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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Good lord!  So, if he wins, he has won on his own......but then he asks Ariana to get him the votes to win?   Is he not so sure of his popularity any more? 


If there is an America's Favorite Player, I'll be voting on every computer I can get my hands on, as many times as I can, until my fingers bleed!  

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Good lord! So, if he wins, he has won on his own......but then he asks Ariana to get him the votes to win? Is he not so sure of his popularity any more?

If there is an America's Favorite Player, I'll be voting on every computer I can get my hands on, as many times as I can, until my fingers bleed!


The only other thing I voted on this season was against his play. And I will vote my fingers off just to make sure he doesn't get AFP!

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If there is an America's Favorite Player, I'll be voting on every computer I can get my hands on, as many times as I can, until my fingers bleed!


Me too parisprincess.


may flowers, say it ain't so!!! FUCK!


ETA: it sounds like Frankie is starting to lose it in the house! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee

Edited by housecat

I was wrong.  I thought Frankie sensed/knew he would be evicted.  Apparently not. 


6:38PM BBT: Frankie follows Derrick into the fire room. Derrick is changing back into regular clothes. Frankie tells Derrick he is still furious at Caleb for nominating him. He and Cody had a long conversation today that moving forward he is willing to turn on Frankie. He says, "I understand what Caleb did, but no harm to Derrick, but the way it was handled and going on the block twice was a slap in the face to me. It was disrespectful. Moving forward, I'm not keeping Caleb safe anymore." Frankie says, "I don't want Cody to feel like I'd turn on him again if I win the veto next week." Derrick says it was a smart move to get Cody's trust in the game. Derrick leaves to go take a shower.

These people are incredibly dumb. Just... unbelievably dumb.


Don't you mean, "overwhelmingly" dumb?




Can we all just agree to call it the "Finally"?


Interesting - Potential for some honest reaction to Frankie upon eviction...?

Inspired by these Tweets, if I decide to go back to my original username, ("Boo"), I kinda want to add a hashtag. 

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From another board:


Read elsewhere that Frank was saying that he can't wait for his Mom to be waiting for him, and she better have a manager with her. they tried to get him signed before but only doing Broadway was not enough...but this should be. BAHAHAHAHAHA




All this talk about telling Frankie his is going before the vote is against the rules and could cause him to come off the block.  I know this rule has never been enforced but it is foolish to risk it.  For some reason they seem to be afraid to blindside him for fear of retaliation in the jury house.  Chicken shit playing.  What is wrong with them?  Not necessary to answer that question, btw. 

Why is Frankie's mom so defensive?  Good grief.


Because she is being attacked by Frankie haters on twitter.  

I know very little about Joan Grande, so if anyone has the dirt, please dish!



Ariana and Frankie.  

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Oh they definitely know.  They are social media savvy enough to realize that!  You can't filter out negative comments, nor could they fail to notice the negative twitter trends last night concerning Frankie.


Their mom is such a stage mom.  What 21 year old needs their mother with them on tour and at press events?  And what 31 year old needs their mommy to find them a manager?  


I believe Frankie is smart enough to know he is going home.  It's just strategy to talk to the other guys as if he is staying.  His options are to either act like he is not going, to beg them to not vote him out, or to throw a hissy fit.  I guess there is also the Zach option of sleeping for 3 days straight and leaving in a flurry of breakfast cereal.  

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What 21 year old needs their mother with them on tour and at press events?



I think that is very smart of her and good parenting.  21 is very young and the music industry is loaded with drugs, drinking and people who take advantage.  Justin Beiber has all but lost his fan base just because he was too young to handle it and had no guidance.  Yes his mother was with him but did nothing.  She is said to be more of a fan than guiding force.  

Edited by wings707
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Isn't Frankie's mom a CEO of some company?

Yep.  From what I understand the Grande Family (grandparents and mother anyway)  were well off long before Frankie or his baby sister.  In the 1960s Frankie's grandparents bought  a successful company that manufactures communications equipment for the Marines and the Navy (DOD contracts are very lucrative).   I'm pretty sure Frankie grew up with housekeepers and private schools.    His mother is listed as the CEO.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Apparently, the DR hates Frankie. He keeps ringing the bell. Poor baby!

He was doing this earlier too  and when Caleb said Frankie was annoying production with all his requests our entitled Famewhore Frankie actually said something like, "That's what they are there for - to fill our requests."   I'm guessing that didn't go over very well.  


Plus, Frankie is probably having some sort of meltdown [internal for now] and wants to get in there to talk it out - or more likely stomp his foot and have a tantrum. 

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BB said at least twice that sleeping in the living room isn't allowed, but Derrick and Cody haven't budged. Vic has been rubbing the top of Cody's foot and his lower leg. The top of the foot is my favorite place to be rubbed (g-rated place), so I don't blame him for not getting up. They do need to wake up, though.

No, slasherboy. You're one of us! And we can't ALL be pathetic, or can we??


ETA: jinx! ByaNose


From Joker's: Frankie briefly practiced alone in the WC what he's going to say in the veto meeting. Mostly whispers to himself (difficult to hear). At the end, he says "... in front of millions of people watching that you are men that are true to their word. No pressure. To all of my fans and supporters, I love you so much. Without you, I am nothing. "


Oh Frankie. WITH them, you are still nothing.

Edited by housecat
  • Love 13

No, slasherboy. You're one of us! And we can't ALL be pathetic, or can we??

ETA: jinx! ByaNose

From Joker's: Frankie briefly practiced alone in the WC what he's going to say in the veto meeting. Mostly whispers to himself (difficult to hear). At the end, he says "... in front of millions of people watching that you are men that are true to their word. No pressure. To all of my fans and supporters, I love you so much. Without you, I am nothing. "

Oh Frankie. WITH them, you are still nothing.

So basically he is threatening them that millions of people will be after them. I'm pretty sure Derrick doesn't give a crap.

He acts like he has been loyal and true to his word. Give me a break! As he has said time and time again. This is Big Brother Rose!

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I can't believe there're sleeping while I'm up trying to watch them (do anything ) in Philly. So rude!

*waves*. Hey...I am in delaware :)

Back to the feeds, from HW:

"Posted Yesterday, 11:30 PM

We came back from fish to Frankie digging "rancid Tupperware" out of the trash in the Storage Room and cussing at the camera. Sounds like production told them not to throw it away, they have to clean it.

I have no idea what was in these Tupperware jug things, but it was a solid mass in both that plopped out. Nas-tay.


....... Victoria is washing celery stalks for the salad...with soap. WITH DISH SOAP. And the nasty moldy dirty sponge that they've been using for OGG knows how long to wash dishes. WHAT THE FUCK?!"

This could be really funny if I wasn't so repulsed

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....... Victoria is washing celery stalks for the salad...with soap. WITH DISH SOAP. And the nasty moldy dirty sponge that they've been using for OGG knows how long to wash dishes. WHAT THE FUCK?!"

This could be really funny if I wasn't so repulsed


LMAO! She is astoundingly dimwitted. Pretty sure I saw Curly do this to lettuce in a Three Stooges short.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Awww, Nashville...:) It's a good group here, isn't it? I'm gonna miss chattin' with y'all. (not sure where the y'all came from, I'm in Canada lol)


Hey, at least Victoria is WASHING them.


From Joker's: Caleb thinks he's going to get to hang out with Brett Eldredge after the show.
He's going to take screenshots of them together from the show and will tweet it to him, and he thinks he'll invite him to his show. He'll see the show and realize that Beastmode Cowboy is a big deal, and will introduce him on stage, maybe even sing together.


Oh Caleb. I'd say 'never change' but underneath the toddler act, you're still a raging, and possibly dangerous, sexist.

Edited by housecat
  • Love 7

Awww, Nashville...:) It's a good group here, isn't it? I'm gonna miss chattin' with y'all. (not sure where the y'all came from, I'm in Canada lol)


*I* know where the "y'all" came from. I'm just that infectious. ;)

Hey, at least Victoria is WASHING them.

And hey - maybe the dishwashing liquid will kill whatever is growing in the sponge....

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Victoria has never heard of French dressing.

Victoria has never heard of the shoulder of a road.

Victoria has never heard the word scoundrel.


I seriously can't believe I'm sitting here watching these people sleep.  On a Saturday night.  I'm pathetic.

May she run into a French dressed scoundrel on the shoulder of the road in Weston. Walking a cat on a leash.   ;-)

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