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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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It's one of the things that's helped him stay so far under the radar.  It would be pretty awesome if he makes it to finale with not one win under his belt:  He might be the only one in BB history to win without ever having won a single comp, or being on the block.


Derrick did win a comp - he was co-HoH with Nicole, eventually becoming sole HoH, and it was on his watch that Devin went out in week 3.  


ETA: He was also co-HoH with Frankie (Frankie becoming sole HoH) in week 8.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 2

I never thought I'd say this, but I actually started to like Christine a little bit last night. When she was muttering about just going up to talk to the Detonators to put on a front and that she knew she was the bottom of the totem pole, I started to like her.  Too little, too late, Christine, but at least you finally woke up.

  • Love 5

I think it's interesting that it seems like Derrick has been low-key keeping Frankie around. There have been plenty of times when he could have led the charge to get him out but he always finds a way to talk people into targeting someone else (Frankie has been BD target for 4 weeks!). Derrick has been getting rid of Frankie's support system, first Zach, and now trying with Caleb but I do wonder why he's doing this when he even admitted that Frankie is his biggest competition. Tonight's DE is so dependent on who wins HOH. Right now it's not looking good for Frankie despite Derricks best efforts to target Christine.

LOL - Did anyone else catch Caleb's remark about beating someone, that he was the Coyote to her (?) Roadrunner?  I think he needs some tutoring in remedial cartoon.  

For some reason, that whole thing works for Caleb in that a) he clearly doesn't understand the dynamics of Coyote v. Roadrunner (who, by the way, is a giant asshole) and b) in the Amber/Caleb romance he was sort of the Coyote to Amber's Roadrunner, even though he never tried to launch himself at her with a giant boomerang or actually put out birdseed for her to eat.

  • Love 3

Feeds back. Nothing happened. And so it goes...


LOL! The story of the season.


I do think that as boring as it might end up being, this DE will tell us a lot about Derrick's game and chances for the end. The same with Frankie. At least here's hoping.


Yea, I'm excited for this DE ep. Even if it ends with the boring/predictable eviction of Christine, there's a chance we'll get some insight into Derrick's endgame, I think. Oh, who am I kidding, nothing will happen and it'll be boring.


Did he mist himself? Some kind of memory loss? Gee, if only there were hours of video to prove Nicole right. 


LOL! Derrick's guilt trip manipulation is both boring and enraging. Also it's why I don't really believe his F2 speech is going to be him telling everyone how great he is and that he ran the game and he's a cop, etc. 


I can totally see his "addict personality" and I have no doubt that he'll be drinking (and whatever else) shortly after he leaves the house. Especially after he loses the game and realizes that he's hated, rather than adored, by America and that all of the dreams of superstardom that he had are for naught.


This made me feel kinda sad for a minute. Ew, I don't wanna feel bad for Frankie!


Ok. Total shame now. I've watched every season of the B/ette and, *deep breath*, I watched Bachelor In Paradise. I know. *hangs head*


Bachelor in Paradise is a masterpiece!


housecat, I figured it was a foregone conclusion that I've also caught both seasons of Bachelor Pad and am avidly watching Bachelor in Paradise. Will someone please help me? There needs to be a Promises facility for people like us. Daily group sessions involve watching things such as CSPAN and PBS (which I actually DO watch sporadically), and you are not allowed to use phrases like "it's what the house wants," "blood on my hands," "taking our relationship to the next level" and "here for the right reasons."


LOL! Seriously though, I do need a support group for this obsession with terrible reality shows that mostly just enrage me on a daily basis. Well, BP and BiP don't, they're just good, old-fashioned fun, but BB is the worst. Why do I keep coming back?!


I never thought I'd say this, but I actually started to like Christine a little bit last night. When she was muttering about just going up to talk to the Detonators to put on a front and that she knew she was the bottom of the totem pole, I started to like her.  Too little, too late, Christine, but at least you finally woke up.


Same. I'm rooting for her now. It really is way too late, but I just can't bring myself to root for any of the guys and I think there's a chance Christine might actually make a move at some point so. CHRISTINE FOR DE HOH!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

If Christine doesn't win HOH, I hope it's Cody. Because I know he will do what Derrick wants and get Christine out, which literally makes no sense and is terrible for his game and he knows it. It'll make me laugh when he shows what a spineless, terrible player he is. On the flip side, maybe the dino costume has permanently made him not terrible and he'll go for Frankie like he wants to. Either way, I win!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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This may be off topic, but you're a wonderful friend. Some people don't even have relatives that would be so kind. Back on topic, it looks like you picked a bad season to start her on. :-)

She loves, I mean loves!, Caleb. Sigh.  She really liked Frankie but then even she, the noob, could finally see he is an ass.  I think she is more "riled" by the other show. 


I think it's interesting that it seems like Derrick has been low-key keeping Frankie around. There have been plenty of times when he could have led the charge to get him out but he always finds a way to talk people into targeting someone else (Frankie has been BD target for 4 weeks!).

Yes but anytime Derrick finds out someone like Donny and now Nichole has his game down they are quickly dismissed and out of the game.  When Nichole said to Derrick that he had the best game in the house I knew the tide would turn and it did.

Edited by jumper sage
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Frankie reminds me of that guy from Airplane! that runs around saying outrageous things like, "Nick! Heath! Jared! There's a fire in the barn!" Now that guy was funny. Frankie is just doing a poor imitation of that guy.

Yes - I loved that guy too! The character's name was Johnny. Loved when he was talking to the reporters and described the plane's colors and said it looks like a big Tylenol. Frankie is no Johnny. :)


Back to topic - At this point I don't care who gets HOH as long as they actually have the balls to put up someone for eviction besides Victoria: Frankie would be first choice, but Christine, Caleb, I need one of them gone tonight. I would also include Derrick but I think the chances of that happening are about the same as Frankie developing an inferiority complex.


Unfortunately I think unless Victoria actually gets HOH which is pretty unlikely, she'll be the second one leaving because this group of HGs is painfully reluctant to make any kind of move except the most predictable ones.

Edited by parrotlover

parrotlover, I think Christine is very likely to go tonight. It's what Derrick wants. Cody and Frankie will most likely give him what he wants if they get HOH. Caleb will vote how Derrick tells him to. I think the only way Victoria goes is if Frankie wins HOH and doesn't put up Christine or maybe if Cody wins HOH and doesn't do what Derrick tells him to do. Then it'd probably be Frankie vs. Victoria and Derrick would have to decide who he wants to keep and it could possibly go either way.

Well, dammit, autumnh, try to not let that happen again!!!:)  We do have protocol here!!!


Take care, I'll take time away from the game to spare many thoughts for your well-being.  


P.S.  Can I still spare a few moments to hope Frankie crashes and burns in the worst way possible?


Be well, my anonymous friend.


P.P.S  Peachmangosteen is the best: not only in watching and playing with the rest of us, but trying to keep the threads on track here and there.  We're all in this sad slog to the end of this season together......sigh.

Ugh..Frankie! lol :) and thanks!

That's exactly my take on it: He hasn't needed to win anything. The one time he was close was when Frankie's grandfather died, and he clearly threw it so Frankie could get the pics for HoH. Derrick has enough of a hold on his alliance that he can guage by slight behavioral differences whether there's a need to do it. So, not only does he not HAVE to win, he does have to present himself as a non-threat, so ego-maniacs like Frankie and Caleb think they are smoking him, when in reality, they are giving Derrick vital info to use in getting him to the final two as a reason for beating them. Once there, he can give specific examples of when and why he threw each comp.

It's one of the things that's helped him stay so far under the radar. It would be pretty awesome if he makes it to finale with not one win under his belt: He might be the only one in BB history to win without ever having won a single comp, or being on the block.

I have been fascinated with Derrick's game play and wonder if it had been another undercover cop, if the game would've been played with such finesse. I have a friend that was an undercover cop right when he graduated from the academy and he was in a school, so he essentially was also with young people. He was not as old is Derek and he clearly did not have as much experience as Derek has, but he was fairly good from what I understand. If I think of him doing this, I shudder, he not nearly would've had the patience to deal with this bunch of fruit loop dingusses the way Derrick has. I think Derek's undercover cop background has helped him greatly with understanding the behavior of the other houseguests and completely using that to his advantage. It's obvious. Even had there been houseguest with more smarts, I think he still would have had the upper hand. He seems really good at what he does. This isn't a fluke. I can't wait for the DE.

ETA I apologize for the various ways of the spelling of Derek, it's because I'm using a voice recorder and not typing. I'm terrible at typing

Edited by TheGapper

I actually expected Derrick's manipulations and tactics to be much better than they've actually been. He's an undercover cop, and apparently a pretty accomplished one, so it's his job to manipulate people. I would think he'd have better techniques than the guilt trip. And I'd think he'd be using different tactics on each person as opposed to literally saying the same thing to everyone. I also thought maybe he'd be more exciting as a personality, but maybe he would've been if being a boring player who kept anything interesting from happening hadn't ended up being exactly what was needed for this season. Or if he'd faced any adversity at all. Lucky asshole!

  • Love 6

I think it's interesting that it seems like Derrick has been low-key keeping Frankie around. There have been plenty of times when he could have led the charge to get him out but he always finds a way to talk people into targeting someone else (Frankie has been BD target for 4 weeks!). Derrick has been getting rid of Frankie's support system, first Zach, and now trying with Caleb but I do wonder why he's doing this when he even admitted that Frankie is his biggest competition. Tonight's DE is so dependent on who wins HOH. Right now it's not looking good for Frankie despite Derricks best efforts to target Christine.

I think Derrick's main motivation for keeping Frankie in the game so long is Team America and the potential to make more money. He needs to let that go now.

  • Love 1

parrotlover, I think Christine is very likely to go tonight. It's what Derrick wants. Cody and Frankie will most likely give him what he wants if they get HOH. Caleb will vote how Derrick tells him to. I think the only way Victoria goes is if Frankie wins HOH and doesn't put up Christine or maybe if Cody wins HOH and doesn't do what Derrick tells him to do. Then it'd probably be Frankie vs. Victoria and Derrick would have to decide who he wants to keep and it could possibly go either way.

peachmangosteen -What do you think if Christine gets HOH - would she go after Frankie? As gina64 said Derrick doesn't want to cut ties with Frankie because of Team America and I agree with that being the reason too. I think if Christine gets HOH as much as she wants Frankie out, Derrick would mind meld her away from evicting Frankie and it would be Victoria walking out. I think Derrick might have an inkling that Frankie isn't as popular as he thinks he is, and may be the better person to be sitting next to at the end. Also by keeping Frankie he won't have to worry about Arianna's fans coming after him when he leaves the house. Lol.

Edited by parrotlover

Derricks seems to believe TA is over, so I'm kinda surprised he's still saving Frankie, But it does make sense for him to want Christine out and she is more likely than Frankie to upset the apple cart Derrick's built, so it is understandable.


I think maybe the main reason Derrick's game is so boring to me is because it's not unexpected. He manipulates people for a living, and the, wow, he does it here. Big whoop. It's more fun when people you don't particularly expect to be great at the game, like say a catholic sports coach or a nurse or a dermatologist, pull it off.


ETA: parrotlover, I think Christine would absolutely put Frankie up. Now, if she was smart, she'd see she has to put him up against Caleb, which she has mentioned doing, but, you're right, most likely she'd put up Victoria with him. But if Frankie doesn't win veto, there's a chance Derrick would get rid of Frankie over Victoria. It'd be the wiser choice for him.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think Derrick's main motivation for keeping Frankie in the game so long is Team America and the potential to make more money. He needs to let that go now.


I don't think so.  If TA is still on without Donny, it will be on without Frankie.  And they seem to think Donny going did not change anything.  

I want Christine to win HOH!



Christine= Victoria + Frankie

Victoria= Christine and who Derrick tells her to put up. 

All the others= Victoria + Christine. 


Christine going bores me to tears. 


Derrick wants Christine out because she is a fierce competitor and close to Cody.  He fears they will form an alliance of 2 which could harm him.  If you would think about this a minute and FOCUS, you could be the one to join their alliance, wipe out the others.  It goes both ways, pinhead.  And she is good to take to F2. 

  • Love 1

I don't think last night was the first time Derrick outlined his game plan in the DR.  I think it's just the first time they've shown it, perhaps in response to endless online questioning why he's not doing that!  


I actually expected Derrick's manipulations and tactics to be much better than they've actually been. He's an undercover cop, and apparently a pretty accomplished one, so it's his job to manipulate people. I would think he'd have better techniques than the guilt trip.



It doesn't bother me, because I should think rule #1 in undercover work is not to get cute and overwork the situation.  If you're working with a bunch of fruit loop dinguses, don't pull out the heavy psyops stuff when simple ball scratching and whining will do.  


Next year let's have a house full of undercover cops and see what happens.  Day 1, they realize they're all undercover cops.  From that point on... it's all about who's best.

  • Love 7

From last night:


Nicole wants to see Caleb's muscles if he claims to be Beast Mode Cowboy NT

Nicole asks Caleb why do they call him Beast Mode because she hasnt seen him do anything that would indicate he is a Beast. NT

Caleb morphs into a character called "cletus" and says she cant be talking to him. Then he tries to insult her & laughs w/ boys NT

Caleb says "You are skating on thin ice and with your weight, you should be very concerned" nic didnt hear so he said it again NT

* Caleb then said to Nicole he was going to punch her in the head and he picked up a chair from the table like he would hit her. NT

Caleb called to the DR. BB: "Caleb, please go to the DR" NT


Nic wants to ruin Chris' game. Maybe say she'll vote for her as she's walking out the door. Derr suggests telling people that Chris and Frankie are playing the best games and that she'll vote for them if they make F2.

Nic thinks coming back into the house, she was meant to take out Chris and Frankie but it didn't happen. Derr says if he stays, he hopes it'll happen.
Nic says Derr shouldn't necessarily trust Cody. Derr asks for specifics about why he shouldn't.
Cody has been sort of an actor... she brings up Amber. Cody put on a big show, got teary - eyed about Amber, but when Caleb left he busted out laughing. When Nic saw that, she was shocked.
Derr asking if Cody would take him to the end... Nic thinks he would. Vs Chris? Nic says yes because he promised him first? Derr "he didn't really promise me first... no one says F2 to me at least"
Derr says he'd "love to be in F2 but it's not going to happen... one of us will be sitting with you in jury. We'd have to get to F3 without being chipped off"

He has definitely been throwing them but emerging as a beast may be a stretch. He does not appear to be able to smoke anyone in a physical comp but mental and now we see memory test could suit his abilities well.

I fully expect he's been throwing the physical comps, too. Health club muscles aside (sorry Caleb and Cody), Derrick is the only person in this House who has to regularly pass a fitness test to keep his job. Don't know what the Central Falls PD fitness requiments are, specifically, but many (most?) police department require such tests on an annual or biannual basis.

  • Love 2

Derrick worked undercover when he first joined the force. It is not unusual to use young rookies to blend in with the crowd especially when drugs are involved.  They don't stand out.  I doubt his undercover work plays a role here.  He is older now, a Sargent, family man and he is just being himself playing this game.  I doubt anyone's background can prepare them for this.   

Even if Derrick emerges as a comp beast, that will mean that he has to switch his game up and get everyone's blood on his hands. It's hard for me to believe that that's what he wants to do and it's a dumb strategy. His schtick is "Derrick, everyone's big brother, the nicest, most straightforward guy in the house." If he suddenly becomes "Derrick the Beast" slitting all of his good buddies' throats in the endgame, that could be problematic. He has explicit F2 deals with Victoria, Frankie, and Cody. How can he evict them without them being pissed that he lied to them all season? His manipulations are reliant on him not being the one to publicly pull the trigger so he can pull the victim aside and tell them how he wishes he could save them, but he can't.

  • Love 2

I fully expect he's been throwing the physical comps, too. Health club muscles aside (sorry Caleb and Cody), Derrick is the only person in this House who has to regularly pass a fitness test to keep his job. Don't know what the Central Falls PD fitness requiments are, specifically, but many (most?) police department require such tests on an annual or biannual basis.



I don't know about that.  I see some overweight cops around here.  But this is Florida!  

  • Love 1

I must be pretty drunk, because I just found myself thinking that Derrick seemed kind of hot in these kitchen scenes. I don't even know who I am anymore.

I was watching BBAD. last night and dag gum I was looking at the mellow , cool, relaxed man and thinking to myself how hot he is. He has certainly. grown on me . I can see how Victoria is enamored by him and how everyone gravitates. to him.

  • Love 3

I think everyone gravitates to Derrick because he is so nice to them.   His social game is brilliant, I will give him that.  I do think he missed a chance to get rid of Christine with the veto though by not trying to win.  He could have said he was respecting Caleb's wishes (gag) and would not use the veto.   He is just so afraid of getting blood on his hands at this point, and really, this is the point he should up his game in that respect.  I hope SOMETHING exciting happens tonight. Or should I say unexpected.

  • Love 5

I think everyone gravitates to Derrick because he is so nice to them.   His social game is brilliant, I will give him that.  I do think he missed a chance to get rid of Christine with the veto though by not trying to win.  He could have said he was respecting Caleb's wishes (gag) and would not use the veto.   He is just so afraid of getting blood on his hands at this point, and really, this is the point he should up his game in that respect.  I hope SOMETHING exciting happens tonight. Or should I say unexpected.



I totally agree.  I think Derrick could have talked them into keeping Nicole easily.  And we would have had Christine out first and had a chance at a more interesting second elimination.  


That said, I think Christine is the only hope in getting Frankie on the block tonight.  And if he is there, I do think they will vote him out.  

  • Love 1

I think Derricks best bet tonight is for either Christine or Frankie to win HOH and go after eachother because then either of them cannot win the next HOH and you try and take them out.

I know he wants Christine out bad, but I think she is going to 100% take out Frankie. So let her do that, then take her out next week. Frankie is a wildcard he says Christine but he might try and flip it and throw out Cody which would not be good for Derrick.

I was watching BBAD. last night and dag gum I was looking at the mellow , cool, relaxed man and thinking to myself how hot he is. He has certainly. grown on me . I can see how Victoria is enamored by him and how everyone gravitates. to him.

I agree.  I find Derrek kind of cute.  He's one of those who will wear his age well when he gets older.

I would also like to say that I would like Frankie to leave the house as soon as possible.  And on fire.  That would be a great interview.  :) 

  • Love 2

I'm confused. Do the houseguests know tonight is a double eviction? I keep seeing posts about them talking about it. If they don't know, why would they think tonight is one? What adds to my confusion is they don't know the season has been extended a week so if they are so certain of a double eviction how do they see the rest of the season running? I don't know. I'm just completely confused.

That said, I think Christine is the only hope in getting Frankie on the block tonight.  And if he is there, I do think they will vote him out.  



I think Derricks best bet tonight is for either Christine or Frankie to win HOH and go after eachother because then either of them cannot win the next HOH and you try and take them out.

I know he wants Christine out bad, but I think she is going to 100% take out Frankie. So let her do that, then take her out next week. Frankie is a wildcard he says Christine but he might try and flip it and throw out Cody which would not be good for Derrick.

Why do you think Christine would target Frankie? I'm asking sincerely. I haven't really been paying attention to the feeds lately, so maybe I missed something. I would expect Christine to (stupidly) target Victoria because she still seems to be following the Bomb Detonator agenda. Why does she want Frankie out? Isn't Frankie the closest thing she has to an ally outside of the Bomb Detonator bullshit, which she must see for what it is by now? Wasn't she pissed when she went on the block instead of Vic this week? I thought I read something like that and I meant to look into it further but I forgot.

I don't think Derrick's reticence has much to do with getting blood on his hands, and everything to do with working the Jury - something none of the other remaining HGs seem to think of, except when they take note they've offended virtually everyone there.

Assuming Nicole is the first to go in tonight's DE, I'd surmise Derrick has a pretty good lock on 4 of the 5 jurors. Still - after Nicole, he needs at the VERY least one more sure vote. After that, the last thing remaining on his agenda is F2.

Last question being: who does he want to be standing beside?

ETA: typo fixes

Edited by Nashville

Why do you think Christine would target Frankie? I'm asking sincerely. I haven't really been paying attention to the feeds lately, so maybe I missed something. I would expect Christine to (stupidly) target Victoria because she still seems to be following the Bomb Detonator agenda. Why does she want Frankie out? Isn't Frankie the closest thing she has to an ally outside of the Bomb Detonator bullshit, which she must see for what it is by now? Wasn't she pissed when she went on the block instead of Vic this week? I thought I read something like that and I meant to look into it further but I forgot.

She HATES him. Cannot stand him, and has said several times that she wants him out. And in conversations with Cody and Derrick she has said if she wins the next HOH that is who she is going for. I think it's also to prove to Cody and Derrick she isn't working with Frankie.

I was watching BBAD. last night and dag gum I was looking at the mellow , cool, relaxed man and thinking to myself how hot he is. He has certainly. grown on me . I can see how Victoria is enamored by him and how everyone gravitates. to him.

I agree. He looked good last night. Its those glasses and hat with that orange shirt. I was like woah Derrick where did this come from. It's insane how much different he looks from his photo on the Memory wall. He looks like a different person it's insane.

I actually think a few of the guys look a lot better now after being in the house. Zach I think was too skinny when he entered and I thought when he left the house esp in the outfit he wore he looked smoking hot. And Caleb looks a lot better without all the muscle mass.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 3

Why do you think Christine would target Frankie? I'm asking sincerely. I haven't really been paying attention to the feeds lately, so maybe I missed something. I would expect Christine to (stupidly) target Victoria because she still seems to be following the Bomb Detonator agenda. Why does she want Frankie out? Isn't Frankie the closest thing she has to an ally outside of the Bomb Detonator bullshit, which she must see for what it is by now? Wasn't she pissed when she went on the block instead of Vic this week? I thought I read something like that and I meant to look into it further but I forgot.



Jokers: * Christine asks Derrick and Cody in the dark if she puts up Victoria and Frankie during double eviction. Derrick agrees. NT


This is not clear due to the transcriber but it says to me she was testing the waters to see if they would be okay if she put Frankie up.  Now this doesn't mean she cannot change her mind.  But she was considering it as they fell asleep last night. 


AND she says she hates him every 12 minutes.  

Edited by wings707


and he is just being himself playing this game.


I really don't think he is. I mean, maybe this is his personality, but it seems to me he is playing to be "one of the boys" and has crafted himself a character and is being that character.  I think he physically looks SO different from his memory board photo - that it really seems to say he isn't being himself.


I think his undercover work does help him. Because he knows how to remain calm and stay in the character he's crafted. He knows how to say what other people want to hear without giving himself away.  And he knows how to continually deal with idiots because he can't blow his cover. 

  • Love 3

I don't care about strategy.  I don't care about looks.  I don't care about personalities.  I just want Nicole out so I don't have to listen to her DRs!  Her DR voice is beyond awful.  I don't quite understand because while it's not exactly pleasant in normal conversations, it's tolerable. But get her into the acoustics of the DR - the paint on my walls peels, the grass in my yard wilts and dogs for miles around howl!  She could be St. Teresa, with a passel of "special" children under her wing, building 17 schools in Upper East Swangalli, AFP of the Decade, with a solid lock on winning and I'd still want her gone just so I don't have to listen to that whiny screech that passes for her voice. Aaarrrrgh!  [/end rant]

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 3

I don't care about strategy.  I don't care about looks.  I don't care about personalities.  I just want Nicole out so I don't have to listen to her DRs!  Her DR voice is beyond awful.  I don't quite understand because while it's not exactly pleasant in normal conversations, it's tolerable. But get her into the acoustics of the DR - the paint on my walls peels, the grass in my yard wilts and dogs for miles around howl!  She could be St. Teresa, with a passel of "special" children under her wing, building 17 schools in Upper East Swangalli, AFP of the Decade, with a solid lock on winning and I'd still want her gone just so I don't have to listen to that whiny screech that passes for her voice. Aaarrrrgh!  [/end rant]



Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!  I am with you.  Terrible. Maybe when she sees herself on TV she will realize some voice modulation is required.  She needs professional help from a voice coach.  

Edited by wings707

I'm confused. Do the houseguests know tonight is a double eviction? I keep seeing posts about them talking about it. If they don't know, why would they think tonight is one? What adds to my confusion is they don't know the season has been extended a week so if they are so certain of a double eviction how do they see the rest of the season running? I don't know. I'm just completely confused.

They haven't stated it flat out (" Houseguests! You are NOT allowed to talk about Production!"), but they've dropped enough bread crumbs along the way to surmise the following:

1. Prior to entering the House, they were told an anticipated duration of season - with the caveat the date could be subject to change (as has happened this season, with the one-week schedule extension). Several BY conversations have appeared to indicate this original date was somewhere in the neighborhood of 9/16 or 9/17.

2. They were also told a "drop dead" date, beyond which the season would not extend under any circumstances - somewhere around 9/29.

When Nicole returned to the House as a buy back, the HGs knew they were going to blow by the original date estimation - not enough eviction dates left in the calendar - so they can make a semi-educated guess on the remainder of the schedule.

I was rewatching episode 2 and Derrick was more honest in his DR's before TA. He stated that he's treating BB as undercover work so his strategy is to play a character that lets him fit in and that he doesn't want to be viewed as a threat so I don't think he's being himself.


I also noticed that Amber did the best out of the girls in the first HOH competition and Christine did the best in the second HOH. That might be why Devin chose them.  It looks like the bomb squad was chosen as 3 guys from the first group: Devin, Cody and Frankie and 3 guys from the second group: Zach, Derrick and Caleb so they just ended up with 4 people from each group. They were considering Hayden but I think said something about his personality and not needing him.

Edited by willpwr

I was rewatching episode 2 and Derrick was more honest in his DR's before TA. He stated that he's treating BB as undercover work so his strategy is to play a character that lets him fit in and that he doesn't want to be viewed as a threat so I don't think he's being himself.


Excellent find Will!  You are so right and I am so wrong!  I like this, good to know and smart of him. 

Happy Double Eviction day! I am happy that two of these people are leaving. Plus I like double evictions. I will be happy if anyone but Derrick and Caleb go out. I still see Caleb as an outsider for some reason. For the nice folks in the jury, I hope for Cody to go because I think they will enjoy him most. Cody also in no way deserves the money, so I want him nowhere near the Final 2 because I think he might get votes. If Cody plays any part in getting Christine out, he is a complete moron.

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