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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Not in my recovery program. Kathryn eemed like she had an alcohol problem too in the episodes I watched. She was drinking and doing drugs. Seems smart to avoid them both. HunterHunter, I understand your point. I'm just going by my experience. I also would not include anti-depressants when I'm talking about drugs. Some alcoholics have dual diagnosis, such alcoholism and depression --and are on anti-depressants. I was referring to other drugs such as hydrocodone, Oxy, Xanax, etc. (The treatment/therapy professionals and the 12-step programs also tend to disagree on some points such as this.) I don't know as much about drug addiction as my recovery is for alcohol.
  2. Late to the game here because I just watched this, but he looked really drunk to me. Most of them did. The dinner was a trainwreck because they were drunk. That's the kind of thing people do when they are intoxicated--"Oh, let's discuss this now, we can work it out..." Judgment is obviously impaired. Well that's not the case with alcohol IMO. I'm in recovery and my program says we should to obstain from all mind-altering drugs, so if you're alcoholic you don't take drugs. It makes sense then that if you're a drug addict, you don't drink. The sober addicts I see in meetings don't drink alcohol. One addiction can easily substitute for another. I've heard many of them say that when they drink, it leads them back to taking drugs.
  3. ITA! She made a bad situation worse. Instead of showing some grace she acted like a child. I cannot stand her exaggerated speech and mannerisms (and find her nose distracting). Brandi's impression of her cracked me up.
  4. Agree! I have never seen a character around this long who was so minimized on the show. He was was barely on, hardly mentioned or shown. It makes me wonder if he's a dark horse to become the next Bachelor. It would certainly be a shock as they edited his role down to nothing. I think he is gorgeous and believe he has a lot more to talk about than his dog. We just didn't hear it for some reason. I wanted to scream, "He's just not that into you!" at Kristina. Loved when Wells asked her why she's fighting for that loser. Not buying Amanda's sudden interest in Robby. I think she just wants to be on tv.
  5. I was underwhelmed by the makeovers but did like Savannah's new color. I was afraid they'd take her to a garish red and relieved when they didn't. (I guess I've watched too much ANTM.) But what happened to the one with the overly dark hair that Kelli and Judy kept saying needed a makeover? I agreed with them and really wanted to see what she'd look like with lighter hair, because she was very pretty. The almost black hair just aged her. Did she get cut? It bothers me when Kelli is talking to someone about her weight and doesn't even mention nutrition. These girls are working out like crazy. If one of them is struggling with her weight, then she needs to look at what she's eating. Exercise will only get you so far. They don't mention this though. They just talk about taking extra training sessions.
  6. I noticed her lips looked different. It looks like she's had filler in addition to everything else she's had done. Overall, she looks good. I still don't believe her story that Botox alone is what makes her jaw look so much smaller. I think she had something else done. Carole's mouth looks unattractive to me. I enjoyed watching the ladies laugh while they viewed the recap. They really got a kick out of it. It was a nice, light moment instead of the usual drama. I don't think Ramona will change. As others have said, she apologizes and then repeats her behavior. Her narcissism makes her incapable of self-awareness and empathy. Even when she does apologize, I think it's just an act. She knows it is expected. Dorinda is a mean, sometimes deranged drunk. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her when she's drinking. At least three of these women appear to have problems with alcohol IMO: Dorinda, Ramona and Sonja. Oh, I forgot Tinsley. Four. Speaking of Tinsley, she doesn't do much for me. She just strikes me as a bubble brain. Perhaps she will grow on me though.
  7. Once again Ben Z is ignored. It's so weird. Why is he even on the show? It's frustrating watching Kristina put up with Dean's antics. The guy is a first rate jerk and she just keeps going back for more. I fast-forwarded through most of Corinne's interview but did hear her use the old "reaction to medication" excuse. Not very original given how much time she had to prepare for the interview. I believe it's more likely that she got wasted and had blackout sex.
  8. I'm wondering the same thing. They act as if he's not even on the show.
  9. I meant we're not being shown. My other post won't let me edit it.
  10. I agree. I remember some of us speculating that he might be the next bachelor instead of the other Ben who was chosen. I think he's being edited to be dog-obsessed. I'll bet he's said a lot more and we're just now being shown. I don't understand it though, because I think he's a hunk.
  11. Exactly. We don't have to see the tape, but Chris easily could have said something like the investigation found that Corinna and Demario engaged in consensual behavior. He wouldn't even have to say they had sex; we can figure it out. But instead he danced all around the subject, which was irritating. But I still wonder what the producer saw that made her think there was a problem. Did Corinne look like she completely out of it or passed out?
  12. It's hard to understand why that particular term is even a part of Julia's vocabulary. It didn't just pop out of thin air; it's floating around in her brain somewhere. I know people misspeak sometimes; I have certainly said the wrong thing before, but nothing even in the realm of what Julia said. I just don't get it. Angela is insufferable. Even her husband didn't seem thrilled to be talking to her.
  13. I'm exhausted just reading this thread. Wish we could just talk about what happened on the episode and not get into the weeds of politics. But having said that, I have to admit I fast-forwarded through the entire Carole/political segment. I have no interest in hearing any of these women discuss politics.
  14. I heard her say that but am not sure I believe it.
  15. I agree with Beth on this point. I think "the Penthouse" sounds pretentious. It seems "home" or "apartment" would be the more common expression, but perhaps that is the point. Lu will not be considered "common." I don't understand why some of these women shovel on the makeup for the reunion shows. Dorinda looked garish from head to toe. She has looked so much better on the regular show. But the prize for the worst has to go to Ramona. She looked so desperate--the extensions, giant breasts, fake lashes, flashy tight gold dress with the slit. The whole look screamed trying too hard. She just looked ridiculous. Sonja's makeup wasn't as overdone, but she should've picked another dress. Beth looked the best to me but I agree with those who said the dress overwhelmed her. The dress was wearing her, and she didn't look comfortable. Her face looked good though. I'm still mystified about how her once prominent jawline now looks in proportion to her face. I don't know what she did, but it looks good. Tinsley may be in denial about her drinking. Whenever I hear the term "housewife" I am reminded that none of these women are housewives or even married. One thing I like about the Auckland women is they are in line with the original concept. I don't care if some of the NY women are single, but it would be interesting to throw at least a few married women into the mix. I'm not counting Lu because she was married for five minutes.
  16. I agree. Why don't they address what is actually on the tape? No one talks about it, but the producer must have seen something that made her think she needed to act. Who is the producer? Is she still employed by the show? I wonder if they were both so drunk they don't remember what happened, and the producer thought Corinne was too drunk to give consent. Whatever it is, enough already. Move on.
  17. My pick is Ben Z. I don't find Dean attractive, mostly due to his awful personality.
  18. I thought the pilot was slow. I really wanted to like it as this is my kind of show. I don't buy Matt Bomer in the lead. I think he's kind of wooden. But based on what I've read here, I'll give it a few more episodes.
  19. It looks like she's had too much filler. I noticed the difference in her face right away. I am just not a fan of filler. Most of the time, it isn't an improvement. She also doesn't need the heavy liner and mascara. She has really pretty blue eyes; I think they would stand out more with less eye makeup. I think LeeAnne s gorgeous and would look even better if her hair were a tad lighter. It would soften her look a little. I don't find Cary attractive at all. Too fake looking. I'm not sure LeeAnn has resolved her anger problem. I'm betting it won't be long before she blows. I wish I knew more about what happened between Brandi and Stephanie. They were such good friends. It annoyed me when LeeAnne kept answering for Brandi when Stephanie was trying to get Brandi to talk with her. For crying out loud, I think Brandi is capable of speaking for herself. LeeAnne should've stayed out of it. I don't really like the new blonde woman.
  20. Just found this show and really enjoyed it, but gosh these women are terrible! They make the other housewives look restrained. Usually there is a build up to the drama, but these women started right out of the gate. I thought Anne and Julia gossiping about Gilda when she was there in another room was horrible. Julia looked gleeful when she goaded Anne into calling Gilda a gold digger. Some of these women have just met and they're already slinging dirt at each other. Sheesh! I didn't understand the bleeping either. I also felt sorry for Angela when Michelle called her plus size in the first show, but I don't now. Angela was really nasty at the dinner party. And her line that Gilda should know what people are saying about her was just utter BS. She just wanted to be mean. I guess Angela doesn't believe in the adage, "if you don't have something nice to say..." I don't really like Gilda--find her cold and offputting--but she handled herself very well. I like Louise the best. I don't think Julia is very attractive--maybe at a distance--and am not sure why she thinks so highly of her looks. Perhaps the tall, blonde thing gets her a lot of attention? Michelle also strikes me as someone who could go for the jugular. The only other one I like is Anne. Absolutely love the scenery!
  21. ITA. I know there is a lot of drinking on this show and the others, but seeing Sonja like that made me uncomfortable. If she were in a different environment, she could have been in a dangerous situation. I also wondered what her daughter thought seeing her mother like that (and could say the same for the others at different times). The woman needs to stay away from booze.
  22. I did not like the ending at all. As others have said, the first season was stellar. This season was disappointing. The last episode dragged for me. There were several scenes that could have been cut as they added nothing to the storyline. I loved Kyle Chandler in this show! He was just fantastic. I know Sally's speech at the end will likely end up on Sissy Spacek's Emmy reel, but I wasn't impressed. It screamed "important monologue" to me, and I didn't find her convincing. She was supposedly teary at points but I saw no tears, and while she was theatrical, I didn't find her compelling. I realize others disagree. This is just my take. Perhaps I'm biased because I disliked her character. I couldn't not stand the Ozzy character and don't understand why he was on this show. Meg's exit was handled clumsily by the writers. Kevin was the Fredo of the series.
  23. I could not believe how childish Ramona and Sonja were acting. I'm so glad Beth did not let them get away with that garbage. Ramona's behavior reminds me of my mother's, and she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Ramona is exhibiting several of the traits and has been since I started watching the show, although she seems worse now. Is it the booze? I've never seen Lu so out of her mind drunk.... falling not once but TWICE! Yikes! In one scene she could barely stand and was rocking back and forth. Agree with those who think Dorinda was passed out.
  24. Interesting how opinions differ. I would refer to her as a handsome woman, not beautiful. She is severe looking to me. I think slightly longer hair would soften her look, but I understand that probably isn't what the producers want. I also don't understand why they paired Claire with the writer. There are no sparks at all. Perhaps it's just the casting and not the character itself. I didn't really like this episode. I found my attention wandering, which is unusual as I tend to be riveted by HOC. Part of the problem is similar to what I feel while watching The Americans. There is no one to root for. I dislike Claire and do not find her interesting. Frank is watchable but has become less so as Claire has seemed to surpass him as a character and power player. She seems to get away with everything or to quickly recover if she does slip up. Frank is over the top but at least he stumbles and gets angry or flustered. I liked the first two seasons better but will keep watching to see what happens.
  25. I struggled to get through this episode. It was a snoozer to me. It just doesn't seem like much is happening this season. I wish they had gone in a different direction with Paige... or perhaps with Henry. I think it would have been more interesting if Paige had turned on them. Instead we see her become another Elizabeth, and one is enough for me. I would like to see less about Paige and more about Henry. He seems like an after thought to them. Another interesting plot development could have been that Henry has more spy potential than Paige, and it is revealed in a way that shocks his parents. Either that or he figures out they are spies and is vehemently opposed to the point of trying to bring them down. Just... please, surprise me with something. Make something bad happen to E and P. Throw them off their game. I want them to have some consequences for their actions, especially E. Maybe one of her operations goes horribly wrong or someone she is supposed to seduce is just not into her. I know she is pretty but please, give me something. Anything. Just stop rewarding her with the results she wants. I was bored by the Oleg stuff even though I like him as a character. I'm just not interested in that storyline. This has been the weakest season by far. It seems like a bridge that was haphazardly thrown together to get to the final season.
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