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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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Their first dining table after five (?) years of marriage arrived. Of course the logical thing for them to do is go out to eat. 🤦🏽‍♀️

I get they have guests but it’s not like they see Katie and Travis once a year. Carlin is feeling better so it makes perfect sense to go out to spread germs and expose the kids to the who knows what kind of germs. They really need to grow up.

Why is the family’s Christmas party so early? 

Edited by SMama
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39 minutes ago, SMama said:

Why is the family’s Christmas party so early? 

Kelly has said she doesn’t want some kids to have to choose their parents over in-laws so maybe they do it earlier.  That’s also why they have I Love You day, so all the kids can come. Not sure if Katie or Alyssa would be able to make it this Feb if they’re both in late pregnancies & possibly high risk. 
the table:  I like the actual “dinning” table but not the chairs. And it definitely needs a rug to break up the wood in the floor and table, although any rug she picks will probably be a blah boring shade too. I also think she needs something more between the living room & “dinning” area. It’s a big open room, yet looks empty.  I’d do maybe a small bookcase, but put it sticking out from the wall, but not flat against. Maybe one of the ikea cube ones that hold small baskets or something. 

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Now that they have that ugly table that belongs in an office, suppers will be phenomenal and they may even start cooking?? So that’s what was stopping them huh, not their own laziness?

And it’s after 9 pm, great to see their 3 yr old out with them at Top Golf. I imagine their 9 mo old is sleeping in a car seat someplace too. What’s wrong with these idiots, hire a babysitter if you all must go out. Or just have one person go out w Katie/Trav tonight and the other person can go w them the next night - could even do guys at home one night, girls next. These ppl are hardly “guests” as you see them every 6 wks and will “party” with them all weekend.

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2 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

They returned a rug last week that was meant for that space. IIRC, Carlin said they have another one on order.

Who knew the holidays were all about buying YOURSELF gifts, especially when you have a huge family?

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11 hours ago, cereality said:

These ppl are hardly “guests” as you see them every 6 wks and will “party” with them all weekend.

And this is after Carlin posted a video about how the Stew Crew is finally feeling better after being sick all week. So sure, why not drag the kids out way past a normal toddler/baby's bedtime so Mom and Dad can hit golf balls and take selfies with the out-of-town relatives they see every two weeks. 

With regards to the table, does anyone know how much they paid for that thing? I can't figure out why I hate it. Normally I love wood, but the table looks kind of dated and clunky. They would've been better off going with a trestle, because the base and matching chairs gives me office furniture vibes. Maybe it'll look nicer once the room is decorated. 

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18 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

And this is after Carlin posted a video about how the Stew Crew is finally feeling better after being sick all week. So sure, why not drag the kids out way past a normal toddler/baby's bedtime so Mom and Dad can hit golf balls and take selfies with the out-of-town relatives they see every two weeks. 

With regards to the table, does anyone know how much they paid for that thing? I can't figure out why I hate it. Normally I love wood, but the table looks kind of dated and clunky. They would've been better off going with a trestle, because the base and matching chairs gives me office furniture vibes. Maybe it'll look nicer once the room is decorated. 

It is strange looking.  But then again it belongs to the Stew Crew!  Lol

I saw where Lawson said Tiffany had an episode!  Yep that introduction pays!  Copy cats!

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

And this is after Carlin posted a video about how the Stew Crew is finally feeling better after being sick all week. So sure, why not drag the kids out way past a normal toddler/baby's bedtime so Mom and Dad can hit golf balls and take selfies with the out-of-town relatives they see every two weeks. 

With regards to the table, does anyone know how much they paid for that thing? I can't figure out why I hate it. Normally I love wood, but the table looks kind of dated and clunky. They would've been better off going with a trestle, because the base and matching chairs gives me office furniture vibes. Maybe it'll look nicer once the room is decorated. 

Here's one that looks like it, but its preorder, so I doubt its the one C&E bought. This table looks a little nicer to me. I agree with you, the solid legs change the feel.


Conference table


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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Lets get real. The "Stew Crew" should have purchased something like this. At least then, Layla would know what its for. 🤣


this brings back memories!  One house we lived in when I was a kid  had a home version of this.  We all hated it.  The bench was loose and when the  parents tore it out years later, there were years worth of the food my brother didn't like and stuffed down there!  No smell, no vermin, never noticed.  Good thing they didn't pick one of those in case the Stewart kids figured out that trick!!

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2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

It is strange looking.  But then again it belongs to the Stew Crew!  Lol

I saw where Lawson said Tiffany had an episode!  Yep that introduction pays!  Copy cats!

An “episode” of what?

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Those hard wood "dinning" chairs look awfully uncomfortable. I sincerely hope that they are going to PROPERLY seat Layla at the table with a proper booster seat and give her a proper place setting; plate, appropriate sized fork/spoon. I also hope that Little Z will not be seated in Siberia in his high chair away from the table in a corner fending for himself with food spilled on his high chair tray to eat with his fingers. Seat him at the table in his high chair in between HIS PARENTS and feed him properly and then teach him how to feed himself with appropriate utensils for his age....these children, I believe do not get enough food as they struggle to pick up bits of food put on their tray and try to get it "in their mouths". Combine that with inappropriate sleeping hours and nap times..What awful parents these two are.

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I have to admit, this baby shower piques my interest. Is it a combined event for Katie and Alyssa? Will Erin attend or conveniently have a prior commitment? Will we get a pregnancy announcement to steal Katie's thunder? So many questions....

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9 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I have to admit, this baby shower piques my interest. Is it a combined event for Katie and Alyssa? Will Erin attend or conveniently have a prior commitment? Will we get a pregnancy announcement to steal Katie's thunder? So many questions....

Does Alyssa need a baby shower since she’s having her first boy? This is Katie’s first baby, the shower should be for her. If the Webster’s can’t use their leftover baby stuff (and Maci is not even 2 yet) because a girl wore it, people should send them a gift separately. So I hope this isn’t a combined event. And 100% there will be a pregnancy announcement, lol.

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6 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

So I hope this isn’t a combined event. And 100% there will be a pregnancy announcement, lol.

I'm hoping it isn't a combined event either. It's Katie's first kid. I'd like to think Alyssa has the decency to opt out and let her little sister enjoy the spotlight. 

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If the baby shower is for Katie + Alyssa, watch Erin skips it bc whatever has happened is really THAT big of a problem between Katie and Erin. I mean this is the woman that went to Katie's wedding, doesn't even post one pic with the bride, and in her acknowledgment that she was at the wedding she posts a pic with Tori and just welcomes Travis to the family with no congrats to or mention of Katie??

Why is everyone calling this Kelly's/mom/grandmom's party instead of referring to it as their parents' party? Erin did the same.

The stupid dining table will change nothing. A meal doesn't put itself on the dining table as it didn't put itself on the sofa. THEY would have to make an effort to do that. And good luck training a 3 yr old who is used to eating on a sofa or all over the house to actually sit and eat. What are they going to do now, toss her chips for dinner at the table instead of on the sofa?

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1 hour ago, ozziemom said:

Does Alyssa need a baby shower since she’s having her first boy? This is Katie’s first baby, the shower should be for her. If the Webster’s can’t use their leftover baby stuff (and Maci is not even 2 yet) because a girl wore it, people should send them a gift separately. So I hope this isn’t a combined event. And 100% there will be a pregnancy announcement, lol.

All Carlin said was that the baby shower is “for my sister”.

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

All Carlin said was that the baby shower is “for my sister”.

There was a photo of KJ & Katie on Reddit stating that the shower was for “Hailey” (I guess that’s Katie’s baby?).

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10 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

She also posted about poor Zader having a blowout at the party. She apparently doesn't pack a change of clothes, as the poor thing was half naked. 

I noticed that, this is the second time she has posted about Zade having a blowout and no extra clothes. Who the hell does that with young children? SGirl is freaking 15 and we always have a change of clothes tucked in the emergency kit in the car. I know I’m beyond ridiculous for doing that, just like being prepared. 

With so many grandkids I’m also surprised K doesn’t keep at least PJs for when the little ones zonk out at their house. 

What the hell do C&E carry in their overpriced diaper bag? 

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On 12/8/2022 at 4:47 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

The Stew Crew finally got their DINNING room table. And yes, she misspelled it again. 😂


Most pics of him at the table will be this.  Not eating a meal, just sitting there or "working" at it.  
Don't know why she was so excited about getting a house when she hasn't done shit around it to decorate.  Stark, white walls and plain everything.  

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8 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

She also posted about poor Zader having a blowout at the party. She apparently doesn't pack a change of clothes, as the poor thing was half naked. 

And again we see Zade’s belly since he was wearing some beige shirt that looked too small. IIRC when Layla was younger her shirts never seemed to fit right either. I know a lot of people bring pj’s to change the baby into if they know they will be out at night. But C&E seem to have no common sense. 

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9 hours ago, SMama said:

What the hell do C&E carry on their overpriced diaper bag? 

My guess would be cake pops, chips and various other snacks.  Carlin and Evan are very immature parents of 2 young children. They seem to be stuck in their teen years constantly having date nights, running the streets, eating out and double dates with Whitney and Zack and "partying." They haven't grown up yet and the sad part is that they drag the children along with them while they chase what they missed out on in their teen years. 

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1 hour ago, ozziemom said:

I know a lot of people bring pj’s to change the baby into if they know they will be out at night. But C&E seem to have no common sense. 

Exactly! Why didn’t they have PJs for those babies since they darn well knew they were going to be out “partying” until way past what should be the kids’ bedtime.

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Most parents would have PJs on hand to change the kids into before the ride home, on the chance their kids would fall asleep in the car and the kids could be carefully transferred to their beds. But since the Stewart kids sleep whenever and wherever they drop, this makes no sense to them.

There were only a half dozen other babies there. And seeing as most don't wear clothes with color, I'm sure they could have drummed up some non-girl clothing. The thing is, clothing to them is for appearances only - not comfort, so they don't bother.

A perfect example was when Carlin and some Stewarts were at a local theme park. Poor Layla was wearing some type of blousy tube top while Carlin had a sweater on. Like Carlin, if you need a sweater, the least you could do is dress your kid in a shirt with sleeves.

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11 hours ago, SMama said:

With so many grandkids I’m also surprised K doesn’t keep at least PJs for when the little ones zonk out at their house. 

What the hell do C&E carry in their overpriced diaper bag? 

You're assuming that Kelly actually cares about her grandchildren, or that she cared about her own children's well-being when they were growing up. Kelly only cares about quantity, not quality, just like Michelle Duggar. 

What's in the diaper bag? My guess is more photo props, makeup, extra batteries and chargers for the phones, and maybe a snack. 

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:

You're assuming that Kelly actually cares about her grandchildren, or that she cared about her own children's well-being when they were growing up. Kelly only cares about quantity, not quality, just like Michelle Duggar. 

What's in the diaper bag? My guess is more photo props, makeup, extra batteries and chargers for the phones, and maybe a snack. 

And probably a change of clothes for Carlin, just in case she decides her original outfit doesn't pop on the 'gram.

There's no reason they couldn't keep a small bag in the car at all times with a change of clothes and/or pj's for the kids.  That's what my parents did.  Unfortunately, that would require some foresight and putting their children's needs ahead of their own wants and Carlin and Evan are just not wired to think of anyone but themselves.

I have literally known dozens and dozens of young parents and cannot recall a single pair that didn't keep a change of clothes for their little kids at the ready anytime they left the house.  It's kind of mind boggling how incredibly stupid Carlin and Evan are.

Edited by Notabug
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I'm from one of those cultures where the leaving process takes a long time and 80% of the guests leave at the same time. When you see the parents of small children getting their kids into pjs, you know it's time to figure out where you left your coat and shoes because everyone will be clearing out once the kids are changed and out the door.

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Carlin confirmed in her stories this morning that the shower is for Katie.  She is only due in March- I find that a bit early to have a shower. Showing my age I guess, but back when I had my kids no one had a baby shower before they were 8 months along.

Not surprised that Carlin did not bring a change of clothes or pajamas for her kids.  You would think that by the second child they would have learned a thing or two, but I guess not. But hey, little man had his mini Carhartt hat so the really important details were addressed. 🙄

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6 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Carlin confirmed in her stories this morning that the shower is for Katie.  She is only due in March- I find that a bit early to have a shower. Showing my age I guess, but back when I had my kids no one had a baby shower before they were 8 months along.

I think they probably did it now since the whole family was together. February weather might make it harder to get together then.

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We are on our way home from Universal Studios where we endured 58° and as Southern Californians we were freezing. SGirl was prepared with thermal undies and two layers. First thing SGirl did when we got to the car was change into her PJs. Now she’s cozy under a blanket and having a snack. SBaba commented not much has changed even though she’s fifteen years old. The only difference is we no longer change or help her change.

Carlin and Evan, put your phones, laptops, and other distractions down. Look at the two babies you are so lucky to have. Treat them like the two blessings you claim they are. Enjoy every moment because before you know it the baby years will be over. I can’t imagine the level of neglect once you find they are more independent. And FFS stop having kids you can’t be bothered to care for properly. 

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10 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

I think they probably did it now since the whole family was together. February weather might make it harder to get together then.

Looking at the pictures, I think they did it now because they could use a Christmas theme and wanted that holiday look for their social media accounts.  Everybody loves babies and Christmas!  

As far as the whole family being together, that happens about twice a month anyway.

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52 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

I wouldn’t want to eat with garland/pine needles in my food. 

I also wouldn't want to eat at a table where a kid's dirty, bare feet, dirty hands, and diapered butt had recently been lounging. 

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So now C&E can't eat in the car anymore. To keep up appearances they'll now have to bring their take-out home, transfer it to real dishes and eat it at the table. An IG family having a dining room table makes adulting hard.

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