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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Yeah I remember that.

I think Derrick firmly has, Nicole, Hayden, Zach, Victoria, Frankie. So that gives him the win. Lol.

But I think Jocasta will vote for Derrick, Caleb will too. I think Christine will as well because she will vote for Game Play. But who knows. And Donny he is a wildcard. He said he would vote for Cody before he left but who knows. But he's been a fan of this show for years so I think he would vote ok game play.

Ahh I can't wait for tonight I just want to know what happens already!!! Lol

The only person I don't see voting Derrick, is maybe Caleb. Loyalty is a big thing with him and I think letting him get so far and than backstabbing him was a bad idea, but it won't make Derrick loose so maybe it was not a bad move.

Edited by choclatechip45
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All I have to say about Ariana Grande going to the finale is that she better NOT be sitting in the audience since no one else's family that is in jury can sit in the audience and all other jury members get one family member wanna bet he gets more. Gag me. Is she going to socialize with the other family members in the family room? Lol

She will socialize if they talk to her only on her left side!  If not she'll throw a tantrum.

  • Love 7

I can't wait to see the Jury Roundtable and also see what questions they ask the F2. I also can't wait to see what they say as they are casting their votes. Lol. Also their reactions to Team America.

ETA: Apparently Frankie will be on The Talk tomorrow. Ugh. No mention of the BB Winners.

Edited by SiobhanJW

The only person I don't see voting Derrick, is maybe Caleb. Loyalty is a big thing with him and I think letting him get so far and than backstabbing him was a bad idea, but it won't make Derrick loose so maybe it was not a bad move.

Have you met Caleb? Think he's going to vote against the entire House -er- Jury? ;)

Since this is probably going to be locked before long, I'd better get it out now: As a former TWoP reader (and mostly lurker, though I participated in last years BB live feed thread), it was nice to have a new place to hang out and be outraged and amused along with a group of intelligent, hilarious, and snarky posters. Some of you I recognize from the old place, some of you I don't but that's because I'm bad with names, but still. Thanks to all the posters for making this season a little more bearable. I don't know if I would've gotten through it without you all. BB16 would've been the season to break me, but you all kept me laughing enough to keep going. I'll most likely see some of you around in the Survivor threads or DwtS or TAR or elsewhere (nooo, I don't watch a lot of crappy reality TV).


Now to bring it back to the live feeds topic. Ah, the memories. Devin has a daughter and "deny deny deny!" during the Bomb Squad meeting upstairs. Caleb auditioning for the new CBS show Stalker and the pickle-in-the-banana-peel hilarity before the feeds went down for the live show. Frankie being annoying and over-the-top. Victoria's crow story. Brittany's 2400 goals. And Donny. Just Donny. By next season, I'll probably forget all of those hilarious moments for the most part. I honestly think the Banana Pickle will be the thing that sticks with me long after this is done. Anyone else? What do you think you're going to remember from this season? 


Thanks again, to the posters and the mod(s) that kept this place humming and a fun place to hang out for the summer. You crushed it! (Sorry, couldn't resist)

  • Love 13


Apparently Frankie will be on The Talk tomorrow. Ugh. No mention of the BB Winners.

Are you freaking kidding me?!? Oh man, CBS is kissing that collective Grande a$$ hard. I wish Letterman would have him on the Late show. He'd chew Frankie up and spit him out and Frankie probably wouldn't even know it.

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Didn't anyone watch BBAD last night?  Isn't there anything to report??????

They're as bored as we are.

Are you freaking kidding me?!? Oh man, CBS is kissing that collective Grande a$$ hard. I wish Letterman would have him on the Late show. He'd chew Frankie up and spit him out and Frankie probably wouldn't even know it.

Had an image of brother Dave breaking out his Richard Simmons Memorial Fire Extinguisher - and just like that, I'm happy again.

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Excellent visual there:


Dye her extensions blonde, and Victoria could do a very convincing Garth....


That - or showing how hard he worked to keep his Game going despite being one of the "oldest"* people in the House. Donny (the oldest) didn't adapt, and ended up on the outs; Derrick adapted, and took it to F2.

* In quotes because they're all younger than me, and I ain't THAT damn old.

Frankie is older than Derrick -by almost two years!  I love the Victoria/Garth reference.  I can totally see it. 


All her clothes are so ill fitting that I'm sure she'll spend the finale adjusting whatever it is. 

I saw the dress - she took it out to show the boys and by boys of course I mean Derrick but I didn't see her try it on.  It looked pretty on the hangar but  the way these hgs gain weight she probably should have tried it on. 


Didn't anyone watch BBAD last night?  Isn't there anything to report??????

Yes I watched, and no, nothing to report.  Victoria did tell Derrick the story of her family moving from Israel - apparently it all happened very fast after a bombing.  They arrived just in time for 9/11.  Victoria was in the sixth grade.  Oh, and I think Cody got even dumber if that's possible. 

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Why is Frankie going to be on The Talk? If they want to have a BB contestant, shouldn't it be the winner or the most popular or someone who's not a completely annoying famewhore? I can only imagine how grating the "interview" will be with Frankie mugging it up and trying to be charming. Ugh. This seriously ticks me off. Why are they feeding the beast? Is it because of his association with Ariana? The only thing that could redeem it would be if all they did was ask him questions about his sister.

Edited by TheRealT
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I read somewhere that Ariana's manager Scooter Braun (he's J. Bieber's manager as well), is one of the executive producers of the new show promoted on BB, "Scorpio." (I confirmed via IMDB.) Makes we wonder if he could be one of the reasons for Julie's apparent delight with Frankie (just because I can't believe anyone could actually like Frankie) and the post above saying that Frankie will be on The Talk. I haven't personally seen anything about Frankie appearing on The Talk but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if he's on.


I'm half dreading watching tonight because I think Frankie's going to win AFP and he'll feign total shock and start the fake crying or hugging all the people around him. All his usual over the top nonsense after he asked his sister to get her followers to vote for him. Blech!  If anyone else wins, I'll be very happy and trying to focus in on Frankie's face to see if he flinches :-)


Thanks to everyone who posted this season. It's been fun to read along!


I read somewhere that Ariana's manager Scooter Braun (he's J. Bieber's manager as well), is one of the executive producers of the new show promoted on BB, "Scorpio." (I confirmed via IMDB.) Makes we wonder if he could be one of the reasons for Julie's apparent delight with Frankie (just because I can't believe anyone could actually like Frankie) and the post above saying that Frankie will be on The Talk. I haven't personally seen anything about Frankie appearing on The Talk but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if he's on.

That is interesting. Since survivor rejected Frankie a bunch of times J Bieber's manager couldn't even get Frankie on Survivor...

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Just wanted to add my voice to the thanks for making this season so much fun and to our awesome mod ("Holla, Stinger97!") who kept the board on track but loose enough to be fun and unintimidating!  Had a great time here and will follow some of you over to Survivor if the Twinnies don't make me throw something at my TV tonight.

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Here's an interesting tidbit -- Rob from robhasapodcast.com was hired to do houseguest interviews in the backyard of the BB house for Entertainment Tonight after the BB Finale show, but they canceled at the last minute because they decided not to send a correspondent at all.


Ouch.  BB producers, that's gotta hurt that one of the major entertainment tabloid tv shows says "no thanks, we're good without interviewing your extraordinarily boring houseguests".

  • Love 3

Here's an interesting tidbit -- Rob from robhasapodcast.com was hired to do houseguest interviews in the backyard of the BB house for Entertainment Tonight after the BB Finale show, but they canceled at the last minute because they decided not to send a correspondent at all.


Ouch.  BB producers, that's gotta hurt that one of the major entertainment tabloid tv shows says "no thanks, we're good without interviewing your extraordinarily boring houseguests".

You mean they squandered the opportunity to get the first interview with Frankie J. Grande, the soon-to-be breakout star of his own sitcom and one-man show?!?! What are they thinking?

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I too would like to join in to say a huge thank you to everyone here for making this forum so much fun! This discussion thread sometimes feels like the only reason I still care/watch Big Brother. I was devastated when TWoP shut down, but I'm so glad I found another home here.


To keep this on topic, OMG please don't let the finale turn into the freaking Grande television hour. As much as I don't really like any of the final three, that would be way worse.

Edited by Arya

Is there a place to watch the after show?  Is anything aired other than what they show on the CBS broadcast?



Not that I know. In the past the only way to see any of the after is in videos that interviewers post online.  You have to chase them down but I, among others, will post the links in the media thread when I come across them. 


You all are fucking fabulous and crush it !

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I got the impression that BB cancelled Rob because they want to promote their boy, Jeff Schroeder?! I like Jeff more than most people but I don't I want him hosting Survivor Live. So, I thought they (CBS) only want one reality star doing interviews & that's Jeff Schroeder & not Rob Cesternino. I'm a huge Rob fan. Something is rotten in BBvile.

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Why is Frankie going to be on The Talk? If they want to have a BB contestant, shouldn't it be the winner or the most popular or someone who's not a completely annoying famewhore? I can only imagine how grating the "interview" will be with Frankie mugging it up and trying to be charming. Ugh. This seriously ticks me off. Why are they feeding the beast? Is it because of his association with Ariana? The only thing that could redeem it would be if all they did was ask him questions about his sister.

Playing devil's advocate a little here, I would guess it could have something to do with Frankie's listed profession as an 'entertainer' (professional dancer, youtube, etc.) Although Caleb probably thinks of himself as an entertainer too and probably has more talent.    Maybe I'm naive but I doubt it has much to do with Ariana.  For one thing, she's a terrible interview from what I've seen.  And it's not like they are a brother and sister act - sorry Frankie.  More likely is the info posted above about a shared connection with a CBS producer and Ariana. 



Is there a place to watch the after show?  Is anything aired other than what they show on the CBS broadcast?

In the past feedwatchers have been able to view the backyard inteviews - which are generally pretty low quality, especially if Jeff is doing the interviewing.  Add that most of these hgs are easily distracted by something shiny in their peripheral vision and I wouldn't get my hopes up. 

Edited by Cosmocrush

Is there a place to watch the after show?  Is anything aired other than what they show on the CBS broadcast?

I don't think there's really an "after show," but various media outlets do interviews with the HGs in the backyard after the finale. Jeff Schroeder usually does interviews that are posted on YouTube. Now that I think of it, I don't know how many video/TV interviews are done besides with Jeff or where those that are done can be seen. I guess shows like ET do a segment in which they include some footage from the backyard, but I don't know if anyone does extended interviews with each HG like Jeff does.

Not that I know. In the past the only way to see any of the after is in videos that interviewers post online.  You have to chase them down but I, among others, will post the links in the media thread when I come across them. 


Didn't they have a live streaming red carpet thing with Jeff interviewing all the houseguests after the finale last year on the CBS site?  Everyone saw their handlers/publicists first and then talked to Jeff...  anyone else remember this? 

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I'm still out of the country & can't watch & haven't time to post, but I have been reading. Thanks to everyone who did post. By this time next year these HGs will be dim memories. I wish them all the best (except Frankie), and I wish all of you the best as well.

At the end of the day, you all literally crushed it!


  • Love 4

Playing devil's advocate a little here, I would guess it could have something to do with Frankie's listed profession as an 'entertainer' (professional dancer, youtube, etc.) Although Caleb probably thinks of himself as an entertainer too and probably has more talent.    Maybe I'm naive but I doubt it has much to do with Ariana.  For one thing, she's a terrible interview from what I've seen.  And it's not like they are a brother and sister act - sorry Frankie.  More likely is the info posted above about a shared connection with a CBS producer and Ariana. 

But they can have successful entertainers, ones with managers and who are currently employed plying their trades, if that's what they want. If they're having unsuccessful entertainers on, I'm sure there are many who are less annoying (and less hated) than Frankie. I could understand them wanting to give some attention to BB because it's Julie's show and on the network, but why not have Zach and/or Donny, who are more popular than Frankie and real "regular people"? It would make sense to have Derrick on since he's going to win, but I can see how they might think he'd be boring.

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Exactly, where was it seen that Frankie will be on a The Talk? I'm not doubting it but I checked Julie's twitter & The Talks twitter & there isn't anything there. Also, my Comcast grid doesn't have it. Did Julie announce thus on The Talk? Anyway, I can't believe they would have Frankie who came 5th & not the winner. WTF?!?

Chiming in with my heartfelt thanks as well, before we get shut down for nine months. The only season I shelled out for feeds was All-Stars, so I've relied on you lovely people to keep me both informed and entertained. I will look for you all around the various boards, and see you back here next summer!

  • Love 2

Didn't they have a live streaming red carpet thing with Jeff interviewing all the houseguests after the finale last year on the CBS site? Everyone saw their handlers/publicists first and then talked to Jeff... anyone else remember this?

Yeah I remember this. I believe they are doing that again tonight.

@jeffschroeder23: I'll be interviewing ALL the #BB16 2morow in the backyard after the finale. Got their dollar store gifts ready too! Ha @CBSBigBrother

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 1
Exactly, where was it seen that Frankie will be on a The Talk? I'm not doubting it but I checked Julie's twitter & The Talks twitter & there isn't anything there. Also, my Comcast grid doesn't have it. Did Julie announce thus on The Talk?

It's on the CBS website for The Talk, in the Preview videos. Just watched it. Ugh. Those women never get confrontational with anyone and it'll be a virtual love fest for Frankie. I hope at least Sarah has something to say about his whacked out theories on lesbians that he pronounced for the world to witness.

  • Love 2

But they can have successful entertainers, ones with managers and who are currently employed plying their trades, if that's what they want. If they're having unsuccessful entertainers on, I'm sure there are many who are less annoying (and less hated) than Frankie. I could understand them wanting to give some attention to BB because it's Julie's show and on the network, but why not have Zach and/or Donny, who are more popular than Frankie and real "regular people"? It would make sense to have Derrick on since he's going to win, but I can see how they might think he'd be boring.

Mileage may vary but I think Derrick would/will make a terribly boring guest on any show (or any dinner party for that matter, lol)  I can't even imagine.  Oh wait, yes I can - 97 nights of BBAD and far less on the feeds.    Maybe Frankie is coming with Donny and Derrick (TA?) so that D&D don't put everyone to sleep? 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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They would be on for what.... two minutes?  It doesn't have to be incredibly compelling, especially with all the other women talking over each other the entire time (I assume. I have never seen the Talk but I have seen the View a few times). Frankie should get no attention like this.  He should get no encouragement whatsoever!!!  Ugh, he is the worst.  He makes me appreciate Rachel of all people.  RACHEL. 

  • Love 2

It's on the CBS website for The Talk, in the Preview videos. Just watched it. Ugh. Those women never get confrontational with anyone and it'll be a virtual love fest for Frankie. I hope at least Sarah has something to say about his whacked out theories on lesbians that he pronounced for the world to witness.



CBS has to keep the celebrities happy and Frankie is a gateway to Ariana.  They all do it.  NBC fawned all over Ariana the day she did a concert on the plaza.  She was inside at the desk for a long time.  

They would be on for what.... two minutes?  It doesn't have to be incredibly compelling, especially with all the other women talking over each other the entire time (I assume. I have never seen the Talk but I have seen the View a few times). Frankie should get no attention like this.  He should get no encouragement whatsoever!!!  Ugh, he is the worst.  He makes me appreciate Rachel of all people.  RACHEL. 


They never talk over each other.  It is impressive to watch them handle a conversation.  

They would be on for what.... two minutes?  It doesn't have to be incredibly compelling, especially with all the other women talking over each other the entire time (I assume. I have never seen the Talk but I have seen the View a few times). Frankie should get no attention like this.  He should get no encouragement whatsoever!!!  Ugh, he is the worst.  He makes me appreciate Rachel of all people.  RACHEL. 

Point taken, AndreaK.  And lol at encouraging Frankie.   I agree but I still don't appreciate Rachel - or her laugh. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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