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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I think she is very pretty but I don’t know what’s going on with her makeup this season. It looks like she applied it with a spatula. She needs to tone it way down!
  2. A plastic surgeon I saw for Botox years ago told me the same thing. He said there is a status thing in certain circles about looking “done” particularly when it comes to the lips. I told him I didn’t want filler in my top lip because I didn’t want it to look unnatural. He said a lot of women like the larger top lip even though it looks fake. It’s kind of like carrying a designer purse.
  3. Same for me! I fast-forward through almost all the sob stories and a lot of the judges’ arguing. It’s the only way I can watch the show.
  4. Just finished it. Wow, it was very informative and interesting. I had no idea how vaping got started, but I've noticed I see it everywhere. I didn't understand the ending sentence about the FDA application still pending. The products are still on the market, so they're able to sell them without FDA approval?
  5. It's probably fillers. I've noticed it in some pictures of her too.
  6. I couldn't even make it half way through the show. It's become unwatchable to me. No chemistry between Sonja and her date.
  7. Agree. They did a good job aging the main characters but a terrible job with Cloud. It’s mostly just gray hair. As a character, I don’t enjoy her at all. I’m not sure this actress was the best choice.
  8. I really like Maddie. I think the actress playing her is great, and the character has such poise and grace for someone her age. I enjoy watching her. I just finished season 7. The hospital scene with Maddie and Honey was so touching. Looking forward to the spin-off!
  9. Totally agree! I was so put off by Eboni a few episodes ago that I stopped watching. I don’t want to be lectured. It is not entertaining! If a friend spoke to me the way she speaks to these women—condescending, know-it-all—I wouldn’t hang out with her. Leah is crude, nasty and seems very angry to me. I don’t know if she’s a dry drunk or if she’s holding onto hostility from something else, but she’s not entertaining. And Sonja’s drunken antics aren’t fun to watch. Not at all. I keep expecting her to fall and really hurt herself. It makes me anxious just witnessing her behavior. I heard on Sharrell’s show that the reunion was canceled and I was shocked! Has this ever happened on a HW show? I don’t remember it. And they’re blaming Ramona? Folks, Ramona has her issues but she is not the reason the ratings have tanked on this show. Gosh, Sonja looks horrible in that photo. Did she do something to her lips now too?
  10. I’ve been looking for a new hairstyle and when I did an internet search, this came up. Looks like Brandi G. was right. Lisa does wear a wig. https://www.wigsis.com/10-capless-chin-length-synthetic-straight-lisa-rinna-wigs-skuccb0612347.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwxo6IBhBKEiwAXSYBs1r6ZIZWibkPjYxr8fuHiW0uPoI3ppEl8JDJLu5yqC3XR2ROpbbBVRoC71UQAvD_BwE
  11. I believe Michael is a cheater but don’t see evidence of that from this particular story and photo. It just shows him at a bar next to a woman. Not defending hm as he shouldn’t have been there alone, but he could’ve just been talking to the woman.
  12. She has to have an opportunity to lecture everyone. I was embarrassed by the genitalia talk. How old are these women? Sheesh. Leah is crude, crass and brings the show down a few notches (which is alarming as the baseline is pretty low).
  13. Yes! A rare miss for her. Hope she puts this look to rest. Wondering… is that really non-alcoholic rose Luann is drinking? Something seems off. Agree. Thought Leah was as rude as she was transparent.
  14. Yes, it wasn't the cancer. She had a show about overprotective mothers and how they sap the spirit of their daughters. So Kate felt ambushed. They changed so much from the book. Kate and Johnny had a really good marriage in the book. There was no brother named Sean who was gay and wrestling with it. Tully didn't get pregnant and doesn't propose to the father, a younger guy. Kate's parents seem to have a good marriage. Kate and Johnny also have twin boys. Kate and Mara have a contentious relationship when Mara is in her teens, and Mara worships Tully, which strains Kate and Tully's friendship. Just all kinds of differences. And the biggest one is Kate gets cancer and dies in the book. I enjoyed the book and like Kristin Hannah as an author, although this wasn't my favorite of her books. I'm around the same age so I appreciate the references to the time period--the fashion, music, etc. I think the two leads (Heigl and Chalke) were well cast. And the actress playing teenaged Tully is really good. Other than that, the show pales in comparison.
  15. Not my husband, who is 60. He still wants it 2-3 times per week and I want it 0 times. Ack! I have no sympathy for Erika and haven’t liked her from the start. I’ve always found her cold. I wasn’t buying most of her comments about Tom. The tears were ridiculous. What I can’t figure out is why Lisa is so quick to defend Erica. Where are her bloodhound skills when we all need them? That picture of Lisa’s daughter is strange. Her head looks too small for her body.
  16. I could never be on a reality show because I wouldn’t discuss my sex life at a dinner partner, nor would my husband. They could’ve played the same game and asked a lot of other questions, but I guess that isn’t what Bravo wants for its viewers. Wendy is thirsty. I don’t know what happened to her since last season. She is acting like someone else. Is it because of the plastic surgery or is that why she had it? Which came first? Who knows, but I’m not enjoying her this season. I’m relieved she’s stopped talking about her four degrees though. Her skin looks beautiful in her THs. Mia seems more suited for RHOA… or maybe even RHNJ. I don’t know. She isn’t meshing with this group so far but maybe she will as the season unfolds. I like Robyn but she needs a storyline, and it’s not going to be a wedding. So does Gizelle now that Jamal is (thank goodness) out of the picture. Counting down to Karen’s over-the-top vow renewal, which probably will not be good for her marriage. I think the problem is obvious. Ray wants her to be all about him and instead she is about herself. Seems like he wants a quieter, more doting wife, not someone who takes center stage. Maybe it was different when they first got married?
  17. My dad had Lewy Body dementia, which is similar to Alzheimer’s combined with Parkinson’s. (Same label as Tom. It was also referred to as a major neurocognitive disorder.) They diagnose by the symptoms using cognitive testing, so it is possible it could it be faked. My mother faked an Alzheimer’s diagnosis years ago (long story but she’s a clinical narcissistic and did it for sympathy and attention). Years ago my aunt also faked a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s to receive benefits. (Yes, I know my family is crazy and some are criminals). The only way to tell for certain the person has Alzheimer’s or Lewy Body dementia is to do a brain scan after the person dies. My dad was diagnosed when he was 82, but he probably had had it a few years before. In his case, it was a gradual decline until he passed away in April 2021. It was very difficult to watch what this disease did to him. I miss him dearly. Who knows for sure about Tom but the timing is certainly convenient.
  18. She does seem to be trying to revamp her image. Whatever the case, she looks great. I see changes in her face too, so I don't think the work she had was limited to her body. There was talk awhile back that she had a facelift after last season. I don't know if it was that, eye work or something else, but I do see some "tweaks" to use her term. What I don't understand is why she'd want to throw a dinner party to have a reveal on her breast augmentation! What a staggering display of ego. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as that's what drives most of these women. Robyn seems depressed and Juan seems totally checked out. It was apparent in the juice bar scene. And when he asked him he was excited about their new house, his "I am" couldn't have been more flat. Ouch. I said this a year ago and I'm sticking to it: there isn't going to be a wedding because he is just not that into her. If they really wanted to be married by now, they could've gotten it done even it if was just the two of them at the courthouse. Perhaps Juan's apathy is contributing to Robyn's depression. So far, I am not liking Mia. I don't need to hear about the work you had on your private parts. It was crass and unnecessary. And the woman is clearly searching for an age she wants to be, but she can't keep the number straight in her brain. Either that or she is math-challenged. Wow, surprised at how nasty it turned with Karen and Gizelle. I agree Gizelle will probably win this battle because Karen doesn't want her image tarnished. She and Ray are another example of a relationship on the skids, regardless of the vow renewal. It's probably just Karen's storyline. Did anyone else think Ray looked uncomfortable when Karen sat in his lap? I don't understand a) how Candiace and Chris can afford that house if they are truly paying for it on their own or b) why they need 10,000+ SF, 6 bedrooms. It was also weird because from the outside the house didn't look that large to me. It certainly wasn't small but it didn't look like a 10,000 SF home from the front. Ashley looked ready to pop out of that dress! I was uncomfortable for her just watching. I'm glad she couldn't keep the shoes on because I was afraid she'd fall. I enjoy this group of women. There's something different about Potomac. They make me laugh more than the other HW shows.
  19. Kyle looked really good, especially her hair. I wish Erika hadn't plumped her top lip so much. It looks odd (but not as bad as Lisa's). For crying out loud Crystal and Sutton, just LET IT GO! You said you were dropping it but you keep bringing it up. Enough!
  20. She was so good in The Comeback. I loved that show.
  21. I knew she'd done something to her face (besides filler) but didn't realize it was a chin implant. You're right. It's awful! So are her lips.
  22. I think Jennifer still looks pretty good. I've read she is a smoker, although she tries to avoid being photographed smoking. Maybe that's why her voice sounds different. She may have quit by now though. I'm not sure as she always kept it quiet. It doesn't really fit her healthy lifestyle image. Courtney really screwed up her face.
  23. I thought the same thing. I wonder if it was for the cameras?
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