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Kendra On Top - General Discussion

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I watch the Will & Grace marathons on WETV every Saturday & they CONSTANTLY play Kendra's awful acting job: "BOOM BOOM BOOM" crap. 

Drives me absolutely insane. I agree with whomever mentioned this being like the "True Tori we need ratings/money" season....I cant even with her...

Edited by BostonBlonde
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A long time ago I used ot be on the E! original board for Girl's Next Door. As much as we razzed everyone I do believe that Kendra is a good person deep inside that made a bad decision to get married to a man who might be gay.


I know she is married now but she lived with Hef who is a serial cheater. She didn't seem to take issue with it she made her fame by living with him, etc. Now I just feel sorry for her. She should be having the time of her life not be worried about a cheating husband who has a questionable "affair" with a transsexual. 


Lastly she needs to move on. She is still gorgeous and can land another man in a heartbeat if she wanted to but for all the years that we razzed her I think she needs to be alone for a while enjoy her time with her kids and just let Hank go.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I watch the Will & Grace marathons on WETV every Saturday


Me too! Boom, boom, boom!


Hank is guilty, guilty, guilty. He never bothered to issue a standard denial to the press, and he's not bothering to deny it to Kendra. His "the allegations are not true" is a vague President Clinton-style "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is."

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Despite the controversy, this show is boring as hell. I've had it on in the background while I'm on the computer, but couldn't watch it without doing something else at the same time.


As far as I can tell, the actual episodes don't contain much more than what's already shown in the previews. But someone must be watching, because there's a ton of commercials during the show. 

I just can't with Hugh Hefner.  I find him utterly revolting.  The fact that Kendra thinks Hef is a "real man" speaks volumes about her daddy issues. All I could think of when Hef was admiring Alijah was this imagined conversation - Hey pretty girl, come see me in seventeen years, eight months and five days.  We'll get some nice implants and platinum extensions, and you can join my orgy squad.

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I have to wonder what his "I'll tell you the truth just not yet" is all about. He's losing precious time with his family and it seems that the worst consequences of whatever he did are already happening whether he tells the truth or not. The only thing I can think of is that he was buying/selling drugs or maybe he's trying to cover up for something a friend did? I don't know, it's truly perplexing.

I wonder if she will be visiting him at a nudist colony.  Didn't Kendra's friend say he lived at one?  Not knowing her background I was confused about a few things.  It sounded like he walked away when she was 5 and she never saw him again growing up, but then it was mentioned she saw him at 13. There's no way in hell her father wasn't prepared in some way for that phone call

IIRC the encounter at age 13 fizzled. There was a block party and she knew he would be there and she was excited about that. Turned out that he walked right past her on the sidewalk, not seeing her, because he was talking and laughing with the group of friends he was walking with to the party. Which IMO had to be devastating for her. (The good news I guess is that he wasn't some perv checking out young girls as he ambled along; otherwise he would have seen her.) 

I was confused by Kendra's account of the party where she missed her dad.  I have questions, like did he know she would be there?  Did he see her? What if he was drunk and didn't see her?  It seems like a huge assumption to make about a one night party to write someone off for the rest of you life, but I suspect Kendra's mom did quite a bit to ensure the kids and dad stayed far apart.  I'll withhold judgment, until I know more about the man and what really happened. 

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Hef really seems to care for Kendra.  This is good.  At least someone really has her back.  I do believe her grandma can be trusted.


Why oh why can't Kendra and other reality stars understand how ridiculous it is to freak out when they see a guy with a camera, when they have an entire film crew with them?  It's crazy and the only real objection has to be that they won't get paid for the shot.  

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I was confused by Kendra's account of the party where she missed her dad.  I have questions, like did he know she would be there?  Did he see her? What if he was drunk and didn't see her?  It seems like a huge assumption to make about a one night party to write someone off for the rest of you life, but I suspect Kendra's mom did quite a bit to ensure the kids and dad stayed far apart.  I'll withhold judgment, until I know more about the man and what really happened. 


I was about to say I'm not one to judge, but who am I kidding.   This may be enough of an explanation for how we get to her writing him off for life, especially when you consider that she made that decision as a 13 year old.  It doesn't explain why a grown man never contacted his child.   No, I'm assuming.  He may have tried.  It doesn't matter to me why he walked past her outside the party, at that point what he's fully aware of is that he has a child he hasn't seen or spoken to in 8 years.  A child who would be this kid's age if he'd even glanced her way, recognition notwithstanding.    It wasn't her responsibility to try and stay in touch with him.   And I'm fully prepared to accommodate the "your mother kept me away from you" version he's sure to come out with but in my not so humble opinion, if you have a kid, then you make it your business to see them and if you're somehow "prevented" from doing that, make it your business to say that to a judge.  And while that's going on, make it your business to have your kid see you being dragged away from their doorstep so they remember that you were literally fighting to have them in your life.   But too often the more convenient thing is to do absolutely nothing.    Responsibility abdicating bunch of bullshit. 

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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Ummm, notice how the house is getting messier and messier the longer Hank the manservant is gone? Also. Kendra is probably ecstatic that the nanny is back. Now she can go back about her 'business'.

I don't know if you had ever seen any of the episodes when Kendra was living in the Hefner mansion. Her room was always the messiest most cluttered and disgusting room in the whole mansion. There was total disarray and disorganization and clothes just thrown all over the place. Apparently women that pose naked for Playboy and give the owner of the mansion a blowjob once in a while in between the other two women living in the mansion, they get a free pass on their housekeeping skills. Oh wait, who's the dummy here?  My house is neat. :)

I didn't even think about that because I was in such anticipation of the Kendra/Hank interaction. But you're right! Little Hank couldn't have been less interested in his mother. Could it be possible this was a re-enactment of their reunion? I'm a little suspicious of the New Mexico story anyway..maybe they were staying in a hotel nearby or in the basement or something. Hank's tears certainly seemed real though. This is the first time I've actually seen him deny the rumors since he never made any statements to the press.

I don't think it was a re-anactment. I think it was fake to begin with...

I feel sorry for that beautiful baby. She seems like an after thought. Poor thing crying in her crib and Kendra couldn't be bothered because she was busy packing for Costa Rica to go see long lost daddy, so Hank arrives and immediately goes to the baby's room to get her. Yeah, Hank really, really screwed up, I don't even know if I could forgive him for what he did, however,  I always thought he was the better parent. I hope he showed that little girl lots of love while Kendra was off finding herself. 

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I'm happy for Kendra.  I actually teared up.  I know this is a "reality show", but some emotions are just too raw to be fake.  I don't feel like I heard a real explanation on how he disappeared from his kids' lives, but he didn't seem to throw his ex under the bus.  I hope in reuniting with her father, Kendra can move past her daddy issues and never get involved with a Hefner type again.


I've always disliked Kendra's mom, in part because I think she encouraged her eighteen year old daughter to live with and service a disgusting old man, simply so she herself could party all the time.  I just don't get it.  Kendra's mom loved Hef, even though he would line girls up and have them service him one after another - with no protection.  But Hank, who up until now has treated Kendra very well, is a loving father, and cherished her enough to marry her - is a dog.  I wonder if it's his mixed race, or the fact that his football career tanked so early. 

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Possibly but more likely she didn't like him on sight because this was the man who would likely end her free ride at the "mansion."  


You're probably right.  It's just odd because Kendra says that after her father left, their mother dedicated herself to raising Kendra and her brother.  They were her whole world.  Yet she actually thinks that Kendra's lifestyle in the Playboy mansion is superior to being a content (at the time) wife and mother.  I found it especially strange because Patti is a big football fan and Hank was their entry to that world.  Her mother seems to have an agenda and Kendra had her number.  Unfortunately when Hank cheated on her, she needed that support from her mother.


By the way, when I said Hank is of "mixed race" upthread, I should have placed it in quotes, because I was implying that this is how Patti sees him, not me.


By the way, when I said Hank is of "mixed race" upthread, I should have placed it in quotes, because I was implying that this is how Patti sees him, not me.


That was obvious, at least to me!   I think Kendra's mother just can't be pleased.  Maybe that's why her dad left (but still no excuse for not getting in touch with his children all those years).

You're probably right.  It's just odd because Kendra says that after her father left, their mother dedicated herself to raising Kendra and her brother.  They were her whole world.  Yet she actually thinks that Kendra's lifestyle in the Playboy mansion is superior to being a content (at the time) wife and mother.  I found it especially strange because Patti is a big football fan and Hank was their entry to that world.  Her mother seems to have an agenda and Kendra had her number.  Unfortunately when Hank cheated on her, she needed that support from her mother.


By the way, when I said Hank is of "mixed race" upthread, I should have placed it in quotes, because I was implying that this is how Patti sees him, not me.

I think Patti just had a hard time letting Kendra go make her own choices & mistakes. Looking back, I always got the feeling that Patti thought that Kendra was still very irresponsible, flighty, & immature. Living at the mansion (and having the reality show) gave Kendra stability and a decent bank account so far from home (not to mention off the pole).

Then in a world wind she ditches the mansion, marries Hank, & gets pregnant all at the same time. As we all saw, Patti was left out of Kendra’s life changes, & she felt slighted by that.

As far as Hank, I don’t think Patti had much faith that he could take care of Kendra with his well… "football skills", and thought she (Kendra) was rushing into marriage just because he was a fine “baller” who’ll end up with a lucrative football contract. I mean her room at the mansion was still a messy pigsty as she got ready to leave after the engagement.

As for an agenda, I just think Kendra doesn't want to hear any "I told you so" lecture from Patti, and on many levels, blames Patti for her dad abandoning them (her & Colin). Patti gave up too easily, & should have worked harder on the marriage she wouldn't have felt rejected by her dad etc..

All of this explains her straddling the fence over Hank's cheating. 1. She's afraid she's becoming her mom, & 2. Kendra is lazy as hell, & doesn't want to be a single mom and actively raise her kids. With Hank still at the house, he can do most of the cleaning & child-rearing while she sleeps & lays around. Sure she plays with the kids, loves them, probably even changes a diaper or two....but Kendra isn't doing any heavy child care.

Edited by Sugarbaker
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In one of the episodes Kendra said that her mom didn't approve of Hank because she thought he was too controlling.  Although I would question Patti's viewpoint in general because of her weird values regarding her daughter and Hugh Hefner, I did wonder if there was any truth to her opinion about Hank.  He doesn't seem controlling at all, and Kendra seems to dominate him, but it did sound strange when, in one of the scenes where Kendra was (once again) confronting him, Hank said repeatedly, "No one knows Kendra like I do; I'm the only one who truly understands Kendra…"   Addressing her in the third person like that almost sounded like he was trying to hypnotize her.  It probably meant nothing, but it did remind me of what her mom had said.


I don't understand them playing out this storyline.  I suppose it's real because I don't think her mom, dad and Hef would play along like that, but it makes them seem like they just have no regard for their children, or Hank's dignity.

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So Kendra's dad is very well off financially? Did he contribute to child support all those years he abandoned his kids? I don't like Patty but can understand why she would be bitter having to work her ass off to support the kids while he is MIA. Kendra needs to get some real answers from him and stop fantasizing and glamorizing dear old dad. 

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I just can't with Hugh Hefner.  I find him utterly revolting.  The fact that Kendra thinks Hef is a "real man" speaks volumes about her daddy issues. All I could think of when Hef was admiring Alijah was this imagined conversation - Hey pretty girl, come see me in seventeen years, eight months and five days.  We'll get some nice implants and platinum extensions, and you can join my orgy squad.

Wasn't Kendra stepping out on Heff with Hank while living at the mansion?

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I watched the last two episodes back to back, so I'm unsure where one episode ended and the next started.  I have to believe that so much of what we're seeing is real.  Kendra is just not that good of an actress, and her anger at Hank feels very real.


I was very moved by her reunion with her father, and how her father was supportive and forgiving of Hank.  I can't imagine what it must be like for Kendra to forgive her dad and let go of that anger.  Then to also realize that her dad has such vivid memories of her and that they are so alike, it gives me goose bumps.


I think Kendra's mom is a manipulative woman who withholds love to control her kids.  I still get why she would be hurt.  I don't know how much of the past was Eric abandoning the kids, Patti deliberately alienating him, or both.  But in Patti's mind, she's the one who stayed and worked and cared for her children.  She's insecure and she has reason to be.  Lashing out on social media is pointless and cruel.

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Kendra and Hank will get divorced before Alijah begins kindergarten. Kendra is still reeling from the cheating scandal and wants to put it behind her. No woman wants to believe that the father of her children would cheat on her especially while she is pregnant and about to give birth.


Hugh Hefner gave Kendra advice that she wanted to hear. She wants to believe that Hank was set up and perhaps he was, but it does not excuse his behavior. She wants to give Hank a second chance. Kendra would make different choices for herself and her children if she had an education and a career.

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I wish my husband would cheat on me, I find out from outside sources, and then he refuses to tell me exatly what he did when I asked because he thinks he has to right to protect himself from how I'd react. I'd have the right to react exactly the way I want. Hank is a pussy and a coward, and Kendra is a fool for staying with him, and a fool for not demanding he tell her immediately what happened or get out of her life for good. I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe when I watch this show.

Edited by hh15
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