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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Every year for YEARS I spend lot of time on 'Survivor Sucks' (yuku). on the Big Brother forum. After the show they post all interviews and links to the house guests. These guys over there are pretty brutal, but very BB savy and funny as hell.

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Wow, it sounds like Dr. Will is pulling for Cody--or at least isn't supporting Derrick. Maybe it isn't going to be a slam dunk for Derrick after all.


Will plays the game.  If the producers told him to play devil's advocate to keep this from being the least boring jury selection ever, he would.  He would probably do it even if they didn't.  This is a guy who did two speeches before an All Star eviction, the real one and the "I hate you all"' that he knew would get aired.


If Dr. Will is not supportive of Derrick, its likely because Will's approach relied heavily on play with no fear and entertain America.  Derrick is the antithesis of both of those.  Cody I just inept at it.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Well, Jeff just tweeted that the post-show interviews will not be airing live. Like why does this season continue to just be the worst? Ugh. You just know they're doing this so they can edit out any negative comments towards Frankie.


Ordinarily I would cry foul on conspiracy but this has to be correct.  There is NO reason not to do this otherwise.  

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People at another forum are wondering why the hell Frankie is going to be 'stinking' up The Talk . They believe it's because he must of gotten AFP.



Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.  No no no no no no no no no.  


I would rather think that CBS is trying to bury the "rape" controversy without addressing it.  Confuse it with the good Frankie.  CBS has a job to do here.  I don't care.   

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BB is so mean! They just showed a "live" clip of the F3 during Survivor. Cody and Derrick are practicing their speeches and pacing. Vic is doing her makeup in the mirror. Oy I know, I know but I like Vic and they never cut her some slack. 

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Goodbye guys until next year!  I'm glad we found a new home and many thanks to Stinger97 and Previously TV for being gracious hosts.  As always snarking about the hamsters with y'all is the best part of the Big Brother experience.  

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Let me get this straight…Amber has a phobia of bananas, yet she is dressed like one?

I thought she was the best dressed hamster hands down.

Just saw in backyard interview that Donny admitted to scratching out Victoria's name on the bathroom door.

Edited by ZSweetJane
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Any reason given why?


IMO, because Donny probably isn't the down home nice country boy we all think he is.  I'm not saying he's evil or anything, but I do think we'll see more sides of Donny's personality now that he is out of the house and the show is over.  He seemed totally "Mean Girls" proud of himself that he did that.  

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It seems Donny wants to go on more reality shows. He wan't happy about America voting Derrick as part of TA with him and the cards TA dealt him. He said he didn't form alliances because he wanted to be approached to form one and only Devin and Derrick approached him but he didn't trust Derrick. He said he loved everyone in the house yet he didn't talk to them because he couldn't stand being around them. His interview that I saw seemed that he's letting the fan love get to his head TBH, it was a bit contradictory, kinda bitter, he kept saying he was right from the start, referred to himself as "l'il ole me", felt backstabbed by TA yet admitted he never wanted TA. He apparently feels like he was very wronged in the house, would change none of his actions, though because of "these people", however he wants to do Big Brother again as long as the cast is right for him and they want to work with him. Yeah, good luck with that, I really don't wanna see the martyr schtick on my screen again, I know he's loved but I agree with the rest of the cast, he's not as innocent as he wants them to believe. Please take responsibility for your actions or lack thereof next time, Donny, if you reappear, you are way too old and smart to be playing the blame game because people didn't want to carry you. You said your goal was jury house, well you made it there. It makes perfect sense to me that you're so close to Jocasta. I still like you because I think you're mostly a nice, decent man but I have no respect for your game play or the way you sell yourself as a victim.


Jocasta hates Victoria, she kept insulting her throughout the interview I saw. She was very bitter but kept talking herself up. I had to lower the volume.


Devin was rude to the interviewer, said he was over the interview and left. That's all I remembered besides his huge fake smile throughout.


Zach will be on Bold and the Beautiful also. He said he will be on TAR with Frankie who he loves so much and thinks is the man. Kept saying he's straight and not to ask about Zankie, he's all about Ariana.


Hayden got to pimp out his pedicab business. He and Nicole are dating.

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I don't think Donny was ever trying to hide how much he hated most of these people though. Like he was throwing hardcore shade at them left and right all season. It was my favorite thing about him. And he always took it right to the edge of being maybe too cruel. But he never seemed to hide that fact about himself, IMO. He's a 3 dimensional person and wasn't trying, IMO, to be anything but himself.


I just love how much he hates Derrick and doesn't respect his gameplay because I feel the same.

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I don't think Donny was ever trying to hide how much he hated most of these people though. Like he was throwing hardcore shade at them left and right all season. It was my favorite thin

g about him. And he always took it right to the

edge of being maybe too cruel. But he never

seemed to hide that fact about himself, IMO.

He's a 3 dimensional person and wasn't trying,

IMO, to be anything but himself.

I just love how much he hates Derrick and doesn't respect his gameplay because I feel the same.

Agreed. Over all I think Donny was one of the nicest people ever on this show, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a little mean streak. Most of us do IMO.

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Just watched Caleb's backyard interview and wow, I can't believe he had the nerve to blame Amber for holding back his game until he "kicked her out". Delusional as ever. Someone really needs to sit that idiot down and set him straight. It wasn't Amber's fault that he chose to be obsessed with her. Classic stalker mentality. (But lawd help me I'd still watch him on TAR.)


Meanwhile, I think Miss Amber came across as more than a little full of herself. I'll give her credit though for not taking the interviewer's bait on the "obsessed" word association. But if she's so repulsed by bananas, why did show up dressed like one?

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Just watched Caleb's backyard interview and wow, I can't believe he had the nerve to blame Amber for holding back his game until he "kicked her out". Delusional as ever. Someone really needs to sit that idiot down and set him straight. It wasn't Amber's fault that he chose to be obsessed with her. Classic stalker mentality.


He's got a bunch of enablers on Twitter telling him Amber's a 'hoe' (lol!) and she's not even that pretty and he's agreeing with all of them and saying there's 'other fish in the see' (major lol!). He's gonna be SO messy on twitter, so that should be fun to watch.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just watched the backyard interviews. Cody literally said that he was taking Derrick to F2 no matter what because he couldn't live with "cheating" Derrick out of the money he deserved and because he was grateful to Derrick for supporting and guiding him throughout the game. This is where I would usually rant about how dumb he is and what a bad player he is, which is, obviously, all true, but I'm really more disappointed in the casting. I don't get why they put in one person who was obviously an above average player with so many people who were below average in general intelligence, emotional maturity, strategizing, and so on. I guess maybe they thought it would make good/highly rated TV to show someone playing a seemingly flawless game, but it doesn't seem like they really decided on that narrative until fairly late in the season when it was clear that Derrick's win would be inevitable. I like to see strong players go back and forth and have to work to outplay one another, but maybe the general audience isn't necessarily looking for that?


I think it's good to have a mix of players and to see how different strengths and weaknesses can affect different people's success in the game (e.g., Victoria making F3), but it's annoying that they cast so few people who were really set on winning and wanted to play hard and Derrick, the most focused, single-minded person ever. You would never hear Derrick saying "I knew I was giving away $450K, but I couldn't cheat my good buddy (of 3 months) out of the win he deserved." N-E-V-E-R. Even if Derrick's F2 opponent were someone whose game was arguably better than Derrick's, he'd try to convince the jury to vote for him anyway. That's what they're supposed to do; that's the game. To have "the second best player" admit that he's fine with losing is ridiculous. I understand why they don't cast 16 Derricks, but it seems like everyone else in the cast would have to more or less luck into a win (as many do).


Maybe TPTB thought that Derrick might be ostracized by the Cool Kids Club who'd be running the house and there could be a story with him having a Donny-like game with better game skills. With the cast skewing so young and dumb, maybe they thought that the people in their early-mid 20's would dominate the comps in the beginning and have control of the house (especially with the BOTB) and go after the "older" people, which could have included Derrick. Derrick has said that he realized that he needed to "youth up" his image to fit in. If he hadn't done that and had been more true to what his normal lifestyle/personality is, it probably would have been harder for the others to accept him as part of their crowd. I just can't figure out what the producers were thinking in casting this mix of people or how they expected the season to be any less boring and predictable than it was. With that being said, I guess the ratings were good so it was a success from their perspective.

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Hi everyone! Just as an FYI, I'm going to leave this thread open until October 8 (which is the day on which live feed access ceases). After that, I'm going to lock it up. However, please remember that this is a thread for the live feeds and the archives, which means any other topics should be taken to their appropriate threads. Thanks!

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I just watched the backyard interviews. Cody literally said that he was taking Derrick to F2 no matter what because he couldn't live with "cheating" Derrick out of the money he deserved and because he was grateful to Derrick for supporting and guiding him throughout the game. This is where I would usually rant about how dumb he is and what a bad player he is, which is, obviously, all true, but I'm really more disappointed in the casting. I don't get why they put in one person who was obviously an above average player with so many people who were below average in general intelligence, emotional maturity, strategizing, and so on. I guess maybe they thought it would make good/highly rated TV to show someone playing a seemingly flawless game, but it doesn't seem like they really decided on that narrative until fairly late in the season when it was clear that Derrick's win would be inevitable. I like to see strong players go back and forth and have to work to outplay one another, but maybe the general audience isn't necessarily looking for that?


I think it's good to have a mix of players and to see how different strengths and weaknesses can affect different people's success in the game (e.g., Victoria making F3), but it's annoying that they cast so few people who were really set on winning and wanted to play hard and Derrick, the most focused, single-minded person ever. You would never hear Derrick saying "I knew I was giving away $450K, but I couldn't cheat my good buddy (of 3 months) out of the win he deserved." N-E-V-E-R. Even if Derrick's F2 opponent were someone whose game was arguably better than Derrick's, he'd try to convince the jury to vote for him anyway. That's what they're supposed to do; that's the game. To have "the second best player" admit that he's fine with losing is ridiculous. I understand why they don't cast 16 Derricks, but it seems like everyone else in the cast would have to more or less luck into a win (as many do).


Maybe TPTB thought that Derrick might be ostracized by the Cool Kids Club who'd be running the house and there could be a story with him having a Donny-like game with better game skills. With the cast skewing so young and dumb, maybe they thought that the people in their early-mid 20's would dominate the comps in the beginning and have control of the house (especially with the BOTB) and go after the "older" people, which could have included Derrick. Derrick has said that he realized that he needed to "youth up" his image to fit in. If he hadn't done that and had been more true to what his normal lifestyle/personality is, it probably would have been harder for the others to accept him as part of their crowd. I just can't figure out what the producers were thinking in casting this mix of people or how they expected the season to be any less boring and predictable than it was. With that being said, I guess the ratings were good so it was a success from their perspective.


I don't even remember anymore where I posted about how I didn't agree with the "loyalty" thing that these BB and Survivor contestants keep sticking to when it comes to winning tons of money in the GAME they are playing. But after reading this post, it reminded me of S3 of Bachelor Pad where at the end, the final couple is given the choice to either "Keep" or "share" the money with their partner. This, of course, is done in private so they don't know what the other chose. If they both chose "share" then they split the money, if they both chose "keep" then they don't get any money and the jury splits the money between them, and if one chose "keep" and one chose "share" then the keeper gets the entire prize money and their partner gets nothing. THAT is the game. In S3 the guy chose "keep" and his partner chose "share" so he won all the money and everyone FREAKED OUT and got so mad at him. And he kept repeating, "That is the game! I did what I was supposed to do, and I won!" etc. And he was right. He convinced his partner to choose "share" and he kept it all. 


Long story short…I was so happy he did this because he was right. ITS A GAME. It isn't about loyalty in life. And loyal to someone you really don't know at all since any of these people can be completely lying about who they are (and Derrick did lie). Any of them can say anything and no one would know the difference. So, Derrick played them all. I also think most of the cast were not on par with him though. Its like an adult winning a race against a 5 year old. 

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I don't remember which thread it was in, but somebody earlier had mentioned the TAFT scat skit (I refuse to call that piece of cal a "play"), and it triggered a trace memory. Don't know why on earth this would only come to mind now, a month or so after the actual performance, but....

Some of you may recall my original post about my misfortune in catching the Victoria performance I'd unknowingly mercifully missed before, so I won't go over that again. Here's the thing, though; about three or four seconds into Victoria's demonstration of why she will never be an actress, I muted the TV and waited - for the pain to subside, and her bit to conclude. I did catch the rest of her"performance", however, with the TV muted.

So tell me why, weeks later, it should occur to me that Audrey Landers' Chorus Line rendition of "Tits and Ass" would perfectly overlay Victoria's muted performance...?

Sometimes I worry about me - a LOT.

Edited by Nashville
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So, Derrick played them all. I also think most of the cast were not on par with him though. Its like an adult winning a race against a 5 year old.


Thank YOU, WiCkedWitCh.  I don't think Grodner planned well at all--probably too blinded by The Light That is Frankie.

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 it reminded me of S3 of Bachelor Pad where at the end, the final couple is given the choice to either "Keep" or "share" the money with their partner. This, of course, is done in private so they don't know what the other chose. If they both chose "share" then they split the money, if they both chose "keep" then they don't get any money and the jury splits the money between them



That was done on Paradise Hotel 10 years ago.  Interesting that it got revived.  

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Paradise Hotel is my forever example of Reality TV at it's absolute finest.  You could firmly put your brain in the off position and just enjoy the melee. 


My husband went to high school with one of those girls.  The hilarity of his phone ringing as all of his friends called to tell each other that the girl was on the show is a great memory :)

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