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Lego Masters (USA) - General Discussion

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Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize we were watching the incredible hero journey of the "I beat Tyler" brothers. From the "golly gosh darn we haven't won yet" confessionals to the not at all suspiciously timed offering of the golden brick to their triumph to their dramatic ascension from almost-first to actually winning, it's just so good to see young white men succeeding on reality TV, because that never ever happens.

  • LOL 3

Demo derby!

IMO the Geek Twins would absolutely have been gone this week if for some reason, someone in production or editing didn't obviously find them to be more compelling TV than Blonde Moms. I was saying the words "Susan and Jen" before Amy said them and my kids were all stunned at my predictive efforts. Guys, I have more experience in competitive reality TV than I do in almost anything else, don't question the master. I felt that Blonde Moms were the weakest link of those remaining, so I generally support the move, but I'm tired of the fawning edit the Geek Twins are getting as well. I'd throw shade at them driving right off the arena, but I'm terrible at anything involving remote control cars, so I probably would have done the same thing.

I'd like to thank whoever lost a wheel on the arena, so that Arrogant Brothers' car got caught on it and didn't get in the top two, so I didn't have to listen to them wax about what a trial it is to drive a Lambo sooo many times, show off their car on the floor, AND be in the top two.

Chicago/Brooklyn should have beat out Viking brothers - Vikings looked the best, but it was out in about 10 seconds in the derby. Chi/Bro excelled at both.

Overalls Girls unicorn was pretty fug IMO. I liked the idea of Bro/Sis' bull, but something in their execution fell short. Married with Children continues to slide right down the middle.

My guess is that we're teeing up for a final with the Geek Twins, Viking Bros, and Arrogant Bros - which probably would be OK in terms of skills, but I don't like feeling like it's being telegraphed, especially this early - I feel like the camera spends way more time on those 3 than any of the others. I forgot Bro/Sis were still in this and I probably would forget Married with Children if they weren't the ones that my whole family is there to watch. I also don't like how some of the build reveals have the special animations and/or commentary, and some don't. They did that last time too. Either do it for all or none.

No episode on our TV guide for next week - likely preempted for Olympics, assuming they do, in fact, go forth on them.

  • Love 4

Oh my god, I laughed so hard seeing the car being driven right out of the arena and off the table. It was so unexpected.

I'm glad the red team won. 

I suspected team Christine Baranski would be gone this episode or the next.

I also love that they're doing more than just building. It makes it more interesting.

Also, the color coding helps so much.

Edited by mertensia
  • Love 7

I know the show couldn't have been influenced by comments about previous episodes based on the timing, but I am so glad they had teams also focus on how the item looks and not just how it stood up to the demo.  I wish they had done that earlier, and maybe the judges or someone got tired of the ugly designs just to make something work better.  I was thrilled the one team won that part of the competition to make the mean guys upset about it, lol.  

  • Love 1

Early on, I thought Lauren & Brian, the sister/brother team, would be sleepers that would be in it for the long haul, based on a comment from another team along the lines of "don't let them fool you". But now I'm not so sure since, as mentioned, they and the married couple seem to be fading into the background. I'm gonna need them and Team Overalls to step up, especially with the Moms gone.

Because while I actually quite like the guy friends team, between them and the endless array of brothers, this season is turning into a Bro Down in terms of screen time and challenge wins. I never find that very fun to watch, whether it's MTV Challenge tools or mostly harmless guys like these.

Zack and Wayne have become my least favorite team.  I think they are the most arrogant.  They build great stuff, but wow, their personalities are a big turn-off.  (Though one brother is much worse than the other, so maybe the smaller one would be fine on his own.)

The twin nerds that drove their car straight off the platform are the least arrogant but the most annoying.  The other brothers are tolerable(ish).

I agree that the teams that get less focus are my favorites.  But I guess nice, normal people don't get talked about?  I don't know, that's a shame if true.  I was happy to see the guy friends win, they had a few bad weeks in a row.

  • Love 2

While I love the idea of competitive Lego building, and do enjoy this show, good gawd I'm tired already of the over-focus on th various iterations of young males. I guess each week will have them eliminate various older, female, and people of colour teams until its two young white male teams and one token Asian male team. Ugh. Hope I'm wrong. Do the producers think only young males watch this? It's why I stopped watching Survivor - way too many dimbulb acting wannabes and random hotties, rather than the interesting variety of contestants they used to have.

Anyway, driving your car off the table within 5 seconds of starting a demo derby should have been an automatic loss, but see above. 

Happy that they refer to the bricks as Lego and not Legos, like many Americans do.

  • Love 2

The blondes were the weakest team left so it is not at all surprising they were cut.  I did like the look of their car, unfortunately it just didn't seem strong at all.  

I would have cut the Geek Twins.  The challenge was not only to build a good looking car, but one that would survive the derby for as long as possible.  These two got the advantage of sitting out for thirty seconds while other teams took each other out.  They show up and promptly drive right out.  Even though the teams had been warned about the opening that another team could try and push each others' cars out of.  As Amy said, there was no way to judge how strong their car was when they took themselves out.  They completely failed the challenge.

At the beginning of the show, I really really liked Zack and Wayne.  But my like for them has greatly declined.  And it's really because of the larger taller one.  His arrogant comment that "I've driven a Lambo more times than you can imagine" was completely unnecessary.  I mean, the guy is apparently a sushi chef and archer, neither of which seem to scream that they have family money.  Particularly since the nicer brother had never been in one.  Nicer One muttered something like "that archery must have connections".  My guess is that Big Head is one of those types of people who go to one of those luxury car rental shops to rent a Lambo for a night so he can cruise around and look cool and try to impress people.  

I'm tired of the Geek Twins too.  But again, I'm mostly tired of just one of them.  They look mostly identical, but the one that is always on the right of the screen is taller and less geeky looking... the one on the left looks a lot geekier and is loud and more annoying.

I haven't developed dislike for the Viking Brothers... their early comments were annoying, but for me they have been surpassed in terms of annoying factor by Big Head and Geekier Twin.  They are consistent and I like their builds.  I think this is the team I am rooting for since it's obvious they will make it to the finals.

11 hours ago, JessDVD said:

My guess is that we're teeing up for a final with the Geek Twins, Viking Bros, and Arrogant Bros - which probably would be OK in terms of skills, but I don't like feeling like it's being telegraphed, especially this early - I feel like the camera spends way more time on those 3 than any of the others. I forgot Bro/Sis were still in this and I probably would forget Married with Children if they weren't the ones that my whole family is there to watch. I also don't like how some of the build reveals have the special animations and/or commentary, and some don't. They did that last time too. Either do it for all or none.

I fully agree.  The screentime is largely consumed with these three brother teams.  The brother/sister team is unmemorable.  The married couple is unmemorable.  The remaining team of two women (the assymetric black hat team) seems inconsistent - their unicorn car was terrible.  And Chicago/Brooklyn is pretty weak as well.  I'm assuming Chicago/Brooklyn leaves next episode.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

Because while I actually quite like the guy friends team, between them and the endless array of brothers, this season is turning into a Bro Down in terms of screen time and challenge wins. I never find that very fun to watch, whether it's MTV Challenge tools or mostly harmless guys like these.

Yes, that's kind of how I'm feeling too, now that you mention it. I mean, if the bro teams really are the best, then I don't think they should be cut in order to advance a team that is more diverse or interesting or whatever. However, from what <we> can see, the teams at this point seem (to me, anyway) to be roughly at the same skill level and the judging is then a little more about, what do they design this time, does it work out the way they want it to, do they drive their car off the arena in 5 seconds, etc. The 3 bro teams don't seem to be a clear step above the other 4 remaining teams - so it would be nice if at the LEAST, they weren't getting such an endless fawning edit every week, to the point that some of the other teams barely cross the screen, even if the result of those 3 at the end is still the same.


1 hour ago, blackwing said:

I fully agree.  The screentime is largely consumed with these three brother teams.  The brother/sister team is unmemorable.  The married couple is unmemorable.  The remaining team of two women (the assymetric black hat team) seems inconsistent - their unicorn car was terrible.  And Chicago/Brooklyn is pretty weak as well.  I'm assuming Chicago/Brooklyn leaves next episode.

I think Bro/Sis and Married w/ Children are both consistently good but not outstanding - their highs aren't high and their lows aren't low, whereas Overalls / Chicago/Brooklyn have higher peaks and valleys. IF (big if, because I still think it's a foregone conclusion we're doing Bro Down final) a couple of the bro teams have a bad week and get eliminated, I do think we <could> see one of those 4 in the final. I hope at least one of them really steps up their game in the next couple episodes.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Shermie said:

While I love the idea of competitive Lego building, and do enjoy this show, good gawd I'm tired already of the over-focus on th various iterations of young males. I guess each week will have them eliminate various older, female, and people of colour teams until its two young white male teams and one token Asian male team. Ugh. Hope I'm wrong.

While I agree to an extent (and I applaud them for seeking out a variety of teams), I do feel like before this week, the weakest team always got eliminated - it just unfortunately was the older, female, and POC teams. This week however was a real injustice. The geek brothers should’ve gone home. There was no way to judge the car’s strength and thus, they failed. There’s no question in my mind that the Utah Moms got the shaft this week. 

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, TimothyQ said:

While I agree to an extent (and I applaud them for seeking out a variety of teams), I do feel like before this week, the weakest team always got eliminated - it just unfortunately was the older, female, and POC teams. This week however was a real injustice. The geek brothers should’ve gone home. There was no way to judge the car’s strength and thus, they failed. There’s no question in my mind that the Utah Moms got the shaft this week. 

Agreed.  Geek Twins failed the task.  It should have been a well deserved elimination which would have been shocking... just like last year when the Douche Bros (the one with the nerdy crying guy and the buff guy whose shirts were two sizes too small) got shockingly eliminated.

In the earthquake episode, the team that lasted the shortest would have been automatically eliminated.  There were three teams tied for lowest so all three were at risk.  Presumably if only one had been at the bottom, it would have been automatic elimination.

I feel like this challenge should have been done similarly.  Not only did the Geek Twins fail, but they failed spectacularly.  They lasted shorter than any other team and the worst part is that they had an advantage of having a fully intact car competing against other cars that had already been damaged.  Should have been a clear boot for failing the challenge.

  • Love 3

I loved this episode.  I don't care whether they met the challenge or should have been eliminated, driving that thing  (which was awesome, by the way) off the table like that was the funniest thing - I'm still laughing, and since this is an entertainment show, well done.  

I have a real soft spot for Chicago/Brooklyn, maybe because my son is a teacher.  But I liked that they won the derby because of smart and strategic driving and demolishing - I could see how focused the driver was.

I didn't have a problem with the Utah moms going - I think it was only a mater of time, although I do remember their wonderful hat.  

I agree with those who are turned off by the arrogant ones - especially the big sushi brother.  That remark about how many times he's been in (driven?) a Lambo was just off-putting. 

I hate to say this, but I do think the various bro teams are really really good, and a notch more skillful than the other teams remaining.  Or, that could be editing, I don't know.  

Edited by mjc570
car names not my thing
  • Love 3
14 hours ago, JessDVD said:

https://bricknerd.com/home/inside-lego-masters-memory-and-demolition-7-22-2021 - Maria of Married w/ Children's post on this past week's episode.


A photo in her blog showed a major component of the challenge that was edited out of the challenge.  What we saw were the builders looking at the car and then it being destroyed.  It seemed like they have about a minute to commit it to memory -- a minute during which time they didn't know that it was going to be destroyed and that they wouldn't get to see it while recrecreating it. None of us saw the builders having the opportunity to gather around it with a sketchpad and draw pictures of it before it was destroyed.  While that it still challenging because I'm sure they only had limited time, probably couldn't handle it, and didn't get to see what was underneath the exterior, that was very different from what we saw.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ShelleySue said:

A photo in her blog showed a major component of the challenge that was edited out of the challenge.  What we saw were the builders looking at the car and then it being destroyed.  It seemed like they have about a minute to commit it to memory -- a minute during which time they didn't know that it was going to be destroyed and that they wouldn't get to see it while recrecreating it. None of us saw the builders having the opportunity to gather around it with a sketchpad and draw pictures of it before it was destroyed.  While that it still challenging because I'm sure they only had limited time, probably couldn't handle it, and didn't get to see what was underneath the exterior, that was very different from what we saw.

Speaking of things we didn't see, according to Lauren's (of the bro/sis team) Instagram, they were in the top two of that challenge. I kind of wish they had shown that, so it wouldn't seem so much like the all-boy teams are dominating everything.

4 hours ago, ShelleySue said:

A photo in her blog showed a major component of the challenge that was edited out of the challenge.  What we saw were the builders looking at the car and then it being destroyed.  It seemed like they have about a minute to commit it to memory -- a minute during which time they didn't know that it was going to be destroyed and that they wouldn't get to see it while recrecreating it. None of us saw the builders having the opportunity to gather around it with a sketchpad and draw pictures of it before it was destroyed.  While that it still challenging because I'm sure they only had limited time, probably couldn't handle it, and didn't get to see what was underneath the exterior, that was very different from what we saw.

I always assume that anything anyone does on competitive reality TV shows involves time to plan, with the possible exception of a show like Chopped - though even then it wouldn't surprise me if they were actually given some time to between the ingredient reveal and when the clock starts. But yeah, it would have been nice to make that clearer. I've never quite understood why they think it plays better to make it look like the competitors get the theme in real time and plan on the spot. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, ShelleySue said:

A photo in her blog showed a major component of the challenge that was edited out of the challenge.  What we saw were the builders looking at the car and then it being destroyed.  It seemed like they have about a minute to commit it to memory -- a minute during which time they didn't know that it was going to be destroyed and that they wouldn't get to see it while recrecreating it. None of us saw the builders having the opportunity to gather around it with a sketchpad and draw pictures of it before it was destroyed.  While that it still challenging because I'm sure they only had limited time, probably couldn't handle it, and didn't get to see what was underneath the exterior, that was very different from what we saw.

See, as soon as he said recreate it I assumed they'd have to do it from memory. Destroying it surprised me, but not that it was a memory task.

It's so frustrating they aren't airing these new episodes.

In some ways, I prefer the season 2 challenges shown so far. I wonder how Season 1 Sam and Jessica would have done on the season 2 challenges. Same with Tyler and Amy.

Based on what I'm observing- Brooklyn / Chicago seem to be this season's Sam and Jessica and I'm predicting they will be in the final 3. Other pick for final 3 seems to be Viking Brothers, they are getting a winners edit. Not sure who will round out the final 3.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, meredithalmighty said:

It's so frustrating they aren't airing these new episodes.

In some ways, I prefer the season 2 challenges shown so far. I wonder how Season 1 Sam and Jessica would have done on the season 2 challenges. Same with Tyler and Amy.

Based on what I'm observing- Brooklyn / Chicago seem to be this season's Sam and Jessica and I'm predicting they will be in the final 3. Other pick for final 3 seems to be Viking Brothers, they are getting a winners edit. Not sure who will round out the final 3.

What happened with Sam and Jessica? (I only watched one or two episodes of the first season)

10 hours ago, JessDVD said:

What happened with Sam and Jessica? (I only watched one or two episodes of the first season)

They were the team that was bickering all the time at least in the beginning.  I think they met at a Lego convention or something and hadn't worked together all that much?  I believe he was the one that delivered the classic line from the promos to her, "you just don't understand Lego".  It looked like they were doomed to an early elimination.

Yet they always managed to squeak by.  He was the one who was more skilled, he was great at sculpting.  They ended up in the final three somehow and they acquitted themselves fairly nicely.

 I shouldn't have watched the rerun of the hat episode.   As if the admiral hat not making top two wasn't annoying enough, I totally disagreed with who went home.   Yes, both of the bottom two had pieces that broke but at least the lab coat guys had an interesting looking piece.  That "carnivale" piece didn't do anything to evoke feathers.   It was a flat piece which in addition to being uninteresting was never going to stay balanced.  

  • Love 1

Just caught up with this show. I'm kinda disappointed. I guess I was spoiled by coming across Lego Masters Australia first and their version blows this one away. Better host and talent. And most startling is that in this version, I feel like I hardly get to see the builds! The Aussie version devotes much more time to the builds, and to showing us around the finished builds. Also, none of the contestants are made to wear lab coats, uniforms, or other shtick to turn themselves into "characters."

Anyway, I do still really appreciate the talent and hard work of these contestants.

If anyone would like to check out the AU show, I have a link to all three seasons. Just shoot me a PM! 

  • Love 3

Wind tunnel:

It was telegraphed about 8 seconds in that either Maria and Philip were going to stun us all or go home, and it didn't take long upon seeing the final build to see it was go home. That's such bad editing, when they finally decide to give a lot of screen time to a team on the week they go home, especially when they've been giving endless fawning edits to the Geek Twins and Arrogant Bros (who mercifully were tolerable this week) in particular. I thought the criticism that their techniques were too simplistic was a little odd, or at least I didn't see anything on it that made me think that, compared to anyone else's.

Otherwise, I didn't feel like any particular build wowed me or fell flat. I didn't <love> the Less-Arrogant-This-Week Bros', I felt like it didn't look like much until you looked up close. Bro/Sis's main issue was that their sea creatures were all looking inward. Overalls Girls was simple, but I thought the toys were all really cute. I can't even remember what anyone else's looked like and it was only an hour ago so yeah, I'm going to call this one an unmemorable week in general.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, alexa said:

I wish they would just do a nice looking build not based on destruction.  They have gone too far with that theme, and need to mix it up.  

I'd agree with that. It's a good challenge once or twice to make something that looks good and is strong, but considering we only get 42 minutes of the footage (minus however many of them are taken up by Will Arnett chewing the scenery), I'd rather just see how good they can make it look. And this is, what, the fourth one like this? Demo derby, earthquake, explosion (That one, at least, was good), and now the wind tunnel. I thought challenges like last week's were better, and next week's concept looks cool too.

  • Love 9

Judge to brother/sister team while they're building: There's too much grey in all the roaches, hopefully your colourful creatures will be enough.

So the team adds colour to the rocks.

Judge to same team at the end: There's too much colour on the rocks, can't see the creatures.

F off, judges. And the female judge needs to do something different with her hair. Looks like it's been glued flat to her scalp. Not a good look.

Loved the sound garden, so clever. Getting so sick of the geek guys and all their screen time.

I agree that I'd rather see good builds than all these destruction-oriented themes.


  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Shermie said:

Judge to brother/sister team while they're building: There's too much grey in all the roaches, hopefully your colourful creatures will be enough.

So the team adds colour to the rocks.

Judge to same team at the end: There's too much colour on the rocks, can't see the creatures.

F off, judges. And the female judge needs to do something different with her hair. Looks like it's been glued flat to her scalp. Not a good look.

Loved the sound garden, so clever. Getting so sick of the geek guys and all their screen time.

I agree that I'd rather see good builds than all these destruction-oriented themes.


Yeah, that was some American Idol/Food Network Star-style judging: "You're too X, you need to be more Y!"..."You're too Y, bring back the X!" Hard to please and surely a little confusing for the contestants...though in Lego Masters' case I'll allow that something might be getting lost in the editing, since I like these judges by and large. But I'm also a fan of the Bro/Sis team (or at least Lauren 😍) so lay off, judges!

I will also pile on and say I'd like to see them just build some cool stuff without having to devote so much time to the gimmick of the week. I think the "floating" challenge was a good compromise. There was a gimmick, but it still allowed for a lot of creativity and aesthetic inventiveness, without wasting time on trying to build a windmill or whatever.

I think there could have been better ways to incorporate color into the gray base. It didn't have to go from gray to the same bright fluorescent colors they were using for the fishes. Based on the brick wall I'm sure there were more subtle aquas and blues and greens they could have used for the ocean floor. Then that wouldn't have taken away from the colorful pink and yellow fish. 

I'm definitely glad the garden won. I loved their flowers that were able to sway in the wind and their wind chimes were super clever. That was a really well thought out build. 

  • Love 5

I agree the right team won. I did like all the details that went into the Atlantis build, but there was very little movement in that one compared to the winning team's as well as some of the others. They made so much of "a portal opening to Atlantis!" and so I was expecting to see some action that actually gave us a sense of that. Like a wall of tiles being set to blow away as soon as the fan started that would reveal landscape behind or something.

I was disappointed no team really thought to incorporate something like that, except for the overalls moms - they had the kite, it just didn't work. I guess it had been secured a bit too strongly, or it needed to be positioned at an angle rather than flat.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Black Knight said:

 They made so much of "a portal opening to Atlantis!" and so I was expecting to see some action that actually gave us a sense of that. Like a wall of tiles being set to blow away as soon as the fan started that would reveal landscape behind or something.

I know that none of them are engineers or electricians (at least I think none of them are engineers or electricians) but I was hoping for some sort of wind-powered lighting.  MIchelle  or Nicole (I always forget which is which) should have paid more attention to her husband and brought a turbine with her.

  • Love 2

Because of heavy storms on Tuesday night, my DVR didn't record about 15 minutes of the judging, I will have to go back and watch online but it seems evident how things went.  The recording came back just before they named the top two and bottom two.

But it was really obvious that Maria and Philip were going to go home.  These two hardly got to speak at all during the entire season, now all of a sudden, they are speaking a lot?  Yeah.  Poor editing.

I was really annoyed by the "too much grey" comments.  I didn't think it was too much grey.  And it wasn't like they did ALL GREY, it was varying shades of greys and truly did look like an ocean seabed.  They were doing an ocean theme.  If there had been no base at all, surely they would have been criticised for not doing a base.  The grey was at the bottom, the colour was on top. 

I have no idea why this show continues to be so fascinated by the Geek Twins.  Did we really need a rehash of their car going off the cliff, again?  And multiple times and shots throughout this episode?  I would much rather have seen more of the actual builds from THIS weeks episode.  And less of these Geek Twins in general, the geekier one is so incredibly annoying.

Seems like Overalls Girls or Brother/Sister is up next for elimination.  

  • Love 3
On 8/11/2021 at 4:40 AM, alexa said:

I wish they would just do a nice looking build not based on destruction.  They have gone too far with that theme, and need to mix it up.  

Yeah, I wish they would focus more on artistry. Even in the hat one, it was all about which hats would smash to the floor. So in 5 out of 7 challenges, there has been this destruction aspect. Maybe they assume that's what will excite the American audience.

  • Love 8
On 6/23/2021 at 11:06 AM, ShelleySue said:

It's too bad that the elimination is so clear cut that the teams that "fail" are up for elimination.  I wish that there was more of an athletic type (gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc) scoring involved.  So that the more risky elements and more artistic moves are worth more points even if the execution isn't perfect. I thought that the hip-hop team's hat was ugly and not well-executed at all.  It didn't fall apart but I engineers' hat was a much riskier design with a lot more challenging elements innovative designs (eg the mesh).


That was my post after the hat challenge.  That's why I was happy when Amy said that the wind challenge would be judged, not only on strength, but also on aesthetics.  By adding that element to the build it gave the teams an incentive to be more creative (eg windchimes) rather than building solid/blocky/sturdy windmills that would withstand 60 mph wind but would be ugly.

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