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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I'd love to see what his game plan would be against people who were there to play the game. It still rankles me that from the beginning of the season, they all seemed to be playing for the jury stipend and not the big prize at the end. It's a safe plan, but a boring one, and boring plans don't make good TV IMO. Derrick had such an easy go of it this year. I appreciate his game, because it's solid and been stellar but boring. But I'm not a fan of his. I really hope they invite him back for an All Stars round, though, if he would accept. It would be interesting to see how he goes about the game with actual players, not people happy for the jury stipend and extended vacation. 


I feel like Derrick would accept a position on an All Stars game.  I mean, if/when he wins, he is going to think that America thinks he is a hot shit player, on the same level as Dan.  When he realizes that a lot of people think he mostly won because the people in the house weren't that bright, he will want a chance to prove he is on the same level, gamewise, as Dan.  


I don't feel bad for Christine. If I remember correctly, she told Cody that nobody likes her at her real job and also that her mother always said she was a mean child. So people in her life outside the house already feel some kinda way about her. She just showed in the BB house that her true mean nature goes to the bone, and people responded in kind.

You reap what you sow.


Ouch, you know its bad when your own mother calls you a mean child.  Her and Caleb's mom should get together for lunch.  Although, I get the feeling Caleb's mom probably likes him, but was probably trying to talk him out of sending in a MENSA application.


Tim just started a YT channel for him and Christine where they will do weekly vlogs, he's been busy milking all the attention he gets by posting him reading angry tweets, a vine video where he's "Donny", asking people to retweet if they think he's "hot", etc. He wants attention, good or bad, doesn't matter. 


Ewww.  I can understand selling your dignity for big time fame, but for YouTube videos, and vlogs?


As to why people are playing Derrick's game, well mainly because they don't know they are playing it.  Derrick has done a decent job convincing those who are left (sans Victoria...she's just a smitten kitten)


Smitten Kittens wear Kitten Mittens!  Sorry, I'm a fan of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, so I had to say it.

  • Love 3


A veto has been used at the Final Four by the non-nominee at least once before (I think in season 8?). The veto ceremony just doubled as the eviction, I believe, and the HG on whom the veto was not used left the house immediately because, you know, mathematics.

Danielle used the veto on Dan in Season 14. Shane went up because he was the only option and Dan evicted him.



From Joker's:

Wed 1:28 AM BBT Cody/Derr/Vic were talking about the HOH comp. Derr said he heard someone in the audience gasp when he changed one of his answers.

Well, that answers that.

On RHAP Neda from BB Canada was on and she said during one of the Live HOH someone had turned their mic by accident so she was able to hear the live audinece and basically did the same thing as Derrick so thinking back I am sure it has happened before.


I actually think Derrick has a better shot against Cody than Victoria. I think he'll win no matter what, but look at all the people on the jury Cody did have a good relationship with that he burned while playing for Derrick all seasoon Jocasta, Hayden, Zach,  Nicole, Christine, Frankie and now Caleb. Derrick just has to say to Caleb that Cody wanted to nominate him the week Britney went home. Plus Donny and Cody did not get along in the house. I can see Derrick vs Cody being 9-0. While I could see Caleb (being bitter and saying all the times Derrick said if one of us drag Victoria to the end vote for Victoria), Cody (Being pissed at Derrick for breaking the final 2), Donny (thinking Derrick was a coward for taking Victoria to the end) and NIcole (VIctoria was her only true friend) all voting for Victoria over Derrick.

From jokers:

"Wed 2:43 AM BBT Vic to Der "Just know that if I do win you aren't getting just 50k." Der "Well I got a friend out of it that is all I care about." NT - eureca

Wed 2:40 AM BBT Vic hinted to Derr that if she beat him in the f2 she would give him some money. Der told her that she is not allowed to say that. NT - eureca"

Oh Victoria Victoria

Though I would pay some good money to see her pull a kaiser soze at finale. Completely transform herself into an articulate powerful woman. Unclip the horse tail and proceed to lay out everyone's game and her strategy

Yeah I know, not going to happen

Edited by brdwygurl
  • Love 2

Poor wings, you had a really rough afternoon and evening, didn't you??  I hope you had plenty of goldfish to sustain you through your myriad panic attacks!!!  (I kid, I kid)


 My Jameson was poured, Macadamia nuts in bowl, I was ready to settle down and watch the one thing I had been waiting for all summer and !!!!!!!!!!!. I was fit to be tied as evidenced by my bold posts begging for details.  I watched on CBS this morning.  Headed to show thread now.  Thank you everyone.  I really like this board. 

  • Love 5

I think that if Derrick takes Cody, it's because he is confident of his win and doesn't want to look like he took a goat to the final two.  As if only a woman could be a goat in this game....."hi Cody"! 


I think Derrick takes Cody too.  I think Victoria knows that too and seems fine with it.  Derrick true final 2 deal in the house is with Cody and he will bring him along.  Derrick just needs to know that Cody will do the same, which I think he will.  Victoria works the jury votes for him from the house.  


I think Derrick takes Cody too.  I think Victoria knows that too and seems fine with it.  Derrick true final 2 deal in the house is with Cody and he will bring him along.  Derrick just needs to know that Cody will do the same, which I think he will.  Victoria works the jury votes for him from the house.

Victoria won't be able to work the Jury votes for Derrick if she ends up in the final 3. She will be evicted on finale night and will first meet with the jury seconds before jury questioning begins.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 2

Victoria won't be able to work the Jury votes for Derrick if she ends up in the final 3. She will be evicted on finale night and will first meet with the jury seconds before jury questioning begins.


True, which is why if he was able to...I think Derrick would try to convince Cody to keep Caleb and sent Victoria packing.  I don't see him being able to do it, but you never know.  I think it actually works in Derrick's game to send Victoria this time around, but I think Cody will get Caleb out now, who he considers his biggest threat.  


Wings707 - I was fit to be tied.......

If that's all you were, you were downright calm about it!  I'd have been raving, stomping, throwing things, using language unbecoming to a........ well, you get the picture. Thank goodness you can at least see the ep. on CBS, I think.



Jokers (when Vic was begging him to tell her what to say in her Veto speech):

Tue 10:45 PM BBT BB:  Derr: TVGN its ridiculous how much I Have to coach her vs other HGs


Tue 11:11 PM BBT Cody and Derrick talking about evicting Caleb. Cody asking Derrick for help on what to say to Caleb. 

He needs to sit them both down together and say, "Now, repeat after me. This is Derrick's game. I am here to play Derrick's game for him. I have done everything I could to support him, and since the win is already his, it doesn't really matter what you do or who you vote for.  I will continue to do my best for you in the jury house, in thanks for letting me play for you. Thank you again, Derrick, for letting me play for you."

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 5

If that's all you were, you were downright calm about it!  I'd have been raving, stomping, throwing things, using language unbecoming to a........ well, you get the picture. Thank goodness you can at least see the ep. on CBS, I think.


I was posting in bold, using way too many exclamation points!  That is poster speak for having a fit.  :=]




Interesting from Jokers. 


Victoria telling him what happened to her hair was traumatizing and that he will understand when they get out of the BB house. She says its been 3 years since her hair fell out. Victoria tells him that its taking forever for her hair to come back and that she is bleeding all the time. She says its a huge insecurity and she is very traumatized about it.

Derrick tells her that even though she doesn't take her extensions out in front of the HG's that the live feeders see her. Victoria says a lot of times they don't put the camera on her and that she has never spoken about it in the DR. Derrick again says she has nothing to be insecure about. She says its just a uncomfortable feeling and that she wouldn't want to be explaining to everyone what happened. Derrick says he thinks the HG's left already know. She says she doesn't think Caleb knows.

Victoria says she thinks Amber knew about her hair. And that Amber would ask Victoria about it in front of people and it would frustrate her. Victoria explaining to Derrick how her hair was her everything and when she lost it she lost everything.

Derrick asked Victoria if she lost her hair just on her head or everywhere. She says she will tell him afterwords because she doesn't want people to connect the dots. She mentions that she was so happy when they found her to be on the show but that last minute she almost didn't come on because of her hair issue.

Victoria says she told Nicole about her hair issue right away because she needed someone to watch the bathroom door for her while she blow dried her hair. She tells Derrick she can't blow dry her hair when her extensions are in. She says she can't look at herself in the mirror with her short hair and that she hates herself with short hair.

Victoria mentioned she spends $600 every 2 to 3 months on hair extensions and that her parents get very frustrated with her about it. Derrick says so you are paying about $2400 a year. He says he doesn't think its that much if it makes her feel better about herself.

Derrick told her that he will find a guy that will love her for her and tell her to take her hair extensions out because he likes her real hair. Victoria says she hopes so. Derrick promises she will. Victoria gives him a hug and tells him she loves him. She went into the HOH bathroom to shower and blow dry her hair. Derrick tells her goodnight from the HOH bed.

After Victoria was done she came out and showed Derrick her hair with the HOH room light off. He told her she has a ton of hair. She tells him to touch it and he says she shouldn't be self conscious about it and that she has a lot of hair. He tells her he is going to sleep and that she completely over exaggerated and that her hair looks great.



I would like to know the full story on her hair. I don't necessarily believe that Derrick was being totally honest.  I saw a screencap with them out and you could easily tell it was pretty thin. I think he was trying to make her feel better and at the same time surprised, thinking it would be much worse.    But she seems to emphasize "short"  more than thin so I don't know what the deal is.  Trying to get inside her mind is a fools errand so I will stop and resign myself to never knowing. 

Good for Victoria for opening up about her hair.  It breaks my heart that she leaves in extensions that cause her scalp to bleed.  If this show and this time has allowed her to come to grips with whatever happened, and hair loss can be a brutal, brutal experience for a young woman, then it was time well spent for her. And good for Derrick for helping her out on this issue.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 3

I think only Frankie and Zach would be asked for All-Stars. Derrick's game is very particular to this season and he doesn't have the charisma to hold his own against other past heavyweights. I doubt that Maggie was asked fo be on All-Stars, too.

Oh, I hope not, Zach's game is confusing, and I think it would be interesting to see if Derrick can be as slick in a house full of people just as slick.


I think if offered though, Derrick would do it.  I wouldn't be surprised if he starts campaigning for it as soon as he realizes that a lot of people think he only won because he was in a house of people who didn't want to play.  He wants to be a big name player, IMO, I remember him saying something in the DR about how he would be the "only player never put on the block!" and to me, it just sounded like he wanted to be remembered as an awesome player, in part for playing a game where he managed to never be up on the block.


If Derrick wins this season, a lot of people would/could question whether it was his skill that won it for him, or the lack of anyone else's skill.  But if he won or even did well in an All Star season, no one could question him anymore.  

I totally agree.

Feckin Irish whiskey is much better.

And I have a full flask.

And Frankie is GONE.

Life Is Good™.

Victoria is currently tied with Spencer of BB15 for most times on the block without being evicted (8).


This week was her 9th nomination, she mentioned on the feeds last night. 


Something funny.

I was on my TV guide to record Debra Messings new show that airs tonight.  I glanced down and saw Nashville and clicked on it to see your post!   This is as clear a sign that I am on here way more than I should be! 


Oh, and I like Jameson. :=]

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I was posting in bold, using way too many exclamation points!  That is poster speak for having a fit.  :=]




Interesting from Jokers. 


Victoria telling him what happened to her hair was traumatizing and that he will understand when they get out of the BB house. She says its been 3 years since her hair fell out. Victoria tells him that its taking forever for her hair to come back and that she is bleeding all the time. She says its a huge insecurity and she is very traumatized about it.

Derrick tells her that even though she doesn't take her extensions out in front of the HG's that the live feeders see her. Victoria says a lot of times they don't put the camera on her and that she has never spoken about it in the DR. Derrick again says she has nothing to be insecure about. She says its just a uncomfortable feeling and that she wouldn't want to be explaining to everyone what happened. Derrick says he thinks the HG's left already know. She says she doesn't think Caleb knows.

Victoria says she thinks Amber knew about her hair. And that Amber would ask Victoria about it in front of people and it would frustrate her. Victoria explaining to Derrick how her hair was her everything and when she lost it she lost everything.

Derrick asked Victoria if she lost her hair just on her head or everywhere. She says she will tell him afterwords because she doesn't want people to connect the dots. She mentions that she was so happy when they found her to be on the show but that last minute she almost didn't come on because of her hair issue.

Victoria says she told Nicole about her hair issue right away because she needed someone to watch the bathroom door for her while she blow dried her hair. She tells Derrick she can't blow dry her hair when her extensions are in. She says she can't look at herself in the mirror with her short hair and that she hates herself with short hair.

Victoria mentioned she spends $600 every 2 to 3 months on hair extensions and that her parents get very frustrated with her about it. Derrick says so you are paying about $2400 a year. He says he doesn't think its that much if it makes her feel better about herself.

Derrick told her that he will find a guy that will love her for her and tell her to take her hair extensions out because he likes her real hair. Victoria says she hopes so. Derrick promises she will. Victoria gives him a hug and tells him she loves him. She went into the HOH bathroom to shower and blow dry her hair. Derrick tells her goodnight from the HOH bed.

After Victoria was done she came out and showed Derrick her hair with the HOH room light off. He told her she has a ton of hair. She tells him to touch it and he says she shouldn't be self conscious about it and that she has a lot of hair. He tells her he is going to sleep and that she completely over exaggerated and that her hair looks great.



I would like to know the full story on her hair. I don't necessarily believe that Derrick was being totally honest.  I saw a screencap with them out and you could easily tell it was pretty thin. I think he was trying to make her feel better and at the same time surprised, thinking it would be much worse.    But she seems to emphasize "short"  more than thin so I don't know what the deal is.  Trying to get inside her mind is a fools errand so I will stop and resign myself to never knowing. 


It sounds like she has alopecia.  The guy from Kris Kross has it, and his hair fell all the way out.


I feel for Victoria in that regard, and it seems mean that people assume that using extensions makes her somehow particularly vain and shallow.  I'm sure she has given other indications of that, but the hair industry is a billion dollar industry, mostly aimed at women.  Which means most women think that hair is important.  It would take the most secure of women to feel comfortable with all her hair falling out.  We have all sorts of products on the market for hair loss, to make hair thicker, most lustrous, everything in the book.


And to a young girl who wants to be a Disney Princess, or even to a woman who wants to feel attractive and confident, hair is going to be a big part of that.  I don't understand her shame over it.  I wear wigs and weaves, and while I'm not going to tell a guy I start dating that I'm wearing a wig or a weave, if I had to live with people 24 hours a day, I would probably just let them know.


What I don't quite understand is if she is clipping the extensions in why she is paying $600 every 2-3 months.  My extensions are normally sewn in, a sew in weave will last about 2 months, and even then, if you buy good hair you can reuse it.  But for a sew in weave, you can't remove the extensions to wash them, so they are on 24 hours a day.  I don't understand why, if she is taking the extensions out at night, she has to buy them every 2-3 months.  And her hair looks good, but not phenomenal, so my guess would be that she just doesn't want to try to find a better price.


While I think saying that when you lose your hair you lose everything is a little over the top, I understand how much it means to her.  She has probably been raised to think that being pretty is all she has got going for her, and to lose something that is so connected to being traditionally pretty must be hard.  Heck, it would be hard for me, and I know I wasn't raised to be pretty.

I'm not so sure if Derrick would do an all star show. Would he really want to be separated from his young daughter for another 3 months? Especially if he wins this time around? I don't think he would go for it.

Oh, I think he totally would.  An All Star season would happen in what, another year?  So he would be back home for a whole year, an entire year with his daughter and his wife.  And by that time he realizes that $250k (which would be the amount after taxes) doesn't go that far.  And almost as importantly, he gets the chance to actually be a BB legend, and quiet all the "haters" that said he only won because he played against lame people.  And I'm sure he could justify it by saying that he is only doing it for his daughter again, but in reality, I think Derrick would jump at the chance to be known as one of the greats of the game, and to have the same respect that someone like Dan has.

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 3


I also understand why Amber would talk about it.  A lot of black women (myself included) get weaves and wigs, so its really not that big a deal in our community.  Amber probably didn't think it was that big a deal.


Thanks for adding that point.  I can't know anyone on a show, but I feel as confident as I can that if Amber thought there was an issue about the extensions, she would have never brought them up.

  • Love 2

It sounds like she has alopecia.  The guy from Kris Kross has it, and his hair fell all the way out.


I feel for Victoria in that regard, and it seems mean that people assume that using extensions makes her somehow particularly vain and shallow.  I'm sure she has given other indications of that, but the hair industry is a billion dollar industry, mostly aimed at women.  Which means most women think that hair is important.  It would take the most secure of women to feel comfortable with all her hair falling out.  We have all sorts of products on the market for hair loss, to make hair thicker, most lustrous, everything in the book.


And to a young girl who wants to be a Disney Princess, or even to a woman who wants to feel attractive and confident, hair is going to be a big part of that.  I don't understand her shame over it.  I wear wigs and weaves, and while I'm not going to tell a guy I start dating that I'm wearing a wig or a weave, if I had to live with people 24 hours a day, I would probably just let them know.


What I don't quite understand is if she is clipping the extensions in why she is paying $600 every 2-3 months.  My extensions are normally sewn in, a sew in weave will last about 2 months, and even then, if you buy good hair you can reuse it.  But for a sew in weave, you can't remove the extensions to wash them, so they are on 24 hours a day.  I don't understand why, if she is taking the extensions out at night, she has to buy them every 2-3 months.  And her hair looks good, but not phenomenal, so my guess would be that she just doesn't want to try to find a better price.


While I think saying that when you lose your hair you lose everything is a little over the top, I understand how much it means to her.  She has probably been raised to think that being pretty is all she has got going for her, and to lose something that is so connected to being traditionally pretty must be hard.  Heck, it would be hard for me, and I know I wasn't raised to be pretty.



I agree that is sounds like alopicia and that is very sad for a woman.  She has been growing it back for 3 years and it isn't long enough for her yet.  That is what has me stumped. I would think she would be happy she has her own back and at almost shoulder length. Many in the public eye have removed their extensions and opting for shorter hair.  The super long hair trend is fading away.


She keeps them in 24 hours a day.  


I am totally confused on the money, too.  It would have made better sense to have the kind that are glued on individually.  A friend of mine has those and she can wash and treat them normally.  She just cannot rake through her hair with a brush.   She has them replaced 4 times a year.  You would never know she has them because they are not overly long or too thick. 


Her constant pausing at any reflective surface shows that her looks are very important to her.  Maybe in time she will be able to see there is more she has to offer. Or maybe not!  Excuse me, for that, poor girl. 

Edited by wings707

Thanks for adding that point.  I can't know anyone on a show, but I feel as confident as I can that if Amber thought there was an issue about the extensions, she would have never brought them up.

Oh thats cool, I took it off, because I didn't want to offend anyone.  I don't think Amber meant any harm either.

I agree that is sounds like alopicia and that is very sad for a woman.  She has been growing it back for 3 years and it isn't long enough for her yet.  That is what has me stumped. I would think she would be happy she has her own back and at almost shoulder length. Many in the public eye have removed their extensions and opting for shorter hair.  The super long hair trend is fading away. 


I am totally confused the money, too.  It would have made better sense to have the kind that are glued on individually.  A friend of mine has those and she can wash and treat them normally.  She just cannot rake through her hair with a brush.   She has them replaced 4 times a year.  You would never know she has them because they are not overly long or too thick. 


While its hard to explain, I can understand Victoria wanting super long hair.  Its probably because the wigs/weaves I wear are pretty long.  Myself, I like long hair, and I'm not one much for trends (although at some point I think I may want to try a wig with an asymmetric cut).  For Victoria, if her style is "Disney Princess" there aren't that many that have short styles.  There is just something about long, thick hair that has almost always seemed acceptable in one form or another no matter what other hair trends were going on.  It probably makes her feel super feminine and pretty to have the long hair, and maybe its a sign that she isn't as secure with herself as being pretty without the hair, but I don't fault her for it, because I think a lot of women have the same type of vanity, and I don't think vanity is a bad thing either.  And Victoria strikes me as the type of girl who likes male attention, most men like longer hair in my experience.  And if her hair is growing back post alopecia it may not be growing in very thick either, which may stress her out.


I think she should try another method too.  I'm not sure if she is afraid, but I might have suggested a wig.  The ones I have don't require any glue, are made of good quality hair, don't look "wiggy" and it costs about the same as one set of her extensions.  She could easily remove it at night and restyle it, it doesn't really come off unless you're taking it off and I don't think it would hurt her scalp, and might help her own hair to grow since she wouldn't have to expose her own hair to heat/excessive brushing.  Very few people I run into realize its a wig at all until I tell them.  But I think your friend probably has fusion extensions and those are good too (although a little too pricey for my pocketbook!)

I hope it's not cancer. She reminds me of one of my friends that after she went through chemo, wore wigs, added extension, etc because she was desperate to go back to how she used to look. If it's Alopecia, would she still have eyebrows? I don't know much about that disease.



Not cancer.  She said her sister has the same condition.  She may have lost the hair all over her body but it has been growing back for 3 years so her eyebrows had plenty of time to come back.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I hope it's not cancer. She reminds me of one of my friends that after she went through chemo, wore wigs, added extension, etc because she was desperate to go back to how she used to look. If it's Alopecia, would she still have eyebrows? I don't know much about that disease.

well, I googled this question, and according to the one website I visited, I guess Alopecia can make you lose your eyebrows.  But it was just one website, so I'm not sure, although I have heard there are different types of alopecia, so maybe you do with some types and not others

Not cancer.  She said her sister have the same condition.  She may have lost the hair all over her body but it has been growing back for 3 years so her eyebrows had plenty of time to come back.  

Thank you for letting me know, I should pay more attention :).

Edited by willpwr

I think I really need for the DR to step up, and hint around for Cody to boot/Derrick to get Cody to boot Victoria. I know it's fitting for this snooze of a season, but it's really kind of a travesty for her to be F3.


And when BB does returning players again, I'd actually like to see Caleb back.

  • Love 1

While its hard to explain, I can understand Victoria wanting super long hair.  Its probably because the wigs/weaves I wear are pretty long.  Myself, I like long hair, and I'm not one much for trends (although at some point I think I may want to try a wig with an asymmetric cut).  For Victoria, if her style is "Disney Princess" there aren't that many that have short styles.  There is just something about long, thick hair that has almost always seemed acceptable in one form or another no matter what other hair trends were going on.  It probably makes her feel super feminine and pretty to have the long hair, and maybe its a sign that she isn't as secure with herself as being pretty without the hair, but I don't fault her for it, because I think a lot of women have the same type of vanity, and I don't think vanity is a bad thing either.  And Victoria strikes me as the type of girl who likes male attention, most men like longer hair in my experience.  And if her hair is growing back post alopecia it may not be growing in very thick either, which may stress her out.


I think she should try another method too.  I'm not sure if she is afraid, but I might have suggested a wig.  The ones I have don't require any glue, are made of good quality hair, don't look "wiggy" and it costs about the same as one set of her extensions.  She could easily remove it at night and restyle it, it doesn't really come off unless you're taking it off and I don't think it would hurt her scalp, and might help her own hair to grow since she wouldn't have to expose her own hair to heat/excessive brushing.  Very few people I run into realize its a wig at all until I tell them.  But I think your friend probably has fusion extensions and those are good too (although a little too pricey for my pocketbook!)



Yes, I get the long hair attraction.  I was just thinking she has some role models in the media to maybe allow her to grin and bear it with shorter hair for the time being for the sake of scalp health.  I do think her hair is thinner and that may be the primary reason.   And yes on a wig being a better idea.  She didn't want anyone to see her with her own hair, though.  

  • Love 2

What if Cody evicted Derrick at F2. I would do an audible stage gasp worthy of a Grande. He's apparently cooking up thoughts in his brain given the actual skill in comps he's won, so I think there is at least a 1% chance that this happens. We would never know if he was thinking about it either because he doesn't talk to the cameras and he doesn't have anyone besides Derrick to bounce ideas off of. I would giggle and give him credit for an excellent move.


This would be amazing. Cody would surely win if he did this. I think he actually knows it too and has known for quite some time that he's playing Derrick's game and that Derrick will beat him. Yet he continues to do things for Derrick that hurt him. It's very strange. With Victoria, she never had a chance to win the game. Cody did though. He still does! Not to mention that fact that early on no one gave a shit about Victoria except Derrick (and Hayden), so she had no real options. Cody did. He had oodles of options. Cody's gameplay is just mindbogglingly to me. Still, I would live for him winning finally HOH and evicting Derrick and winning the whole game. 


From Joker's:

Wed 1:28 AM BBT Cody/Derr/Vic were talking about the HOH comp. Derr said he heard someone in the audience gasp when he changed one of his answers.

Well, that answers that.


This guys luck I swear!


I'm not so sure if Derrick would do an all star show. Would he really want to be separated from his young daughter for another 3 months? Especially if he wins this time around? I don't think he would go for it.


I guess it depends on if the $575K puts enough food in her mouth.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

It's amazing to think about how right Donny got everything. Saying in like week 3 that nothing happens that Derrick didn't know about; that Cody was playing Derrick's game; that Christine would get fucked over by the guys; that the F3 would be Derrick/Cody/Victoria. Maybe he really is a Super Secret Spy Soldier!


Apparently the POV was cop themed. LOL.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

I wonder if they are going to have BB17 on sooner than next summer? They did run a little promo asking people interested to apply, so maybe there'll be a winter BB. I think they did that one other year a long time ago. It seems too soon to be asking for applications for next summer.

I would LOVE it if they had anothet winter bb. Every year. Please make this happen!

It's amazing to think about how right Donny got everything. Saying in like week 3 that nothing happens that Derrick didn't know about; that Cody was playing Derrick's game; that Christine would get fucked over by the guys; that the F3 would be Derrick/Cody/Victoria. Maybe he really is a Super Secret Spy Soldier!


Apparently the POV was cop themed. LOL.

It's true and exactly the reason why I don't sympathize with his game play, he knew what was going on and as demonstrated by JH footage knows how to get along with the cast when he wants to and be part of the in-crowd. He, like Derrick, was smart, could see what was going on but he waited to really talk to people until it was too late and chose to cry about things instead. They were all dealt the same hand, how they chose to play is up to them.


I don't think Derrick needs to be on All Stars or prove anything to anyone, he doesn't seem like an actual famewhore and I think him being on All Stars would just be if he got a huge ego. I don't think he'd be the main one targeted because people are underestimating his season and saying how easy he had it so they won't think he's strong and there will be bigger, flashier targets. Also, a lot of previous players might want to align with him since a lot of them have posted positively about him.

  • Love 1

True, which is why if he was able to...I think Derrick would try to convince Cody to keep Caleb and sent Victoria packing.

That would be a huge mistake IMO.  If Caleb wins at F3, he is too likely to take Cody and boot Derrick.  Derrick doesn't need any more lobbying: he just needs to make sure he makes it to F2.  Booting Caleb is critical towards that. 

  • Love 2

I don't think Derrick needs to be on All Stars or prove anything to anyone, he doesn't seem like an actual famewhore and I think him being on All Stars would just be if he got a huge ego. I don't think he'd be the main one targeted because people are underestimating his season and saying how easy he had it so they won't think he's strong and there will be bigger, flashier targets. Also, a lot of previous players might want to align with him since a lot of them have posted positively about him.


I definitely don't think Derrick is a famewhore.  But I do think he would like to have left his mark on the game.  I also don't think he needs to prove anything to anyone, but its not about how I feel, it will be about how he feels.  And I think its gonna grind his gears when, instead of seeing his game play as brilliant, people tell him they just think it was mediocre because he was in a house that was easy to control.  And I think, if given the chance, he would want to prove that his gameplay is really good, even in a house full of people who are also really good at the game.

  • Love 3

It's true and exactly the reason why I don't sympathize with his game play, he knew what was going on and as demonstrated by JH footage knows how to get along with the cast when he wants to and be part of the in-crowd. He, like Derrick, was smart, could see what was going on but he waited to really talk to people until it was too late and chose to cry about things instead. They were all dealt the same hand, how they chose to play is up to them.

I actually saw Donny try to do things very early on, but it just never worked out. People were either too scared to do anything because of the twists (Hayden, Nicole) or they were too complacent in their alliance/under Derrick's spell (Zach, Cody, Christine). But Donny did try. He really did. Multiple times. The dual HOH/BOB twist really prevented people who figured out what was going on (Joey, Donny, Hayden, Nicole at times) to do anything. Or OK it didn't prevent them from it, it scared them, and with good reason. I still think it was stupid for all of them to let it ruin their games though. But this is part of why Derrick looks so damn lucky to me. He might not have had such an easy ride if the twists didn't all benefit him so damn much. But, yea, Donny did get real cry baby. It was very disappointing. He whined so much about Christine throwing that BOB. I've said it before, but damn Donny, it's a game! He didn't seem to give one fuck when Caleb tried to throw a BOB to evict Frankie.


I don't think Derrick needs to be on All Stars or prove anything to anyone, he doesn't seem like an actual famewhore and I think him being on All Stars would just be if he got a huge ego.

I actually think Derrick is a bit of a reality tv famewhore. Or more like he's a big fan of it and would probably love to be a a part of that world. But then he's been so disingenuous all season maybe that's not his real personality. I think he's got quite a big ego, too.


And I think its gonna grind his gears when, instead of seeing his game play as brilliant, people tell him they just think it was mediocre because he was in a house that was easy to control.

I think when he wins he'll actually get OTT praise and everyone talking about how amazing he is, he's the new Dan, etc, so he'll get his ego stroked nicely. And the former players on twitter like him. He might be pressed by how low he was on the Joker's rating for most of the season though. I hope so at least, it gives me joy to think about him seeing those.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

I agree about Derrick having a bit of an ego, anyone that goes on these shows has to have some kind of ego IMO.

Good point!

I don't think he should play again. And I suspect he won't. But I'd like him play again just to see how he'd adjust his gameplay (because he'd have to adjust it quite a bit I think) and how he'd react when things don't go his way all the time.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Good point!I don't think he should play again. And I suspect he won't. But I'd like him play again just to see how he'd adjust his gameplay (because he'd have to adjust it quite a bit I think) and how he'd react when things don't go his way all the time.

I agree. If he played Allstars he would be booted week 1. His schtick is up after next week, and thank god, as I will never have to see him on my TV screen again.

I don't know why I dislike him so much, but he really, really rubs me the wrong way.

  • Love 3

I still wonder if Derrick will go back to work?! I know it's a game but I don't think I would trust him again being a cop. It's weird because in any other profession it wouldn't bother me.

Why not? I don't see how playing this game makes any difference to his profession. It's not like he was president and lied about his extra marital affairs with interns. Everything was open for all to see, plus, he seems a cool guy IMO.

  • Love 7

"I can't not win things!" Um, yeah, you can not win Big Brother. Seriously though, was he trying to channel a young Richard Simmons when he swished out on stage with glitter, the flailing arms, and the jazz hands? He's so extra.


Victoria gave him that gracious goodbye message not knowing about his vile pantomime involving her virginity. It makes me sick that Julie was so effusive with him after all the nasty crap he pulled under the guise of trying to be the biggest personality in the house. Ugh, good riddance but those poor jurors who have to deal with him now.


my thoughts exactly--what a sanctimonious idiot.  He can't not give all in competitions but tell other people to throw them for his benefit.  and that post interview...could it be more flattering from Julie?  I have serious concerns that he will win fan favorite no matter what the actual vote is.

I was just looking at Arianna Grande's twitter (first time) and, didn't see her post anything about voting for Frankie. Maybe, she has another twitter. I would like to Donny to win or Zach since it might Frankie mad. That said, I didn't vote at all. I'm not into that voting stuff whether it be BB, DWTS, AGT or any other reality show.

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