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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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LADdeamr, this is Victoria we're talking about here! She's a crier. I gather she said to Zach someone in Production got in trouble because of her and he asked her if it was to do with somebody in the house and she said yes but couldn't say anything more about it.

I really do wonder how badly the situation has to escalate in Israel before she's informed.

Edited by TimWil

I'm positive that what happened a few weeks ago was Victoria asked someone in the DR if Ariana Grande was Frankie's sister and was informed that she was. She was then called back into the DR and told that whoever confirmed her suspicion was in big trouble and she was NOT to tell the others. So she left the DR in tears, Zach asked her what was wrong and she couldn't tell him. Victoria knows.

I'd love it if Zingbot spilled the beans, maybe using a song title as a clue.



Not doubting your theory, but why would that have made her cry?  It would be strange for them to go off on her about something that was completely innocent on her part.


Here's part of a post that discusses Victoria and her coming out of DR crying:



Jul 19 2014. 3:31 am



From Jokers:  07/19/14 02:08 AM...Other game talk, then this:


He (Zach) said something happened with Victoria but DR told him he couldn't say anything about it or he would be f***ed. Something happened to Victoria in DR. It has nothing to do with anyone in the house. Frankie asked why Zach was involved. He said she came out bawling and he asked her what's wrong and she told him. He went into DR saying he didn't believe it and they told him he couldn't say anything. Frankie said Victoria would tell them about it later. Zach said she wouldn't be able to because they made her. Frankie asked if it had to do with personal life. Zach said no, it's about game, Victoria did something wrong but she doesn't believe she did. Zach said I don't know, obviously I don't believe Victoria, but she comes out of there crying her eyes out. Feeds cut to fish.


So that's why even the feed watchers don't know what happened to Victoria, it happened in the DR.  Earlier in the evening (9:53) Victoria was telling Zach she wanted to go to the DR and apologize to Matt.  She felt bad that Matt was the one talking to her in the DR.   Immediately BB called out to stop talking about production.   Then, this happens at 10:26: "Derrick and Victoria on yellow living room couch - Victoria says the DR was being super sweet to her and the last thing they want to do is f*ck their jobs up. She feels bad (I didn't catch a lot of what she was trying to say)".


What kind of rule could Victoria have broken in the DR?  Could she have been trying to pump this "Matt" for information?  Or maybe she was trying to get him to let her borrow his phone or something.


It makes sense, except that Zach also seems to know what was going on.  I suppose the Victoria came out of DR crying (maybe because after this 'Matt' confirmed her suspicions he was immediately told he was in trouble, and Victoria felt guilty for even asking the question).  She immediately spilled the beans to Zach, and now both of them are under a gag order. 


You know it's a bad season when the forums have to rehash 2 week old incidents to have something to talk about.

Edited by Zahdii
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Y'all are going to hate me for unleashing this earworm, but all morning "like a Beast Mode Cowboy" to the tune of "like a Rhinestone Cowboy" has been running through my head. Dear god, please make it stop!

Every time I see BMBB the tune which immediately pops into my mind is "Psycho" by Puddle of Mud, so don't worry - you're ok by me. :)

You must sack her today.  Sack the girl today.

Right, my girl, on your way.


Weird coincidence.

Life imitating art?

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I'm positive that what happened a few weeks ago was Victoria asked someone in the DR if Ariana Grande was Frankie's sister and was informed that she was. She was then called back into the DR and told that whoever confirmed her suspicion was in big trouble and she was NOT to tell the others. So she left the DR in tears, Zach asked her what was wrong and she couldn't tell him. Victoria knows.


Not doubting your theory, but why would that have made her cry?  It would be strange for them to go off on her about something that was completely innocent on her part.


If I remember correctly, Victoria was crying because she was afraid that she was responsible for someone in the DR getting in trouble and possibly losing their job.

It is pretty annoying that the person in the DR made that mistake confirming Victoria's suspicion. Because he contaminated the house by giving outside information. Whereas, if he said he couldn't respond, and Victoria just went with her suspicion, she could have used the information in the house. Now she is stuck having to be very careful NOT to.

Y'all are going to hate me for unleashing this earworm, but all morning "like a Beast Mode Cowboy" to the tune of "like a Rhinestone Cowboy" has been running through my head. Dear god, please make it stop!

Yes! Frankie was doing exactly that last week and I wasn't able to get it out of my head for days.


Also, isn't Beast Mode already a thing? A friend of mine said that Marshawn Lynch of the Seattle Seahawks has been referring to himself as that for a while. I just checked and apparently he has Beast Mode trademarked. If Caleb attempts to sell anything with that phrase he will most likely be sued. Ha!

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I was just thinking if these people back door Frankie his "alliance" better not let him know they are voting him out. They are better off waiting to put Frankie up in the double eviction and not Monday because Frankie with his back to the wall and nothing to lose can unleash hell on those boys and blow up all their games. 4 days is too many days for a guy like Frankie to have.

Looks like we are headed for a Zach and Frankie eviction Thursday (Zach was mentioned as target #2 for DE). Maybe Derrick can convince whoever wins POV to take Zach off as he said to Cody earlier that Zach is a vote for them and would never put them up. Either way, looks like Frankie is going up no matter what unless Frankie can work some mojo on Nicole.

Edited by kellog010
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Reading the discussion on Jokers between Nicole and Derrick last night makes me think they are sincerely working together.

Funny how they're only working together and in an alliance when SHE has power. Otherwise, I've never even see him talk to her. I can't stand him. He's a close second (after Frankie) for fakest houseguest.

  • Love 6

Let's hope that someone who will use it wins the veto. Sounds like Zach is already targeting Nicole now so unless he's just letting off steam, she might as well risk putting Frankie up against Zach if presented the opportunity. I think Zach would want revenge if his beloved Frankie went home. I saw on Joker's that Frankie was already in the HOH bed with Nicole. Good thing Derrick, Cody, and Hayden all have her ear

I think I like pop music, but its older pop music.....Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam, Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls, Milli Vanilli, Tears for Fears, Wham, George Michael, Samantha Fox, Taylor Dane.....OMG, I think I just came up with the playlist for if I ever have a BBQ!  I actually heard one of my favorite songs the other day...on the oldies station....it was a moment....

Please send me a copy of that mix because it sounds amazing! I was so stoked to recently get satellite radio because they play all this stuff and more. Lisa Lisa is my jam!

Edited by Marie80
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Zach without Frankie around will be interesting because he'd probably go back to his original game plan of hating everyone and not giving a fuck before he was hit with the love bug. If Frankie is evicted Thursday, I'm rooting for Zach to tear these people up. Especially Cody who I think betrayed him more than Frankie ever did (Frankie always told Zach he was talking against him in the house as it was part of their game).

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08/01/14 03:30 PM

Caleb upset about shaving his head and how bad it looked. His gf wouldn't Talk to him for a week when he shaved his head


Anyone else wonder if Caleb's 'girlfriend' was actually the cashier at the local Chick Fil A and she just didn't recognize the creepy young bald headed guy was actually the creepy young stalker who always comes in and stares at her while he eats his lunch?  (Never mind that said cashier never actually had a conversation with either of them, but...)

  • Love 8

Oh goody, Christine is also on slop for two weeks.


I'm guessing this was just a mistake, because she wasn't part of the BotB.

Caleb whining about being on slop for another two weeks and having to shave his head is hilarious. It must've been some version of How Bad Do You Want It? It was awesome to see Big Brother shut Caleb down when he went to go make one last bagel before his punishment kicked in. Poor guy. I wonder how much more his heart is going to enlarge by his third week of slop.

  • Love 7

So I'm hearing a lot of talk about Nicole backdooring Frankie - I get that this plan is probably Derrick's brainchild, but how sure are we that she would actually go through with this? It seems like an awfully bold move for someone like Nicole, who just three weeks ago was terrified of being HoH and getting blood on her hands. I guess that if she feels that she has "the house" on her side, she may be comfortable doing it, but as mentioned upthread, Frankie could truly wreck some shit if he got wind of this plan. 


I mean, if this happens, I'll be ecstatic, because even though Derrick ruling the house is boring, I hate Frankie more as a person. I just don't see him going this week. Not when there are still safer targets around.

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It's a little sad to watch Zach believe that Jacosta is the target this week while his boys are plotting to get rid of his boyfriend. The show must be eating this up hoping to get the two of them on the block together for ratings.


ETA: Victoria focusing on the important things like looking fat in a bikini while chained to a shaved head Caleb. Caleb and Victoria chained together for 48 hours is like the viewers are being punished for something.


ETA2: Not sure how sincere he is but Cody said if he won POV he will NOT be using it as to not force Nicole into a renom. I think Derrick can convince them to keep Zach if he remained on the block. Of course this group can never stick to anything so who the heck knows what will actually happen. I think the reason Cody wouldn't use POV is because he is protecting his own butt from being renomed and not because of Zach.


ETA3: Realized there were other people in the room when Cody said this, namely Christine so that is probably all bullshit. They know Christine can't keep her mouth shut so I think the blindside back door of Frankie is still on. So much can happen until Monday.

Edited by kellog010

So I'm hearing a lot of talk about Nicole backdooring Frankie - I get that this plan is probably Derrick's brainchild, but how sure are we that she would actually go through with this? It seems like an awfully bold move for someone like Nicole, who just three weeks ago was terrified of being HoH and getting blood on her hands. I guess that if she feels that she has "the house" on her side, she may be comfortable doing it, but as mentioned upthread, Frankie could truly wreck some shit if he got wind of this plan. 


Actually, Nicole brought up BDing Frankie to Derrick. He said 'that's fine,' but then quickly changed the subject. Derrick will try his best to keep Zach and Frankie right now because he controls them. He doesn't control Jocasta. I don't believe Nicole would really do it anyway because, as you said, she's a very weak player. And again, Derrick pretty much makes all the decisions, so what he wants is what will ultimately happen.


Of course this group can never stick to anything so who the heck knows what will actually happen.


I don't agree. I think that every week has gone very predictably with them sticking exactly to their plan. It's what has made this season so very boring.


Ultimately I think Jocasta will probably go, which is fine really as she adds nothing. But none of them do really lol this cast sucks so much!


I'd say that the jury has started already. Last season had 16 HGs as this season does and there was a 9 person jury. They also did a DE at this same time last season, with the 2 going in it being the first 2 jury members.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I think if/when Frankie gets put up, either next to Zach or next to Jocasta, Zach's gonna have a speech and it won't be planned and it'll be 1000% times better than any of the speeches he had planned. I do feel bad for Zach because he's going to be blindsided right alongside Frankie. I mean, it's just a game and everyone has to be evicted eventually; this will make for good tv, for sure, but being blindsided can't be any fun. 


But boy, if Frankie does go this week, Nicole and the others better watch their backs during the DE because if Zach wins that, Nicole's gonna probably regret her big move. I like that she might make it, but she might get punished for it.

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Derrick and Cody have mentioned to Zach they will not use the POV on him if they win because that just means another alliance member will go up in his place if they did. They told Zach they have the votes to keep him. If Derrick and Cody are being true I think they have at least 4 - Derrick, Cody, Caleb and Victoria (who will do what Derrick says). If Frankie is not an idiot he would vote with his alliance as well and that would be five votes. If Frankie goes against Zach then he deserves to be evicted because how the hell does he not see that Zach is the only one who is even close to being his ally.


I take that with a grain of salt because I still think they want to get rid of Frankie ultimately. Love him or hate him, he is a very strong competitor and can beat most of them in competitions.

Edited by kellog010
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I read that, too, ottoDbusdriver. Wasn't sure if he was just coming up with excuses why they shouldn't make him shave his head or if it's true. Maybe if he tells DR it's really true, they'll let him get a buzz cut instead of going completely bald. Thinking about that old comment of his on social media about Obama, maybe it is true.

Well, we will see what happens with the POV tomorrow.  Maybe one of Nicole, Hayden or Donny will win it and take Jocasta off and put up Frankie.  But I think they may have blown it by playing safe and not putting four of the other guys up and, if one got off with POV, putting up the fifth one in his place.  It would be dangerous move, but this is do or die time.  They're going to be those guys' targets in the next few weeks anyway.

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He's claiming he has a head tattoo of an iron cross and some letters that are discriminatory to certain groups. So he's basically claiming he has a Nazi tattoo, I guess? Derrick keeps calling him a liar, and just called him out about the fact that Caleb said he went to West Point. 

ETA: He's calling him out in a laughing, joking way, not actually calling him out. But satisfying nonetheless.

Edited by Callaphera

I'm wondering if Derrick is ok with back dooring Frankie as long as none of the Detonators have a part of it. Like if Hayden or Donny or Nicole wins POV and use it on Jacosta and put Frankie up that's fine, they make a case for keeping Zach. But if Cody or Derrick get the POV would he want to get his hands dirty? Particularly because Frankie is TA and he just threw shade to Donny on the live show for not going with the TA stuff. I don't think he has loyalty to TA but I think he'd use it until it wasn't useful to him anymore.

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Caleb has now told the entire hour, minus sleeping Zach, that he has a discriminatory tattoo on his head. Frankie checked through his hair at the top where Caleb claims it is, and of course, Caleb immediately tells him that it's a tiny, tiny little tattoo but it'll be visible if he has to shave his head. He's really upset about this. He's planning on asking to do anything else, or even just a mohawk so he still has some hair. Please Caleb, just get it over with so I can start calling you Penis Head.

ETA: They just called Caleb to the diary room. I can't wait to see everyone laugh at him for his ridiculous head tattoo lie. I mean, he lies about everything else, why would this be any different, Mr. I Gave Up My Recording Contract because I Had to Finish my Shift at Lowe's.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 11

I think that if Cody or Derrick win POV they will pull Zach off esp if they are good to go with the backdooring Frankie plan. They aren't stupid they know if they leave both of them on the block that Frankie would do everything in his power to get Zach evicted. They just aren't telling him that they will pull him off. Nor are telling him anything else. They know keeping Zach is better for them then Frankie.

Caleb's been in the DR since 5:43.  I wonder if he's arguing against shaving his head or just giving a nice long rant over how his day is turning out. 


Dare I hope that he's so upset that he DORs?  Yeah, I guess not. 


ETA:  I spoke too soon  Caleb is out of the DR and still has his hair.

Edited by Zahdii

Caleb: "I should just make the most of it. No point in complaining." (about shaving his head and slop for 2 weeks).
**90 seconds later**
Caleb: "Ugh, being on slop for three weeks sucks."
**60 seconds later**
Caleb: "I don't wanna shave my head!"

I think it may be a new record for him. A whole 90 seconds before going back on his word.

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