyschologist, an experienced middle school teacher? Another cop, maybe? If there could have actually been another faction that wasn't loyal to Derrick it would have made a huge difference. I'll vote like a mofo for Donny to get America's Favorite, but other than that I'm out. Way to go Grodner.

Edited by Ananayel
  • Love 7

I can't believe with all the exposing that went on last night, that Derrick came through it ok. I just wish someone would go against him long enough for it to stick. Every time someone starts catching on, they change their mind. The only one who gets it is Donny, and he is alone. It's frustrating.

ETA: I didn't like Frankie before he exposed who he was to the houseguests. Since then, I find him even more unbearable. I can't stand to watch him at all at this point. All he does is lie and brag.


But they change their mind because Derrick changes their mind. I've already picked up on an undercurrent of a "stupid cast" vibe everywhere I discuss Big Brother whether it be forums or on the Live Feed Chat in the event that Derrick goes deep in this game and continues to run it. It's not the cast. Frankie, Nicole, Christine, Hayden, Donny, and occasionally Zach can all manipulate others and routinely pick up on when they themselves are being manipulated. There's a reason that Derrick is running most of them while isolating the remainder.


He found out about Zach blabbing to Victoria because he has a lot of allies and the trust of even more people, and he talked through his plan with Caleb and Cody an hour before he put it into action. He smartly went to Nicole first and played up their alleged connection, and then brilliantly pulled Victoria into the room after setting up the focus of the conversation so that he could clear Nicole in front of Nicole. That was crucial because it made her trust him even more, and she thanked both Derrick and Cody profusely for how Derrick handled Zach because Nicole believes that by Derrick doing so he was actually helping HER game by not letting her get sent out of the house due to "a lie." Derrick also scored brownie points with Christine by playing into her well-known annoyance with Zach's needless lying and shit-stirring.


Derrick then called up the necessary people but shifted the conversation so that Cody could stay downstairs with the stragglers and not let them have any alone time while he stayed upstairs and refocused Zach after talking him into taking the fall for the blowup and for Victoria "getting the wrong idea" because "Zach told her a lie." So to summarize: Zach did something stupid, Derrick caught wind of it, and not only did he fully repair his relationship with Victoria but he strengthened his bond with Nicole, Christine, AND Zach, and he even found time to get tighter with Caleb and Frankie.


This is case in point why Derrick is so good and why he's in the position that he's in. There has been no short of 8-10 occasions like this where Derrick has turned an emotional blowup into something that benefits his game. This is the first time that he himself has been involved in the controversy, but it's little different then when Derrick used Caleb to make Devin blow up in Week 2. Derrick has been doing this ALL season. 

Edited by TeamBlue
  • Love 8

Something that bugged me a little last night was Derrick giving all the credit for Evel Dick's win to ED himself but wasn't it partly because the other HGs didn't want to vote for Danielle?


Dick won because production wanted him to and rigged the entire game to make it happen. Plain and simple. When people actually think Dick played well and earned his win, I just laugh in their faces. Derrick thinking that isn't surprising to me at all.


Oh my god, this house would be so much more fun without Derrick.  He has destabilized all of their games and he is the anchor they all float to.  Can you imagine the feeds if he were gone?  Insanity all day long.


I've been saying this since like week 3! Derrick is the biggest reason this season sucks. More so than 2 HOHs or BOB or even TA. His game play keeps anything from happening and I think these people would be absolutely entertaining if he wasn't around to stifle everything. Fucking Derrick!


But isn't the fact that he has never been nominated an example of how good a game he is playing?


I don't believe that alone is ever an example of a good player, but this season in particular it means pretty much nothing due to the 2 HOH/BOB twist.


Derrick using the "you're taking the food out of my daughter's mouth."  And he keeps calling Zach a dumb kid.  So over his condescension.


I'm glad I didn't see any of this because I hate Derrick enough as it is, this would've driven me mad. He is such a piece of shit. Honestly he reminds me of all the cops I know and I should've realized he'd be this way immediately. I can't believe I liked this asshole for a week!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I went and read some recaps and wow, Derrick is possibly the biggest sexist/misogynist this season and that is truly saying something. It terrifies me that this man has a wife and a daughter and that he's a cop. Scary.


@dolphincorn I assume you're referring to the repellent, pig-faced Derrick, but maybe you mean the equally hideous Frankie. Either way, I agree.

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Yes, I was referring to Derrick.  Frankie just looks like a forty-year-old gay guy who refuses to believe that he shouldn't be dancing on the speakers in the club.


LOL! What an amazing and perfect description. He's embarrassing in every way.


Who was it that said every game decision Derrick has made was heavily influenced by his sexism? Because you were spot fucking on with that, good job.

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TIMWIL, ON 10 AUG 2014 - 01:01 AM, SAID:

Something that bugged me a little last night was Derrick giving all the credit for Evel Dick's win to ED himself but wasn't it partly because the other HGs didn't want to vote for Danielle?


Dick won because production wanted him to and rigged the entire game to make it happen. Plain and simple. When people actually think Dick played well and earned his win, I just laugh in their faces. Derrick thinking that isn't surprising to me at all.


As pennben pointed out, this was also the America's Player season.  As I remember it Dick would have been voted out when he was on the block against Dustin if Eric controlled his own vote, but by this point the country was in love with Dick Donato.   Fairly early in the game almost every America's Player vote that could benefit Dick started to go his way.  People tend to forget that Eric was very good as America's Player.  He was often successful in getting the people that America wanted nominated on the block.  He was usually very nervous when confronted, but was good at covering himself and avoiding serious trouble.  He was even pretty good at explaining "hinky" votes.  Essentially Dick had an ally in the house that he never had to consult.  For the record, I realize that many people believe that the "America" who kept voting for Dick's benefit was actually the producers..

  • Love 1

I went and read some recaps and wow, Derrick is possibly the biggest sexist/misogynist this season and that is truly saying something. It terrifies me that this man has a wife and a daughter and that he's a cop. Scary.


@dolphincorn I assume you're referring to the repellent, pig-faced Derrick, but maybe you mean the equally hideous Frankie. Either way, I agree.


Sorry, but this is an absolute joke. Derrick is in no way sexist or misogynistic. He was predictably derided for completely manipulating Nicole and Victoria in a brilliant fashion last night and we (in the Live Feed Chat) were treated to ridiculous charges that he was "bullying" or "intimidating" them. It's a fantasy. Someone who doesn't raise their voice, who allows them to interject whenever they choose even in the middle of his sentence, who doesn't put his hands on them, or who doesn't stand above them while talking is doing no such thing. Derrick gave them every opportunity that they wanted to interject and he sat in his chair as they did and talked back and forth with them about it. People can't spin Derrick's desire to control the conversation for the benefit of his game as him persecuting or degrading the other people involved just because they're female. It's just utterly laughable.


It's also a little insulting, and not only to Derrick, that people would raise any charges in that line when there have been people who were above and beyond in their misogyny, in this season no less.

Edited by TeamBlue
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I really don't want Derrick, Christine or Frankie to win. I find them all to be so unbearable. They are gonna be final 3 I just know it. Unless whomever comes back into the house blows them out of the water. Zach has to win HOH next week protect Nicole and then hope that Hayden comes back. Otherwise they are handing Derrick $500,000. Come on Zach get a clue about Derrick running the house and get him out. I wish he would sit down and tell Donny everything and Donny says to him exactly what he told Nicole he is running this house has final 2 deals with everyone, tell him what was said about Jocasta. Ahhhhh drives me bananas.

And Frankie one day of people being mean to you isn't the end of the world. And most of them weren't even that mean to you. You were trying to get Zach out since Devin was HOH so shut up shut up shut up. Zach is gonna be livid when he comes out of there and sees what Derrick, Frankie and Cody have been doing this entire time behind his back. And Frankie continuously using his sister now. Oh Nicole's gonna be so hated cuz she said all these things about me and she's gonna get so much hate from my sisters fans. Really?? Really? I don't even know what to say.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 6

Even though people will always say the producers rigged BB8 people tend to forget Dick is still popular just look at twitter he has people who pay on his website just to hear him speak about Big Brother. Plus his season was before twitter and his son was on a bunch of forums and myspace promoting Dick which was a smart move because he told everyone Dick was a feedster and posted how he tried out multiple times. Especially since there was a huge anti-recruitment bias among internet fans at this time. I credit Dick's son more with his win and maybe Alision Grodner second.

As pennben pointed out, this was also the America's Player season.  As I remember it Dick would have been voted out when he was on the block against Dustin if Eric controlled his own vote, but by this point the country was in love with Dick Donato.   Fairly early in the game almost every America's Player vote that could benefit Dick started to go his way.  People tend to forget that Eric was very good as America's Player.  He was often successful in getting the people that America wanted nominated on the block.  He was usually very nervous when confronted, but was good at covering himself and avoiding serious trouble.  He was even pretty good at explaining "hinky" votes.  Essentially Dick had an ally in the house that he never had to consult.  For the record, I realize that many people believe that the "America" who kept voting for Dick's benefit was actually the producers..


I believe 'America' helped Dick, but it's because Production edited him as a hero. Dick would have never, ever won or gone far if it weren't for Production/America/Eric. He was a terrible player and an even more disgusting human being.


@TeamBlue Obviously, I don't agree. Just because someone doesn't 'scream' or 'put their hands on someone' doesn't mean they're not a sexist dick. All I need are Derrick's words, attitudes, and game decisions to tell me he's a sexist, shitty creep. So we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 11

It is very clear to the feed watchers that production has a very heavy hand in this "game." And since the year when Maggie won, it has been very clear to me about half way through each season that no matter who wins on finale night, I will be angry. 


The only HG I even want to win is Donny. The show is just infuriating to me as a viewer. 

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Zach has to win HOH next week protect Nicole and then hope that Hayden comes back.

If Derrick gets his way, Nicole will be gone this week. (Because she's a woman who questioned him, I suppose.) Also, Zach has actually said he's perfectly fine with helping Derrick win. These people!


Oh Nicole's gonna be so hated cuz she said all these things about me and she's gonna get so much hate from my sisters fans. Really?? Really? I don't even know what to say.

LOL. He's something else. The delusions are real high in him. Like Caleb levels!


It is very clear to the feed watchers that production has a very heavy hand in this "game." And since the year when Maggie won, it has been very clear to me about half way through each season that no matter who wins on finale night, I will be angry.

Same. And yet, every single summer, here I am. It's a sickness!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

If Derrick gets his way, Nicole will be gone this week. (Because she's a woman who questioned him, I suppose.) Also, Zach has actually said he's perfectly fine with helping Derrick win. These people!


Yawn. Derrick wants Nicole to go because he's in a committed 5-person alliance (with Cody, Zach, Frankie, and now Caleb) and Nicole is clearly the strongest remaining player who is not included in their deal. There's also the massive incentive that if she's sent to jury with 8 people remaining Derrick has a strong case for her vote because they're on good terms and her eviction wouldn't solely be on his hands like it would be if he burned her at F4. There's also the obvious incentive for EVERYONE in their alliance to send Nicole out if there's even the possibility that a jury member (read: Hayden) will return in a week.


Christine is also nominally allied with Derrick's group as Derrick/Cody/Frank/Zack do just enough to keep her thinking there is residual "Detonators" loyalty while Caleb still considers her loyal to them because of residual "Bomb Squad" loyalty. Victoria remains totally loyal to Derrick. The only people remaining who Derrick (and the house) should seriously target over these next couple of weeks are Nicole and Donny because they're alone.

@TeamBlue Obviously, I don't agree. Just because someone doesn't 'scream' or 'put their hands on someone' doesn't mean they're not a sexist dick. All I need are Derrick's words, attitudes, and game decisions to tell me he's a sexist, shitty creep. So we'll just have to agree to disagree.


The salient problem though is that you don't have those things. Derrick's game decisions clearly point to the fact that he's working to get his committed alliance to the end of the game, and there's little (to no) evidence that his "words or attitudes" point to the type of character flaws you're accusing him of. He's not calling any of the women bitches (or worse) and he's not couching his criticism of their gameplay in personal terms. There hasn't been a single indication that misogynistic tendencies are effecting his behavior. 

Edited by TeamBlue
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I've decided I am with you, @SiobhanJW in hoping Zach takes Derrick out. It would be so hilarious and fitting for Derrick, since he has continually kept Zach for inexplicable/arrogance (and sexist) related probably reasons.


I'm kinda glad Donny's leaving. He's too good for these people anyway and he seems like he needs a break from all these assholes/idiots. Plus, with him and Hayden both in jury I'm sure the anti-Derrick sentiment will really heat up and whoever comes back will target him. I'm hoping though that the rumor that there will be a final BOB between the jurors to send 2 back is true because 2 is better than 1 and it's gonna take a lot to get the fools left in the game to target Derrick.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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She is already OUT.  I work with kids k - 7th grade and I can tell you no one is even talking about Ariana.  Years ago the kids did like her when she was on Victorious.  Sam and Kat was a flop and already cancelled.


I'm not a huge follower of the Disney Channel but my understanding was that Sam and Kat did pretty well and would have continued if not for behind-the-scenes drama, some of it coming from Ariana's music star rising in between the time when she agreed to the show and the start of production.



This is what I hate about big brother, no one ever wants to admit they got played by a better player so they vote for the floaters. Blah, admire that you got outplayed and don't take it personal or don't quit your job to be there.


While I agree with the sentiment, I think that only comes to play when the F2 are the same gender. If they were played by a guy who is in an F2 with a female floater, they'll praise his gameplay and accuse her of sitting back and enjoying his work.


As for bringing people back, four is usually the magic number. They've only brought back a jury member before once but when they brought back someone in season six, there were four choices.



Not just that, I believe there was an America's Player whose task was to vote to keep ED one week when he otherwise would have gone home.


Every week "America's Player" was told to try to get a hamster nominated and to work for one nominee to get out. Usually, it was only a matter of losing his bonus if AP was tasked to get one nominee out and the other one was evicted. One week, Dick's alliance (which included AP) turned against him and planned on voting him out. Thanks to the a firmly edited show, the 'Who should AP get evicted?' vote went in Dick's favor and suddenly the DR went from 'Eh, fail at your AP task if you don't like $5,000." to "Fail at this task and the next audience poll will be 'Is it time to replace America's Player?'"

  • Love 4

... there's little (to no) evidence that his "words or attitudes" point to the type of character flaws you're accusing him of. He's not calling any of the women bitches (or worse) and he's not couching his criticism of their gameplay in personal terms. There hasn't been a single indication that misogynistic tendencies are effecting his behavior. 


I completely disagree. For one, he absolutely has criticized game play in personal terms, particularity with Brittany (and it had sexist undertones to it for sure). If anyone else cares, I'll bring some Derrick quotes over that are pretty glaringly sexist. Also, sometimes sexism (like racism) isn't overt and just about men calling women bitches.

  • Love 13

Unfortunately, the power has never really shifted for any added drama. There seems to be some before & after the eviction but nothing to change the power & the game. Derrick has been running the house and while it's impressive it's boring television. I feel bad for Donny & hope he somehow gets back in the game (if he indeed is evicted) to take Derrick down. At least, TA will have to show their cards this week, if he gets voted out. Team Donny!

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I haven't seen any of what went on because I was pulling a Zach (sleeping for over 9 hours...), but from reading and from past observation, I'm going to side with TeamBlue.

Derrick is great with people because he adjusts his conversation techniques based on who he's talking to. It seems like he's condescending to Zach and calling him a dumb kid. Well... Zach acts like at erratic child and he actually has shown in the past he responds well to scolding. I don't really think it's sexist per se, but he speaks a certain way to Nicole & Victoria, because they are emotional and easily manipulated. He doesn't talk to Christine the same way, because her personality is different. With Caleb and Frankie, it's constant ego stroking. With Cody and Zach it's douchebro fust bumping. With Donny it's u-rah, Team America (fuck yeah)!

I don't think being manipulative is a bad thing, especially in the context of this game. I agree that this cast is not stupid, and he is still manipulating them.

What I do agree with is that it's BORING. At the end of the day, they are making a TV show, and chaos and fights and house flipping and crazy time is what it's all about. Just look how high Zach is rated in various polls! So I would say I'm actively hoping Derrick goes for entertainment factor, but also acknowledging good gameplay.

  • Love 6

Unfortunately, the power has never really shifted for any added drama. There seems to be some before & after the eviction but nothing to change the power & the game.


It's crazy! BB12 is probably the only other season I remember with absolutely no change in power ever, but at least there were crazies that season that provided some fun feeds. This season has had maybe 2 entertaining nights and that's about it.

I'm over Derrick due to the "taking food out of my daugher's mouth" bullshit. He took food out of the mouths of Jocasta's children, Brittany's children, and Devin's child, so he can sit down, shut the fuck up, and never say that again.


The problem, though, is that he's not making the statement because other people are playing Big Brother just like he is. He's leveling the specific charge when people who he has been loyal to have needlessly turned on him by doing something stupid. The argument obviously doesn't gel when people take it completely out of context.


He's making the argument in an attempt to rein them back in. It has proven to be incredibly effective especially with Zach, who he has had to use it on multiple times due to Zach's instability

Edited by TeamBlue
  • Love 1

I'm over Derrick due to the "taking food out of my daugher's mouth" bullshit. He took food out of the mouths of Jocasta's children, Brittany's children, and Devin's child, so he can sit down, shut the fuck up, and never say that again.


LOL! And he used to whine about Brittany doing that, too. Never forget, "She's getting child support, she's doing fine." Which, hello, the sexism, and also, he's a hypocrite.


Hayden needs to come back and actually get something going against  him so we can see how great of a player he really is.

  • Love 5

I haven't seen any of what went on because I was pulling a Zach (sleeping for over 9 hours...), but from reading and from past observation, I'm going to side with TeamBlue.


It's just incredibly difficult to lob those tired criticisms that he's "bullying" or "intimidating" or "threatening" people. There's been no shortage of them, there never is, but when the best examples you can invoke are entirely subjective (and insufficient, when taken in proper context) it reeks of exaggeration. 


Case in point: Yawn. Remarking that someone is getting child support is not sexist. 2:36am HouseGuest Time really encapsulates how these charges are exaggerated. Victoria becomes visibly upset, wants to interject, Derrick tries to rebut her and when she speaks up and asks for him and Nicole to let her finish they do so. 

Edited by TeamBlue

Hayden needs to come back and actually get something going against him so we can see how great of a player he really is.

ITA. After marinating in the jury house and Donny and Hayden comparing notes. Hayden will be primed for doing damage to Derdick's game.

Same with Derdick as a sexist. I don't call him Derdick for nothing.

  • Love 4

Case in point: Yawn. Remarking that someone is getting child support is not sexist. 


We have fundamentally different views.


I'm not sure if this is entirely on topic because it's twitter related, but it's live feed related too. Anyway, Zach's mom and dad are hilariously anti-Derrick on twitter today. His mom in a game way, to which she got hilariously and dumbly sassed by Derrick's mother for, and then his dad in a more personal way. 


I will say, the messiness of these people actually is pretty entertaining, plus you have their families in on it, which is just hilarious.


@LGGirl Derdick has got to be my fave HG nickname ever!

Edited by peachmangosteen

It's just incredibly difficult to lob those tired criticisms that he's "bullying" or "intimidating" or "threatening" people. There's been no shortage of them, there never is, but when the best examples you can invoke are entirely subjective (and insufficient, when taken in proper context) it reeks of exaggeration. 

Maybe so, but everyone has their opinions and can express them.  Calling people's thoughts "tired"  or starting your comments with "yawn" is condescending and aggressive.  This is a pretty friendly board. I say this because I am on your side with a lot of your opinions, but even I was offended at the tone.   Back to being friends? Good.


I would LOVE Hayden to come back in.  I feel like he was right on the verge of making big moves, and he thought he was in power (though he wasn't).  Now he knows where he stands, where everyone else stands, and is over it.  Plus when they bring someone back they finally, FINALLY will have to get rid of the dual HoH twist and that will be all it takes for Hayden to win, nominate Frankie and Christine, backdoor Derrick.  Everyone cheers woo hoo!!!  This is why I would not vote Donny back in.  He is defeated.  I'll give him America's favorite $$.


(I can't figure out how to quote this in an edit)...Anyway, Zach's mom and dad are hilariously anti-Derrick on twitter today. His mom in a game way, to which she got hilariously and dumbly sassed by Derrick's mother for, and then his dad in a more personal way.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one to follow them on Twitter! They are great. 

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 12

@AndreaK1041 great points about Hayden. I like Donny much more, but I think I too would vote for Hayden to go back if it was a vote. He still has so much fight in him, I think. Donny never really did honestly and certainly doesn't seem to now.


Caleb, Christine, and Frankie are leaving the house for the football game soon. How lovely for the other HGs that they won't have to deal with them today! 


During their excursion, Caleb, per Derrick's orders, is going to try to get Christine to BD Nicole.

They are not going to an NFL game then.  There isn't one.  Hahaha is production fucking with them?  Maybe they are going to a soccer game.  


LOL seriously? Hopefully they are fucking with them. They probably hate them as much as most of the viewers do!


@TeamBlue I honestly don't agree with anything you said above so, again, we just see completely different things. Everyone does, I suppose. We put our own experiences and biases into what we view. I don't believe I was coming at you hostilely, but I do feel you are trying to act as if I'm some kind of idiot, but I will just agree to disagree and move on.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

As a non-feed watcher, thank you for this thread. I no longer have BBAD (thanks a lot U-Verse) so you guys do the work of saints by watching and reporting back to us. Also, the random names for Victoria remind of the season Porsche was on and people would refer to her as other car names like Subaru, Audi and Kia and I died every time. I do the same when I see Venezuela or another random names for Vicky.

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Caleb told Frankie last night that Nicole told Victoria that Frankie knows that he'll have Victoria in his back pocket because of his sister (which he did say). Frankie later went to Victoria and said he knows that Nicole talked to her about his sister and said it was probably the lowest, most horrific thing he's ever heard. He said it was very upsetting and pretended to get really choked up about it (blech) and said that it was revolting that anyone would say he would use his sister to further his game. He said he knew someone would take something so beautiful and turn it into something ugly and toxic and evil and someone who does that will be raked across the coals. He always goes so over the top that he sounds like an idiot. Even if I didn't know he lies a lot, I would never believe anything he said because of his delivery. His social game is really shit. Not sure if Victoria bought any of it because she seemed to only be half listening and kept bringing it back to herself :-)

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@NeelyO LOL! Frankie is just so embarrassing. Oh no, his sister's fans are gonna come for me now!


In more twitter related news, Nicole's mom is dragging Derrick hard on her's. It's here if anyone wants to see it.


ETA: I have to say, I think the fact that the BOB prize is for something that isn't even actually occurring lends hardcore cred to the spec that this BOB was super duper rigged. LOL!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yeah, when is this game? It's preseason now and nothing is even scheduled for Sunday. Is it later in the week?


Unless they are going to a bar to watch a taped NFL preseason game, the only live football game near LA is the Arena Football playoff game in Phoenix, but it's not until 7pm MST tonight (8pm EDT).




ETA: to correct time zone conversion.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver


TeamBlue Obviously, I don't agree. Just because someone doesn't 'scream' or 'put their hands on someone' doesn't mean they're not a sexist dick. All I need are Derrick's words, attitudes, and game decisions to tell me he's a sexist, shitty creep. So we'll just have to agree to disagree.


Put me in the I don't agree camp as well.  He makes me CRINGE!  And honestly, the fact that he has a daughter himself yet can so easily act this way causes me even more concern.



Derrick wants Nicole to go because he's in a committed 5-person alliance (with Cody, Zach, Frankie, and now Caleb) and Nicole is clearly the strongest remaining player who is not included in their deal.


To me, Derrick is only committed to Keeping The Numbers, as opposed to any persons in the interchangeable alliance/alliances he's been a part of.  I would love to be able to feel good about Derrick's game play, which has been spot on in many respects.  However, as I have watched his game play out on the feeds I have lost all respect for it because of his attitudes, words and actions.


That said, as much as I don't want Donny evicted this week, I'd much rather he go than Nicole or Victoria, as they both have been 'poisoned' by Derrick and could sway Hayden.  Donny has had Derrick's number for a long time now, and is a big risk to Derricks game.  I'd rather that he be the influence going into jury.  I wish we knew for sure if they are bringing back one or two HG's.  It'd be awesome if they wait till they have 4 jurors, pair them up, and do a BOTB type competition, bringing the pair left standing back into the house. I'd love to see Donny AND Hayden return together and get Derrick, Frankie, Cody and Christine on the hot seats where they belong for a change.

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