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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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34 minutes ago, Turquoise said:

Hey now, it took a bit of time and effort to carefully coordinate her sweatshirt to the throw pillow, apply makeup, and create the perfect undone bun. She has to pace herself.

Lol, yep, the entire scene was perfectly staged so she could shill the blanket. Best deal of the day! Tap now, because the discount won't last! 🙄

Carlin is also majorly busted. She posted stories of her searching BSB on Safari, and an eagle-eyed Redditor noticed the Bates subforum showed up as one of her most visited sites! I know we all assumed she reads the boards but now we have definitive proof she lurks and adjusts her social media accordingly. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I know we all assumed she reads the boards but now we have definitive proof she lurks and adjusts her social media accordingly. 

Good, now she can feed/clothe Layla properly, stop filming her child pooping, tell her husband that living off YouTube fame is not going to happen so he should get a job, keep Layla from tester lipstick, stop filming every damn second of their lives, and stop staging stupid Layla mischief, and just stop sucking the energy off everyone around her with her drama llama antics. Did I forget anything?

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50 minutes ago, SMama said:

Good, now she can feed/clothe Layla properly, stop filming her child pooping, tell her husband that living off YouTube fame is not going to happen so he should get a job, keep Layla from tester lipstick, stop filming every damn second of their lives, and stop staging stupid Layla mischief, and just stop sucking the energy off everyone around her with her drama llama antics. Did I forget anything?

Grow up? Stop holding her son with his face always facing the camera for clicks? Stop lying about her health? 

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1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

Unfortunately, that subreddit is full of sickening bootlickers.

Yep. It's like they think Carlin is just waiting to be their bestie even though she's never heard of them and probably wouldn't give a shit if she had. 

I found it pretty damn funny that she got caught. I wonder how many Bateses read this forum. 

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21 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

That's what I've heard about the Reddit forum. Are there any snarkers there at all, or do the leghumpers run them off?

There are snarkers there. *waves* We tend to get downvoted when we do comment. The leghumpers can't stand any criticism, or truth-telling, directed at their BFFs. There is a Bates snarkers sub that doesn't have much activity. 

I just read this comment on the BUB sub: "Honestly of all of the subs this is probably one of the better ones to visit.

This sub is pretty balanced and not as hurtful as full out snark subs can be." (bolding mine) 


Edited by Heathen
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Oh my gaaaaawwwwddddd!!!!!

I was at lunch with my mother today and she pulls out her phone and says "Take a look at the blanket I just ordered." It's the exact same one Carlin's pimping from QVC! My mom got the blue striped one though, not the tan. I feel so weird right now. This is a crossover I was NOT expecting.🤣😳

Edited by BitterApple
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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Oh my gaaaaawwwwddddd!!!!!

I was at lunch with my mother today and she pulls out her phone and says "Take a look at the blanket I just ordered." It's the exact same one Carlin's pimping from QVC! My mom got the blue striped one though, not the tan. I feel so weird right now. This is a crossover I was NOT expecting.🤣😳

QVC just had that blanket on Special yesterday. No codes needed. I assume Carlin got hers from Amazon.

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So for those still following apparently Carlin and her neurologist had a call with Mayo. Mayo gave them a few more tests to consider but otherwise basically said - we'd do the same testing here that your dr is doing in Knox, so stay there. Interesting that it's now the second time that C/E have mentioned "moving to" Mayo - the one in Fla?? Uh even if Mayo wanted to see her in person for some testing, why would she up and move to the place?? I mean people go to far away medical centers for freaking surgeries, they don't actually MOVE there - they rent an apt/hotel room for a few weeks [or for like a day or two if it's an appt + a test], do what they need to/stay as long as recommended before being allowed to travel and return to their homes.

Carlin's a moron still - which explains why her dr was on the call too most likely - but all I could get in terms of detail was they were suggesting that they consider it somehow being migraine related and Mayo was interested that she's had meningitis before and had a spinal tap. Apparently after the remaining testing, she can get an appt w a Mayo dr who deals with both seizures and migranes.

Evan wasn't there for the call/or not for all of it. IDK what her jobless headship is sooo busy with. So his only question to her was - but can Mayo get you in for the in hospital EEG sooner. Uh - why didn't they schedule it months ago when suggested, so they'd be in now? I wonder if they've even scheduled it now for say Jan - or if in Jan they'll again be like damn, the next appt is April. Sounds like that's one of the tests Mayo needs,

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Lol, of course they want to move for Carlin's medical "issues." Imagine how much YouTube footage they can milk out of that. The tears. Packing the house. Looking for a new place. More tears as they leave the Bates family behind. Moving into the new place. Leaving BSB. Crying about how they have to give everything up. Clickbait headlines. Trips to the beach. It'll keep them afloat for months.

With regards to this EEG, what the hell is the hold up? Carlin and Evan know scheduling is tough and slots are booked months in advance. Why are they not taking the first date available? I honestly think Carlin's afraid because maybe the test will prove she's faking (or something psychological is going on). It makes absolutely no sense that they're dragging their heels. 

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I've had a problem found, got referred to a specialist, had surgery, and recovered since they were told to schedule the in hospital EEG.  You schedule things when needed and ask to get put on the list to call if someone cancels.  Then you go if they get a cancellation.  ::smh:: at those two and how unimpressive they are with life.

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Re: moving

He mentioned that in a previous blog or update vid. He said something like moving for a month while they do all the testing and stuff. Not a permanent one; just a temporary thing. I personally wouldn’t refer to it as a move, maybe long stay or something. 

I would recommend for anyone with a serious medical condition to try to have someone else with you to get the info you might miss or for questions. 
They need to follow up better on the things the doctor is telling them. 

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There just so strikingly dumb, it's kind of amazing that they have taken on children and a mortgage. I'm not mocking anyone's health issues, but the things Carlin was saying made me be like - this isn't a 24 yr old, this is like a 12 yr old who should have mommy and daddy talking to drs. for her [not her mommy and daddy who are fairly dumb and couldn't care less, maybe someone more mature - like Evan's parents could help].

On top of the - oh I got too nervous so I forgot to ask whether I could do an EEG sooner there - uh you're THAT nervous at home on a Zoom call. And here's a thought, you could write down your questions in advance. She also says something like - if you don't keep a journal, all the symptoms/episodes start to blend. Uh so keep a journal, you know that thing you're holding in your hand 24-7, you can type on that too - it's not just for taking IG pics. 

But I guess it's no different than when Alyssa had her stuff and John was like - we didn't even know what to ask, we'd walk out of drs appts not even understanding what they said etc., but we trusted God [i.e. drs but we'll claim it was ONLY God].

Like these two are so dumb with their dining room education, that you really wonder what drs tell them vs. what they here - and for these two everything is going thru the added lens of - oh how many videos can we get out of this. I mean they may mean "go to Fla for a few weeks and finish testing/appts there," but that's not what "move" means and that's not how they're saying it. Carlin even said that her dr was like - uh before you spend all that money moving, why don't we finish doing the testing and have a call with Mayo?? The dr is probably shocked at their stupidity - though maybe not drs. deal with all kinds. Today they're giving him credit bc they feel hope + he's super kind and texts info to Evan [since his wife can't relay it accurately] and has given Evan his cell number blah blah.

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23 minutes ago, cereality said:

Today they're giving him credit bc they feel hope + he's super kind and texts info to Evan [since his wife can't relay it accurately]

This is incredibly disturbing to me. He can read Carlin’s texts if need be. No need for the doctor to text him separately. Why isn’t Evan present at all of her appointments, since  he allegedly quit his job to be there for her? Why can’t she just record (audio) all of her appointments to review later if needed?

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7 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

This is incredibly disturbing to me. He can read Carlin’s texts if need be. No need for the doctor to text him separately. Why isn’t Evan present at all of her appointments, since  he allegedly quit his job to be there for her? Why can’t she just record (audio) all of her appointments to review later if needed?

Yeah I don't get what that's about. I've never known of a dr to reach out to the patient's SPOUSE separately - when the patient is well enough to communicate. Like why isn't Carlin messaging with her dr and then sharing with Evan. Evan has said before "oh the dr is my BFF hahah - he gave me his cell and I text him re Carlin's episodes." He said that the one time she fell HARD at church and I guess there was a discussion of whether to take her to the hospital or not, as she had a concussion. In that situation, ok Carlin clearly wasn't with it so someone else had to talk to a dr. But for a routine zoom appt with Mayo, the dr is like - I'll text Evan all the info separately? No sweetie that's your job to tell your husband [or not].

I wonder if they've expressly said something. I can see Carlin totally playing up the ditzy with a male dr - oh I totally don't understand what you're talking about, such BIG words, you need to talk to my husband, he's soooo smart, he even knows his social security number and his parents' names. Normally drs. still won't do it, but I can also seeing this dr being fed up of their stupidity along the lines of - oh we were supposed to re start that med, we didn't know etc. - so the dr is like fine, whatever, I'll communicate with whoever claims to understand.

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

Yeah I don't get what that's about. I've never known of a dr to reach out to the patient's SPOUSE separately - when the patient is well enough to communicate. 

As a physician, that is a big red flag in my book.  If a patient asked me to talk to her partner without her being present to hear what was said, I would wonder why that is the case.  It reeks of a controlling relationship where she is not allowed to have an opinion, not even about her own health.  If a patient asks me to speak to her husband privately, I recommend that they BOTH come in to talk to me together.  Or, if he has questions, there is a part of her electronic medical record that allows her to communicate with me.  She can write his questions into an email to me and I will answer them TO HER and she can share my remarks with anyone she chooses.  Carlin is an idiot, an immature one, but, legally, she needs to be in the loop on everything pertaining to her health.  However, technically, as long as the patient personally permits the doctor to speak to a third party, it is legal.  In my practice, it is usually an elderly patient with memory issues who has their adult child, usually a daughter, communicate with me and my office.  I would find it really strange and kinda pathetic that a 20 something woman with 2 kids doesn't feel capable of speaking for herself.


Since when does she have migraines?

Migraines can develop in adults, so, even if she never had them, she could have them now.  I think the doc from Mayo was speculating that one of the possible causes of her episodes could be a migraine equivalent.  Migraines, as you know, are caused by spasms of blood vessels in the brain which leads to headache.  Some people have the spasms, but don't get headaches, but instead, get other neurologic symptoms.  Things like loss of part of the field of vision, numbness or tingling in a limb, weakness on one side of the body can signal a migraine equivalent.  Carlin's spells could be caused by something like that.  I don't think so, but that's why you talk to the experts, they know a lot about really odd and obscure causes of various symptoms.

https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1142731-overview#:~:text=Migraine variant (or migraine equivalent) is the term,aura) that usually affect children and young adults.


As soon as they were told about the need for the inpatient EEG, they should have scheduled it. She probably would have had it by now, or at least soon.

At the time it was first recommended, they said the next appointment was in October; so, yes, at the very least, she would be getting it done within the next week had she not decided that having a cardiac issue was more glamorous and exciting, so pursued that while ignoring other possibilities.  If Carlin had asked the doc at Mayo if he could somehow get her an inpatient EEG sooner, he probably would've laughed her off the phone.  If the hospital in Knoxville cannot do it for months, you'd better believe a tertiary referral center like Mayo Clinic is booked up, too.  I presume she was hoping he would tell her that her case was of utmost importance and he was going to insist she be placed at the front of the line because she was such an unusual case.  Uh, no.  He probably sees a dozen people a week for referrals who are in far worse shape than Carlin.

I figured the consult with Mayo would take the form of a virtual visit coordinated by her doctor in Tennessee.  Even though Carlin is a dum-dum, her doctor was sitting there and heard everything the Mayo doc said and, unlike Carlin, took notes and understood everything they talked about and can refer to it.  The Mayo doc, who is going to be paid his usual rate of $$$$$ for the consultation, is going to type up a report that will be transmitted to her electronic medical record in Tennessee too and will include his recommendations.  Meanwhile, the doc at Mayo could review her entire file from Tennessee online including seeing the images from any scans and the tracings from her EEG's and I am sure he did.  Electronic medical records have made consultations for difficult patients so much easier and more thorough.

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So I am just a browser on this particular topic and I may be very well misinformed but I keep seeing things about Carlin and heart issues and testing, etc….. my situation is different because I’m dealing with a minor with heart issues but……

In July my 10 year old presented with high Blood Pressure at his well child check. We went through EKG’s, Ct scans, echocardiogram, until we found out he had a Congenital Heart Defect called Coarctation of the aorta. He was operated on September 1. 

I don’t understand why it’s taking Carlin so long to get these tests done? CHD is hereditary. Being 1 of 1500 kids makes it more likely not to mention Alyssa’s issues. I have precautionary echos scheduled for my 13 and 6 year old just to make sure they don’t suffer from the same CHD their brother does.

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It's taking Carlin so long because she isn't scheduling the tests she needs. She could have already done her 5 day EEG had she scheduled it back when the doctor recommended she do it. Now, she's probably looking at January because she kept putting it off, for whatever reason. Now the doctor at Mayo wants it, so I imagine they will finally schedule it. 

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Going back to potty training for a quick second… did I hallucinate or did I see a kid’s potty set up and plugged in between the “dining/dinning” room and the living room? Didn’t some of her fans, who are the only people she takes advice from, suggest that should stay in the bathroom where the grown up toilets are? That poor child can’t even get any privacy when the cameras are off.

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1 hour ago, Mountainair said:

So I am just a browser on this particular topic and I may be very well misinformed but I keep seeing things about Carlin and heart issues and testing, etc….. my situation is different because I’m dealing with a minor with heart issues but……

In July my 10 year old presented with high Blood Pressure at his well child check. We went through EKG’s, Ct scans, echocardiogram, until we found out he had a Congenital Heart Defect called Coarctation of the aorta. He was operated on September 1. 

I don’t understand why it’s taking Carlin so long to get these tests done? CHD is hereditary. Being 1 of 1500 kids makes it more likely not to mention Alyssa’s issues. I have precautionary echos scheduled for my 13 and 6 year old just to make sure they don’t suffer from the same CHD their brother does.

Carlin did see a cardiologist and had a thorough workup including a cardiac echo, as I recall.  The cardiologist saw her recently and essentially signed of the case; she does not have a heart problem.  For whatever reason, she was very eager and willing to do that testing and it got done pretty quickly.

As for the rest of the work up; she has had a zillion tests done already and the only reason she hasn't had the 5 day inpatient EEG is because she chose not to schedule it.  They were told months ago that it was the next logical step in evaluating her for neurologic issues.  This was back in the summer and, at the time, they were told that the schedule was very full and the hospital was booking this testing for October.  They whined about how terrible it was that she would have to wait so long but didn't bother to get the testing scheduled.  Now that they have pretty much exhausted all other options, they are looking to find a way to cut the line and get placed ahead of everyone who scheduled their inpatient EEG's months ago.  It's not happening, nor should it.  

In the midst of this medical workup, Carlin and her husband and children have traveled hither and yon all over the country for various vacations and family gatherings.  They've been out of town literally for more than a month  since she first started having her problem early in the summer. Despite her supposed serious medical issues, she hasn't missed a single event either for her medical issues or for testing.  Carlin's priorities are different from those of most of the rest of the world.

I'm glad your son is doing well and God bless the pediatrician who made sure to check his blood pressure, probably in both arms, and maybe his legs; and caught the problem before it became a bigger problem.  That's the ideal.

Edited by Notabug
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I've been doing a rewatch of Mad Men and learning that Evan is receiving info straight from Carlin's doctor re her health, made me think of the episode where a main character sits in the background quietly as her husband hears her grim diagnosis. This isn't the 60's, but these people wish it were and would prefer to go back to the 50's!

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1 minute ago, Eureka said:

What combination is the word “shacket” supposed to be? Sweater and jacket? (Fashion is not my thing lol)

Lulz! Shirt/jacket. It's basically an oversized flannel with more weight to it. I actually have one and they're great for fall days where you need extra warmth but it's not so cold as to require a heavy coat. 

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Just now, BitterApple said:

Lulz! Shirt/jacket. It's basically an oversized flannel with more weight to it. I actually have one and they're great for fall days where you need extra warmth but it's not so cold as to require a heavy coat. 

Thanks, you saw this in the one minute before I realized somebody else had already asked the same thing.

Another question, do they even have health insurance? Even if they do, I’m guessing it’s probably not as good as my insurance, which covers a lot of this testing at very high percentages (typically 90-100%). Can they make enough money on YouTube to pay for all these medical bills?

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4 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I've been doing a rewatch of Mad Men and learning that Evan is receiving info straight from Carlin's doctor re her health, made me think of the episode where a main character sits in the background quietly as her husband hears her grim diagnosis. This isn't the 60's, but these people wish it were and would prefer to go back to the 50's!

Yes! I was also thinking of this. So creepy.

11 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Maybe the doctor is on to Carlin and wanted to ask Evan about getting her some psych help for her obsession with being sick 

That’s completely unethical, as Carlin is not a child. 

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19 hours ago, cereality said:

So for those still following apparently Carlin and her neurologist had a call with Mayo. Mayo gave them a few more tests to consider but otherwise basically said - we'd do the same testing here that your dr is doing in Knox, so stay there. Interesting that it's now the second time that C/E have mentioned "moving to" Mayo - the one in Fla?? Uh even if Mayo wanted to see her in person for some testing, why would she up and move to the place?? I mean people go to far away medical centers for freaking surgeries, they don't actually MOVE there - they rent an apt/hotel room for a few weeks [or for like a day or two if it's an appt + a test], do what they need to/stay as long as recommended before being allowed to travel and return to their homes.

I know some folks that go to Mayo.  Mayo typically has patients come in for a few days or weeks and schedules all appointments, tests, etc. for that time period.  No need to move there.

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2 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

Yes! I was also thinking of this. So creepy.

That’s completely unethical, as Carlin is not a child. 

I think Carlin's lying about her doctor texting Evan and talking to Evan about her health. A doctor gave a patient's husband his personal cell phone number and is texting the patient's husband about medical issues? Bullshit, unless the doctor is personal friends with Evan and got Carlin's permission. And if that's the case, why is he treating her instead of the specialist she clearly wants to see? 

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6 minutes ago, Heathen said:

I think Carlin's lying about her doctor texting Evan and talking to Evan about her health. A doctor gave a patient's husband his personal cell phone number and is texting the patient's husband about medical issues? Bullshit, unless the doctor is personal friends with Evan and got Carlin's permission. And if that's the case, why is he treating her instead of the specialist she clearly wants to see? 

She lies about a lot, so why not this? They can also use her MyChart account to send messages and questions to any of her doctors, so it does seem unlikely.

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Just now, Cinnabon said:

She lies about a lot, so why not this? They can also use her MyChart account to send messages and questions to any of her doctors, so it does seem unlikely.

Next thing you know, Dumb and Dumber will be posting that one of her doctors made a house call since it's just SOOOOOO stressful for her to leave the house because she's afraid she'll have a "spell." Well, she goes to Starbucks and Target and to family events, but apparently those things just aren't as stressful as going to the doctor. 

How much longer is she going to perpetuate this lie? Until she comes up with something else to milk for attention/money/clicks? 

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