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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I understand your point.  I think there is a fine line and it depends on the definition of "in love."  At different ages and stages "in love" manifests in different ways and  the feelings that accompany each version are very much the same.  . 


ETA: Trying on his wedding ring is where it moves into a man/woman love as opposed to brother/protector.  There is more talk about his wedding ring and how she found it after a comp and saved him.  


I could understand how someone would think that, I just don't see it along those lines.  I think she's smitten with him, maybe even loves him, but don't think she's in love with him.  Now if he came into the house single, she woulda been snuggling up to him in bed from Day 2.  


@BigBrotherLeak  2h

Victoria can't stop freaking out about getting Panera. Derrick: "Relax. It's a fucking sandwich." #BB16


I read this on twitter and it made me laugh.  It's a fucking sandwich Victoria!  ;)

  • Love 4

I couldn't take Victoria last night. She was all dressed up to go no where. LOL!! Wearing her Rhythm Nation leather jacket. What annoyed me the most was she kept posing to mirror/cameras. She's been there 3 months. Shouldn't she be over that by now. LOL!! I am curious if she'll have a breakdown when she's voted out? I guess if it's Cody she won't react as much as if it is Derrick. At least, it will be something to see on Wednesday.

Rhythm Nation..........bwahahaha


After Breaking Bad ended I bought a "Los Pollos Hermanos" t-shirt. I still wear it around town and occasionally someone will laughingly point out that they get the reference.

 SQUEE! LOVED that show!



He and Victoria are acting like spoiled little kids fighting over who is daddy's favorite.




I truly believe that if Tenley goes up to him in the future and says she wants to play baseball, take Karate lessons, etc... that Derrick would be right there cheering her on in whatever she chooses because the guy seems to have a huge soft spot and when she feels down and insecure that he'll have as many long conversations as she needs in order to make her feel better.

 Awww. Tenely is one lucky little girl.

Edited by housecat
  • Love 2

I don't think there's any more surprises. I think Julie just got caught off guard. Correct me if I'm wrong but that was the night she explained at the end of the show about the remaining episodes, what we see when and the finale on the 24th. I'm sure that's what she meant. If something else was going to happen, we would know already, IMO.

  • Love 2


11:51PM BBT Camera 1 zooms in on Victoria's butt, then pans over to the food on the KT table she's been preparing. NT

That's really gross. I guess the HGs aren't the only sexists this season. It seems like 50% of the Live Feed Chat at any given time usually involves Victoria's eating habits and how much weight she has gained. Most of the HGs seemed to have put on some weight, but Victoria is the only one whose weight is ever discussed. That being said, did anyone notice Frankie's outgoing weight on the Fitness Tracker page? It says he put on 29 pounds! LMAO. He looked pretty skinny when he left which makes me think the person whose job it is to record the weights is either Anti-Frankie, Pro-Zach or both. Remember how Frankie would always mention how much weight Zach gained and how "he was hot...10 pounds ago." Instant karma, baby.

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 1

That's really gross. I guess the HGs aren't the only sexists this season.

The camera shots were probably a wink to the feedsters as she has just been outside talking to the guys about how much weight she's gained...then went inside to get food!!

Edit to correct iPads new "predictive text"... thanks but no thanks!!

Edited by Txfeenix
  • Love 2

And Derrick was called ugly by Zingbot and everyone LAUGHED AND LAUGHED AND LAUGHED.

Touché. :) I guess I just got fed up as I've heard SO much of it on the Live Feed chat. I just can't imagine the cameras ever zooming in on Zach's butt or belly.


On a different subject, one thing that really irks me about Derrick's game is how he keeps implying that he is somehow more deserving of the money. Did anyone catch him the other night when he and Cody were talking about how even winning 50k would be great and Derrick says "That's more than I make in a year!" I wanted to punch the screen. As a Sergeant he likely makes at least 80k a year, and some are saying he makes six figures. Cody, on the other hand, has 80k in student loans and says his monthly payments are 800 dollars a month. He said if he won he would pay off not only his student loans, but his siblings as well. It sounds like Derrick's biggest need for the money is to pay off part of his mortgage and keep Jana in the style she's become accustomed to as apparently she comes from money. Ugh. Have I mentioned I just don't like Derrick?

  • Love 8

On a different subject, one thing that really irks me about Derrick's game is how he keeps implying that he is somehow more deserving of the money. Did anyone catch him the other night when he and Cody were talking about how even winning 50k would be great and Derrick says "That's more than I make in a year!" I wanted to punch the screen. As a Sergeant he likely makes at least 80k a year, and some are saying he makes six figures. Cody, on the other hand, has 80k in student loans and says his monthly payments are 800 dollars a month. He said if he won he would pay off not only his student loans, but his siblings as well. It sounds like Derrick's biggest need for the money is to pay off part of his mortgage and keep Jana in the style she's become accustomed to as apparently she comes from money. Ugh. Have I mentioned I just don't like Derrick?


I did a quick google search on salaries for sergeants in Central Falls, RI.  They can start as little as 39K a year and usually max out at 65K.  Unless Derrick is somehow pulling down massive overtime, he isn't rolling in money.  He also started working for the police dept when he was 20 years old when Cody was hanging out in his dorm room.  Cody also coulda put the money from his modeling gigs to paying down a chunk of that staggering college debt too.  Just sayin.  


I am not saying Cody doesn't deserve the money or that he wouldn't do good and valuable things with it, but it doesn't mean the same isn't true of Derrick.  He'd pay off his house (and housing prices in RI are through the roof) and set up a college fund for his daughter).


Have I mentioned I DO like Derrick?  ;) lol 

Edited by shelley1005
  • Love 7

On a different subject, one thing that really irks me about Derrick's game is how he keeps implying that he is somehow more deserving of the money. Did anyone catch him the other night when he and Cody were talking about how even winning 50k would be great and Derrick says "That's more than I make in a year!" I wanted to punch the screen. As a Sergeant he likely makes at least 80k a year, and some are saying he makes six figures. Cody, on the other hand, has 80k in student loans and says his monthly payments are 800 dollars a month. He said if he won he would pay off not only his student loans, but his siblings as well. It sounds like Derrick's biggest need for the money is to pay off part of his mortgage and keep Jana in the style she's become accustomed to as apparently she comes from money. Ugh. Have I mentioned I just don't like Derrick?

A while back someone posted a list of all the HGs' jobs (or lack thereof) and I realized that Derrick probably has more money than anyone. It seems like Frankie gets some support from his family and lives a very comfortable lifestyle, but the others are mostly just starting out in life, struggling financially, or living a comfortable but modest lifestyle. I don't think Derrick is rich or anything, but he had an expensive wedding, has a solid job/career, and lives in a nice neighborhood (his wife's description). He's planning to use the money to pay off his mortgage (it doesn't seem that he or his wife want a different house), pay other debts, set up a college fund for Tenley, and whatever else he can afford. That's fine, but it's not exactly feeding his hungry child. If this were a charity show (which it isn't), I would be more compelled by paying off 3 young people's student loans than paying off the mortgage on their nice house for a financially comfortable young couple with solid careers.

  • Love 7

Yes Wings707, I think Victoria is in love, like the school girl over the top-heavenly-creatures love for Derrick and she's slowly getting creepier with each s l o w day towards finale. I really hope she keeps her cool. Poor girl. She's a mess.


Derrick "I'm going to miss you guys." Vic "Derrick are you really going to miss me?" D "no... not you" (sarcastic) Vic "it

09/21/14 03:31 PM 

wouldn't surprise me"

Derr "are you f'ing serious?"


Vic is playing with Derrick's wedding ring, twisting it on and off her fingers... he took it off to swim. NT




Things are getting weirder.

  • Love 1

I don't think any big surprise involves Ariana:  She's the musical guest on SNL this week for the season premier - so she's in NYC, and I don't think CBS would be hip to give any promo for her on a week where she's on a competing network.  And Frankie is beholden to CBS until what...the 26th or so.  BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!

  • Love 3


She's the musical guest on SNL this week for the season premier - so she's in NYC, and I don't think CBS would be hip to give any promo for her on a week where she's on a competing network.  And Frankie is beholden to CBS until what...the 26th or so.  BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!

 News like this makes me so fucking happy. I'm a sick girl, I know.

  • Love 2

That's really gross. I guess the HGs aren't the only sexists this season.

This show has been a misogynist's paradise for years now. Roughly since Grodner took over, which is so lame, since she is, you know, a woman. 


That isn't to say that some bad things weren't said under Shapiro's watch, of course, as there were (I think Jun played one of the all-time great BB games, but she said some pretty fucked up stuff herself), but it was nowhere near the level it has been since Grodner has taken over, as Grodner has clearly gone for a certain "type" of player since she's gotten here (young and stupid - the perfect combination for misogyny). 

  • Love 3

If this is true we should know before Wed as they will certainly promote that. What would be the point, otherwise?  

I agree.  Ariana would be promoted to get people to watch.  They get nothing after the fact from people hearing about it.


Derrick's impression this morning at about 2 AM of Cody's reaction to hearing Christine's boos had me in stitches (starts at 7:05).



*Hilarious*  That is one of my favorite moments of the summer, and definitely my favorite Derrick moment.  He keeps so much in, I wonder if he is often laughing on the inside at people.  Wouldn't mind seeing more of the snarky side!


I don't think there's any more surprises. I think Julie just got caught off guard. Correct me if I'm wrong but that was the night she explained at the end of the show about the remaining episodes, what we see when and the finale on the 24th. I'm sure that's what she meant. If something else was going to happen, we would know already, IMO.

I agree with this too (goes back to quote 1, but moving quotes hurts my head)... Julie said "more on that later" meaning that it would come up in a later roll of her teleprompter that the finale was on the 24th... she only said it right then b/c Frankie interrupted her and asked her the date and it threw her off.  She cannot ad lib, I wouldn't read anything into it.


If this were a charity show (which it isn't)

Thank goodness it isn't! I still love Will for his assertion that he would waste his money on "jet skis and gold chains". I know he actually ended up putting a down payment on a condo, but the point is the same: it's a game of skill (maybe stupid, pointless skill in the grand scheme of life, but skill nonetheless) and the winner should be rewarded.  That's why the extra $50K TA money is annoying - no work was involved to get it whatsoever. I don't care if Derrick does have a 6 figure salary.  It was a valid strategy to feign poverty this season because the people he was playing with responded to it.  Even Frankie! 

  • Love 4

I did a quick google search on salaries for sergeants in Central Falls, RI.  They can start as little as 39K a year and usually max out at 65K.  Unless Derrick is somehow pulling down massive overtime, he isn't rolling in money.  He also started working for the police dept when he was 20 years old when Cody was hanging out in his dorm room.  Cody also coulda put the money from his modeling gigs to paying down a chunk of that staggering college debt too.  Just sayin.  

Well I thank you for doing the research I was obviously too lazy to do. LOL. I was basing my information on a couple of people from the Live Feed chat who said they looked up what a sergeant in Providence, RI makes and it was around 100k. I have no idea where they got that figure as I just looked it up and it tops out around 89k. I guess it proves I am willing to accept info at face value if it paints Derrick in a bad light. ;)


I'm kidding of course, and I'll admit he had grown on me the past few weeks. But then there was that conversation where Derrick referred to Britt as "that bitch" and Cody said "Whoa, don't say that about her" to which Derrick replied "Oh, I don't mean she's a bitch" implying that that's just how he refers to women he's not married or related to. Then I was like "yep, that's why I dislike you."

  • Love 3

I don't get the live feeds and would love to know, specifically, what Victoria is saying to Derrick that is so annoying.  I watched BBAD last night but she spent the time laying on her stomach out back, silently, then she played cards with Cody and shrieked and squealed the whole time.  I didn't hear her say anything to Derrick other than general conversation.


Could somebody please tell me some of the things she's saying?  Hopefully, she'll still be at it tonight for BBAD.


Thanking you!

From what I can gather, slasherboy, Victoria is just repeatedly repeating herself about Derrick 'promising' to take her to F2. And she has trouble expressing herself and holding one coherent thought as it is, so I can imagine that gets mighty old. Especially when they can't escape her! lol

Edited by housecat
  • Love 2

I truly am going to miss my BB crew/posters once it is over....will there be another forum we can all keep in touch? I hope so! You guys have been amazing to this small town, afflicted chick! I appreciate you all more than you can fathom!



Many of us will be in the Survivor threads.  See you there!

  • Love 3

Many of us will be in the Survivor threads.  See you there!

Yay! I am also on Twitter under this same name. If you follow me I will not think any of you are stalking me :)  You will get lots of updates such as why people in line with me are irritating in some way or why the sports teams I follow are playing well or poorly.  It's riveting.

  • Love 4

Many of us will be in the Survivor threads.  See you there!

I haven't watched Survivor in years, but I may just have to start again if it means being able to continue conversing with you lovely people. I was a lurker at TWOP, but I never made an account there because the mods frightened me. The mods here are much more laid back and I've had so much fun with you guys this summer! Intelligent snark is so hard to find these days.

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 14

From what I can gather, slasherboy, Victoria is just repeatedly repeating herself about Derrick 'promising' to take her to F2. And she has trouble expressing herself and holding one coherent thought as it is, so I can imagine that gets mighty old. Especially when they can't escape her! lol


And if she's not doing that, she's picking at her face with tweezers -- at first I thought she was plucking facial hair, but the cameraman did an extremely unflattering close-up. She's doing her skin no favor.


It's riveting.

 Sounds like most of the twitteruniverse. lol


Altho, I have to admit, the live updates via twitter have been kind've nice. I'm a twitter lurker. ;)



And if she's not doing that, she's picking at her face with tweezers

 I'm a 'picker/tweezer' as it is so can't imagine how bad that would get in a house with no stimulation. My face! LOL

Edited by housecat
  • Love 2

Vic is playing with Derrick's wedding ring, twisting it on and off her fingers... he took it off to swim. NT


Now this is totally disrespectful to Derrick's wife, who I know nothing about other than what you guys have said about her.  I believe wedding rings are an expression of love that shows the world you're married to this one special person and the rings are sort of a sacred representation of that love.  I don't think wedding rings/bands should ever be taken off unless it would be a possible danger to the person, like working with some machinery.  To let another person play with your ring or wear it is, in my humble opinion, very uncool. Derrick should have known better.  If I was his wife, I would be horrified.  But that's just me.  Other people probably figure it's no big deal.


I'd like to see the Julie's "surprise" on Finale Night be Jeff Probst. He shows up and offers Frankie, Caleb, etc, a spot on the next season of Survivor. That would be fun.


Aren't there 16-ish contestants on "Survivor"?  I'd love to see all the BB16 hamsters on the island together and see what happens. Wouldn't that be a hoot?  Caleb would run away with the win.


I see that they're getting some food brought in.  The only thing I've seen is the Chinese.  Do they do this every season?  What other places have they ordered from besides Chinese?


When Julie told Frankie she'd tell him about it later (or however it was worded), I thought it was a time constraint and she just wasn't able to go into a long, drawn-out conversation with him at that moment.


Somebody many pages ago said that Brittney is hanging out with Cody's brother.  How do all these people know each other?  I've read that Donny's girlfriend is friendly with Derrick's wife and such.  Are they all give each others' family's info or something?


Five minutes until BBAD.  I hope Victoria is on fire since I haven't seen any of her dramatics of which you all speak and I want to see some action!


P.S.  Since is she or isn't she in love with Derrick, I'm still of the firm belief that yes! she is!


Now this is totally disrespectful to Derrick's wife, who I know nothing about other than what you guys have said about her.  I believe wedding rings are an expression of love that shows the world you're married to this one special person and the rings are sort of a sacred representation of that love.  I don't think wedding rings/bands should ever be taken off unless it would be a possible danger to the person, like working with some machinery.  To let another person play with your ring or wear it is, in my humble opinion, very uncool. Derrick should have known better.  If I was his wife, I would be horrified.  But that's just me.  Other people probably figure it's no big deal.



Aren't there 16-ish contestants on "Survivor"?  I'd love to see all the BB16 hamsters on the island together and see what happens. Wouldn't that be a hoot?  Caleb would run away with the win.


I see that they're getting some food brought in.  The only thing I've seen is the Chinese.  Do they do this every season?  What other places have they ordered from besides Chinese?


When Julie told Frankie she'd tell him about it later (or however it was worded), I thought it was a time constraint and she just wasn't able to go into a long, drawn-out conversation with him at that moment.


Somebody many pages ago said that Brittney is hanging out with Cody's brother.  How do all these people know each other?  I've read that Donny's girlfriend is friendly with Derrick's wife and such.  Are they all give each others' family's info or something?


Five minutes until BBAD.  I hope Victoria is on fire since I haven't seen any of her dramatics of which you all speak and I want to see some action!


P.S.  Since is she or isn't she in love with Derrick, I'm still of the firm belief that yes! she is!


I think his ring must be loose from his weight loss because it fell off at least once, so he takes it off before comps and stuff now.  Cody held it for him during comps at least once.  Victoria was holding it for him while he and Cody were cleaning the pool.


So far they've gotten Chinese, Greek and today they got Panera.


Seeing all of them on Survivor would be a riot, but honestly I think Caleb could easily still get kicked off early for being a pain in the ass, lol.


It seems like the families who are so inclined reach out to each other via social media and then go from there.  A few of the moms have even apparently been supporting each other over the phone, which I think is adorable.

  • Love 3

Aren't there 16-ish contestants on "Survivor"?  I'd love to see all the BB16 hamsters on the island together and see what happens. Wouldn't that be a hoot?  Caleb would run away with the win.


Mr. Callaphera and I were discussing this a few weeks back. We came to the conclusion that, one year, they should take the cast for Survivor and throw them in the BB house instead, and take the BB HGs and throw them on Survivor without telling either of them what was happening. You prepare for one game, end up having to play a completely different one. Jeff Probst would've loved Caleb. 

  • Love 14

I think BB is ordering them food to save money and to make them happy. Better than buying a bunch of groceries that they will throw away.


I can't remember what season it was, but they got told to pick food and they ordered lobster, filet, etc from the Rainbow Room.  This group gets Panera and are currently discussing either Chik-Fil-A or Chipotle for tomorrow.  Some things about this season are endearing :)


ETA: Since they are in LA, a production assistant should take their Chipotle request and go out and get them a real burrito.  It's one of my favorite California culinary things, other than avocado on EVERYTHING. Seriously, we went to a greasy spoon for breakfast this morning and even that came with lovely fresh avocado on the side, gratis.  We did not have this in Wisconsin.

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 4


This show has been a misogynist's paradise for years now. Roughly since Grodner took over, which is so lame, since she is, you know, a woman.


That isn't to say that some bad things weren't said under Shapiro's watch, of course, as there were (I think Jun played one of the all-time great BB games, but she said some pretty fucked up stuff herself), but it was nowhere near the level it has been since Grodner has taken over, as Grodner has clearly gone for a certain "type" of player since she's gotten here (young and stupid - the perfect combination for misogyny).

Things were just as bad as in the Shapiro era maybe even worse since it was never aired or reported on in the outside media. During BB4 Jee, Robert and Justin would constantly say misogynist things about women yet they portrayed Robert as a loving single father and aired Erika's racist comment about Jee. During All-Stars they made Jase look like a change man when on the live feeds he made a rap about raping Janelle.

  • Love 1

It seems like the families who are so inclined reach out to each other via social media and then go from there. A few of the moms have even apparently been supporting each other over the phone, which I think is adorable.

Social media be damned! They're just hamsters in a cage. The less I know about the rodents who spawned them, the better! [/snark]

  • Love 2

I wish the VoiceOver the loudspeaker would just say VICTORIA, SHUT UP.

Lol, I was sure I would hate, hate, hate her nagging, but I don't mind it so much.  I think it's what I had hoped everyone would do when they knew they were going, rather than just calmly accepting their fate.  She's a day late and a dollar short and her arguments may not always make sense (although she has had some valid points), but she's not going down without a fight and I can appreciate that.  Especially when people have been willing to just hand Derrick the money all season.

  • Love 3

A while back someone posted a list of all the HGs' jobs (or lack thereof) and I realized that Derrick probably has more money than anyone. It seems like Frankie gets some support from his family and lives a very comfortable lifestyle, but the others are mostly just starting out in life, struggling financially, or living a comfortable but modest lifestyle. I don't think Derrick is rich or anything, but he had an expensive wedding, has a solid job/career, and lives in a nice neighborhood (his wife's description). He's planning to use the money to pay off his mortgage (it doesn't seem that he or his wife want a different house), pay other debts, set up a college fund for Tenley, and whatever else he can afford. That's fine, but it's not exactly feeding his hungry child. If this were a charity show (which it isn't), I would be more compelled by paying off 3 young people's student loans than paying off the mortgage on their nice house for a financially comfortable young couple with solid careers.


I believe you're confusing Derrick having money with Derrick's wife coming from money.  This was actually referenced yesterday, on Joker's:


Sat 12:30 AM BBT Der:We used to live in a really bad neighborhood. Jana's from a rich area & she hated it. She'd always say "I could never f*ckin go anywhere! I could never f*ckin do anything!"


Is it possible Jana's folks helped them out with a down payment on a house to get their baby daughter out of RI's version of Hell's Kitchen?  Possibly.  It's also possible he tapped into the BIB* network and got one of the guys to help him cut a deal, without any assistance from her parents.  ANYTHING is possible.


One last thought - it's customary (or used to be, anyway) for the bride's family to pay for the wedding.


Well I thank you for doing the research I was obviously too lazy to do. LOL. I was basing my information on a couple of people from the Live Feed chat who said they looked up what a sergeant in Providence, RI makes and it was around 100k. I have no idea where they got that figure as I just looked it up and it tops out around 89k. I guess it proves I am willing to accept info at face value if it paints Derrick in a bad light. ;)


I don't think you're alone in that respect; however, we ARE talking about Centrals Falls, RI - not Miami Vice.  ;>




*  Boys In Blue

  • Love 1

I don't know. The fact that Victoria waits until the absolute last possible moment to finally make a move.....well, I can't respect that.


ETA: I don't expect her to just roll over but this incessant *whining* (let's call it what it is) would drive me nuts if I were Cody or Derrick


ETA2: I'm grouchy tonite so take my opinion with a grain of salt (or sugar)

Edited by housecat
  • Love 2

Does anybody know what Victoria's mysterious illness is? She just mentioned how she is dreading going home because she has lots of doctor's appointments and Cody said "Oh, for your..." and trailed off because she doesn't want anyone to know. Someone on chat said she lost her hair due to anemia, but I've suffered from chronic anemia and as long as you take your iron supplements it's not something that would require that many appointments. I wonder if it is an autoimmune disease, like lupus. Although, technically Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease and someone mentioned she once said she had that. I wonder if she is on steroids like Prednisone. That causes your face to look full and it definitely causes increased hunger, which would explain the frequent snacking. Hmm.

I don't know. The fact that Victoria waits until the absolute last possible moment to finally make a move.....well, I can't respect that.

Combined with the fact that her big move generally consists of begging them to take her to the F2, and whining to Derrick for hours on end that he betrayed her. Definitely nothing to respect about that lol. Oh and offering to sell her soul to the devil. Although, some might say she already did that. *rim shot*

  • Love 2

I don't know. The fact that Victoria waits until the absolute last possible moment to finally make a move.....well, I can't respect that.


Oh, I in noooooo way respect her game play, but this is amusing for me.  Now this is what a real brother/sister relationship is like - mutual annoyance.

  • Love 3

RE Victoria/Derrick: I think Victoria is definitely stuck on Derrick - in a fashion.  I think she is in love with what Derrick represents - a kind, calm, funny, strong man who is devoted to his family.  This is the kind of man Victoria wants in her life - so in that sense yes, she is definitely attracted to Derrick.  He represents a romantic ideal. 


And yes, Victoria is flirtatious with Derrick; I think it's sort of her way of trying to figure out what she would need to do to be attractive to a guy like her Derrick-ideal.  Funny thing, though; I think if Derrick were to ever reciprocate her flirtation with any kind of sexual interest, it would immediately shatter her ideal image of him.

I don't know. The fact that Victoria waits until the absolute last possible moment to finally make a move.....well, I can't respect that.


ETA: I don't expect her to just roll over but this incessant *whining* (let's call it what it is) would drive me nuts if I were Cody or Derrick


It's probably worked for Victoria her entire life - why stop now?  :)

  • Love 6

Well I thank you for doing the research I was obviously too lazy to do. LOL. I was basing my information on a couple of people from the Live Feed chat who said they looked up what a sergeant in Providence, RI makes and it was around 100k. I have no idea where they got that figure as I just looked it up and it tops out around 89k. I guess it proves I am willing to accept info at face value if it paints Derrick in a bad light. ;)


I'm kidding of course, and I'll admit he had grown on me the past few weeks. But then there was that conversation where Derrick referred to Britt as "that bitch" and Cody said "Whoa, don't say that about her" to which Derrick replied "Oh, I don't mean she's a bitch" implying that that's just how he refers to women he's not married or related to. Then I was like "yep, that's why I dislike you."

Can you just imagine the manipulation that goes on in Derrick's marriage??? He's by no means a looker as far as I'm concerned and from what little I've seen of Mrs. Svengali, she's pretty. He must have really used his magic to get her and is probably telling her every day how lucky she is to have him. If he's that manipulative with people he doesn't know and gets everything he wants, he must be a verrryyyyy happy man at home. If you get my meaning.  ;-)


ETA: I know. I have a dirty mind.  ;-)

Edited by burgerbitz
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