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LOL Bravo Mafia: Gif-tastic!

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Just now, SilverStormm said:

As for the SK Night kill - no idea, the story doesn't seem to reflect an attempt even from what I can tell.

I'm thinking role block once her ID was revealed in Night story.  

As far as potential clues --

36 minutes ago, Lisin said:


One of @deaja favorite songs is Shake It Off.  (Take it off/shake it off)

38 minutes ago, Lisin said:

When the dust cleared Scheana was there, cradling Andy’s head in her lap. He was gone.

The last book @The Crazed Spruce read was "In the Company of Death."  

I'm thinking you're team good guy with me @deaja

Once @SilverStormm and @Machiabelly explained to my dumb ass that team villain obviously knew that Saoirse was alive, probably a two kill hero, and put through a night kill, it occurred to me that my complete cluelessness was a pretty good indicator of me being team hero. 

10 minutes ago, deaja said:

Ah, I see now. I was thinking her DL was delayed somehow and the villains forgot to submit a night kill/were unsuccessful night killers.  

Either you're a really good actor, or you were in the same boat as me trying to figure shit out.

4 minutes ago, Drogo said:

The last book @The Crazed Spruce read was "In the Company of Death."  

The 'deaja clue' is a possible but weak, but this one^ I like (mostly bc I've used it as a clue too lol) so I can absolutely see it being a clue. On it's own I don't know if it'd sway me but alongside the Jester/Joker connection on D1, which I felt was a little on the money at the time, it's def worth taking into consideration. The only thing that puts me off is him being a villain three times in a row? It's possible but not probable.

3 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

The 'deaja clue' is a possible but weak, but this one^ I like (mostly bc I've used it as a clue too lol) so I can absolutely see it being a clue. On it's own I don't know if it'd sway me but alongside the Jester/Joker connection on D1, which I felt was a little on the money at the time, it's def worth taking into consideration. The only thing that puts me off is him being a villain three times in a row? It's possible but not probable.

I said that last round, but at the same time, since Lisin wasn't running those games, it's possible she wasn't thinking about that the way you might have as game runner? As far as clues go, it does make sense.

1 minute ago, BizBuzz said:

So ... would it be safe to say that those that are confused are hero's and those that know WTF is going on, probably aren't?

Lol nice try but no. Plenty of bad guys 'play dumb', as we have seen many, many times. Ergo, 'confusion' is proof of nothing.

You were team bad guy last game and confused!

  • LOL 1
20 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

Lol nice try but no. Plenty of bad guys 'play dumb', as we have seen many, many times. Ergo, 'confusion' is proof of nothing.

You were team bad guy last game and confused!

It's a little suspicious to me that Biz was just like "I am so confused" and then her next post was "So the confused people are the good guys, right?"  Especially given the Day 1 misdirected clues regarding A1, I'm not trusting her at all.

19 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

The only thing that puts me off is him being a villain three times in a row? It's possible but not probable.


16 minutes ago, deaja said:

I said that last round, but at the same time, since Lisin wasn't running those games, it's possible she wasn't thinking about that the way you might have as game runner? 

That, and also remember Lisin gets killed the first Day/Night a lot so she may not even remember what clues were used.

Just now, deaja said:
15 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

Lol nice try but no. Plenty of bad guys 'play dumb', as we have seen many, many times. Ergo, 'confusion' is proof of nothing.

You were team bad guy last game and confused!

It's a little suspicious to me that Biz was just like "I am so confused" and then her next post was "So the confused people are the good guys, right?"


  • Useful 1

I don’t think I would have caught on to the “In the Company of Death” connection on my own — but then, I’ve never actually picked up on a real clue (just lots of random guessing), which means that’s probably a decent one, as potential clues go.

As per my random guessing — maybe someone is not a fan of dogs, like Katie here:


Stassi and Beau were trying to comfort Schwartz who was easily startled by loud noises in general and was shaking like a puppy after the crash. Katie rolled her eyes at him. Why had she married such a dumb dumb? Kristen was smoking another cigarette and marveling at the fact that she wasn’t the biggest wreck here for once.

That’s probably really thin, but I’ll go check anyway.

2 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

Observation; other than having ghosts and non-players posting up in here imma struggling to tell the difference between LOL & regular mafia atm, anyone else? I feel like something is missing/ being missed.

 @Lisin, any chance of a resurrection for the dearly departed? Who may not know everything about their demise, but may have some key facts? After all, LOLMafia...

Where is everybody? Play LOL mafia they said, it'll be fast & fun they said:


I'm going off-script rogue with a PB gif!


When everybody just sits around waiting to die toNight doing nothing:





1 to DL BizBuzz (SilverStormm) 6 to get bizzy


If I'm wrong I tried but let's at least have a giggle and not take it all too seriously bc this is meant to be silly & fun and any of us (heroes) could be dead toNight! 

#ifIdieIdie #gooutblazin' #mafialife #partytime

  • Love 1

On my phone, so I won't be adding a gif.  And, for some reason, I can't tell a story with gifs, like some people.  I have trouble just posting one gif (evidently, the ones I pick are too large).

I know everyone says this, especially in Mafia, but yeah I'm a hero.  In fact if you had to pluck out of all the Bravo celebs, the most reasonable and level-headed player you could, it would be me.

So I'm not going to try to convince you not to DL me.  You folks do as you please.  As they say, it is what it is.

I suck at clue finding, just YESTERday I went looking for "salty" clues in the profiles, and started a pasta war.

I did go back and re-read, trying to figure out why I felt A1 drew first blood.  My bad, it was @deaja ... honestly, I don't know how it got in my head that it was A1.  So I owe you an apology, A1 ... 

To balance things out, because I love balance ...

1 to DL BizBuzz (SilverStormm) 6 to get bizzy

1 to DL deaja (BizBuzz) 6 to level things out

Edited by BizBuzz
Because grammar is important ... and I forgot to include the other DL, ugh

I was thinking that “dumb dumb” could be a clue as the antonym of @Deadpool’s Super Intelligence. But it is more likely canon to this story...
real housewives school GIF by RealityTVGIFs

So, I’m not against a Biz DL, but I really can’t retrofit anything in either story to look like a Biz clue. 
Unlike TCS, who fits like a glove  

1 to DL BizBuzz (SilverStormm) 6 to get bizzy

1 to DL deaja (BizBuzz) 6 to level things out
1 to DL The Crazed Spruce (JTMacc99) 6 to put down the Pinot Grigio and make a difference 

  • Useful 1
16 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

But it is more likely canon to this story...
real housewives school GIF by RealityTVGIFs

I don't want to be the one who makes it weird but this isn't the first time asshole-bleaching has come up for me this week.  

Riding with JT on this one.. Biz is definitely acting a little off but.. TCS is the one we have a better clue for, and no word from him since it came up. 

1 to DL BizBuzz (SilverStormm) 6 to get bizzy

1 to DL deaja (BizBuzz) 6 to level things out

2 to DL The Crazed Spruce (JTMacc99, Drogo) 5 to put down the Pinot Grigio and make a difference 

This is LOLMafia; I refuse to look for clues or to do anything else resembling work.

1 to DL BizBuzz (SilverStormm) 6 to get bizzy

1 to DL deaja (BizBuzz) 6 to level things out

2 to DL The Crazed Spruce (JTMacc99, Drogo) 5 to put down the Pinot Grigio and make a difference

1 to DL Aquarian1 (MarkHB) because now those cookies exist, so she obviously conjured them out of thin air to antagonize and addict me so...

checking blood and oil GIF

(RIP the great Terry Jones)

  • LOL 1

Biz or Spruce?  Biz or Spruce?  Hmmm...

Season 4 Coin Toss GIF by Friends


1 to DL BizBuzz (SilverStormm) 6 to get bizzy

1 to DL deaja (BizBuzz) 6 to level things out

3 to DL The Crazed Spruce (JTMacc99, Drogo, aquarian1) 4 to put laugh until they die

1 to DL Aquarian1 (MarkHB) because now those cookies exist, so she obviously conjured them out of thin air to antagonize and addict me so...

  • Love 1

In LOL mafia, you don't need a clue to start a DL, in regular mafia you don't either but I guess it's more important then?

Plus Spruce is often the whipping boy so imma give him a break (for now) and stick with my random choice. I realise that if he does flip villain at some point that makes me look suspicious and if he flips hero I guess that makes me look heroic? Taking such risks in mafia, look at me #livingdangerously!

@BizBuzz Nothing personal, bc LOL mafia - I went with someone who'd behaved a little shady but not enough to make me act if it were regular mafia.

If another DL gets enough traction I'll switch over, I'm not dead set.

I will point out that after the DL completed yesterDay @JTMacc99  was all "Looks like we DL'd a hero. If SA is a hero SS looks sus/if SA is a villain SS looks sus" (paraphrasing). I said at the time 'sometimes lightning strikes' and whaddayaknow, lol. So as saoirse was neither hero or one of team villain, what say you now @JTMacc99?

9 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

In LOL mafia, you don't need a clue to start a DL, in regular mafia you don't either but I guess it's more important then?

Plus Spruce is often the whipping boy so imma give him a break (for now) and stick with my random choice. I realise that if he does flip villain at some point that makes me look suspicious and if he flips hero I guess that makes me look heroic? Taking such risks in mafia, look at me #livingdangerously!

@BizBuzz Nothing personal, bc LOL mafia - I went with someone who'd behaved a little shady but not enough to make me act if it were regular mafia.

OK, you convinced me.  I'll change my vote.  😄  Plus it even things out a bit, because why not?

2 to DL BizBuzz (SilverStormm, aquarian1) 5 to buzz off

1 to DL deaja (BizBuzz) 6 to level things out

2 to DL The Crazed Spruce (JTMacc99, Drogo) 5 to put down the Pinot Grigio and make a difference

1 to DL Aquarian1 (MarkHB) because now those cookies exist, so she obviously conjured them out of thin air to antagonize and addict me so...

confused desperate housewives GIF by HULU

Just now, SilverStormm said:

If another DL gets enough traction I'll switch over, I'm not dead set.

If you switch over, another tracting DL will get set dead.  (See what I did there) 


You, @MarkHB and @BizBuzz should come to the @The Crazed Spruce DL and then one of @deaja @ohjoy @Lady Calypso can finish it off.   

Gotta do things to do things.  

Just now, aquarian1 said:

OK, you convinced me.  I'll change my vote.  😄  Plus it even things out a bit, because why not?

Forget everything I just said because @aquarian1 is cookie-bearing Flippy Flopperson. 

4 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

So as saoirse was neither hero or one of team villain, what say you now @JTMacc99

All of my theory on that vote defaults to "what happens if we voted to kill a hero", because all the bad guys knew was that we were not voting for one of them.

Here were the votes: 7 to DL Saoirse (Machiabelly, ohjoy, deaja, SilverStormm, JTMacc99, Deadpool, BizBuzz) 1 to take a shot in the dark. And of course Drogo put the final nail in the coffin, although he did a shit job and @saoirse escaped, only to be murdered later anyway.

I know that you were very clear about not being particularly hot on DL'ing any of the three, which is why you cast that 4-4-4 vote for non-villain saoirse.  I mean, you could have just abstained if you didn't want to DL anybody, but I'm leaning towards that's not the way you roll...


So I'll throw it back at you @SilverStormm, do you think all 8 of those votes were from heroes? And if not, other than me and you, which one's do you think are shady? Biz and Deadpool? 

And all this talk of cookies and pasta and wine makes me think I should have a light lunch.



4 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

OK, you convinced me.  I'll change my vote.  😄  Plus it even things out a bit, because why not?

I wasn't attempting to influence anyone but ok lolz.

4 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Forget everything I just said because @aquarian1 is cookie-bearing Flippy Flopperson. 

Looks like you lost dem mystical 'followers' I've heard so much about. 😆

Just now, JTMacc99 said:

And of course Drogo put the final nail in the coffin, although he did a shit job and @saoirse escaped, only to be murdered later anyway.


Just now, SilverStormm said:

Looks like you lost dem mystical 'followers' I've heard so much about. 😆


Just now, SilverStormm said:
5 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

OK, you convinced me.  I'll change my vote.  😄  Plus it even things out a bit, because why not?

I wasn't attempting to influence anyone but ok lolz.

For the record I was 100% attempting to influence people so if @SilverStormm doesn't appreciate you come back to the @The Crazed Spruce DL.



5 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

So I'll throw it back at you @SilverStormm, do you think all 8 of those votes were from heroes? And if not, other than me and you, which one's do you think are shady? Biz and Deadpool? 

I'm never a 'do-nothing bitch' 😉

Of course not all heroes - it's possible but not probable (you can tell I operate on a probability basis not a possibility one). Out of those 8, I've no idea and suspect everyone at least 25% but if pushed I'm most unsure about machia, ohjoy and Biz, not to mention it's always wise to be a little sus of Drogo regardless. 

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