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S01.E15: Death’s Door

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When a body is found professionally preserved and embalmed, the NYPD teams up with Edrisa to go undercover at a convention of funeral directors. While there, they discover their top suspects - morticians Tilda (guest star Ana Gasteyer) and Dev (guest star Sathya Sridharan) - who used to be in business with the victim. Then, enter the mind of a serial killer as Martin revisits his past through a series of hallucinations.


Airdate: Feb. 17, 2020

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Another fun episode.    You know things have gotten bad when Jessica is happy there is a murder to distract Malcolm.   Plus the “The Devil” Lawyer was kinda fun.  Almost wish Jessica had hired him.  

Martin’s nightmare made it look like the girl in the box might actually be alive and coming back for revenge which is an interesting development.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I finally got a glimpse of what my dream date between Malcolm and Edrisa would be like. I enjoyed it so much that I finally remembered the medical examiner's name. Finally a woman, Edrisa, that could match Malcolm mentally and energetically, why were they pushing Malcolm so hard towards Dani. I could imagine the scene where Malcolm is sleepwalking, grabs a sword and attacks Edrisa, Edrisa grabs another sword and after a short sword fight disarms Malcolm. Team Edrisa!

I really liked this episode, everything was great. If I could change one thing it would be Mama Whitly playing in Ainsely's hair, the scene was way too long, but I guess it shows that she was a loving parent. Even though that kind of contradicts that scene earlier where Mama Whitly left the kids in the park with the nanny while she headed back home. Weird that there was no scene where all of Mama Whitly's luggage was brought up right behind her, since she was supposed to be going on an extended trip.

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I actually ship Tanaka with Malcolm more then Dani.   I think they would make a fun pair.   They just kinda get each other and have a fun chemistry.     

I liked this episode because it dealt with Tanks more on a human level and less as a comical character.  She went into ME for a reason and Malcolm understood that.   

The show has a tendency to swerve left with Jessica when I think it’s going to swerve right.   I actually thought she might hire the devil lawyer which would have been a fun turn for the show but despite her faults and her foibles she does love her children and isn’t about to hire someone to defend her without a conscience.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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In a show filled with unbelievable things the most unbelievable for me in this episode was the girl believing a doctor would be without a cell phone (if we take Martin's nightmare of the meeting as true) for that matter I doubt a female jogger in Central Park would be without a cell phone.

My recording of the episode cut off just as Malcolm entered the morgue so I had to go to Hulu and then try to fast forward to the right scene to see the end.

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1 hour ago, dgpolo said:

In a show filled with unbelievable things the most unbelievable for me in this episode was the girl believing a doctor would be without a cell phone (if we take Martin's nightmare of the meeting as true) for that matter I doubt a female jogger in Central Park would be without a cell phone.

That happened about 20 years ago, so it's a bit more likely than in 2020.  

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Martin was arrested in 1998 and it's been established the girl in the box happened very shortly before that.  More and more people did have cell phones by then, but it wouldn't have been completely surprising for someone not to either.

This show is so great when it goes for broke and leans fully into just how whackadoo it can get.  Martin taking control of his nightmare/delusion with little Malcolm cheering him on as he overpowers what we can be pretty sure now was a real victim while carousel lights circle in the shadows on the wall behind him was another one of those great "Under Pressure" out the window moments.  I guess it's not surprising that Martin's mind stuck on the girl in the box since Malcolm keeps bringing her up, but it's interestingthat his subconscious let her be the one to speak for what he had done to his collective victims while otherwise not really dwelling too much on any of them.  Does it really mean anything in the greater story of what actually happened to her?  Oh, who knows?

Edrisa is so wonderfully geeky in what interests her, and I liked that she got to be more of an actual person this episode instead of just bit comic relief although I'll agree that a little of her can go a long way.  But ye gods, was our killer just completely over the top.  Sure, no problem breaking into a morgue to steal a body of interest and hold the ME hostage.  I'm sure they'll just let you waltz right out lugging that body in your dress and heels while waving that gun around.  Also amused that the writing for Malcolm is not even trying to pretend like any of the people involved know how procedurals work.  Otherwise he wouldn't be all but shouting it in hospital hallways that he's really the one who stabbed his father, but shhh, don't tell anyone.

The further into this show we get, the more I love Jessica.  She's so ridiculously overblown and overdramatic, but then she pulls back and feels genuine remorse for Martin's victims or for how she didn't protect her children in noticing that hey, the guy I spawned and am now parenting with murders people in his spare time.  Of course, she found the whole Carousel Killer made me stab Martin and why are you bothering me with the technicalities of this argument perfectly plausible. 

I initially found it a little odd that Eve chose now to pop back up again until I remembered that Jessica said she called her.  Wasn't she some kind of environmental or activist lawyer?  I get not wanting to deal with the slimy "Devil" but she still needs a criminal lawyer.  But yeah, way to understate I had sex with him and then he went nuts and pulled a knife on me with "he has demons."  I still think Eve has more chemistry with Jessica than Malcolm though.


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18 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Another fun episode.    You know things have gotten bad when Jessica is happy there is a murder to distract Malcolm.   Plus the “The Devil” Lawyer was kinda fun.  Almost wish Jessica had hired him.  

Yes, much fun and weirdness to be had, as is in this show's wheelhouse.   Loved seeing Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ragtime!), I hope they bring him back.  They continue to hit the mark with the guest casting. 

For me Edrisa is usually a little, shall we say, extra (i.e., a little of her goes a long way - this is a not a reflection on the actress, who is great, but more how the character has been written).  But I liked her a lot in this episode, I am glad they gave her more to do than (somewhat embarrassing) fan-girling over Malcom, and glad they gave more insight into her character.  Glad she, not he, ultimately saved the day. 

Enjoyed the moments between Malcom and Dani too and the strengthening of that friendship.  I still think, if he were paired with anyone (although my pref is still he takes care of his shit before any romantic relationships), she is the one that there is the strongest connection/chem with; they feel like more equals while his relationship with Edrisa just comes off as so crushy/unbalanced to me. But, you know,  different strokes...

5 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

More and more people did have cell phones by then, but it wouldn't have been completely surprising for someone not to either.

Yeah, I was in college back then and even if you did have a cell phone, it wasn't like today where it is something you take with you everywhere and use all the time.  So, of the many unrealistic, "must suspend belief" aspects of the show I don't think this is really a big one. 

So, Eve is back. yay....?...  I at least hope she will push forward some resolution on the girl in the box. 

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5 hours ago, Regalbegal said:

Yeah, I was in college back then and even if you did have a cell phone, it wasn't like today where it is something you take with you everywhere and use all the time.  So, of the many unrealistic, "must suspend belief" aspects of the show I don't think this is really a big one. 

While I agree one wouldn't have expected someone to have a cell phone, he was actually TALKING ON ONE to within earshot of her. 🤣

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Oh, Martin, Martin, Martin, I know you're going to escape from that hospital. Did I not see them or were there no guards standing by his hospital room?

I want to know if Martin's hallucinations was how he actually kidnaped the girl in the box? If so, I noticed when she was walking in his house to the phone she was barely limping so I think she could've walked to the subway or to hail a taxi. I've had a sprained ankle before and I couldn't put my weight on it but she was walking more like she had a blister than a sprang.

I still think Eve somehow knows the girl in the box.

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So... is it the show's running gag now that Malcolm will never wait for backup?

This one was fine; I liked that we saw more of Edrisa, and uncovered another layer to her.

Did I ... miss something from a previous episode between Dani and Malcolm?? The whole thing were she seemed really hurt that Malcolm didn't want to talk seemed weird. I didn't think they were that close at all? It seemed really 'off' and out of character, since I don't think they've really established that the relationship between them is like that.

Either way, I'm not into them a couple because I still think this actress is way too young for this role.

Not much new info on the Girl In The Box; we now know where Martin got her from.

Edited by Trini
Dang, typos quoted again!
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4 hours ago, CoyoteBlue said:

While I agree one wouldn't have expected someone to have a cell phone, he was actually TALKING ON ONE to within earshot of her. 🤣

Wow! Wonderful catch.

4 hours ago, Trini said:

So... is it the show's running gag now that Malcolm will never wait for backup?

This one was fine; I liked that we saw more of Edrisa, and uncovered another layer to her.

Did I ... miss something from a previous episode between Dani and Malcolm?? The whole thing were she seemed really hurt that Malcolm didn't want to talk seemed weird. I didn't think they were that close at all? It seemed really 'off' and out of character, since I don't they've really established that the relationship between them is like that.

Either way, I'm not into them a couple because I still think this actress is way too young for this role.

Not much new info on the Girl In The Box; we now know where Martin got her from.

They have been pushing Dani and Malcolm together hard. I think they really cemented their friendship when they spent all day together shopping for clothes appropriate for a billionaire's son's wedding and then attending the wedding together.

Malcolm not waiting for backup? Well this time it is personal, you did see him consider it, but Malcolm "has a particular set of skills". Malcolm's OTP was in danger and besides Edrisa's got this! You did say all that stuff for me, right? No? Well it put mama in the mood! Two for two!

I thought this explained quite a bit about the girl in the box. Martin thought he would be alone and got surprised, he had to go into stealth mode and improvise now that the house is full of family and servants. Martin probably has so much to do to stay under the radar that he has to collab with the Junk Yard Killer. Somebody remind me was the girl naked when Malcolm found her in the box? It seem's almost impossible that this girl is the same one from the camping trip or is it? This is probably when he starts to chloroform Malcolm, thinks about murdering Malcolm, and is possibly the end Martin's serial killer career. This is all speculation right now because I am murky on how much time would have elapsed in this scenario. She is the one that did and did not get away? 

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9 hours ago, Trini said:

Did I ... miss something from a previous episode between Dani and Malcolm?? The whole thing were she seemed really hurt that Malcolm didn't want to talk seemed weird. I didn't think they were that close at all? It seemed really 'off' and out of character, since I don't they've really established that the relationship between them is like that.

Since they came back from hiatus, there's been a lot more hints of Dani and Malcolm having feelings for each other, which I'm not surprised about...just a bit disappointed. Malcolm's nowhere near ready for a serious relationship and, if they do actually pursue this, Dani will only end up getting hurt. Personally, I don't ship anyone with Malcolm. He needs to figure out his personal stuff before he even thinks about pursuing anything romantically.

I did like seeing more of Edrisa. I did enjoy her interactions with Malcolm. Her one sided crush was getting on my nerves before this episode, so I appreciate they gave her more layers AND gave Malcolm more banter with her. He obviously isn't an idiot and is aware of her crush on him, but I like how he's handled it. Plus, I had a really good laugh at Edrisa taking down the killer and Malcolm's exasperated "I was talking her down!" as if he wouldn't have knocked the killer out in any other scenario, if the roles were reversed and it was Gil or Dani talking down the killer.

More Jessica is always lovely to see. I really like her character, and I didn't think that in the first couple of episodes. 

They have been doing better with Ainsley. I like her interactions with Malcolm as well. 

Martin's stuff was...decent enough. We got some more information out of the girl in the box, and I'm actually glad that they keep establishing Martin as a psychopath. 

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I don't remember exactly what Martin said about never hurting a patient of his and upholding his Hippocratic Oath, but wouldn't this girl qualify as a patient? The moment he touched her ankle and diagnosed the problem she became his patient, right?

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On 2/17/2020 at 9:48 PM, Chaos Theory said:

Martin’s nightmare made it look like the girl in the box might actually be alive and coming back for revenge which is an interesting development.

Malcolm's so obsessed with finding out what happened to her because the body of the girl in the box was never found, right? And his memories of her state in the box are certainly incomplete and fuzzy at best. Maybe it's possible that somehow she didn't actually die, and now Martin's (deep deep) subconscious is actually worried about it? I agree - I think that would be a very interesting development.

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20 hours ago, Regalbegal said:

So, Eve is back. yay....?...  I at least hope she will push forward some resolution on the girl in the box. 

For some reason I still don't quite trust her. I do wonder if she has some connection with the girl in the box (I'm not forgetting a plot point, right?). Maybe she'll be part of fulfilling  the revenge on Martin foreshadowing.

13 hours ago, Trini said:

Did I ... miss something from a previous episode between Dani and Malcolm?? The whole thing were she seemed really hurt that Malcolm didn't want to talk seemed weird. I didn't think they were that close at all? It seemed really 'off' and out of character, since I don't think they've really established that the relationship between them is like that.

I was really confused by her behavior too. I felt the same way, like I'd missed a scene or an episode and needed to go back and watch it. I didn't understand why she was so hurt by him. I know they've been hinting here and there, but it felt like a big jump, like I missed something.

Edited by sinkwriter
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3 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I don't remember exactly what Martin said about never hurting a patient of his and upholding his Hippocratic Oath, but wouldn't this girl qualify as a patient? The moment he touched her ankle and diagnosed the problem she became his patient, right?

It’s a quibble.    You are being far too literal.  Martin remained off everyone’s radar by being such a good surgeon and the moment a patient was referred to him being Doctor Perfect Surgeon.   But I doubt he counted the stray friend of Jessica’s who asked him to feel for lumps and definitely not a rando girl who just wanted to use her phone.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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3 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I don't remember exactly what Martin said about never hurting a patient of his and upholding his Hippocratic Oath, but wouldn't this girl qualify as a patient? The moment he touched her ankle and diagnosed the problem she became his patient, right?

It wasn't about his Hippocratic Oath, just that he "would never."  I'm guessing he meant official patients of record, the ones that had a paper trail that could tie them to him and his reputation as the brilliant society surgeon.  Otherwise you'd have to include his other victims, like the guy Ainsley said he ripped the heart out of to see how long exactly it would take him to die, as a patient.

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Another good episode. I loved the song they played in Martin's "dream." I thought this episode was solely going to focus on Martin possibly dying. I'm glad they didn't, because I love case of the week.

Okay, regarding Malcolm and pair-ups, they've been leading us towards a possible Dani/Malcolm romance since episode two, but it has been subtle until the wedding episode.

Episode 3: Fear Response is the first episode Dani and Malcolm had alone time in his apartment. She tied him in his shackles and he asked her whether it was the craziest thing she has seen and she said no. I think that meant a lot to him that she didn't make him feel like a freak. Also, I believe this was the episode he said he slept with lots of women, which made me believe he was trying to impress her.

Episode 7: The Trip - Malcolm learned more Dani. Her past was pretty dark with her being undercover and almost dying of a drug overdose. Again, she ends up at his apartment because he mistakenly inhaled coke during a shoot out and had to babysit him. He had one of his night terrors and she knocked the hell out of him. He slept like a baby until the next morning and he happily thanked her.  He jokingly said she should spend the night every night. This was the episode they established they were possibly friends.

Episode 13: Wait& Hope - He wanted to tell Dani something before he thought he was going to be blown up by the land mine, but chickened out. When he and Dani went dress shopping he complemented her on how gorgeous she looked in her dress.  She told him that it was smartest thing he said all day.

Malcolm likes Dani because he's comfortable with her, she's attractive, and she's able to handle his "crazy." Malcolm knows he can't be with a normal adjusted woman, like Eve. Look what happened when he slept with her. He almost killed her! Dani likes him as well, but shes way more reserved about it. Of course there's Dr. Tanaka, but I think he only see her as the woman that has a crush on him.

Just my observation.😏



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I am glad we got an episode focused a bit more on Edrisa, she had a lot of good lines, I really liked her scenes with Malcolm, and she got a bit more depth to her character as well, when she talked about how seriously she takes her work as an ME, even if she makes jokes. 

I dont know why, but I still dont totally trust Eve. Maybe because she keeps showing up in the Whitleys lives, maybe because I dont really know what she wants yet, maybe because she has been a possible love interest for Malcolm but he and Dani have increasing endgame romance energy and TV has taught me to distrust the second choice love interest, I dont know. 

This show really seems to finding a tone that works well for it. Its often dark and serious, but its also developing a darkly comedic, quirky style, and self awareness about the "troubled law enforcer tracks serial killers" genre. 

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19 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I dont know why, but I still dont totally trust Eve. Maybe because she keeps showing up in the Whitleys lives, maybe because I dont really know what she wants yet, maybe because she has been a possible love interest for Malcolm but he and Dani have increasing endgame romance energy and TV has taught me to distrust the second choice love interest, I dont know. 

I don't know why but after an episode of Martin being haunted by the idea of his last victim turning the tables on him and then Jessica turning to Eve for help, it made me wonder if Eve is related to the mystery victim and the reason she's getting closer to the family is for revenge.

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On 2/19/2020 at 11:58 AM, LadyOracle said:

Okay, regarding Malcolm and pair-ups, they've been leading us towards a possible Dani/Malcolm romance since episode two, but it has been subtle until the wedding episode.

Watching the pilot again last night, in hindsight, it seems like they were even starting to allude to it then..... 

On 2/23/2020 at 6:53 PM, tennisgurl said:

I dont know why, but I still dont totally trust Eve.

My wanton years of soap opera viewing always suggested that if a character shows up that is sort of opaque, either 1.  they ultimately will have some sort of ulterior motive or 2. the actor is not that good.  Hoping for the former here, otherwise Eve is just a really, really dull character. 

Edited by Regalbegal
Autocorrect got me!
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Watching the end again where Martin takes control of his nightmare, I love how he has Malcolm gazing up adoringly at him as Malcolm recites "No, you're not [ordinary]. You're a preditory psychopath." That's all Martin ever wanted, I think, for his boy to admire him as he is. Or even for what he is.

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