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Lego Masters (USA) - General Discussion

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3 hours ago, Taeolas said:

The ones at the bottom were good calls. The Globe Dragons were an unrecognizable mess. We know Lego can do Dragons, but they didn't know how to do it. 

And the Pinata was certainly the worst of the bunch. They should've restarted at the 8 hour point with a better refined idea, but they got stuck with their sunk costs.  Especially since a Pinata is an easy one to make a story out of; they could have done something like the telescope and have it be "Exploding with a fantasy of ideas" or something like that. 

Sadly I liked the pinata dudes better than the globe dragons team so I was bummed they went home. 

  • Love 6

I thought the top 2 should've been the Clock Man and the Telescope.  I was amazed at all of the parts that were hanging from the telescope and how they managed to keep them that way.  

I've never built a thing with Legos, but my son loved them.  I've still got 2 big containers full of Legos that he couldn't take when he moved.  After watching this show, I feel like I should go build something!  

  • Love 5

I liked the clock best but I was also impressed by the telescope and a couple others.  I really liked the computer too.  The judges thought it was too simple but it was clever and neatly done.  

I enjoy seeing what the teams can do with little bricks but I'd like the show better if they spent more time showing construction and maybe explaining, for example, how they make curved tentacles instead of just stating that it's hard to do.  I'd like it a LOT better if they'd get rid of the host who isn't nearly as amusing as he thinks he is.  That totally scripted "pep talk" was just cringe-worthy.  They could do without making people dress as characters too.  Policemen don't wear their uniforms when they're off duty and I doubt very many people work on Lego creations in three-piece suits.

  • Love 5

 Will Arnett is insufferable.

If this show goes to a S2, I hope they change hosts.

IMO the telescope of imagination should’ve been top two, along with the clock. The mermaid & water coming out of the hydrant was beautiful, but those clouds & the air stream that Tyler & Amy made were just gorgeous.  Rounded, smooth and clearly identifiable.

I liked the Rocktopus as well.  It grabbed your attention, and showed a story w/o having to tell the story.

  • Love 7

It was interesting to me that during the building process I’m pretty sure the judges told Harley Quinn that she wouldn’t be allowed to explain their build at all during judging, that the build would have to tell it’s own story.   But then during judging, everyone is telling their story and the only ones that got criticised for it were the brothers.  

To me, the only ones whose build spoke for themselves and needed no explanation at all were Sam and Jessica’s fire hydrant and Tyler and Amy’s telescope and the frat brothers’ helmet.   The ones that needed the most explaining were the brothers and the father/son who did the monkey and bike.  I didn’t really care for the gay couple and their clock either.  It didn’t make sense to me at all without the story... was it supposed to be a person that turned into a clock?  Why were all the people repairing it?

I would have put the monkey and bike in the bottom two.   I didn’t get that one at all... why was there a really big monkey and then a smaller one?

I did like the brothers but their build was terrible.  I feel bad for the older brother who stubbornly insisted on keeping the idea and then feeling like he let his younger cancer surviving brother down.

Personality wise, my favourite teams are the lumberjacks and Tyler and Amy.  I’m not caring for the frat brothers (especially the smug buff one with resting bitch face) or the gay couple and their overwrought dramatics (was the one who cried last week about failing the same one who stereotypically squeaked “save me” and clutched his partner when the lights went down?)

I have a question about the confessional explanatory interviews.  When were these filmed?  It really doesn’t seem like it’s contemporaneously, even though I’m sure the clock stops and there are several eating/bathroom breaks, because the clothes are different.  I think Sam and Jessica are wearing the same clothes they did in episode 1.  At least I think he is?  Overalls over flowered t shirt.  

Would seem odd if these were taped after the show was all done and they are being asked to recount how they felt.  I guess I’m used to Survivor which makes things seem more like they were filmed on the spot.

  • Love 1
On 2/15/2020 at 2:31 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I watched this video purely because of the thumbnail of this guy's color coded system of organization! If you want to see the wall, skip to the 7 minute mark.


Two thoughts:

1. I would’ve loved to hear the discussion with his insurance agent.

2. Please, please, please don’t ever let that basement flood.

22 hours ago, roamyn said:

 Will Arnett is insufferable.

If this show goes to a S2, I hope they change hosts.

Seeing as he is a major character in the Lego movie verse I doubt that will happen unless it is a scheduling conflict. 

I wish they would show more of the techniques people are using. Follow the Face/Off formula instead of adding so much nonsensical filler. 

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I wish the brothers had done a Trojan Horse. It would have been awesome and made sense.

Oh that is the perfect idea for the other half. They could have also completed the horse but had something like a candy factory inside. Would have allowed moving parts and plenty of imaginative use of space. 

  • Love 3

I liked the idea of a car - ie horse power - but they didn’t execute it well from the start.  Their base was terrible, hence the rest of the car had no chance.

 I liked the brothers, too. Of the teams left, I only dislike Sam/Jessica, the cosplay twins, and golden LEGO boys.  Personality wise.  The best building teams, IMO are Tyler/Amy, Lumber Jacks, and golden Lego boys, with their “rivals” not far behind.

  • Love 2

As far as stories go, they probably want the pieces to speak for themselves, but after the initial viewing, they want to know more about the story behind the piece, to better understand what is going on. 


But if you need the story to understand the least bit about it, then the piece is a failure. 

If instead you can get the basics, and then the story reveals new levels it is a success. 


It basically keeps someone from presenting a pile of bricks and saying "This was a beautiful Taj Mahal, but then Godzilla wandered through and stepped on it and this is all that is left." 

  • Love 2
On 2/20/2020 at 8:00 AM, roughing it said:

If you have to come up with some shtick to "sell" your design, you've failed - obviously with the piñata duo, but other stories had me shaking my head "what??"

This is my attitude about all art. If you need to explain it then you didn't do a very good job actually making it. All typs of art need to be able to tell a story without the creator telling you what it means. I have the same issue on shows like So You Think You Can Dance and Project Runway. If what you made was executed well, I'll know what your story is by looking at it.

But it did annoy me that the judges specifically told the cosplay girls during their walk around that they wouldn't be able to explain everything during judging because they have given every team time to talk about their creation every week during judging.

  • Love 2

I didn't have any problem with the clock one. At first glance, it felt like a variant of a Clockwork Man. Their story about the village building it was just added gravy. 

I think for the clock project as well, what really got me for it was three things:

1. It was a very neat project. Like the laptop and rocktopus and many of the others, the core of the project was clearly visible. While there was extra kibble, it didn't hide much of the project (unlike the dragons-globe one)

2. It integrated very well with the clock half, while being distinct as well. Like how the heart lined up with the clockface, and the mouth with the coo-coo track. The sides were well balanced too IMO.

3. It had a solid technical aspect in how the gearing worked in the heart and especially with the eye tick-tocking. 


Really, considering getting first place doesn't have any impact other than bragging rights I think I would have been fine with any of the top-5 projects being named first. That is, Tick-Tock Man, Rocktopus, Mermaid, Imaginascope or the Kraken-helmet. 

Computer was neat, but I found it rather boring, a solid safe project. 

Dragons, Pinata, and Monkey-bike would have been the bottom; with Pinata being the obvious worst of the worst. Had Pinata managed to do something else and been safe, then I probably would have been a coin flip between Dragons (for being an unrecognizable mess) or the Monkey-bike (for not integrating with the bike enough)



As far as stories go, I've already said most of what I have to say about it. But another aspect to consider is I'm pretty sure most of these teams can tell roughly where they fall; whether they are in danger or safe or a contender for the top. If you're in danger of elimination, you'll probably do like the Pinata team tried and pull out all the stops to try and argue for their safety (especially early in the competition where the Producers will be looking to keep "interesting" teams over "boring" teams, even if neither have a real chance of winning).

It's not until the field has narrowed to the Top 5 or Top 4 or so that it will truly come down to who is the least skilled of the remaining teams, as opposed to "We have 2 mediocre teams on the bottom, but this one is more interesting in general so we'll keep them." 

  • Love 3

It's rare that I am in total agreement with the judges (on any show, not just this one) but this week I agreed with all the top and bottom teams.

I would have been okay with the rocking octopus in the top instead of the mermaid because it was a very clear concept and it was well executed. I think the mermaid squeaked past them because they had the water on one side and the mermaid on the other. They used color well too.

The cosplay dinosaur globe used color but it was very unclear what was coming out of the globe. The pinata was pretty bad so I was sure they would go home. I would have put the monkey in the bottom as well because there was really no clear connection between the monkey concept and the bike.

The laptop was definitely too simple. It was a bunch of squares with little vignettes inside. I really liked the telescope but I think the judges wanted to reward the clock and mermaid teams for having such massive improvement in performance/concept/design/execution.

  • Love 4

I guess I don't know the Clockwork Man story so it made no sense to me. You have to have that reference point for the story to work. It was cool and looked great but if part of the end product is for the project to make sense without a story, it would have failed for me.

The laptop design was pretty simple but I give them props for working with something that no one wanted to work with. Realisticly speaking you could have taken that anywhere you wanted to, kind of like the telescope as an instrument to look into a child's imagination. But they had something else in mind and it was hard for them to shift their focus. They came up with something workable that looked good. Boring and safe but good.

The hydrant was cool but more of a stretch. When I think of hydrants I would have thought of kids playing in them during the summer. There is also the fire fighting element that Lego works with regularly. But some kids jumping through water while one is standing there drinking a lemonade. The mermaid just makes me think of water being taken from the ocean. But I am a bit more literal in my take on things.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I guess I don't know the Clockwork Man story so it made no sense to me. You have to have that reference point for the story to work. It was cool and looked great but if part of the end product is for the project to make sense without a story, it would have failed for me.

The laptop design was pretty simple but I give them props for working with something that no one wanted to work with. Realisticly speaking you could have taken that anywhere you wanted to, kind of like the telescope as an instrument to look into a child's imagination. But they had something else in mind and it was hard for them to shift their focus. They came up with something workable that looked good. Boring and safe but good.

The hydrant was cool but more of a stretch. When I think of hydrants I would have thought of kids playing in them during the summer. There is also the fire fighting element that Lego works with regularly. But some kids jumping through water while one is standing there drinking a lemonade. The mermaid just makes me think of water being taken from the ocean. But I am a bit more literal in my take on things.

One of the criterion was taking the object and doing something imaginative.  I feel the mermaid concept is more imaginative than fire fighting or kids jumping though water.  But that was my take.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, roamyn said:

One of the criterion was taking the object and doing something imaginative.  I feel the mermaid concept is more imaginative than fire fighting or kids jumping though water.  But that was my take.

It is more creative but I don't see the connection to the initial object. Kind of like the Monkey on the bicycle, there was no front wheel or handle bar that the monkey was holding onto. It was a monkey attached to the front of the bike. So the story explains it but on it's own it is a stretch.

I can see ocean being more easily connected to the water in a fire hydrant but it is still a huge leap, for me, story wise. Dragons flying over the planet, get it, it is fantasy. Can make sense if the dragons look like dragons. The computer one might have been a bit boring but it ties into the computer. The telescope is a bit more abstract but there was some type of space connection and then the other things that kids dream of. The krakken and the diving helmet makes sense.

The monkey and the car were the two that were most disconnected from the object. But the fire hydrant falls into that category for me. The clock makes more sense if you know that particular story and apparently a good number of people know that story.

The clock and the fire hydrant were well done, no complaints there. I think the right person went home. I would have given the win to the married couple with the telescope because the theme tied in more clearly to me and I thought it was pretty awesome. I also would have put the monkey into the bottom because the theme made less sense even if it was a bit better built.

  • Love 3

I think the fact that they had the water splashing around the hydrant (including being visible from the front) is part of what made that project so strong. One aspect of hydrants that most people know of, is the splashing a hydrant can make when it is opened up for flushing (or for kids to play in on hot summer days). So that links the hydrant to the mermaid. The mermaid herself was just a bonus aspect of the story tieing in to the splashing to link to the hydrant. 


IMO the Kraken/Diving helmet has a similar train of thought. The Kraken itself doesn't really link to the helmet; but they are both underwater elements so being underwater ties things together. But as the judges pointed out, it is a bit of a stretch. Not enough to put them in any danger of elimination, but something to watch for. 

The Mermaid had splashing water so the link was more solid and helped tie everything together. 

I see the kraken as a creature that would sink a ship and the diving helmet might have been on the ship. The Diving Helmet is clearly tied to the ocean, as is the kraken. The only way to make that more clear would have been to build a giant boat under the helmet with a massive kraken wrapped around it.

But contests like this are going ot have a certain level of subjectivity to them. I got the impression that the judges wanted the kraken to be larger and more elaborate. The project was too small, less that the tie didn't make sense.

  • Love 1

I didn’t like how it was a free-for-all to grab the items.  Just like how it was a free for all to grab the plot of land in the first episode.  I think it should either have been grab a random box and the name of the object you get is inside (like the stars with the destruction methods in the second episode).  Or they should have done a random draw of numbers and people get to pick in order.  I just didn’t care for the jostling.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, blackwing said:

I didn’t like how it was a free-for-all to grab the items.  Just like how it was a free for all to grab the plot of land in the first episode.  I think it should either have been grab a random box and the name of the object you get is inside (like the stars with the destruction methods in the second episode).  Or they should have done a random draw of numbers and people get to pick in order.  I just didn’t care for the jostling.

I'm not a fan of that kind of running/grabbing, even on competitive reality shows, partly because I find it so unnecessary and partly because I know the producers always hope it will create some drama. I'd much rather they pull names and then let people pick what they want or just randomly assign them.

  • Love 1

This show is so much better when I fast forward any time Will Arnett is on the screen. Of course, it then turns a 60 minute show into a 30 minute show. Sure I may lose some of the drama and trauma, but that's what I got to do in order to watch. Looks like the bearded lumberjacks or the newlyweds are the ones to beat.

  • Love 3
On 2/20/2020 at 10:27 PM, mlp said:

I liked the clock best but I was also impressed by the telescope and a couple others.  I really liked the computer too.  The judges thought it was too simple but it was clever and neatly done.  

I liked the computer, but from the start I kept wishing they'd done a vintage typewriter.  

  • Love 2

The shark movie was cool!  Loved the hearts to show he's coming to rescue his love.

Sad to see Manny and Nestor go, but they didn't quite get it. They should have made the sheriff and the bad guy aliens, stuck in a couple of alien critters like pegasuses instead of horses, made weird alien plants and they'd've been fine.

Cosplay women do cluttered messes.

  • Love 3

That "twist" was designed to get the frat boys to use the golden brick.  They were giving them the second category and they saw how they were executing their idea of romance.  Having to add thriller to what was and essentially a fairy tale build made it almost impossible.  

Getting the romance genre actually helped the timber bros.  It gave a really good reason for the landshark to be attacking the city.

On Project Runway, they used to have a trope where the designer who was getting eliminated that episode had the "phone call of doom" with their significant other.  I was wondering if they were going to do the same thing here and, of course, they did.  I hope they don't telegraph the losers like that every episode or this could get really boring, really fast.

  • Love 4

I’m liking this show but can’t stand the woman judge. No matter what someone builds she says they should have done something else. I thought the bro guys romance build was fine but she was highly critical from the start. How much can you really do with romance? Then I agree they purposely added a genre which wouldn’t work because they want to use the golden brick again.

I have liked Will Arnett in the past but he is just annoying here. And I knew which team would leave after the phone call of doom.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I’m liking this show but can’t stand the woman judge. No matter what someone builds she says they should have done something else.

I was going to comment the same. She reminds me of every manager that gives critique just to justify their presence. Her complaint about the cat monster made no sense. They built up the floor so that it came crashing up through it fully integrating it into the scene. 

The animation is cool but they only did it to the top two teams. Seems like that will always give away the top. 

They should have made the guys use the golden brick in the build, not just hand it over. 

Next week looks devastating for some.

  • Love 3

I liked Manny and son OK but I wasn't sorry to see them go because I was sick of all the emotion and crying.  The cosplay women need to go next.  

What these people are able to do with little pieces and parts fascinates me.  I'd like to see more of the raw materials and construction methods and a lot less of the host and the interpersonal "drama."

I don't care for the female judge either.  Some of her criticisms make no sense to me.

  • Love 5

I was sick of all the crying from the dad too.  Yes, I get it.  You looooovvvvveeee your son.  And you’re soooooo happy to be here doing this.  I wonder if everyone got to call their “loved ones” and this was the only one that was aired.

They got probably one of the easier genres to start and did a decent job.  Then they got another easy genre to add on and botched that one.  Even after the judges suggested the specific fantasy and magical elements to add.  How hard is it to turn the western town into one in a fantasy world?  Add some elves and centaurs and have the bad guys be some trolls and add some trees to put the town in the jungle.   Instead, they decide to add space elements.   “Space” is a kind of fantasy but not the first thing I think of when I hear “fantasy”.  There’s a reason why “space” wasn’t a genre, because they did space things already in week 2.

I agree that the woman judge just likes to find things to complain about.  She criticized the team with the cop about copying the baby.  But no criticism for the gay couple or the bros.  They each got kids and romance in the first round and said screw that, we are doing fantasy.  I was expecting a comment from her that there already was a team doing fantasy.  

Was hoping that the lumberjacks would win the golden brick.  I also think it’d be amazing if once it gets down to teams left that are all great builders that it could be hidden amongst the thousands of bricks in the bins, like a hidden immunity idol haha.

It seems like Harley Quinn is likely one of the next to go.  They seem like the weakest team left.

  • Love 3

OK, I about died of laughter when I realized that their idea of fantasy was his dreams of what he wants to do and not the fantasy genre. I didn't think that their addition was bad. They should have used cowboys in the space ships and maybe had a horse or two made from metal. Place a few alien cowboys in the bar.

I went immediately to Firefly but I doubt either one of them know the show or the movie.

I think the Bros could have worked the thriller into things a bit more easily. Build around the castle and have a battle that is more clearly directed at the love interest. Think Game of Thrones and less skeleton hordes. Although going for a Lord of the Rings type battle would work. The problem is that they worked the Dragon as the main love interest and making that work was going to be a challenge. On the plus side, at least the dragon was identifiable as a dragon.

I was glad that the one team got called on stealing the baby idea for their mash up. How many different cartoony type characters could they have tossed into their original theme? They had transformers for the most part, which is totally kid based. Should have been easy enough to do without adding a giant mutant baby.

I wanted the married couple to win. Their idea was great and well executed. The winners was pretty cool but they totally took major ideas from the Directors, adding the hearts and notes. It wasn't their idea in totality. It looked great and was pretty cool but the married couple developed their own idea nicely and executed it well.

I thought the Cos Play team was fine this week. Nothing too exciting. I thought the Fairy one was ridiculous. They were looking for a key with magnifying glass and that was mystery? Yeah, no. And I thought the fairy's were almost as well built as last weeks dragons.

I am missing some but those are the ones that stood out to me.

I think that the judges are in a hard spot. They need to make comments, cannot tell people exactly what to do, and cannot come off as loving everything. I think it would be better if they provided constructive criticism as opposed to the lame crap that they both say.  But they don't seem to be able to give specific guidance that could be useful and they have to say something.

When I watch the baking shows the criticism is pretty direct "You need more X or that decoration doesn't work for this reason, I would do this." There is nothing wrong with that. The half assed comments passed out on this show are useless. The Directors comments were actually useful when the contestants engaged with the Directors.

  • Love 2

I have no problem with the female judge.  It’s Will I cannot stand.

It just dawned on me that there are three Amy’s on that room, tho I suspect the cosplay Amy to go next - or Jessica & Sam.  

The frat boys might regret using that golden brick this week, as it appears next week is disastrous.  I don’t think they were in danger of going home over Nestor & Manny.  That dragon was beautiful.

On 2/27/2020 at 9:14 AM, DaphneCat said:

That "twist" was designed to get the frat boys to use the golden brick.  They were giving them the second category and they saw how they were executing their idea of romance.  Having to add thriller to what was and essentially a fairy tale build made it almost impossible.  

Getting the romance genre actually helped the timber bros.  It gave a really good reason for the landshark to be attacking the city.

On Project Runway, they used to have a trope where the designer who was getting eliminated that episode had the "phone call of doom" with their significant other.  I was wondering if they were going to do the same thing here and, of course, they did.  I hope they don't telegraph the losers like that every episode or this could get really boring, really fast.

Agreed on all points. This show is way too crafted to try to produce a specific outcome, and it's really obvious. Watching this show makes me miss Face Off even more.

I'm only watching this show because my husband likes it. He can ignore the bullshirt and focus on the Lego bits. I wish I had that skill. 😁

  • Love 1
On 3/2/2020 at 6:55 AM, ProfCrash said:

The Dragon was awesome but the mash up theme was even worse then Manny and Nestor's theme. At least you could read that there was some fantasy element in theirs. The Bro's did not scream thriller and barely said romance. The dragon had a heart and flowers but who the dragon was wooing was in question.

Agreed.  They basically did a fantasy theme.  They gave up on romance completely.  They had no ideas so the nerd frat bro decided to do a dragon simply because he’s good at making a dragon.  He even said something like “I was hoping to save this for later in the competition” like it was a secret weapon he planned to shoehorn into their build when he felt like he was in trouble and hope the judges would be impressed by his amazing dragon.  And then their idea of “thriller” was to make a battle scene.  It failed.  There was no thriller aspect to that at all.  

I interpreted “thriller” to be something akin to a horror movie or a psychological thriller like “Girl on the Train”.  Something that has some element of imminent bodily peril or death.  For romance I would have done something with a rowboat on a lake where a woman is with some other guy, while the hero is on land pining away for her and trying to figure out how to get to her.  Then for thriller, I would have put zombie sharks in the water (maybe even elevate the surface so we can see all the zombie sharks under the water) and the hero has to find a way to save and win the woman, after the first guy sacrificed himself for her.   I get that there was a monster theme there but not really sure how to avoid overlap.  

Frat Bros build looked great but didn’t fit either of the themes at all.

I guess one problem is that some of the themes were more easily defined than others.  Monster, Western, Fantasy.  Not really sure what Thriller is the more I think about it.  Is it horror?  Is it action?   They should have had a Superheroes category.  

  • Love 1

That was a rough call. I think they made the wrong choice in the end though. That big empty glass building was a flaw in the original and a flaw in the updated challenge. 

The future city scape on the other hand, was fantastic to look at in the first phase. They really fumbled adding the attack element admittedly, but it still looked great in the end. 

I think what did them in in the end was not having a story they could tell. As I've noted before, you need to have a story that is somewhat obvious and then you can expand on it in the presentation. For this city, the story was lost; their story wasn't obvious and even in presentation they hadn't really thought it through enough to explain it. 


For the other team, the attacking snowman looked great, and I did like their overall look; but the empty tower was glaring (especially when the producer keeps focusing on it). If they'd been thinking more, if they'd put a crane on top and left the top barebones to indicate it is under construction they might've gotten more freedom. Hang the heatgun from the crane to tie things together would be even better.


As for the winners, the obvious top 2 teams were right; and either would have been a good call for the win. Fixing the tall tower and making the elevator work again, along with having the smog monster and having the tall tower actually be full made it work.

And Food Truck tower, complete with Mecha-FoodTruck vs the HotDogs was lots of fun and a good win in the end. I wish we could've seen more of it without the animation. 


As for the other 3 teams:

* The 4 recreation towers with the spiders was definitely just outside the Top 3 and could've been a winner easily.

* The idea of the Fairy Tale towers was nice, but it didn't have enough details. And the giant should've been bigger. It was big but it felt like it should've been bigger. A contender for the bottom 3. 

* The Tri-scaper looked great. An obvious Top build for the first half of the challenge. But they messed up the attacker sadly. Not as bad as Amie and Krystal, but knocked down because of it. A solid middle but ultimately not a winner potential. 

  • Love 1

I felt so bad for the team whose creation crashed on the way to the (first) table. Seeing everyone's reactions was a great moment of people dropping their game faces. Even the judge was horrified for them. And I really appreciated the guy who was shit talking them earlier saying that he wouldn't wish that even on his worst enemy. His Torrance Shipman attitude was great. You don't want to beat someone because they had a huge mishap like that. You want to beat them by being better.

I couldn't blame the guy who left and cried. They just worked for 14 hours straight so he was probably already stressed and tired, so seeing all your work hit the ground after all that effort must have been devastating. I loved that his partner was so positive and supportive.

I really liked the black buildings with accent colors that the cosplay girls originally made but what they added during the second round wasn't great, and this was their third time in the bottom.

I loved the red, white, and blue geometric tower. That was a really cool concept and they executed it well.

When the beard guys kept saying "food cart" I was picturing those little push carts that sell bacon wrapped hot dogs on the sidewalk in Tijuana. Did they really mean tiny food carts or were they talking about food trucks?

The fairy tale tower was kind of a mess. They're lucky that they scraped by.

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9 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

They just worked for 14 hours straight

Has this been confirmed or are they splitting the time across multiple days? 14 hours straight plus a couple hours before and after for production, meal breaks, intros, and interviews would be quite expensive production-wise with a lot of overtime. My guess would be that this episode was filmed over 3 days. First 14 split over two and then the 4 hour twist and final judging done on day 3.

That was heartbreaking to see and I hope the teams realize that it is worth moving over earlier when possible. Put on the final touches at the judge area. Those guys looked so rushed and didn't look where they were going at all.

  • Love 2

Those buildings and the sight of all of them together in one city really wowed me.  I would have been happy if they'd spent several minutes on each one and let us see the details instead of wasting more time than necessary on emotional stuff.  I felt very sorry for the team whose building toppled after all those hours of work but I could have done with seeing less crying and hugging.  

They sent the right team home IMO.  Those gals were outclassed right from the start.  I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.  

  • Love 2

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