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32 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

I don't know how to link but there was an article saying that Candice wants out after next year if it goes beyond that, along with speculation that it might continue with the twins.  I hope not because it has gotten bad enough already and I immediately did not like Jordan Fisher in his role....

Speculation and rumor-mongering from a notorious clickbait site that does not have actual information.

Maybe actors want to leave, and maybe the next season is the last, but those are easy guesses to make. This show is also a steady paycheck, despite any downsides.

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I think I saw the same article but refused to take it seriously. These sites constantly "report" about the network fighting with actors who want out. It makes no sense. There's no logic behind it. If your contract expired the network can't fight you. It's over. If you are in a fight it's not because you want out, it's because you are asking for more money and/or perks.

With that being said, if more time off looks like what happened in 7x15 and 7x16 I'd rather Candice leave. It's obvious that those episodes got rewritten to accommodate her absence and I really hope she skipped them because of an emergency and not because she decided she needed more time off.

It seems really unlikely that they would just allow CP to take a vacation when they need her .So it is way more likely something really important happened to cause her to miss these episodes. 

As for her getting more time off, I don't a have problem with CP requesting more time off when I considered the fact that even when she is there, they have not been really using her. Like stories that Iris should be part off, she's nowhere to be find, or she is simply in the background, and  it's not cause CP wanted time off but simply because the writers didn't think Iris was needed. It most be frustrated to be just sitting there, waiting for the writers to give you screen time.

Also, if it is in her contract, that means the writers will know exactly how to write the episodes in order to give her time off. 


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Interview with Jordan Fisher at TVLine; mostly non-spoilery, but he does give some details about Bart and the West-Allen family.


TVLINE | Tell me all about Mr. Bart Allen. From his first scene alone, he seems quite full of life.
A hundred percent, my God. There are a lot of things I love about Bart, but the thing that makes him most attractive to me in terms of a superhero to play as an actor is the humanity that he has. Another thing I love about him is how cool he knows he is. [Laughs] He knows  — it’s not even a question! — that he has the most style of all the speedsters, he’s got the most flair, he’s got the moves, he’s the only one who is parkouring off of stuff…. It’s all fun for Bart. He understands that he has all of these crazy, awesome abilities, and instead of being really calculative with all of it and being cautious and careful, he’s like, “Dude!” [Laughs] His impulsivity, which is obviously where his name comes from, is a strength for him. No one can predict what he’s going to do because he doesn’t even really know! Saying he’s “full of life” is the best way to sum it up. He feels everything in extremes. When he is angry, he is angry. When he is thrilled, he is over the moon. And that is a direct reflection of his heart and his soul.


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59 minutes ago, Trini said:

Interview with Jordan Fisher at TVLine; mostly non-spoilery, but he does give some details about Bart and the West-Allen family.


Great to hear he's a mama's boy. I just need them to back it up. Iris isn't allowed to have meaningful scenes depicting her relationship with people besides Barry. Cough cough Joe/Iris scenes lately cough cough

And another Jordan Fisher interview at EW; he talks about his portrayal of Bart:


How did you feel when you put on the Impulse suit for the first time?

A dream. [Laughs] I took so many pictures and videos on my phone, like sending them to my wife like, "Look at this, I'm a superhero! I'm an actual superhero." I had these dreams of answering the door with my Impulse suit on, on Halloween and handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. This has got to be one of the coolest thing to do as an actor. It's not the most comfortable thing in the world, I guarantee you that, but it feels cool.


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Interview with Jordan Fisher about part 1 of the finale at TV Insider:


Talk about Bart’s relationship with his parents. We see that he has a good relationship with them, just in the way he greets their present selves, but then at the same time, they’re not yet his parents. 

I tried to wrap my mind around what would that be like? What would that feel like going back in time? Right now 2021, what would happen if I went back in time and met my mom and she was younger and getting to be like, “Hey, I’m your son in the future. I know I don’t look the way that you probably imagined.”

My mentality is like, “OK, well, these relationships are so established for him. Yeah, going back in time, even though the parents don’t necessarily know me that way yet, there’s gotta be some sort of love there.” I can’t even wrap my mind around what it would feel like to meet my 19-year-old son when he hasn’t even been born yet. That blows my mind. But I think that for Bart and for Nora, Iris and Barry are Mom and Dad, and that’s it, the end of the day, they are Mom and Dad, period, the end, and the love is unconditional. Bart is definitely a momma’s boy. I’m excited for people to see the relationship between Bart and Iris and how Iris has the ability to reach Bart in ways that his dad doesn’t. It’s a mother’s touch.


[So... is Jordan the only one doing promo for this finale even though he's a guest star?]

JWS interview at Nerds of Color: 'John Wesley Shipp on His Return to ‘The Flash’ and the Season 7 Finale'


Now, having played Barry helped me play Henry, better for two reasons. I had all that backstory. I had an understanding as an actor of the enormous task that Grant Gustin was stepping into what some of his insecurities hopes and dreams might be. And so our Father-Son, mentor-mentee, whatever it was, our relationship was built-in, you know. And we just connected. He knew I had been the Flash, you know, and we just connected right away it’s an incredibly beautiful experience. It was interesting then to reset the temperature for Jay because he comes in very suspicious of Barry. Jay’s suspicious of who this kid is, asking “Are you gonna screw up the timeline every time you have a fight with your girlfriend?” And both Grant and I had quite a few chuckles when suddenly I was playing a character that was no longer the soft shoulder that he could lean his head-on. You know, it was more of a challenging figure in his life, and now we’ve been able to generate, particularly in these last two episodes, a relationship, an intimacy of our own. It’s very different from Henry to Jay.

But yeah, it’s been a mind-blowing journey. It is never at the same point, it is never felt it has always felt like something new and I have to credit Greg Berlanti. I have to credit all of our producers, such as Eric Wallace our current producer. They keep it and do and they keep it fresh, so I don’t feel like I’m showing up and repeating anything. You know, there’s always something new to discover, I get to discover a whole new Jay that I’ve never played yet entirely last week and in the season finale. Because now, Jay has his powers back he’s part of the team he’s in there to work with the group. It’s a Jay we’ve never seen before, and then I am incredibly grateful to have had the chance to play.


Another interview with Shipp: https://flashtvnews.com/interview-john-wesley-shipp-discusses-tonights-flash-finale/45378


Is there any more hype you’d like to share for Tuesday about just why people should tune in?

They’re throwing everything they have at this episode. The Flash does a good job of balancing heart and action. Action, adventure, big show, special effects, family drama, and interpersonal relationships.

When I read the script for the season finale, I was like, “man, they are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at this episode.” How thrilling and exciting, and how life and love affirming. People who have ever watched The Flash certainly want to want to tune in for this event.


(I wish it wasn't just the guest stars doing press.)

Interviews with Eric Wallace about the finale and Season 8:

TVLine (with a recap):


TVLINE | At the start of this season, we talked about the challenges that producing a TV show during the pandemic might face. What were some of the biggest nuts you ended up having to crack?

I’d say the reduced order [18 episodes] was probably the biggest challenge, because we had a much larger, more involved story to tell in Season 7 that we had to truncate down, essentially. And that was a result of having not just a shorter season because of COVID, but also the last three episodes of last year ended up being in this season. Suddenly we found ourselves having to do three things instead of two, which required a lot of story juggling. We got through it, but I’d say that was a pretty darn big challenge.

The other challenge was a mental one, for the cast and for the crew, making a television show in the middle of a global pandemic. I mean, I can’t undersell to folks how difficult it was, and what troupers our cast and crew, our writing staff and everybody have been when the world is going through something so intense. They rose up because they felt the need to entertain folks even more, but it comes with a toll. We were really at the end of our ropes at the end of Season 7 and in need of a break, which fortunately we got.




In the past you've said you had a multiseason plan when you took over as showrunner. Was Bart's [Jordan Fisher] introduction always part of that? What made this the right time to bring that character in?

Yes, Bart has always been the plan. Although ironically, we were originally going to introduce Bart in season 8, not season 7. Then COVID happened and we had a whole bunch of time to think about how to reshape the season. I realized, "Let's pull that up. That might be a good thing to do in the 150th episode as opposed to waiting for season 8," because to be honest with you, when we started to write all this stuff a year ago I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Would there be a season 8 at that point? So I also couldn't take the chance. I wanted to make sure at least Impulse got an appearance. Fortunately, we did get an eighth season.


More Wallace interviews:

Deadline (with recap):


With Carlos’ character, it was a little hilarious because we didn’t know at first how many episodes he would be able to appear in, and then Covid obviously complicated matters greater. So, we ended up having to do his goodbye episode—which was Episode 12, “Good-Bye Vibrations”—a little sooner than we had anticipated. We actually thought we would have him for more episodes in Season 7. But again, because of Covid, our whole season order—like many shows—was reduced. But it worked out just fine. I had the foresight to go, “All right, whenever you leave, I’m saving your last two for the end”….Because I talked to Carlos, and it was important to both of us that the character of Cisco take part in the 150th anniversary two-part celebration.


WestAllen focused interview at ET Online:


You wrapped up this season with so much of a bow. Was there ever talks of having this episode serve as the series finale of The Flash instead of the season 7 finale?

No, but you are very astute. I deliberately wrote that scene with Kelly Wheeler, who is just a phenomenal writer, and we talked about this and I said, "Look, when we get to this ending, I want it to feel with all the joy and grandeur of a series finale, but not be a series finale." Because that means that we've literally pushed all the drama and the emotions as far as we could. Because usually the ending of a show is the most tears, the most joy and all that stuff and I'm like, "Why would we wait until the end of the show?" It's been a dark, bad year. Let's give the audience some joy! And so then it became a very easy decision. 


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On 5/27/2021 at 7:00 PM, Trini said:

Two 2021 Leo Award nominations for The Flash; winners announcement TBD:


The Flash won for Best visual effects: https://secure.leoawards.com/2021/nominees_and_winners/nominees_and_winners_by_name_2021.php


Best Visual Effects
Dramatic Series


Armen Kevorkian, Joshua Spivack, Shirak Agresta, Christopher Grocock, Marc Lougee

The Flash - Grodd Friended Me


The Flash Season 7 DVD and Blu-ray will be released October 12. I couldn't find one site with the complete release info, but here are a couple that have some of the details:



Special features:


Deleted Scenes (Exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD)

Gag Reel (Exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD)

The Journey Ends: Carlos and Tom

Never Alone: Heroes and Allies

2020 DC FanDome: The Flash (Watchverse)



And Season 7 is on Netflix now.

The Flash Podcast interview with Eric Wallace; also the video version on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXellvGR9f8

He mentions that he recently finished the script for the season 8 premiere*; talks about how certain stories/plot twists from the past two seasons came about; changes because of the pandemic; and teases a few things he wants to do next season/in the future. For good or bad, I think it gives insight on his process, and the process of the current writers' room.


*Seems a liitle late, if they're supposed to start filming in mid-August.

Grant Gustin interview and photo spread at New York Moves magazine: https://newyorkmoves.com/cover-story/grant-gustin-the-flash/

Besides talking about his career, he gives some info about his hiatus film, and shares about how he dealt with the pandemic, and how he feels about acting.

There's also a short video clip of Grant on the magazine's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSun5GMnzX_/

Edited by Trini
1 hour ago, cambridgeguy said:

Details about the opening season 8 episodes

Cue pre-emptive complaints about how Flash characters are being shortchanged and robbed of screen time by all the guest stars.

I just wish they were more exciting guest stars. Any excitement I had for this was quickly diminished.

It's very clear that CW isnt giving them much of a budget for this 5 episode "event" because apart from Black Lightning and maybe The Atom if they let him do Atoming....everyone else is very practical and CGI light. But do not give me another Crisis where they are kicking CGI and looking ridiculous while doing so.

I was really expecting them to introduce some new heroes during this (could still happen but doubtful)

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I don't know if some of the actual actors are that cheap, even if many of them don't have expensive special effects. 

It looks like for the most part (apart from JL) they avoided anyone who's the lead or supporting character of an ongoing Arrowverse show due to scheduling conflicts and possible covid complications. I also assume that MB having just finished Supergirl, isn't keen to hang around and do guest spots on this "not a crossover but actually a crossover" arc. 

It's possibly still more of a novelty for Cress Williams to crossover and I really liked his scenes in COIE so looking forward to him. 

I'm a little surprised it's just Alex from Supergirl even though I like her because if it's an alien threat then Brainy or Nia aren't that expensive to do but again it might be a question of availability. 

I'm always happy to see Ray, especially given the way BR was unhappy with being suddenly let go and I would imagine he's going to properly hand over the mantle to Ryan. Ryan was fine in COIE but I'm not particularly excited to see him again. 

I also love me some Damian Darkh. Not surprised about TC but I wish Matt Lescher would get more of a look in. 

I expect Mia is there partly because she's from the 2040s and probably knows Bart and Nora and they can have a storyline together and tease some future stuff for Barry. 

I wasn't particularly impressed with Diggle's tour around the Arrowverse, even though we haven't seen how it ends yet, so I'm keeping my expectations way down about this and hoping it has some good character interaction because alien Armageddon was quite bland the first time they did it. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Featherhat said:

It looks like for the most part (apart from JL) they avoided anyone who's the lead or supporting character of an ongoing Arrowverse show due to scheduling conflicts and possible covid complications. I also assume that MB having just finished Supergirl, isn't keen to hang around and do guest spots on this "not a crossover but actually a crossover" arc. 

Barring a future announcement or surprise appearance they also managed to skip the actual aliens on the Justice League.  Maybe Kara and J'onn will be gone after the Supergirl finale (in the future, on Argo City, on Mars, etc.).  As for Superman, well, I can see the conversation with Barry now.

Barry - Say, if you have super hearing where the hell were you when we had a bunch of Godspeeds running around?

Clark - Well, where the hell were you when I was fighting people possessed by Kryptonians?  Diggle knew about it!

Barry - Fine, I won't call you and you won't call me. 

  • LOL 2

Info for DC Fandome is out; for The Flash, it will probably be just the trailer for the new season.


Warner Bros. Television will offer a look at new seasons of Batwoman, The Flash, Superman & Lois, and Sweet Tooth; a farewell tribute to Supergirl as it approaches its epic conclusion after six seasons; a celebration of 100 episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow; a first look at forthcoming new drama Naomi; and a sneak peek at an upcoming episode of DC’s Stargirl.


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