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S02.E05: Have A Good Wellkend, Joe

Door County Cherry

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Didn't Beck have a big family thing that Joe just happened to show up for.  Well at least this time he was invited.   

"Will Bettelheim,  Amy Adam"

Will Bettelheim....what a great name,  Almost sounds made up."

Must be awkward for Joe when his current girlfriend who he stalks asks him to help her helicopter passive aggressive brother keep his former girlfriend who he almost serial killed and wants to destroy his life. But Joe is a good guy now so what the heck right? 

Ok if I didn't know better I would think this episode was the end of a Hallmark movie for Joe and Love.....and Forty.

And of course Candace has Forty  adapting Beck’s book.  Why would they not?

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

It's really hard not to root for Candace. After all she's been through, she really is the hero this show needs...it's too bad she's probably going to die.

It was interesting to see the flashbacks and realize that Candice hid because the police flat out told her that Joe was going to get off scott-free. It makes sense why she's toying with him and waiting for him to screw up. But yeah, I think she's going to end up dead. 

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  • Love 12

I am fully rooting for Candace, here, and I assume that we are supposed to root for her. Seeing those flashbacks were really hard to not feel sorry for her. She went through hell, knows what Beck would have gone through, and knows what Love is going through without even knowing it. 

The Quinn family stuff was decent enough. But yeah, their parents suck. I can see how Forty became so messed up and I do feel bad. It also makes sense as to why Love protects him so much.

As for the Ellie/Delilah stuff, I'm not a huge fan of what went down, just because flushing the photos is never a really good idea. At least they made up, so that's a plus.

I am so glad for Candace bringing Beck's book to Forty so he can make it into a film. 

  • Love 5

When it comes to the photos there was really no good way for the sisters to handle it.   Burning the photos might seem wrong but it would have also been a huge betrayal to give them to the police.   I don’t know about anyone else but I would feel highly betrayed if someone handed naked photos of me to the cops regardless of where they got it from.   Unless the sisters went to everyone who photos they had they were making a lose/lose decision.   

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

When it comes to the photos there was really no good way for the sisters to handle it.   Burning the photos might seem wrong but it would have also been a huge betrayal to give them to the police.   I don’t know about anyone else but I would feel highly betrayed if someone handed naked photos of me to the cops regardless of where they got it from.   Unless the sisters went to everyone who photos they had they were making a lose/lose decision.   

The only solution I'd have is if they DID track down each girl to give them the photograph so they could decide what to do with them. But yeah, I guess there was no right answer, in this case.

  • Love 1
On 12/27/2019 at 8:14 PM, Spartan Girl said:

It's really hard not to root for Candace. After all she's been through, she really is the hero this show needs...it's too bad she's probably going to die.

I know I’m supposed to root for Candace. And what Joe did to her was truly horrific, but she annoys me. I know she has to steel herself every time she talks to him, but the writers make her villainous—she ends up sounding more cold and vindictive than a suffering PTSD victim who wants to get a psychopath off the street. The one exception was when Joe tried to hug her in the circle, and she freaked out. I liked that Candace. 

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I am fully rooting for Candace, here, and I assume that we are supposed to root for her. Seeing those flashbacks were really hard to not feel sorry for her. She went through hell, knows what Beck would have gone through, and knows what Love is going through without even knowing it. 

The Quinn family stuff was decent enough. But yeah, their parents suck. I can see how Forty became so messed up and I do feel bad. It also makes sense as to why Love protects him so much.

Yeah, those parents suck. The mom made Joe smoke weed with her? And called her daughter a failure because Love couldn’t “protect” her grown-ass brother from being a drug addict? And the dad bought a building at Dartmouth so Forty could get admitted? Heh.

But what I kept wondering was how much it must have cost to build and furnish all of those yurts and tents. Love’s yurt had a real bed, not a cot or an air mattress. 


  • Love 7

I am totally rooting for Candace, and I feel like we are supposed to be. Yeah she wasnt the nicest person, but she is an absolute angel compared to Joe, and she went through an absolutely horrible ordeal with Joe, was told by the authorities not to bother going through the proper channels, and is basically playing vigilante to try and stop him from killing more people, which of course he will. 

"She is obsessed with me!" Joe and his lack of self awareness continues to amaze. The guy really does constantly re-write things based on what he thinks makes him look better, in his own head and to us. 

Love and Forty's parents are the worst, made even more awful with their whole "super enlightened rich hippie" vibes. You know that someone who makes a big deal about transparency is totally hiding some really nasty shit. Loves mom smacking HER for not "taking care of" Forty is freaking rich, considering they apparently left their kids with a child molester, and then covered it all up and pretended it never happened after she committed suicide in their house. Forty is a LOT, and clearly needs to actually try and get his life together, but that is a whole lot of trauma he has clearly not worked on, so I do feel bad for him, even if he is a pain in the ass. 

It is interesting that abuse, especially sexual and domestic abuse, and how that affects people in the long term, how people in power take advantage of people under them, and how often they are failed by the people in power around them, and that leads to even worse consequences down the line. 

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  • Love 10
5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Forty is a LOT, and clearly needs to actually try and get his life together, but that is a whole lot of trauma he has clearly not worked on, so I do feel bad for him, even if he is a pain in the ass. 

Yeah, this is the ep where I realized Forty never stood a chance in life. His parents didn't care about him, they cared about what people might say if there was a scandal. Mom had some nerve smacking Love for not looking out for her brother. Last I checked, it was the PARENTS job to look after their kids, not siblings. 

The Elder Quinn's make me all kinds of ragey and I wish Joe would put his "people skills" to use on them. Really Joe, you want to go around killing bad people, there are two prime candidates right in front of you. And honestly, I think you'd be doing both Love and Forty a big favor by offing their parents. 

  • Love 6

I wanted to yell at the cop so much when they said they couldn't prove anything. I'm rooting for Candace. Any girl who crawls out of a grave and seeks revenge on her would-be murderer  is final girl material to me. I really enjoyed her freaking out PTSD scene when he hugged her at the weird hippie circle. And I hate Forty's mom even more for not letting her leave without hugging him when she was obviously freaking out. 

I laughed way too hard at "Fucking crackheads." 

  • LOL 2
  • Love 5

i just finished this episode, and I have to say that Love, as a love interest, is reminding too much of Lila from season two of Dexter.

This show has always had a lot in common with Dexter. I've described it to people as "Dexter, if Dexter was a stalker."

And in season two of Dexter, the romantic storyline was "what if Dexter met a love interest who seemed like a sexy free spirit, and then she turned out to be a killer too?" And I'm guessing this is the same thing.

If it turns out Love killed her husband, and the Spanish au pair, this season is going to seem waaay too familiar. I'm hoping it's more complicated than that.


  • Useful 1
  • Love 2
On 12/29/2019 at 8:23 PM, topanga said:

Yeah, those parents suck.

They're the worst. Joe's parents are the Cleavers compared to them.

On 12/27/2019 at 7:30 PM, Chaos Theory said:

And of course Candace has Forty  adapting Beck’s book.  Why would they not?

I like how they're bringing back threads from the first season.

On 12/31/2019 at 7:28 PM, bettername2come said:

Any girl who crawls out of a grave and seeks revenge on her would-be murderer  is final girl material to me.

If nothing else, Candace needs to stick around so Joe has a threat. 

  • Love 1

Does anyone know the park that this episode was filmed in? It also made an appearance in the just-released final season of Hulu's Marvel's Runaways, for a fantasy wedding sequence. As soon as I saw Joe and Love passing the ferris wheel I started wondering, and when I saw the big tree with the strands of lights coming down from the branches I knew. I can certainly see why it's popular - what a gorgeous place for wedding vows.


If it turns out Love killed her husband, and the Spanish au pair...

I've felt that Love killed her husband since she first revealed he was dead and "he just got sick!" She's a chef so I think she probably slowly poisoned him. I have no basis for that other than my gut instinct - she's off to me and has been from the beginning. I hadn't even thought about the au pair. That makes all kinds of sense, considering how protective she is of Forty.

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  • Love 5
On 1/4/2020 at 9:16 AM, Blakeston said:


i just finished this episode, and I have to say that Love, as a love interest, is reminding too much of Lila from season two of Dexter.


I think of Dexter a lot too but don’t remember Lila being a killer. I thought the blonde girl played by the actress in The Handmaid tale was the killer. 

Like Dexter, Joe also goes after the bad guys (Henderson) to help others. So you’re rooting for him. 

But Joe is worse because he also kills innocents and those he says he loves. Dexter would never have killed Rita.

Late to the party but I need to get this off my chest. The scene where Candace reported Joe's murder attempt was both heartbreaking and silly. Heartbreaking because the police's reluctance or inability to help victims of domestic violence is very much a real phenomenon. Silly because the police didn't even bother interrogating Joe before saying "you can't prove it". For all they knew, Joe might well have cracked when interrogated and admitted everything. But of course, since they already established that Joe thought Candace was dead, they couldn't have the cops do the obvious thing and interrogate him, however halfheartedly. "This isn't CSI" is a rather annoying line in a show where the protagonist has already killed half a dozen people, all in rather clumsy ways and the police don't even consider him a suspect for any of these murders. I am willing to suspend my disbelief a lot because the show was never particularly realistic to begin with but everything has a limit.

Also, the actress who plays Candace just isn't very good.

  • Love 3

Looking back on Candace….she did realize Joe was obsessed with her, right?  And, that he wasn’t very stable…..so, she flaunts sleeping with the music producer in public and yells at Joe that she never loved him.  Not blaming the victim, but just curious how she thought he might react to being treated that way.  Best to cut off contact and get a restraining order like the officer said.  

Love’s mother….omg…I detest people who insist someone else use drugs or drink alcohol.  It’s one of my pet peeves.  It’s amazing how many people love to coerce another to do shots!  Lol.  Why?  

  • Love 1

I now just realized where I know the actor that plays Forty from, he was Charlie in Fire Island!! He looks so different without the beard and a bit more fat on his face, much more innocent. It was probably a styling choice. 

I can believe that Love killed the abusive au pair, but I believe she loves her brother. I don’t think she would’ve left the woman’s body for him to find. That “mother” is a piece of work. 

Penn’s facial work is superb. When Forty said “they think Henderson was murdered”, the twitch in Joe’s jaw- chilling. 

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