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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I think Ramona's implants are too big and in certain clothes they make her look top heavy and dumpy. She looked better without them. I admire Lu's confidence in walking around in her bikini. She looks fabulous. I would've been wearing a cover-up. Even if I'm at my fighting weight, I just don't feel comfortable in my swimsuit. Certain angles are not flattering (for me).
  2. I hope in watching the show she realizes she needs to do something about her alcohol problem. It is patently obvious she is out of control. She is denying it, but if she's like most alcoholics, she knows she's a mess. She just isn't ready to admit it.
  3. Why does she feel the need to disrobe? I hope her daughter doesn't watch the show. I'd be horrified if I saw my mother acting like Sonja. Alcohol usually loosens tongues. For Sonja it loosens her clothes.
  4. Kathryn and Thomas did not use birth control and put very little thought into how they would care for their children and what kind of home environment they would provide. They brought children into an unstable, tumultuous relationship. It bothers me that they could be so cavalier about such a huge life decision. Neither was ready to be a parent. The children are paying the price for Kathryn and Thomas' selfish, irresponsible behavior.
  5. Lu wasn't fun and happy when she told the police she wanted to kill them, not to mention slamming a door in an officer's face.
  6. It seems like she's gotten more coherent as the season has progressed. I remember some of us saying she was out of it and acting strangely the first few episodes. Maybe her meds were adjusted? I'm one of the few who doesn't think Sonja is beautiful. Attractive yes but not beautiful. Maybe I've seen her making a fool of herself too many times. Tinsley is expendable. Good riddance Carole.
  7. I cannot stand Carole. She is so condescending and snotty. Her face also doesn't look good. I don't know what she did to it, but she looks worse, not better. Even in the glamour lighting THs, her mouth is crooked and her face is overstuffed. And it was her ex-boyfriend at that!
  8. Yep. His excuse of not wanting to mess up her lipstick was telling. It's usually the women who worry about that. Seemed like he just didn't want to kiss her. Vicki is so full of herself that she makes her apology on her timetable--right in the middle of their lunch. Nice. Not to mention the fact that her apologies are just stop gaps until the next time she betrays her friends. Kelly was right although she overreacted. She was probably drunk. But Vicki is nasty.
  9. ITA. Jason's trip back seemed totally producer-driven. They needed to fill some time since they lost out on one fantasy suite. He also didn't seem that broken up to me. I think Jason is attractive and wouldn't mind if he's chosen as the next Bachelor. I hope she picks Blake. I think he is hot (although too intense). Garrett does nothing for me, and I agree with others who said he doesn't seem that bright. I also think he left a lot out of his marriage story. As for the sex, I think most of them do have sex with the ones they bring to the fantasy suites. Chris Harrison has said as much in interviews. Maybe he was talking more about the Bachelor, but if I don't hear anyone refuting it, I assume the obvious.... especially given the waking up together scenes. They didn't used to show that in earlier seasons.
  10. No doubt if he is the next bachelor, his hair will be fixed!
  11. I don't know if she's sober or not, but alcohol doesn't stay in your system that long. She could be drinking and still pass a drug test if it was the next day. Having said that, I think it's more likely that she's taking Xanax or something similar. If so, she needs to be careful. She can get addicted to it or other meds she is taking.
  12. It was awful of Kathryn and uncomfortable to watch, as was Craig's smug look.
  13. ITA with the above post and Sage47's. It seems like the pendulum swung too far the other way. Kathryn was treated like a martyr. Cameron's crying jag was too much for me. She just went on and on. Yes, I realize it must have been difficult for Kathryn without her children. However, her behavior caused it to happen. Thomas is a mess, but that doesn't let Kathryn off the hook. I am really glad she has made such a dramatic turnaround and hope her sobriety lasts. But please... she's not Mother Theresa. Craig is a total mess and in denial about it. I would never hire him! He didn't even take responsibility for blowing it with Patricia. And all that "unconditional love" pap was just his way of rationalizing being an irresponsible layabout. Reminds me of an old boyfriend who told me I was "too structured" because I actually liked to know the time we were going to get together. He would say I should learn to relax and go with the flow, which was code for he'd show up whenever he wanted. It's strange... Naomi's nose looks good, but I liked her overall look better with her old nose. I can't quite put my finger on It, but she had an arresting quality before that the perfect little nose seems to have dulled. Cameron doesn't speak that well of her husband. For some reason she kind of irritated me, even though I've always liked her. The only thing I liked about Kathryn's look was her hair color. The false eyelashes were ridiculous. Breasts aside, she looked like she was at the 1975 country music awards.
  14. It's reasonable and pretty common for someone her age to have crow's feet. I think she looks good. She's 50 years old. Is she supposed to look 30?
  15. It aged her. She is a young woman. She can wear her hair that way when she's old.
  16. I noticed it too. I figured she was over medicated.
  17. Yep. I think there is a lot more to the story than what we've seen. Craig is a mess and appears to have a drinking/substance abuse problem. He admits he's a liar (which is common behavior for alcoholics, BTW). The state of his apartment was telling, because that's what his life seems like--a mess. Perhaps his drinking was one of the core issues with Naomie. I was giving Kathryn high marks until she started swearing and stooping to Ashley's level. I understand her anger though. Ashley was goading her to such an extent it was ridiculous. It does make me wonder if Ashley is playing a role. Thomas acts like he can barely tolerate her. Nearly all the others can't stand her. Why would she remain in such a toxic environment? Is she that money hungry? I don't care how many clothes she buys or what luxury car she is driving. None of that will give her inner peace. I'm beginning to understand why she's gotten so thin.
  18. I think she has the best body of all the women. How tall is she? I read somewhere that a lot of affairs start on Facebook. That's one of the reasons why some couples have joint accounts.
  19. Didn't one of the HWs imitate Ramona a season or two ago? IIRC it wasn't bad. She had the cadence of Ramona's speech and the head shakes/hair tosses down. I can't remember who it was though.
  20. She wasn't interested in the beginning but seemed to have warmed up to him after their talk. She was giving off much friendlier vibes. Sounded like Dennis didn't want to take a commitment.
  21. ITA. I'm ashamed to admit I kind of wanted a drunk Dorinda scene just to liven things up.
  22. I agree. Her body language was obvious. She clearly isn't interested in Leo. She looked bored. They were holding hands but their bodies looked stiff. I wish Leo would cut his hair so I could see what he really looks like. He seems like a nice guy. Interesting that Chris didn't get an exit speech in the car. ON 7/2/2018 AT 7:05 PM, SALLYALBRIGHT SAID: Ha! Same for me. I don't like men in Birkenstocks, red pants or skinny jeans. I'm old school though. : )
  23. I think she needs a sober guy. It would not be good for her to be in a relationship with someone who drinks as much as Shep or any of these guys. If she wants to stay sober, her whole life will have to change. Hopefully off season she spends time with some non-drinking friends. I am not convinced she was just depressed when she went MIA for a week. She could've been drinking and still passed a drug test, depending on when it was. Alcohol doesn't stay in your system very long. I also wonder if she is still employed. There really is no excuse for not calling her supervisor. Even if she was depressed, she could have called in sick. Having said that, I am impressed by what a turnaround Kathryn has made this season. It's like watching a new person. She seems composed, rational and mature. Whatever medication she is on must have also helped tamp down her emotions and histrionics. I don't think this show is good for her recovery though. I hope she is able to find other employment. Chelsea is my second favorite (after Cameron). I think she's cute, interesting and fun. She can do better than Austen. I actually felt a little sorry for Ashley when she was talking to Shep. She sounded so pathetic and was blind to his body language. He was looking around, avoiding eye contact with her and seemed uncomfortable. It was obvious he did not want to talk to her. The other thing I can't figure out is why she stays with Thomas, who doesn't seem into her at all. He has pretty much told her that he can take or leave her. The relationship is about 70% her and 30% him.
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