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House Flipping Shows

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This is the place for discussion of all those various house flipping shows and locales.  The ones I can think of off the top of my head are:

  • Flip This House
  • Flip That House
  • Flipping Vegas
  • Flipping Boston
  • Flip Men


I'm sure there are more.  However, if it's just a real estate show or staging show, that discussion would belong elsewhere.

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I currently can't get enough of Flipping Vegas - despite all the staged shenanigans and Amy's odd manner of speaking.  I've tried Flipping Boston and it doesn't hold my attention as well, I'll watch it, but I don't seek it out like Vegas.


I also miss Rudy in CA, and the GA crew from Flip This House.  I'll watch reruns of those if and when they air.

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I caught part of a new one, Miami Rehab, at about 2 am. 

A Hispanic woman was redoing a modest cinder block house, small, but with a neat stone fence.
She had some tips on saving money on tile and trims, and seemed to be very hands on.

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I hadn't realized quite how many there are.
I watched what was a repeat from earlier this year called Flipping to Win, or something like that.
'Twas those depressingly expensive homes in California, and 3 teams of flippers bid on houses.
There was a 2-br, 1 bath house that they bought for over a half million pre-flip.

It's rather like Storage Wars, but with houses.


Sunday night, the Flipping the Block starts on HGTV.  I think that's the one with Scott MacGillavray and Nicole Curtis judging.

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House flipping is one of the most popular methods of investing in real state however, it's sometimes difficult to know exactly how to get started. Remember the flipping properties boom before the economic downturn hit, where many people turned over run-down houses and sold them? It's making a small return lately, as investors were able to grab a ton of houses for dirt affordable and now are starting to see a bit of a payoff.

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Flip or Flop has a forum.
I don't think they've had a hoarder in residence, but have had one that was badly vandalized (cement in the plumbing), in the first season.
The prices are ridiculous, but they seem like a nice couple, and everyone is rooting for them after Tarek's battle with cancer.

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No.  Suz at Large, is asking they  were featured on one of the "Hoarder" shows. I'm also wondering if they were the couple that bought a house without ever going inside said house, and when they went in for the first time. It was a "HOARDER" house with the hoarder still living in there.

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From Five Figure Flip's Facebook page:  "Another open house filmed and complete in Tulsa. Let's see how much this beauty sells for now!

Our 1st season with 12 episodes will premier early 2015. Can't wait!"


I do like this show, because the prices aren't in never-never-land.

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Thanks for the love Aunt Jess and Merry Christmas! This is Daniel Wiafe (co-host of Five Figure Flip). We're working on completing the last 4 flips being filmed in the Tulsa area.

The show will air in July 2015 on HGTV with 13 episodes (The pilot you saw in May that was filmed in fall 2013 and the 12 new episodes filmed in 2014).

The name of the show, Five Figure Flip was changed to Real Estate Riches back in October, but I believe the network has finalized on "Flipping the Heartland" as the title of the new series.

(I think too many people were confusing Five FIGURE Flip with Five FINGER Flip, lol).

Anyways, you guys can follow what we're doing at our FB page at www.FlippingTheHeartland.com

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I've recently overdosed on those old flipping shows (on the FYI channel), and there are more of them than are listed above!


Flipping New Haven: This one featured the obnoxious frat boys who did really cheap flips with absolutely no sense of style.  They also had Flipping San Diego show which seems to have died a fortunate death.


Flipping Los Angeles:  With Chief and his pal (whose name I can't remember).  The usual phony drama, including one shot where they obviously dropped a granite counter off their truck on purpose -- just to have the dramatic shouting match at each other.


Another Flipping Los Angles: With Rudy (who also seems to own restaurants).  Wash and repeat the above show.


Flipping San Antonio:  With Armondo Montelongo -- the biggest a#$hole on television.  The abusive and insulting way he treats his employees and family is one reason I switch the channel the second I see his ugly face.


As for Flipping Boston, I'm impressed that they plaster the walls of their flips (no one else bothers), and their results are attractive, but they all look the same.  Dark floors and grey paint everywhere.  As for that shouting oaf Dave Seymour, I can't believe he managed to produce such a charming little boy -- his son Jefferson.


And Flipping Las Vegas.  Scott Yancey is a really, really bad actor, and the show tops the charts in fakery.  I'm positive that the producers stuff Yancey's flips with all sorts of disgusting items --- just so Scott can have a nuclear meltdown when he sees the mess.

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For whoever was liking Renovate to Rent, I just noticed that some new shows are on earlier in the day, maybe today or tomorrow. 

I saw 2 new ones, one is something about soundstage.
If you miss it, I'm sure it will be repeated next week.

This show also has a Facebook page, and one of the guys will answer questions.

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Flipping New Haven:


Flipping Los Angeles: 


Flipping San Antonio:  


These 3 were all aired as "Flip This House", at least in my neck of the woods.  There was an Atlanta crew in there too.  So Flip This House had 4 locales, and 4 different sets of flippers.  I did recently see another "Flipping ..." location though and now I can't remember what it was.

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Are you talking about the ones on FYI?  I don't watch those often.
I think they must have a lot of pilots, because I see strays from time to time, like one in Miami and something that's some sort of contest between 2 flippers.
The next mashup I foresee is Amish polygamists flipping tiny houses, in Alaska.

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Flipping San Antonio:  With Armondo Montelongo -- the biggest a#$hole on television.  The abusive and insulting way he treats his employees and family is one reason I switch the channel the second I see his ugly face.

Armando is on Undercover Boss right now.  He's even fatter and he has long fuffy hair.  And it seems that he is single.  His girlfriend, a low rent bottle blonde stripper looking chick travels with him along with 3 other bleached blondes and a former Navy Seal as security.  He's still a douche.

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I'm addicted to any home-reno show, included house flipping shows, but I had to sign up to comment on Flipping Vegas. I love watching what they do and how amazing the changes are, and I mostly enjoy Amie's design sense, but I cannot stand Scott and Amie. The 'storyline' is totally repetitive week-to-week, so I might have to stop watching before I give myself a sprain from all the eye-rolling I do while watching the show:


Scott: We're only spending $5,000 and we're not doing any of Amie's crazy designs! This flip will take a week, so I'm scheduling the open house for next Saturday. The kitchen cabinets stay! The carpet stays!

Amie: This stuff is terrible. Scott doesn't know anything about design, design sells houses! [goes behind Scott's back, knocks out the kitchen cabinets, orders new tile flooring, etc., all the while bad-mouthing her dumbass husband to all the trades and salespeople she encounters along the way]

Scott: [pulls up to the house just as the carpet and destroyed cabinets are being thrown in the dumpster] Amie! I said we weren't doing this! We're never going to make this money back in this neighborhood! This will never be done in time for the open house, but I will not cancel the open house!

[24 hours prior to open house, Scott and Amie show up to 'blue tape' the house for all of the things that need to be fixed prior to the open house]

Scott: Oh my God, nothing is finished! Look at this mess! We'll never be done in time for the open house! I hired idiots to do this job, it all sucks! They better work all night long!

[two hours prior to open house, Scott and Amie walk through the house]

Scott: Wow, they actually got everything done. Amie, those cabinets and new tile floors look really nice.

Amie: I told you so. This house looks terrific, thanks to me, me, me!

[open house goes off without a hitch, everyone who walks through specifically compliments the cabinets and tile floors, and on camera at least three people 'say' they might make an offer]

[show ends, showing Scott purchased the house for $80k, $20k of renovations were put in, and house received a first-day offer of $125k, making a $25k profit]


Every. Single. Time!

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I haven't seen him or the SA show, but you've inspired me to look for the Undercover Boss one.

I baled on that series after seeing a couple of the Las Vegas ones.

I posted some links in the Undercover Boss thread.  Seems Armando has sued his younger brother David and sister-in-law Melina (both were shown on the flip show), for having their own flip seminars (where they hired people from ATL and CT flip shows to speak).  He's been charged by the TX attorney general for theft and other crimes.  He's filed for chapter 13 bankruptcy.  Someone dug up records of all his 'flips' which show that most of them defaulted back to the hard money lender.  His seminar business has an F rating from the Better Business Bureau.  He's been sued by many individuals who have been pressured into signing up for expensive coaching sessions.  And now the FBI has charged 2 attorney generals in Utah with accepting bribes from coaching call centers (where Armando has his).  Can another charge be far behind?

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 Flipping San Antonio:  With Armondo Montelongo -- the biggest a#$hole on television.  The abusive and insulting way he treats his employees and family is one reason I switch the channel the second I see his ugly face.

He's even more charming now.  One plus is that his wife Veronica seems to have escaped - they divorced in 2011 or 2012 and seem to maintain a decent relationship with their now 16 year old son - Mandoman.  Saw pics on FB, he's gotten tall.  Veronica looks good too, she's in a new relationship with an in-shape good looking man, hopefully, he's not an a-hole like Armando.




Found the FB pages for Armando and his baby momma Whittney who was featured with him on Undercover Boss.  Wasn't hard to find since Whittney's mother was one of 2 people defending Armando on the Undercover Boss FB page.  Whittney's mom is a realtor in Texas.  Whittney looks like a stripper but not sure what she does other than having 2 kids by Armando.  Armando thinks he's a rock star.  Ha.





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I'm addicted to any home-reno show, included house flipping shows, but I had to sign up to comment on Flipping Vegas. I love watching what they do and how amazing the changes are, and I mostly enjoy Amie's design sense, but I cannot stand Scott and Amie. The 'storyline' is totally repetitive week-to-week, so I might have to stop watching before I give myself a sprain from all the eye-rolling I do while watching the show:


Scott: We're only spending $5,000 and we're not doing any of Amie's crazy designs! This flip will take a week, so I'm scheduling the open house for next Saturday. The kitchen cabinets stay! The carpet stays!

Amie: This stuff is terrible. Scott doesn't know anything about design, design sells houses! [goes behind Scott's back, knocks out the kitchen cabinets, orders new tile flooring, etc., all the while bad-mouthing her dumbass husband to all the trades and salespeople she encounters along the way]

Scott: [pulls up to the house just as the carpet and destroyed cabinets are being thrown in the dumpster] Amie! I said we weren't doing this! We're never going to make this money back in this neighborhood! This will never be done in time for the open house, but I will not cancel the open house!

[24 hours prior to open house, Scott and Amie show up to 'blue tape' the house for all of the things that need to be fixed prior to the open house]

Scott: Oh my God, nothing is finished! Look at this mess! We'll never be done in time for the open house! I hired idiots to do this job, it all sucks! They better work all night long!

[two hours prior to open house, Scott and Amie walk through the house]

Scott: Wow, they actually got everything done. Amie, those cabinets and new tile floors look really nice.

Amie: I told you so. This house looks terrific, thanks to me, me, me!

[open house goes off without a hitch, everyone who walks through specifically compliments the cabinets and tile floors, and on camera at least three people 'say' they might make an offer]

[show ends, showing Scott purchased the house for $80k, $20k of renovations were put in, and house received a first-day offer of $125k, making a $25k profit]


Every. Single. Time!

My husband and I make a bet before every episode on what Scott will find in his never before seen foreclosure. So far we have seen aliens, dog house, cat house, drug house, bee house, coyote house, fake gyn house, skateboarders house, chop shop house, preschool house... This staging is more fake then the pretend budget. I have walked through plenty of foreclosures in UT/NV and with the exception of a very few the bank tries to at least clean up the house to get the most money. The banks are not putting in granite but I have known several people who have worked for banks cleaning up for foreclosures here, just basic junk removal and cleaning.


My other issue with Scott is add up his costs and compare to the final cost, the numbers are VERY far apart. At the end of the episode he will say he spent 25-30k on the flip but Amy's floors, cabinets and tile add up to 25k so what about the landscaping, paint, bathrooms, electrical..everything else??? I have a feeling he uses some insurance money to pay for some of the upgrades. Notice how a pipe bursts or a toilet is clogged and over flows or how many many break ins he has? I don't know if Scott does this but I have known other flippers and contractors that file exaggerated  claims and use the money for the upgrades. It would explain how he quotes the viewers $50k+ in upgrades but the final cost is $25kish.


I also wonder how every episode ends in a fist day offer of full price or over from 1 open house. Not possible. Last year I saw local post that 2 of the home Scott claimed to have sold full price on the first day in Summerlin were still on the market with prices reduced. It was also rumored some of the flips aren't even his.


I take the Vegas show as entertainment. I laugh at what he finds in the house and like to see how the neighborhoods are portrayed (or misrepresented). Scott is no different then Armando or the Boston guys, they are all selling books and seminars and basically A&E is helping them become rich off of hooking people in seminars not from them flipping houses.

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I take the Vegas show as entertainment. I laugh at what he finds in the house and like to see how the neighborhoods are portrayed (or misrepresented). Scott is no different then Armando or the Boston guys, they are all selling books and seminars and basically A&E is helping them become rich off of hooking people in seminars not from them flipping houses.

I just got a Facebook ad for one of those seminars with Scott Yancy.  Even if it was free, I wouldn't go.

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Interesting info about Armando. I remember watching his show a few years ago, when they were still married.


Is there a flipping show for California Silicon Valley? The prices are insane. Yet, people buy!

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I only watched a few of the house flipping shows, mostly the one with the former frat boys.

If you mean Renovate to Rent, I like them too, but were they cut from an hour to a half hour?

I used to enjoy seeing the prospective tenants tour the place, and hear the comments, but on a few, everything was rushed, and they said that it was rented.

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I only watched a few of the house flipping shows, mostly the one with the former frat boys. What can I say? I have a weakness for ex-jocks who act all "alpha" and shit. I liked some of the houses they did.

I liked the New Haven CT show too.  Didn't have too much manufactured drama plus they seemed to have their act together.  I also like how they had the binder which guided them for flips - felt like that kept them from adding so many personal touches like some of the other flippers.

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Just got a FB ad for one of those 'seminars' with Christina and Tarek.  Ugh.  Really tarnishes the reputation imo.  For the most part, I like their show although Tarek's acting is pretty bad.

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Texas move n flip.  Wow, what a total embarrassment to TX.  I wonder if all of the 'characters' are really actors.  So many of the lines are obviously written and delivered poorly.  We zip thru most of it but it is worth a laugh.  

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It's all about the money for them. They're flipping, TV show, and home show public appearances -- apparently don't make them ENOUGH money.

They all have to do home flipping seminars -- really guys?

I PRAY to G-d that Chip and Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper -- never do that.


Am I the only one who once I got to be worth a few million, would say that's enough.....I'll just keep doing this, but I don't need to do MORE?!

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I finally watched a couple of Texas Flip and Move, and it was fun to watch.

I just saw the telephone house one, where the sisters had to move the house in 2 sections, and they had to do some searching to find a route that didn't require the roof being removed.

What I'm wondering is how the finished house will break apart, and if the couple will have a problem getting it to their lot.
Seems like it would make more sense to bring the house to its final destination before restoring it.

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Am I the only one who once I got to be worth a few million, would say that's enough.....I'll just keep doing this, but I don't need to do MORE?!


No you aren't because I've often thought the same thing. In fact, I'd retire and play the rest of my life on tropical beaches and snowy mountains. I suppose there's a fundamental difference in someone like me vs. them as I've never wanted to work hard enough to be that rich anyway. 

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It's all about the money for them. They're flipping, TV show, and home show public appearances -- apparently don't make them ENOUGH money.

They all have to do home flipping seminars -- really guys?

I PRAY to G-d that Chip and Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper -- never do that.




Too late, selhars - Chip and Jo have already appeared at least a couple home shows, "headlining" at least one.  Tptb will sign them up for the whole branding, personality-driven routine.


Can a Fixer Upper book be far behind?

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I don't mind the "home shows"...to me that's more like 'a public appearance' to meet fans...and -- of course promote the show and whatever else they're doing. And of course, they're paid for it. But I still don't mind that...they should be paid for their time.


It's the "no money down, you too, can buy a house for half its value and use someone else's money to flip for profit" seminars that I abhor. They give you no REAL information, and want you to sign up for a book, or "their system." That's no better than the we'll give you lunch if you listen to our time share" racket. 

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Yes, the seminars, from people who make their money giving seminars.
I'm watching a show now, Five Day Flip, a blonde Englishwoman, and I'm liking her more than I might otherwise, because she's in St. Paul, and her house is 1849.
She's remodeling the kitchen, and using stainless.
I'm just giving her all kinds of points for being "not Nicole."

Wonder if they know each other.

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I watched Five Day Flip too and really enjoyed it. I've set it to record. Is it new? I never saw any ads for it unless I tuned them out like I do most commercials. 

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Suz, I checked out her Facebook page, and saw that she was Australian, but also saw that she seems to have a show and lots of things going there, so don't know if we'll ever see her again.
I did leave a message asking about US show, and told her I liked it.

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I don't mind the "home shows"...to me that's more like 'a public appearance' to meet fans...and -- of course promote the show and whatever else they're doing. And of course, they're paid for it. But I still don't mind that...they should be paid for their time.


It's the "no money down, you too, can buy a house for half its value and use someone else's money to flip for profit" seminars that I abhor. They give you no REAL information, and want you to sign up for a book, or "their system." That's no better than the we'll give you lunch if you listen to our time share" racket. 


Personally, I doubt they care about the home show stipend.  It's probably minor.  For comparison purposes, I'm sure they receive scale for morning show appearances, e.g. Today.  Yes, they're promoting FixUpp but in fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they consider that secondary to their overall, personal branding.   


Scott McG's done the RE seminars for several years.  I abhor them, too.  Because of Scott, however, I probably won't be surprised if/when Chip and Jo follow along.  Nope, these people never have enough money.  Gotta' make it while you can.


Even more than the seminars, I abhor the use of religion in sales.  Although I realize Chip and Jo have never specifically, overtly mentioned it on their show, it's always in the background and part of the clean, wholesome image they're selling.  That's terrific, if it's real.  Unfortunately, the camera does lie, in my experience!

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My mom dvr'd a show called Flipping Nashville.  The guy is just one step above Nicole.  He does know the difference between sub-floor and finished floor but he's a weird layout and sloppy painter.  The one episode I saw, he threw out so much salvageable wood.  Chip and Joanne would have fainted.

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I'm watching a show now, Five Day Flip, a blonde Englishwoman, and I'm liking her more than I might otherwise, because she's in St. Paul, and her house is 1849.

She's remodeling the kitchen, and using stainless.


In my book, this rates burning at the stake.  Both because I hate going with such a modern look in a period house and because I just hate stainless steel appliances in general.

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Anyone catch this new show "Two Chicks and a Hammer" on HGTV?




Mother and daughter flipping houses in Indianapolis. It showed up at 11 EDT yesterday listed as "new". Seems like an odd time slot for a new show that I didn't see any promotion for. Then the same show was on during a "Flip or Flop" marathon late today. HGTV sure has an odd way of putting on some new shows, or I'm not paying that much attention.


Interesting, but not sure it's must see teevee.

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Chessiegal, I watched it, and  while the quality of the work seemed fine, I was ready to call OSHA. 
No masks or hard hats in demo, no harnesses on the roof.

The pros were probably fine, but the brother & his buddies, I worried about.

Too, to much of the chicks, not enough of the house.

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