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17 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Instead, she spotlighted that Repub Wisconsin State Legislature asshole

Tonight, on her daily segment of  Republican Politicians Continue To Prove They Are Assholes, Rachel features the Governor of Arkansas and the Republican legislature of Kansas.

Where is Rachel filming her show?  I thought it was in NYC, but during the handoff LOD said neither one of them were there.  


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4 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Tonight, on her daily segment of  Republican Politicians Continue To Prove They Are Assholes, Rachel features the Governor of Arkansas and the Republican legislature of Kansas.

Where is Rachel filming her show?  I thought it was in NYC, but during the handoff LOD said neither one of them were there.  


Why do they do that? Am I living in The Twilight Zone when someone does something so reckless that it just cost lives of people in a pandemic? I don't get their logic.

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8 hours ago, Robert Lynch said:

Why do they do that? Am I living in The Twilight Zone when someone does something so reckless that it just cost lives of people in a pandemic? I don't get their logic.

Power, I suppose. They do foolish things just to show that they can. It reminds me of playground bullies. Some of these "public servants" have nothing but contempt for law and the common good. I guess the supporters will cheer until grandma gets sick and dies alone in the hospital, but even that may not change some minds.

It's interesting how different Rachel looks depending on what studio she's in. I hope she's close to her home in Massachusetts, but I don't think she's said. 

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Rachel is getting the best clips and interviews to illustrate what is really going on. And that Topos map resource is amazing.

The nurse who traveled to New York to help and is now worried about his father back home going out—that broke me. I hope somebody has shown that to his dad, and all the dads (and governors!) thinking “no big deal.”

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Rachel providing full Rachel scorn and disgust, yet with amazement, tonight as she describe how the federal government ("the supplies belong to ME" TM Jared) is stealing supplies that hospitals and local agencies have ordered to supply local health care workers.  Discovered by the FBI while investigating an actual scam in California.  "THIS is their game plan.  Three months later.  Over 23,000 dead.  And they are stealing hospital supplies before they can be delivered."  And another state is thinking of bringing in the National Guard to ensure that the feds don't sweep in to steal the supplies in that state. 

At least Rachel, wherever she is, had connectivity. The East Coast storms knocked out Nicolle Wallace's show earlier today.  I don't think the network would have her in Massachusetts, for exactly that kind of reason.  

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18 hours ago, freddi said:

At least Rachel, wherever she is, had connectivity. The East Coast storms knocked out Nicolle Wallace's show earlier today.  I don't think the network would have her in Massachusetts, for exactly that kind of reason.  

She could come to my place outside of Boston. Our house is next to the city hall, main police station, and main fire station. Their lines are our lines. Power goes out, and we're first back on with them. We didn't realize this advantage when we bought the house. 

Jared is scum. I hope he gets to spend some quality time in prison like his father. 

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Rachel the Queen was calling out the red state governors again and it was glorious and she really gave the governor from South Dakota a verbal smackdown for not taking this pandemic seriously enough to enact stay at home orders to keep the people safe.  The governor of South Dakota seemed like a piece of work basically saying that her state was not NYC. I always find it so curious how  she and her ilk always say New York and California with such venom and disdain.. 

Edited by Pearson80
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55 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

Rachel the Queen was calling out the red state governors again and it was glorious and she really gave the governor from South Dakota a verbal smackdown for not taking this pandemic seriously enough to enact stay at home orders to keep the people safe.  The governor of South Dakota seemed like a piece of work basically saying that her state was not NYC. I always find it so curious how  she and her ilk always say New York and California with such venom and disdain.. 

Rachel could probably offer a theory or two on these baffling behaviors by certain governors (LOD would), but her style is to carefully lay out the damning facts and let listeners fill in the motives. Sometimes the reasons for the behaviors would be too foolish for most people to bother listening to.  

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2 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Tonight, on her daily segment of  Republican Politicians Continue To Prove They Are Assholes, Rachel features the Governor of Arkansas South Dakota. 

Notice that Rachel has been ALL OVER HER for 2 nites in a row?  Luv it!  Keep your spotlight of shame on this horrible woman, Rach.

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Tonight, on her daily segment of  Republican Politicians Continue To Prove They Are Assholes, Rachel features the Governor(s) of Arkansas  South Dakota and Florida. 

Correction:  Rachel only featured the Governor of SD.  The Governor of Florida was featured on Chris Hayes' on-going segment, Republican Politicians Are Really All In When It Comes To PAC Money. 

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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Damn.... Racheal mentioned my small town last night (Salisbury NC) on her A block... because of our 96 Covid19 cases in a single nursing home.  Said she read the Salisbury Post.

Her point being... nobobdy at the federal level is tracking the overall numbers\overall horror of what is happening at these places.  So she has to read the local news to get it.

Love her roasting the South Dakota governor over no statewide lock down even with the Smithfield plant implosion.  Everything is fine here folks, move along, nothing to see here.  I wish upon her the same fate as the Richmond Va pastor who mocked the lockdown and held packed services, only to die of the virus.

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You know, I’m glad Rachel is covering what’s going on with nursing homes & how they’re effected so horribly.  It’s brutal as hell to watch, but Rachel needs to show the brutality of it, since Trump, in his daily hours-long babbling sessions, has NEVER once mentioned it.

Sadly, Rachel’s nightly Gov Spotlight of Shame seems to now have zero effect.  The foolish S.D. Gov is fine and dandy keeping the state wide open & the idiot FL Gov is OK with opening beaches.  It doesn’t matter if Rachel has no effect on these moron Govs.  She needs to keep up her commentary because she (no doubt) will be proven right & cases will skyrocket.  But even more importantly, she needs to counter the misinformation from Fox & elsewhere.

What I’d like to see from Rachel is a direct appeal to her viewers who are unfortunate enough to live in states with idiot Govs who are OK with putting their lives in danger, to rise up & protest.

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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

You know, I’m glad Rachel is covering what’s going on with nursing homes & how they’re effected so horribly.  It’s brutal as hell to watch, but Rachel needs to show the brutality of it, since Trump, in his daily hours-long babbling sessions, has NEVER once mentioned it.

Sadly, Rachel’s nightly Gov Spotlight of Shame seems to now have zero effect.  The foolish S.D. Gov is fine and dandy keeping the state wide open & the idiot FL Gov is OK with opening beaches.  It doesn’t matter if Rachel has no effect on these moron Govs.  She needs to keep up her commentary because she (no doubt) will be proven right & cases will skyrocket.  But even more importantly, she needs to counter the misinformation from Fox & elsewhere.

What I’d like to see from Rachel is a direct appeal to her viewers who are unfortunate enough to live in states with idiot Govs who are OK with putting their lives in danger, to rise up & protest.

Don't worry. What goes around, comes around. They'll feel the pain.

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7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

You know, I’m glad Rachel is covering what’s going on with nursing homes & how they’re effected so horribly.  It’s brutal as hell to watch, but Rachel needs to show the brutality of it, since Trump, in his daily hours-long babbling sessions, has NEVER once mentioned it.

I'm glad she focuses on it, for the same reason.  Also, it's too easy for us to forget that it is real, human beings who are dying when the news people just "update" us on the what the "death toll" is.  In the same way she focuses on the medical staff telling their own stories in their own words, we need Rachel to tell the stories of the people who are dying by the tens of thousands within the last two months alone.

Also, I would like her to also list the number of people who have been hospitalized across the country by this virus, a running tally.  I think a lot of people only consider the number who died as a problem, but forget how many more there are who had to be hospitalized, some for weeks on ventilators, people who may not quite recover to their old selves, and that is also a tragedy we are trying to avoid with the lock downs.

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Yeah, but as Rachel now seems to be the lone voice of sanity, on CNN or MSNBC or ALL of TV (who mostly refuses to show clips from Trump’s daily bullshit show), I really would like to see her counter these lunatic protesters popping up, who are against shutdowns.  Seems to me like a natural follow up to what she has been saying, to encourage viewers to also protest — in those states which have no shutdowns, or with Govs who want to open beaches (or whatever else) too dangerously soon.

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17 hours ago, Robert Lynch said:

You know, I’m glad Rachel is covering what’s going on with nursing homes & how they’re effected so horribly.  It’s brutal as hell to watch, but Rachel needs to show the brutality of it, since Trump, in his daily hours-long babbling sessions, has NEVER once mentioned it.

Brutal is right, and I find myself in tears as I watch.  My 95 year-old Mom is in assisted living and I'm beyond worried and terrified for her.  

13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Seems to me like a natural follow up to what she has been saying, to encourage viewers to also protest — in those states which have no shutdowns, or with Govs who want to open beaches (or whatever else) too dangerously soon

If Karma is truly a bitch, these protesters will become infected.

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Am I the only one who gets anxious when Rachel starts a show by talking about how long her show has been on the air, like she did on Monday?  “This makes me as old as Methuselah.”’  Just me?  Mkay.

Glad she immediately went to “I’ll do this as long as they let me,” but I was alarmed at the sentences she started with. 

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16 hours ago, freddi said:

Am I the only one who gets anxious when Rachel starts a show by talking about how long her show has been on the air, like she did on Monday?  “This makes me as old as Methuselah.”’  Just me?  Mkay.

Glad she immediately went to “I’ll do this as long as they let me,” but I was alarmed at the sentences she started with. 

Stuff like that makes me worry about Rachel as well.

Some times you can hear it in her voice or the sighs she lets out occassionally -- like she can't believe she's reporting some of the shady crap these politicians are trying to get away with.

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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Stuff like that makes me worry about Rachel as well.

Some times you can hear it in her voice or the sighs she lets out occassionally -- like she can't believe she's reporting some of the shady crap these politicians are trying to get away with.

I love that she puts a spotlight on them. I know a tiger doesn't change their colors, but it most be infuriating when these states put party before country. And it is not supposed to be like that.

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I'm also glad Rachel is putting the spotlight on nursing homes & assisted living places.  What a terrifying situation.  Especially because their families cannot visit the people in these facilities.  I have friends who are frantic with worry about their parents.  

If only we had the public health workers to spare for the tracing of these people who attend the protests.  I wonder how many of them will get sick, and how many people ultimately will be infected.  Don't any of them have relatives in a nursing home?  Have a family member who is a health care worker?  Have a child with asthma?  Know someone who works in a grocery store?  Know a law enforcement officer/paramedic/firefighter?  Someone who can say hey!  this is serious shit!  

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Rachel's last few shows have been really hard to watch.  I get that she wants to show first-hand the horror of what's going on, but she should balance it out with coverage of some great reporting coming out of WaPo, NY Times & WSJ.  Seriously, there are some horrible stories breaking, like on Alex Azar's aide, who is responsible for the agency’s day-to-day response to COVID-19, whose only experience is as a dog breeder.  OMG.

Please don't get side-tracked, Rach -- we need you to get those reporters breaking important scoops back on the show & spotlight their reporting!

And may I say thank you to Rachel, because while every other asshole host on MSNBC endlessly plays clips from Trump's daily bullshit sessions (yeah, staring right at ya with hate, Hayes, Melber & Williams), Rachel is still the lone standout on this shit network who mostly does not.

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I'm so glad that Rachel has finally addressed the issue of food being dumped/left to rot when there are thousands lining up at food banks. We need to get that Army Corps of Engineers guy on this immediately - one of the few people who seems to know how to get anything done!  But seriously, with fuel prices at lows not seen for decades, it seems that it would not cost that much to truck or fly food to where it is needed.  Especially things like potatoes, which don't need refrigeration.  

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That meatpacking plant in Colorado is infuriating. If I worked in a hospital in Greeley I’d be so tempted to just leave town. If the county board doesn’t care about people’s health, why should anyone else have to clean up their messes. (I know. The workers in the plant and their families and neighbors aren’t to blame.)

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You know, it seems like all of these awful stories Rachel is spotlighting goes back to what she’s been saying consistently — when there’s no direction from the top & zero national leadership, as there has been & remains, bad stuff happens.

Sometimes Rachel has a tendency to focus on an important story & then sorta forget about it or never do any follow up on it.  The story she was following closely (the past few weeks) about the Fed “stealing” PPE from what states had acquired is especially awful.  Apparently, FEMA is denying this strenuously, but something stinks badly here, and I smell the stench of Jared all over this one.  Please, Rach, don’t forget this story — it deserves your spotlight!

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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I smell the stench of Jared all over this one.

They are his, after all. 


16 hours ago, ahisma said:

That meatpacking plant in Colorado is infuriating. If I worked in a hospital in Greeley I’d be so tempted to just leave town. If the county board doesn’t care about people’s health, why should anyone else have to clean up their messes. (I know. The workers in the plant and their families and neighbors aren’t to blame.)

And apparently our fearless leader is going to sign an executive order forcing them to reopen and giving them liability protection against lawsuits.  Presumably Rachel will cover this tonight. 

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Her focus on CDC & the meat plants tonite made me shudder.  I trust Rachel's instincts that she's all over this.  Oh, and Trump just insisted on all of these plants remaining open.  Ugh.  Guess it's not too hard to predict Rachel will be totally right & this is gonna have disastrous consequences -- & Trump will deny any responsibility & lie about wanting the plants to stay open or re-open. 

What's really awful is that CDC is giving these plants an opening to disavow responsibility if workers become infected.  CDC has NEVER done anything like this & as her guest pointed out, it would be easy to correct, to benefit the welfare of workers.  But as her guest also pointed out, it seems quite clear workers' safety is not the priority, it's keeping those plants open & running.  Ugh. 

Was Rach being strong enough by merely asking several times -- CDC, are you OK?  Yeah, I think she got the point across, something is not right there, and it's gotta make us all very, very nervous . . .

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Rachel missed one very important element of this.  With the CDC only making “suggestions” to meat and poultry corporations on how to run the plants during this pandemic, employees forced to work who get sick can’t sue their employers for failing to follow the CDC suggestions.  It answers her question of why the CDC wrote the guidelines the way they did.

Also, by making the guidelines voluntary while keeping the plants open  Is mandatory, the plants can’t be shut down for violations or for breakouts of infectious disease among the employees.  So, employees have to show up to work.  If they quit or don’t go in even though they are infected, they don’t get unemployment compensation.


Edited by izabella
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1 hour ago, Hanahope said:

Not to viruses.  They need living tissue to survive.  

Living tissue.  Just like the workers.  Well, at least for now.

It seems the only thing these assholes would understand is economics, since they seem to lack decency and humanity.  A boycott in other words.  Don't buy meat that comes from this plant until and unless they make worker safety their number one priority.  Ask grocery stores and restaurants you patronize if they obtain meat from this place and tell them they've lost your business.  Let other companies that use their meat in their products that you will no longer buy those products, and that you will use your voice in any way you can to urge others to not purchase them.   

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The meat packing plant situation is horrible. I suspect the lives of the largely immigrant populations do this dangerous, difficult work are of no concern to this administration. 

Living in Massachusetts, I was fascinated by the Covid-19 simulator that Rachel demonstrated, the new one developed by Mass General Hospital. Massachusetts hasn't  peaked yet, and the simulator estimates the number of deaths here before the curve levels at 5000 if we stay locked down as we are. The estimated number of deaths by the end of August with all restrictions lifted is estimated at 27,000. The website was swamped so I couldn't try it out. I'm curious what the numbers would be in my close relative's state that has recently opened up. It's one of those red states that are protected by God, so I wonder if that figures into the simulation. 

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What I’d really like to see from Rachel is for her to push harder & ask more questions on where this direction of the CDC, & other strange & dangerous & terrible decisions (which will eventually endanger all of us) are coming from.

No, it’s not good enough to blame this awful administration.  I want to know who exactly is responsible for all these messes.  Is it Trump?  I don’t believe that.  He’s too busy watching TV, babbling on TV, or getting his hair & makeup done, or ranting on Twitter.  Could it be Alex Azar?  Nah, he’s a useless loser.  Or is it Jared, as recent reports have suggested?

Please, Rach, I beg you, please, get the reporters back on your show!  There is a shit-ton of fascinating scoops breaking & we need Rachel to spotlight these stories — particularly because they are all a follow-up to what she’s been talking about forever.  Like about Flynn or FL suppressing the release of # Covid deaths in the state.  You’ve been great, Rach, but we desperately need you to push more — bring those reporters back!

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31 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

What I’d really like to see from Rachel is for her to push harder & ask more questions on where this direction of the CDC, & other strange & dangerous & terrible decisions (which will eventually endanger all of us) are coming from.

No, it’s not good enough to blame this awful administration.  I want to know who exactly is responsible for all these messes.  Is it Trump?  I don’t believe that.  He’s too busy watching TV, babbling on TV, or getting his hair & makeup done, or ranting on Twitter.  Could it be Alex Azar?  Nah, he’s a useless loser.  Or is it Jared, as recent reports have suggested?

Please, Rach, I beg you, please, get the reporters back on your show!  There is a shit-ton of fascinating scoops breaking & we need Rachel to spotlight these stories — particularly because they are all a follow-up to what she’s been talking about forever.  Like about Flynn or FL suppressing the release of # Covid deaths in the state.  You’ve been great, Rach, but we desperately need you to push more — bring those reporters back!

That situation in FL is so frustrating. 

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Wow, Rachel made an exceptionally important point that could’ve easily been missed.  She said the cases exploding in nursing homes, prisons & meat plants could casually be dismissed by Trump, his crew of heartless shitheads or anyone else.  But it will eventually spread to everyone from these places, even if you may have no connection to them.  So we all must be concerned about the spread in these places, in spite of Trump never mentioning or acknowledging it.  Btw, that awful shit reminds me of Reagan NEVER mentioning AIDS.  Blech.

More Flynn news out.  Aw, c’mon, Rach, take a 2 second break from the virus talk & get back to Flynn. Remember when she was all over him?  Ah, good times . . .

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Rachel reporting on the significant changes in the CDC recommendations for meat plants is really eye opening.  Someone clearly gave them an ultimatum to soften and minimize the recommendations so that the plants can’t get sued when the working conditions do cause deaths.  I hope Rachel’s call out for tips yield some results.

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3 hours ago, Hanahope said:

Rachel reporting on the significant changes in the CDC recommendations for meat plants is really eye opening.  Someone clearly gave them an ultimatum to soften and minimize the recommendations so that the plants can’t get sued when the working conditions do cause deaths. 

Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared . . .

Rachel has mentioned in passing that he’s heading up all efforts now on COVID.  Not good enough!  Please shine your spotlight on him, Rach!

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Hah! I barely had time to bitch about Ducey telling Arizona universities to stop their modeling research, and his administration has already rescinded that request. Ducey can kiss up to the president while he’s in town, but he wasn’t going to keep it up in the face of two of the top research universities in the country. Thanks to Rachel for spotlighting it!

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Rach finally got away from the latest never-ending, shitty virus news & the consistently awful way Trump & Pence & other Repubs are handling it . . . & she covered the nauseating Flynn news -- but she had Barb there.  YAY!  Was so happy to see Barb! 

Remember when Rach would spend her time talking about the endless corruption of Trump & all the evil fucks around him?  Yeah, me neither.  But the appearance of Barb made me remember those good times for a brief (if fleeting) moment.  Guess it's too much to expect to ever see Chuck or Joyce ever again, eh?

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2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Rach finally got away from the latest never-ending, shitty virus news & the consistently awful way Trump & Pence & other Repubs are handling it . . . & she covered the nauseating Flynn news -- but she had Barb there.  YAY!  Was so happy to see Barb! 

Remember when Rach would spend her time talking about the endless corruption of Trump & all the evil fucks around him?  Yeah, me neither.  But the appearance of Barb made me remember those good times for a brief (if fleeting) moment.  Guess it's too much to expect to ever see Chuck or Joyce ever again, eh?

That Nebraska governor was really something, right? Are these Republican governors children or just plain reckless? Never seen anything like this before.

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Joyce was on with Lawrence O'Donnell in the hour after Rachel.  I would love to see Chuck Rosenberg again.  

I assume Trump will still pardon Flynn after the election, because as Rachel and others have pointed out, he admitted other crimes other than the one he was charged with.  

Glad to see Rachel pointing out the unfeeling idiots who are blaming workers in meatpacking plants for getting the virus.  And the moron who is the chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court (yes, another reason to be mortified to admit I'm from Wisconsin) talking about workers are not "regular" people - Lord, give me strength.  We've gone from screw prison inmates, if they wouldn't have committed crimes they wouldn't be exposed, to screw old people, because let's face it they were going to die soon anyway, to now talking about essential workers as not being "regular" people.  How can they not understand that all they consider throwaway people are someone's son/daughter, wife/husband, brother/sister, mother/father.  And get a clue, morons - they interact with "regular people" every day - prison guards, health care workers, grocery store workers, their families, and then all the people those "regular" people interact with - lather, rinse, repeat for generations of infection.  And hey!  Look what's happened, it's a pandemic!  

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Yeah, Chuck turned up with Nicole, so he & Joyce are around, but Rach only does virus stories now, so it’s not likely they’ll be on her show anytime soon, but if the Flynn judge does something unpredictable . . . maybe Joyce, Chuck or Barb will pop in to offer their always worthwhile POV?  Hope so!

Loved the story on the selfie masks.  Now if I could use a pic of myself from 20 years ago, I’d be totally in with it too. 😀

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I thought the map with the lights showing the cellphone pings and how the cluster around a meat processing plant in Indiana grew until it reached all corners of the US to be frightening and fascinating. It's foolish to think that the "regular" people won't be affected by the plights of the "meat" people, as Rachel strikingly demonstrated. 

I can't stand TV news, so I get my news from newspapers. Still, I watch Rachel and LOD to get visuals. They screen out most of the orange-tinted photos I can't stand to look at but offer others that are interesting and important. 

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On 5/9/2020 at 11:48 AM, BradandJanet said:

I thought the map with the lights showing the cellphone pings and how the cluster around a meat processing plant in Indiana grew until it reached all corners of the US to be frightening and fascinating.

They showed something similar on an HBO sports show focusing on how long it took sports leagues to get a clue.  They started at one spring training game in Florida in March and within a few days there were pings in every state east of the Mississippi.  

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