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LOL Bravo Mafia: Gif-tastic!

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I was actually coming to say that I wasn't going to change my mind, because, quite honestly, A1 drew first blood ... so I wanted to stick with my choice.

However, since we are dangerously close to the end of our time, and I would very much like to see SOMETHING get done TOday ...

2 to DL A1 (MarkHB, Lady Calypso) 6 to do something

4 to DL Machia (saoirse, Drogo aquarian1, TCS), 4 to do something else

7 to DL Saoirse (Machiabelly, ohjoy, deaja, SilverStormm, JTMacc99, Deadpool, BizBuzz) 1 to take a shot in the dark.

A1 ... 

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Edited by BizBuzz
Corrected the total for the A1 DL
28 minutes ago, Drogo said:
36 minutes ago, saoirse said:

I too could be persuaded. My main reason for targeting Machia was really just because he was the quiet one who peeked out.

Well you and I are both on the Machia DL, and the other choices are A1 or you.  Which would you prefer to vote for?  I'm thinking you'd rather vote A1 than yourself..  

I'll move to A1's DL if you/saoirse and Deaja would be willing to also move to it- then we'll only need one more to get Day completed and hopefully(?) find out what we're working with here. 

So I meant this when I said it but we're too late to turn this around now... closing it out.  (The 5th/6th/7th votes sure came quickly, though...)  


2 to DL A1 (MarkHB, Lady Calypso) 4 to do something

3 to DL Machia (saoirse, aquarian1, TCS), 5 to do something else

8 to DL Saoirse (Machiabelly, ohjoy, deaja, SilverStormm, JTMacc99, Deadpool, BizBuzz, Drogo) 0 to Watch What Happens! Live

Edited by Drogo
Taking myself off Mach DL
3 minutes ago, Drogo said:

So I meant this when I said it but we're too late to turn this around now... closing it out.  (The 5th/6th/7th votes sure came quickly, though...)  


2 to DL A1 (MarkHB, Lady Calypso) 4 to do something

3 to DL Machia (saoirse, aquarian1, TCS), 5 to do something else

8 to DL Saoirse (Machiabelly, ohjoy, deaja, SilverStormm, JTMacc99, Deadpool, BizBuzz, Drogo) 0 to Watch What Happens! Live

@Drogo, can you fix the bold?  I edited mine I think a bit after you quoted me.

3 minutes ago, Drogo said:

So I meant this when I said it but we're too late to turn this around now... closing it out.  (The 5th/6th/7th votes sure came quickly, though...)  

Yeah, they definitely did, and I’d be watching my back, the rest of you. Something something smells pretty fishy and dare I say villainous in this vote. I can only hope you don’t regret it, @Drogo and @deaja.

49 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

Well shit, that escalated quickly! I just have to hope we didn't blindly DL a hero bc that'd suck.

Odds are pretty good that’s exactly what we did. I had absolutely no reason to suspect any of the three but was curious to see what would happen if I flip flopped. 

Now we know. Let’s hope I chose wisely...

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1 hour ago, JTMacc99 said:

I had absolutely no reason to suspect any of the three but was curious to see what would happen if I flip flopped. 

Now we know. Let’s hope I chose wisely...

I'm a little curious as to why when I posted that we would need to get some vote-switching done and called to discuss/decide on which DL to re-place votes - to which multiple players answered that they'd be willing to change their votes to get a DL done -  you instead swiftly moved your vote from @aquarian1 to @saoirse - propelling the vote-switch/DL sans discussion. 

If I didn't know any better I'd say you wanted to make sure those shutdown DL votes didn't land on @Machiabelly.  

But like... 




15 minutes ago, Drogo said:

you instead swiftly moved your vote

Indeed. I checked in while on lunch break in my trip to the Met* with the eighth graders and didn’t have much time to think about it.

You’re partially correct in that I suspected Machiabelly less than Saoirse, something about the way he claimed innocence made me give him the benefit of the doubt. 

But more so was the fact that Saoirse got the last two votes to make it 4-4-4. If I were a bad guy, and Saoirse was a bad guy, I would totally throw on that “nobody is getting DL’d anyway” 3rd or 4th vote there for future deniability. 

* George Washington can vouch for me:



11 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

But more so was the fact that Saoirse got the last two votes to make it 4-4-4. If I were a bad guy, and Saoirse was a bad guy, I would totally throw on that “nobody is getting DL’d anyway” 3rd or 4th vote there for future deniability. 

I trust that isn't meant to throw shade towards me because I stated clearly I wasn't up for any DL completing before Machia even started a DL on Saoirse and only re-iterated as much when I later voted. 


ETA: and for the record, I hope she IS a bad guy regardless of how my actions could be interpreted by others - bc I'm a hero and DL'ing fellow heroes sucks. Plus naturally, I want team H to win, no matter how it happens.

Edited by SilverStormm
Added ETA
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@SilverStormm, I have absolutely no shade to throw at you or anyone else. Yet. 
But I do think that if Saoirse turns up Villain, I will be suspicious of votes 3, 4, and probably 8. Not super suspicious, as it is possible we found a silver bullet.
And if she was hero, gotta think there are a couple villain votes. Will need to clear my own name, obviously. 

1 minute ago, JTMacc99 said:

@SilverStormm, I have absolutely no shade to throw at you or anyone else. Yet. 
But I do think that if Saoirse turns up Villain, I will be suspicious of votes 3, 4, and probably 8. Not super suspicious, as it is possible we found a silver bullet.
And if she was hero, gotta think there are a couple villain votes. Will need to clear my own name, obviously. 

Of course, you're entitled to be suspicious (unless you're a fake-ass villain) of whomever you choose, but I'm a hero, just for the record so I wouldn't waste your energy on me. Hopefully, that'll be proven in-story sooner or later...<wink>


  • LOL 1
3 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

Curious that you only singled these two players out to 'warn' for no discernible reason, do you have some reason to trust them that you'd care to share with the rest of the class or ?


Mainly because @deaja was the first to jump on the vote for me after the 'quiet ones'; and @Drogo was fairly quick and happy to close it out.

2 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

But more so was the fact that Saoirse got the last two votes to make it 4-4-4. If I were a bad guy, and Saoirse was a bad guy, I would totally throw on that “nobody is getting DL’d anyway” 3rd or 4th vote there for future deniability.

Yeah, funny how there seemed to be a nice balance going, and then people who were hesitant to complete a vote rushed in and did just that? And yes, I'm looking at...

2 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

@SilverStormm, I have absolutely no shade to throw at you or anyone else. Yet. 
But I do think that if Saoirse turns up Villain, I will be suspicious of votes 3, 4, and probably 8. Not super suspicious, as it is possible we found a silver bullet.
And if she was hero, gotta think there are a couple villain votes. Will need to clear my own name, obviously. 

@SilverStormm who seemed quite happy to maintain a balance until suddenly the vote started to turn. Honestly, votes 3-7 are all highly suspect to me. Well, okay fine. ALL EIGHT.

By my estimate, there are at least three villains in that 8 count, possibly 4. You will all see. I am no villain.


19 minutes ago, saoirse said:

Mainly because @deaja was the first to jump on the vote for me after the 'quiet ones'; and @Drogo was fairly quick and happy to close it out.

I'm confused, so you're especially suspicious of Drogo and deaja then?

19 minutes ago, saoirse said:

Yeah, funny how there seemed to be a nice balance going, and then people who were hesitant to complete a vote rushed in and did just that? And yes, I'm looking at...

19 minutes ago, saoirse said:

@SilverStormm who seemed quite happy to maintain a balance until suddenly the vote started to turn. Honestly, votes 3-7 are all highly suspect to me. Well, okay fine. ALL EIGHT.

Huh? ^I^ evened the vote out nicely then went away bc real life and when I got back people had voted/swapped and completed one without any further input from me. As I recall I was the only one calling for DL's not to complete. How does that equal me 'rushing in'? Because I didn't get back here in time? Lol, that doesn't make any sense to me.

I understand you being suspicious of everyone on that DL and if you are a hero as you say, then quite rightly so, however, even heroes make mistakes. Esp when blind voting on Day 1, that's why I started the fun DL on CP & Bob; to avoid completing a DL on a hero D1. Yeah, shady AF me...not.

3 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

I understand you being suspicious of everyone on that DL and if you are a hero as you say, then quite rightly so, however, even heroes make mistakes. Esp when blind voting on Day 1, that's why I started the fun DL on CP & Bob; to avoid completing a DL on a hero D1. Yeah, shady AF me...not.


Just now, JTMacc99 said:

real housewives oops GIF by RealityTVGIFs



real housewives love GIF by RealityTVGIFs
But I made a snap decision that escalated quickly. If you do end up being a good guy, which seems more and more likely given you are sticking to your story past when it seems like it would make a difference, I will regret my part in it and hope we learn something from it.

(80% of that was so I can use this:)

Please accept my apology,

real housewives eating GIF by RealityTVGIFs

  • LOL 1
45 minutes ago, saoirse said:
4 hours ago, SilverStormm said:


Mainly because @deaja was the first to jump on the vote for me after the 'quiet ones'; and @Drogo was fairly quick and happy to close it out.

This literally makes no sense. Machia starts a DL on you, I trusted A1 since I find Biz shady, so that narrows it to you or Machia to vote against. Ohjoy basically votes for you and doesn’t post anything else, yet my vote is the suspicious one? 

6 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

I will regret my part in it and hope we learn something from it.

I'm sure all us heroes on that DL will share that sentiment if Saoirse flips hero. However, I make no apology because sometimes shit happens in mafia, we've all been there. If I'm honest I was very surprised to see the DL on Saoirse was completed; if I'd been taking bets I would've put hers as least likely to out of the three. But.Shit.Happens. And we will learn something from it, maybe not instantly but we will eventually.


  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, deaja said:

This literally makes no sense. Machia starts a DL on you, I trusted A1 since I find Biz shady, so that narrows it to you or Machia to vote against. Ohjoy basically votes for you and doesn’t post anything else, yet my vote is the suspicious one? 

Not just yours - it had already been pointed out that Machia and ohjoy were the two quiet ones who had voted earlier. Yet everyone jumps on the vote for someone who wasn't quiet.

I am amused.





...and my dang computer won't let me post an awesome gif right at this moment. DAMMIT.


There we go!

8 hours ago, Drogo said:
8 hours ago, saoirse said:

I too could be persuaded. My main reason for targeting Machia was really just because he was the quiet one who peeked out.

Well you and I are both on the Machia DL, and the other choices are A1 or you.  Which would you prefer to vote for?  I'm thinking you'd rather vote A1 than yourself..  

I'll move to A1's DL if you/saoirse and Deaja would be willing to also move to it- then we'll only need one more to get Day completed and hopefully(?) find out what we're working with here. 

I actually thought ^this post^ was the reason for your addressing @deaja and I, @saoirse- and I thought you were telling us to watch our backs. I didn't realize that you were shading me.


How quickly you forgot I was the first one to join your @Machiabelly DL and stayed with you until it was clear where Day 1 was ending.  Everyone knows I'm not the type to sit out on a successful DL.



Oh, I enjoy some trash talk. So my post starting the vote on Machia went up three minutes after you posted this last night (and I remember as it went up while I was tweaking the post),

21 hours ago, Drogo said:

Let's DL someone. Who here really hates another player? 

and Machia posted a bit later to start the vote against me. I went to bed certain we'd be at least half way to a final vote on someone when I woke up. So I was really surprised that there were crickets until this later this morning.

Those final six votes on me took just 94 minutes this morning. There's definitely something going on there, and clearly someone wanted me gone. The question is...who? It's in there somewhere.




20 minutes ago, saoirse said:

Those final six votes on me took just 94 minutes this morning. There's definitely something going on there, and clearly someone wanted me gone. The question is...who? It's in there somewhere.


Machia started a vote on you at 1 am my time. I think in most mafia games, voting picks up toward the end of day.

Jill Zarin could not believe she was here. She could actually get back on the show. HER show. That bitch Bethenney had quit and it left a hole. A hole Jill knew she could fill. She just needed to pull Andy aside to convince him that she was going to be “real” this time. That she wouldn’t stoop to making up stories in order to get more screen time.

Meanwhile the Vanderpump disgustings were gearing up for a real show. Sandoval was in drag, naturally, and everyone just thought it was SO FUNNY. Andy was rolling his eyes internally but playing along because he loved the youth of it all. Even if these youths were in their late 30s. They felt young.


Not like the OC crowd who all felt plastic and desperate. Putting themselves out there on social media. Accidental nip slips. Publicly airing their dirty laundry even when they were no longer filming. Faking cancer for storylines. FAKING CANCER FOR FUCKING STORYLINES.


It was frankly all a bit sickening to Andy. He needed to get a hold of Anderson to confirm their vacation with DVF was set for next week. 

Andy stepped outside to call his bff when he heard a crash. Meghan and Phaedra came running out of the venue. Captain Sandy was right behind them. Scheana was out next “THESE EYELASHES ARE MINK” she screamed to no one. Captain Lee looked at her confused... how do mink eyelashes even work he thought. Padma and Tom had already been outside sharing a joint and Kristen was with them smoking a cigarette so they wandered up to the crowd to make sure no one was hurt. Lisa and Stassi came around the corner together and saw Katie and Schwartz emerge from a coffee shop across the street. Ramonja (that’s the two headed monster Ramona and Sonja) missed practically the whole thing since they were pre-gaming at the Gramarcy and Melissa was stuck on the turnpike not knowing what was going on. 

No one knew what was happening but somehow they had all made it out without any injuries. Thank goodness the civilians hadn’t showed up yet.

And with that, Night 1 begins.  (Those who still owe twilight actions have a few more hours to get them to me but I’m going to bed soon so I wanted to get this posted)

Players still employed by Bravo:






The Crazed Spruce 



meet trouble 



Lady Calypso 



Players looking to make their money on the Gram:

1. CuriousParker - James Lipton - A true Hero and the most dignified of all the personalities ever on Bravo. He was never a disgrace and therefore could not keep up with the disgustings who inhabited the once proud network. 

2. SVNBob - Brooks Ayers - the most villainous of all Bravolebs or adjacent personalities he faked cancer. On television. And got busted. And has never stopped lying about it. Also he called himself “Girth Brooks” in the bedroom which you all now know and we all need brain bleach to recover from. A true disgusting. 

  • Useful 1
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Day 2

Scheana ran up to Andy and screamed “MY EYELASHES WERE ALMOST RUINED” he looked at her wondering why the hell she thought that was important. But then again it was Scheana. She cared about very few things. Her mink eyelashes were high up on that list. 


Stassi and Beau were trying to comfort Schwartz who was easily startled by loud noises in general and was shaking like a puppy after the crash. Katie rolled her eyes at him. Why had she married such a dumb dumb? Kristen was smoking another cigarette and marveling at the fact that she wasn’t the biggest wreck here for once. 





Ramonja were discussing how to find more Pinot Grigio when Ramona remembered she had a stash in the hotel room so they ran off together to grab it. 




The Captains, Padma and Tom were discussing how they could get out of having to be here now that everything was going to hell. They all felt that they were above it in the first place. Now they just needed to get Andy to excuse them.





Suddenly they all heard another crash from the scaffolding surrounding the neighboring building. Scheana and Andy looked up just in time to see the scaffolding collapsing above them. Everyone gasped. When the dust cleared Scheana was there, cradling Andy’s head in her lap. He was gone. What would they all do now? 



Players still employed by Bravo:

  1. @Drogo
  2. @aquarian1
  3. @JTMacc99
  4. @SilverStormm
  5. @The Crazed Spruce
  6. @Deadpool
  7. @deaja
  8. @meet trouble
  9. @BizBuzz
  10. @Machiabelly
  11. @Lady Calypso
  12. @ohjoy
  13. @MarkHB

Players looking to make their money on the Gram:

  1.  CuriousParker - James Lipton - Hero 
  2.  SVNBob - Brooks Ayers - Villain 
  3.  Saoirse - Andy Cohen - Serial Killer

There is One Clue in this story

You have 48 hours for Day 2.

7 votes are needed to finish a DL.

1 minute ago, JTMacc99 said:

Ah. So we DL'd @saoirse during the day, but because the night story didn't reflect that death, we are to assume it didn't stick.

And then dead anyway, which is very interesting.

Yeah DL's are always reflected in the Night story unless it didn't go through (but the attempt is still reflected then, which it was). So someone - I presume the villains - killed her during Night? As for the SK Night kill - no idea, the story doesn't seem to reflect an attempt even from what I can tell.

I can't see anything clue-y in the story at all this time, nothing stands out to me, welp.

I gotta ask - @meet trouble, where you at gurl?


11 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Ah. So we DL'd @saoirse during the day, but because the night story didn't reflect that death, we are to assume it didn't stick.

And then dead anyway, which is very interesting.

Ah, I see now. I was thinking her DL was delayed somehow and the villains forgot to submit a night kill/were unsuccessful night killers.  


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