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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. And none of my issues are my fault! I just need to take better care of myself. Right, Dorinda. You’re paying the man to tell you what you want to hear. She’s been manipulated and controlled by her mother her whole life, which has set her up for the issues we’re seeing play out with Dorinda.
  2. Yep. She’s always been insecure but seems even more so this season. I also noticed in the scenes where she’s away talking to Mauricio he looks like he’s living it up without her. Certainly doesn’t look like he’s missing her much. Having said that, HH didn’t look too broken up being away from Lisa either.
  3. LVP’s opening line in the credits during one season is still one of my all-time favorites. It was something like this: “In Beverly Hills, it’s all about who you know... and I know everyone.” Perfect for her!
  4. Agree. I thought Mia was dismissive and snotty to Elena when they were looking at the apartment. I didn’t find her unlikable in the book so I’m not sure what they’re doing here. It felt like they switched the roles. Even the way Mia emphasized she is an “artist.” There was no need to be so superior and condescending about it. I wonder why they decided to change the race of Mia and Pearl for the book. I guess I’ll have to see how it plays out, but I hope it doesn’t change the entire slant to make this story about racism. I like Reese Witherspoon well enough but I’ve seen her in these types of roles too often. IMO it would’ve been more interesting if she had played Mia.
  5. I noticed this too. This scene wasn't previously shown, so they chose to edit it out then but show it now. It was illuminating. I don't get it ether. So they are close friends, closer than the others. This isn't uncommon. What is the big deal? Why are the others making an issue out of it? Why doesn't Kyle shut them down by just admitting she's closer to Teddi? This strikes me as mean girls behavior, even though I find Kyle tiresome. The others are jealous they aren't in the twosome with Teddi and Kyle. Is that what is it? If so, let it go! You're all grown women. Sheesh! Is it me or is Kyle even more emotional and on edge this season? Did she go off her medication or something? Is she drinking too much? What on earth is wrong with her? She's a mess. I wonder if this is why Mauricio seems so checked out. It must be exhausting dealing with her. On the other hand, maybe she's a mess because Mauricio is checked out. Nothing about the Dorit restaurant scenes are genuine to me. It looks like she's in search of a storyline. Garcelle doesn't seem a part of this group. The scene with her other friends was odd.
  6. Me too. He seemed oddly detached considering he was talking with his wife.
  7. I like all of them. It’s hard to choose but if I have to pick one it’s CammWess. I thought Toneisha was great tonight with both songs even though she’s not one of my faves. I really like Thunderstorm and Micah’s voices too. I liked Thunderstorm’s original song better than the cover song. It was too old and has been done by so many people. Todd has a nice voice and would be a good Christian or country artist. I didn’t think he did a great version of I Can Only Imagine though. He should’ve been in a higher key. Overall, I’ll be happy with any of them winning, which is rare for me! Agree Kelly is rocking the no make-up look. She looks a lot younger and fresher.
  8. Agree. She isn't "growing" into anything but an alcoholic and a bully.
  9. I watched this too. It's interesting there was no mention of Brandy or the alleged affair. Either the reporter didn't want to go there or the whole thing was a red herring. Another possibility: Denise is trying to defect attention from it. But what is being posited in this interview is the reason Denise leaves is because of the above, nothing about anyone saying she had an affair with Brandy. If this is true, then the previews we saw were a bait and switch.
  10. I'm just finishing the first season. I'm enjoying it but gosh, these women are nit-picky and sensitive. I thought they were horrible to Katie about her husband showing up at the beach house. It was totally rude and unnecessary! What did Karen think was going to happen--that Michael would be overcome with lust and attack her? Ridiculous! Her husband's lecturing to Michael wasn't any better. This isn't "old school" this is just flat-out entitled and rude. On another note, I don't know many straight men who grab other men's butts. Just saying... Some of these women have the worst wigs I've seen, especially considering their wealth and "status." Gizelle's wig with the bangs was horrible, but Karen's is even worse. It looks too far up on her forehead and appears totally unnatural. Charisse's isn't much better. I think I like Ashley better with her hair natural. Katie, if you have to harangue a guy that much to get him to marry you, it is not a good sign.
  11. I don’t think it matters. They both have a problem. It’s not fun to watch either of them, but Dorinda’s rage seems to be getting worse. That guy was clearly disgusted with sloppy drunk Sonja and I don’t blame him.
  12. Agree. And this goes for Leah too. Loved how the editors showed scenes or her losing it while she was commiserating with Lu about being in control of her drinking. Sure Leah.
  13. I was surprised too. It made me feel a little sorry for her, because I know she felt dismissed throughout much of the season. Besides this one, I’ve only watched a few seasons and it was many years ago. Do all of the top 3 get money? I didn’t like her all season. I thought her speech was unnecessary and went on too long. It sounded like she was auditioning for something. Whatever Tony and Ben responded to her was a mystery to me. Agree. I thought the show was better without the EOE. I think once they’re voted off, they should be done. As much as I liked Natalie, I’m glad Tony won. He played an excellent game. He had to get people to vote for him that he had voted against, and that’s a harder hill to climb. I also found his tree spying comical and entertaining. Was it just me or did Jeff Probst look skinnier in the garage scenes? It seems like it would be the opposite as most of them are heavier at the live finale.
  14. Just wondering: why does Lisa call her mother by her first name? There was one shot in which I thought I saw Kyle’s nipple. Yikes. She looks so much better in the TH without bangs. Dorit’s braid was ridiculously long and stupid-looking. She seems angry this season, angry, insecure and possibly jealous of Denise and Dorit. Lisa strikes me as a big time narcissistic mother.
  15. Agree. I didn’t even think about gender or how many males or females were left. I voted for the ones I thought were the best.
  16. I agree that Toneisha is technically excellent but I don’t find her voice interesting or distinctive. She sounds like dozens of other singers I’ve heard. Joanna is the opposite, which is why I was hoping she’d make it. Not a fan of Zan but I thought she did a good job last night. She picked a good song for her voice. My favorite is CammWess (who has either one name or two names stuck together). I also like Todd and Thunderstorm and think Thunderstorm will win.
  17. I thought she sounded weak in the higher notes, which was a lot of the song. I didn't vote for her because of this. I agree about her enunciation, but one of the other younger girls has the same issue. I can't remember her name. I taped the show and haven't seen all of it yet, but the ones I voted for are Jennifer, Micah, Todd and Thunderstorm.
  18. I don't know what is going on but something does seem different between Kyle and Mauricio. He looks checked out (not to mention stoned a lot of the time) and inattentive to Kyle, and perhaps that is what is making her short-tempered and kind of desperate? I wonder how she'd feel if Aaron made a "joke" like that about her? It wasn't really funny, especially because he doesn't look very good this season. The only way this kind of statement could be playful and sweet would be if Aaron looked exceptionally good, so it's an opposite kind of thing. Denise seems stressed. Years ago I watched Denise's reality show. She admitted to having a potty mouth and said it bothered her father, so I'm sure her kids have heard plenty straight from their mother.
  19. I've been sober five years and I agree. Overall, the Housewives shows are not good for anyone who has a drinking problem or even the propensity for having one. I don't care how much they pay. I wouldn't want to be around the rampant drinking. However, I do think someone can be an alcoholic without admitting it to themselves. I've met many who are in denial and I was myself too for quite awhile. One thing I've heard in AA is people who aren't alcoholics don't tend to spend a lot of time debating whether they have a drinking problem and justifying their drinking. Just a thought... Having said that, Dorinda's and Sonja's drinking are as much of a red flag to me as Luann's. Leah is new but not starting off well either. And in past seasons, I've been troubling behavior from Ramona while drinking too. The comedy show didn't look like much fun. Dorinda didn't make things much better when she started going after Tinsley. I'm glad she left as she she was starting to slur and gesture, which are her angry drunk signs. Not attractive!
  20. Yep. She wants her drinking buddy back. I don't know what Luann was thinking with those white pants. Yikes. If Dorinda is a six, vanity sizing is even more distorted than I realized. Sonja, who are you kidding? I think it's more like 15-20 pounds. Ramona's advice to Leah was spot on. Leah, stop texting and either call or go see your mother! BrownBear2012, agree with your assessment of Tinsley's mother. She strikes me as the smothering narcissistic-type mother.
  21. She looked much better then. The bangs and the eye job aren’t doing her any favors. I think she was drunk at the dinner scene. Her filter was off so her true feelings about Dorit came out. I I found the scene at the coffee shop a little unsettling. It seemed fake to me, the interaction with LIsa and her daughter. There was also this underlying tension, as if Lisa didn’t like what her daughter was saying and was trying to deflect from it. Perhaps that’s why she kept one-upping her. I’m really cooling on Lisa. I don’t think she is genuine at all. Everything we see if a performance of the HW she wants to portray. Garcelle is just ok to me. She’s not obnoxious but also not that interesting yet. Hopefully that will change. I did like the way she interacted with her sons. Enough of the dinner sex talk. It’s so tired and desperate. Did I hear right—did Denise say her husband had let himself go?
  22. Me too. The only one that surprised me was Michale. I thought he’d get the teeny-bopper votes. I thought Kelly looked pretty toned down with less makeup. Agree about Joanna. She has an interesting, unusual voice.
  23. She is so wasted so often that I find it uncomfortable watching her. I also don’t think she looks good this season. She looks bloated and very much like your stereotypical heavy drinker. I wonder what her daughter thinks watching this? Worse, how can Sonja stand to see herself in this grotesque display? I’d be mortified. Same goes for Dorinda and Leah.
  24. I didn’t think her voice was very good at all, especially the high notes. It does seem like everyone has played in Chicago. Didn’t Brooke Shields also play Roxie? Brooke’s not exactly known as a singer either. She is the primary reason I have never watched the Atlanta show. It was bad enough seeing her on The Apprentice. Aaron sounded paranoid, delusional, drunk and/or high. Denise looked on the verge of panic, very embarrassed and fearful. Kyle’s “my love” reminds me of the cloying way Yolanda used to refer to her husband David. We all know how that ended up.
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