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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Candiace gives her take on what happened, including saying she (Candiace) was "tipsy" but in a happy way. Also she wishes she hadn't engaged Monique. They haven't spoken at all since the incident. All the Monique stuff is in the first 10 or so minutes.
  2. I heard that too. Also heard that Lisa, Erika, Kyle, Dorit and Garcelle are all coming back. Blogger said they all signed contracts in the past week. Sutton is reportedly coming back as a friend but may be promoted. They also named one new housewife. I can't remember her name but her husband is a studio executive. I really wanted Lisa, Kyle and Erika fired so I will not be watching next season!
  3. I heard on a podcast that Erika has been offered “friend” role next season and is not interested. I haven’t heard anything about Lisa. I hope they both leave but will believe it when I see an announcement.
  4. ITA! She is too unstable. I don't want to watch her get even worse. Dealing with women is hard enough for someone who isn't an addict/alcoholic. It reminds me of many of the scenes when Kim was drunk and/or high, but it wasn't discussed on the show because they were covering it up. It was frustrating as a viewer, because obviously Kim was out of it. Yet everyone talked around it! I remember one scene when she was actually crawling on the floor of a closet or something looking for drugs. There were others of cast members saying Kim seemed off or they were worried about her, etc., while I'm watching yelling at the TV, SHE IS DRUNK! She needs help and to be off this show! And one of the guys she "dated" was sketchy and seemed more like her dealer. Leave Heather alone!
  5. Yes and this isn't really uncommon in marriages. There can be strain in the couple's relationship after the children leave home. I have several friends who actually divorced after many years of marriage after their children went to college. They could no longer really relate as a couple. Karen should try to find a way to get closer to Ray and make him feel he's important to her and not just someone on the back burner while she works on her various projects. Monique may not have been in a blackout but I still believe alcohol contributed to the fight, which may have stopped short of a physical altercation if they hadn't been drinking. I've seen it happen many times. A blogger posted an update showing a picture of Gizelle with her hand on Monique's shoulder. The blogger speculated that Gizelle pushed Monique and Monique thought Candiace had done it, thus prompting Monique to go nuts. I don't really believe this though.
  6. You can still be very affected by alcohol and not slurring your words. I’ve been around plenty of drunks who didn’t slur or stumble. Her judgment was impaired by the alcohol, which probably contributed to her attacking Candiace. She lost control of herself. Same with Candiace. If she was stone cold sober perhaps she wouldn’t have taunted Monique. There are many stages of impairment that come before you get really sloppy, such as someone has several drinks and thinks they’re fine to drive. Actually, they aren’t, but their impaired judgment tells them they’re fine. Others are lowered defenses, lack of a filter, reckless behavior, etc. If neither of them had been drinking, maybe the fight would never have happened. So many of the altercations on these HW shows are fueled by alcohol. That’s why Bravo keeps the liquor flowing. She also said she “blacked out.” It was probably just an excuse but could also mean she doesn’t remember everything that happened due to how much she had to drink. Someone can be in a blackout and others do not even know it. Whatever the reason, I thought Ray’s statement was hurtful and cold. I don’t blame Karen for crying. If he wanted to skirt around the “in love” question he could’ve said something like, “I love my wife dearly.” He didn’t. He sounded ambivalent and his body language was detached.
  7. Agree. I think she’s using grief to justify her alcohol problem and bad behavior.
  8. Yikes! Those pictures are scary. None of them look very good. I enjoy Sharrell’s updates too. She keeps saying Kathy Hilton is going to be on next season but I haven’t seen it confirmed. I can’t believe Brandi made her sons do that for her. So low!
  9. I wonder if Chris and Monique watched this episode together and what their discussion was like after the show. Probably not good!
  10. I saw Porsha’s attack on Kenya. It was bad but there were a few big differences to me: One, the attack didn’t seem to last as long. It may have been edited that way but it appeared shorter. Producers were able to break it up. Porsha didn’t have the death grip on Kenya that Monique had on Candiace. Two, Porsha was very remorseful and embarrassed right after. I remember her saying, “I can’t believe I did that” or something like that and crying. Conversely, Monique was calm, not remorseful and even tried to justify her behavior, both right after the incident and days later. Three, Porsha seemed hysterical and really emotional whereas Monique had an odd flat effect to their demeanor, which made her behavior even more chilling to me. Not saying emotional is better but it does suggest that she lost control in the heat of the moment. Perhaps it’s the same with Monique but her demeanor was psycho-scary to me. Four, Monique tried to run back to Candiace after she had been pulled off her. Also, Porsha was held accountable for her behavior at least immediately after. She wasn’t on the rest of the reunion shows and wasn’t a cast member at the start of the next season. (I’m watching old episodes on Hulu and haven’t seen past S7, EP1. She wasn’t on the opening credits for that one. She did appear as a friend. Maybe she comes back later. I don’t know.) Monique should be off this show. She is frightening to me. I would not want to film with her at all. And I can’t believe Candiace’s wig didn’t come off! Or is it a weave that’s sewn in? Perhaps that is why. Impressive! I fast-forwarded and missed Gizelle’s Dad’s comments. Will have to go back and watch.
  11. 100% agree. Monique was scary. The most striking thing about it to me was how dead-eyed and clam she seemed given the situation. She did not look like someone who had lost control. She looked cold, calculated and determined to get Candiace. I couldn’t believe she went running after her like that! She should be fired. This is ridiculous. And then not to be sorry at all! The way she talked about it really bothered me. Imagine if a man talked like that in explaining why he attacked someone? The person egged him on, so that justifies it? Come on. I wonder how much Monique had to drink too. I could see alcohol spurring her on. Candiace too in terms of the argument. Yes! I fast-forwarded through most of the Giselle stuff. No interest. I feel sorry for Karen. It would be hard to hear your husband say he’s not sure he’s in love with you.
  12. I’ll bet Lisa has lost some roles due to her freakish lips. I can see how certain characters wouldn’t be believable because it is so obvious her lips aren’t natural. Pretty much rules out period films. Also her mouth is so distracting that I have a hard time watching her. All I can see is those giant things flapping. And this goes way back to when she was on Melrose Place! She’s had them like that a long time. Lipstick from her? No thanks.
  13. I've always wondered what was really going on with Kelly. Was she on something? I can't remember if she was drinking a lot. Maybe pills? I don't know but it was bizarre. I think some of the women on these HW shows are mixing pills and alcohol, which is scary. And not just Sonja's "water" pills.
  14. What is Teddi doing with Pay Pal? I know it was mentioned earlier but I didn't really understand it. Is there some kind of scam?
  15. I've watched every season except the first one, so I didn't get to see Camille in all her (ahem) glory. I'm thinking of going back and watching. I heard she's horrible in S1 but I could use some entertainment LOL.
  16. I couldn't watch it. I can't stand Dorinda and don't like Sonja or Leah, so I turned if off. I'll just read the comments here. I'm not sure what has happened, whether it's me or the shows. But I'm finding I don't really enjoy most of them anymore.
  17. Someone said in another thread that Lisa and the rest are all coming back next season. I'm disappointed. I definitely won't be watching.
  18. Same here. No longer watching this one or NY.
  19. Just FYI: I posted an update in the BIP thread about a couple divorcing.
  20. i wasn't planning to watch next season and definitely won't now.
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