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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I bet Derrick will want to win part 2 now; that he and Cody didn't agree to one dropping this time shows that Cody is playing, despite his seemingly unwaivering support for a Derrick win.  Too much risk for Derrick to let this final decision be out of his hands, relying on Victoria (who would abosulutely take Derrick) vs. Cody, with whom there is a 1% chance he would not take Derrick.

Edited by pennben
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I agree, Derrick should win part 2. I am completely blanking on what part 2 usually is. A physical comp with also some game memory? I remember season 8(?) had the puzzle with the pieces under water? Victoria would have to forfeit that I think. I can not imagine her even getting pieces out.

Edited by AndreaK1041

I bet Derrick will want to win part 2 now; that he and Cody didn't agree to one dropping this time shows that Cody is playing, despite his seemingly unwaivering support for a Derrick win. To much risk for Derrick to let this final decision be out of his hands, relying on Victoria (who would abosulutely take Derrick) vs. Cody, with whom there is a 1% chance he would not take Derrick.

Derricks gotta calm down on the back and forth.

Victoria just accused him of throwing it. (Which he did) and then He just told Cody that he shouldn't be mad at him if he doesn't win Part 2. And Cody to himself was like he's scared of Victoria is this a f**ckin joke. He's gotta tone it down.

Just win Part 2 Derrick and then the Final HOH comp. Don't leave the destiny in the hands of Cody or Vic. Who cares if you cut one of them you already know you have most of the Jury votes. Stop playing games.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I'd be surprised if Derrick wasn't trying to actually win this HOH.  I can't imagine him being willing to leave his game in Cody's hands at this point.  He's been so controlling all game, never taking any real risks, and relying on Cody (because no way is Vic winning!), would be a risk, albeit a small one.  Cody's desire to win may just overrule his loyalty to Derrick, and I think Derrick knows that.  

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Cody taking Victoria to the end would actually ruin this season for me. (Not that I think there's a chance of that happening).

To be fair, I actually do think Cody has been playing the game this season. I think he sees himself as Hayden to Derrick's Lane. And I kind of get it. He doesn't see what we see, he sees himself as being in this secret alliance with Derrick all season, and being an equal partner to all of the decisions, while winning more competitions. Unfortunately, he also tells us and Derrick he'll do whatever Derrick thinks best, which kind of negates that game plan. But I have always believed and still do believe that he is trying to play this game.

I just can't say the same for Victoria. I find her vapid, useless, clueless, ridiculous, and bitchy. I don't dislike her that much as a person, but I truly hate her as a game player, because she is not a game player. In any sense of the word. And this kills me, because I almost always try to root for the women. It's a thing. But I just can't with her.

Finally, for me, if Cody - who was really just doing Derrick's dirty work, regardless of how he thought he was playing the game - and Victoria - who did nothing but look at herself in the mirror and suck up to Derrick - somehow ended up in the final two? That would completely ruin the season for me.

Obviously it's just a difference in tastes at this point. I personally have come to admire Derrick's game, and I want to see it through to its end and rewarded. I want to get my entertainment by Zach and Donny smoking everyone else in America's favorite vote.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 9

Victoria will try for HOH, she just won't win. I'm just glad she isn't buying Derrick's bullshit right now. Poor dumb Cody still does though. I swear I don't think I've ever witnessed a player as bad as Cody. I feel like he has to be a plant or something. Maybe this whole time Production's fave was actually Derrick and they put Cody in there to help him win the game. I hope so because otherwise I just can't understand Cody's entire game at all.


Wait Cody is now worst than Cowboy and Jenn City?

I'll pull for Cody if he's able to cut Derrick. He'll be my favorite winner ever if he suddenly turns this boring season upside down.


It would actually be hysterical if Cody cut Derrick and his jury speech was 'Derrick and I made a F2 deal, I saw how he was manipulating everyone, I saw how good he was at getting rid of people without getting blood on his hands, I stepped up a couple times so people that were none the wiser to Derrick's games could tell that I was making moves and Victoria wasn't, when it came to critical comps I won them, then I got rid of him.  It wasn't really that hard."

Edited by ParadoxLost

If Cody actually got rid of Derrick (he won't), then how hasn't he played a very good game? The biggest problem with Cody all season is that he has deferred too much to Derrick, which is dumb since he has no chance of beating Derrick. But if he actually got rid of Derrick, then that would eliminate my only problem with the guy (gameplan-wise). He won't, because that problem IS there and it WILL be there, but in the alternate reality where he actually turns on Derrick, I think his gameplay would retroactively look pretty good. For instance, if his plan is actually to cut Derrick at Final 2 (it isn't) then suddenly his decision to cut bait on Caleb actually makes perfect sense, since Cody could have done that knowing he could beat Victoria but not knowing if he could beat Caleb. So if that was his plan (it wasn't), then sure, Cody, I would apologize for calling you dumber than a typical Big Brother contestant (I won't have to apologize, since he clearly is dumber than a typical Big Brother contestant, and he clearly will still take Derrick with him to the end). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 10

Now I'm hoping and wishing that Cody wins and takes Victoria to F2. Cody's game would make some sense then. I know it's not going to happen, but this is it, the one time Cody thinking for himself would work for him. If only he would think for himself AND act on it. C'mon Cody, you can do it.

There's no chance that Derrick makes final 2 and loses right? Right?? I just find him to be so dull and disingenuous.

  • Love 6

From Joker's: Cody to Derrick - .....the jury can be as mean as they want. You and I will sit in Those two seats and say you can be as bitter as you want . I'm not going to let you punk me because if he wins 500k it's just as good as me winning 500k



Oh Cody. So much for us thinking he might take Victoria. lol


He was a loyal lab dog right to the end.

Edited by housecat
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If Cody actually got rid of Derrick (he won't),


I love how all of us explain that Cody could make a move, but, welp, no he won't.  We've said that all season!  Well [eliminated houseguest] could make a move against Derrick, but they won't.


Look, the guy is playing a great game on his business trip.  I just didn't want my viewing of this show to be a business trip, I wanted chaos.

  • Love 4

But if a player doesn't make a move for no good reason, then I just don't agree with attributing that stupidity to Derrick. Good on him for taking advantage of it. It's not like he SHOULDN'T have done EXACTLY what he's doing. He IS doing exactly what he should be doing. If people are willing to screw themselves over for you for no reason, you just say nothing and let them do it. No knock on Derrick for that. But while it's not a knock I also don't see it as a plus, either. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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If you are talking to me BC, I'm not knocking Derrick, I'm just expressing my frustration at being on a business trip when I wanted to watch spring break! Heck, I'm not even knocking the other players, they just got played, they thought they were doing the best thing for their game, although woefully wrong on that point. That's all.

Edited by pennben

If you are talking to me BC, I'm not knocking Derrick, I'm just expressing my frustration at being on a business trip when I wanted to watch spring break! Heck, I'm not even knocking the other players, they just got played, they thought they were doing the best thing for their game, although woefully wrong on that point. That's all.

No worries, I know you weren't knocking his game!


I didn't think of this season as a business trip.  For me it was being a counselor at music camp for a brief time instead of being a corrections officer a maximum security prison for five years. A welcome relief.


Well, that is quite a different perspective!:)  Thanks for what you do.

Edited by pennben


Look, the guy is playing a great game on his business trip.  I just didn't want my viewing of this show to be a business trip, I wanted chaos.


Me too dammit!


ETA: http://defamer.gawker.com/report-ariana-grande-hopes-her-fans-all-fucking-die-1635797442 This has been circling around the tabloid sites but this particular article made me LOL!

Edited by housecat
  • Love 2

From Joker's: Cody to Derrick - .....the jury can be as mean as they want. You and I will sit in Those two seats and say you can be as bitter as you want . I'm not going to let you punk me because if he wins 500k it's just as good as me winning 500k



Oh Cody. So much for us thinking he might take Victoria. lol


He was a loyal lab dog right to the end.

While obviously Cody IS loyal to Derrick and he won't make the obvious move that could win him $450,000, if he WERE planning on betraying Derrick (he's not), it wouldn't make sense to say anything different to him at this point, so if Cody is actually playing to win (he isn't) he would be telling Derrick everything Derrick wants to hear. 

  • Love 1

Well, I would imagine the alternate reality version of Cody who would actually vote out Derrick (as opposed to this reality's Cody, who will gladly bring Derrick along for the honor of losing to him) would also be a good enough player to hide his true feelings even drunk. I mean, so long as we're talking about an alternate version of Cody that doesn't exist, we might as well give him as many cool properties as possible, right? 


EDITED TO ADD: I just thought of yet another reason that I'm not enamored with Derrick's plans here.


BB2 - Will knew that Nicole HAD to take him because there was no way she'd beat Monica. Thus, he could lose the final HOH to Nicole knowing it would make sense for Nicole to take him.


BB4 - Jun knew that Alison HAD to take her because there was no way that Alison would beat Robert. Thus, she could lose the final HOH to Alison knowing it made all the sense in the world for Alison to take her. 


BB10 - Dan knew that Memphis HAD to take him because Jerry likely would have beaten either Dan or Memphis. Thus, Dan could lose the final HOH to Memphis knowing it made sense for Memphis to take him.


BB16 - Derrick knows that either Victoria or Cody will take him because if Cody doesn't take him then Cody easily wins $500,000. 


See what I mean? His strategy is currently completely reliant on Cody being an unmitigated moron. Hopefully I'm wrong and Derrick busts his ass and wins this final HOH. Because right now, this is not a good plan (I mean, it will work, because Cody really IS that dumb, but Derrick can't possibly know that for sure. It's certainly not worth betting $500,000 on it). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 5

Cody, IMO. He is such a puppy. That's all I see when I look at him. A lovable, loyal, completely harmless, but dumb, pup. hee


And now that they're going to bed, it's time for me. It's almost 2:30 am! lol


I'll be glad when next week comes and this is all over. Need to catch up on some sleep!



So voting has been open for two days for America's Favorite Player and I have seen no campaigning from any of the contestants' families. Do you think CBS asked them all to not? It would be a Grande deal to enforce that, no?

This serves as a good reminder:  Time to log my Donny votes!


(I wonder if Ariana's people have told her to quash the Frankie pimpage?  Don't need her fans reinforcing, at least 20 times 'Ariana's brother to the jackass...Ariana's brother to the jackass...Ariana's brother to the jackass...)

  • Love 1

I don't think Cody is stupid at all.  I think that it's easy to forget that the house guests don't get to see everything that we see.  I think Cody thinks he'll win in the Final 2 with Derrick.  He thinks he's perceived as just as involved as Derrick and he has more comp wins.  What Cody doesn't understand is that the audience and the jury sees the behind the scenes manipulations by Derrick and so he's a shoe in to win.  

  • Love 4

I don't think Cody is stupid at all.  I think that it's easy to forget that the house guests don't get to see everything that we see.  I think Cody thinks he'll win in the Final 2 with Derrick.  He thinks he's perceived as just as involved as Derrick and he has more comp wins.  What Cody doesn't understand is that the audience and the jury sees the behind the scenes manipulations by Derrick and so he's a shoe in to win.  

It's stupid of him to think he has a chance of beating Derrick, but even with that taken out of the equation, he THINKS he has a good CHANCE of beating Derrick. He KNOWS he will DEFINITELY beat Victoria. And yet he's still going with Derrick. That's stupid. 

  • Love 7

I don't think it's stupid to go to the end with someone you've worked with and respect, especially when you think you'll win against that person with the jury.    


I agree.  The key here is Cody thinks/knows he can win against Derrick. The pretty boy bubble he lives in contributes to this.  Cool vs Dork.  He would feel shame if he took Victoria. 

  • Love 1

If Derrick hints in any way that he threw any of the F3 HoH and Cody takes Victoria to F2, then Derrick deserves to lose.


Now is not the time to worry that much about jury management.


I agree 100%.  Derrick played a spectacular game up until about F7, but now his obsession with not getting any blood on his hands could end up costing him a spot in the finals.  I know the chances are good that Cody would take him to the finals, but they are not 100%.  The only way Derrick can GUARANTEE his spot into the finals is to win this HOH.  If he throws Round 2, then he's a fool.  



I agree.  The key here is Cody thinks/knows he can win against Derrick. The pretty boy bubble he lives in contributes to this.  Cool vs Dork.  He would feel shame if he took Victoria.


Hmmm... I think the $500K he would win in that case would go a long way towards easing his feelings of shame.  :)

Edited by me5671

I agree 100%.  Derrick played a spectacular game up until about F7, but now his obsession with not getting any blood on his hands could end up costing him a spot in the finals.  I know the chances are good that Cody would take him to the finals, but they are not 100%.  The only way Derrick can GUARANTEE his spot into the finals is to win this HOH.  If he throws Round 2, then he's a fool.  



Hmmm... I think the $500K he would win in that case would go a long way towards easing his feelings of shame.  :)


Of course!  He does not seem to be looking at that though!  

  • Love 1


If people are willing to screw themselves over for you for no reason, you just say nothing and let them do it. No knock on Derrick

For Derrick NOT to take advantage of them would be as idiotic as they are for handing their games to them.  I could almost see Derrick saying something like, "Are you sure you want to do that? It's like you're asking for me to win." Yeah, right.


being on a business trip when I wanted to watch spring break!

Yes, exactly!  While I admire Derrick's strategy, perhaps he has sucked all the fun out of the season.   However, I also blame the HGs who so easily played into his game, rolled over for him and begged for him to scratch their bellies. Cody and Victoria are only the last of a whole litter.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 2

Jillian in BB Canada Season 1 got all the way to end without ever going on the block. She was a challenge monster, too, aligned with another challenge monster. I'd rather watch a dozen seasons like that than a single season run by a master-manipulator behind the scenes. Derrick is as dull as dirt. I hope his daughter enjoys her $500,000 worth of food.

  • Love 5

Actually no Jillian is tied with Danielle of BB3...getting all the way to final 3 losing the HOH and being the automatic nominee...If Derrick wins this HOH he'll have never been a nominee period...which hasn't been done to my knowledge at least in the US and Canadian versions.

Edited by house864

In terms of what they were working with and what they knew, I actually think Victoria's game has made more sense than Cody's. When Vic got to the house she found that she didn't fall into fast friendships with many/any HGs. Obviously, she's no strategic mastermind, so I doubt that it even occurred to her to form fake friendships to advance her game like Derrick did. Furthermore, she is a very emotionally needy person who desperately needed someone to be her rock in the house. Derrick saw that and stepped into the role of her big brother/best friend. When Derrick started talking game with her, she discovered that a) he had a much better handle on things than she did and b) he said he wanted to go to the end with her. At that point, it made sense for her to hitch her wagon to his star, especially since she had nothing else going on gamewise. As the game progressed, she became increasingly emotionally dependent on Derrick and he continually saved her, thus proving his loyalty and his ability in the game. Their "partnership" was basically Derrick telling her what to do and providing her with emotional support, which I think was very comfortable for Vic and what she is mostly used to when facing challenges in real life. I don't think she's ever thought that she had a lock on first prize if Derrick's efforts were successful and they ended up in F2, but she correctly figured that sticking with Derrick was her best/only hope to get to F2 at all and hoped that maybe the jury would vote for her over him for some reason. Even if that didn't happen, she'd still get $50K, which wouldn't be bad at all for someone who never really knew what she was doing in the game. Her strategy was to stick to a strong player whom she completely trusted, do what he told her to do, and hope for the best. That makes sense for her.


Cody, on the other hand, has had a lot more options in the game and he has been much more aware of what's really going on. Unlike Vic, he would have at least been taken seriously if he tried to align with other players and he was actually good friends with several people besides Derrick. He's also had the opportunity to make decisions that would benefit his game by winning comps, but he's given that power to Derrick every time. I think he's quite similar to Vic in terms of being not that bright and more of a follower in real life as well as in terms of being a bit overwhelmed by the game and needing the emotional support and guidance that Derrick so ably provides. His strategy has been pretty similar to Vic's, just with more comp wins, however, that strategy makes less sense for him because being up Derrick's ass was not his only realistic path to the end. He had other options, but he lacked the self-confidence, brains, and guts to pursue them. He knowingly made moves that hurt his game, but benefited Derrick's just because he was too scared to take a chance going against Derrick's orders and/or he was too lazy to think and work for himself. He's also bought into Derrick's "Bros Before Hos" and "The only honorable person to take to the end is me" crap, I think in part just because it provides a rationale to take the easy route. Victoria hasn't had to latch onto bullshit rationales because her game plan makes sense based on what she knows and is capable of. Cody's does not.


Ack, I'm thinking I'm just going to record the next few shows and the finale and see who won after the fact.  I really really want Derek to win and I'm not sure I can handle the suspense!

I don't think there's any suspense about Derrick winning. I literally can't see how he won't win at this point.

  • Love 3

I'll pull for Cody if he's able to cut Derrick. He'll be my favorite winner ever if he suddenly turns this boring season upside down.


LOL! Same here. I don't like Cody, but this would be hilarious so I would love him just for providing some lols. 


Wait Cody is now worst than Cowboy and Jenn City?


He's up there with them IMO. Cody had multiple chance to makes moves to better his own game and he admittedly did things that hurt him but helped Derrick. That's bad gameplay any way you slice it.


But if a player doesn't make a move for no good reason, then I just don't agree with attributing that stupidity to Derrick. Good on him for taking advantage of it. It's not like he SHOULDN'T have done EXACTLY what he's doing. He IS doing exactly what he should be doing. If people are willing to screw themselves over for you for no reason, you just say nothing and let them do it. No knock on Derrick for that. But while it's not a knock I also don't see it as a plus, either. 


This. Derrick's gameplay is so basic to me. Like wow you took advantage of a bunch of idiots and know manipulation 101 good for you here's $575K.


I need a refresher on the end game.  What are the next 2 comps likely to be?  


Part 2 has a physical and mental element. Part 3 is a literal crap shoot where they guess how the jury will answer asinine questions.


I don't think it's stupid to go to the end with someone you've worked with and respect ...


I think it's stupid for Cody because he won't win and he should know that.  But I don't have a problem with it in general. Woo did this last season on Survivor and I got it. He admitted that he knew he wasn't likely to win though and would rather play with honor than win the money. If Cody admits that he knew Derrick would win but he decided his loyalty meant more to him I'll still think's he's one of the dumbest players ever, but I'll respect his decision.


I don't think he'll throw it... Not because he worries Cody won't take him...but because if he wins HOH he makes BB history first player to get all the way to the end and never be nominated...even at the end...and in a season with double the amount of nominations that's quite a feather in his cap.


Even if he loses, he'll still have gotten all the way to the end without ever being nominated. 


And word to your entire latest post, TheRealT. And all your posts actually. They've been a real treat to read.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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So voting has been open for two days for America's Favorite Player and I have seen no campaigning from any of the contestants' families. Do you think CBS asked them all to not? It would be a Grande deal to enforce that, no?

Tim retweeted:

Christine BB16 @ChristineBB16  ·  Sep 16

team Stine! I know there's only a few of us but if you want vote for her to win #AFP <3. http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/favorite-houseguest-vote/


Ariana had a picture of her a few days ago wearing a #TeamFrankie shirt but guess they got backlash after her mom's post about how she wasn't sorry and they were going to support Frankie and the picture is gone from her twitter but it's still on her mom's. While she may not be tweeting, she does interviews, so who knows if she's campaigning for him in that plus her fans still know her brother is on the show and Justin Bieber as well as Lance Bass and other have done posts in his favor throughout the season.


Devin is supporting Donny and Zach for AFP.


Honestly, most of the previously evicted HG's seem surprisingly self aware after they rejoined the real world and know they are not going to win so they've been campaigning all season for Donny or Zach, probably because they know those two have the best chance and Brittany posted #anyonebutFrankie.

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