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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I am glad Marybeth made it but surprised she was in the bottom. I love her voice and think she is so talented. Jake is my favorite and sounds miles ahead of anyone else IMO. Marybeth and Ricky probably tied for second. I thought his bluesy performance on the last show was the best of the night so I'm glad he made it. Had no idea he could play guitar like that! He also has charisma/stage presence. I'm not a fan of Katie's voice. I find it too low--almost guttural--but the Adele song she sang was a very good choice. I thought it was her best performance so far. I figured she would make it. I do not understand the Kat and Hello Sunday praise. They grate on my nerves. Kat sounds one-note to me. I love that song by Shania Twain, but not by Kat. (A fifteen year-old singing a song about a long enduring relationship. Right.) I knew she'd make it though. Hello Sunday is screeching and lacking in range and control. And once again they sang an adult song and still made it. I think they're getting tweener votes. Really surprised Will made it. I thought his last performance was all over the place and terrible! Figured Shane would go. He started out well in both performances but unraveled as the songs continued. I don't know if it's a control issue or if he just ran out of air, but he looked winded, especially on the last show during Caribbean Queen. I was afraid he'd have a heart attack or stroke. I can only watch this show on tape so I can fast-forward through all the judges feedback-which is basically all praise and no constructive criticism. American Idol judges, especially Simon, could be too critical and downright mean. But I think The Voice judges go too far the other way. They rave about everyone to such a degree their feedback is mostly meaningless. It's a tongue bath, not honest input. I also skip over all the questions and filler and just watch the results, which means I can get through the hour-long show in about 15 minutes. I did watch Kelly and John's performance and thought it was pretty good, although I'm not a fan of that song. I think Ricky and Jake will be in the finale. Not sure about the third person, maybe Katie although I'm rotting for Marybeth.
  2. I actually like Aniston's character. She is definitely flawed and self-centered, but I find her interesting. I can't stand Bradley Jackson though. If she is the one we are supposed to root for, then I must've missed the memo. I like the show but can't figure out where it's going. The focus seems to be faltering. I'll probably watch it until the end though.
  3. Agree. They were obviously trying to humiliate LeeAnne. It wasn't innocent fun or a "joke" as they said. D'Andra went to the trouble of ordering the dress under a fake name and a P.O. box. Sounds like premeditated mean girls tactics to me. I do not like Kary. She is snotty and mean. I don't think she'll be invited back next season. I'm glad Brandi stood up for LeeAnne and didn't accept the false premise the other two were putting forward. Having said that, LeeAnne's racist comments made me cringe.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. Also find it interesting that LeeAnne has never been married before given her obvious desire to have done so, her beauty, brains, etc. Did she scare off all the men or simply target the wrong ones? Even now, picking someone is one wife #4 doesn't seem the smartest thing in my book. I've been to wedding receptions that just had appetizers instead of full-on meals, but none completely without food. Did they pay for the alcohol or was it a cash bar? Because if it was the latter, why not at least spring for heavy hors d'oeuvres? I didn't really like LeeAnne's dress. I thought it made her look matronly and she is gorgeous, but maybe it didn't translate well on TV. Something is definitely off with her relationship with her mother. Wow, lots of simmering hostility there evidenced by LeeAnne's feigned indifference to her mother being there and her mother's comments. Not to mention her mother shows up within five minutes of the ceremony. Thanks for making it all about you and not the bride, mom! I was distracted during the Brian/Brandi lunch scene by all the food on the table, floor, chair, etc. Felt bad for the poor bussers who had to clean up that mess. My sister used to work at a restaurant and said staff called the kids "cracker crunchers" and had interesting stories about some of the stuff they found during clean-up. Agree Brian seemed disinterested in the whole conversation. Is he still uncomfortable with being on TV or is he that checked out of the marriage? In either case, Brandi does not seem emotionally stable enough to adopt another child right now. She is struggling with the three she has, especially the 10 year-old. She doesn't seem to have control over her children or her emotions. I feel for her. I know Stephanie is the one who has spoken about being depressed, but Brandi seems so to me too. I love D'Andra's husband. Wish I could same the same for her, but I just do not like her. How she snagged him is beyond me.
  5. I was chuckling at the meltdown occurring in the control booth the first time Bradley went off script and referenced her real childhood. I found the syrupy niceness between the two hosts hard to take, and trotting out the mother and giving her a script was a low blow. I don't like Bradley but I understood her reaction in that scene. Having said that, Alex Levy is the most interesting character on this show. I'm watching for Jennifer Aniston, and I'm surprised to hear myself say that. I wasn't a Friends diehard. I've seen some of her rom-coms but nothing like this. I am enjoying both the sharpness and vulnerability she is bringing to this role. She also looks fantastic! I started out liking Billy Crudup's performance but am now confused about the direction of his character. Why does he like Bradley so much? Why is he cheering when everyone else is freaking out? Does he secretly want the show and network to fail? I would like to see a little more backstory on what exactly happened with Mitch. Are they patterning him straight off Matt Lauer? If so, are they going to have other women come forward?
  6. I think she was reacting to their intention to fire her. Remember Mitch mentioned that to her. She said she didn't believe him, but I think she did. She could tell they were dragging their feet on renewing her contract, and then they sat this woman she did not like or respect at her table. It was all a power move on Billy Crudup's part to make her squirm. So when she lashed out of them, it was a reaction to all this. I enjoyed it. I like how she was basically saying, "Nice try! Think you're going to take me out that easily? Try again." I'm really liking Jennifer Aniston in this role. I've never see her like this. I also appreciate Billy Crudup's performance, although gosh he is bloodless. I don't really like Reese Witherspoon's character. I find her obnoxious and it's just error to say her character is a conservative. That anti-coal speech she gave was liberalism at its finest, not conservatism. If they want to accurately represent conservatism, then the show needs at least one writer who understands it. I don't think they have that person.
  7. I think he is short. In photos he looks like he’s shorter than most people around him. He does’t turn around as often as the others. Is he pickier or does he already have a lot of people on this team?
  8. I think Maureen looks the best. I loved this HGTV special. I’m 55 and was a huge Brady Bunch fan. I read Barry and Maureen’s books. My husband was cracking up watching how excited I was watching this. I wish they had shown more clips from the later seasons. I remember coveting Marcia and Jan’s beautiful long blonde hair. I wanted to BE Marcia.
  9. She did. This and the last episode of RHOC have pushed me over the edge with the HW shows. It’s too much for me. They are rude, crude and disgusting. I’m done.
  10. I thought it was disgusting. Sometimes I’m surprised at what can be said on television. I also didnt like Brandi acting like a victim. What she said was trashy.
  11. I like the judges and how much fun they seem to be having. I have only watched parts of one or two seasons though, so I haven’t had a chance to get jaded. I mostly stopped because I didn’t like Adam Levine. I think Blake is very likable and funny though. Having said that, I’m distracted by the ridiculous get-up Gwen is wearing and the plastic look she has with the caked on makeup and immobile face. (And why is she wearing the same outfit in a few of the shows?) Has she always looked like this? I wasn’t really a No Doubt fan. It looks like her face has been pulled too much, especially around the eyes. And I don’t remember lips being that full. I also would like to just hear the contestants sing without hearing any back story. I think the mystery would make it more exciting. I close my eyes when I listen so I can feel like a judge. Ha!
  12. Me too. I was relieved someone called out the obvious, that the whole Vegas dance “anniversary” thing is pretty darned weird when your husband doesn’t attend.
  13. Agree. The common thread running through most of these arguments is alcohol. Kelly is certainly not the only one who appears to have a serious drinking problem. Andy apparently loves it, because intoxicated housewives mean high drama. It impairs their judgment, takes away their filter and washes away their conscience (if they even have the latter two). Take away the alcohol and most of these arguments wouldn’t happen, or if they did they’d be on a much smaller scale. Little drama doesn’t make a fun show, so the producers make sure alcohol is freely flowly. Have they ever even cast a non-drinker? Not an alcoholic but just someone who doesn’t drink? Is there such a thing in HWville? I was uncomfortable watching Kelly because she was clearly drunk to the point of not being able to control her behavior, yet everyone else acted as if they didn’t understand what was wrong with her. Is this a fourth wall thing? Is there a rule that the housewives don’t talk about being drunk when it’s clear they’re drunk? Because in real life, most people would’ve just given Kelly a wide berth once they realized the extent of her intoxication. And the next day, people would’ve been saying things like, “Gosh, she was wasted” not wondering what was wrong with her. Even sober, Kelly can be crass, rude and obnoxious. Add large quantities of alcohol and she becomes aggressive and/or violent. I know I’ll get castigated for this, but I have to disagree about Emily having a great body. She is clearly overweight, which isn’t healthy.
  14. Wasn't Lizzie's mother a former hippie who still smoked pot, which bothered Lizzie? It seemed like she had issues with her mother too, although she didn't seem nearly as bad as Dr. Deb, who is just horrible. It was frustrating watching Braunwyn try to muster up some courage and assert herself with her mother, who couldn't care less that she had upset her daughter. Just awful.
  15. He has a feminine energy to him. I notice it in his body language, the way he leans his head on Hannah's shoulder and some other stuff I can't quite pinpoint. Not saying it is wrong, but it throws me off. I also think he likes Hannah a lot more than she likes him. I don't think Nicole and Clay will last. When did she become so gaga over him? What if Christian had stayed? She seemed ready to dump Clay for him. I can't figure out what is going on with Chris and Katie. Is he into her or not? Are they just trying to keep us guessing. I see a playful kind of affection between JPJ and Tayshia but no passion. I think that's why she let him go. And I don't see a joker face on her Did i miss something? She is gorgeous to me. Why did Bri accept Matt's rose and then tell him she's not into him? What was the point? I cannot stand the way Connor talks. It would drive me crazy having to listen to him.
  16. I noticed the same thing. I could see it in the last episode too in a few of the close-ups. I wonder if it's filler? I heard if you get too much it can settle in the lower jaw. It does look like jowls. She looks much better in the TH with the long braid.
  17. Gosh, she sounds depressed now and she hasn't had her second baby yet. I hope she won't also develop PP depression, but it certainly sounds possible. Where is Tanner? Why doesn't she mention him?
  18. IMHO as a former drinker, it would take more than half a glass of wine to get to .08 (assuming you’re using the standard serving of 5-6 oz and not a coffee mug). Anyone know what Gina blew on the breathalyzer? Whether he wants to be on tv or not, I think Shane treats his wife horribly. I don’t like seeing them together. They look so ill at ease. It makes me uncomfortable.
  19. I’m dating myself but as another poster said, I just see Jeff Spicoli (without the pot). Dean is just “honest” enough to reel women into bed. Hey Caelynn, finish this sentence, “If someone shows you who he is...” The Chris/Katie drama was clearly manufactured in a feeble attempt to create suspense, as was the Blake/Kristina drama. By the way, I don’t like Kristina. I wouldn’t trust her for a second. I don’t understand why Demi and her girlfriend are on this show. Are people now allowed to bring their boyfriends and girlfriends from back home? If not, then Demi and her girlfriend should’ve gone home last week. What is the point of this? Derek has moved on so there is no milking tears from him. I think Tayishia (sp) is the prettiest one there. Caelynn looked prettier (and much younger) before.
  20. I also thought her makeup was way too heavy, especially the eyeshadow. I liked the color of the dress but thought it too much for the show. Having said that, I have never understood why they dress to the nines to sit in a circle and talk about the season. The same applies to the housewives. It looks stupid to me. Cocktail attire would be a better choice if they felt the need to dress up.
  21. ITA. The look really aged her. I think she’s beautiful and sexy. I usually really like her style. I wonder if Kathryn has been using Adderall to lose weight. She looked a lot thinner at the reunion. I was surprised she admitted to drinking. Not a good sign for her recovery. Shep came off like a total jerk.
  22. I agree. Their marriage has never looked healthy to me, at least not based on what has been shown. Emily also seems sad to me, and she has gained weight since last season. I can really see it in her face. Gina has too. I hardly recognize her in her THs, and usually they look better in the THs because they have professional lighting, hair and make-up. But I think Gina looks awful. What on earth made her decide to go platinum blonde? I’m not sure what to think about Kelly. I hope the rumors aren’t true. I feel sorry for her daughter. I could’ve done without Tamra’s anal content. She is so crass.
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