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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I did a drive by at Jokers this morning and it seems the feeds are on a loop and the poor transcribers are so bleary they don't know.  Vic: Bwaaaaaa. Der: friendship is more important.  Cody: throw the Frisbee again! pant pant pant.    



Nashville wrote


Her constant references to being a princess lead me to the logical speculation that she will end up with an older man, who protects and treats her in a similar way to her perceived version of Derrick.  That being, one who puts up with her (whining), gets a kick out of her quirks (read spoiled) and takes care of her. She requires a handler. No independent woman looking for an equal partnership in marriage for this one!  We are seeing her communication and conflict resolution skills at play here.  And so are the eligible bachelors in Miami.  Poor girl. 

I agree. If my memory serves me, I do believe she was talking to the guys about a man with a yacht that was 40 years old wanting to date her and Daddy put the kibosh on that really quick. The guys told her, especially Derrick, that a man of that age only wanted sex from her. 

Now, to actually bring this post some semblance of feeds talk even though there is nothing of interest to talk about because nothing's happening and the outcome is already set in stone, Derrick impersonating Cody's reaction to Christine getting booed was glorious. The most I've ever liked him.


Me, too.  I bet he has pretty great stories/impressions of the dumb-assier of the dumbassed kids he came in contact with when he was undercover.

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I kept thinking to myself... "I would love to be a fly on the wall when (insert name of houseguest)watches their season of BB, after returning home, and realizes what has actually gone on, what people said, who had alliances with who etc." But, then I realized the houseguests almost certainly receive the broadcast version of BB16 and nothing else. Am I right? It seems there would be no way they could view ANY taped live feeds. Right?

If their only look back at BB16 is what the non live feeders have witnessed, they'll never truly comprehend what went on in the house. They will only get a flavor of it. As a first time live feeder I now understand the giant difference between the two versions of this show.

As for Cody preparing a speech for Frankie, I doubt he'll have the balls to add in the part about Frankie living in Ariana's shadow. He may say it or allude to it, with a few drinks under his belt, during one of the after party celebrations but I would bet money he doesn't say it in front of millions on live television. We already know Cody says a lot but rarely follows through with his threats.

Oh, and one more thing about Cody... He's all proud and puffed up because of his recent comp wins. Yes, he has legitimately won some comps in the last ten days but he doesn't realize that Derrick threw, at least two, of them and that's the only reason he "won".

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I just checked and some items are at my local store too!  I love the summer sausage and hot sweet mustard..  I have a nostalgic memory of Kaukauna cheese balls, too. That cheese also used to come in small brown crocks.  I spent my childhood in Michigan.  :-)


Stinger97.  I am so sorry, Derrick made me go off topic.   

I'm a witness! Derrick gazed into the camera and said, "Wings: CHEESE!" and that's all it took for Wings. You know he could sell ice boxes to Eskimos. :-)


Thanks, Wings. I'm on a diet and now I want cheese & summer sausage!  Never had the hot sweet mustard. I'll have to try it at the holidays. I remember that Kaukauna cheese in the crock. Wasn't port wine one of the flavors?

  • Love 1

I'm a witness! Derrick gazed into the camera and said, "Wings: CHEESE!" and that's all it took for Wings. You know he could sell ice boxes to Eskimos. :-)


Thanks, Wings. I'm on a diet and now I want cheese & summer sausage!  Never had the hot sweet mustard. I'll have to try it at the holidays. I remember that Kaukauna cheese in the crock. Wasn't port wine one of the flavors?


Yes, it had red swirls of port wine in it.  Delicious!  


And thank you for having my back! 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I kept thinking to myself... "I would love to be a fly on the wall when (insert name of houseguest)watches their season of BB, after returning home, and realizes what has actually gone on, what people said, who had alliances with who etc." But, then I realized the houseguests almost certainly receive the broadcast version of BB16 and nothing else. Am I right? It seems there would be no way they could view ANY taped live feeds. Right?

If their only look back at BB16 is what the non live feeders have witnessed, they'll never truly comprehend what went on in the house. They will only get a flavor of it. As a first time live feeder I now understand the giant difference between the two versions of this show.".

A lot of that stuff is on You Tube. So they could always go on there and look stuff up. Also I'm sure if they tweeted something out to fans about something they would get them the video haha.

I kept thinking to myself... "I would love to be a fly on the wall when (insert name of houseguest)watches their season of BB, after returning home, and realizes what has actually gone on, what people said, who had alliances with who etc." But, then I realized the houseguests almost certainly receive the broadcast version of BB16 and nothing else. Am I right? It seems there would be no way they could view ANY taped live feeds. Right?If their only look back at BB16 is what the non live feeders have witnessed, they'll never truly comprehend what went on in the house. They will only get a flavor of it. As a first time live feeder I now understand the giant difference between the two versions of this show.

Asking from total ignorance here:

1. If a HG (or his/her family) had a subscription to the feeds - for how long after the end of the season do live feed subscribers have access to "rewind" back through the season?

2. If a HG didn't - can you still buy access to the live feed recordings after the end of the season?

I don't know if this was mentioned or talked about - but is it possible that the Grande family got word that Donny was in the lead, and they started supporting Zach simply to split the votes? It's just hard to imagine an altruistic motivation at this point.

I had mentioned something similar but I thought it was the opposite. They got word that Zach was going to win, so they decided to save face and throw some support behind him so it looks like they won it for him.

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I had to look it up.  On first read I thought it was a good thing! 

No.  it would be bad. try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.  But it is also the only way to stop an attack by a giant marshmallow man.


If their only look back at BB16 is what the non live feeders have witnessed, they'll never truly comprehend what went on in the house. They will only get a flavor of it. As a first time live feeder I now understand the giant difference between the two versions of this show.".


I think for the twenty something members of bomb squad its going to be worse than the aired shows or even reading back over various live feed archives.  Their family and friends, who are likely more aware of everything that went on than even we are, are going to explain things to them and its not going to be pleasant.  The best case scenario is deprogramming the cult member and make them realize how naïve they've been.


I cringe for Victoria when her parents explain the rape conversation and she finds out that Derrick was a part of it.

Edited by ParadoxLost
I'd like to see the Julie's "surprise" on Finale Night be Jeff Probst. He shows up and offers Frankie, Caleb, etc, a spot on the next season of Survivor. That would be fun.



You know what would be even better?  Phil from Amazing Race comes on and says:  “You know, Julie, you’ve had a couple of breakout stars this season, and I understand America’s Favorite Player came right down to the wire.  These two guys really entertained us and impressed us and we think America would love to watch them in a race around the world to win a million dollars.  So we’d like to offer that opportunity to Zach (closeup on Frankie with his mouth hanging open while making precious hearts with his fingers)... and Donnie!”

  • Love 14

Purely a limited window, I know - but judging from what I've heard from Jana on a few interviews, I don't think she has the least compunction in calling Derrick out on any of his shit.  And I think he knows that, too.  :)

He probably really likes and respects that, too! 


Due to AT&T having an internet outage in my area, I was worried I missed something but besides as has been noted that Ariana and her mom switched to promoting Zach looks like not much happened.


Ariana Grande @ArianaGrande  ·  Sep 20

I voted for Frankie in the #BB16 Fav Houseguest vote. Vote now: http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/favorite-houseguest-vote/ … all my love @frankiejgrande


Joan Grande ‏@joangrande  14h

I love Frankie & support him always.. I really like Donny on BB16.. they both won MONEY with TEAM AMERICA. so let's vote ZACH AFP! IT'S FAIR



LOL, so fickle, I agree that they definitely got the heads up that Frankie's not getting the votes.

  • Love 1

If their only look back at BB16 is what the non live feeders have witnessed, they'll never truly comprehend what went on in the house. They will only get a flavor of it. As a first time live feeder I now understand the giant difference between the two versions of this show.

That's interesting. I've always followed the feeds and I can't imagine what it would be like watching just the TV show. The TV show is kind of irrelevant to me, actually. I've been thinking about watching BBAus or BBCan, but it seems pointless if I can't watch the feeds. I'm going to try it and see how it goes.


Asking from total ignorance here:

1. If a HG (or his/her family) had a subscription to the feeds - for how long after the end of the season do live feed subscribers have access to "rewind" back through the season?

2. If a HG didn't - can you still buy access to the live feed recordings after the end of the season?

I think they keep the feeds running for a month after the show, starting at the beginning in real time but you can jump around with the calendar thing. They used to do that, though I don't know whether they're doing it this year.

Oh, and one more thing about Cody... He's all proud and puffed up because of his recent comp wins. Yes, he has legitimately won some comps in the last ten days but he doesn't realize that Derrick threw, at least two, of them and that's the only reason he "won".


Add in the fact that he's only been competing against three, then two, then ONE guy (Victoria doesn't count) during those ten days, and its certainly not as impressive as winning against 8, 12 or 15 people as other houseguests did earlier in the season.

Edited by parisprincess
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I think they keep the feeds running for a month after the show, starting at the beginning in real time but you can jump around with the calendar thing. They used to do that, though I don't know whether they're doing it this year.

So if any HGs had nagging questions after the finale about who said what when, it would be easy enough to resolve - either through a feeds subscription, or Joker's, or forums such as this, even. ;)

  • Love 3

How is Cody a player? I guess they had to make up some moniker for him and they decided that "Lab" was too mean. 


LOL. If they wanted to go with the 'P' theme they should've used puppy. 


The final part of the HOH is ridiculous. They better count the fish, just in case there's a "pre-existing relationship in the house" question.


Yup, still calling bullshit on that one.


I will never stop calling bullshit on that. 


I cringe for Victoria when her parents explain the rape conversation and she finds out that Derrick was a part of it.


Oh man. I didn't really think about that but yea that is gonna be rough.


I've been thinking about watching BBAus or BBCan, but it seems pointless if I can't watch the feeds. I'm going to try it and see how it goes.


BBCan is edited pretty well honestly. It took them awhile in season 2 to give Neda the edit she deserved, but other than that it's not anywhere near as bad as the editing for the US version. And all the good stuff that didn't get aired is on youtube! I'm actually thinking about doing a post on the BB Canada board with links to vids. ETA: Oh, and as for BBAus, I actually don't think there are feeds for it. It's on every night (or at least 5 nights a week) though!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

I cringe for Victoria when her parents explain the rape conversation and she finds out that Derrick was a part of it.


I think that is going to be really hard for her since to know that a conversation that specific, violent and vicious was had while they were all living in a house together.  I think if it were me it would feel like even more of a violation than if I knew it happened at the time.  


As for Derrick's involvement, I remember watching that clip and everyone was involved and it was unacceptable, no doubt.  I do think though that as it continued I remember him distancing himself from it and reminding Frankie that Victoria's dad is probably watching at home and wants to punch him in the face.  I took that as his way (not direct enough for my liking) of telling Frankie to knock it the F off.  


Still.  That was definitely a low moment in BB.  It's something that the people who only watch the show have no idea that it happened though.  CBS did a great (sarcasm) job hiding all those in that conversation from the consequences of what they said.  Aaryn and the lot had to answer for their horrible statements and behavior last year, but I doubt Frankie and Co. ever will.  

  • Love 3

As for Derrick's involvement, I remember watching that clip and everyone was involved and it was unacceptable, no doubt.  I do think though that as it continued I remember him distancing himself from it and reminding Frankie that Victoria's dad is probably watching at home and wants to punch him in the face.  I took that as his way (not direct enough for my liking) of telling Frankie to knock it the F off.  


I went back and watched the TMZ clip.  Derrick said that Victoria's father was cringing as a knee jerk first response to Frankie.  Derrick was laughing and egging Frankie on after that.more than any of the rest of them.  Maybe the feed went longer, but it doesn't change what he said or did.  I hold him to a higher standard because he's a cop and a father and a husband.  But even putting that aside, he was at least the second or third most vile person in that conversation.  Cody's knee jerk response was at least 'that's foul.' 

@BB_Updates: Victoria- Trying to figure out what else you could have lied about. Derrick- Gonna be shocked when you realize I'm who I say I am #BB16

@BB_Updates: Victoria to Derrick- What if Jana is your sister, Tenley is her daughter, you're not married and brought the ring to get in the crew? #BB16

Wishful Thinking?? Lol. Oh Victoria

  • Love 3

How is Cody a player? I guess they had to make up some moniker for him and they decided that "Lab" was too mean. It's hilarious that he has created less of a "BB brand" than Victoria, whose running joke is that no one can remember her name. Once the season is over, Cody will be remembered for petting with a married woman and carrying the winner's jockstrap throughout the game.


I took "player" to mean "good with women" since they showed his little strip performance when they said it.

  • Love 4
I thought he still looked skinny as well but then I saw youtube of him from first days and he was skinner.  don't know if I believe 29 pounds though.​



My guess is that if Frankie knew they were going to weigh them when they went in to the house, he had probably shed a ton of water weight right before weigh-ins, like wrestlers or Biggest Loser contestants did.  So it's likely he weighed 29 pounds more upon exiting than he did at the initial weigh-in, but it might have only been a true 10-15 pound gain.  


I feel kind of bad for these HGs.  This is a LOT of days to have only 3 of them, no comps, no visitors, and not even any real strategizing to do.  Just sitting there, staring at each other, and trying to decide between chinese food or pizza.  I would go absolutely nuts.  

  • Love 2

I had mentioned something similar but I thought it was the opposite. They got word that Zach was going to win, so they decided to save face and throw some support behind him so it looks like they won it for him.

If that's true, which I tend to agree with, it makes you see the true family dynamics of the Grandes. As soon as a family member publicly screws up, they distance themselves from them in a heartbeat. I would think that most people would stick with their family member regardless. I guess in the Grande family, fame is thicker than blood. 

ETA: that explains a lot of Frankie's behavior in the house re: Zach.

Edited by burgerbitz
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@BB_Updates: Victoria- Trying to figure out what else you could have lied about. Derrick- Gonna be shocked when you realize I'm who I say I am #BB16

@BB_Updates: Victoria to Derrick- What if Jana is your sister, Tenley is her daughter, you're not married and brought the ring to get in the crew? #BB16

Wishful Thinking?? Lol. Oh Victoria

This is the smartest thing Victoria has said all season. At least it has finally dawned on her that Derrick has been less than totally honest. Cody still doesn't have a clue. Continuing the Derrick as two-timing boyfriend analogy, now that Cody has gotten Derrick to break up with Victoria in front of him, he believes that Derrick was never really dating her (despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary).

  • Love 4

Before I forget to do this, I would just like to thank all of the feed watchers for their recaps this season.  When TWOP went under I was afraid I would not have anywhere to go to read what is really going on in the game so I am thankful for all of the feed watchers who made their way over here or who have been here all along.  You guys and girls make even a boring season worth reading about so once again thank you.

  • Love 14

I wish the VoiceOver the loudspeaker would just say VICTORIA, SHUT UP.


I've heard them say, "VICTORIA, SHUT. IT. DOWN."


I cringe for Victoria when her parents explain the rape conversation and she finds out that Derrick was a part of it.


Why would they tell her?  What purpose would it serve, except to maybe help her get over Derrick when he goes back to his life.


Does Victoria ever wash those pink socks she wears every night?


Are they allowed in the HOH room anymore?  I never see them up there.


Victoria is so nasty in the kitchen.  She doesn't wash her hands, she licks the knife then sticks it back in the peanut butter (more than once) and she loudly licks her fingers the whole time she's preparing food.  She makes me sick.  Oh, and she washes her plate with her hands.  There's not a single thing about Victoria that I like.


I like it when BBAD starts an hour early and they don't know it.  Hee

Edited by Stinger97
Quoting issues
  • Love 2

So has Victoria finally stopped with the "you guuyyys, just taaaake me to the finaaallsss, gooshhh" strategy? I sincerely hope so.

Here's my final thoughts on this season - I promise, until after the finale! And honestly, this is all just my opinion, and everyone feel free to disagree!

TO ME, The best players this season were Derrick and Frankie. The most social players were Cody and Derrick. The best competitors were Caleb and Frankie. The smartest people were Donnie and Derrick. The players with the most potential were Donnie and Nicole. The players I wanted to like, but never did were Zach and Brittany. The players I pre-liked but loathed were Christine and Devin. The players who wasted their time the most were Jacosta and Paola. Add Victoria to that mix, and you also have the players who never bothered to play. The players who talked a big game but didn't follow through were Cody and Caleb. The players I wanted to see play if the Bomb Squad never happened were Amber and Nicole. The players most screwed by the BOB were Brittany and Nicole.

The worst twist of the season - obviously the double HoH. The best twist of the season - obviously the rewind. And you know why that's the best twist? The explanation by Network was spot on. Extant sucked, so they decided to expand BB a week and put it with Survivor. The way to expand it? I can picture it now: "Uh, well, why don't we just not tell these people that everything they do in a week means nothing. And make it this big thing? That will work!" I'm pretty sure that's the entire thought process of the whole rewind mess. Which is funny, because the rewind week was the best ever, because I hate Frankie! So yay me.

I think the vote between Cody and Derrick will be close. I think Cody has Caleb, Christine, Donny and Jacosta. Derrick firmly believes Jacosta doesn't like him, and I believe he has a good read on these people. I think Derrick has Hayden, Nicole, Zach, and of course Victoria. So who is the swing vote? Oh, yeah, it's Frankie folks. I bet you both he and CBS plays it up as much as they can. I sure hope I'm wrong, and honestly, I'm wrong a LOT, so don't listen to me.

  • Love 13

So has Victoria finally stopped with the "you guuyyys, just taaaake me to the finaaallsss, gooshhh" strategy? I sincerely hope so.

Hey, cut Vic some slack.

Her throat must be killing her.

After all, she's talked more game in the past six days than she has in the preceding twelve weeks.


  • Love 6



Does anyone know the purpose of Sequestering the Jury a week before the finale? Some of them have been together for a month. I don't get it.




I just asked this question on Big Brother Whispers on FB.  I fail to see the point, too.  I have always thought it was to get them closer to the CBS lot for the finale.  Usually the jury house is a fair distance away.  But the night before or a day ahead seems plenty of time. 

Edited by wings707


it would be bad. try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.

Kinda sounds like entering the BB house for 12 weeks. Except for the "speed of light" part.  We all know nothing in the BB house happens with any kind of speed at all, especially now, at the end.

Can someone please post a link to watch Wed's show on a live stream in case a thunder storm stops my satellite connection?  After all of this, to miss the finale would be crossing the streams in my brain.   :-)

Does anyone know the purpose of Sequestering the Jury a week before the finale? Some of them have been together for a month. I don't get it.


It is just to get them closer to the CBS lot.  They share rooms and probably meals together there.  Since they changed the finale date, my guess is that they had not secured the jury house for an extra week.  It is usually only for a couple of days.  

Edited by wings707

Can someone please post a link to watch Wed's show on a live stream in case a thunder storm stops my satellite connection?  After all of this, to miss the finale would be crossing the streams in my brain.   :-)



The Big Brother Leak account usually posts a link to the live feed just before the live show is about to air.  That is where I found a live feed that one week that the news decided to spend the whole hour telling me over and over again that my area *might* be getting a tornado we never got.  



The Big Brother Leak account usually posts a link to the live feed just before the live show is about to air.  That is where I found a live feed that one week that the news decided to spend the whole hour telling me over and over again that my area *might* be getting a tornado we never got.  





Thanks.  A least a tornado can kill you.  We get programs interrupted for thunder storms "that are headed our way!"  A ticker on the bottom would suffice.  

Mr. Callaphera and I were discussing this a few weeks back. We came to the conclusion that, one year, they should take the cast for Survivor and throw them in the BB house instead, and take the BB HGs and throw them on Survivor without telling either of them what was happening. You prepare for one game, end up having to play a completely different one. Jeff Probst would've loved Caleb.

This is literally the best idea ever. I would so watch this.

  • Love 4

Before I forget to do this, I would just like to thank all of the feed watchers for their recaps this season.  When TWOP went under I was afraid I would not have anywhere to go to read what is really going on in the game so I am thankful for all of the feed watchers who made their way over here or who have been here all along.  You guys and girls make even a boring season worth reading about so once again thank you.

I totally agree with this and also offer my thanks to all of you!  (and save some typing :) )


On to the Survivor threads and some "twinnie" bashing!  Must. Get. Earplugs.

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