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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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"I told her, 'if you just trust me as much of a grain of salt, I promise you can turn it into a mountain.'"

Holy moly, what a mix-up of metaphors. The parable of the mustard seed; mountains out of molehills; Lot's wife turning into a mound of salt because she dared to look back at Sodom. And the sad thing is, it probably made perfect sense to him.

  • Love 4

Holy moly, what a mix-up of metaphors. The parable of the mustard seed; mountains out of molehills; Lot's wife turning into a mound of salt because she dared to look back at Sodom. And the sad thing is, it probably made perfect sense to him.

Was watching with my daughter the other day. He was sitting staring at Amber into the distance, his very frozen pose. She commented on how much he looked like a doll, with his rosy cheeks and symmetrical face. Then it came to me. He's like a socially inept Big Baby from Toy Story 3. The doll that sadly spies on his true love, his original owner, by creeping up on her window in the night. He is finally jolted to reality when Zack Lotso roughly tells him, "She don't love you no more!" 



when life imitates art. 


eta I didn't mean that to have a thumbnail, I thought it was just a hyperlink. Sorry if that's not allowed.

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 5

On Jokers I've read a couple of houseguests are talking about the eviction happening on Wed. night (tomorrow) -- is production moving the eviction to Wed. night so that Caleb doesn't lose his shit on live TV -- or -- is it because of the rumored double eviction (also discussed on the live feeds) and they can't do it all in one hour of TV ?

"She commented on how much he looked like a doll, with his rosy cheeks and symmetrical face. Then it came to me. He's like a socially inept Big Baby from Toy Story 3. The doll that sadly spies on his true love, his original owner, by creeping up on her window in the night."


  LOLOL FOREVER!!!!  He absolutely DOES look like that doll, and that makes BMBB even more perfect:  Beast Mode Big Baby

  • Love 6

Hayden talked to Cody about a him/Derrick/Hayden/Nicole + possibly Donny final 5 deal. They are close to it. Hayden doesn't trust Christine or Frankie. Cody agrees that Frankie has to go soon. This should split things up as Cody has already thrown Zach under the bus as well as Frankie. Derrick and Cody may ditch Detonators. Still in early talks though since they got interrupted so don't know if this will actually happen.

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 3

On Jokers I've read a couple of houseguests are talking about the eviction happening on Wed. night (tomorrow) -- is production moving the eviction to Wed. night so that Caleb doesn't lose his shit on live TV -- or -- is it because of the rumored double eviction (also discussed on the live feeds) and they can't do it all in one hour of TV ?


I thought they were talking about telling Caleb about evicting Amber tomorrow. They think the eviction is Thursday and want to give him a day to process the information. It wouldn't be a total blindside to him and would give him time to calm down, as much as a BMBB can. I'm sure he'll run and tell Amber the second after he hears anyway.

  • Love 1

When the feeds first started Derrick kept saying the word retard and then catching himself. He said he never used it before he entered the house.


I didn't know about that. I know Brittany used to throw the 'r' word around a lot and Cody would tell her not to do that. Zach also used to start saying it but then catch himself, almost like they may have been told in DR to watch what they say.


Also, they obviously let people back into the house (hell, just last season they let someone back into the house) so perhaps a Caleb self-eviction would also make them more willing to let someone back in the house.


They can't really let any of the first 4 HGs back in because they were not sequestered. They could possibly bring a jury member back in again, but they just did that last season.


Hayden talked to Cody about a him/Derrick/Hayden/Nicole + possibly Donny final 5 deal. They are close to it. Hayden doesn't trust Christine or Frankie. Cody agrees that Frankie has to go soon. This should split things up as Cody has already thrown Zach under the bus as well as Frankie. Derrick and Cody may ditch Detonators. Still in early talks though since they got interrupted so don't know if this will actually happen.


That alliance is like my worse nightmare! But I'm OK if Donny pretends he's into it and then cuts Derrick as soon as he can! I'm surprised to hear Hayden doesn't trust Christine. Pleased to hear that!


I think Frankie's pretty screwed at this point. But I don't know if I believe anyone will actually go after him yet. I hope someone will though because he is just insufferable. He is such a condescending asshole to everyone. I'm appalled by his game play. He's worse than Andy!


ETA: I just got on for the first time today and LOL at Nicole still whining about being brought into the Caleb drama. Like, honey, no one cares about you. You're a complete non-entity in the game. Idiot. She'll probably just bring it up as often as she can because she loves being the center of attention and have everyone fawn over her.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I'm so mad I can't watch the feeds right now! Grrr! 


Is Derrick in on this talk about the new alliance? Or is Cody a rogue scout? I know Derrick doesn't trust Frankie, so he'd probably be willing. Plus he's been putting in the work with Victoria, so thats a float vote he can pull in. Frankie/Zach/Christine/Jocasta maybe Donny (since he doesn't trust Derrick), is not that strong physically competitively, but mentally better I think. Oh I think we are about to have some game play, finally! I need Frankie and Zach to defeat these enemies. But they have to get some self awareness, fast, in order to do that.


I wonder how that article about Jacosta's sister even made it to TMZ? I mean, they cover that but not Caleb?


No one, most especially TMZ, gives one fuck about sexism/rape culture.


Derrick is totally trying to get Nicole to tell on Frankie for making her lie. I'm so glad we're finally getting the Derrick vs. Frankie game play I thought we'd get like week 2. Might at least be interesting!


They really need to end the 2 HOH twists this week. If they do we're definitely gonna finally get something different happening. It would be even more amazing if they end the 2 HOH twist but they don't have a 9 person jury, so 2 more people have to go before jury and one of them is Frankie. I would LOL. Although obviously Grodner will save him.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Yes. This, exactly. She thinks every single thing that happens (bedgate, etc) is SO important. Non- entity is exactly it. She is less relevant to people's games than either Jocasta or Victoria.


LOL. You got a point actually. 


@TexasChic, man, if Nicole does end up telling Caleb she lied for Frankie, I might cry at the delicious drama that would come from that.

  • Love 1

I hope Christine's husband is watching.  She's once again running her fingers through Cody's hair.  You know, the kind of thing married women do with hot single guys all the time. 



From Joker's:

Tue 2:12 AM BBT Nic told Hay that Christine said even tho she's married she admits she was jealous of Brit and Cody's relationship.


I'd really like to hear from Christine's husband.

  • Love 1

Oh please, please, please let Nicole tell Caleb she lied for Frankie.  I need this!  Frankie's anxiety gives me life!!!!!


This is the probably the only time Christine will be in close enough proximity to a man who looks like Cody that allows her to run her hands all over him, so maybe she decided it's better to apologize later than have permission first.  If she thinks Cody has any actual interest in her as a woman, or even as a person outside of this game, she is in for a shock.  I can't even picture him taking her calls once this is over, much less having a real friendship with her.  Caleb is not the only delusional person in the house, he's just the most Beast Mode about it.


Like Caleb, I'm getting more and more bummed out about Amber leaving on Thursday.  I've actually liked her the whole time, which I didn't expect since her bio on the Big Brother site made her sound like an asshole.  I would much rather see Nicole go, because she's dumb like Victoria, but not in an amusing way.  If Nicole vanished into thin air right now it would probably take me a week to notice.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 2

I'd really like to hear from Christine's husband.


Her husband tweets a lot about it. His username is timstinks.


ETA: Frankie is telling Cody/Zach that they have to blindside Caleb with Amber's eviction. Cody says Derrick and Hayden don't think it's a good idea. I hope they end up blindsiding him because that'll be delicious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

@TexasChic, man, if Nicole does end up telling Caleb she lied for Frankie, I might cry at the delicious drama that would come from that.

And if she did it purposely to cause trouble, I might actually consider her relevant.

Oh please, please, please let Nicole tell Caleb she lied for Frankie.  I need this!  Frankie's anxiety gives me life!!!!!

LOL, I just said practically the same thing! Even with 3 pleases! 

  • Love 1

I feel like they'll still end up telling Caleb before Thursday. Blindsiding him only benefits Frankie and I imagine they will all get wise to that (especially Derrick) and decide not to fuck themselves over to protect Frankie.


ETA: Now Christine is running her fingers down Derrick's back. Like honestly, this is such a mess!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Ha!!!  When the PLEASE! factor goes up this high, there should be some kind of cosmic entity that hears us and makes our wish come true.  Not God, necessarily, since he's busy helping Jacosta kick so much ass in this game, but maybe some snarky lesser almighty power who just wants to see us happy.  I don't think this is too much to ask. 

  • Love 10

Now Derrick is lying with his head in Victoria's lap while she strokes his hair. Everything is so awkward!


ETA: And he's covering his penis with his hands, I just felt you should all know this. I shouldn't be the only one who has to know this!

ETAA: The cameraman is having a ball with this. Extreme close-ups galore. Including on his weeding ring!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 10

Caleb is a prophet! The house is turning into Sodom and Gomorrah! Between the all around homoerotic vibe and all the inappropriate extramarital touching, he's going to need more than one grain of salt!


This is one affectionate bunch. Maybe they should just make a communal bed out of a pile of cushions on the floor and have a giant snuggle.


How mortifying for these people's spouses though. 

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 2

Just out of curiosity, has there been any speculation on what the show will do (and how soon) to avoid the show mid-way through turning into Nothing But Penis?


Even the stupidest of the girls knows they're all on the way out in order now, and the producers have certainly realized it for weeks.  I imagine the Producer Monkeys are going to try something (maybe slanting a Team America Mission or two in such a way that it only hurts guys?)


Or will they suck it up and just accept a Summer Part II that's full on Homo-erotic and nothing else?

  • Love 3

I don't think they care about that. I mean, in general, they don't care much about female contestants and Production's faves this season are probably Frankie and Donny (with a side of Derrick and maybe Zach), so they're probably quite OK with how it's going.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

I'm starting to feel squicky about this season, the way I did last season.  Like I shouldn't even be watching it or I'm complicit in all this shitty behaviour.  I don't mind catty or gossipy, or even fighty behaviour, but this week (and even last week, when Britt was made to think she had chance to stay when she didn't) has crossed into meanness.  It's come to the point where these "mean boys" are hurting people just because they can. 

Last season may have been The Summer of Racists, but EVERY season is The Summer of Misogyny with this show.  It doesn't head headlines like the racism, so it will always and forever go unchecked.

I don't think they care about that. I mean, in general, they don't care much about female contestants and Production's faves this season are probably Frankie and Donny (with a side of Derrick and maybe Zach), so they're probably quite OK with how it's going.

It's not female contestants that's the issue.  It's whatever effect it had on viewership demographics to have nothing but Alpha Males left in the house.  I'd think they'd lose both male AND female viewers over such (each for different reasons admittedly).


If a show is just an athletic competition they can probably survive Cock City as the remaining demographic.  When it's a "social" show, there are probably some issues with that as being viewable for weeks on end.

  • Love 3

I just saw this, and does it not look almost EXACTLY like that brilliant still that was posted of Toy Story's Big Baby being comforted by the teddy bear?  It's like Caleb and Frankie were earnestly trying to re-enact it.  Things are getting downright eerie around here, and I love it.  This is the first time in years that I have honestly looked forward to BBAD.  Considering what a snore I thought this cast was for a while, I sure didn't see this excitement coming!


Hopefully this link goes to the pic of Caleb crying and Frankie holding him:





Edited by Irritable
  • Love 4

Yes, I noticed the abs are out of alignment, too, and I don't even care about abs!  I'm not really into beefcake, so shredded abs (if that's even the right term) to me are like expensive tire rims on a car - I pay no attention because I think they are superfluous, and yet, I am always honing in on how Calebs look like they were poorly installed.  Is it possible they are implants?  Finding out that they are fake would please me so much that I would probably smile straight into next week.

  • Love 2

@Irritable This is why I love you guys! 

Big Baby, indeed.


And as an old school ho-yayer, although I don't like the way it is being achieved, a summer part 2 of homoerotica isn't too bad. I'm glad Derrick isn't in on it though. He's not pretty enough. 


I'm not sure if it was here that i read some discussion about Zach wanting to have sex with Frankie, and Britt and Cody's discussion thereof. There was some doubt about the authenticity of the conversation. I found a video in which Cody asks Zach about it, and Zach doesn't quite deny, and quickly changes the subject. Sorry if it wasn't this thread in which i read that. 

  • Love 3

Oh, I am dying at that video.  Laughing so hard I woke up my husband and dog and then couldn't properly explain what was so funny.  "I said I want to fuck Frankie?!?!? ....  Hey, look at these ants, man!"  Hysterical. 


I'm also still on a high from a video I saw that Caleb posted on YouTube of him doing a cover of a Brad Paisley song.  I put it over on the Caleb forum because I don't want to be All Caleb, All the Time in this thread, but it's worth checking out for a good giggle.  It's a great representation of what his actual talent looks like vs. him thinking he's going to get a record deal. 


I wish we were still shown what the Have Nots are given to eat in addition to slop, like Lollipops and Lizard Lips or whatever.  I sometimes hear them mention what they got, this week I think might be sardines, and I weirdly miss that weekly moment of seeing what weird items were voted in to supplement their meals.

  • Love 2

The parade of Estrogen Targeting & Eviction makes me wonder though if these guys realize they've now formed their own Onion, with layers that should becoming obvious to them at this point. Cody and Derrick seem to never have to really put themselves out there, for example, and basically seem to be controlling everything. Frankie seems like he's the layer of the onion right beyond that, pretty much on his own I guess, and Caleb and Zach seem to alternate the order week by week where they're the next two layers (mostly Caleb being the outer layer I guess).  How this all goes down, long-term almost seems inevitable at this point, short of some surprise turnaround by someone.  I suppose Christine is a wildcard a bit, but the moment she's got to ACTUALLY choose between her two alliances she's gonna blow it one way or the other.


Is it possible they are implants?

I think he has bicep and pec implants too. He's lost weight in the last 2 weeks and he looks out of proportion. His triceps aren't as developed as they were when he first went into the house but his biceps are still round and big. I happened to see the episode of Botched with the human Ken doll recently and his weirdly proportioned body reminded me of what Caleb is starting to look like.


I think Frankie has had pec implants too. His chest is so tight and hard looking. 


It's interesting to have a season where the men's plastic surgery procedures far outweigh the women's. 

  • Love 2

I think he has bicep and pec implants too. He's lost weight in the last 2 weeks and he looks out of proportion. His triceps aren't as developed as they were when he first went into the house but his biceps are still round and big. I happened to see the episode of Botched with the human Ken doll recently and his weirdly proportioned body reminded me of what Caleb is starting to look like.


I think Frankie has had pec implants too. His chest is so tight and hard looking. 


It's interesting to have a season where the men's plastic surgery procedures far outweigh the women's. 

Wow, fake muscles. It never occurred to me that such a thing existed. I just figured it was steroids.

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 2
Even the stupidest of the girls knows they're all on the way out in order now, and the producers have certainly realized it for weeks.  I imagine the Producer Monkeys are going to try something (maybe slanting a Team America Mission or two in such a way that it only hurts guys?)



I thought that was what production was going for with the "get a physical threat nominated" TA option.  And America (and some of Canada -- me, for example) opted for that.  Trust these dumbasses to interpret that assignment as "get a physical threat, who is also female, nominated".

  • Love 2

I thought that was what production was going for with the "get a physical threat nominated" TA option.  And America (and some of Canada -- me, for example) opted for that.  Trust these dumbasses to interpret that assignment as "get a physical threat, who is also female, nominated".


If that's what they wanted, they would have just said that, ya know? And this stupid ass dual HoH twist would have made even THAT simple enough, as Caleb would be up as a pawn and bam - mission accomplished.


Argh, dual HoH twist is so stupid!!!!


This is one affectionate bunch. Maybe they should just make a communal bed out of a pile of cushions on the floor and have a giant snuggle.

 They really need a 60s theme house this year.  Lava lamps and beaded curtain doors all around.  They could call it the Summer of Love.  And Secrets.  'Cause that's how BB rolls.


 I think the men are targeting the women because they're using up all the estrogen and they need it.  

  • Love 3

Oh. My. Goodness.


That is so amazingly awesome that she would say that. 


"Yeah, my relationship with Cody is just like that of the girl who was with that guy who led her into believing he was aligned with her while secretly being aligned with a bunch of guys and she was never really with them. Huh...I wonder if I should question my place in the house? Naaaaaaaaaah."


I know she just means in the sense that Brit was still able to go home and be with her guy (boyfriend, right? Not yet husband? Or was she married at the time? Perhaps engaged?) and her relationship with Lane didn't mean anything, but wow, way to miss the bigger picture, Christine!

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 1

I hate comparing these people to previous HGs, because I always want to give them the benefit of the doubt where they won't go nuts after the show, but I'm sorry. I see Christine completely turning into Michelle from the first Jeff/Jordan season. I loved Michelle that season, was rooting for her because she seemed like that awkward nerd I would go for. And then the season ended, she divorced her husband, and seemed to go into some soft core porn. So sad and weird and sucky.

I don't particularly like Christine at all right now, but I don't want to see another Michelle where the fact that she gets ANY attention from what she sees as a hot guy, ends up totally destroying her relationship with her husband. That was hard to watch with Michelle, and I don't want to watch it again. Basically, I want her to remember being married to someone she loves, and stop with the Cody flirting.

  • Love 9

Totally, Katesus7, I made that exact comparison the other day. It is kind of eerie, right down to the fact that neither Jeff nor Cody even seem to be IN to them, they just don't push them away and yes, this is obviously much more attention than Michelle or Christine ever got from guys who look like Jeff and Cody in real life.


It really is kind of sad. Of course, since I actually LIKED Michelle, I felt worse for her. 

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