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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Caleb saying they'd 'ruin her' and there'd be 'blood everywhere' is pretty damn disturbing. And honestly, based on Caleb and Frankie's behaviors it's pretty scary.

Christine and Derrick laughing along is just deplorable.

I hate all these people!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9


Her mother demands he [snip] publicly apologize.

Glad to hear this!  These people AND CBS need to be held accountable for spewing this gratuitous vicious filth. And not only Frankie, but anyone involved in the conversation.  Any one of them could have stopped it, and chose to participate instead. Ariana? Sadly, a publicity grab that weakens the righteous indignation of the demand.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 8

Yea, Derrick only cares about the show watchers because he knows there's more of them. Although, thankfully, I'm pretty sure they don't buy that shit either.

I'm not. They have no reason not to. This past week is an excellent example. If you went by Derrick's DRs you would have every reason to believe Derrick did his utmost to keep his fellow Team 'Murrica player Donny in the game, but there was simply no way to get the votes - when in reality (a) Derrick himself was the swing vote who could have kept Donny in the House, and (b) most of Derrick's strategy talk in the 24 hours preceding the live eviction was him shooting down Frankie and Caleb's attempts to flip the vote and evict Nicole.

Frankie and Caleb were campaigning mightily - apparently right down to the commercial break before the live vote, according to Julie - but, simply put, Derrick looked at the possible vote outcomes (9-0 to evict Donny vs. 3-2 to evict Nicole) and chose to evict Donny.

Do I fault Derrick on this? Not really, if he judged Donny's eviction worked better for his (Derrick's) game - and, truth be told, it probably did. But broadcast-only viewers aren't going to catch a whiff of any of Derrick's active campaigning AGAINST Donny.

Anybody have any idea what's the current percentage estimation of BB watchers who follow the show beyond the broadcast episodes - feed watchers, fan sites, etc.? Ten percent? Less? Game-wise, I can't fault Derrick for playing to the bigger crowd - but that doesn't mean I like it.

  • Love 1

And the audience sees through him. Playing the audience makes him looks shady. I don't mind backstabbing game play but let us in on it. We want to be in on it. We may hate you but respect you more.

The only reason I think he lies to the audience, is that he really cares what we think. He wants us to like him. I honestly think that is why Frankie is still there. He is worried about backlash from Ariana fans. If he knew how popular Donny really was, Donny would still be there.

Derrick is a one note player. I say that because one of the few times when something didn't go his way, he freaked. A better player would just roll with it and come up with plan two. I would really like to see Derrick's back to the wall and see what happens.

Derrick is a manipulative person. Being a cop has nothing to do with it. His biggest problem is that the jury sees this. He's been so stealth about it, the HGs don't see it and he might not get the credit at the end. And that would be glorious.


I don't think Derrick is one note, nor manipulative.  I think Derrick is careful with how he communicates and plants seeds, very well I might add.  I also haven't seen him freak out much at all.  Most things have gone Derrick's way and when it doesn't, he still finds a way to get through the situation and come out smelling like a rose.  


I also don 't see that the jury sees any of this.  I don't think they have any idea how much of a hand Derrick has played in everything that has gone on.  He's done a good job getting what he wants to happen without the blood being on his hands.  He's also done a pretty good job making friends with people and hoping it would translate to people liking and trusting him.  The only real way I can see this backfiring on Derrick is if the jury is so unaware of how he is playing that they see someone else as more deserving of the big prize.  I would like Derrick to win since I see him as the only one consistently playing it...so I hope that he sends Frankie packing and the house/jury sees who has really been in charge, but when it is too late to do anything about it.  

  • Love 3

10:12 am BBT.  I flipped on to see if they were still asleep.  (Answer: Yes).   Just a couple of observations.  Why the heck does Frankie always get to sleep in the HOH room.  And man oh man, is the rock bedroom ever a mess.  But for some reason I don't feel like they are as nasty as they were last summer, just messy.   But then last summer, Amanda and McCrae were pretty much braying, eating and sexing in one of those rooms, and living among the refuse.  

  • Love 2

I think it's ridiculous that Victoria's family wants an apology from Frankies s sister, but they are very UPSET and are making a big deal of his "taking of vice authorities" comments . But why d o they want an apology from Arianna?

What he said was NOT okay. Frankie said it not his sister or his family. So if you want an apology you should ask him for one. Also I do not think that she is now a "target for rape" as they said in the article.. What he said was horrible and disgusting but none of them in the house are going to rape her.

They will probably get one now from Ariana after they called her out since I'm sure her PR people are having a stroke right about now. But she isn't her brother and doesn't control what he is saying. I'm honestly surprised her PR team hasn't said pull him out of this house NOW!

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Well, it was only a matter of time before Victoria's family reacted to Frankie's remarks about the taking of her virginity:



Is link odd to anyone else.  The pics were large and blurry.  I am having computer problems, that is why I ask.  It it them or me?!

Edited by wings707

I know we'll never see a response from CBS.  The only thing they care about is the $$ bottom line. Any uproar over this just adds to their media presence - the idea that even bad publicity is good.  I'm not tech-savvy, but there ought to be a way that anyone who feels this filth is out of line could make a clip like the one on TMZ and post it all over the various personal media accounts of these sick hamsters. Post it over and over again, with remarks like "Unacceptable", "How would you like this to happen to your....."  Just flood them all.

  • Love 2

What he said was NOT okay. Frankie said it not his sister or his family. So if you want an apology you should ask him for one. Also I do not think that she is now a "target for rape" as they said in the article.. What he said was horrible and disgusting but none of them in the house are going to rape her.

They will probably get one now from Ariana after they called her out since I'm sure her PR people are having a stroke right about now. But she isn't her brother and doesn't control what he is saying.



I will add that asking for an apology never works.  One is always given but it lacks sincerity.  The way to go is for someone to point out Frankies behavior to him and ask what do you have to say about that? 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

I'd say the odds of you getting your wish are an Overwhelming Yes!

Frankie's rape joke about Victoria made TMZ. Her mother demands he and Ariana publicly apologize.

I think the addition of Ariana was to get more publicity for their outrage. Interested to see if AG's people ignore this or take steps to distance her from it.

  • Love 1

Do you think those are real quotes from Victoria's mom? Seems like she overreacted a touch. Why should the entire Grande clan apologize? Frankie is gross, but they didn't do anything.

There was just a BB promo on CBS during tennis and the tag line was something about allies having to turn against each other imminently. I guess this is what production is waiting for. Hopefully it is as good as they think, but I really think Christine will go calmly and Frankie sucks. I never have constructive thoughts about Frankie.

Edited by AndreaK1041

Victoria's mama wanting an apology from Ariana and the whole family is kinda over the top and silly, however I imagine they are horrified and since they can't get anything from him or CBS right now, they want someone to say what was said about their loved one.  


And if Ariana is willing to smile and say HI FRANKIE...I LOVE AND WATCH YOU EVERY SECOND ON THE SHOW....then it isn't such a huge stretch that when some of what she and America is watching is horrifying that they would want a response from her about it.  Celebrity is nice and all...until it is a huge, horrible, life sucking bitch.  Welcome to it Ariana!  

  • Love 5

Victoria's mother has taken this to the edge of the cliff. Frankies comments have NOT made her susceptable to rape. Good grief.

Right? Everybody has to grab their 15 minutes of fame however they can, I guess. What Frankie said was crass and inappropriate, but he's directed way worse in Zach's direction and I don't see Zach's mom demanding anything. Edited by Pixel

I believe ALL the families of the females in the house would have an adverse reaction to Frankie and Caleb's comments about their loved ones. That said, I believe Victoria's family, in particular, was the one NOT to offend. Throughout the season, Victoria has mentioned, more than once, what her father/mother/family would do to someone who wronged her in her life....and her descriptions weren't pleasant. I can understand them (but don't necessarily agree), demanding apologies from everyone and anyone associated with Frankie and BB. (They should also be going after Caleb BUT Frankie is the "hated" houseguest this year so they went for him alone.)

I accept how they feel but considering what went on last year, they'll never get a public apology from CBS and my guess is that Ariana's Team will put a muzzle on her and her family, as well.

Unfortunately, some men say these kinds of things about women all the time. It's not right or acceptable but it happens.....just not on live television. These houseguests are at the point where they tend to forget or disregard the 24/7 cameras.

Edited to add:

There's no way in hell any of those guys would seriously consider raping Victoria or ANY other female in the house.

Also, if Frankie's sister weren't famous they'd never be asking for an apology from her. Ridiculous!

Edited by tinderbox

Right? Everybody has to grab their 15 minutes of fame however they can, I guess. What Frankie said was crass and inappropriate, but he's directed way worse in Zach's direction and I don't see Zach's mom demanding anything.


Yep!  There is no reason to get all lathered up about anything Frankie has to say.   pfffffffffft  What purpose does it serve?  He is a little man and blip on the screene for everyone except Ariana's PR team!  Sorry to mention this again.   I just chuckle all to myself about that one frequently.  Poor babies. 

Edited by wings707

I also don 't see that the jury sees any of this. I don't think they have any idea how much of a hand Derrick has played in everything that has gone on. He's done a good job getting what he wants to happen without the blood being on his hands. He's also done a pretty good job making friends with people and hoping it would translate to people liking and trusting him. The only real way I can see this backfiring on Derrick is if the jury is so unaware of how he is playing that they see someone else as more deserving of the big prize. I would like Derrick to win since I see him as the only one consistently playing it...so I hope that he sends Frankie packing and the house/jury sees who has really been in charge, but when it is too late to do anything about it.

I mentioned this about a month ago. Has he played TOO good of a game? As much thought as he's put into everything he's done to manipulate all the decisions, does he keep a running talley in his head for his F2 speech? IMO, it's gonna have to be a great one, but will he be able to "mist" them when they aren't face to face, physically in the same room?

ETA..NM can't find reference.

Edited by Txfeenix

Right? Everybody has to grab their 15 minutes of fame however they can, I guess. What Frankie said was crass and inappropriate, but he's directed way worse in Zach's direction and I don't see Zach's mom demanding anything.


I don't wanna get on a violence against women soapbox on a BB board, but well...here I go.  When people talk about rape in a jokingly manner it is always inappropriate, but it is even more so when it is done in reference to women.  I doubt very much that it has ever entered Zach's mind that he would be raped or sexually assaulted, however I am pretty confident that it has entered the mind and fears of almost all women.  There is a different reaction because it is something that is based in actual fear. 


Still, Victoria's mom went off the crazy edge with it.  What was said about Victoria is horrible and crass and disgusting, but that didn't suddenly make her more at risk for being raped.  


I do wonder with it making it to the mainstream coverage aka TMZ (Ugh), if CBS will address it.  They seem to want to let much of that stuff be only known to the feedsters unless their hands are forced.  If and hopefully WHEN Frankie is evicted, I'd love to see Julie grill him about it.  He said it (Caleb too) and so he deserves to be the one to have to deal with it, not his family or any of his non-existent fans.  

  • Love 9

Frankie would be so thrilled to be on TMZ.  lol.  Until he finds out why.  Skimming comments, not many people like him there, either.


Ariana has no need to "apologize" for his comments.  She has nothing to do with it.  


I think a short statement of disapproval by her would be a smart move.


Yeah, no sympathy for her PR people.  It's their job.

  • Love 3

Didn't someone mention before that Victoria's family is litigious? I don't think they're necessarily after fame but seeking to file a lawsuit.

Bingo!!!! I was just going to post this. Plus Victoria's family needs money. They are looking for a payday. CBS? Ariana? Both have deep pockets. If Ariana's ppl want this to go away, then throwing cash at them will do it.

Although, I doubt this will go viral and go away on its own.

That's why they're focusing on the Grande's IMO.


In the video the other HG's laughed and made some comments but they kept saying it was uncomfortable while Frankie kept on and you could see towards the end they got a bit serious. Besides, Ariana's where the money is since they can't sue CBS.


I cannot find a video of the rant.  TMZ has one but everything Frankie says is obscured with a ridiculous sound. 

.Unfortunately, some men say these kinds of things about women all the time. It's not right or acceptable but it happens.....just not on live television.

I am sure some men are totally comfortable with this sort of talk just as some people make racist comments and others make homophobic slurs and talk about murdering gay people. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be outraged when the comments are made public. We should be outraged. Women have the right to get mad as hell about this kind of rape talk. After all there is a rape or sexual assault nearly every 2 minutes in the U.S. And, mind bogglingily, this rate has dropped 50% in the las 20 years. I believe one of the reasons it has dropped is that women and men do express their outrage and consider rape beyond the pale. This sort of talk should be as strongly condemned as racist or homophobic comments.

Frankie's hand gestures and noises were repulsive, and I can see why parents would be upset having this pantomime involving their daughter -- or son for that matter.

  • Love 13

The TMZ video worked for me, hopefully this works for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu8RBCNWidI


I think after Frankie said about him dressing in drag that Derrick joked about fucking him in drag with the zing bot glasses on and then Frankie turned it back to Victoria. I could be wrong, my audio's not that good so if someone can clarify that'd be great.

  • Love 1

How do we know they are litigious? I love juicy details.

It was mentioned a few x in this thread that we are both posting in.

She mentioned a while back on the feeds that she was walking on a sidewalk and a tripped on a hole or crack and got a slight injury ad sued the city and the settled. I think it was in Florida.

If this thread was just "live feed info that's current or facts on what's actually happening on the feeds" and not interviews or media blurbs, general contestant discussion, past season stuff, it'd be like a quarter it's size. Like I read the past 2 pages I have no idea whats going on in the house right now.

  • Love 3

There is absolutely nothing going on in the house right now!  Correction, Cody is brushing his teeth, Christine is cooking something, the rest appear to still be sleeping.


I think that is perhaps why this thread gets off-track a lot this season (raises hand as being guilty here and there...working on it), 90% of the time, there is NOTHING of note happening in the house. 

  • Love 4

The TMZ video worked for me, hopefully this works for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu8RBCNWidI


I think after Frankie said about him dressing in drag that Derrick joked about fucking him in drag with the zing bot glasses on and then Frankie turned it back to Victoria. I could be wrong, my audio's not that good so if someone can clarify that'd be great.



The sound is terrible on that and I could not hear well either.   I got the gist.  I had only read about it.


 A nasty young man being vile.  No one was harmed. 


A lot of Hollas this morning and some of them funny.  BB was playing around with them.  Onward to this day for me!  Thanks for the link, Will.  

They will probably get one now from Ariana after they called her out since I'm sure her PR people are having a stroke right about now. But she isn't her brother and doesn't control what he is saying. I'm honestly surprised her PR team hasn't said pull him out of this house NOW!


Ariana's PR team isn't representing Frankie, so there's no way they can make decisions regarding him being in the BB house or not.  A lot of celebs have to put up with embarrassing family members that they have no control over.  Ariana will have to get use to it because Frankie isn't going to change; he's always going to be an obnoxious asshole.


I understand Victoria's parents' outrage, but she's not going to get raped in the Big Brother house, and Ariana doesn't owe anyone an apology for her brother's disgusting behavior.

  • Love 3

She mentioned a while back on the feeds that she was walking on a sidewalk and a tripped on a hole or crack and got a slight injury ad sued the city and the settled. I think it was in Florida.


I think she was rollerblading.   Christine was upset about such a frivolous law suit - "It was your fault!"

Victoria said nuh uh.  Victoria said in her Utopian "high end" town, they pay "a lot of taxes".  Therefore, it was the city's fault.  The sidewalks are supposed to be perfectly smooth.  After all, this fancy town doesn't even have stray cats - all cats are on leashes (per Victoria).

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 1

So, a few minutes ago, Cody joined Christine in the kitchen...she was telling him some of the stuff he did while drunk last night.  Then, Cody was just quiet and staring into space.  He had that hungover look of someone searching for anything to come back to him about what happened when he was blotto last night/hoping that he didn't do anything too stupid/regret seeping in.  Or, at least I assume that was what that staring was, I've only heardtell of such feelings of regret myself!:)

Edited by pennben
  • Love 2

I think she was rollerblading.   Christine was upset about such a frivolous law suit - "It was your fault!"

Victoria said nuh uh.  Victoria said in her Utopian "high end" town, they pay "a lot of taxes".  Therefore, it was the city's fault.  The sidewalks are supposed to be perfectly smooth.  After all, this fancy town doesn't even have stray cats - all cats are on leashes (per Victoria).






You should go to Youtube and watch the clip (it's where I saw it).  Zach is totally making fun of Victoria - tell us another wonderful story.  She also tells the story of the black what's it called (crow) that put it's what they're called (talons) into her two year-old  shoulders and flew up into the sky with her.  Victoria's mom had to actually get out of her chair to leap up and save Victoria.  Jocasta proceeds to reenact the traumatic incident using a gym shoe, and asking Victoria, "were you the smallest two year-old in history?"  It's absolutely hysterical, and Victoria is only slightly suspicious that she's being mocked.

I think after Frankie said about him dressing in drag that Derrick joked about fucking him in drag with the zing bot glasses on and then Frankie turned it back to Victoria. I could be wrong, my audio's not that good so if someone can clarify that'd be great.


That's totally the way I took it, too. I took Derrick's comments about Victoria's dad and punching the computer screen as Victoria's dad seeing that conversation and punching the screen because he was angry at WHAT FRANKIE WAS SAYING, not at the imagery of his daughter being violated.


In fact, to me, it looks like Derrick is making a joke about the Zingbot having sex with FRANKIE IN DRAG, not Victoria. Glad I'm not the only one who saw it that way.


Frankie was the vile one here. He made the only rape joke, from what I can see. Even Cody started out saying "Jesus, Frankie, c'mon ..." and later "that is so fucking foul." And Christine's original joke about "please don't make love to Victoria later. She's very feisty. You're gonna be drunk" doesn't bother me. It came after them saying the only ones drinking would be Cody, Caleb and Victoria. I was tailgating on a college football Saturday yesterday and at least one joke was made about a drunk guy friend and drunk girl friend ending up in bed together because they were being drunk and irresponsible. THAT was a joke ... Frankie just escalated it. He was the one who took it to the inappropriate place. Just because everyone else in the room didn't immediately jump up and freak out and throw a fit doesn't mean they condoned it.

Edited by Bob Sambob
  • Love 8

You should go to Youtube and watch the clip (it's where I saw it).  Zach is totally making fun of Victoria - tell us another wonderful story.  She also tells the story of the black what's it called (crow) that put it's what they're called (talons) into her two year-old  shoulders and flew up into the sky with her.  Victoria's mom had to actually get out of her chair to leap up and save Victoria.  Jocasta proceeds to reenact the traumatic incident using a gym shoe, and asking Victoria, "were you the smallest two year-old in history?"  It's absolutely hysterical, and Victoria is only slightly suspicious that she's being mocked.



OMG, thank you for this!  Jocosta went up in my book a couple of points, which is good because she didn't have any!  She was genuine in this clip and I had not seen that before.  Poor Victoria, there is little hope her parents can find a suitable mate for her. 

  • Love 2

She's from Weston, that's one of the best places to live in in Florida. I'm not surprised they paid out such a frivolous lawsuit. They have quite a few millionaire neighborhoods there, it's pretty nice actually..


12:03pm Vic up. 12:07 BB: "Did you wash your hands?" Vic, who was just out of WC and fixing her hair, immediately washes her hands. 


12:31pm Cal doing some cleaning in the KT


Vic telling Der that Chris told her that Vic shouldn't fold Der's clothes because he likes them a certain way and his wife doesn't

even fold Derrick's clothes. Victoria says she told her that she(Vic) always folds his clothes. Victoria "Who is she to say that to me?" "I was gonna slap her I am not kidding."

Earlier Victoria complained about this to Nicole before Derrick woke up.



Victoria, leave the man alone, he already has a wife!

Edited by willpwr
  • Love 1


How do we know they are litigious?    I love juicy details.

I heard this on there, too. As an aside, she also said her parents have horrible credit and that they get everything in her name because of it. Speaks to how much they need the bucks. 


She's from Weston, that's one of the best places to live in in Florida. I'm not surprised they paid out such a frivolous lawsuit. They have quite a few millionaire neighborhoods there, it's pretty nice actually..

This didn't happen in Weston, she said. She added that there are no cracks in the sidewalks in Weston to trip over and also that the cats of Weston are leashed. 

He can give honest DRs and still be respected. Backstabbing and manipulating is part of the game. It's expected and respected. Playing the audience isn't. The audience wants to be let in on the players game. That's part of the entertainment.

There is more to his playing the viewers than his job. I really think he wants to cash in on his BB fame and needs us to like him to do so.

I can't remember exactly who it was, maybe Maggie, but a strong player who won one of the seasons never gave truthful DR interviews. That kept production in th dark and they could not manipulate her, she kept throwing them off the track, which in the end led her to be the winner. I think of Derrick using this same strategy. Edited by TheGapper
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